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Parvovirus Erythema infectiosum or 5th Slapped-cheek appearance Respiratory droplet Self-limiting

disease Oral secretions Supportive treatment

Human Papilloma Cutaneous warts (latent) Cauliflower growth Direct contact (skin to Surgery, chemicals,
Virus (HPV) Anogenital warts skin) laser
Indirect contact (linens, Interferon
etc) HPV vaccine
Sexual contact Safe sex practices

HSV Type 1 Herpes labialis Cold sores Direct/indirect contact Hygiene

Gingivostomatitis Sexual contact Sanitation
Gential herpes (latent) Safe sex practice

HSV Type 2 Herpes Genitalis Genital Herpes Sexual contact

VZV Varicella-Zoster Varicella/chicken pox Trunk/scalp – extremities Respiratory droplet Vaccination

Macule – papule – vesicles

Herpes-Zoster Virus Reactivation – herpes Neuralgia – cranial nerve Reactivation of latent

zoster/shingles involvement VZV

EBV Infectious mononucleosis – Tonsilitis Oral secretions Hygiene

kissing disease (latent, Throat involvement Kissing Sanitation
oncogenic) Cough
Lymph node

CMV Resembling of IM

Variola Virus Small pox/variola Macule – vesicles Respiratory droplet Vaccination

Disfigurement Totally eradicated

Variolation – inhale the

sample vesicle
Hepa A HAV Acute hepatitis Jaundice Via oral-fecal route Self-limiting
Hepa E HEV Ingestion Sanitation
Good practice of food

Hepa B HBV Leads to liver carcinoma Sexual contact Vaccination

Hepa C HCV Parenteral route Safe-sex practice
Hepa D HDV Transplacental route

Rotavirus Food, water Self-limiting


Rhinovirus Common colds Respiratory droplet Self-limiting

Otitis media sinusitis Supportive treatment

Poliovirus Polio Paralysis Ingestion

Norwalk Virus / Nausea Ingestion Proper food preparation

Norovirus Diarrhea Oral-fecal route Hygiene

Rubella Virus German measles/rubella Rashes (Head to neck to Pregnant women (can Vaccination on
extremities) infect the placenta and pregnant women
Swollen lymph nodes infect the fetus)
Respiratory droplet

Dengue Virus Dengue hemorrhagic fever Persistent fever Biological vector Eradication of vector
Rashes on the gut area Reservoir: female Aedes Repellants
Abdominal fever mosquito

Zika Virus Zika virus infection Pregnant women (fetus Biological vector - Eradication of vector
microcephaly) mosquito Repellants

Human HIV infection Asymptomatic Parenteral route Safe sex practice

Immunodeficiency AIDS Sexual contact
Virus HIV Immunocompromised Transplacental
(opportunistic infections)

Influenza Flu Respiratory droplet Vaccination – artificial

AH, N, Type A Common colds passive
Influenza Self-limiting
Supportive treatment
Rabies Rabies Fever, depression Animal bite Anti-rabies vaccine
Painful spasms followed by
excessive saliva

Death within a week without


Mumps Mumps or Parotitis Fever MMR Vaccination

Swelling and tenderness of
salivary gland (parotid)

Measles Rubeola Koplik spots (rashes in oral Respiratory droplet MMR Vaccination
areas in inner cheek and Direct and indirect
tongue) contact

Ebola Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Diarrhea and vomiting Direct contact with blood, Self-limiting
secretions of infected Isolation of infected
Internal and external person person
Contact with
contaminated objects

Coronavirus COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 Fever Respiratory droplet Frequent handwashing

Dry Cough Direct and Indirect Wearing of masks
Shortness of Breath contact (surfaces)

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