Minggu 1

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MINGGU 1 (20/3/2023-24/3/2023)

ISNIN (20/3/2023)
Subject: English Class: 6L Date: 20 March Time: 0930-1030
Topic: Welcome Theme: World of Self, family & friends
Focus: Reading CCE: Language; Values
Teaching Aids: textbook, audio, 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
workbook Vocabulary game, group / pair work

Content Standards
Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
using appropriate reading strategies
Comp: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in
print and digital media
Learning Standards
Main: 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple long texts
Comp: 4.2.4 Describe personality
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
Main: read the text and identify at least four incorrect statements.
Comp: write at least two sentences to describe their personality.
❖ Play a game to refresh words learnt in the previous years.

❖ Pupils take turns to say adjectives to describe personality, etc clever –

shy – kind – generous….
❖ Pupils take turns to introduce themselves by saying their names and at
least a sentence to describe their personality in groups.
❖ Pupils talk about the picture shown to them.

❖ Pupils read the text on page 4.

❖ Pupils state which children they most agree with.

❖ Few pupils volunteer to introduce themselves using the text as a

❖ Pupils listen to audio.

❖ Pupils identify the incorrect information.

❖ Pupils write sentences to describe their personality.

Post Lesson
❖ Pupils introduce themselves in a new group.

SELASA (21/3/2023)

日期: 2023 年 3 月 21 日 时间:0800-0900

科目:体育 班级:6L
课题:单元一 趣味体操乐无穷
第一课 腾空展英姿
内容标准:1.1 正确的姿势跳跃,着地
2.1 能够实践跳跃和着地的概念
5.2 进行活动后,能够表现出自信与责任感
5.4 进行活动的同时,培养 学生的信心与责任感
学习标准:1.1.1 能够跳箱跃下,双手张开和屈膝着地
2.1.1 鉴定屈膝着地时力的吸收
5.2.4 能够接受挑战,享受整个活动的过程
5.4.2 能够给予及接受意见
5.4.5 能够服从队长的指示
教具:视频 跨课程元素:创造与革新
道德价值:安全 评估方式:观察 思维图:/
❖ 学生进行热身运动。

❖ 教师通过视频示范与讲解螺旋桨动作。

❖ 学生模仿视频的动作。

❖ 教师根据学生的动作进行评估、纠正。

❖ 教师总结,学生进行松弛活动。

Subject: English Class: 5L Date: 21/3/2022 Time: 10.30-11.30

Topic: Starter Unit: Free time Theme: World of self, family and friends

Focus: Listening CCE:

Teaching Aids: 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:

Content Standards

Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Comp: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
using appropriate reading strategies

Learning Standards

Main: 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts on a
range of familiar topics (KT)

Comp: 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of two paragraphs or more

Learning Objectives

Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and match pictures
(different types of hobbies) correctly.

Comp: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and fill the blanks with
the different types of hobbies correctly.


Pre-lesson Teacher writes ‘free time’ on the board and asks students to share what they
think is free time.

Lesson 1. Pupils refer to Student’s book page 4 Activity 1 and ask to check if any of
Development their sharing earlier is in the box.
2. Pupils listen to audio CD1-02. Pupils listen to the song and match the
words to the pictures below orally.
3. Pupils refer to Activity 2. Teacher checks if pupils understand the words.
4. Pupils read the text with a partner and guess which words go in the gaps.
5. Pupils listen to CD1-03 to check the answers.

Post Lesson Pupils in groups of 6 conduct a think-pair-share where they share what they
would do in their free time.




RABU (22/3/2023)
Subject: English Class: 6L Date: 22 March 2023 Time: 1030-1130
Topic: Welcome Theme: World of Self, family & friends
Focus: Listening CCE: Language; Values
Teaching Aids: textbook, audio, 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
workbook Language game, group / pair work

Content Standards
Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Comp: 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Learning Standards
Main: 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and details
of longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics
Comp: 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with independently a wide range of target
language phonemes
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
Main: Display understanding of specific information and details of longer
simple texts.
Comp: Recognise and say the words given correctly.
❖ Play a game to introduce the two topics (jobs & places)

❖ Pupils are told the learning objectives of the lesson.

❖ Call out the names of some jobs and places. As the pupils to put up
one hand if they hear a job dan two hands if they hear a place. Pupils
listen to words and categorise them.
❖ Refer the picture on pages 6-7. Ask What can you see in the picture?
Who can you see? What are the doing? Pupils work in pair to find
three words beginning with the letter p,s,b, f and c in the picture.
❖ Review answers to Step 3 by having pupils listen to the word and
point to the picture. Drill the new words as they point. Focus on
difficult sounds and word stress of longer words such as
photographer, businesswoman and police officer. Ask pupils to count
the syllables with their fingers and highlight the stressed syllable as
they say the longer words. (HOTS)
❖ Read aloud the definitions you have prepared. Pupils listen to your
definitions and try to find the words you are describing. They should
write the words. [E.g. This is a person who rides the waves on a
board]. (21st CA)
❖ Check answers and draw attention to spelling where needed.

❖ Have pupils prepare some similar definitions and play the game in
small groups. (CBA)
❖ Pupils do workbook page 6.
Post Lesson
❖ Review learning by asking pupils to say which words they often use
in their own daily lives.

Subject: English Class: 5L Date: 22/3/ 2023 Time: 1130-1200

Topic: Free time Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Focus: Speaking CCE: Language and values
Teaching Aids: 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
PPT, Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise Mastery
Book 1
Content Standards
Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Comp: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in
print and digital media
Learning Standards
Main: 2.1.1 Give details information about themselves
Comp: 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Learning Objectives
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

● Say and write at least 3 sentences describing their free time activity.

Comp: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

● Say and write at least 2 information about their interest.

Pre-lesson 1. Teacher asks pupils to list out their hobbies.
2. Teacher shares about her own hobby.
3. Teacher brainstorming about diff types of hobbies and writes out
the hobbies on the board
Lesson 1. Teacher shows a video with interviewers describing their hobbies.
Development 2. Pupils have to watch and tell the teacher what their hobbies are.
3. Teacher asks pupils to say sentences about hobbies and interests.
4. Pupils tell their friends about their hobbies and interests.
Post Lesson 1. Pupils write down the sentences in their writing book.
2. Teacher checks if everyone completed their work.
3. Pupils submit their Exercise Book 1.
4. Pupils spell the vocabulary and Teacher concludes the lesson.

KHAMIS (23/3/2023)

Subject: English Class: 6L Date: 23 March Time: 1130-1200

Topic: Poem - Messing About Theme: World of Self, family & friends
Focus: Language Arts CCE: Creativity and innovation
Teaching Aids: textbook, audio, 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
workbook Group / pair discussion

Content Standards
Main: 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts
Comp: 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Learning Standards
Main: 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple
stories and simple poems - Other imaginative responses as appropriate
Comp: 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with independently a wide range of target
language phonemes
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
Main: Do the gestures as they recite the poem
Comp: Recite the poem in a form of a jazz chant
❖ Pupils look at the pictures around the poem and talk about them.

❖ Pupils guess what the poem is about.

❖ Teacher shares learning objectives and success criteria of the lesson.

❖ Recite the poem and pupils repeat after.
❖ Pupils do the gestures as they recite the poem e.g. jumping, kicking,
thirsty, sticky
❖ Elicit from the pupils on who they can relate to best: Jumping John,
Kicking Kirsty, Mad Mickey or Fat Fred.
❖ Demonstrate how to perform a jazz chant for the first stanza.

❖ Help pupils to identify the stress and rhythm by clapping hands or

snapping fingers in time to the beat. (HOTS)
❖ In groups, pupils recite the poem in a form of a jazz chant. (21st CA)
Post Lesson
❖ Pupils assess each group’s recitation using Two Stars and a Wish:
two things that are good (stars) and one thing that can be improved
Strength 23 pupils achieved the objectives.
Weakness 2 pupils were unable to achieve the objectives.
Opportunity Extra guidance was given to help these 2 pupils.

日期: 2023 年 3 月 24 日 时间:12:00 - 12:30

科目:体育 班级:6L
课题:单元一 趣味体操乐无穷
第一课 腾空展英姿
内容标准:1.1 正确的姿势跳跃,着地
2.1 能够实践跳跃和着地的概念
5.2 进行活动后,能够表现出自信与责任感
5.4 进行活动的同时,培养 学生的信心与责任感
学习标准:1.1.1 能够跳箱跃下,双手张开和屈膝着地
2.1.1 鉴定屈膝着地时力的吸收
5.2.4 能够接受挑战,享受整个活动的过程
5.4.2 能够给予及接受意见
5.4.5 能够服从队长的指示
教具:视频 跨课程元素:创造与革新
道德价值:安全 评估方式:观察 思维图:/
❖ 学生进行热身运动。

❖ 教师通过视频示范与讲解平衡身体的各种动作。

❖ 学生模仿视频的动作。

❖ 教师根据学生的动作进行评估、纠正。

❖ 教师总结,学生进行松弛活动。


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