Major Project Nov 30th Revised
Major Project Nov 30th Revised
Major Project Nov 30th Revised
Students How 2
A newsletter for you, the college student who wants to learn how to do everything better, easier or cheaper
ommunity is something The importance of
that most people say being on campus
is important to them,
including college stu- Campus ministries can
dents. Being in a community helps be an essential resource
students thrive academically, emo- for students seeking to
tionally, and socially. It provides integrate their faith o
a safety net during challenging spirituality into their
times and enhances the college ex- college experience. They
perience, contributing to personal provide a supportive and
growth and lifelong connections. nurturing environmen-
for students to explore,
History of college ministry Benjamin Tugwell preaching at Integrity Church
express, and deepen their
religious beliefs while navigating
Ministries have been on college the challenges and opportunities of and guidance to students during
campuses for decades, going back higher education. These ministries this time but also wisdom as college
to 1729 at the University of Ox- are led by chaplains, clergy mem- students think through these major
ford, according to a Steve Murrel bers, or religious leaders dedicated life decisions.” Loy continues to
article. A campus ministry is a to serving students' spiritual needs explain that all college students are
religious or faith-based organi- on campus. looking for guidance, and ministry
zation or group that operates on Cameron Loy, a previous em- can have great benefits towards this.
college or university campuses to ployee for a campus ministry called
provide students spiritual support, Campus Outreach, and now an em- The steps it takes
guidance, and community. ployee for a church in Greenville,
Campus ministries can affiliate Loy explains further the impor- Ministry at a university takes mul-
with various religious traditions tance of campus ministries. "Col- tiple steps, beginning with identi-
or denominations, or they may be lege students, more than any other fying and defining the purpose and
interfaith organizations that serve group, I believe, are trying to figure mission. The mission can be in the
students of diverse religious and out who they are.” Loy explains that way of spiritual support, commu-
spiritual backgrounds. college students are trying to make nity service, or evangelism. Assem-
huge life decisions and establish bling a group of people who share
themselves. “Having college minis- the same passion for the mission of
ters on campuses provides comfort ministering to college students is a
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large part of all of this. Once a team forms, you "One of the most impactful elements of minis-
need to make yourself known. Secure a meeting tering to college students is influencing their lives
place and begin to advertise who you are on the while they are experiencing some of the most
campus or over social media; people need to critical decisions in their lives. It is a joy to watch
know who you are. them grow in the few years we get to serve them.
Organizing events is what brings people in. I have personally
These events can include students getting to gotten to see many students choose to stay in our
know each other at game nights or Bible studies.
Events large or small, informal, or formal, are
the best way to build relationships and be in com-
munity. Remember that campus ministry should
be student-centered, respectful of diverse per-
spectives, and focused on building a supportive
inclusive community.
Sorority By Sarah Sells
oining a sorority at a college eryone else just to fit in isn’t saying
or university can be an excit- yourself. The reason expressing
ing but also anxiety-inducing yourself is so important is because
experience for many girls. The it helps you and the sororities find
social pressure to fit in, make a the best match. Authenticity is val-
good impression, and meet new ued in sororities, and it’s essential
people can trigger or exacerbate to present the real you. They aren’t
anxiety symptoms in some individ- the only ones looking for people to
uals. If you or someone you know is come home, and so are you.
looking to overcome anxiety while
joining a sorority, you’ve come to You’re not alone Student ran to her new sorority
the right place.
excited on their bid days because
If you thought the girls on the they got the sorority they knew
Importance of self-awareness other side weren’t nervous, you
they were meant to be in.
were wrong; I spoke with a current
I want first to point out self-aware- member of Tri Sigma today. Claire
ness. Understanding your anxiety Mental health
Smith stated in our interview, “I get
triggers and symptoms. Self-aware- nervous every time a rush party is
ness is the first step in managing You need to seek support and
about to begin.” Not only did I get
anxiety effectively. I would suggest prioritize your mental health at
to speak with a current member,
doing thorough research on the so- the end of the day. Sororities often
but I also spoke with someone who
rorities available at your university. have resources and support net-
just went through the recruitment
Looking into their values, philan- works to assist members in dealing
process, and odds are she just
thropy, and what kind of activities with various challenges, including
joined Sigma. Her name is Megan
they do can help you choose one mental health issues. The univer-
Helvey, and her story was that she
that aligns with your interests and sities and colleges also provide
just went through recruitment and
personality. Another huge tip is to counseling services to help man-
was so nervous no sorority would
try practicing having conversations age your anxiety. Always remem-
want her because she was a junior.
with either your friends or family ber that it is entirely normal to feel
She said, “I want girls to know
and pretend you don’t know them anxious when stepping into new
being older, the way you look, and
social situations, and many people
and want to get to know them. that having anxiety or maybe just
experience similar feelings during
Doing this is the best practice and being nervous doesn’t mean a thing
sorority recruitment. Overcoming
will enhance your social skills and and that these girls are looking for
anxiety is a gradual process, and it
confidence. genuine sweet people who mean
is essential to be patient with your-
Sorority recruitment outfits are well, it is such a normal emotion to
self. I hope you use these strategies
the one thing that has been blown be nervous, and you shouldn’t be
and seek support so that you can
out of proportion. The first thing scared of that.” Claire and Megan
make the sorority experience a
you want to do during rush is both agreed that the end relief
more positive and rewarding one.
express yourself; dressing like ev- made it all worth it. Both were
Student at her new sorority
house celebrating
Photo by Katerina Griffis
You should be getting
Laughter is the
YOUR ANXIETY at least 6 hours
of sleep
best medicine
Talk to people
(friends, family,
Taking care of your
limits yourself from
and professionals) self is most bad hadits
Both the content for this newsletter and the design are created by students enrolled
in COMM 3310 Copy Editing and Design in the School of Communication at East
Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina during the Spring and Fall
semesters under the direction of course instructor Barbara Bullington.