INSTA September 2023 Current Affairs Quiz Questions 1
INSTA September 2023 Current Affairs Quiz Questions 1
INSTA September 2023 Current Affairs Quiz Questions 1
Table of Contents
1. ECONOMY .........................................................................................................................................2
3. GEOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................5
7. POLITY ............................................................................................................................................. 15
9. AGRICULTURE .................................................................................................................................. 17 1
1. Economy
1) Which of the following is/are the Effects of 5) The economic theory of wage-price spiral is
Inflation? mainly used in the context of
1. Usually lenders suffer and borrowers a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
benefit out of inflation. b) Current Account Deficit
2. Holding money remains an intelligent c) Balance of Payments
economic decision during inflation. d) Inflation
3. With every inflation the currency of the
country appreciates in a flexible currency 6) Consider the following statements.
regime. 1. Deflation refers to a period when even
How many of the above statements is/are correct? though prices are rising it is happening at a slower
a) Only one rate each passing month.
b) Only two 2. Disinflation is the exact opposite of
c) All three inflation.
d) None 3. Reflation typically follows deflation as
policymakers try to pump up economic activity
2) Consider the following statements. either by government spending more and/or interest
1. The cost of capital is a combination of the rates being reduced.
cost of equity and the cost of debt. How many of the above statements are correct?
2. When the bond yields go up, the cost of a) Only one
capital goes down. b) Only two
3. The valuation of equities is done by c) All three
discounting future cash flows. d) None
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one 7) The Special and Differential Treatment (S&D or
b) Only two SDT) provisions under the World Trade
c) All three Organization (WTO) are meant for
d) None a) Protecting trade in indigenous goods and
3) Consider the following statements. b) Promoting organic products exports and
1. Import substitution is an inward-looking imports
trade strategy aimed at replacing imports c) safeguarding the trade interests of
with domestic production. developing countries
2. Import cover is the number of months of d) Reducing total emissions from trade
imports that could be paid for by a country’s
Forex reserves. 8) Consider the following statements.
Which of the above statements is/are incorrect? 1. Pro-cyclical fiscal policy stabilizes the
a) 1 only business cycle by being contractionary (reduce
b) 2 only spending/increase taxes) in good times and
c) Both 1 and 2 expansionary (increase spending/reduce taxes) in
d) Neither 1 nor 2 bad times.
2. Counter-cyclical fiscal policy becomes
4) Which of the following statements best describe critical during an economic crisis.
the ‘hawkish stance in RBI monetary policy’? Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a) RBI’s top priority is to keep the inflation a) 1 only
low. b) 2 only
b) Cut in the interest rate by RBI is off the c) Both 1 and 2
table. d) Neither 1 nor 2
c) RBI can either cut rate or increase rate.
d) RBI is prepared to expand the money
supply to boost economic growth. 2
3. Carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitrogen
2. Ecology and together constitute the maximum share of Biogas.
Environment How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one
1) Consider the following statements regarding b) Only two
Open Natural Ecosystems (ONEs) in India. c) All three
1. Open Natural Ecosystems (ONEs) are d) None
diverse ecosystems which include woodland
savannas, scrublands and grasslands, to rocky 5) Consider the following statements regarding
outcrops, ravines and dunes. Ramsar Convention.
2. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1. Designation of a wetland under Ramsar
1986 protects against the diversion of ONEs for Convention will lead to funding from the Ramsar
development purposes. secretariat.
3. They also have animal species like black 2. Every Ramsar Site in India is a notified
buck and great Indian bustard. protected area under the Wildlife (Protection) Act,
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 1972.
a) Only one 3. The Ramsar designation for a wetland can
b) Only two be taken off if the country does not meet the
c) All three required standards.
d) None How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one
2) To be classified as a wetland under Ramsar b) Only two
Convention, the wetland should have which of c) All three
the following properties? d) None
1. The water in the wetland can be static or
flowing 6) Consider the following statements.
2. It should be a natural wetland and not 1. Deemed forest is forest land that has been
artificially formed notified by the Centre or States.
3. The depth of the marine water at low tide 2. Protection under the Forest Act means
must not exceed six meters that land cannot be diverted without the consent of
How many of the above statements is/are correct? the Centre as well as gram panchayats.
a) Only one 3. The Forest Act puts the onus on those
b) Only two diverting land, to grow trees on an equivalent plot of
c) All three land twice the razed area, along with a significant
d) None monetary penalty.
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
3) MISHTI programme that was announced in the a) Only one
Union Budget 2023-24 is related to b) Only two
a) Mechanize septic tank cleaning and sewer c) All three
cleaning in towns and cities d) None
b) Developing the rural areas in the northern
border states 7) Consider the following statements.
c) Mangrove plantation along the coastline 1. More than half of the total amount of
d) Molasses based ethanol blending project oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere is created by
creatures in the ocean.
4) Consider the following statements regarding 2. Territorial waters as defined by UNCLOS
Biogas. make up more than half of the surface of the Earth.
1. Biogas is a co-product of the anaerobic 3. Oceans store more carbon dioxide than
digestion of biodegradable waste such as agricultural what’s currently found in the earth’s atmosphere.
waste and animal waste. Which of the above statements is/are correct?
2. Anaerobic digestion of biodegradable a) 2, 3
waste yields liquid fertiliser and fermented organic b) 1, 3
manure (FOM). c) 1, 2
d) 1, 2, 3 3
8) Consider the following pairs. d) None
1. Virunga National Park: Peru
2. Yellowstone National Park: Ecuador 12) Consider the following statements regarding
3. Galápagos Islands: Greece Ecocide.
4. Mount Athos: Democratic Republic of 1. Ecocide refers to the wilful and extensive
Congo destruction or damage to the environment that
How many of the above pairs is/are correctly results in long-term consequences.
matched? 2. Ecocide is not considered as a crime in any
a) Only two country.
b) Only three 3. India has fully embraced ecocide in its
c) All four environmental laws.
d) None How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one
9) Consider the following statements regarding Red b) Only two
Sand Boa. c) All three
1. The red sand boa is the most venomous d) None
snake that lives in the dry parts of the Indian
subcontinent. 13) Consider the following statements.
2. It’s also known as the Indian sand boa. 1. Sand is categorized as a "major mineral"
3. It is classified as ‘Critically Endangered’ by under the Mines and Minerals (Development and
the International Union for Conservation of Nature Regulations) Act, 1957, and its control lies with the
(IUCN) with a declining population trend. Central Government.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 2. The Ministry of Environment, Forests, and
a) Only one Climate Change has issued guidelines to promote
b) Only two environmentally friendly sand mining practices.
c) All three 3. Marine Sand Watch is a global data
d) None platform which is part of UN Environment
Programme that tracks and monitors dredging
10) Which of the following technologies are activities of sand, clay, silt, gravel, and rock in the
considered as climate engineering? world’s marine environment.
1. Stratospheric aerosol injection How many of the above statements is/are correct?
2. Marine cloud brightening a) Only one
3. Mirrors in space b) Only two
4. Direct air capture and carbon storage c) All three
5. Bioenergy with carbon capture and d) None
How many of the above options are correct? 14) Consider the following statements regarding
a) Only two Invasive alien species.
b) Only three 1. Invasive alien species are animals, plants
c) Only four or other organisms that are introduced by
d) All five humans, either intentionally or accidentally,
into places outside of their natural range.
11) Consider the following statements. 2. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity
1. Seaweeds are a type of marine algae, Framework aims to completely reduce the
often found in coastal waters. rate of invasive alien species introduction by
2. Seaweed species such as kelps provide 2030.
essential nursery habitat for fisheries and other 3. Lantana Camara is an Invasive species that
marine species. threatens India's tiger habitat.
3. Sagar Parikrama Yatra aims to raise How many of the above statements is/are correct?
awareness about sustainable marine resource use a) Only one
and promote schemes for coastal communities. b) Only two
How many of the above statements is/are correct? c) All three
a) Only one d) None
b) Only two
c) All three 4
15) Consider the following statements regarding the 3. Amorphous ice lacks long-range order in
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on its molecular arrangement.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). How many of the above statements is/are correct?
1. IPBES is an intergovernmental a) Only one
organization established to improve the interface b) Only two
between science and policy on issues of biodiversity c) All three
and ecosystem services. d) None
2. It was formed on the basis of the Busan
outcome document. 2) Consider the following statements regarding
3. India is a member of IPBES. Comets.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 1. Comets are frozen rocky or gas-filled
a) Only one objects that are remnants of the formation of the
b) Only two solar system.
c) All three 2. Like other bodies in space, comets do not
d) None have any orbits.
3. Sometimes comets are pulled in close to
16) Climate Ambition Summit (CAS), that was the sun because of the sun’s gravity acting on them.
recently in news was part of How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) European Union (EU) a) Only one
b) International Union for Conservation of b) Only two
Nature c) All three
c) World Meteorological Organization d) None
d) United Nations General Assembly 3) Consider the following statements.
1. The earth’s crust is broken up into
17) Consider the following statements regarding the tectonic plates that often gets stuck at their edges
provisions of E-Waste (Management) Rules due to friction.
2022. 2. When the stress on the edge of the
1. Producers of electronic goods have to tectonic plates overcomes the friction, it can lead to
ensure that some percentage of their electronic an earthquake.
waste is collected and recycled. 3. Seismographs are used to record
2. Extended Producer Responsibility earthquakes, which measures the movement of the
Certificates allow the offsetting of e-waste ground in its location.
responsibility to a third party. Which of the above statements is/are correct?
3. The Central Pollution Control Board shall a) 1, 3
conduct testing of all electrical and electronic b) 1, 2
equipment to verify the compliance of reduction of c) 1, 2, 3
hazardous substances provisions. d) 2, 3
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one 4) Consider the following statements regarding
b) Only two Rare Earth Minerals.
c) All three 1. The magnets made from rare earths are
d) None more powerful than conventional ones.
2. They are called 'rare earth' because
earlier it was difficult to extract
them from their oxides forms
3. Geography technologically.
3. Not all rare earth elements (REE)
1) Consider the following statements. are available in Indian deposits in extractable
1. Normally, when water freezes, it quantities.
crystallizes and its molecules are arranged into How many of the above statements is/are correct?
hexagonal solid structure called ice. a) Only one
2. Ice is denser than water. b) Only two
c) All three
d) None 5
2. Once the monsoon withdraws, the
5) It is important to study the Sun from space predominant direction of the winds changes to
because north-westerly.
1. Sun is the farthest star to Earth 3. The fall in temperature also contributes to
2. Earth’s atmosphere and the magnetic field increased pollution levels.
act as protective shields that block out harmful How many of the above statements are correct?
radiations, such as UV light. a) Only one
Which of the above statements is/are correct? b) Only two
a) 1 only c) All three
b) 2 only d) None
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2 10) Consider the following statements regarding
Minor minerals.
6) The Baltoro Glacier is located in 1. Any mineral by the notification of the
a) Ladakh Range Central Government may be declared as a
b) Karakoram Range minor mineral.
c) Zanskar Range 2. The regulatory and administrative powers
d) Pirpanjal Range to frame rules and enforcement in respect of
minor minerals are entrusted exclusively to
7) Recently tens of thousands of dead fish washed the State governments.
up on multiple beaches of southeast Texas, USA. 3. Marble, slate, stone used for making
It occurred mainly due to low levels of dissolved household utensils, quartzite and sandstone
oxygen in the water that causes suffocation of are some of the minerals categorised as
the fish. Which of the following factors can lead Minor minerals.
to low levels of dissolved oxygen in the water? Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1. Overcast weather a) 1, 3
2. Calm seas b) 1, 2
3. Rise in sea surface temperature c) 2, 3
How many of the above options are correct? d) 1, 2, 3
a) Only one
b) Only two 11) Consider the following statements regarding the
c) All three components of the population change.
d) None 1. The crude birth rate (CBR) is expressed as
number of live births in a year per one lakh of
8) Consider the following statements regarding population.
Sinkholes. 2. Crude Death Rate (CDR) is a simple
1. Sinkholes are depressions formed in the method of measuring mortality of any area.
ground when layers of the Earth’s surface start 3. As per 2011 population census, Crude
collapsing into caverns. Death Rate (CDR) was more than crude birth rate
2. They are formed in areas of “karst” (CBR) in India.
terrains, where the rock below the surface of the How many of the above statements is/are correct?
Earth can be easily dissolved by groundwater. a) Only one
3. They are formed due to natural processes b) Only two
or human activity. c) All three
How many of the above statements are correct? d) None
a) Only one
b) Only two 12) Consider the following statements regarding
c) All three Continuously Operating Reference Stations
d) None (CORS) in India.
1. The Survey of India (SoI) maintains the
9) Consider the following statements regarding CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations)
Delhi’s geography and weather conditions that to create accurate digital maps.
contributes to air pollution. 2. A CORS consists of a GPS receiver
1. During the southwest monsoon, the operating continuously, and a stable antenna for
prevalent direction of the wind is easterly. continuously streaming raw data. 6
3. Such reference stations are present all 2. It studies the impact of various Centrally
over the globe to monitor the Earth’s crust to track sponsored schemes.
manmade and natural structures, and facilitate 3. It functions under the Ministry of Social
accurate navigation. Justice and Empowerment.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one a) Only one
b) Only two b) Only two
c) All three c) All three
d) None d) None
13) Consider the following statements regarding 2) Consider the following statements regarding
Arctic dipole. public documents.
1. The positive phase of the Arctic dipole 1. The Evidence Act defines ‘public
involves high pressure over the Canadian Arctic and documents’ as those which form the records of
low pressure over the Siberian Arctic. sovereign authority, official bodies, tribunals, and of
2. It drives upper ocean currents and has public offices in any part of India.
year-round impacts on air temperatures, heat 2. It does not include documents kept in
exchanges, sea-ice drift, and ecological foreign country.
consequences. 3. The Supreme Court has recently held that
3. Recent study has found that Arctic dipole chargesheets prepared by investigative agencies are
has its impact on the Arctic Ocean climate. also part of public documents.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one a) Only one
b) Only two b) Only two
c) All three c) All three
d) None d) None
14) Consider the following statements. 3) Consider the following statements regarding
1. While Dams are designed for water public documents.
storage and regulation on a larger scale, Barrages 1. The Evidence Act defines ‘public
are primarily used for flow control and water documents’ as those which form the records of
diversion. sovereign authority, official bodies, tribunals, and of
2. Yarlung Tsangpo River breaks through the public offices in any part of India.
Himalayas in great gorges and enters into Arunachal 2. It does not include documents kept in
Pradesh, where it is known as Dihang or Siang. foreign country.
Which of the above statements is/are correct? 3. The Supreme Court has recently held that
a) 1 only chargesheets prepared by investigative agencies are
b) 2 only also part of public documents.
c) Both 1 and 2 How many of the above statements is/are correct?
d) Neither 1 nor 2 a) Only one
b) Only two
c) All three
d) None
16) Which of the following statements is correct 18) Consider the following statements regarding
regarding Malaviya Mission? Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya (GSV).
a) It is a Teachers Training Programme by 1. It is a Central University established
the University Grants Commission. through an Executive order.
b) For farmer welfare through creating a 2. GSV is the first-of-its-kind university with a
profitable ecosystem for selected products. mandate to create high-quality talent for the
c) Accelerated Rural Water Supply transportation and logistics sectors.
Programme 3. It is sponsored by the Ministry of Railways
d) Nationwide welfare measures for farmers and the Chancellor of GSV is the Union Minister of
in the fisheries sector. Railways.
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
17) Recently the Union government released draft a) Only one
guidelines aimed at curbing "dark patterns" b) Only two
employed by online platforms. Which of the c) All three
following are considered as Dark patterns? d) None
1. false urgency
2. basket sneaking 19) Which of the following statements is correct
3. confirm shaming regarding PM Daksh Portal?
4. forced action a) Streamline the registration process for
5. subscription traps enhancing the utilization of biodegradable and
How many of the above options are correct? organic waste
a) Only two b) An AI chatbot integrated with the Pradhan
b) Only three Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi
c) Only four c) A digital platform offering registration,
d) All five skill training and streamlined administrative
processes for persons with disabilities. 10
d) Viability Gap Funding (VGF) aimed at 3) Consider the following statements regarding
fostering the development of Battery Energy Storage Tritium.
Systems 1. Tritium is a form of hydrogen that occurs
naturally in Earth’s atmosphere.
20) Consider the following statements regarding 2. It is neither radioactive nor life-
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research threatening.
(CSIR). 3. It emits a weak beta particle that can be
1. Council of Scientific and Industrial stopped by a sheet of plastic.
Research was established as an autonomous body by How many of the above statements is/are correct?
the Government of India after India’s independence. a) Only one
2. It has emerged as the largest research and b) Only two
development organisation in India. c) All three
3. Union Minister of Science and Technology d) None
is the Ex-officio President of CSIR.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 4) Consider the following statements regarding
a) Only one Gravitational waves.
b) Only two 1. Gravitational waves are ripples in the
c) All three fabric of space and time that travel at the speed of
d) None light.
2. They are created by the motion of black
holes or neutron stars.
3. Gravitational waves are extremely weak
and difficult to detect.
5. Science and Technology How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one
1) Consider the following statements regarding b) Only two
gamma-ray bursts (GRB). c) All three
1. Gamma-ray bursts (GRB) are the energetic d) None
form of light, multiple times brighter than the sun.
2. They typically last for only seconds. 5) Consider the following statements regarding
3. GRB can happen when two neutron stars Stem cells.
merge or when a neutron star joins with the black 1. Stem cells are cells from which all other
hole. cells in the body, with specialized functions, are
How many of the above statements is/are correct? generated.
a) Only one 2. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is
b) Only two used to treat conditions like leukaemia and
c) All three lymphoma.
d) None 3. Autism spectrum disorder is a
neurological and developmental disorder that can be
2) Which of the following are the causes behind cured using Stem cell therapy.
Acquired Antimicrobial Resistance? How many of the above statements is/are correct?
1. Overuse, misuse, and improper use of a) Only one
antimicrobials. b) Only two
2. Using narrow-spectrum antibiotics over c) All three
broad-spectrum antibiotics. d) None
3. Dumping of inadequately treated
effluents from the pharmaceutical industry. 6) Consider the following statements.
4. Poor sanitation and hygiene 1. X-ray fluorescence is commonly used to
How many of the above statements is/are correct? study the composition of materials in a non-
a) Only one destructive manner.
b) Only two 2. When the sun gives out solar flares, a
c) Only three large amount of X-ray radiation falls on the moon,
d) All four triggering X-ray fluorescence.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a) 1 only 11
b) 2 only 2. It played a significant role in heating small
c) Both 1 and 2 rocks in the early Solar System, leading to the
d) Neither 1 nor 2 formation of planets.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
7) Consider the following statements. a) 1 only
1. For Measles, the Symptoms appear b) 2 only
around 10 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. c) Both 1 and 2
2. The WHO recommends that measles d) Neither 1 nor 2
vaccine must be given only in combination like
measles-rubella (MR) or measles-mumps-rubella 11) Consider the following statements.
(MMR). 1. Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) refers to
3. In India the Universal Immunisation technological foundation that enables the delivery of
Programme covers vaccination for measles. essential digital services to people.
How many of the above statements are correct? 2. Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)
a) Only one facilitates that flow of people, money and
b) Only two information through digital ID systems.
c) All three 3. India Stack is a set of Application
d) None Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provides digital
infrastructure for digital document storage and
8) Consider the following statements regarding digital payments.
Anthrax. Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1. Anthrax, also known as woolsorter’s a) 1, 2
disease is a zoonotic disease. b) 1, 3
2. It is primarily a disease of herbivores, with c) 2, 3
both domestic and wild animals being affected by it. d) 1, 2, 3
3. Host animals shed the bacteria into the
ground, which sporulates when exposed to the air. 12) X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)
Which of the above statements is/are correct? and Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)
a) 2, 3 were successfully launched by
b) 1, 2 a) Australia
c) 1, 3 b) United States
d) 1, 2, 3 c) Japan
d) Russia
9) Consider the following statements regarding
Dementia. 13) Consider the following statements regarding
1. Dementia is a specific disease that affects Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO).
memory, thinking, and social abilities. 1. Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) are an
2. Alzheimer's disease is the most common irregular and rare fluctuations or ripples in the
type of dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of distribution of matter in the universe.
cases. 2. These oscillations are a fundamental
3. DemClinic is an online memory screening feature of the large-scale structure of the cosmos.
clinic launched by World Health Organisation (WHO). 3. They provide important clues about the
How many of the above statements is/are correct? distribution of dark matter and dark energy.
a) Only one How many of the above statements is/are correct?
b) Only two a) Only one
c) All three b) Only two
d) None c) All three
d) None
10) Consider the following statements regarding
Aluminum-26. 14) Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) are caused by
1. Aluminum-26 is non-radioactive isotope pathogens that include
that decays over time. 1. Bacteria
2. Viruses
3. Fungi 12
4. Parasites c) 1, 3, 4
Select the correct answer code: d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
a) 1, 2
b) 1, 2, 3 3) The Bandung Conference of 1955, paved the
c) 1, 2, 4 way for the creation of
d) 1, 2, 3, 4 a) Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN)
15) Consider the following statements regarding b) Commonwealth of Nations
Leucism. c) Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
1. Leucism affects the pigmentation of an d) African Union
animal's skin, feathers, scales, or fur.
2. Leucism is not a genetic condition. 4) Consider the following statements regarding
3. It causes a complete absence of pigment. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 1. IAEA was established as an autonomous
a) Only one organization under the UN Statute.
b) Only two 2. It inhibits the complete use of nuclear
c) All three technologies and nuclear energy.
d) None 3. It reports to both the United Nations
General Assembly and United Nations Security
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one
6. International Relations b) Only two
c) All three
and Organisations d) None 16
3. The Mitakshara School of Law is followed 2. Gond Painting: Madhya Pradesh
in every state in India. 3. Saura Painting: Odisha
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 4. Maheshwari Silk Sarees: Madhya Pradesh
a) Only one 5. Dhokra Jewellery: West Bengal
b) Only two How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
c) All three a) Only two
d) None b) Only three
c) Only four
6) Consider the following statements regarding d) All five
Phanigiri artefacts.
1. Phanigiri, often referred to as the "hillock
of snake hood," is a small village located in Madhya
Pradesh. 9. Agriculture
2. Phanigiri provides evidence of the
deification of Buddha and a transition towards 1) Consider the following statements.
canonization and ritual in Buddhist practices. 1. The minimum support price (MSP) of a
Which of the above statements is/are correct? crop is different for different states.
a) 1 only 2. The Food Corporation of India (FCI) was
b) 2 only constituted on the recommendation of the LK Jha
c) Both 1 and 2 Committee.
d) Neither 1 nor 2 3. Agricultural wage rate is not considered
while setting up of the MSP.
7) Consider the following statements regarding How many of the above statements is/are correct?
Banglar mati, Banglar jol. a) Only one
1. Banglar mati, Banglar jol was written by b) Only two
Rabindranath Tagore. c) All three
2. The song was written in 1905 in response d) None
to Lord Curzon's partition of Bengal.
3. It is declared as the state anthem of West 2) Consider the following statements regarding
Bengal. Minor Irrigation Census (MIC) in India.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 1. Minor Irrigation Census (MIC) is a
a) Only one compendium of borewells, tubewells, and other
b) Only two privately-owned irrigation sources by farmers.
c) All three 2. The MIC reports are a reflection of the
d) None present state of use of irrigation schemes.
3. It is conducted by Niti Ayog.
8) Consider the following statements. 4. According to the latest edition of the
1. During Bhakti movement, many of the Minor Irrigation Census (MIC), wind and solar
poet-saints were preaching for abolishing the Varna energy is the dominant source of power to extract
system. water.
2. The Bhakti movement started earlier and How many of the above statements is/are correct?
got well established first in North India and much a) Only one
later in South India. b) Only two
3. One school within the Bhakti movement c) Only three
was the Nirguni tradition, according to which God d) All four
was understood to be universal and formless being.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 3) Aus aman and boro are variety of which crop
a) Only one a) Wheat
b) Only two b) Jowar
c) All three c) Maize
d) None d) Rice
9) Consider the following pairs regarding the Tribal 4) Consider the following statements regarding
art and the States of their origin. Negotiable Warehouse Receipts.
1. Pithora Art: Gujarat 17
1. It allows transfer of ownership of that d) All four
commodity stored in a warehouse without having to
deliver the physical commodity.
2. They are issued by registered warehouses
and enables farmers to seek loans from banks
against NWRs.
10. Defence and Security
3. It is regulated by APEDA.
Which of the above statements is/are correct? 1) Consider the following statements regarding
a) 2 only Dual-use items.
b) 1, 2 1. They are products and technologies that
c) 2, 3 can have both civilian and military or non-military
d) 1, 3 applications.
2. In India these items are regulated as per
5) Consider the following statements regarding India’s Foreign Trade Policy.
Pearl millet. 3. Directorate General of Trade Remedies
1. Pearl millet a drought-tolerant cereal (DGTR) prepares a specialized list of dual-use items
grain widely cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions to ensure that these items are traded in compliance
of India and Africa. with international regimes.
2. It is known for its resilience to adverse How many of the above statements is/are correct?
growing conditions, including low rainfall. a) Only one
3. Heavy soils in southern India are not b) Only two
suitable for the cultivation of Pearl millet. c) All three
How many of the above statements is/are correct? d) None
a) Only one
b) Only two 2) Consider the following statements regarding
c) All three Missile and Dual-Use Export Control Regimes.
d) None 1. They are agreements among major
supplier countries aimed at preventing the
6) Consider the following statements regarding proliferation of certain military and dual-use
Cotton cultivation in India. technologies, particularly those related to Weapons
1. Cotton requires a minimum of 180 frost- of Mass Destruction (WMD).
free days. 2. These agreements are independent of the
2. India is the largest cotton producer in the United Nations.
world. 3. They apply only to their member
3. India grows all the four types of cotton countries, with no obligation for others to join.
species. How many of the above statements is/are correct?
4. In India more than 50 percent of cotton a) Only one
cropped area is rain-fed. b) Only two
How many of the above statements is/are correct? c) All three
a) Only one d) None
b) Only two
c) Only three 3) India is not a member of which of the following
d) All four Missile and Dual-Use Export Control Regimes?
1. Australia Group (AG)
7) Which of the following are the Government 2. Missile Technology Control Regime
initiatives for the Cotton sector in India? (MTCR)
1. Amended Technology Upgradation Fund 3. Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
Scheme 4. Wassenaar Arrangement
2. Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme How many of the above options is/are correct?
3. SAMARTH scheme a) Only one
4. Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme b) Only two
How many of the above statements is/are correct? c) Only three
a) Only one d) None of the above
b) Only two
c) Only three 18
4) Which of the following are the defence exercises
between India and France?
12. Maps / Places
1. Varuna
2. Indra 1) Yangtse region, recently seen in news is located
3. Garuda Shakti in
How many of the above options is/are correct? a) Himachal Pradesh
a) Only one b) Ladakh
b) Only two c) Arunachal Pradesh
c) All three d) Sikkim
d) None
2) Which of the following places on India’s side of
the Line of Actual Control (LAC) is located in
Arunachal Pradesh?
1. Tawang
11. Reports and Indices 2. Demchok
3. Depsang
1) Consider the following statements regarding Select the correct answer code:
Global Multidimensional Poverty Index report of a) 1, 3
2023. b) 1 only
1. Global Multidimensional Poverty Index c) 1, 2
report of 2023 was released by United Nations d) 1, 2, 3
Development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford
Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI). 3) Consider the following statements.
2. According to the report, the incidence of 1. Rwanda is a landlocked country in
the multidimensional poverty increased from 2015- the Great Rift Valley of Central Africa.
16 to 2019-21. 2. The Equator passes through Rwanda.
3. Multidimensional poverty estimates act 3. Rwanda is located south of Burundi.
as substitute for National Sample Survey (NSS) How many of the above statements is/are correct?
consumption-based poverty ratios. a) Only one
How many of the above statements is/are correct? b) Only two
a) Only one c) All three
b) Only two d) None
c) All three
d) None 4) Consider the following statements.
1. Kenya is a country in East Africa with a
2) Consider the following statements regarding coastline on the Indian Ocean.
World food price index. 2. Kenya encompasses savannah, Great Rift
1. It is released by the Food and Agriculture Valley and mountain highlands.
Organization (FAO). 3. Mount Kilimanjaro can be seen from
2. It is a measure of the monthly change in Kenya.
international prices of a basket of food commodities. How many of the above statements is/are correct?
3. It consists of the average of ten major a) Only one
food commodity group price indices weighted with b) Only two
the average export shares of each of the groups. c) All three
How many of the above statements is/are correct? d) None
a) Only one
b) Only two 5) Consider the following statements regarding
c) All three Morocco.
d) None 1. Morocco lies along the boundary of the
African and Eurasian tectonic plates.
2. It borders both the Atlantic Ocean and
Mediterranean Sea.
3. Atlas mountain is located in Morocco.
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only one 19
b) Only two 3) Consider the following statements regarding
c) All three Hallmarking.
d) None 1. At present only gold and silver have been
brought under the purview of Hallmarking.
6) Consider the following statements regarding Red 2. In Gold, Mandatory hallmarking is
Sea. applicable only to 22 and 24 carats of gold
1. The Red Sea is an inlet of the Indian Ocean jewellery/artefacts.
located between Africa and Asia. 3. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) assigns a
2. It is one of the most saline bodies of water Hallmarking Unique ID number to all hallmarked
globally. items.
3. In the south, it is bordered by the Sinai How many of the above statements is/are correct?
Peninsula, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Gulf of Suez. a) Only one
4. It is called Red Sea because the water b) Only two
typically appears red in colour. c) All three
How many of the above statements is/are correct? d) None
a) Only one
b) Only two
c) Only three
d) All four
13. Miscellaneous
1) The official committees that have estimated the
number of people living in poverty in India are
1. D T Lakdawala committee
2. Y K Alagh committee
3. C Rangarajan committee
4. Suresh Tendulkar committee
Select the correct answer code:
a) 1, 3, 4
b) 2, 3, 4
c) 3, 4
d) 1, 2, 3, 4 20