CN DEC 2022 Solved Paper

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Paper / Subject Code: 31923 / Computer Network

T.E. SEM V / COMP / C SCHEME / NOV 2022 / 28.1 1 .2022

Q1. Solve any Four out of Five (5*4=20 marks)

a. Explain the need of layering in reference model for communica on and networking?

b. Explain one-bit sliding window protocol.

c. Explain IPv4 header format with diagram.

d. Differen ate between TCP and UDP.

e. What is the need of DNS? Explain DNS Nanne Space.

Q2. A empt the following (10*2=20 marks)
a. Explain following transmission medias - -twisted Pair, coaxial cable (baseband and broadband),
Fiber Op c.

b. What is channel alloca on problem? Explain CSMA/CD protocol. Consider building a CSMA/CD
network running at 1 Gbps over a 1 -km cable with no repeaters. The signal speed of the cable is
200,000 km/sec. what is the minimum frame size?

Q3. A empt the following (10*2=20 marks)
a. Explain Classful and Classless IPv4 addressing.

b. Explain TCP connec on establishment and TCP connec on release.

Q4. A empt the following (10*2=20 marks)
a. Explain Selec ve Repeat Protocol for flow control.

b. Explain shortest path (Dijkastra’s Algorithm) rou ng algorithm.

Q5. A empt the following (10*2=20 marks)
a. A large number of consecu ve IP address are available star ng at Suppose that four
organiza ons, A, B, C, and D, request 4000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 addresses, respec vely, and in
that order. For each of these. give the first IP address assigned the last IP address assigned and the
mask in the w.x.y.z/s nota on.

b. Explain Slow-Start algorithm for TCP’s conges on handling policy.

Q6. A empt the following (10*2=20 marks)
a. Explain DHCP message format and its opera on in detail.

b. Explain ARP protocol in detail.

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