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DCC Loadsharing
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DCC Loadsharing
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Table of contents

Table of contents
Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2
1 Task ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Design and structure ............................................................................ 4
1.2 Load sharing ......................................................................................... 5
2 Solution............................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Solution overview ................................................................................. 6
2.2 Mandatory Hardware- and Software components ............................... 7
3 Program Description ......................................................................................... 8
3.1 Operating mode .................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Torque linking ....................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Bias and Limitation ............................................................................... 8
3.1.3 Droop and Compensation .................................................................... 9
3.1.4 Balancer ............................................................................................. 11
3.1.5 Speed coupling ................................................................................... 11
3.1.6 External speed setpoint ...................................................................... 12
3.2 Faults and alarms ............................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Faults .................................................................................................. 13
3.2.2 Alarms ................................................................................................ 13
4 Commissioning ................................................................................................ 14
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4.1 For your safety ................................................................................... 14

4.1.1 Markings used for safety notes .......................................................... 14
4.1.2 Responsibilities of the operating personnel ....................................... 14
4.2 Installing the application ..................................................................... 16
4.3 Notes on computation time and memory load levels ......................... 19
4.3.1 Computation time load ....................................................................... 19
4.3.2 Memory usage .................................................................................... 19
5 Using the application ...................................................................................... 20
6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl .................................. 22
6.1 Description of the function block interface. ........................................ 22
6.2 Interface description of the additional telegram ................................. 24
6.3 Use of the LDCC_LoadControl block ................................................. 25
6.3.1 Configure additional telegram ............................................................ 25
6.3.2 Connection of additional telegram in drive. ........................................ 26
6.3.3 Insert LDCC_LoadControl block in the project. .................................. 26
6.3.4 Functionality of the LDCC_LoadControl block. .................................. 28
7 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 30
7.1 Function diagramms ........................................................................... 30
7.2 Parameterlist ...................................................................................... 38
7.3 Application Support ............................................................................ 53
7.4 Links and Literature ............................................................................ 53
7.5 Change documentation ...................................................................... 54

DCC Loadsharing
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1 Task

1 Task
Many industrial applications require that several motors operate together or are
coupled together. Optimum operation of systems such as these require that loads
are equalized between the mechanically coupled axes. If the load sharing between
the drives is not controlled, then these can work against one another and therefore
go into an overload condition. Load sharing is used to distribute the complete
mechanical load in a controlled fashion and in defined percentage levels across the
individual drives.

1.1 Design and structure

Coupled axes exist in many real-life applications, especially where a continuous
web is being manipulated. Drives together can be used to transport the material
and thus are coupled flexible or to move a single axis being coupled rigidly. These
two modes can also be mixed together, as for example rolls, which are driven by
two motors are coupled with each other thru the material. Motors being coupled
together will be also referred to as motors in a group.

Flexible coupling
With such couplings the rolls are connected to each other only with the material
web. This material web can be elastic, but this elasticity has also a limit. If a roll
pulls on the material stronger than another, the tension may vary, and this can
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influence the whole process and damage the material and/or the equipment. This
can be avoided with the correct selection of a load distribution concept.

Figure 1-1

Rigid coupling
In this case the motors are connected to each other with stiff mechanics (rolls,
gears, etc.) which force them to turn with the same speed. Typically, identical
motor types are used, and so the produced torque of these motors should also be
identical. To ensure this, a load distribution system is necessary, since without
such a system the load might be distributed unevenly among the motors, in worst
case, one motor would try to constantly brake the axis and another will accelerate

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1 Task

Figure 1-2

1.2 Load sharing

For mechanically coupled axes, it is not enough to enter identical speed setpoints
at the axes involved. As a result of production tolerances, slip of the drive wheels,
measuring-related deviations when sensing the speed and operation-related wear,
distortion stress is obtained. This leads to increased wear and makes it more
difficult to optimally utilize the drive. This is the reason that the drives must be
operated as master-slave group. Within this group, mechanical distortion stress
that occurs is corrected using a load-balance controller.
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With this concept, it is necessary to influence the setpoint channel of the master.
The master requires information about the state and the number of slaves – or as
to whether there are any slaves at all. This is also applicable for the slaves. All the
drives in the group operate independently of one another –slaves are only
connected through the mechanical system.

For axes with slip or gearbox backlash, it may be necessary to establish a
pretension torque in the drives. This involves basic functionality, which can be
optionally used in parallel with load balance control. The slave establishes a torque
specified by the user. The master acts against the slave torque so that both drives
tension the mechanical coupling with a defined torque.

Load factor
A load factor can be defined between the master and slave in order to distribute
the load between the master and slave in a certain ratio.

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2 Solution

2 Solution
2.1 Solution overview
The solution described here to simply and quickly implement load balancing
functionality is based on the SINAMICS S120 drive system.
This application does not contain a description of:
• The basic commissioning of the SINAMICS S120 drive system
• Configuring using the DCC Editor
It is assumed that readers have basic knowledge of these topics.
The application is implemented in SINAMICS DCC and is always computed in
every slave axis. Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. shows a
possible solution configuration.

Figure 2-1
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In principle, each drive can be used as master; data is transferred from the master
to the slaves via BICO links with SINAMICS parameters.

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2 Solution

2.2 Mandatory Hardware- and Software components

Table 2-1 shows the hardware and software components required.
Table 2-1
Component Note
SINAMICS S120 drive line-up with CU320- From firmware 5.2
2 Control Unit
Starter commissioning tool with installed Starter from V5.3 and higher
Startdrive commissioning tool with installed Startdrive from V15.1 (SINAMICS FW from
option package 5.2 required)

A DCC engineering license “SINAMICS MLFB 6SL3070-4FA01-0XA5

DCC combo V15” is required which can (DVD with USB-Stick) or MLFB 6SL3070-
used for Starter as well as for Startdrive 4FA01-0XG5
DCC (Download)

The following table lists all the files, which are used for the application.
Table 2-2
Component Note
LSSlaveEN V3.0.zip This zipped file contains the XML exports
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of the DCC charts for STARTER and plan

exports *.dcc for STARTDRIVE
38470057_DCC_Loadsharing_V3_0_en.pdf This document

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3 Program Description

3 Program Description
3.1 Operating mode
The different operating modes and their principle of operation are described in the

3.1.1 Torque linking

In this operating mode, the slave drive is operated with a pure P controller without
integral component. In this operating mode, the slave drive, is not able to quickly
respond to act against the master drive. The integral component of the master
drive speed controller is entered the slave drive as supplementary torque. The
supplementary torque sets the load ratio between the master and slave drive. This
is because it is formed by multiplying a given load factor and the integral
component of the master speed controller. Figure 3-1 schematically shows the
torque coupling.

Figure 3-1


Speed Torque
Setpoint PI_M
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Actual PI
Speed I_M


Setpoint Torque
P P_M Setpoint


3.1.2 Bias and Limitation

In this operating mode, the master torque setpoint (preferably without the torque
precontrol component) is added to the optional pre-control signal of the slave. This
signal is then used as symmetrical torque limit, and in this operating mode, the
speed controller remains in saturation (overcontrolled). The application enters the
overcontrol setpoint with the correct sign corresponding to the torque direction. If
the mechanical coupling is lost, for example due to material breakage or shaft
breakage, then the speed controller becomes operational again and controls the
slave drive speed to the specified speed setpoint plus the set overcontrol setpoint.
This prevents the drive from uncontrollably accelerating up to the maximum speed.

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3 Program Description

Friction torque and accelerating torque precontrol should be realized as accurately

as possible in order to avoid the drives being overloaded as a result of uneven load

Figure 3-2


Actual Setpoint



Setpoint Torque
PI PI_M Setpoint
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3.1.3 Droop and Compensation

Entering a droop at the slave drive causes its operating point to be shifted. By
entering a droop, the slave speed setpoint is reduced as a function of the load.
This means, for example, for a droop factor of 5%, a torque with the magnitude of
the rated torque causes the speed setpoint to decrease to 95% and at half the
rated torque, to 97.5% of the speed setpoint, see characteristic (2). This influences
the speed of the slave drive as a function of the load; load compensation is
therefore realized at the slave drive. The slave drive can no longer work against the
master drive; this is because as a result of the droop feedback, a permanent
integral component cannot be established for the speed controller. Of course, this
simultaneously acts to weaken the slave load component with respect to the
master at the operating point (see characteristic (2) in the following diagram).

Figure 3-3

normal PI-Control (1)


PI Control with Droop


Nominal Torque Mn Torque

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3 Program Description

To obtain an even load sharing even when the slave has droop feedback, in
addition to the own droop component, the torque setpoint of the master drive is
weighted with the droop factor and entered at the slave. This results in an
additional load difference compensation, as the droop characteristic (2) is shifted
on the droop and compensation characteristic (3). Therefore, the slave drive is
flexible around its operating point, and does not disturb the master; however, it
provides the load level specified by the master. Figure 3-4 shows the principle of
operation of the droop and compensation operating mode.

Figure 3-4

Compensation OP
PI-control (1)
Droop PI Control with droop and compensation

PI Control with droop (2)

Nominal Torque Mn Torque

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Figure 3-5 shows the control structure of droop and compensation. Only the droop
factor is shown here, as generally, the droop factor is the same as the
compensation factor. The load-dependent droop is calculated based on the integral
component of the slave speed controller.

Figure 3-5


Setpoint Torque
Actual Setpoint

Load factor Droop factor
Pretension Droop

Setpoint I_M
Actual PI PI_M Torque
Speed Setpoint


Note When Master use torque precontrol, it is better not to use this signal in combination
with the output of the speed controller for the slave. Slave should do its own torque

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3 Program Description

3.1.4 Balancer

In this operating mode torque setpoint of the master will be compared with torque
setpoint of the slave. The deviation will be evaluated by a PI-controller and output
value is entered at the slave additional speed setpoint. If the mechanical coupling
is lost, for example due to material breakage or shaft breakage, then output of the
balancer is limited to the preset value. This prevents the drive from uncontrollably
accelerating up to the maximum speed.
Figure 3-6
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3.1.5 Speed coupling

In this operating mode, the master speed setpoint is connected to the slave. There
are no further compensations active.
Figure 3-7

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3 Program Description

3.1.6 External speed setpoint

In this operating mode, the master has no influence on the slave. The slave uses
the speed setpoint from parameter P1155. When a standard telegram is used,
speed setpoint out of the telegram is active. There are no further compensations
Figure 3-8
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3 Program Description

3.2 Faults and alarms

3.2.1 Faults

F51050 Upper torque limit not connected

Drive object: SERVO, VECTOR
Response: OFF2
Acknowledgment: IMMEDIATELY
Cause: P21613 is not connected.
Remedy Connect r1534(Servo) or r1520(Vector) with P21613

F51051 Lower torque limit not connected

Drive object: SERVO, VECTOR
Response: OFF2
Acknowledgment: IMMEDIATELY
Cause: P21614 is not connected.
Remedy Connect r1535(Servo) or r1521(Vector) with P21614
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F51052 Invalid gearbox ratio

Drive object: SERVO, VECTOR
Response: OFF2
Acknowledgment: IMMEDIATELY
Cause: At least one of the gearbox ratios in p21520 and p21521 is either zero or
Remedy Check the transfer of the gearbox ratios, master-load and slave-load

3.2.2 Alarms

A51060 An invalid operating mode was selected

Drive object: SERVO, VECTOR
Response: NONE
Acknowledgment: NONE
Cause: No exclusive operating mode selected
Remedy Only one operating mode may be selected, using the fixed bit at p21512
and p21513 or by using control word p22102

A51061 Compensation is not active

Drive object: SERVO, VECTOR
Response: NONE
Acknowledgment: NONE
Cause: Mode Speed Coupling (4) or External Setpoint (5) is active.
Remedy Activate Mode 0 to 3.

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4 Commissioning

4 Commissioning
4.1 For your safety
4.1.1 Markings used for safety notes

Pictogram, signal word and text

All safety information contained in this documentation is identified by a text graphic
- comprising a pictogram and a signal word – with an explanatory text. The
combination of pictogram and signal word permits clearly differentiated information
levels based on the degree of danger. Safety information precedes the information
about activities to be carried out.

For the safety notes, there are three levels. They are marked using the same
pictogram. They differ by the signal word used.

DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper
! precautions are not taken.
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WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if

! proper precautions are not taken.

NOTICE NOTICE indicates that an undesirable result or state may occur if the
corresponding instructions are not observed.

4.1.2 Responsibilities of the operating personnel

Intended purpose
The proper use of the application components exclusively comprises the open-loop
and closed-loop control of test set-ups that were adapted to the power/performance
of the application components. In order that the application functions perfectly, the
required SINAMICS standard components as well as the necessary hardware and
software components must have been installed.
The operating personnel may only make changes to the application components
after prior written agreement from the suppliers.

Improper use
The following are considered to constitute improper use (misuse):
• All forms of use that deviate from or exceed the above mentioned proper use.
• Failure to observe the safety instructions.
• Failure to immediately rectify malfunctions that could impair safety.

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4 Commissioning

• All forms of manipulation of devices that serve to ensure the proper

functioning, unrestricted use, or active or passive safety of the equipment.
• The recommended hardware and software components are not used.
• Operation of the application components if they are not in perfect technical
condition as well as failure to operate them safely while considering the
inherent risks and complying with all instructions contained in this document.
The manufacturer disclaims liability of any kind in the event of improper use.

Obligation to monitor
The operating personnel have a continuous obligation to observe the overall
technical condition of the application components (obvious defects or damage as
well as changes in operating behavior).
The operating personnel are obliged to only operate the application if it is in perfect
condition. He must check the state of the application components each time before
they are used and rectify any defects before commissioning.

Qualification of personnel
The operating company must always deploy trained, authorized and reliable
personnel. In so doing, all safety regulations must be observed.
The personnel must have received special, in-depth training and instructions about
possible hazards and dangers.
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4 Commissioning

4.2 Installing the application

This chapter describes the steps required to install the application example.

• The speed controller was optimized in each drive
• Control parameters for identical motors with identical mechanical system must
be the same (for the speed and current controllers)
• Friction characteristic was calculated for each drive
• The configuration was roughly checked

Inserting the DCC plan into your STARTER project

Right-click on the slave drive in your project and select "Expert" -> "Import object".

Figure 4-1
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Select "LSSlave.xml" file from the folder that was downloaded. After XML has been
imported, the DCC plan is displayed below the slave drive.
Figure 4-2

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4 Commissioning

Inserting the DCC plan into your STARTER project

Right-click on the charts folder of slave drive in your project and select "Import
Drive Control Chart(s)".

Figure 4-3

Choose "StartdriveLoadsharingV3_0.dcc". After the import, the plans occur under

the chart folder. There are 5 charts, because with STARTDRIVE only one sampling
interval per chart is possible.
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Figure 4-4

Table 4-1 (By "Saving/compiling" the Starter project or after importing the .dcc file
in Startdrive, the standard interconnections are created in the slave corresponding
to Table 4-1. )

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4 Commissioning

Parameter Parameters
inputs outputs

p1160 CI: Speed controller, common speed setpoint r21801

p1476.0 BI: Hold speed controller integrator r21624.0
p1477.0 BI: Set speed controller integrator value r21624.0
p1478.0 CI: Speed controller integrator value r21625
p1513 CI: Supplementary torque 2 r21623
p1552 CI: Torque limit, upper scaling without offset r21643
p1554 CI: Torque limit, lower scaling without offset r21647
p1545.0 BI: Activates travel to fixed stop1 r21641
P21517 BI: Slave OFF1 r898.0
p21604 CI: Slave speed controller integrator r1482
p21611 CI: Slave reference feed [RPM] r2700
p21612 CI: Slave reference torque [Nm] r2703
p22102 CI: Command word r22100 or PLC

Then you must interconnect the following parameters in the slave drive with the
master drive parameters as described in Table 4-2.
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Table 4-2
parameters in Description Master
the slave
p21601 CI: Master speed setpoint [scaled] r62
p21602 CI: Master torque setpoint [scaled] r1480
p21603 CI: Master speed controller integrator output r1482
P21606 CI: Master-torque setpoint r79
p21609 CI: Master reference speed [RPM] r2700
p21610 CI: Master reference torque [Nm] r2703
parameters in Description Slave
the slave
p21605 CI: Slave torque setpoint [Nm] r79
p21613 CI: Slave upper torque limit [scaled] r1534(Servo)
p21614 CI: Slave lower torque limit [scaled] r1535(Servo)

1With this link operation, faults and alarms, initiated by continuous operation of the torque limit,
are suppressed. Important for the "Bias and limiting" operating mode.

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4 Commissioning

4.3 Notes on computation time and memory load levels

4.3.1 Computation time load

The runtime groups of the DCC charts are already preset. Table 4-3 shows the CU
load for the preset runtime groups. Depending on which control mode is used, the
other two can be deactivated. The control and setpoints execution groups are
Table 4-3
Execution groups Execution groups Setting CU load
Control LoadsharingA BEFORE basic positioner 2,5%
Setpoint LoadsharingE BEFORE pos ctrl 2,6%
Torquelinking LoadsharingB BEFORE pos ctrl 1,2%
DroopCompensation LoadsharingC BEFORE pos ctrl 4,8%
Balancer LoadsharingD BEFORE pos ctrl 1,2%

Execution groups "Control" and "Setpoint"/"LoadsharingA" and

"LoadsharingE" must be calculated in every case.

Note The master should always be calculated before the slaves, so that the slaves are
calculated with the already updated actual values of the master. The calculation
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

sequence on a Control Unit is defined by the DO number or can be adapted by

p7900 .

4.3.2 Memory usage

Because the memory load there is no limitation of maximum number of axis,

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5 Using the application

5 Using the application

The application is controlled via the control word and the load sharing parameters.
The status word is available for diagnostics. From Version V3.0 the operation mode
is set via P21512. There is no additional activation bit. The operation mode is
directly active, and it is possible to change on the fly.

Command word
The control word of the load sharing function can either be written by the fieldbus,
fixed bits or via digital inputs bit serially (p21515 to p21516) or as word (p22102).
The bits of the control word are explained in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1
Bit Parameter Description Note
Bit 00 p21515 Pretension Pretension activated
Bit 01 p21516 Block I-Part Block I-part of balancer
… … … …
Bit 15 n/a n/a n/a

All the parameters can either be written using the automation system, or set using
STARTER or the SINAMICS operator panel AOP30
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For the slave operating mode, the values described in Table 5-2 must be written.

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5 Using the application

Table 5-2
Parameter No. Description Note
p21512 Operation mode Set operation mode (0-5)
p21520 Slave gearbox ratio It is not permissible that it is set to zero
p21521 Master gearbox ratio It is not permissible that it is set to zero
p21522 Load factor [%] 100% -> symmetrical load sharing to the
For all operating modes
p21523 Pretension torque [Nm] Value of the optional pretension torque
Notice: The torque should not be
selected to be too high so that the drive
still has enough accelerating torque.
p21662 Droop factor [RPM/Nm] For "Droop compensation" operating
Values between 2% and 5% are
p21642 Bias factor [%] For the "Bias and limiting" operating
5 % is recommended

Status word
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Binary outputs are combined to create a status word (r22104) - and can be simply
transferred to the automation system
Table 5-3
Bit Description Note
Bit 00 Compensation active Operation mode 0 to 3 is active.
Bit 01 Droop and Droop and compensation operating mode exclusively
compensation ON selected
Bit 02 Bias and limiting ON "Bias and limiting" operating mode exclusively selected
Bit 03 Torque coupling ON Operating mode torque coupling exclusively selected
Bit 04 Pretension ON Set pretension is active
Bit 05 Valid operating mode Valid operating mode selected
Bit 06 Invalid gearbox ratio Invalid gearbox ratio - error message
Bit 07 Invalid gearbox ratio of Invalid gearbox ratio - error message
the master
Bit 08 Balancer ON "Balancer" operating mode exclusively selected
Bit 09 I-Part deactivated I-Part from "Balancer" is deactivated
Bit 10 Speed coupling ON Only speed coupling is active
Bit 11 External Setpoint ON Speed setpoint out of telegram of slave
Bit 12 F51050 P21613 not connected
Bit 13 F51051 P21614 not connected
Bit 14 n/a n/a
Bit 15 n/a n/a

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6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl

6 Control function block FB38015

6.1 Description of the function block interface.

Use the FB38015 to control the DCC application „Loadsharing“ with S7-1500/S7-
1200 controller. Do a separate function call for every drive in a cyclic program.

Picture 6-1
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6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl

Table 6-1 Inputs of FB38015

Signal Type Default Format Description
enable I False Bool Enable function block
mode I 0 Int [0] Select mode ""Torque linking"
[1] Select mode ""Bias and limiting"
[2] Select mode ""Droop and compensation".
[3] Select mode ""Balancer".
[4] Select mode ""Speed coupling".
[5] Select mode "External setpoint".
pretensionOn I False Bool Activate „pretension“
disableIpart I False Bool Disable I-part of balancer
staticTorque I 0.0 Real Pretension value in % of reference value (P2003)
loadFactor I 100.0 Real Load distribution: With100% Slave is like Master
HardwareID I 0 HW_IO Hardware ID of the additional telegram

Table 6-2 Outputs of FB38015

Signal Type Default Format Description
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

valid O False Bool Function block works without error.

error O False Bool Error during write/read function.
errorID O 16#0 Word Error code of the function.
status O 16#0 Word Sate messages of the function block.
compensationActive O False Bool Operation mode 0 to 3 is active.
droopAndCompensationActive O False Bool DroopAndCompensation is active.
biasAndLimitingActive O False Bool BiasAndLimiting is active.
torqueCouplingActive O False Bool TorqueCoupling is active.
balancerActive O False Bool Balancer is active.
pretensionActive O False Bool Pretension is active.
balancerIpartDisabled O False Bool I-part of balancer is disabled.
invalidOperationMode O False Bool Invalid operation mode. Operation mode 4
(speed coupling) will be set internally.
invalidSlaveGearboxRatio O False Bool Invalid gear ratio slave.
invalidMasterGearboxRatio O False Bool Invalid gear ratio master.
speedCouplingActive O False Bool Only speed coupling is active.
externalSetpointActive O False Bool Speed setpoint from P1155 is active.
F51050Active O False Bool P21613 not connected.
F51050Active O False Bool P21614 not connected.

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6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl

Table 6-3 Error code of parameter „errorID“

Error code Description
16#0000 No error occurred.
16#8090 You have not configured a module for the specified hardware identifier or
you have ignored the restriction concerning the length of consistent data, or
you have not specified a hardware identifier as an address at parameter LADDR .
16#8093 No device from which you can read consistent data exists for the hardware identifier. This
error code also occurs if the module does not have inputs.
16#80A0 An access error was detected when accessing the I/O.
16#80A1 Device not reachable. Drive not online or connection interrupted.
16#80B1 The length of the specified target range at parameter RECORD is shorter than the
configured user data length.
16#80C0 The data have not been read yet.

Table 6-4 Status code of parameter „status“

Status Description
16#7000 Function block is not working.
16#7001 First cycle of the function block.
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

16#7002 Function block is in cyclic operation.

16#8000 Function block is not working. Please check „errorID“.
16#8600 Application error.
Please consider the output parameter of the function block.
16#8640 Error with the telegram connection in the drive.
Please check the Bico connection of the telegram.

6.2 Interface description of the additional telegram

For the interface of FB38015 an additional telegram with 4/4 words is necessary.
The telegram must be created in the hardware configuration of the drive. The
control parameter of the DCC application must be manually connected to the
telegram, additionally.

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6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl

Telegram 1 with additional telegram in the device configuration.

Receive direction in the drive

Send direction in the drive

© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

6.3 Use of the LDCC_LoadControl block

The DCC charts was inserted in the project and the connection with the drive
parameter was done, like described in chapter 4. A standard telegram was

6.3.1 Configure additional telegram

Add an additional telegram 4/4 in the device configuration of TIA Portal.

Add an additional telegram 4/4 additionally to the standard telegram.

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6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl

There must be added 4 words as actual value and as set point

6.3.2 Connection of additional telegram in drive.

You find the mask for Bico connection in Startdrive under the diagnostic view. Send
and receive parameter must be connected.

The parameter must be connected to the additional telegram.

© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

The parameters must be connected as follows.

DCC-Parameter in slave Telegram interface of
drive slave drive
P22102 CI: Control word P2050[offset]
P21514 CI: Operation mode P2050[offset + 1]
p21530 CI: Load factor P2050[offset + 2]
p21531 CI: Pretension P2050[offset + 3]
P22104 CO: Status word P2051[offset]
The length of the offset depends on the length of the used standard telegram.

6.3.3 Insert LDCC_LoadControl block in the project.

The control function block is delivered in the zipped library LSinaDCC.zal15_1. You
open the library out of the TIA Portal project. It is necessary to choose the right
data type. Then copy the control function block out of the library to the program
folder and do a function call in OB1.

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6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl

Open global library and insert path of the library.

© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

Choose the right type of file.

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6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl

Do a function call in a cyclic OB and connect inputs and outputs of the function block.
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

You find the HarwareID for the function block in the device view of the drive (properties).

6.3.4 Functionality of the LDCC_LoadControl block.

The control function block will be enabled via the „enable“- input. The block reports
the faultless operation with the „valid“- output. The status-output reports cyclic
operation (16#7002). The operation mode is set by the „mode“- input. The adjusted
operation mode is immediately active. It is possible to switch the operation modes
on the fly.

Further optional functions:

1) Activate pretension (pretensionOn, Default: deactivated)

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6 Control function block FB38015 LDCC_LoadControl

2) Deactivate I-Part of the balancer (disableIpart, Default: I-Part active).

3) Set pretension value (staticTorque, Default: 0%)
4) Set load distribution (loadFactor, Default 100% correspond to a load
distribution of 1:1)

The block outputs show the status of the “command function block” and were
described in chapter 6.1. When there is an error during write/read function, the
“error” - output is set and the“valid“- output is reset. The „errorID“-output shows a
fault number. When an error occur the function block must be disabled and
enabled again, to reset the “error” - output. In case of write/read fault the „error”-
output is set. Error in DCC-application is shown by the „status“-output. Detailed
error information shows the outputs of the block and the error messages in the
drive itself.
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7 Appendix

7 Appendix
7.1 Function diagramms
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r22003 Gear Ratio invalid

Gear Slave
<= 0
7 Appendix

1 F51052
Gear Master
<= 0

DCC Loadsharing
Bias factor [%] [0..1]

Entry-ID: 38470057,
[LS2010.7] p21642 Bias Level
r22004 Master Gear Ratio invalid
Speed Transmission


CI: Master Speed Setpoint [0...1]

Speed Setpoint [RPM]
p21601 [LS2070.2]

Master. r62

CI: Master Speed Reference [RPM]

p21609 r21900 CO: Master Speed Setpoint [RPM]
Pretension On
Torque Transmission [LS2010.4]

CI: Master Torque Setpoint [0...1] Droop factor[RPM/Nm]

Torque Setpoint [Nm] [LS2060.7]
p21602 Pretension Value [RPM]
M.r1480 [LS2070.2]
CI: Static Torque [%]
r21902 CO: Master TorqueSetpoint [Nm] p21531 +

CI: Master Reference Torque Static Torque [Nm]

[Nm] p21706 Pretension Value [NM]
Supplementry Torque [Nm]
p21610 Reference torque S [LS2080.2]
CI: Master Speed Controller
Integrator Output [0...1] CO: Master Speed Controller Reference torque S
p21603 Integrator Output [Nm]
M. r1482

CI: Slave Speed Controller

Integrator Output [0...1] Load Factor
Slave Speed Controller Load factor [%]
p21604 Integrator Output [Nm] [LS2040.1]
S.r1482 [LS2060.2] [LS2060.2]

CO: Slave Speed Controller

Integrator Output [Nm] CI: Load factor [%]
CI: Slave Reference Torque [Nm] Slave Reference Torque p21530
p21612 [Nm] 100%
S.r2703 [LS2040.1]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DO: SERVO, VECTOR n.vsd Function diagram
- LS2030 -
Sectional drive – Parameter_Signal Scaling 24.01.2020 V03.0 SINAMICS
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

CI: Speed Controller Integrator Setting Value [%]

7 Appendix

Integralanteil Value 0 r21625 r21625

DCC Loadsharing
Entry-ID: 38470057,
BI: Speed Controller Set Integrator Value


BO: Integrator set to zero and Freeze

Torque Linking On
[LS2020.7] BI: Speed Controller hold Integrator

Supplementary Torque
CO: Linking Torque Value [Nm]
CI: Supplementary Torque 2
Linking Torque
Linking Torque CO: Linking Torque Value [0...1] P1513[0]]
r21623 r21623

Load Factor

Slave Torque Reference


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DO: SERVO, VECTOR en.vsd Function diagram
- LS2040 -
Sectional drive – Torque Linking 24.01.2020 V03.0 SINAMICS
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

BI: Activates Travel to fix Stop

Bias and Limiting On
7 Appendix

DCC Loadsharing
CI: Slave Upper Torque Limit [%]

Entry-ID: 38470057,

CO: Slave Upper Torque Limit [Nm]


CO: Effective Upper Torque Limit [Nm]

CI: Torque Limit Upper Scaling without Offset

CO: Effective Upper Torque Limit [0..1] p1552

r21643 r21643

Slave Reference Torque [Nm]


Compensation [Nm]

CI: Torque Limit Lower Scaling without Offset

CO: Effective Lower Torque Limit [0..1] p1554

r21647 r21647

CO: Effective Lower Torque Limit [Nm]


CO: Slave Lower Torque Limit

CI: Slave Lower Torque Limit [%]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DO: SERVO, VECTOR en.vsd Function diagram
- LS2050 -
Sectional drive – Bias und Limiting 24.01.2020 V03.0 SINAMICS
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

7 Appendix

Droop [%] CO:Droop [% ]

DCC Loadsharing
Slave Speed Controller Integrator

Entry-ID: 38470057,
Output [Nm]

Droop factor [%]

- CO: Applied Droop and Compensation [%]
+ r21667
Droop Factor [%] +
p21662 LS2070.2

Applied Droop factor

[% or 1]
Droop and Compensation On

Torque Setpoint [Nm] CO: Compensation [% ]
Compensation [%]

Load Factor


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DO: SERVO, VECTOR en.vsd Function diagram
- LS2060 -
Sectional drive – Droop and Compensation 24.01.2020 V03.0 SINAMICS
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

Mode selection valid

7 Appendix


DCC Loadsharing
CI: Slave Speedsetpoint Telegram [0..1]
Speed Setpoint [RPM]

Entry-ID: 38470057,
[LS2030.5] p21518
S. r2050[1] External Setpoint ON

Bias and Limitation ON
[LS 2020.7] CI: Speed Controller Speed Setpoint 2
CO: Common Speed setpoint [%] p1160[0]
+ - + r21801 r21801

Bias Level [1...2]

CI: Slave Reference Speed


Balance controller ON

Pretension Value [RPM]


Droop and Compensation ON +


Droop and Compensation [RPM]


Balance controller
speedsetpoint [%]
Filter time [ms]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DO: SERVO, VECTOR en.vsd Function diagram
- LS2070 -
Sectional drive – Speed Setpoint 24.01.2020 V03.0 SINAMICS
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

Balance controller ON
7 Appendix


DCC Loadsharing

Entry-ID: 38470057,
Integrator time [ms]


Upper limit [%]


Lower limit [%]


CI: Master torquevalue[%] Reference torque M Load factor

p21606 [LS 2030.8]

CI: Slave torquevalue [%] Reference torque S

PI-controller Balance controller speedsetpoint
S.r79 -
Balance controller ON

Pretension Value [Nm]

[LS2030.8] Referenz speed S
BI: Controller enable
p21517 CO: Speedsetpointl RPM]
S. r898.0 r21632

Deactivate integrator

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DO: SERVO, VECTOR en.vsd Function diagram
- LS2080 -
Balance controller 24.01.2020 V03.0 SINAMICS
7 Appendix

7.2 Parameterlist
r21500 LS LoadSharing-Version
SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: DINT Dynamic index: - Function chart:
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows the software version of the DCC chart for the "Load balance control"

r21501 Entry ID
SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: DINT Dynamic index: - Function chart:
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows the article ID of the DCC chart for the "Load balance control"

r21503 Internal-ID
SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

Data type: DINT Dynamic index: - Function chart:

P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows the Internal ID of the DCC chart for the "Load balance control"

p21512 Operating mode [0-5]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: [0] Select mode ""Torque linking" for the slave.
[1] Select mode ""Bias and limiting" for the slave.
[2] Select mode ""Droop and compensation" for the slave.
[3] Select mode ""Balancer" for the slave.
[4] Select mode ""Speed coupling" for the slave.
[5] Select mode "External setpoint" for the slave.

r21513 Connector Operating mode [0-5]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Connector for Operating Mode P21512

p21514 CI: Connector Operating mode [0-5]

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7 Appendix

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1

Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
[0] Select mode ""Torque linking" for the slave.
[1] Select mode ""Bias and limiting" for the slave.
[2] Select mode ""Droop and compensation" for the slave.
[3] Select mode ""Balancer" for the slave.
[4] Select mode ""Speed coupling" for the slave.
[5] Select mode "External setpoint" for the slave.

p21515 BI: Pretension ON/OFF

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Activates the optional "Pretension" functionality
Dependency: see also: p21512

p21516 BI: Balancer disable I-Part

© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1

Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2080
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Disable I-Part in operating mode "Balancer".
Dependency: see also: p21512

p21517 BI: Slave OFF1

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows operating state of the slave.
Dependency: see also: p21512

p21518 CI: Slave speed setpoint from telegram [0..1]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2070
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Speed setpoint from telegram".
Dependency: see also: p2514

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7 Appendix

p21520 Gearbox ratio, slave drive load

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1

Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030

P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Gearbox ratio between the slave and the load
Dependency: see also: p21521
Note: An error is signaled if the gearbox ratio is zero.

p21521 Gearbox ratio master-load

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Gearbox ratio between the master and the load
Dependency: see also: p21520
Note: An error is signaled if the gearbox ratio is zero.
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

p21522 Load Factor [%]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 100.0
Load factor: Defines how much torque the drive should provide compared to the master (ratio). The sign has
no meaning. 1 means 100%, 0.1 means 10%. If zero, then it is assumed that the master torque input is zero
Dependency: see also: p21512
Note: A load factor of 100% means that the slave should generate the same torque as the master.

p21523 Pretension Torque [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 -
Pretension torque, e.g. to compensate gearbox backlash or slip. The value is only adjusted in Mode 3. In
Mode 0-2 it triggers only a value proportionally to P21523.
Dependency: see also: p21515
Note: The pretension torque reduces the drive torque that is available.

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7 Appendix

p21525 P-gain balancer

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2080
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 0.1
Description: Gain off the balancer.

p21526 Integral time balancer

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2080
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 2000[ms]
Description: Integral time off the balancer.

p21527 Upper limit balancer

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2080
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

No for motor type: - Expert list: 1

Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 10%
Description: Upper limit off the balancer. Value relate to reference speed of slave.

p21528 Lower limit balancer

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2080
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 -10%
Description: Lower limit off the balancer. Value relate to reference speed of slave.

p21529 Balance controller filter time

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2080
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 40.0 ms
Description: Filter time of PT1 Filter for additional speed setpoint B. Active with Balancer and Droop/Compensation

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7 Appendix

p21530 CI: Load Factor [%]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
- - 100.0
Description: Load ratio between master and slave

p21531 CI: Static Torque [%]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0.0
Description: Additional torque for slave

p21601 CI: Master speed Setpoint

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

No for motor type: - Expert list: 1

Min Max Factory setting
Description: Scales the speed setpoint of the master drive. This input should be connected to parameter r62 of the master
Recommendation: Must be connected to master parameter r62
Dependency: see also: r21900, p21520, p21521, p21609

p21602 CI: Master torque Setpoint controller

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: The torque setpoint of the master drive must be connected at this input
Recommendation: Must be connected to master parameter r1480
Dependency: see also: r79 in the master drive
Note: This signal is used for the operating modes "Droop and compensation" and "Bias and limiting"

p21603 CI: Master speed controller, integrale component

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Master speed control integral component for the operating mode "Torque coupling" as supplementary torque in
the slave drive.
Recommendation: Must be connected to master parameter r1482
Dependency: see also: r1482

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7 Appendix

p21604 CI: Slave speed controller, integrale component

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Scaled integral component of the slave drive speed controller. This is used to calculate "droop"
Recommendation: Must be connected to drive parameter r1482
Dependency: see also: r1482, p21512, p21664

p21605 CI: Slave torque Setpoint

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2080
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: The torque setpoint of the slave drive must be connected at this input
Recommendation: Must be connected to slave parameter r79
Dependency: see also: "Balancer"
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

p21606 CI: Master torque Setpoint

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2080
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: The torque setpoint of the master drive must be connected at this input
Recommendation: Must be connected to master parameter r79
Dependency: see also: "p21512

p21609 CI: Master Reference speed [RPM]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Reference speed of the master This value is required to convert a scaled speed setpoint to a physical variable
in [RPM]
Recommendation: Must be connected to master parameter r2700
Dependency: see also: p21601, master drive parameter r2700

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7 Appendix

p21610 CI: Master reference torque [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Reference torque of the master This value is required to convert a scaled torque setpoint to a physical variable
in [Nm]
Recommendation: Must be connected to master parameter r2703
Dependency: see also: p21602, p21603, master parameter p2703

p21611 CI: Slave reference speed

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2070
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Reference speed of the slave. This value is required to convert a scaled speed setpoint to a physical variable in
Recommendation: Must be connected to r2700
Dependency: see also: r21801, r21802, r2700
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

p21612 CI: Slave Reference torque [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2070
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Reference torque of the slave. This value is required to convert a scaled torque setpoint to a physical variable
in [Nm]
Recommendation: Must be connected to r2703
Dependency: see also: r2703, p21604

p21613 CI: Slave upper torque limit, [%]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2050
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Scaled torque limit of the slave. This input is required for the "Bias and torque limiting" operating mode.
Recommendation: Must be connected to parameter r1534 (SERVO) or r1520 (VECTOR)
Dependency: see also: p21646, p21513, p22102

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p21614 CI: Slave lower torque limit, [%]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: INT Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2050
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Scaled torque limit of the slave. This input is required for the "Bias and torque limiting" operating mode.
Recommendation: Must be connected to parameter r1535 (SERVO) or. r1521 (VECTOR).
Dependency: see also: p21646, p21513, p22102

r21621 BO: Torque Linking ON

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2020
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows the exclusive selection of the operating mode "Torque linking"
Dependency: see also: p21512;

r21622 CO: Linking Torque [Nm]

© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1

Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2040
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Supplementary torque from the master (integral component) scaled with the load factor. This is used in the
"Torque linking" operating mode.

r21623 CO: Linking Torque

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2040
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Scaled supplementary torque from the master scaled using the load factor. This is used in the "Torque
coupling" operating mode. Must be connected to p1513 of the slave.
Dependency: see also: r21622, p1513

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7 Appendix

r21624 BO: Set and hold speed controller integral component

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2040
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
If the "Torque linking" operating mode is selected, using this BO, the speed controller integral component is
held and set to zero.
Recommendation: Must be connected to p1477 and p1476 of the slave drive
Dependency: see also: p21621, p21623, p21625, p1477, p1476

r21625 CO: Speed controller integrator setting value

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2020
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Speed controller integrator setting value – this output is always zero and must be connected to p1478. This is
used in the "Torque coupling" operating mode.
Dependency: see also: p1478, p21623, p21624
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

p21631 BO: Balancer ON

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2020
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows the exclusive selection of the "Balancer" operating mode
Dependency: see also: P21512

p21632 CO: Slave additional speed [RPM)

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2070
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows slave additional speed in RPM.
Dependency: see also: P21512

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7 Appendix

r21641 BO: Bias And Limitation ON

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2020
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows the exclusive selection of the "Bias and limiting" operating mode
Dependency: see also: p21512

p21642 Bias factor [%]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 5%
Bias factor of the "Bias and limiting" operating mode. This is used to overcontrol
the speed setpoint with a certain percentage. The value is specified as a percentage
The Bias factor should be set to approximately 5% so that no excessive
speed deviations (> 5%) can occur.
Dependency: see also: p21512
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

r21643 Effective upper torque limit [0..1]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2050
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Scaled torque limit for the "Bias and limiting" operating mode. The calculated torque limit is scaled with the
upper torque limit (p21646)
Recommendation: Must be connected to p1552 in the slave.
Dependency: see also: r1534, p21646, p21644, p21665

r21644 CO: Effective upper torque limit [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2050
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: The effective torque limit in the "Bias and limiting" operating mode.
Dependency: see also: p21641, p21643, p21646, p1552

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7 Appendix

r21646 CO: Slave upper Torque Limit [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2050
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Upper torque limit. Is used to scale the effective upper torque limit.
Dependency: see also: p21612, P1520; r1534, p21643,
r21647 Effective lower torque limit [0..1]
SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2050
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Scaled torque limit for the "Bias and limiting" operating mode. The calculated torque limit is scaled with the
lower torque limit (p21649)
Recommendation: Must be connected to p1554 in the slave.
Dependency: see also: P1521, r1535, p21649, p21648, p21665

r21648 CO: Effective lower torque limit [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2050

P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: The effective torque limit in the "Bias and limiting" operating mode.
Dependency: see also: p21641, p21647 p1554

r21649 CO: Slave lower Torque Limit [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2050
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Lower torque limit. Is used to scale the effective lower torque limit.
Dependency: see also: p21614, r1521, p1535, p21647; p21648;

r21661 BO: Drop and Compensation ON

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2020
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Shows the exclusive selection of the "Droop and compensation" operating mode
Dependency: see also: p21512

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7 Appendix

p21662 : Droop factor [RPM/Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2060
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
-3,40282E+43 3,40282E+43 -5%

Description: In the "Droop and compensation" operating mode, the droop factor is used to process the speed setpoint. The
same factor is also used to compensate the speed setpoint
Recommendation: Generally, low droop factors from 2% to 5% are enough.
Dependency: see also: p21512

r21664 CO: Slave speed controller integral component [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Integral component of the slave drive speed controller
Dependency: see also: p21604, p21612, r1482, r2703

r21665 CO: Compensation [%]

© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1

Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2060
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
The compensation value is calculated from the torque setpoint of the master multiplied by the droop factor and
the load factor (operating mode "Droop and compensation").
Dependency: see also: p21662, p21522, p21602, p21902

r21666 Droop [%]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2060
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
The droop is incorporated in the "Droop and compensation" operating mode load dependent and negative in
the slave speed setpoint. It is calculated from the integral component of the slave speed controller multiplied by
the droop factor.
Dependency: See also: p21662, p21666

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7 Appendix

r21667 Droop compensation [RPM]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2060
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Difference between compensation and droop in [RPM], which is added to the slave speed setpoint.
Dependency: See also: p21665, p21666

r21801 CO: Common Speed Setpoint A [0…1]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2070
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Common Slave speed setpoint
Recommendation: Must be connected to p1160 of the slave
Dependency: see also: p21611, p1155

r21900 CO: Master Speed Setpoint [RPM]

© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1

Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: The master speed setpoint is emulated here.

r21901 CO: Master speed controller integral component [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: The integral component of the master drive speed controller is emulated here.
Dependency: see also: p21610, p21603

r21902 CO: Master Torque Setpoint [Nm]

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: REAL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Master torque setpoint. Is calculated using the scaled value in p21602 and the master reference torque in
Dependency: see also: p21602, p21610

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7 Appendix

r22001 BO: Compensation is not active

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2020
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Compensation is inactive – status bit
Dependency: see also: p21512

r22002 BO: Invalid operating mode

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2020
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: No exclusive operating mode selected - status bit
Dependency: see also: p21512

r22003 BO: Invalid gearbox ratio slave load

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030

P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Specified gearbox ratio between the slave drive and load is invalid (zero or negative) - status bit
Dependency: see also: p21520

r22004 BO: Invalid gearbox ratio master-load

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: BOOL Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2030
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Specified gearbox ratio between the slave drive and load is invalid (zero or negative) - status bit
Dependency: see also: p21521

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7 Appendix

r22100 CO: Internal control word

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: U/T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: WORD Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Description: Internal control word - displays the control word internally generated from control bits p21515 to p21516
Bitfield: Bit Signal name 1-Signal 0-Signal FP
00 Pretension ON See p21515 See p21515
01 Balancer disable I-Part See p21516 See p21516 LS2010
02 Reserved LS2010
03 Reserved
04 Reserved
05 Balancer
06 Reserved
07 Reserved - -
08 Reserved - -
09 Reserved - -
10 Reserved - -
11 Reserved - -
12 Reserved - -
13 Reserved - -
14 Reserved - -
15 Reserved - -
Dependency: see also: p21515, p21516
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

p22102 CI: Command word

SERVO, VECTOR Can be changed: T Calculated: - Access stage: 1
Data type: WORD Dynamic index: - Function chart: LS2010
P-Group: - Units group: - Units selection: -
No for motor type: - Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
Control word: In the factory setting, r22100 (internal control word) is connected at this input, i.e. the application
is controlled via binary inputs. Alternatively, another source can be used in the control word (e.g. via fieldbus).
The bit assignment is shown at r22100. When using a source other than r22100, binary inputs (p21515 to
p21516) are disabled.
Dependency: see also: p21515, p21516

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7.3 Application Support

Siemens AG
Digital Industries
Factory Automation
Production Machines
Frauenauracher Str. 80
D-91056 Erlangen, Germany
mailto: [email protected]

7.4 Links and Literature

Table 7-1
No. Topic
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Link to this entry page of this application example
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved


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7 Appendix

7.5 Change documentation

Table 7-2
Version Date Modifications
V1.0 2010-01 First release
V1.0.2 2010-07 Update
V2.0 2015-09 Complete revision and simplification
V2.1 2017-03 Implementation of a rise limitation during switchover for
speed setpoint (LS2070).
Change of droop factor (P21662) from RPM/Nm to %.
Sign error with negative torque setpoint was solved
(Operating mode: Droop and Compensation).
False parameter descriptions in the manual were corrected.
V2.2 08/2019 Implementation of function "Balancer".
Change of "Mode selection" (Integer instead Bool with
parameter P21519)
Implementation of an output filter for "Balancer" and "Droop
and Limitation" (P21529)
The application was supplemented with DCC-Charts for
V3.0 11/2020 Implementation of function “Speed setpoint coupling” and
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

“External speed setpoint”. Change of “Mode selection”.

P21512 instead of P21519. Operation modes are directly
active. There is no additional “Enable Bit”. Pretension
P21523 now works in Mode 3, too. Connectors have been
added to control the application via an “S7 Control Block”. A
“S7 Control Block” FB38015 was added to the application

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