Communicable Diseases 2.4-5.22
Communicable Diseases 2.4-5.22
Communicable Diseases 2.4-5.22
o HEPA A – infectious hepa
o HEPA B – serum hepa
o HEPA C – post transfusion hepa
o HEPA D – delta agent hepa
(complication of Hepa B)
o HEPA E – enteric heap
2 MOT:
o Orofecal: Hepa tAE
o Blood borne – BCD
o Acute – heap A & E
o Chronic – heap B, C & D
o Pre-icteric: fatigue, N/V, anorexia
o Icteric: Jaundice, dark urine, acholic
(grey-colored) stool
o Post-icteric: recovery stage
Med Mngt:
o Antibiotics depends on amount and
duration of hepa
4. The weakest link, in the chain of infection
is *
a. Portal of entry, prevention is better than cure.
b. Portal of exit, if proper isolation technique is
observed, it will prevent spread of infection.
c. Mode of transmission. – break the link
d. Causative agent, identifying properly the cause,
will give immediate and proper medical and nursing
5. It is a type of a carrier of which a person
POST-TEST: incubates the illness. *
a. Incubatory carrier
d. Chronic carrier
Total points13/25
PREPARED BY: PROF. ARCHIE ALVIZ 6. A student asked a nurse, on what is the
difference between a vaccine and toxoid. *
a. Toxoid is live attenuated bacteria while vaccine
1. The nurse understands that an infection
contains bacterial endotoxins.
becomes contagious when it? * b. Vaccine is stronger than a toxoid.
a. It is communicable. c. Toxoid are live attenuated toxins while vaccines
b. It is infectious, affecting other person contains contain dead bacteria.
c. It is easily transmitted from one person to d. Toxoid contains modified bacteria toxins while
another. vaccine has weakened bacteria.
d. It does not infect a person.
2. If greater than expected number of cases of CLIENTS WITH LEPTOSPIROSIS
a given disease arises suddenly in a specific
7. The causative agent of leptospirosis is *
area over specific period, it can be a. Interogans leptospira
considered * b. Leptospira interogans
a. Endemic c. Interogans Leptos
b. Sporadic d. Lepto Interogans
c. Pandemic
d. Epidemic
8. Leptospirosis’ mode of transmission is
3. When a microbe has the ability to survive through direct contact with *
a. Droplet
outside the body, this is known as *
b. Soiled clothing with secretions
a. Specificity
c. Vegetation contaminated with urine of infected
b. Virulence
c. viability
d. Infected rats
d. antigenecity
9. As a Public Health nurse, who of the 14. Humans diagnosed with Lyssa will usually
following group you should emphasize on last for 2 to 6 days if not given with medical
their awareness with leptospirosis. * attention. This is mainly due to *
a. Medical health Workers a. Respiratory paralysis
b. Street and Market Vendors b. Systemic Viremia
c. Masseurs c. Shock
d. Miners d. Renal collapse
10. As a prophylaxis for leptospirosis, a client 15. As a public nurse you should remind the
asked the nurse, on what measures he can public about rabies infection, that they can do
take * which of the following actions to prevent and
a. Take a vaccine manage rabies, EXCEPT? *
b. Take a toxoid a. Can ask for anti-tetanus immunization
c. Take doxycycline b. Can wash wound thoroughly with soap and water
d. Take penicillin c. Immunized pet once to protect from infection
d. Consult veterinarian or trained personnel when
11. The nurse educated a client who recovered observing pets suspected with rabies.
21. You are in the community and you
assisted a boy who was bitten by a dog. The
bite area was bleeding. You should *
a. Stop the bleeding, immediately
b. Wash the area with water and soap
c. Do not stop the bleeding
d. Assess the client’s level of consciousness.
23. This is when the respiratory center of the
client is already affected. *
a. Non paralytic poliomyelitis
b. Paralytic poliomyelitis
c. Non Bulbar paralytic poliomyelitis
d. Bulbar paralytic poliomyelitis