Operating System

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Erbil polytechnic university

Soran Technical Institute

Accounting department

Operating system

Mohamed mustafa

2720Ku. 1441 AL.H. 2020 A.D.

What is opertating system……?

Operating system is a System Software

Act as interface b/w User and the Hardware
Organized set of programs
Controls & manage computer resources(H/W,S/W)
Schedules task, manage storage

primary objectives of Operating

Making a computer system convenient to use.

Managing the resources.

Functions of operating system

1. processManagement
2. MemoryManagement
3. File Management
4. Security
5. DeviceManagement
6. Command Interpretation

Process management

Process is a program in execution.

OS manages creation & deletion of processes.
Methods for process management are:
Manual loading mechanism
1. Batch processing
2. Multiprogramming
3. Multiprocessing

Process of Management in Early system

Programmer writes the program.

Programs are then punched on punchcard.
Cards are submitted to computer centre.
Cards & data were manually loaded.
Result of execution of the job was printed on
the punch cards.

Memory Management

Takes care of main memory.

Deals with part of memory in use &the memory
part which is not in use.
Allocates memory to processes & deallocate
when they are done

File Management

File is a collection of related info.

Manages file stored on the disk.
Provides functions to delete, copy, move,
rename and viewfiles.
File access methods :-
1. Sequential Access Files
2. Random Access Files


Protect resources and information against

destruction & unauthorized access
Types of Security:-
External Security
• Adequate back-up data
• Excess of sensitive information only

Internal Security
• User authentication
• Access control

Device Management

Manages the peripheral devices.

Accepts input from the user and give
corresponding output.
Consist of policies and procedures for
handling I/O devices

command Interpretation

Act as primary interface between the user& the

rest of the system.
Understands & executes commands entered by
human beings.

Batch processing

Effective form of processing.

Programs are prepared Offline.
Groups of programs are collected together &
are processed one by one.
Advantage:-Reduces computer idle time.
Disadvantage:- Large turn around time.

steps in Batch Processing

Programmer prepares their programs and data

ondeck of cards.
Operator periodically collect the submitted
programs and would batch them together.
Batched programs were loaded into input device.
Operator gives command to start executing the
Jobs automatically loads from the input device.
After process, operator separates and keep the
printed output.

uniprogramming System

Main Memory
Operating System OS area

User Job P r o gram


AUniprogramming systemmodel in which only one

jobis processedbythe system ata time and all the
system resources are exclusively available for the
job until it completes.

Multiprogramming System

Is a interleaved execution of two or more programs

by the same computer.
One or more programs are executed at the same
Different scheduling techniques are:-
• First come first serve
• Round robin (RR)
• Shortest job first (SJF)

Multiprogramming System

It is the system capability toconcurrently work on

more than onetask.
Same as multiprogramming.
Multitasking is referred in contextto single user.
Multiprocessing system is a integrated system.
Two or more CPU is present.
Simultaneously execute several programs.


I/OUnits I/OProcessor CPU

Architecture of a computer system showing its CPU,

memory & I/O processors

Multiprogramming System

Multiprocessing systems are of two types:-

• Tightly coupled systems
• Loosely coupled systems.

CPU-1 Mainmemory CPU-2

I/Oprocessor I/Oprocessor
s s

I/OUnits I/OUnits

Basic Org. of a physical multiprocessing System

Time Sharing System

Is a mechanism to provide simultaneous

interactive use of computer system.
There are many terminals connected to the same
CPU scheduling algorithm is used.
Concept of Time Slice is used.

Online Operating System

Consists of entering transaction data and viewing

the results immediately.
Airline reservation, Railway reservation, & banking
are some of the examples.
These OS cannot be modified as it support
single application.

• www.google.com
• www.wikipedia.org
• http;//techeye.org/browse/7392


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