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Simulation and Control of

Guided Ram Air Parafoils


Brent Edward Tweddle

A report
presented to the University of Waterloo
in fulfilment of the
requirement for the course of
ECE 499
in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2006

c Brent Tweddle, 2006

August 2006
I hereby confirm that I have received no further help other than what is men-
tioned in writing this report. I also confirm this report has not been previously
submitted for academic credit at this or any other academic institution.

Brent Edward Tweddle
August 29, 2006

This report describes the investigation of the modeling, simulation and control
of a guided ram air parafoil. The purpose of this research is to develop a system
that can deliver a payload through a one meter by one meter window. Although
this goal was not achieved, this investigation represents the fist stage of research
toward this goal. This report presents the basics of parachute flight, the details
of the modeling and simulation for a six degree of freedom system and the design
of the guidance and control system. Conclusions and future recommendations are
presented at the end of this report.

There are a number of people that I would like to thank for their help in prepar-
ing and writing this report.
I am grateful to my supervisor Professor David Wang for all of the assistance
and support he has provided in all stages of writing this report. I would like to
thank Matthew Black for his help with the parachute and for answering my many
questions on mechanics and dynamics. Rick Hummel and the rest of the staff at
the Waterloo Region Emergency Services Training and Research Center have been
very helpful in providing such an excellent testing location for the parachute free
of charge.


1 Introduction 1

2 Overview of Parachute Design 4

2.1 Parafoil Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Parafoil Design Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3 Overview of Dynamic Models 12

4 Six Degree-of-Freedom Modelling and Simulation 14

4.1 Derivation of Rigid Body Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1.1 Force Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.2 Moment Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.3 Navigation Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.4 Kinematic Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.5 Summary of Rigid Body Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2 Generation of Forces and Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2.1 Free Body Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3 Apparent Mass Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.4 Wind Disturbances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.5 Sensor Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.6 Parachute System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.7 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5 Nine Degree of Freedom Simulation 41

6 Guidance, Navigation and Control System Design 43

6.1 Guidance System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.2 Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.3 Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.4 System Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
6.5 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.5.1 Pole Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.5.2 H-Infinity Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.5.3 Model Predictive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

7 Conclusions and Future Recommendations 65

7.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
7.2 Future Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

A Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method 67

B Matlab m-Files 69

List of Figures

1.1 WARG Guided Ram Air Parachute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 United States Marine Corps MC1-1C[31] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2 Drawings from Original Parafoil Patent[25] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Simplified Illustration of Ram Air Parafoil and Payload[19] . . . . . 7
2.4 Parafoil Canopy[28] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Display Jumper Landing a Ram Air Parachute[43] . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 Parafoil Angles[29] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7 Dihedral and Anhedral Angles[29] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.1 NASA X-38 Parachute System [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.1 Roll, Pitch and Yaw Directions for an Airplane [38] . . . . . . . . . 15

4.2 Longitudinal Free Body Diagram of Ram-Air Parachute System[29] 21
4.3 Ram Air Parafoil Coefficient of Lift for Various Aspect Ratios[29] . 23
4.4 Longitudinal Aerodynamic Coefficients[22] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.5 Lateral Aerodynamic Database for 10o Rigging Angle[29] . . . . . . 24
4.6 Lateral Aerodynamic Database for 13o Rigging Angle[29] . . . . . . 24
4.7 Parafoil Geometry[30] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.8 Volumetric Representations of Apparent Mass and Moments[30] . . 29
4.9 No Control Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.10 No Control Input: XYZ Position - North, East, Up (m) . . . . . . . 35
4.11 No Control Input: XYZ Velocity - Body Fixed Axis (m/s) . . . . . 36

4.12 No Control Input: Euler Angles (degrees) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.13 No Control Input: Angular Rates (degrees per second . . . . . . . . 37
4.14 No Control Input: Angle of Attack (degrees) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.15 No Control Input: Net Velocity (m/s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.16 Braking Control Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.17 Braking Control Input: XYZ Position - North, East, Up (m) . . . . 39
4.18 Braking Control Input: XYZ Velocity - Body Fixed Axis (m/s) . . 39
4.19 Braking Control Input: Euler Angles (degrees) . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

6.1 Guidance, Navigation and Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

6.2 Pole Placement with Integral Control Block Diagram . . . . . . . . 61

List of Tables

4.1 Simulator Parameter Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.2 Aerodynamic Coefficient Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Chapter 1


The University of Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) is competing in the

International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) that requires teams to build
a system of autonomous aerial vehicles that can complete a specific mission that
consists of a number of stages must be completed. The first stage requires the
team to fly a vehicle through a three kilometer course of Global Positioning System
(GPS) way-points to a final destination. In the second stage, the team’s vehicles
must search the area for a building with a specific visual symbol, and find a one
meter by one meter open window on that building. The requirements of the third
stage are to enter the open window and search the interior of the building for
visual reconnaissance information. The fourth and final stage requires the team to
complete the first three levels together in less than 15 minutes [33].
The IARC does not specify what types of vehicles can be used to accomplish
these objectives. WARG has chosen a unique strategy that utilizes a system of
multiple vehicles together as a coordinated system. A fixed wing aircraft will fly
the three kilometer course and search the city with onboard cameras. Once the
airplane has found the open window it will launch a small guided ram air parafoil
that will enter the window and deliver a small ground robot. The small ground
robot will drive through the interior of the building searching for the necessary
information [11].
A fixed wing aircraft was chosen to travel the distance and search the city
because it is a naturally stable platform and it can travel at high speeds. Other
university teams have chosen a helicopter [15, 10] for this role for its hovering
capabilities, however a helicopter is naturally unstable [14]. Additionally, a small
helicopter can not travel as fast as an airplane. The last stage of the mission will be

performed by a small ground robot that is simple, light weight and maneuverable
A number of options exist for how to get a small vehicle through the window and
inside the building. Teams that are using helicopters plan to lower the helicopter
to the same altitude as the window and then either extend an arm through the
window that drops off their robot, or shoot their robot into the building with a
small compressed gas canon. WARG feels that there is a very high likelihood
that the helicopter blades may make contact with a nearby object resulting in a
catastrophic crash [11]. Other teams that are using airplanes like WARG, have
considered launching ballistic missiles through the window with minimal levels of
control [27]. This drawback of this strategy is that there exists the risk that the
vehicle will enter the window with a very high speed, which means there is very
little chance for trajectory correction and the system may be damaged on impact.
For this reason, WARG proposed the use of a small ram air parachute [11] to
enter the window as seen in Figure 1.1. Ram air parachutes are naturally stable,
highly maneuverable and fly at a relatively slow speed. A ram air parachute would
be dropped from an airplane at an altitude of 200 to 700 feet above ground level.
An onboard computer would be given the co-ordinates of the target window and
would guide the parachute through the window using measurements from a GPS
and attitude heading reference system (AHRS).
This poses a very difficult problem for the parachute. It must be able to hit
a one meter by one meter window on the side of a building while correcting for
any wind disturbances caused by flying in an urban area. Other errors will be
present in the co-ordinates in the window due to the fact that these co-ordinates
were measured from a camera onboard a moving airplane.
Although this goal may seem very difficult, skilled skydivers can consistently
jump from 1000 feet and hit their target within three centimeters [6]. Additionally,
commercial autonomous parachutes in industry are now able to land within 75
meters of their target when dropped from 25,000 feet [24]. As a result, it is believed
that this goal is difficult, but not impossible.
The ability to control a ram air parafoil is a topic that has been investigated
from a number of perspectives in various published papers. Slegers and Costello [39],
[40] derive a dynamic model for a small guided parachute and present a method for
controlling it using model predictive control. Their experimental results allow them
to land within six feet of their desired target. Jann [26] discussed a simplified three
and four degree of freedom model for a parafoil along with the design of a guidance,
navigation and control system that was successfully simulated to include sensor

Figure 1.1: WARG Guided Ram Air Parachute

errors, parameter variations and unknown winds. These results will be investigated
further throughout this report.
The remainder of this report will present a strategy for controlling a parachute
accurately enough to meet these objectives.
Throughout the course of this paper it will be assumed that the reader is familiar
with a number of topics. If not, there are a number of standard texts available that
cover these topics. The reader should be familiar with basic aircraft design [2], rigid
body dynamics [18], classical control theory [9], state space control systems [4] and
some of the basics of aircraft stability and control [16, 41].

Chapter 2

Overview of Parachute Design

Parachute systems are used for a large variety of applications ranging from pay-
load delivery to braking applications. All of these types of systems are technically
referred to by the term aerodynamic decelerators. This report focuses on the ap-
plication of a parachute system for payload delivery.
The basic design for a payload delivery system has two main components, a
heavy payload that is connected by a set of lines to a light weight fabric parachute.
There are a large variety of designs for the parachute and payload components. The
payload design is normally constrained by the application; however the payload is
normally designed to have structural integrity, reduce aerodynamic drag, support
parachute inflation. In some cases the payload includes a propulsion system to add
thrust to the system. In this report, payload design will not be investigated and it
will be assumed that no propulsion system is used.
The simplest parachute design is the circular ballistic parachute. This canopy
appears hemispherical in design when fully inflated and decreases the speed of the
payload by increasing drag. Parachutes of this type can not glide long distances
and are not maneuverable. The basic circular parachute design was modified to
use vents on either side of the canopy to allow maneuverability. Opening a vent on
one side of the parachute would cause air to escape on that side and create a net
thrust in the opposite direction. The most popular parachute of this type was the
MC1-1B military personnel parachute[28] shown below in Figure 2.1.
More complex canopy designs offer better performance than the circular parachute.
The most popular example is the ram air parafoil that was patented in 1966 by
Jalbert[25]. The drawings from this patent can be seen in Figure 2.2. A simplified
illustration of this system can be seen in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.1: United States Marine Corps MC1-1C[31]

The main benefit of this design is that it offers the highest glide ratio (Lift/Drag
ratio). The ram air parafoil glide ratio generally ranges from 2.8 to 3.5 while the
glide ratio of the MC1-1B is only 0.75 [28]. The remainder of this report will focus
only on ram air parafoils. Other types of canopy designs for parachute systems are
described by Knacke [28].
Figure 2.4 shows a side profile of the ram air parachute along with a top view
diagram of the rectangular parafoil design. The ram air parachute has the cross
section of an airfoil and is essentially an inflatable wing. Typically an airfoil with a
good lift to drag ratio is chosen to maximize the gliding performance. The Clark Y
airfoil is a popular airfoil choice. Although recently airfoils from gliders have been
used such as the Lissaman 7808 [29]. The top-down shape of the canopy, called
the planform, is usually rectangular or elliptical with a low aspect ratio. Elliptical
parafoils are similar to rectangular parafoils, except that in order to offer higher

Figure 2.2: Drawings from Original Parafoil Patent[25]

turn rates their tips have been rounded to reduce drag, especially during turning.
In order to inflate the parafoil, the canopy has an opening on the leading edge
of the parafoil. The airstream creates air pressure inside the canopy that retains
the parafoil’s rigidity and allows it to maintain its shape. The inside of the parafoil
has vertical supports attached at regular distances along the span of the parafoil
that divides the canopy into a number of cells. These cells ensure that the top
and bottom of the parafoil do not separate and also reduce turbulence. Decreasing
the turbulence helps reduce the chance that the parafoil will deflate and collapse.
Despite this, individual cells may still collapse and cause catastrophic results. One
or more cells in a parafoil will collapse if the parafoil stalls for any reason, such as
not enough airspeed or too high an angle of attack.
There are two sets of control lines that are attached to the back, or trailing, edge
of the canopy on both sides of the airfoil. These lines can be pulled independently
to change the curvature, or camber, of the parafoil on its outer edges. Since one set

Figure 2.3: Simplified Illustration of Ram Air Parafoil and Payload[19]

of control surfaces can be used to control the pitch and yaw of the vehicle, these
control surfaces are called flaperons by definition. These flaperons can act as either
ailerons, if the pilot only deflects one side, or they can act as flaps, if the pilot
deflects both sides equally. However, Knacke labels the flaperons as simply flaps in
the diagram in Figure 2.4.

2.1 Parafoil Deployment

Most parachute systems do not begin with the canopy fully deployed and inflated,
but rather have the canopy packed in a bag waiting for release. Parafoil systems
commonly used in the skydiving industry will begin the deployment of the canopy
by releasing a drogue chute. A drogue chute is normally a small circular parachute
that is attached to the top of the main parafoil canopy and will pull the parafoil
out of its bag.
There are a number of requirements for the deployment system to function
properly. The parachute system must not have any tangled lines since the parafoil
is not designed to be able to recover from this. The opening on the leading edge
of the canopy must be pointed into the direction of airflow; otherwise the canopy
will not inflate. The flaps must be set to a braking position (normally 50% of full
stroke) so that the parafoil will not lurch forward and over top of itself before the
canopy can inflate. Provided these conditions are met, there are a large variety of
ways to pack a parachute. Parachute experts claim that ”‘ram-air parachutes are

Figure 2.4: Parafoil Canopy[28]

very reliable. In fact, it is difficult to pack one so it won’t open.”’[35] It is beyond

the scope of this report to discuss the details of parachute packing any further.
Since the opening of the parachute can provide large deceleration forces to the
payload, a number of methods have been developed to open the parachute more
slowly thereby spreading the force out over time. Techniques for incrementally
opening the parachute are referred to as reefing systems. There exists a large num-
ber of reefing methods for various types of parachutes. Ram air parafoils commonly
use a slider reefing system. All of the lines (except the control lines) are run through
four holes in a piece of rectangular fabric called a slider. The slider can then slide
up and down the canopy lines. The position of the slider on the canopy lines limits
how much the parafoil can be open. When the slider is near the top, the parafoil
can barely open at all. When the slider is near the bottom, the parafoil can be fully
deployed. The slider is placed near the top of the canopy lines before it is packed so
that when the parachute is deployed the parafoil will not be allowed to open very

Figure 2.5: Display Jumper Landing a Ram Air Parachute[43]

much. However, the slider will slowly fall down the canopy lines due to gravity and
the force of the canopy lines trying to open, thereby opening the canopy more and
more until it is fully deployed.

2.2 Parafoil Design Parameters

There are two main design parameters that are commonly used to adjust the
parachute performance. They are rigging angle and anhedral angle. The rigging
angle can be seen in Figure 2.6 as τ .
The rigging angle is the angle between the parafoil’s reference line (which is at
a right angle with the plumb line) and the chord line, which follows the center of
the airfoil. It is generally desirable for the rigging angle to be small because this
increases the angle of attack, which extends the glide slope. Additionally smaller
rigging angles result in higher responsiveness for lateral turns. However the smaller
the rigging angle, the greater the chance is that the parafoil will stall and collapse.
Typically the rigging angle is between 5 and 15 degrees [23].
Most low wing airplanes have their wings angled upwards, which is referred to
as dihedral angle. When the wings are angled downwards it is called anhedral. The
parafoil is usually configured to have a significant anhedral angle, approximately

Figure 2.6: Parafoil Angles[29]

20 degrees, which is commonly referred to as crown rigging. Both dihedral and

anhedral angles are illustrated in Figure 2.7 as β. This is also different from flat
rigging, which has a very small anhedral angle and is sometimes used in parachutes
that are designed to be sluggish for beginning skydivers.
The turning method for a parafoil differs from that of a normal airplane. An
airplane will use its differential control surfaces to roll the vehicle and use its lift to
turn in the direction of the bank. A parafoil will use its flaperons in a differential
mode to increase the differential drag across the span of the parafoil. This causes
the vehicle to skid through a turn without banking. It is important to note that a
parafoil would turn in the opposite direction that an airplane would turn with the
same aileron deflections. In other words, if the starboard surface was set down and
the port surface set up on an airplane and a parafoil, the airplane would turn in
the port direction while the parafoil would turn in the starboard direction. Despite
the fact that a parafoil uses skid turning it will still enter a bank due to centrifugal
forces acting on the payload. This bank will be very large since the payload body

Figure 2.7: Dihedral and Anhedral Angles[29]

is far below the parafoil.

The crown rigging is largely responsible for the skid turning in parafoils. This
is because the deflection on the edges of the parafoil creates an increase in lift that
does not contribute much towards a banking moment because it is angled outwards
because of the anhedral angle. However the drag is not affected by the anhedral
angle and continues to produce differential drag that contributes towards the skid
turning moment. Therefore an increase in the anhedral angle causes faster turning
performance. However the tradeoff is that there is less lift, which reduces the glide

Chapter 3

Overview of Dynamic Models

The dynamic models for ram air parachutes can generally be broken down into two
categories; those that model the parachute and payload as a single rigid body or
those that model them as two seperate bodies. As a single rigid body the parafoil
is assumed to be lock in position and orientation with the payload. In the two
body models, there are a number of degrees of freedom between the parafoil and
payload. In these systems the number of degrees of freedom can range from only
one or two degrees of freedom (for example if the payload can only rotate on the
yaw axis with respect to the parafoil) to a full six degrees of freedom where all
aspects of the payload can move with respect to the parafoil.
A number of papers describe the single rigid body approach using six degrees of
freedom [39], [37], [13]. The models that utilize two seperate rigid bodies usually
assume the positions of the two bodies are fixed with respect to each other and that
only the attitude of the two bodies will be different. This results in dynamic models
that have eight [22], [21] and nine [40] degrees of freedom [40]. It is interesting to
note that three and four degree of freedom models were developed by Jann [26],
however they are only claimed to be valid in steady state conditions.
It is worthwhile to note that the only experimental work that was done using
the two body approach [22, 21] used a parafoil that had a 121.5 feet span and can
be seen in Figure 3.1.
It is reasonable to assume that a small parachute system will experience smaller
differences in attitude between the payload and parafoil that a large parachute
system will. This seems intuitive because the wind disturbances in the area will be
more different the further away two objects are.
All dynamic models will build up the forces and moments on the parafoil by

Figure 3.1: NASA X-38 Parachute System [1]

utilizing aerodynamic stability derivatives that may be linear or non-linear. The

experimental identification and derivation of these coefficients are the topic of a
number of papers [39], [40], [37], [22], [21], [13] and [5]. This type of model considers
uncertainty as variation in the aerodynamic coefficients and disturbances, such as
wind, as additive forces and moments.

Chapter 4

Six Degree-of-Freedom Modelling

and Simulation

In the chapter a six degree of freedom model will be used to simulate a ram air
parachute system. This model uses three degrees of freedom for position and three
degrees of freedom for orientation. The orientation uses Euler angles which con-
tain singularities at certain orientations. This problem could be avoided by using
quaternions, which create a seven degree of freedom model; however since it can
be assumed that the parachute vehicle will fly mostly straight and level, the use of
Euler angles is acceptable for this application.
The six degree of freedom model assumes that the payload will remain at a
fixed orientation and location with respect to the parafoil. This can be a valid
assumption for parachute systems where the payload and parafoil are close enough
to each other that they both experience the same wind effects. This assumption
can be invalidated by high gusting winds, parafoil collapse or extreme maneuvers.
Models with more than six degrees of freedom will be briefly discussed later in this
The following sections will outline the development of a six degree of freedom
simulator that was implemented in Matlab[32].

4.1 Derivation of Rigid Body Equations
Six degree of freedom equations of motion are presented by Stevens and Lewis and
derived throughout the course of their text[41]. They assume that the earth can be
modelled as a flat plane and that the rotation of the earth is negligable, which is
valid for short flights covering small areas. In this section, these equations will be
presented and derived in a form that is directly applicable building a state space
model for a parachute system.
To begin, let φ, θ and ψ represent the roll, pitch and yaw of the vehicle respec-
tively and let P , Q and R represent the roll, pitch and yaw rates respectively. The
roll, pitch and yaw directions are shown in Figure 4.1. Also, let pN , pE and pU rep-
resent the location of the rigid body in the inertial reference frame using the north,
east and up convention. Let U , V and W represent the velocity of the vehicle with
respect to the body fixed axes. It is important to note that it is convention in the
aerospace industry to use the velocity of the vehicle with respect to the body frame
rather than the inertial frame. This convention is not used in other industries,
however it makes sense in aerospace applications since these are the velocities that
a pilot onboard the vehicle would see. From the pilot’s perspective in an aircraft,
the U velocity is positive in the forward direction towards the nose of the plane.
The V velocity is positive in the starboard direction and the W velocity is positive
in the downwards direction.

Figure 4.1: Roll, Pitch and Yaw Directions for an Airplane [38]

With these variables we can define the state of the system as:

x = [pN , pE , pU , φ, θ, ψ, U, V, W, P, Q, R]T (4.1)

These variables can be grouped as follows for simplicity:
 
p =  pE  (4.2)
Φ= θ  (4.3)
v= V  (4.4)
ω= Q  (4.5)

Now, the state can be simplified:

 Φ 
x= 
 v  (4.6)

Additionally, let F and M represent the vector of the applied forces and mo-
ments. Let m represent the total mass and J represent the three by three inertia
 
Jxx −Jxy −Jxz
J = −Jxy Jyy −Jyz  (4.7)
−Jxz −Jyz Jzz

Where the moment of inertia about the x-axis is:

Jxx = (y 2 + z 2 ) dm (4.8)

Also, the cross product of inertia is:

Jxy ≡ Jyx = xy dm (4.9)

Let Cb/i be the direction cosine matrix that will transfer a inertial frame vector
u to a body frame vector ub . The direction cosine matrix is made up of the

multiplication of three seperate rotation matricies Cφ , Cθ and Cψ . Each of which

is a rotation about its own axis.

ub = Cb/i ui (4.10)
= Cφ Cθ Cψ u (4.11)

Since matrix multiplications do not commute, this implies a specific order to the
rotations. This order is yaw first, pitch second and roll third. This is the standard
convention in the aerospace industry.

 
1 0 0
Cφ = 0 cos φ sin φ  (4.12)
0 − sin φ cos φ
 
cos θ 0 sin θ
Cθ =  0 1 0  (4.13)
− sin θ 0 cos θ
 
cos ψ sin ψ 0
Cψ = − sin ψ cos ψ 0 (4.14)
0 0 1


Cb/i =
 
cos(θ) cos(ψ) cos(θ) sin(ψ) − sin(θ)
− cos(φ) sin(ψ) + sin(ψ) sin(θ) cos(ψ) cos(φ) cos(ψ) + sin(ψ) sin(θ) sin(ψ) sin(φ) cos(θ) 
sin(φ) sin(ψ) + cos(ψ) sin(θ) cos(ψ) − sin(φ) cos(ψ) + cos(ψ) sin(θ) sin(ψ) cos(φ) cos(θ)

4.1.1 Force Equations
The force equations will be derived from basic laws of physics. To begin, let G
be the vector acceleration of gravity in the body fixed frame and g be the scalar
acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared.
   
0 g sin(θ)
G = Cb/i  0  =  −g sin(φ) cos(θ)  (4.16)
−g −g cos(φ) cos(θ)

From Newton’s second law, where the derivative is taken in the body frame:

F + mG = mv
dt (4.17)
= m (v̇ + ω × v)


v̇ = F +G−ω×v (4.18)

4.1.2 Moment Equations

The moment equations can be derived in a similar method to the force equations.
The state space equations for the derivative of angular velocity can be found by
using Newton’s second law for inertial systems.

M= Jω (4.19)
Note that the derivative is taken in the inertial frame which results in the
following equation.

M = J ω̇ + ω × J ω (4.20)

This equation can be rearranged to solve for the derivate of the state variables.

ω̇ = J −1 (M − ω × J ω) (4.21)

4.1.3 Navigation Equations
The navigation equations express a relationship between the positional derivatives ṗ
and the body fixed linear velocities v. This is done by rotating v using the direction
cosine matrix to the inertial frame.

ṗ = Cb/i v (4.22)

4.1.4 Kinematic Equations

In order to derive the kinematic equations of motion a relationship must be found
between the the Euler angles’ derivatives Φ̇ and the body fixed angular velocities
ω. This can be done by writing ω as the sum of Euler angle derivatives written as
individual vectors that are rotated to the body fixed axis using the above rotation
matricies. It is important to set up this equation in the order of roll followed by
pitch followed by yaw. This makes intuitive sense because the roll rate will be
identical in both the inertial and body fixed frames. The pitch rate will need to be
rotated by the roll angle. The yaw rate will need to be rotated. by both the pitch
angle and then by the roll angle.
     
φ̇ 0 0
ω =  0  + Cφ  θ̇  + Cφ Cθ  0  (4.23)
0 0 ψ̇

Simplifying this equation yields:

 
1 0 − sin(θ)
ω = 0 cos(φ) sin(φ) cos(θ)  Φ̇ (4.24)
0 − sin(φ) cos(φ) cos(θ)

Now solving for Φ̇ by inverting the rotation matrix gives the equation below.
 
1 tan θ sin φ tan θ cos φ
Φ̇ = 0 cos(φ) − sin(φ)  ω (4.25)
0 sin(φ)/ cos θ cos(φ)/ cos θ

The above rotation matrix will be defined as H(Φ) and can be rewritten. Notice
that H(Φ) has a determinent of cos1 θ . This means that as the pitch of the body
approaches ±90o , the kinematic equations will become singular.

Φ̇ = H(Φ) ω (4.26)

The above equation gives the kinematic relationship in the required form for a
state space system.

4.1.5 Summary of Rigid Body Equations

Below is a summary of all of the rigid body equations needed for a state space
simulation of a six degree of freedom system using aerospace conventions.

v̇ = F +G−ω×v (4.27)
ω̇ = J −1 (M − ω × J ω) (4.28)
ṗ = Cb/i v (4.29)
Φ̇ = H(Φ) ω (4.30)

4.2 Generation of Forces and Moments

4.2.1 Free Body Diagram

The following free body diagram shows the longitudinal forces and moments applied
to the parachute system.

Figure 4.2: Longitudinal Free Body Diagram of Ram-Air Parachute System[29]

The diagram shows three center points in the system that are marked by a circle
divided into four black and white quadrants. The top point is the aerodynamic
center of the parafoil that is assumed to be located at the quarter chord point of
the airfoil. This is also assumed to be the center of mass of the parafoil. The
bottom point is the center of mass of the payload. The middle point is the center
of mass of the entire parachute system including the canopy and lines. For the

purposes of this report it will be assumed that the mass of the canopy, mc and lines
are negligible and that the center of mass of the parachute system is located at the
center of mass of the payload. Therefore ms is equal to m.
A number of new angles are introduced in this diagram. The angle α represents
the angle of attack between the wind vector, V , and the parafoil chord. The angle
γ represents the angle between the horizontal plane in the inertial reference frame
and the wind vector experienced by the parafoil. Assuming there is no wind, this
is also the glide slope angle of the parafoil and V is identical to the previously
defined velocity vector v. The rigging angle is labeled as tau in the diagram and
will denoted by τ .
The applied forces Lc and Dc refer to the lift and drag of the parafoil. Ds refers
to the drag of the payload, which we will assume to be zero for simplicity. Mc/4 is
the aerodynamic pitching moment cause by the parafoil. The equations for parafoil
lift forces, drag forces and pitching moments can be written as follows [41].

Lc = ρ VT2 S CL (4.31)
Dc = ρ VT2 S CD (4.32)
Here ρ represents the density of air, VT represents the freestream velocity, S rep-
resents the surface area of the parafoil and CL and CD represent the non-dimensional
coefficients of lift and drag respectively. The coefficients of lift and drag vary for
every type and configuration of parafoil.
The variables that represent the aerodynamic moments for roll, pitch and yaw
are lw , mw and nw respectively. Their non-dimensional coefficients are Cl , Cm and
Cn , which also vary for different parafoils. The equations for these moments are as

lw = ρ VT2 S b Cl (4.33)
mw = ρ VT2 S c̄ Cm (4.34)
nw = ρ VT2 S b Cn (4.35)
In the above equation b and c̄ represent the wingspan and mean aerodynamic
chord respectively.

Obtaining accurate estimates of aerodynamic coefficients is an entire field of
study in and of itself. Theoretical and experimental studies have been performed
to determine these parameters. Figure 4.3 shows the coefficient of lift for a ram
air parafoil in a variety of aspect ratios. Figure 4.4 shows experimentally obtained
longitudinal coefficients obtained from NASA’s X-38 program. This parachute sys-
tem utilized a 15% thick Clark Y airfoil with an aspect ratio of 4.1 and a rigging
angle of 13 degrees. Figure 4.5 and 4.6 shows the lateral coefficients from the
same study for various flap deflections (referred to as delta deflections) and rigging
angles of 10 and 13 degrees. The variable δ in these figures refers to the increase in
deflection on one side of the canopy.

Figure 4.3: Ram Air Parafoil Coefficient of Lift for Various Aspect Ratios[29]

Figure 4.4: Longitudinal Aerodynamic Coefficients[22]

The previously rigid body equations used F and M to refer to the forces and
moments applied to the rigid body. These forces and moments will be taken about

Figure 4.5: Lateral Aerodynamic Database for 10o Rigging Angle[29]

Figure 4.6: Lateral Aerodynamic Database for 13o Rigging Angle[29]

the aerodynamic center of the parafoil for simplicity. This means that the gravi-
tational force that occurs at the center of gravity will need to be converted to a
moment about the aerodynamic center. The center of gravity will be assumed to
occur at a distance zcg away from the aerodynamic center along the z-axis. This
results in the following force and moment equations.

   
sin (α + τ ) cos (α + τ )
F = Lc  0  − Dc  0  (4.36)
− cos (α + τ ) − sin (α + τ )
 
lw − mg zcg sin (φ) cos (θ)
M = mw − mg zcg sin (θ)  (4.37)

Since the forces and moments are not taken about the center of mass, and

the moments and products of inertia are usually taken around the center of mass,
adjustments will need to be made using the parallel axis theorem. The parallel axis
theorem states that the new moment of inertia, Inew is related to the old moment
of inertia, Iold and the mass of the object and distance of the axis translation, m
and d respectively by the equation Inew = Iold + md2 .
Since it was the z-axis that was translated, the moments of inertia about the x-
axis and y-axis, Jxx and Jyy , will need to be modified using the translation distance
zcg . The resulting Jacobian is:

 
Jxx + mzcg −Jxy −Jxz
J =  −Jxy Jyy + mzcg −Jyz  (4.38)
−Jxz −Jyz Jzz

If the moments and forces were taken about a point that was also translated
along the x-axis, the moment of inertia about the z-axis and the product of inertia
in the x-z plane would need to be modified as well. However this will not be
considered for simplicity.

4.3 Apparent Mass Effects
When an object travels through a vacuum, the forces acting upon it are directly
related to the object’s acceleration using Newton’s Second Law, F = ma. When
an object is traveling through a fluid it causes the fluid to move. If the motion
of the object is to change, it must change the movement of the fluid as well. The
existing fluid motion resists this change by applying a pressure on the body. This
pressure is proportional to the object’s acceleration and can be expressed as an
increase in the object’s mass, mAM such that Newton’s second law is changed to
F = (m + mAM )a [30].
Most people have experienced this effect while holding their hand out of a car
window that is driving at highway speeds. If a person’s hand is positioned horizon-
tally there will be no turbulence and the apparent mass effect will be noticeable.
The person’s hand will not feel a great deal of drag pushing their hand back, how-
ever translating their hand up or down in the airstream requires a great deal of
force (assuming they are not changing the angle of attack). To this person it would
feel as if their hand is much heavier than it actually is. This is the apparent mass
It is important to note that all airplanes experience the apparent mass effect;
however for heavy wing loadings, such as those of an airplane, the apparent mass
effect is negligible. For light wing loadings (less than five kilograms per square
meter) such as a parafoil [30].
Lissaman [30] outlines six apparent mass terms; A, the surge term, B, the side-
slip term, C, the plunge term, IA , the roll term, IB the pitch term and IC , the yaw
term. The applied forces and moments due to the apparent mass terms are defined
as follows.

F1 = −A − CW q + BV r (4.39)
F2 = −B − AU r + CW p (4.40)
F3 = −C − BV p + AU q (4.41)
M1 = −IA − (IC − IB )qr − (C − B)W V (4.42)
M2 = −IB − (IA − IC )rp − (A − C)U W (4.43)
M3 = −IC − (IB − IA )pq − (B − A)V U (4.44)

We can simplify these equations by grouping terms.

FAM = [F1 , F2 , F3 ]T (4.46)

MAM = [M1 , M2 , M3 ]T (4.47)
 
A 0 0
KABC =  0 B 0  (4.48)
0 0 C
 
IA 0 0
KIA IB IC =  0 IB 0  (4.49)
0 0 IC


FAM = −KABC v̇ − ω × (KABC v) (4.50)

MAM = −KIA IB IC ω̇ − ω × (KIA IB IC ω) − v × (KABC v) (4.51)

As a result, the applied force, F , and moment, M , acting on the body is a sum
of the apparent mass forces and moments as well as the aerodynamic forces and
moments, which are denoted by Faero and Ma . This is expressed as: F = Faero +FAM
and M = Maero +MAM . Substituting these results into the force equation (Equation
4.18) results in the following.

v̇ = (Faero − KABC v̇ − ω × (KABC v)) + G − ω × v (4.52)
1 1 1
(I + KABC )v̇ = Faero + G − ω × (v + (KABC v)) (4.53)
m m m
1 1 1
v̇ = (I + KABC )−1 ( Faero + G − ω × (v + (KABC v))) (4.54)
m m m

Similarly the moment equation (Equation 4.21) can be modified.

ω̇ = J −1 (Maero − KIA IB IC ω̇ − ω × (KIA IB IC ω) − v × (KABC v) − ω × J ω)

(I + J −1 KIA IB IC )ω̇ = J −1 (Maero − ω × (KIA IB IC ω) − v × (KABC v) − ω × J ω)
ω̇ = (I + J −1 KIA IB IC )−1 J −1 (Maero − ω × (KIA IB IC ω) − v × (KABC v) − ω × J ω)
ω̇ = (J + KIA IB IC )−1 (Maero − ω × (KIA IB IC ω) − v × (KABC v) − ω × J ω) (4.58)

Lissaman [30] approximates the shape of the parafoil with a number of cylin-
ders and generates equations for the six apparent mass terms using the simplified
geometry. The geometry and variables used are shown in Figures 4.7 and 4.8. The
relevant equations are listed in Equations 4.59 through 4.64.

A = 0.899 t2 b (4.59)
π 2
B = 0.39 (t + 2α2 )c (4.60)
C = 0.783 c2 b (4.61)
π 2 3
IA = 0.630 c b (4.62)
4 4
IB = 0.817 cb (4.63)
IC = 1.001 t2 b3 (4.64)

Figure 4.7: Parafoil Geometry[30]

Figure 4.8: Volumetric Representations of Apparent Mass and Moments[30]

4.4 Wind Disturbances
The rigid body equations previously discussed assumed that the vehicle is traveling
in an environment with no wind. However, wind can have a significant effect on a
parachute. All types of wind can be modeled by a velocity vector that can change
over time. Let vwind denote the wind velocity vector in the inertial frame. The
rigid body equations can be modified to include wind disturbances by also solving
an additional equation to relate v with the relative air velocity vrel experienced by
the parachute. The relationship between these variables is as follows [41].

vrel = v − Cb/i vwind (4.65)

Where vrel = [U 0, V 0, W 0]T .

A variety of wind models can be used, the simplest being a constant wind that
has only a DC component. Accurate representations of gusting winds model the
wind velocity as a random process, such as white Gaussian noise. More complex
models will filter the white Gaussian noise to get a specific frequency response
that is a function of turbulence intensity, turbulence scale length, altitude and
other parameters. Examples of these more complex wind models can be found in
military specifications for handling qualities[34].
It should be noted that when there is no wind present, the angle of attack, α is
equivalent to the glide slope ratio, γ.

4.5 Sensor Dynamics
For the purposes of this report, it will be assumed that the sensors are perfect,
with the exception that they add zero-mean white Gaussian noise to any measured
quantities. Therefore each measured quantity will be described by its own noise
variance σ.

4.6 Parachute System Parameters
The six degree of freedom simulation has been simulated in Matlab. The full
state matrix described above was solved using the fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK4)
algorithm. The input to the system was modeled as a braking deflection and as
a differential deflection. and the output of the system is its state. The following
parameters were chosen (all variables are in metric units) based on values taken
from a number of papers [21, 22, 40] and are shown in Table 4.1. These values
were not taken using actual data from a single parachute system, therefore the
simulations will not be exact.

Variable Description Value

g gravity 9.81
ρ density of air 1.2
a parafoil height 0.9144
b parafoil span 2.1336
c parafoil chord 0.6096
S planform area 1.3
t thickness 0.127
zcg C.O.M. Offset 1.2192
τ rigging angle 1.3
m mass of vehicle 4.0
Jxx Moment of Inertia 6.1298
Jyy Moment of Inertia 6.150
Jzz Moment of Inertia 0.02752
Jxy Product of Inertia 0.0
Jxz Product of Inertia 0.00339
Jyz Product of Inertia 0.0

Table 4.1: Simulator Parameter Values

The aerodynamic coefficients were approximated from previously shown charts.

Note that VT2 = v · v, and that δf and δa represent the control inputs for flaps and
ailerons respectively (which are combined as flaperons in the physical system).

CL = CLo + CLα α + CLδf δf (4.66)
CD = CDo + CDα α + CDδf δf + CDδ2 δf2 (4.67)

Cm = Cmo + Cmα α + Cmδf δf + Cmδ2 δf2 (4.68)


Cn = Cn R + Cnδa δa (4.69)
2 VT R
Cl = 0 (4.70)

The selected values for these aerodynamic coefficients are shown in Table 4.2.

Variable Value
CLo 0.2
CLα 0.0375
CLδf 0.377
CDo 0.12
CDα 0.0073
CDδf 0.076
CDδ2 0.266
Cmo -0.0115
Cmα -0.004
Cmδf 0.16
Cmδ2 0.056
CnR -0.0936
Cnδa 0.05

Table 4.2: Aerodynamic Coefficient Values

4.7 Simulation Results
The six degree of freedom simulations were performed using the simulation files
found in Appendix B. These files implement the equations discussed in this chapter
with one exception. For an unknown reason the v × (KABC v) in Equation 4.58,
would cause an unstable pitching moment in the system. All of the equations
and parameters seem to be similar to those found in literature references[21, 22,
41]. However not all papers include the non-linear apparent mass terms, even
when performing a non-linear simulation, such as Slegers [40]. The reason for this
variation was not found during the course of this project. Removing this part of
the equation generated the expected results; however this is indicative that further
investigation is needed for precise dynamic simulation.
In the first set of diagrams, Figure 4.9 shows that no control input is applied
and shows appropriate and expected results. Figure 4.10 shows the parachute glides
forwards and downwards with a glide slope ratio of 2.5:1. Figure 4.11 shows that
U , V and W stabilize at approximately 10, 0 and 3 meters per second respectively.
Figure 4.12 illustrates the fact that the pitch oscillates and settles to a constant pitch
of negative three degrees after 10 seconds, while Figure 4.13 shows the expected
angular rates. Figure 4.14 and 4.15 show that within six seconds the angle of attack
and net velocity settle to five degrees and 11 meters per second respectively.

Figure 4.9: No Control Input

The second simulation shows the response to a full brake deflection for 15 sec-

Figure 4.10: No Control Input: XYZ Position - North, East, Up (m)

onds. The figures show that the glide slope ratio is decreased, and the pitch is
increased, which is consistent with this type of a flare maneuver.

Figure 4.11: No Control Input: XYZ Velocity - Body Fixed Axis (m/s)

Figure 4.12: No Control Input: Euler Angles (degrees)

Figure 4.13: No Control Input: Angular Rates (degrees per second

Figure 4.14: No Control Input: Angle of Attack (degrees)

Figure 4.15: No Control Input: Net Velocity (m/s)

Figure 4.16: Braking Control Input

Figure 4.17: Braking Control Input: XYZ Position - North, East, Up (m)

Figure 4.18: Braking Control Input: XYZ Velocity - Body Fixed Axis (m/s)

Figure 4.19: Braking Control Input: Euler Angles (degrees)

Chapter 5

Nine Degree of Freedom


The six degree of freedom model restricts the parafoil and payload to be fixed in
position and orientation with respect to each other. However, the physical system
connects the parafoil and payload using strings. These strings can twist and stretch
allowing the bodies to be at different relative positions and orientations.
A nine degree of freedom model has been used to allow changes in relative
orientations [22, 21]. A nine degree of freedom model can be constructed using two
six degree of freedom models that are constrained with each other. This would
result in 12 equations of motion and 3 constraint equations.
For the parachute system, the constraint equations would describe a spherical
joint constraint that would fix locations on the two bodies with respect to each
other. Additionally, forces would be added to both bodies with respect to their rel-
ative orientations simulating a spring-damper system. This means that in steady
state conditions the nine degree of freedom model would be identical to the six de-
gree of freedom model. However during transient flight, this would not be the case.
The difference in orientation would be relative to the tension and inelasticity in the
canopy lines. Larger canopies would experience a greater difference in orientation
during gusting winds because the payload and parafoil are less likely to experience
the same winds.
Numerous textbooks [20, 18] describe methods for setting up kinematic con-
straint equations. These textbooks do not use the aerospace conventions where the
state vector includes body fixed velocities, but rather use the velocities in the iner-
tial frame. Since these constraints are positional constraints written in the inertial

frame, their derivatives will also be in the inertial frame, which is incompatible
with the aerospace conventions. These equations can be modified to work with
aerospace conventions, but due to the difficulty of this problem and the minimal of
benefit of the results, a nine degree of freedom model will not be implemented.

Chapter 6

Guidance, Navigation and Control

System Design

The guidance, navigation and control system are designed to force the parachute to
follow as accurate of a specified path as possible. The relationship between these
systems can be seen in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1: Guidance, Navigation and Control System

The navigation system measures and estimates all of the relevant states, x, of
the vehicle by measuring the plant output, y. The elements of x are the full set of
non-linear states, x = [pN , pE , pU , φ, θ, ψ, U, V, W, P, Q, R]T and y is the state vector
as seen by the sensor system and will not be further discussed. The path database
stores the path, p, that the parachute must follow. The sequence of p is represented
by an array of positions in the inertial frame. The guidance system uses the path
database to generate a reference signal, r, which will be discussed in the guidance

section. The control system is then used to track that reference signal by applying
a control input u to the plant.

6.1 Guidance System
The purpose of the guidance and control system is to force the parachute to follow
a specified path. The control system’s job is to make the state variables of the
parachute track specified commands. The guidance system is responsible for gen-
erating these commands based on a desired trajectory. This trajectory can either
be pre-programmed or generated in real time. In this section, a methodology is
proposed for storing a trajectory and using this trajectory to generate signals for
the control system. It is important to note that one of the fundamental limitations
of a parachute is that its altitude is always decreasing. The guidance system must
be designed with this constraint in mind.
In the proposed guidance system, the desired trajectory will be represented by
a single path, in the inertial frame, from the minimum altitude to the maximum
altitude. It is likely that in the final system, some part of the path will go through
the location of the open window in the building. Additionally, the maximum alti-
tude should be greater that the altitude at which the parachute is deployed so that
it always has a path to follow.
There are a number of constraints on this trajectory. The first constraint is
that every altitude in between will have a single point on that path. There cannot
be two points at the same altitude. The second constraint requires the path to be
fully continuous, there can be no discontinuities. The third and most significant
constraint is that at all points on this path, the glide slope must be less than or
equal to the maximum possible glide slope for the parachute.
A lookup function, Γ, will be used to determine the location of a point on the
path at a given altitude, h. An example of this function is below:
 
 pE  = Γ(h) (6.1)

Although any data structure can be used for this lookup function it is suggested
that the path is represented by an array of connected straight lines (rather than
curved lines) that have different directions and glide slopes. Each element in the
array would represent a straight line that exists in a vertical section of the airspace,
and data points could be quickly and easily generated from this.
To follow the trajectory, the guidance system must generate signals that lead
the parachute onto its path. The proposed method aims the parachute at a point
on the trajectory that is at a lower altitude. The difference between the parachute’s

current altitude and the lower altitude is a fixed constant ka . This constant can
be tuned experimentally to obtain the best performance. The location of the
parachute is [pNp , pEp , pUp ]T . The location of the point that should be aimed for
can is [pNn , pEn , pUn ]T , and can be determined by:
 
p Nn
 pEn  = Γ(h − ka ) (6.2)

The guidance system will aim the parachute at its trajectory by generating two
signals to be tracked, the desired track over ground, ψg , and the desired glide slope
ratio, VU . The following equations can be used to generate these signals:

pE − pEp
ψg = arctan( n ) (6.3)
p N n − p Np
U (pNn − pNp )2 + (pEn − pEp )2
= (6.4)
V pUp − pUn

For this reason, the control system’s inputs must accept a track over ground
and a glide slope ratio.

6.2 Navigation
The navigation system is used for measuring the state of the system. At a minimum,
this system must generate sufficiently accurate measurements for the guidance and
control system to use. This implies that the navigation system must be capable
of measuring the position of the parachute in the inertial frame, the glide slope in
the body frame and the track of the parachute in the inertial frame. Due to time
constraints the detailed design of a navigation system is outside of the scope of this
report. However, suggestions for the sensors and some mandatory requirements of
the navigation system will be outlined.
A Global Positioning System (GPS) and Attitude Heading Reference System
(AHRS) would be sufficient to estimate the state of the parachute to be provided to
the guidance and control systems. The GPS can provide certain variables directly,
[pN , pE , pU , p˙N , p˙E , p˙U ], while the AHRS can provide [φ, θ, ψ, P, Q, R]. With these
two systems, simple rotations can be used to calculate [U, V, W ] from the GPS and
AHRS. These variables can be used to calculate the glide slope ratio VU and track
over ground arctan(W/U ).
When designing the guidance system, a number of problems will arise. The mea-
surements from the GPS receiver will normally have a 0.5 second delay, whereas
a typical AHRS delay will be less than 0.01 seconds. This difference must be
accounted for since this is a high precision application. Bias instabilities in the
gyroscopes on the AHRS will cause its data to drift over time if the system is un-
dergoing constant accelerations, which are unavoidable in any aerial vehicle. Some
low cost AHRS systems that use micro-electromechanical (MEMS) vibrating gyro-
scopes have very high bias instabilities. This can mean that the AHRS is unusable
after 30 seconds. To correct this, GPS acceleration measurements should be sub-
tracted from the accelerometers’ measurements before the AHRS’s algorithms are
Additional last minute trajectory corrections must be made due to the fact that
the location of the open window is likely to be highly inaccurate. This is because
the airplane that dropped the parachute will have located the window using its
onboard camera and projected the windows location to the inertial frame using
the airplane’s location and orientation. Any error in the attitude of the aircraft
will be amplified by the distance that the plane is away from the window. Rough
calculations for typical inaccuracies and problem geometries show that the final
measurement may be off by as much as four to six meters. It is recommended
that a sensor, such as an image processing system, should be used to correct the
trajectory when the parachute is closer to the window. The design of this type of

system is well outside the scope of this report and will not be discussed further.

6.3 Linearization
The six degree of freedom dynamic model previously discussed is a non-linear model.
Since the control system will not be designed using non-linear techniques, this
model must be linearized. Additionally, the state vector described in the previous
chapters does not include the glide slope ratio or track over ground, which is what
the control system must track. In order to deal with this, some adjustments need
to be made. The adjustment is to assume that there is no wind. This will obviously
cause problems when gusting winds are present. However, over the long term, the
guidance system will make the necessary corrections because it is tracking the path
in the inertial frame rather than the body frame.
When there is no wind, the glide slope ratio is equal to the angle of attack,
and the track over ground is equal to the yaw angle. Since, the angle of attack
is not part of the state vector, the system equations will need to be translated
to an equivalent set of system equations that uses the angle of attack as one of
its state variables. An extra benefit of this is that this new system will make the
aerodynamic coefficients easier to linearize. These steps will be fully explained later
in this section.
In a linear model, the derivatives of the state vector must be written as a linear
combination of the state variables themselves as well as the input variables. The
elements of the matrices A and B are the coefficients of these linear combinations.
The common notation for this type of linear system is:

ẋ = Ax + Bu (6.5)

Since the parachute’s velocity is not constant, linearizing around a certain posi-
tion would yield catastrophic results. Therefore, the navigation equations are taken
out of the state equations. In simulation, these equations are still used; however,
they can not be used to generate the controller.
The process of linearizing a dynamic model requires an equilibrium state to
be selected. The linearized model will only be accurate when the system’s state
is close to the equilibrium state. The following approximations represent part of
the selected equilibrium state. The equilibrium positions of the remaining state
variables will be outlined later in this section.

P ≈0 (6.6)
Q≈0 (6.7)
R≈0 (6.8)
φ≈0 (6.9)
θ ≈ θ0 (6.10)

These approximations imply that the vehicle is close to straight and level flight
conditions. The parachute is not banked and has no angular velocity about any
axis. However, it does have a nominal pitch.
No equilibrium position for ψ was selected because it is not desirable to limit
the heading to a small range. The heading can normally fall in the range of 0 to
360 degrees. Normally it is not possible to create a linear system without selecting
an equilibrium point for all of the variables. However, in this case it is possible to
create a linear system without selecting an equilibrium point for φ because none of
the state equations depend on ψ. This makes intuitive sense, because the dynamics
of a parachute do not change depending direction in which it is traveling.
Additionally, equilibrium points for the variables U , V and W were not included.
The reason for this is that it is very difficult to write the aerodynamic coefficients
in terms of linear combinations of v. For this reason, it is recommended [41] to
replace these variables with three different variables that provide essentially the
same information. These variables are the net airspeed VT , the angle of attack, α,
and the sideslip angle β. This also provides the state variables that the control
system must track in the no wind condition. The definitions of these variables are
provided in the following equations:

VT = vrel · vrel (6.11)
α = arctan ( ) (6.12)
β = arcsin ( ) (6.13)

The force equations must be altered to use the state variables [VT , α, β]T . Stevens
and Lewis [41] provide a method to do this using a new reference frame called the
wind and stability axes. The stability frame is found by rotating the body fixed

frame through the angle of attack. The wind frame is then found by rotating the
stability frame through the sideslip angle. Now, a few additional variables must be
defined. The variables g1 , g2 and g3 represent the gravity vector in the wind frame.

g1 = g (− cos (α) cos (β) cos (θ)

+ sin (β) sin (φ) cos (θ)
+ sin (α) cos (β) cos (φ) cos (θ)) (6.14)

g2 = g (cos (α) sin (β) sin (θ)

+ cos (β) sin (φ) cos (θ)
− sin (α) sin (β) cos (φ) cos (θ)) (6.15)

g3 = g (sin (α) sin (θ) + cos (α) cos (φ) cos (θ)) (6.16)

Also, the rotation matrix from the body to wind axes is Cw/b .
 
cos(α) cos(β) sin(β) − sin(α) cos(β)
Cw/b =  cos(α) sin(β) cos(β) − sin(α) sin(β)  (6.17)
sin(α) 0 − cos(α)

One other change is that the rotation rates are defined in the stability axes.
Therefore the state vector includes ωs = [Ps , Q, Rs ]T . As you can see, the rotation
around the y-axis of the parachute did not change the value of Q.
After modifying the equations to suit the parafoil system, the following equa-
tions are the result.

     
F1 D
m β̇ VT  = Cw/b  F2  −  0 
α̇ VT cos(β) F3 L
   
g1 0
+ m  g2  − mVT  Rs  (6.18)
g3 Q cos(β) − Ps sin(β)

Now the moment equations will need to be expressed in terms of the stability axis
equations. Again, Stevens and Lewis provide the derivation of these equations [41].

First, the inertia tensor must be redefined in the stability axis. The components of
this matrix are Jxx 0, Jzz 0 and Jxz 0.

Jxx 0 = (Jxx + mzcg ) cos2 (α) + Jzz sin2 (α) − Jxz cos(2α) (6.19)
Jzz 0 = (Jxx + mzcg ) sin2 (α) + Jzz cos2 (α) + Jxz cos(2α) (6.20)
Jxz 0 = 0.5(Jxx + mzcg − Jzz ) sin(2α) + Jxz cos(2α) (6.21)

This is used in generating a new inertia tensor, Js .

 
Jxx 0 0 −Jxz 0
Js =  0 Jyy + mzcg 0  (6.22)
−Jxz 0 0 Jzz 0

This results in a new set of moment equations.

   
Ṗs −Rs
m  Q̇  = −α̇  0  + Js−1 (M − ω × Js ω) (6.23)
Ṙs Ps

Once the apparent mass effects are included, the force equation becomes:

   
m β̇ VT  = Cw/b (−KABC v̇ − ω × (KABC v)) −  0 
α̇ VT cos(β) L
   
g1 0
+ m  g2  − mVT  Rs  (6.24)
g3 Q cos(β) − Ps sin(β)

     
D g1
(m + KABC )  β̇ VT  = −  0  + m  g2 
α̇ VT cos(β) L g3
 
− (m + A)VT  Rs  (6.25)
Q cos(β) − Ps sin(β)

Next the moment equation becomes:

   
Ṗs −Rs
 Q̇  = −α̇  0  + Js−1 (Maero − KIA IB IC ω̇ − ω × (KIA IB IC ω)
Ṙs Ps
− v × (KABC v) − ω × Js ω) (6.26)

     
Ṗs − α̇Rs Ps IA Ps
(Js + KIA IB IC )  Q̇  = Maero − Q
  ×  IB Q 
Ṙs + α̇Ps Rs IC Rs
       
− VT sin(β) × BVT sin(β)
    −  Q  × Js  Q  (6.27)
0 0 Rs Rs

Now a few more approximations can be made for the linearization process. The
first two assumptions follow directly from P ≈ 0 and R ≈ 0. The variable VT0 is
the nominal airspeed of the parachute and the variable α0 is an equilibrium angle of
attack for the system that is normally between 0 and 15 degrees. The assumption
that β is zero implies that there is no sustained side slip.

Ps ≈ 0 (6.28)
Rs ≈ 0 (6.29)
VT ≈ VT0 (6.30)
α ≈ α0 (6.31)
β≈0 (6.32)

The process of linearzing a non-linear model creates a small perturbation system.

The details of how the linearization process works will not be discussed in this
report. However, if the reader is unfamiliar with this process there are a number
of textbooks that provide the full explanations of the linearization process[17, 4].
Now the dynamic equations with the state vector x = [VT , β, α, φ, θ, ψ, Ps , Q, Rs ]T
will be linearized about the operating point x0 = [VT0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, ψ, 0, 0, 0]T . Small
changes in variables will be denoted by being preceded by ∆. To begin, the kine-
matic equations, Equations 4.26, are linearized as follows.

∆φ̇ = ∆Ps + ∆Rs tan(θ0 ) (6.33)
∆θ̇ = ∆Q (6.34)
∆ψ̇ = ∆R (6.35)
cos(θ0 )

Next, the force equations, Equations 6.25, are linearized as follows. Note that
CDX0 represents the drag coefficient evaluated at the equilibrium point and that
the rate of change of the angle of attack is approximately zero.

(m + A) ∆V˙T = − ρVT0 SCDo ∆VT

− ρVT20 SCDα ∆α
1 (6.36)
− ρVT20 SCDδf ∆δf
+ mg (sin(α0 ) sin(θ0 ) + cos(α0 ) cos(θ0 )) ∆α
− mg (sin(α0 ) sin(θ0 ) + cos(α0 ) cos(θ0 )) ∆θ

(m + B)VT0 ∆β̇ = − ρVT0 SCDo ∆VT

+ mg (cos(α0 ) sin(θ0 ) − sin(α0 ) cos(θ0 )) ∆β
− mg cos(θ0 ) ∆φ
− (m + A)VT0 ∆Rs

(m + C)VT0 ∆α̇ = − ρVT0 SCLo ∆VT

− ρVT20 SCLα ∆α
1 (6.38)
− ρVT20 SCLδf ∆δf
+ mg (cos(α0 ) sin(θ0 ) − sin(α0 ) cos(θ0 )) ∆α
+ mg (sin(α0 ) cos(θ0 ) − cos(α0 ) sin(θ0 )) ∆θ

Now the moment equations are linearized:

1 2
(Jxx − Jzz + IA − IC + mzcg ) sin(2α0 ) + Jxz cos(2α0 )
∆Ṗs = 2 )(J + I ) − J 2
(Jxx + IA + mzcg zz C xz
1 2 1 2 2
ρV bCnRs ∆Rs + ρVT0 bCnδa ∆δa − (B − A)VT0 ∆β (6.39)
2 T0 2

Jyy + mzcg
∆Q̇ = 2 )(J + I ) − J 2
(Jx x + IA + mzcg zz C xz
1 2 1 2
ρVT0 cCmo ∆VT + ρVT0 bCmα ∆α + ρVT0 bCmδf ∆δf (6.40)
2 2

(Jxx + IA + mzcg ) cos2 (α0 ) + (Jzz + IC ) sin2 (α0 ) − Jxz sin(2α0 )
∆Ṙs = 2 )(J + I ) − J 2
(Jx x + IA + mzcg zz C xz
1 2 1 2 2
ρV bCnRs ∆Rs + ρVT0 bCnδa ∆δa − (B − A)VT0 ∆β (6.41)
2 T0 2

The linearized equations can now be written in matrix form. As previously

stated the state and input variables are x = [VT , β, α, φ, θ, ψ, Ps , Q, Rs ]T and u =
[δf , δa ]T .

∆ẋ = A ∆x + B ∆u (6.42)

 
A11 0 A13 0 A15 0 0 0 0
A21 A22 0 A24 0 0 0 0 A29 
 
A31 0 A33 0 A35 0 0 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 A47 0 A49 
 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A58 0  (6.43)
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A69 
 
 0 A72 0 0 0 0 0 0 A79 
 
A81 0 A83 0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 A92 0 0 0 0 0 0 A99

 
B11 0
 0 0 
 
B31 0 
 
 0 0 
 
 0 0 
 (6.44)
 0 0 
 
 0 B72 
 
B81 0 
0 B92

It should be noted that the poles of the system can be found by computing
the eigenvalues of the A matrix. The following equations can be solved for the
eigenvalues λ.

λ=0 (6.45)

λ4 + (−A22 − A99 )λ3 + (A99 A22 − A92 A29 )λ2

+ (−A72 A24 A47 − A92 A24 A49 )λ
+ (A99 A72 A24 A47 − A92 A24 A47 A79 ) = 0 (6.46)

λ4 + (−A33 − A11 )λ3 + (−A31 A13 + A33 A11 )λ2

+ (−A81 A15 A58 − A83 A35 A58 )λ
+ (−A83 A31 A15 A58 + A81 A15 A58 A33 − A81 A13 A35 A58 + A83 A35 A58 A11 ) = 0

It is important to note that the system has at one pole at the origin of the
s-plane. This is because of the yaw angle is an integration of the yaw rate and
the yaw rate is not a function of the yaw angle. Therefore, there is no stabilizing
feedback loop and the pole remains at the origin.
The definitions of the above matrix elements are as follows:

−ρVT0 SCDo
A11 =
(m + A)
− 1 ρV 2 SCDα + mg (sin(α0 ) sin(θ0 ) + cos(α0 ) cos(θ0 ))
A13 = 2 T0
(m + A)
−mg (sin(α0 ) sin(θ0 ) + cos(α0 ) cos(θ0 ))
A15 =
(m + A)
A21 =
(m + B)
mg (cos(α0 ) sin(θ0 ) − sin(α0 ) cos(θ0 ))
A22 =
(m + B)VT0
−mg cos(θ0 )
A24 =
(m + B)VT0
m+A (6.48)
A29 =
A31 =
− 12 ρVT20 SCLα + mg (cos(α0 ) sin(θ0 ) − sin(α0 ) cos(θ0 ))
A33 =
(m + C)VT0
mg (sin(α0 ) cos(θ0 ) − cos(α0 ) sin(θ0 ))
A35 =
(m + C)VT0
A47 =1
A49 = tan(θ0 )
A58 =1
A69 =
cos(θ0 )

1 2
(Jxx − Jzz + IA − IC + mzcg ) sin(2α0 ) + Jxz cos(2α0 )
−(B − A)VT20

A72 = 2 2
(Jxx + IA + mzcg )(Jzz + IC ) − Jxz
1 2
(Jxx− Jzz + IA − IC + mzcg ) sin(2α0 ) + Jxz cos(2α0 )

2 1 2
A79 = ρV bCnRs
(Jxx + IA + mzcg )(Jzz + IC ) − Jxz2 2 T0
Jyy + mzcg
A81 = 2 )(J + I ) − J 2
(ρVT0 cCmo )
(Jx x + IA + mzcg zz C xz
Jyy + mzcg
1 2
A83 = ρV cCmα
(Jx x + IA + mzcg2 )(J + I ) − J 2
zz C xz 2 T0
(Jxx + IA + mzcg ) cos2 (α0 ) + (Jzz + IC ) sin2 (α0 ) − Jxz sin(2α0 )
A92 = 2 )(J + I ) − J 2
(Jx x + IA + mzcg zz C xz

−(B − A)VT20

(Jxx + IA + mzcg ) cos2 (α0 ) + (Jzz + IC ) sin2 (α0 ) − Jxz sin(2α0 )
A99 = 2 )(J + I ) − J 2
(Jx x + IA + mzcg zz C xz
1 2
ρV bCnRs
2 T0
− 21 ρVT20 SCDδf
B11 =
− 12 ρVT20 SCLδf
B31 =
m+C !
1 2
(Jxx− Jzz + IA − IC + mzcg ) sin(2α0 ) + Jxz cos(2α0 )

2 1 2
B72 = ρV bCnδa
(Jxx + IA + mzcg 2 )(J + I ) − J 2
zz C xz 2 T0
Jyy + mzcg
1 2
B81 = ρV cCmδf
(Jx x + IA + mzcg2 )(J + I ) − J 2
zz C xz 2 T0
(Jxx + IA + mzcg 2
) cos2 (α0 ) + (Jzz + IC ) sin2 (α0 ) − Jxz sin(2α0 )

1 2
B92 = ρV bCnδa
(Jx x + IA + mzcg 2 )(J + I ) − J 2
zz C xz 2 T0

6.4 System Identification
Up until this point, the numerical values for parameters in the parachute system’s
dynamic model have been based on crude estimates and comparisons with published
results and static measurements. No data from dynamic experiments have been
taken. For this reason, there is a great deal of model uncertainty with the dynamic
models that have been presented. Another problem is that since this system must
hit its target, a one meter by one meter open window, very accurately, the parachute
system must be able to reject disturbances such as gusting winds. These two issues
pose a very serious problem since control theory states that there is a natural
tradeoff between model uncertainty and disturbance rejection.
Because it is not possible to remove the wind disturbances, the only available
option is to reduce the model uncertainty. This can be done using system identi-
fication techniques. Due to time and resource constraints, system identification is
outside the scope of this report. However, a brief description of a few techniques
will be provided as recommendations for future investigations.
System identification techniques are commonly broken up into parametric and
non-parametric methods [17]. Non-parametric methods are used when the general
model structure is unknown, and parametric methods are used when the model
structure is known and only the parameters need to be identified. Since the dynamic
models provided in the previous sections are sufficient to describe the system, but
may vary in a number of the parameters (aerodynamic coefficients, apparent mass
terms etc.), a parametric method should be used. This is important because it
means that the structure of the input signal is irrelevant provided that it excites all
of the system’s modes. In non-parametric methods the input signal must is very
tightly constrained.
Two system identification methods are recommended for investigation, the least
squares method and the Kalman filter method. The least squares method requires
a set of data to be collected for an entire flight. This data is then processed
by the least squares algorithm to minimize the square of the error between the
measurements and the simulated output by adjusting the model parameters. One
problem with the least squares method is that any noise in the system will show
up as a bias in the model. For this reason a modified least squares algorithm is
recommended that removes white noise[7].
The second method uses the Kalman filter (for linear models) or extended
Kalman filter (for nonlinear models). The use of the extended Kalman filter for
identification of a parachute system’s non-linear parameters is presented by Rogers
[37]. This algorithm will compare simulated outputs with measured outputs to

adjust the system’s parameters to correct an initial estimate. This method will
remove Gaussian noise from the observed measurements.

6.5 Control

6.5.1 Pole Placement

One method for tracking the reference signal is to use pole placement techniques.
The exact method that will be used is described by Davison [8] as pole placement
with integral control. The standard set up of this type of a controller is shown in
Figure 6.2. The variable z is introduced to be the integral of the output, y, minus
the reference signal, r. It is assumed that the state can be perfectly measured. The
matrices K1 and K2 are the control systems gains and are used to place the poles in
the desired locations. The matrix I/s is defined as the identity matrix multiplied
by an integrator 1/s.

Figure 6.2: Pole Placement with Integral Control Block Diagram

The standard system uses the variables A, B, C and D so that the plant is
defined as follows.

ẋ = Ax + Bu (6.51)
y = Cx (6.52)

Notice that the first equation is identical to Equation 6.5. Therefore the previ-
ously discussed A and B matrices will be used. For the purposes of the controller
design it will be assumed that the matrix C can be defined as follows:

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
C= (6.53)
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Using the above control structure an augmented state matrix set is constructed
using x̃, Ã, K̃,B̃ and B̃r , which are defined and related as follows:

x̃ = [x, z]T (6.54)

A 0
à = (6.55)
C 0
B̃ = [B, 0]T (6.56)
B̃r = [0, −I]T (6.57)
K̃ = [K1 , K2 ] (6.58)

x̃˙ = Ãx̃ + B̃ ũ + B̃r r (6.59)

Using this matrix structure, standard pole placement techniques (such as ’place’
in the Matlab Control Systems Toolbox[32]) can be used to select the gain matrix

6.5.2 H-Infinity Control
One major problem with the pole placement technique is that it makes no guarantee
on disturbance rejection or robustness with respect to plant uncertainty. H∞ design
is a technique that can account for disturbances and plant uncertainty. It will
automatically design controller that has a sensitivity function that falls within a
certain specified bound. By using models for the disturbances, such as the wind
gust models previously discussed, and the plant uncertainty, that has hopefully
been minimized using system identification techniques, a bound on the sensitivity
function can be generated and used in the H∞ process.
Due to time limitations, this will not be discussed further and the reader will
be referred to a number of publications on the subject [12, 3].

6.5.3 Model Predictive Control
Another approach for the control of a parafoil system is model predictive control
[36]. This was used by Slegers and Costello [39] to successfully control a small
parafoil and payload system to follow a specified track.
Model predictive control uses a dynamic model of the system to simulate forward
a certain number of time steps, known as the prediction horizon, and compares its
predicted state to its desired state. The controller can be designed to minimize the
state error and control signal energy throughout the prediction horizon.
Slegers [39] argued that model predictive control emulates the way humans think
about controlling a parachute. A skydiver looks at their current state and makes
an educated guess about where they will be in the future and adjusts the controls
There are a few drawbacks to the model predictive control method. Simulat-
ing the future system output can be computationally expensive, especially if the
prediction horizon is large. Additionally, the system can not account for results
beyond its prediction horizon and may not perform optimally if the horizon is too
small. Lastly, this system can not easily account for uncertainties in the dynamic
model and says nothing about the system’s disturbance rejection.
Despite these drawbacks, Slegers and Costello were able to land their parachute
system within six feet of their desired target in crosswinds with speeds of twelve
feet per second. Their system used a linear model with four states for roll, yaw,
roll rate and yaw rate. Their algorithm was updated once per second and has a
prediction horizon of 10 seconds.

Chapter 7

Conclusions and Future


7.1 Conclusions
In conclusion, this report presented an overview of parachute flight, developed a
set of equations for a six degree of freedom simulation and designed a guidance and
control system. From this report a number of conclusions can be made.
While investigating the basics of parachute flight, it was concluded that the ram
air parafoil should be used as it provides the best glide slope ratio and the highest
maneuverability. The dynamics of deployment were investigated and a number of
recommendations were made for the design of the deployment system. The mod-
eling of the parachute system set up a framework for a non-linear simulation that
can be used in future developments. During this investigation, it was hypothesized
that a dynamic model that represents the parafoil and payload as separate bodies
will only be more accurate during transient behaviors.
The design of a guidance system concluded with a proposed algorithm that
will track a path in the inertial frame by generating a desired glide slope ratio
and track over ground that the control system must follow. The investigation of a
control system presented the details of a method to design a controller using pole
placement methods. This included a method for linearizing the non-linear model
in such a way that it can track the commands given by the guidance system. Other
alternatives for a control system were briefly discussed. Specifically, H∞ control
was proposed for its ability to optimize the trade off between model uncertainty
and disturbance rejection. Also, model predictive control was briefly discussed

because previous experimental studies have shown good results using this method.
Additionally, suggestions for system identification and the design of a navigation
system were outlined but the details of these were not presented.

7.2 Future Recommendations

A number of directions for future research are recommended by this report. An
optimized parafoil and payload system should be designed and built. WARG cur-
rently has a parachute system; however its performance needs to be improved.
Additionally, a deployment system needs to be implemented. Using the knowledge
of some of the trade offs presented in this report; it should be possible to design a
system that meets the requirements.
Once a satisfactory parachute system is built, it is recommended that a system
identification technique be used to identify the model parameters. With a relatively
accurate model, the control system can be designed using the simplest technique,
pole placement. If the pole placement technique does not give adequate tracking,
the model predictive control technique should be implemented. If both of these
do not give the necessary performance, the H∞ technique should be attempted.
However, H∞ control will require further investigation into wind models and plant
uncertainty and is not a simple design process.
It is also recommended that further investigation of the non-linear apparent
mass terms be undertaken. Lastly, it is recommended that a visual navigation
system be developed to make last minute corrections in the parachute’s trajectory.

Appendix A

Fourth Order Runge-Kutta


The classic fourth order Runge-Kutta method (RK4) was used for solving the initial
value problem in the simulator. The RK4 algorithm works by solving for the slope
at the current point, the end point and two mid-points. The first mid-point uses
the slope of the current point to calculate its y-location, while the second mid-point
uses the slope of the first mid-point to calculate its y-location. The end point uses
the second mid-point’s slope to calculate its y-location. A weighted average is used
to calculate the overall slope and the next y-location is found using this averaged
slope [41]. The equations for a time invariant system are as follows. Note that
ẋ = f (x, u), where x is the current state and u is the input. Also, dt is the time

k1 = f (x, u) (A.1)
k2 = f (x + 0.5k1 , u) (A.2)
k3 = f (x + 0.5k2 , u) (A.3)
k4 = f (x + 0.5k3 , u) (A.4)


k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4
x = x + dt (A.5)
The following matlab code was used to implement this algorithm.

0001 clear;
0002 T = 0.01;
0003 end time = 10;
0004 num of steps = floor(end time / T);
0006 u=cell(1,num of steps);
0007 x=cell(1,num of steps);
0009 x{1} = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 7; 0; 2; 0; 0; 0];
0011 for count = 1:num of steps
0012 u{count} = zeros(2,1);
0013 % if count * T > 14 && count * T < 14.5
0014 % u{count} = [0; 0.2];
0015 % end
0017 % if count * T > 3 && count * T < 4
0018 % u{count} = [0.75; 0];
0019 % end
0020 end
0022 disp = 0;
0024 for step = 1:num of steps
0025 % x{step}(1:3)=[0;0;0];
0026 x{step+1}=RK4 TI(@six dof parachute,T,x{step},u{step});
0027 if disp == 100
0028 disp = 0;
0029 T*step
0030 else
0031 disp = disp + 1;
0032 end
0033 end
0035 six dof plot(x,u,num of steps,T)

Appendix B

Matlab m-Files

0001 function [xdot, y] = six dof parachute(x, u)

0003 % format:
0004 % x(1)=X (North-East-Up format)
0005 % x(2)=Y
0006 % x(3)=Z
0007 % x(4)=roll (phi)
0008 % x(5)=pitch (theta)
0009 % x(6)=yaw (psi)
0010 %
0011 % x(7)=d/dt X
0012 % x(8)=d/dt Y
0013 % x(9)=d/dt Z
0014 % x(10)=d/dt roll
0015 % x(11)=d/dt pitch
0016 % x(12)=d/dt yaw
0017 %
0018 % u(1)=brake
0019 % u(2)=aileron
0021 xdot=zeros(12,1);
0023 %simpler variables
0024 p = [x(1); x(2); x(3)]; %X Y Z
0025 PHI = mod range([x(4); x(5); x(6)]); %roll pitch yaw

0026 V = [x(7); x(8); x(9)]; %U V W
0027 omega = [x(10); x(11); x(12)]; %P Q R
0028 brake = u(1);
0029 aileron=u(2);
0031 H=[1 tan(PHI(2))*sin(PHI(1)) tan(PHI(2))*cos(PHI(1));
0032 0 cos(PHI(1)) -sin(PHI(1));
0033 0 sin(PHI(1))/cos(PHI(2)) cos(PHI(1))/cos(PHI(2))];
0034 H inv = H^-1;
0036 %cross product matrix
0037 OMEGA = [ 0 -x(12) x(11); x(12) 0 -x(10); -x(11) x(10) 0];
0039 %direction cosine matrix
0040 DCM = [1 0 0; 0 cos(PHI(1)) sin(PHI(1));
0041 0 -sin(PHI(1)) cos(PHI(1))] *
0042 [cos(PHI(2)) 0 -sin(PHI(2)); 0 1 0;
0043 sin(PHI(2)) 0 cos(PHI(2))] *
0044 [cos(PHI(3)) sin(PHI(3)) 0;
0045 -sin(PHI(3)) cos(PHI(3)) 0; 0 0 1];
0047 v wind = [0; 0; 0];
0049 V = V - v wind;
0051 %constants
0052 g=9.81; %gravity
0053 rho=1.2; %density of air
0055 a=36 * 0.0254; %height of parafoil
0056 b=84 * 0.0254; %wing span
0057 c=24 * 0.0254; %wing chord
0058 S=b*c; %wing area
0059 t=5*0.0254; %thickness
0061 Xcg = 0; %dist from confluence point to systems cg
0062 %dist from confluence point to quarter chord
0063 %point on parafoil along z axis
0064 Zcg = 48 * 0.0254;

0066 rigging angle = 10; %degrees
0068 vc = sqrt(V’*V); %velocity
0069 qbar = 0.5 * rho * vc*vc; %dynamic pressure
0070 mass = 4; %mass in kg
0071 alpha = rad2deg(atan2(V(3), V(1))) - rigging angle;
0073 %apparent mass terms
0074 A = 0.899 * pi() / 4 * t^2 * b;
0075 B = 0.39 * pi() / 4 * (t^2 + 2 * deg2rad(alpha)^2) * c;
0076 C = 0.783 * pi() / 4 * c^2 * b;
0078 I A = 0.63 * pi() / 48 * c^2 * b^3;
0079 I B = 0.817 * 4 / (48*pi()) * c^4*b;
0080 I C = 1.001 * pi() / 48 * t^2 * b^3;
0083 K abc = [A 0 0; 0 B 0; 0 0 C];
0084 K Iabc = [I A 0 0; 0 I B 0; 0 0 I C];
0086 [K abc; K Iabc];
0088 % K abc = [0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0];
0089 % K Iabc = [0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0];
0091 %inertia matrix
0092 J 1=1.3558*[.1357 0 .0025; 0 .1506 0; .0025 0 .0203];
0094 %J 2= J 1+[I A 0 0; 0 I B 0; 0 0 I C];
0095 %J=J 2 + [0 0 Xcg*Zcg; 0 sqrt(Xcg*Xcg+Zcg*Zcg) 0;
0096 %Xcg*Zcg 0 0] * (mass+B);
0097 J = J 1 + mass * [Zcg^2 0 0; 0 Zcg^2 0; 0 0 0];
0099 %Aerodynamic Coefficients - Iacomini & Cerimele
0100 CL o=0.2;
0101 CL alpha=0.0375;
0102 CL brake=0.377;

0104 CD o=0.12;
0105 CD alpha=0.0073;
0106 CD brake squared=0.266;
0107 CD brake=0.076;
0109 Cm o=-0.0115;
0110 Cm alpha=-0.004;
0111 Cm brake squared=0.16;
0112 Cm brake=0.056;
0114 Cn r=-0.0936; %always negative for stability
0115 Cn aileron=0.05;
0117 %Coefficient buildup
0119 CL=CL o + CL alpha * alpha + CL brake*brake; %lift coefficient
0120 CD=CD o + CD alpha * alpha
0121 + CD brake squared * brake^2 + CD brake * brake;
0122 Cm = Cm o + Cm alpha * alpha
0123 + Cm brake*brake + Cm brake squared*brake^2;
0125 Cn=Cn r*b/(2*vc) * rad2deg(omega(3)) + Cn aileron*aileron;
0126 Cl = 0;
0128 %Force & Moment buildup
0129 F=0.5*rho*S*vc^2*(CL*[sind(rigging angle+alpha)
0130 0; -cosd(rigging angle+alpha)]
0131 - CD*[cosd(rigging angle+alpha); 0; -sind(rigging angle+alpha)]);
0132 M = [qbar*S*b*Cl - mass * abs(g)*Zcg*sin(PHI(1)) * cos(PHI(2));
0133 qbar*S*c*Cm - mass * abs(g) * Zcg * sin(PHI(2));
0134 qbar*S*b*Cn]; %rolling, pitching & yawing moment
0136 [alpha; V;F; vc^2];
0138 %Force equations
0139 %xdot(7:9)=[1/(mass+A); 1/(mass+B); 1/(mass+C)] .*
0140 %(F -cross(omega,V.*[mass+A;mass+B;mass+C])+mass*g*H inv(:,3));
0141 xdot(7:9)=(eye(3) + K abc / mass)^-1 *
0142 ((F / mass) -cross(omega,V + mass^-1 * K abc * V)+g*H inv(:,3));

0143 % [(eye(3) + K abc / mass); alpha V(3) V(1)]
0145 %Kinematic Equations
0146 xdot(4:6)= H * omega;
0148 %Moment Equations
0149 % xdot(10:12)=(J^-1) * (M - OMEGA * J * ([I A; I B; I C]
0150 %.* omega)+cross(V,V.*[mass+A;mass+B;mass+C]));
0151 % xdot(10:12)=(J + K Iabc)^-1 * (M - OMEGA * J * omega);
0152 xdot(10:12)=(J + K Iabc)^-1 *
0153 (M -cross(omega,K Iabc * omega) -
0154 cross(V,K abc * V) - OMEGA * J * omega);
0157 %Navigation Equations
0158 xdot(1:3) = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 -1] * DCM’ * V;


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