Kototial Ollege: Yeax Sernesten - TD/M

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Kototial ollege

omloatuve youarnmunt 6tics
yeax Sernesten - Td/m
ssignment - I
Cone farty ysteo Jwo Poty
and mult:-Party aysthn).
Name Rona keslan PP
.Cou se- 6-4 P0 guamne
Roll NO-202| 292

9ubmittd to
Panhy Sqtlems:One Panty,two
Pam&y and multi- Panly Soturns
in Enodutkion-
A pelubial oely al ally, a

wotvs uyont bmmon sets of untvusti,

MOTCUnnS, and oals. he wmay o ah hi
ketial anda
nd neluus dhu
thbnutOrd , nutlky to bur pubii Punon
and am MSUul kon th rgulan

Jundions of Pobitical onliis

v olutial haty hal a nurb
ob uuncduent wiboim . heH al
OA rolbial narty Amts lhthens y
utung n ardidate
4n CBUnbuLf uke UsA, the Canddatkr UU
8alurhd ly membus ard supnertery o
a naaby
(3) On thl athu hand, n (unti uk
ndià, tht Condidat Cl holen y
e aty uodh
vo pady hl duhount pelu! and
mak a thote in
vogiamm Votut
atcordana CUuh the ppltuu ard oftammel
dn a dunocrauc Countny,a long HOon o
ueyl that haj C0han gmdan spuniont
IMt togethun and Ham a ranty
hoe anlus hib lok lukiorr dorm ihe
hionJhu/ voiit dehnent VItus ard outi
uthy qovt 4en hun gaulwef and mol
erysrttn ta he MoU onmint
Polutual UtdShau fuublhi eninion .wh
h t n ah th uswl qrounk, hi fatur
lauh movumurts s 8otun Atoblen kucsd

Paotbisn oon aan de fovonrnunt

machnu and wlhevu &huma he
lotal nawt! laden grRs a a Ank hetuxin
the atuen and tht govvinment coftcen
One Ponty Suster) -
hi Gnl haty on Aingle peort
Auy San und uno tha cusumalucn that the
ov iwill ob ht lada HuNOPI in h
Madun and thu nldal lita hs authorl-
kecuan rvuntplu deurd upowsion t in mona-
hnit, louhun h dicketorshys ad murt UEEnt
Ah om danoUnatu! A he ddtatonth
Nuda OmonoPOY
it.cobo ltheg all oldiod nOvils, Jhot
Om at takons, thi Anraty yskrn
reunluy D duékuent (untuis , uut Somu af
h Ton aduoul ditaBonial ties in hust
COcurtu muk 4hm unqut Ihu Keatuwuu
aLCduh orty an stéuial i l y uh h
ne thab it ha amonopoly and
d byh am brg who u l
Mnbuth aAuuh e senBy i yualy
adL an lentral guivmunt e
acqurury at lot un4int ovUinmnt fok
h donkiaéunttern a ent-noty kean-Aus
luit dvisio kzon hu ra zlhctorat
tn h b1 tMu o naldis, ut to tniwml
diuplrnt and eldunu onpn h uel n
1qaniat/on and muthods , tt mor ule
an ahmy han a ldial ady
Ohuu fon,a ont- Nodt &ytty ecumes
nUCeaul kakaltonáno . AN he ol onnaon 0 a
08ltal ysem, he aty trd tks authoc
AUUTywhul. Ih gUwnal nolu duded h
cebo, o6fo No apud oh trdwidyal and
2oua u0 touny ls hetuntial ContH0l
Noupdingly,a8gl-Povety yskm unuolue y
abotion 0 dom uch and oqvuisiorn,
a d asouatron .Sh up e arty jun
Saladt {al? unden Muso lin i coho
S umd Ato io 19) nd yshnal«ally dikMoud
edil tonh hig fwty n
own falst

eman,Hl (an 0un tn 1933 and

omouyd all A GoHonn1, h arty
COAS Momina mghwz
AL nby oohinhum dwn undam h
vulenc that hay ubl ushrg uu
6m ton, huuferl
dvd tne Pathy
Kqstam vko kuo ub typef Outhosuteoia
er Pawy gskm, and) Non
Onl faty Auskrms. on the
wholk, howeve.
h umphais o nt fotulyhun
auoukagnim 44
ora lly en hi 4idi obrond
(OCrdaum iA oon ah phtotothy and
a i i to whi th whoe
a foculaan (onfoxm4s Borku obwrves,
Soci Aentd t
ha demboahi (outttso the Ont -da ts no

6 es ebuct whel fwotu of libe."n kact

h mbofolyat/on at Augaldyhat tpous
a t y ta be hu Sok tustodan of buth
Bpully a nuL pcudahón
uk ah_ Ont Poonsl&qslt2 u:
O hlps in A lablimut ab table
adminkMakion hiih xhen hlps in th

oviet union t a glaong pLample n h

n th 8ete, aton ad uten a6
n-Aumlannin is rnegbie
dht County achuies Hankable onontC
nogH ts a h ovornmnt ond thi (enkluks
amn all h
dakU and d
devte th ertuu
ngdtow0ds he notak o vodeutron h
|hl Sunknd
h t Admini'tatat on lutomu AAuLunt uaue
lAhe peuw n 1oncontetated in the trd
Bn adn and hubd avtoutm
polim and black manhotn ouk hanuhed
hvu i unt and ddentnt tn the
hint i rot uOstad in unnws O Cuficrtn
un MeRaganda.
bmpibs a Oh Pouky &yshero;
Oir thon is only ont nady n hit &jskem,
h i no hl dom. o6 ,peAin
umova i dad and dikatoxthn omenQt
hot 1 90PTd
clagsas and tntvusts
h yovonmwt bitn aho'oelt and the adr
nsHakron btme (Ponstble
hu dosd cfmunt o thi eDnaldy 1g hrdrue
Causk all Socal nedoms o l Kuuhd
dn dh 8um hou is, an aultba1ng
unhun Hv1OAIO, Aro the cenets are
URhd wHb a thiav hand
Fh dchatons makt onmoul Meltany fvuyp
01attorg Mntain1ng h honOn and
65thon,Ond hy adcPt the neluy of wo and
Loony cuhi s quite om kul d he
Juwo onty 34uns
A two Puty BygheM onN uheu
Cnly kuo orlus, duirids sht fvwkra oth
naortis, haut Aushantal epert a h
lchonal Ahd
tatlon a 6shmig th
8bVbnmont Und hu ysher,thI ruyORuty a
abchtd ondidahy af a gia kin
bulong to
an dwo maoi atu cuhih
th govt AWhilu hotun oody Amaint
n h
enekHion n uh a kn, a t n hot ay m
mOn dhan two Pntil, ut ackual likely
ounit a fown taky rlac liutwrn two
qant rdius onlt Shi unitd t and h
unittd unglom tro Vid gcod UXanlei at too-
Kystm hu mU, u
and Rupubha asdiug ai hoo Aant
n th Ok,th roli ei
tnantha ab ftcot
loc belwun thu tuo majon arlu,
Labou Ond on&vative
hul l , ah cows obih diffounes herwe
hc Pmoncan and Bxihrthontq kyston.uhilt
|h fmoucah onlus dn not dolcgically ry
muuh d bkonunt o oh th-hy nt bokn
-htogaunng cot 48 th [int Hot sach foty

Quh nes 0 basically imyk 1oluticd (onlensos

h Bthh poxtil, ough also THagmahtt ,ant
94hnally noakng ,1deotomealty ddknct tnoo
ach ohu. Rrryry hall dvenai h tco
nte kysln mayb dusidd untb (ardétt
|uo-Poudy &yshtm tn the Us.and (6) duiknt
kwo Pavrte gy$tm in Butan
plaruttons uhy a Countup
ct ton may volue io a
o0- Poty y shon hau beun dibatud .
uodun trupny, Hubwrud to ai SAVUNgOYS
fatu hit laus
Potias aou arotnl uttt
G a tomen toka all vofug8qsken Uhou aie
9Qaons AcFoms, two
mayon Ootuf domel khe alutitel Aand
and itapu.
ho hod bunvulahton rut a te -ftnty
ahod o tht tunithobul brom ly
holctutil ootturq keuesn h donaltk and
and aTu- rdasalut n the rill ko
ditades a@t dhe nakiftatton at the eonghit-
tutoh, Q(Mdn eoval U1RUS, n add thion
wnt o ben mOrdeulafon rot h coma
taku all altkoral a/sfun el et potiilan
Akatt and deal loaus! sugoordung vokrg
Mooteguou hdped uo Cau a two fouty sqstarn
Som hutonuary hau Suggestkd na two-Pepy
hkm m romote Cutum and antowrag
nadhial frtrif te grid (ommon e8 thvos ch
anpra to wd Rueth o hi akctovalu. tn..
holutis,Ontugm t 8 th9 ondony ta
OwoTd albi tal Uume oy fakung an tdio-
Regically Antpmedat 1othron .t ton kad
hs alhical tabeldy twhid
ko ornomI owh. Somcturekuads, in tuon,
y stens haue un leun Q two Party -

muti-fnty sqskmt ogud hy asy áimN

ouonn, wth los achouney and guato

onmony,ni it duktsa nadical moim
fantis, cihde multi eoty sqs/hms (an somctune
ad ta hung feodaments Ratall thot a td
atyshtm 1 a &c{hem uhvt only too0
P'oscas on alant, 6ypically ploud utho id
o n b , houe a HLalic tharg of
minon 0 Sotly gonal
bvontages oh wo Pot &usero
Polrhtal nfonmautron i muuh (aj1RA
Atundnfand :
ALhough a kuo-ftory ysbern
um thu tuer t voto,it allouws paly
4 oaet Anhomaton n a Convenent marnb
Path o9dyis abk te synknt Hheuh Con
DPtod 1oldrial hlotogy A uch, UoBev can
betnturdosknd ha vNu af a o
aotng (vttun $Scus
2. ulan Schiud becaust Multyple
Anloul and enons Unl augmodala
t h Pa-y t Cemued a
&anuad 9M0 and ndividual Votl coba al
hauu a be ad ang ab ntul 1 Such,"
Utockswhen makung guhical datultonf. fntludra
Uoto nlouH also alloous Pastt ts ucuu
Gnhntutd Suppont
3.Pohiial abulity sachieved
Hawung ony two fostid doegp
uddun ShueAn nglatial brud
och an Jad ks qounmnt indobrlty Cley toeth
Hhalilial huhilt n tenomit groush be
achaved witb a hwo.-Posety ystan, ThL flplti
al fOtlaun a ual mototy th okttroni
Thi allouS Arkabtlety as oy faue a (onara
riatfotm to ddhun d. A a tualt , Hnwa 1s dicu-
venes p v t hn agao,1nends un hu vS
h at houn a wo -lnty ustur) 1ß achall-
du,tuftvt Pamooat and kpuhlcanp at (on
Handy bichvung and h dont sust Rach ohu
4 9go Ven iný m 8impln
is muuh mH Bimplkn
Jwo ftrd 8qsttm m been fukoel
muti-Party qums hecauA h onu not
dugeurult ks goven.Dnil kird eh k sfen alko
dLona 9Hadu cal m podas ard al bd,
h uwud au es uDulure arnd mre hom
Meulhy PoutY tysfams hau uttd n hung Poorlairen
n y ah.oni fortiula anlk fay. Sida 200%,
al dwis1ve Po litics
S.hunt aou heuw Vohirg chot'te.
Athough om tould tonsidw hi a
utadvontaqe a hourng only fwo ftrort is limittre
hnCosbm wh aul hot beuiy g1Ue)-tuo
Cho hlps uouf mkt a much batlun doition

Sadvorntages Pa-byysle
Bt bsanas govDnt a 8tandsti
Bru enly nuds ts look at Arrmlo
Puht hw u how u bwb- flwy &yse
haulug.BumOeads an lrubhtant sapnet oul
O etan sus aund as kuth, tan duul anythr
Matonaly.hot n no dewn, Solutions
Lsl-larnS, a nahy Ah hily h alh-
1aPtui' OUCulAP h t Gnanothen . fAmuila
baa loh ob Sue uÙt nou, lualh
Chd onbrevoslal t heu &um!4hat
w ant muth 86/uttonsJury huson qut
thoru ko t he
demo oads andd kubhars so guat thal thay
h untny
Un rttd crtuens
tmuldqrlios twhon t
as an advantage Jucaul(mu! to votm
bu lse
ontuens hvl CUl t throse inom,h less
COY1gu tn makng o dhoiu would bl Houitw
hausung nly hud aslul to uik ntm is also
arby h Aachil all h urtio ab a fanki
Sgmunt Avotel Vots aamdidualy, who
a Uuid ntut and uill most kly
duae wth ent mol (18utr a flalhrol
Coy it (mfegning
oitis aluwas unkd wth tOotuphur
m cltan who
Quk fakaonag maul ba dnownid en but t
CnnoSTght ah hupoltiial SPhvu Lven
thQuWaNg Uqonmant Certthack tPeot
Anduns otactia samnant An twd otyy
ByShepns ankte alto águd ontiim fartue
aoly whun omu toundugy.F0n lnihne
ug Cont oarutond Oould want ömethuag in aet
Oin n hasuy aua lav ertion ah hi
&Aunl t a Cumfayon s Juy thal Card
lidede twpn-ha NdonAhat Naotouhn (antida
Cuon hu lctun , htt
(at rtiulan anddlt moht
ddkiutb Aayru a tontaubucto'
PUGULStn lomt hir uing al ou foty ow
thcth octior) te hem
t qroNS alhonatul Uot(eS
JwO Peutly &ystums that 6unt
Stauy untild &lually 1qnohd altonoliol (opton,
Puaaly adutal onel fn a mclui norty y Han
eluthaf nd divois Uleu uu horagd
oexauge (ealeliong a ontd y Hotoron ond
c 0ak ftIAI un ndun tg thicW olomnon&.
fhund cot, Pn hu tthu hond ,art sht)

wines taki al very meihanim twhond a losir

Candicele loks olanca un oy oel a
R1gnAicant otloung
Mult? Pay SsAems2
A muli-fMey yStem s ene in
uhth mUHa han A0d POodil utuho
|AuGHtoh aauh alha ken pouwUn buk no lunty
(An alont owe ahtdute majordy ta uls 8n
Countie ko andi ahd vUal Keutl ENh
Centnnto uwdR, Such a SYstem Uisk thou
AgAmS On can ddwnttoo
P1om th eunt
Habnlrty yonmnf Ka) thsfable
mulki uluAyskN, onlC) womhria mulkr
-(ny Aln namt ñdiati , thi éom-
dots n&Bahnlty nda teday foudet oni o6
4A h anl o thif, wh HOtUoug'hun
af atu hof raiu3ed
faliamank du to Alehha ounin
olducain hbity at h ustunut9%
Oht (OhTung mul-Poorty yskns, Cn ti oth
Hhand,uhauuk t0 -/ody Subkn and +heuby
unt s MOVide labth 8 ¢umt,evun
hovgh h huL MOHL han two mayon Nalit
a l otil Goumu ltoany , ukoU he
h &ooal dunounli ady aj thi qU)
munt Pank!, hod hoacdoushit two-fch
hheL maon
othey fOvided ths govwnm ad ha Aotal
dumovna 9umauntd n th NeSIHa)
Apaze AONont -aiy dustemo
kand t le Tonl Common n
yshn than eurdstal &yskm anl n mOrl
6mmon NCountbuus had
ue foOnt1ora
UpLarntation certpcudd t (urthuW ut
uA olh falt- cut

thi-1t8 Qleckion
GreSt-Past hi -ftst 919Luwrel Contorelatd aas

ban lange
gusbtun whuua pottoml9ueenkot
ablects Ah Pofaltvr-
VIRWsPto Ponttoral SystuS may hu
membe dusegcts wth mohe tarn und
uAentatus ottod hnbrn ainn dulet
Cum uguslafve hody, and thuf a
gwots numbxn a VIable pasul Sunegor
au l a that the numb vahle nalit-
Atcll nadiu Grni flus h i numb ih
Ras in a dytmt
A multi-Puty &uslern is a

Systkm taoho mulbyn arod ratid fouhe

d nnatond alutdun A let o (8untius
| AUal e thu Ays torn ha Cealhin yout,
Meaniy many Pwries dsL n tnfol,and hoy
wonh tosher to make laul q Kuatl the
amuli fcoty gA a Syslem) tohh
mutepk 16ltidOtul trauu he canady ta
Oun Cenbmot
uh toatutton .$n oha uidS, mclti POoty
eys tam ystems nwhdh mO n to
futit au YPntd and elutad ts fublít
&AL h malln an hwd Aatg mau
hold ha kalan o fowun tn a fod umn
CUut y1m, and hul my bi tnvitd de
Abm Pank a Coaltitn qovenmn
6CAhn ewth on
m y ouoy a Sup/ly ound (orfdence
aguumint a h 0vUnrt, ° mtead
ac ndupendin orn hu dorminant fwtuit.
Mol Commenly, tp afel whu hol
arl hne mwnl utiu , no CT oby i
KImly ko qun Pow0i alont ard (aiy haut
tw0th tweh ACuho thun h hm toalulun
omany on rattoml and Stat kael, and n
oCon tbunul ak the Ommiunal evel
wthon Mord, Atiu ths 6oming oh tha kndlie
1elad h nev bana got nof
ud by a Coalubton wually
ndupindona fcucy o th ohustve fovrh
o0uticad char
Coalction q0ut han ôni
Pody o too Poot

Honinant 8yshans6 borbrons a teo0-fot

Col 10 Gundamundal dilogunnt cn
noliy oals , oh an funcple, (a bt
Abw tomaks Noluay tharle th e'Potee
KAlt htwun BmoOrats ound Ropubhçans
Mbntnola elctu 90uhe , hourve
Can he luoth 3witt and i1g0-
alcy hangs
>Advantags oh OMulb-Party
multi -foty s lom a6d! ctant
h nontuniky to haul al many thoice
olstbe tbe 9 such ,hot An unnott o ht
8 eysham ouy dumouadd

uacnhud heu gounDmits fh ocstAA

many fnhrë/ MRan a t thn anl
othen Ptil uweling h u fon fe b
Uotd Mto fbwer an dutouagR ude mean
ung 0 l l Powih
w many
Asnned n a multi -fsiky ystum, hif allous
nminoHtdy q91ocPs amor the tlectorati to be
Poo entl hu calfo allow
6ltuial t a t u a p a t 0 y h m1ajks

AnoAnoth advankaqn 0, , anakn

multi t y y em is nat th ellous
Bon Paotud AO hn thau
CM641b10n, i could knowm tin uiulh
*dh senakion ameulti ftody allbws
cnin ard ton tuhn culem a ht
okitia a #ht 9uuluy qouhnmunt ghu
evunts h adnt ht ulg Pouty
8om cennn dsgotic 6 fepapnicad
sadwdntages s,a. ulti
-"Po1ty Ssero -
n muny Cu, no én Ncnty ablk to
faun PowU) algn huupani,iads to
mgh ouuL doomL bgethor lu6gne
a atvUnnt an bl n d ad theye tcalt-
goVonmIts an be toak and unstable
.4E Goate tnct
al hu Pootud olhtrad Pouo
Mu (onvt u
Sh Ogant nalll,aduie h
mudia and so on n Anden T8 taany out
Ahiy ARaLh vofens
QJecdorates can' acomi bomhgndtd wh
0 mny hocel t th
9t tokused. gunt töhue
whue hy
.Anoiheh ddadvantege h mty-fucrty
gqfen thaf it aun Juad to din Sions
h ths notton his ufumallg {o n
Aua whunt Partui (ould be komd
alon ub ,elqioud 8nAhniu lne
1uhun u wL many atid
vyin h ultumatl goal alng
khu Lunbny, it can dgenurai into an
unhalth AWey amon hu Vntdus
Iantis h LDuld Vndiially 4le
duulopmunt and ohe{s.

A oliial paby M arn oeni-

Bobton hongh whúh rdivduak and gMops
UDOnk t t u sliuta fouUN ond, i 6uuos
l , is 47runtlado thole nslus and (Om-
amn inte ualy ohay hau (em into
dus ts ywnal kadond +hat nduco
uman rishinet st lombahvheur,tnu
|onpanamental dabbouna dnnic duadnshif,
80 and alhid dhargs ukt ntations imfo
o o u monavy and ockenston s6 ddult
ukébiag a edso dutiongernt nkutl of url
he bou (es n hi o1gnment
hal wn oken om>
o OU NoLeS
oanule Wonamani, emPanatune
o Nig9an &cholons -NOtes

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