Blood Sample Collection Procedure

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SOP Title: Blood Sample Collection Procedures SOP No:002

Effective Date: : August 2023 Page 1 of 6

Signatures and Dates:

DATE Name Signature Date

Author Mark Kavai MK
QA Review & Mark Kavai MK

Review/Approval for unchanged documents

DATE Author QA Review Approving Authority

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From August 2023
Expiry August 2025
1. Purpose
1.1 This SOP describes the procedure to be followed for blood sample collection.

2. Applicability
2.1 All trained health care workers supporting the sample collection.
3. Definition and acronyms
3.1 DBS: Dries blood spot
3.2 PCR: Polymerase chain reaction
4. Material and Equipment required
4.1 Refer to Phlebotomy area section
5.0 Implementation responsibility:
5.1 The laboratory in-charge should ensure the SOP procedure is adhered to.
5.2 Quality assurance officer/lab in charge should ensure the copies are available, reviewed,
approved and all lab staff are trained prior to performing the procedure.
6.0 Principle
Sample collection technique is important in the lab diagnostic of various conditions hence
quality, adequate and right sample should be collected to minimize wrong diagnosis. sample can
be collected from the vein, artery, capillary or from lumbar puncture depending on the
investigation to be done.
6.1 Sample collection procedure:
6.1.1 Phlebotomy materials The Following Sample collection materials should be assembled at the
phlebotomy areas: Gloves Vacutainer tubes (EDTA, PPT, Plain tube etc) Vacutainer/ eclipse needles, Pediatric butterfly Spirit/alcohol swabs Dry Gauze/cotton wool Tourniquet Safety boxes Color coded Bin (with Bin Liners) 10% Jik
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From August 2023
Expiry August 2025 Pencil/marker pen
6.2 Samples Laboratory Requisition form MUST contain the following details:
6.2.1 Patient name, and or patient number
6.2.2 Clinical investigation/test and brief history
6.2.3 Clinician name and contacts
6.2.4 Others (depending on the type of tests)
6.3 Sample labelling MUST Contain
6.3.1 Patient/client name or PSC number
6.3.2 Date and Time of collection
6.3.3 Laboratory number

6.4 Sample collection procedures:

6.4.1 Finger Prick

Preferable when small quantity of blood is necessary for investigation i.e HIV rapid testing,
Malaria slide/RDT test, Blood group, Blood spots /DBS etc.
6.4.2 Procedure for Finger Prick wear Gloves preferable powder free gloves Establish a rapport with client by explaining the sample collection procedure. Ask the client to sit in a chair and extend his/her arm. Select the appropriate finger to use. Warming the finger by wrapping a warm cloth around it will provide an optimal blood flow
and more accurate samples. Clean the finger prick site with an alcohol swab/spirit. Allow the alcohol to air dry completely before making the prick. Use a sterile lancet, make the skin puncture just off the center if the finger pad. Wipe off the first drop of blood with dry gauze/cotton wool. Gently massage the finger to allow a drop of blood to form at the punctured site Collect sufficient quantities of blood for the test. Have the patient hold a small ball of dry gauze over the puncture site for a few minutes to stop
6.4.3 Heel prick procedure (infants) Establish a rapport with the newborn/infant`s mother Hold the newborn in the mother`s lap with the foot lowered relative to the rest of the body

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Expiry August 2025 Clean the lateral or medial side of the foot with an alcohol swab. Puncture the infant`s heel with a sterile lancet or tender less lancet. Hold the infant`s heel loosely so as not to impede the flow of blood. If bleeding does not
immediately occur, massage the lower portion of the log in a downward direction. Do not
squeeze the extremely as this may lead to hemolysis Using dry and clean cotton wool wipe off the first drop of blood as this tends to contain excess
tissue fluids. From the punctured site collect sufficient quantities of blood for the test. Hold a small ball of dry gauze over the puncture site for a few minutes to stop bleeding.
6.4.4 Vein Puncture
6.4.5 Order of draw: SST (red-gray or gold top). Contains a gel separator and clot activator.
Sodium heparin (dark green top)
PST (light green top). Contains lithium heparin anticoagulant and a gel separator.
EDTA (lavender top)
Oxalate/fluoride (light gray top)

6.4.6 Blood collection: Assemble all materials required for drawing blood. Check the lab requisition form to confirm the quantity of blood to be drawn Explain the blood drawing procedure to the client and reassure him/her. Wear Gloves, using top of the index finger examine the phlebotomy site, feel the vein and
decide exactly where to place the puncture. The preferred sites are the medium antecubital and
basilic veins of the upper extremity. Veins on the dorsum on the hand and other forearm veins
are possible alternative sites.
6.4.7 Disinfect the phlebotomy site by swabbing the skin in small outward circles with alcohol swab or
cotton wool soaked in alcohol in isopropyl alcohol. Do not touch the prepared puncture site with
your finger after disinfecting the skin.
6.4.8 Using a septic technique, insert the needle or butterfly of the vacutainer device into the vein.
Stabilize the needle by supporting with another hand. Always allow the full amount of blood to be
drawn by each evacuated tube when using the vacutainer system and tube. After drawing mix, the
blood in tubes containing additives by inverting the tubes several times.
6.5 Blood collection by vein-puncture in children
6.5.1 Follow the procedure as for adults to
6.5.2 Collect blood from antecubital veins, veins on the dorsum of the hand, and veins on the dorsum of
the foot. Jugular or arterial punctures can be used as alternative.
6.5.3 Using the tip of the index finger, examine the phlebotomy site, feel the vein and decide exactly
when to place the puncture.
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From August 2023
Expiry August 2025
6.5.4 Disinfect the site by swabbing the skin in small outward circular with an alcohol swab or cotton
wool soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Do not touch the prepared puncture site with your fingers after
disinfecting the skin.
6.5.5 Using a septic technique, insert the needle or butterfly into the vein.
6.5.6 Allow full amount of blood to be drawn by each, evacuated tube when using the vacutainer system
and tubes.
6.5.7 After drawing the required blood samples release the tourniquet, then needle from the vein. cover
the puncture site with a cotton swab and hold or leave the mother to hold pressure at puncture site
for 3 minutes, or until adequate hemostasis is visible.
6.5.8 mix blood in tubes containing additives by inverting the tubes several times.

6.6 DBS sample collection

6.6.1 Ensure sample collection gadgets (Lancet, Alcohol swab, DBS filter paper, drying rack) are
6.6.2 Wear sterile powder-free gloves
6.6.3 Warm the heel, toe or finger, then sterilize area with surgical spirit and allow to air dry.
6.6.4 Press lancet into foot, toe or finger, prick and wipe away the first drop.
6.6.5 Add whole blood drops-50uL into each circle, appropriately and directly to the circles on the
filters under sterile conditions. Make sure that each circle is completely filled.
6.6.6 Fill AT LEAST 3 CIRCLES and place filter paper onto a drying rack. Each filter should be placed
in a separate slot to avoid cross-contamination.
6.6.7 Place drying rack in a laminar flow hood for filters to dry overnight (at least 16hrs). Alternatively,
if hood is not available, the filters can be air dried horizontally on a bench at room temperature
6.6.8 Keep drying filter papers away from direct sunlight, heat, dust, water or bugs.

7.0 Criteria for rejecting laboratory specimen

7.1 Refer to Sample Rejection criteria SOP
8.0 References:
8.1 Monica Cheesbrough: District Laboratory Practice in tropical countries :2nd Edition, Part I
8.2 NASCOP EID Job aids
8.3 Algorithm for early diagnosis of HIV infection in children, Ministry of public health &
sanitation (Aug 2012)
8.4 Hematology: Sample Rejection Criteria

9.0 Appendix

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Expiry August 2025
SOP Read and Understanding log

10.0 SOP Training Log

I have read, understood and agree to follow the SOP as documented:

No Name Signature Date


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Expiry August 2025







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From August 2023
Expiry August 2025

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