Kototial Ollege: Yeax Sernesten - TD/M
Kototial Ollege: Yeax Sernesten - TD/M
Kototial Ollege: Yeax Sernesten - TD/M
omloatuve youarnmunt 6tics
yeax Sernesten - Td/m
ssignment - I
Cone farty ysteo Jwo Poty
and mult:-Party aysthn).
Name Rona keslan PP
.Cou se- 6-4 P0 guamne
Roll NO-202| 292
9ubmittd to
Panhy Sqtlems:One Panty,two
Pam&y and multi- Panly Soturns
in Enodutkion-
A pelubial oely al ally, a
muti-fnty sqskmt ogud hy asy áimN
Sadvorntages Pa-byysle
Bt bsanas govDnt a 8tandsti
Bru enly nuds ts look at Arrmlo
Puht hw u how u bwb- flwy &yse
haulug.BumOeads an lrubhtant sapnet oul
O etan sus aund as kuth, tan duul anythr
Matonaly.hot n no dewn, Solutions
Lsl-larnS, a nahy Ah hily h alh-
1aPtui' OUCulAP h t Gnanothen . fAmuila
baa loh ob Sue uÙt nou, lualh
Chd onbrevoslal t heu &um!4hat
w ant muth 86/uttonsJury huson qut
thoru ko t he
demo oads andd kubhars so guat thal thay
h untny
Un rttd crtuens
tmuldqrlios twhon t
as an advantage Jucaul(mu! to votm
bu lse
ontuens hvl CUl t throse inom,h less
COY1gu tn makng o dhoiu would bl Houitw
hausung nly hud aslul to uik ntm is also
arby h Aachil all h urtio ab a fanki
Sgmunt Avotel Vots aamdidualy, who
a Uuid ntut and uill most kly
duae wth ent mol (18utr a flalhrol
Coy it (mfegning
oitis aluwas unkd wth tOotuphur
m cltan who
Quk fakaonag maul ba dnownid en but t
CnnoSTght ah hupoltiial SPhvu Lven
thQuWaNg Uqonmant Certthack tPeot
Anduns otactia samnant An twd otyy
ByShepns ankte alto águd ontiim fartue
aoly whun omu toundugy.F0n lnihne
ug Cont oarutond Oould want ömethuag in aet
Oin n hasuy aua lav ertion ah hi
&Aunl t a Cumfayon s Juy thal Card
lidede twpn-ha NdonAhat Naotouhn (antida
Cuon hu lctun , htt
(at rtiulan anddlt moht
ddkiutb Aayru a tontaubucto'
PUGULStn lomt hir uing al ou foty ow
thcth octior) te hem
t qroNS alhonatul Uot(eS
JwO Peutly &ystums that 6unt
Stauy untild &lually 1qnohd altonoliol (opton,
Puaaly adutal onel fn a mclui norty y Han
eluthaf nd divois Uleu uu horagd
oexauge (ealeliong a ontd y Hotoron ond
c 0ak ftIAI un ndun tg thicW olomnon&.
fhund cot, Pn hu tthu hond ,art sht)
thi-1t8 Qleckion
GreSt-Past hi -ftst 919Luwrel Contorelatd aas
ban lange
gusbtun whuua pottoml9ueenkot
ablects Ah Pofaltvr-
VIRWsPto Ponttoral SystuS may hu
membe dusegcts wth mohe tarn und
uAentatus ottod hnbrn ainn dulet
Cum uguslafve hody, and thuf a
gwots numbxn a VIable pasul Sunegor
au l a that the numb vahle nalit-
Atcll nadiu Grni flus h i numb ih
Ras in a dytmt
A multi-Puty &uslern is a