Tanish Mehta Resume
Tanish Mehta Resume
Tanish Mehta Resume
A self-mo vated post graduate with high analy cal and problem-solving skills looking for roles in analy cs. Seeking to use proven
technical, crea ve and business oriented skills in approaching anything e ciently.
Power BI
• Secondary research by collec ng the data from internet of smartphones of year (2015-2020) in which implemented a
comprehensive data analy cs solu on using Power BI, aimed at predic ng which smart phones had more demand.
• Leveraged Power BI's advanced features to extract, transform, and visualise complex datasets, resul ng in ac onable
insights for stakeholders.
• Developed interac ve dashboards and reports, e ec vely presen ng key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics.
MS Excel
• Executed a comprehensive data management project u lising Excel func onali es to op mise data organisa on, analysis,
and repor ng.
• U lised formulas, func ons, and macros to e ciently process large datasets.
• Created dynamic charts and graphs to visually represent complex informa on using pivot tables.
Chitkara University Rajpura (2020-2022)
MBA In Business Analy cs, CGPA: 8.86/10
Panipat Ins tute of Engineering and Technology Panipat (2017-2020)
BBA in Management, Percentage 63/100