Starbucks - Coffee Master Flashcards - Quizlet
Starbucks - Coffee Master Flashcards - Quizlet
Starbucks - Coffee Master Flashcards - Quizlet
60 terms 46 terms
Latin America, Africa and Coffee Belt is divided into three main growing
Asia / Pacific regions, which are?
It means the grind is too If the shot pulls too quickly, it means what?
coarse. The flavor will be
weak and underdeveloped
The grind is too fine. The If the shot pulls too slowly, it means?
flavor will be sharp and
To help ensure the future What is the goal of Farmer Support Centers?
supply of high-quality
coffee by providing on-
the-farm support to
farmers around the world
Washed, semi-washed and Three methods used most often for Starbucks
natural (sun-dried) coffees.
It will be more difficult to If the water you are using to brew coffee is
dissolve your coffee into it. filled with a lot of minerals what will happen?
the flavor clarity and The type of filter used will affect?
mouthfeel of the brewed