Tutorial UNIT 5
Tutorial UNIT 5
Tutorial UNIT 5
2. Explain in details the classification of the joint based on the structural and
functional. Tabulate your answer (20 M)
Based on structural:
Definition Sub-Types Example
Fibrous Bone ends/parts united by Suture , syndesmosis and skull
collagenic fibers gomphosis
Cartilaginous Bone ends/parts united by (primary)Synchondrosis Pubic symphysis
cartilage and (secondary)symphysis
Synovial Bone ends/parts covered Plane, hinge,pivot, Hinge(elbow) , pivot and
with articular cartilage and condyloid, saddle, ball and shoulder
enclosed within an socket
articular capsule lined with
synovial membrane
Based on functional:
Definition Example
Synathrosis immovable Skull suture
Amphiarthrosis Slightly movable Distal joint between the tibia and
the fibula
Diarthrosis Freely movable Elbow, shoulder and ankle
3. List out joints of pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, upper limb and lower limb (10 M)
Atlantoaxial Acromioclavicular
joint joint
Elbow joint
Hip joint
joint Interphalangeal joint
Condyloid joint
Plane joint
Saddle joint
Hinge joint