Carrasco 2008

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How Far and with Whom

Do People Socialize?
Empirical Evidence About Distance
Between Social Network Members

Juan Antonio Carrasco, Eric J. Miller, and Barry Wellman

Hägerstrand’s seminal argument that regional science is about people approach to understand the overall social activity–travel process is the
and not just locations is still a compelling and challenging idea when study of travelers’ personal networks, which consist of people (alters)
the spatial distribution of activities is studied. In the context of social with whom these travelers (egos) interact. With this motivation in
activity–travel behavior (hosting and visiting), this issue is particularly mind, this paper analyzes the duality of people and places in social
fundamental as individuals’ main motivation in making social trips is activities, using the social network approach, which enables the map-
mostly with whom they interact rather than where they go. A useful ping of social activities, linking the individuals’ social and spatial
approach to incorporate the travelers’ social context is to study explic- networks. Just as places link people, people link places.
itly the spatial distribution of their social networks, focusing on social The objective of this paper is to present evidence about the distance
locations as emerging from their contacts, rather than analyzing social patterns between individuals and their personal networks, analyzing
activity locations in isolation. In this context, this paper studies the spatial which factors are related to the spatial distribution of home locations.
distribution of social activities, focusing on the home distances between From a travel behavior perspective, although home locations are
specific individuals (egos) and the network members (alters) with whom related only to hosting and visiting, they can serve as a useful source
they socialize—serving as a proxy to study social activity–travel location. of explanation to study the overall social activity–travel distances. An
Using data from a recent study of personal networks and social interac- associated argument is that the spatial distribution of social activities
tion, and multilevel models that account for the hierarchical structure of emerges from the locations of the social network members who social-
these networks, this paper provides empirical evidence on how the char- ize, and thus the analysis starts with their relationships and locations.
acteristics of individuals and their social context relate to the distance In that sense, the consequent research question is whether these
separating them. The results strongly suggest that, although the spatial patterns have systematic effects that depend on the characteristics
distribution of social interaction has idiosyncratic characteristics, there of the social network members interacting.
are several systematic effects associated with the characteristics of egos, Overall, the empirical analyses offered in this paper constitute
alters, and their personal networks that affect the spatial distribution of a first step toward the general goal of having a better understanding
relationships, and they can contribute to an understanding of where of the interplay between physical space and social space. These
people perform social activities with others. analyses complement studies of the frequency of social activities
using a personal network approach (1, 2) as well as the study of the
activity spaces defined by these social networks (3). These results
Hägerstrand’s argument that regional science is about people and not are expected to enrich the behavioral components of operational
just locations is still a compelling and challenging idea for the study agent-based activity–travel demand models, such as TASHA (4),
of the spatial distribution of activities. This issue is particularly and integrated land use models, such as ILUTE (5), in their handling
important in analyzing social activity–travel, which is motivated of the duality of places and people.
by people’s need to interact. In this context, the main individual This paper first reviews the role of social activity–travel and per-
driver to perform a social trip is mostly with whom people interact sonal networks as well as the relationship between physical and social
rather than where they go. Yet, spatial distance between people is a space. Second, personal network data are briefly described in conjunc-
constraint to performing social activities, and thus the physical tion with the statistical approach used to study the distance patterns.
location of social activities remains a key aspect that shapes social Third, the main empirical results are presented, showing the relation-
activity–travel behavior. A very useful and theoretically sound ship between individual characteristics, their personal networks, and
the spatial structure of their contacts. Finally, key conclusions are
J. A. Carrasco, Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, P.O.
Box 160-C, Concepción, Chile. E. J. Miller, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Toronto, 35 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, Canada.
B. Wellman, Netlab, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto, SOCIAL ACTIVITY–TRAVEL
455 Spadina Avenue, Fourth Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2G8, Canada. AND PERSONAL NETWORKS
Corresponding author: J. A. Carrasco, [email protected].
Travel for social activities has received less analytic attention than
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2076, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
travel for other purposes, such as working and shopping, despite
D.C., 2008, pp. 114–122. recognition of their importance in terms of number and kilometrage,
DOI: 10.3141/2076-13 as well as their association with quality of life (6). In fact, social

Carrasco, Miller, and Wellman 115

activities are essential from a social support perspective, as face-to- 1970s (12, 17, 18). However, this literature generally measures social
face social interaction is a privileged way of interacting with the spe- distance at an aggregated scale, comparing social trips between
cialized social networks that provide support and companionship (7). different-income neighborhoods and focusing on preferences for
From a policy perspective, social networks also provide a link to the homogeneous social contacts.
concept of social capital (8)—the use of interpersonal resources— However, the social dimension of activities and trips is even broader
with access to people and places (9). than the shared socioeconomic characteristics of individuals. In this
Tindall and Wellman (10) defined the social network approach as sense, a more sensible approach to incorporate the social dimension
follows: is to study explicitly social networks in space as they not only include
social distance but also capture the fundamental interaction of social
Social network analysis is the study of social structure and its effects. It activities. In fact, mapping social networks in space provides a use-
conceives social structure as a social network, that is, a set of actors ful way to study the social activity space or set of potential locations
(nodes) and a set of relationships connecting pairs of these actors.
(10, pp. 265–266) to perform social activities (19). However, and surprisingly, knowl-
edge about the interplay between social and physical space is scarce,
Hence, two components define this paradigm: actors, representing and few attempts to map and analyze social networks in space are
in this case the different persons who compose the social network, found in the literature (6, 20, 21). Although these studies have
and relationships or ties, representing flows of resources that can be improved knowledge about the relationships between distance and
related to aspects such as control, dependence, cooperation, informa- social interaction [especially the studies of Larsen et al. (6) and Mok
tion interchange, and competition. The core concern of the social net- et al. (21)], the fundamental question about the spatial distribution of
work paradigm is to understand how social structures facilitate and social networks remains open. In this sense, much more empirical
constrain opportunities, behaviors, and cognitions (10). Social net- evidence about the spatial configuration of social networks is needed
work analysis conceives the overall behavior as more than the sum of to understand the interplay between social and physical space in
individual behaviors and contrasts with explanations that treat indi- travel behavior.
viduals as independent units of analysis, as those traditionally used in
travel behavior research. Behavior is explained not only through per-
sonal attributes but also by using social structural attributes that incor- DATA AND METHODS
porate the interaction among the different social network members.
Data: Connected Lives Study
From a travel behavior perspective, ties among people can also be
conceived as potential activity and travel. Consequently, the charac- The data used in the analysis are part of the Connected Lives Study
teristics of these social networks become sources of explanation of (22), a broad study about people’s communication patterns, con-
activity and travel as relevant as the traditional sociodemographic ducted in the East York area of Toronto, Canada, which is fairly
attributes. representative of the overall central city characteristics with regard
Because a “whole” social network approach, which enumerates all to sociodemographics and transportation level of service. The data
the interactions in bounded social collectives, is not feasible in large consist of two instruments:
urban settings (lists of the population are not known in advance), this
paper uses an egocentric or personal network approach (11). Personal
1. A survey of a random sample of 350 people of overall inter-
network studies focus on specific actors (egos) and those who have
action patterns, media use, and general social network characteristics
relations with them (alters). From the respondent’s perspective, ego-
centric networks constitute a network of actors (alters) with whom the
2. An in-depth interview of a subsample of 84 people that col-
respondent has some relationship.
lected personal network data (including alter’s characteristics and
interactions with the ego).
MAPPING SOCIAL NETWORKS For practical reasons, the methods for collecting personal networks
need to concentrate on a partial set of the overall individual’s contacts,
Social activities involve person-to-person connections, and thus the which depends on the object of study (11). The networks collected
role of space is not the same as in other travel purposes, such as shop- here correspond to the individual’s affective network or people
ping and working, which emphasize person-to-activity connections the respondent defines as emotionally close, an approach chosen to
(12). The meaning of destinations is different because they are not study communication and social activity–travel patterns. Respondents
interchangeable: a major part of social activity destinations are at named the people who lived outside their household, with whom they
homes of specific persons rather than at places that can be “chosen” felt very close and somewhat close. Very close was defined as
depending on attractors such as costs, environment, and proximity. “people whom you discuss important matters with, or regularly keep
In this sense, physical space needs to include its social context, and in touch with, or they are there for you if you need help.” Somewhat
the network approach provides a very useful way to incorporate close consisted of “more than just casual acquaintances, but not very
explicitly this social dimension in space. close people.” This “closeness” approach defines two aspects. First,
There is a long tradition in the scholarly literature of studying the it measures tie strength: strong and somewhat strong. Second, close-
effect of distance decay in the interaction between people and the rela- ness defines the personal network “boundary,” excluding casual
tionship to social distance. This work began even earlier than gravity acquaintances and the social-activity generation that arise from those
and entropy models (13). Some examples are the sociological study contacts. In addition, respondents were asked to record whether their
of the negative effect of distance in social interactions (14, 15) and alters knew each other and the strength of the alter–alter ties: these
the geographic concept of “contact fields” (16). Also, the effect of the connections are used to study the structure of the personal networks
interdependence of social and spatial distance was studied in the and are measured considering the entire personal network elicited.
116 Transportation Research Record 2076

The data collection process also gathered detailed information for Different standard measures of the level of subgrouping in personal
a subsample of alters (23), including age, relationship, job, and eth- networks were studied (26); the most empirically successful measure
nic heritage as well as their home location and most frequent place was the number of components, which represents the number of
of interaction with the respondent. This spatial information was subgroups that are related only to ego (but not directly linked to
geocoded with 95% success, with 7% of them geocoded only at the each other). The following attributes are considered in measuring
city level. Figure 1 provides details on the overall ego–alter distance the proportion of alters with the same characteristics: (a) role with
distribution. Also, information about communication and inter- respect to ego (immediate and extended kin, neighbors, work and
action patterns between each alter and the respondent was collected student mates, members of the same voluntary organizations, and
and included face-to-face, socializing, telephone, e-mail, and instant other friends); and (b) closeness between egos and alters (very close
messaging. and somewhat close alters). The difference in the level of activity
The collected personal networks ranged between 3 and 66 alters between alters is measured by using the network degree of centrality,
(the maximum allowed), with a mean of 23.76, and a standard devia- which accounts for differences in the alter’s point centrality degrees
tion of 14.48. The subsample geocoded ranged between 3 and 15, with (i.e., the number of ties that link a specific alter with others) in the
a mean of 12.13 and a standard deviation of 3.17. For further details overall network. A high degree of centrality of the network denotes
about the collection procedure and main data characteristics, see a high variability in the point centralities in the network (27, 28).
Hogan et al. (24) and Carrasco et al. (25). Finally, ego–alter level attributes are characteristics of the alter
Personal network data are composed of two levels: (a) ego net- and of the alters’ role with respect to the ego—their age, gender, tie
work, consisting of the ego’s characteristics and overall social struc- strength, and degree of centrality. In addition, their home location and
most frequent place of interaction with the respondent were collected.
ture features; and (b) ego–alter, consisting of the characteristics of
This spatial information was geocoded with 95% success, with 7%
each alter and ego–alter ties.
of them only at the city level. Figure 1 details the overall ego–alter
Ego-network explanatory variables include attributes of egos and
distance distribution.
their overall personal network. Ego attributes are age, presence of
children in the household, whether they live with a stable partner,
household income, years living in the study area, language spoken at Method: Multilevel Models
home, and Internet access. Personal network attributes are as follows:
The dependent variable in the empirical models corresponds to the
• Network size (number of alters), log-distance between each ego and alter in the personal networks.
• Isolates (alters connected only to the ego), Multilevel methods capture data that have a hierarchical clustered
• Density (ratio between actual and possible number of ties present structure, which “cannot be assumed to consist of independent obser-
in the network of alters), vations” (29, p. 187). Personal networks have this hierarchical struc-
• Subgrouping, ture, because each ego’s alter and each ego–alter tie (ego–alter level)
• Proportion of similar alters, and relate to specific egos and their personal networks (ego-network
• Difference in the “level of activity” between alters. level). Multilevel models have been extensively applied in social

300 100








0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Distance alters closer than 100 km Distance alters further than 100 km

FIGURE 1 Distance distribution of alters. (Mean distance  1,017 km; standard deviation  1,303 km; median  741 km.)
Carrasco, Miller, and Wellman 117

sciences and transportation in the past (23, 30–33); for an in-depth ous: that is, a variable with a positive sign involves a higher propensity
review of this technique, the reader is referred to the broad existing of alters to be located farther from egos. The models were estimated
literature (34–36). with HLM software (37 ), using a full information maximum-
The model is derived by considering two sets of equations. Level 1 likelihood procedure, and performing an iterative generalized
(or lower or microlevel) is given by least-squares estimation procedure.
Yif = β j 0 + ∑ β fk xijk +  ij
 if ~ N ( 0,  ) ,  = Iσ 2
∀ij (1)
Tables 1 and 2 show the two multilevel models studied in this paper.
As explained before, the dependent variable corresponds to the
where log-distance between each ego–alter pair. The logarithmic form was
Yif = dependent variable (assumed continuous), chosen to smooth the effect of international distances in the results.
xijk = kth attribute (K in total), Table 1 includes all personal network members in the data, regard-
βjk = corresponding coefficients, less of whether there was a face-to-face social interaction between
ij = random term, egos and alters in the past year. Table 2 includes only those personal
N = normal distribution, and network members with whom egos had a social interaction in the
I = identity matrix. past year. The distinction between Tables 1 and 2 is important because
overall personal networks may include people who egos consider as
In a personal network model, this level corresponds to the ego–alter emotionally important but with whom interaction is very infrequent
level represented by alter i and ego j or simply the tie ij. In the case of because of factors such as distance, time, or financial constraints. In
this paper, the dependent variable Yij corresponds to the log-distance this sense, the contrast between Table 1 and Table 2 highlights differ-
between egos and alters, and the dependent variables xijk correspond ences between the potential set of alters that egos consider as relevant
to alter and ego–alter tie characteristics. social contacts and those with whom egos travel to interact socially.
Level 2 (or higher or macrolevel) is given by These models do not try to establish a direct causal structure between
L independent variables and ego–alter log-distances, but only identify
β jk = γ k 0 + ∑ γ kl z jkl + νjk which characteristics are associated with the distance between egos
l =1
and alters—that is, egos and alters who are more likely to be located
νjk ~ N ( 0, Ω ) ∀k = 0 → K (2) far apart or close together. The focus is mostly on distance rather than
on the spatial scale of egos’ networks (local and regional versus
where international).
l = attributes, There are no standard procedures to specify these kinds of multi-
zjkl = lth attribute (L in total), level models. The variable specification process shown in Table 1 and
γkl = corresponding coefficients, Table 2 follows an incremental process, inspired by Fischer (29),
νjk = random term, and which consists of five progressively complex multilevel models:
Ω = arbitrary variance–covariance matrix.
1. Base model, considers only random effects at both ego-network
In a personal network model, this is the ego-network level, represented and ego–alter levels,
by the ego and its corresponding network j. In the case of this paper, 2. Adds fixed ego–alter explanatory variables,
the variables zjl correspond to egos’ attributes and overall personal 3. Adds fixed ego-network explanatory variables,
network characteristics. 4. Adds cross-level fixed explanatory variables, and
Combining Equations 1 and 2, the following multilevel model is 5. Adds random slopes.

⎡ L K
⎤ ⎡ K L ⎤ In addition to this progressive method, different forward selection
Yij = ⎢ γ 00 + ∑ γ 01z j 01 + ∑ γ k 0 xijk ⎥ + ⎢ ∑ ∑ γ kl z jkl xijk ⎥ combinations were performed to minimize the potential misspecifica-
⎣ l =1 k =0 ⎦ ⎣ k =1 l =1 ⎦
tion biases. The key statistical tests used to assess goodness of fit
⎡ K
⎤ are the t-statistics for individual fixed coefficients and a χ2 test for
+ ⎢ νj 0 + ∑ νjk xijk +  if ⎥ (3)
⎣ k =1 ⎦ random slopes. Also, a “deviance coefficient” (minus two times the
model’s log likelihood) is used to perform likelihood ratio tests for
Equation 3 shows the three effects in the response variable Yij that each specification and between nested models. Model 5 in both cases
multilevel models take into account (each effect enclosed in one set has the best goodness of fit, considering deviance and degrees of
of brackets): the effect of each level, the cross-level interaction, and freedom as well as individual statistical tests and explanatory power.
the variance effects of both levels. These three effects are the raison Model 1, besides being the base case, indicates the intraclass or
d’être of multilevel models: taking into account the importance of intrarespondent correlation with respect to ego–alter log-distance as
each level and, at the same time, the interaction or dependence well as the appropriateness of using the multilevel modeling structure
between both levels. From a statistical perspective, multilevel mod- (29). This indicator consists of the ratio between the variance of the
els explicitly account for the correlation involved in the nested struc- random slopes in each level. In the case of all alters, the intraclass
ture of the two levels. From a social network perspective, multilevel correlation is 23.5% for the socializing alters; the intraclass or
models account for the dependence effect given by ties belonging to intrarespondent correlation is 15.6%. In other words, although most
the same social network. Note that signs of the explanatory variables of the log-distance variance is explained by the ego–alter level, 23.5%
should be directly interpreted as the dependent variable is continu- and 15.6% of the total variance correspond to the ego-network level
TABLE 1 Multilevel Models of Log-Distance Between Egos and Alters (All Alters)

Model 3
Model 2 Model 4 Model 5
Model 1 Fixed
Fixed Ego-Alter Ego-Network Cross-Level Random
Base Model Variables Added Variables Added Variables Slopes Added

Fixed Effects Coeff. t-Stat. Coeff. t-Stat. Coeff. t-Stat. Coeff. t-Stat. Coeff. t-Stat.

Intercept Level 1
Intercept Level 2 3.507 (20.62) 3.786 (11.24) 2.579 (2.60) 5.591 (9.59) 4.857 (9.16)
Ego’s age 0.745 (3.89) — — — —
Presence of children in the household −0.460 (−1.65) −0.707 (−2.44) −0.613 (−2.46)
Household income −0.350 (−1.03) −0.104 (−1.57) −0.154 (−2.68)
Ego works at home −0.744 (−2.42) −0.703 (−2.27) −0.788 (−2.92)
Years the ego lives in the city −0.040 (−5.01) −0.026 (−3.49) −0.024 (−3.68)
Proportion of strong ties in the network −1.150 (−1.31) — — — —
Proportion of immediate kin in the network 2.290 (2.37) — — — —
Proportion of neighbors in the network 1.415 (1.35) — — — —
Proportion of work–student mates in 3.139 (3.26) — — — —
the network
Proportion of friends in the network 1.804 (2.76) — — — —
Number of components in the network −0.037 (−0.93) −0.046 (−1.15) −0.008 (−1.23)
English spoken at home −0.642 (−1.62) −0.568 (−1.38) −0.303 (−1.86)
Internet access at home of Ego 0.569 (1.83) 0.701 (2.14) 0.658 (2.34)
Alter is immediate kin slope
Intercept 1.194 (3.59) 1.074 (3.25) 0.819 (2.25) 1.124 (2.64)
Presence of children in the household 0.968 (2.73) 0.860 (1.76)
Alter is extended kin slope
Intercept 1.136 (3.24) 1.087 (3.17) 2.784 (4.96) 3.178 (4.43)
Proportion of extended kin in the network −6.984 (−3.59) −7.267 (−2.72)
Alter is neighbor slope
Intercept −2.515 (−7.65) −2.573 (−7.68) −3.273 (−7.88) −3.156 (−7.93)
Proportion of neighbors in the network 0.053 (3.23) 0.051 (3.23)
Alter is a work–student mate slope
Intercept −0.337 (−1.06) −0.538 (−1.68) −1.217 (−2.6) −1.050 (−2.36)
Proportion of work–student mates in 3.685 (2.74) 3.805 (2.97)
the network
Alter is a member from an organization
Intercept −0.875 (−2.16) −0.906 (−2.28) — — — —
Proportion of members from −2.300 (−1.76) −1.405 (−1.12)
organizations in network
Alter is a friend slope
Intercept −0.478 (−1.71) −0.615 (−2.19) −0.383 (−1.46) −0.007 (−1.02)
Alter is strong tie slope
Intercept 0.352 (2.14) 0.357 (2.16) — — — —
Proportion of strong ties in the network 0.555 (1.85) 0.609 (2.10)
Alter degree of centrality slope
Intercept — — — — 1.420 (1.71) 1.189 (1.45)
Network degree of centrality −10.721 (−3.35) −9.194 (−2.73)
Alter is older than 40 years old slope
Intercept −0.388 (−2.25) −0.481 (−2.76) −1.295 (−2.66) −1.375 (−3.11)
Ego’s age 0.303 (1.81) 0.326 (2.17)

Std. χ2 (p- Std. χ2 (p- Std. χ2 (p- Std. χ2 (p- Std. χ2 (p-
Random Effects Dev. value) Dev. value) Dev. value) Dev. value) Dev. value)

Intercept 1.364 380.12 1.288 390.87 0.779 190.77 0.815 213.22 0.824 24.31
(0.00) (0.00) (0.0) (0.0) (0.15)
Alter is immediate kin 1.537 20.66
Alter is extended kin 2.066 35.05
Alter is a friend 1.322 35.24
Level 1 random effect 2.460 2.221 2.224 2.177 1.982
Deviance 4,642.88 4,213.30 4,160.76 4,127.61 4,058.08
Number of parameters 3 11 25 25 35

NOTE: Blank spaces correspond to coefficients theoretically not included in the models, “—” correspond to coefficients with a t-statistic < 0.90. The chi-square statistics
reported above are based on only the portion of all level 2 units that had sufficient data for computation (84 out of 84 in Model 1, 82 out of 84 in Models 2, 3, and 4; and
27 out of 84 in Model 5). Fixed effects and variance components are based on all the data. Deviance corresponds to −2 times the log likelihood function. Standard deviations
of fixed effects correspond to robust standard errors and variance–covariance parameters and fixed level-2 coefficients are estimated by maximizing their joint likelihood.
Carrasco, Miller, and Wellman 119

TABLE 2 Multilevel Models of Log-Distance Between Egos and Alters (Only Alters with Whom Ego Socializes)

Model 3
Model 2 Model 4 Model 5
Model 1 Fixed
Fixed Ego-Alter Ego-Network Cross-Level Random
Base Model Variables Added Variables Added Variables Slopes Added

Fixed Effects Coeff. t-Stat. Coeff. t-Stat. Coeff. t-Stat. Coeff. t-Stat. Coeff. t-Stat.

Intercept Level 1
Intercept Level 2 2.926 (21.98) 2.919 (16.28) 2.554 (3.37) 3.498 (7.20) 3.546 (7.72)
Ego’s age 0.171 (1.02) — — — —
Presence of children in the household −0.617 (−2.74) −0.581 (−2.78) −0.580 (−2.84)
Household income 0.124 (2.3) 0.106 (1.99) 0.072 (1.47)
Years the ego lives in the city −0.024 (−3.8) −0.016 (−3.27) −0.015 (−3.43)
Proportion of strong ties in the network −1.344 (−1.6) −1.061 (−1.34) -— —
Proportion of immediate kin in the network 1.581 (1.88) — — — —
Proportion of neighbors in the network 1.025 (1.03) — — — —
Proportion of work–student mates in the 1.866 (2.26) — — — —
Proportion of friends in the network 0.991 (1.81) — — — —
Alter is immediate kin slope
Intercept 1.538 (7.37) 1.547 (7.44) 1.592 (7.38) 1.608 (5.49)
Alter is extended kin slope
Intercept 1.445 (5.79) 1.472 (5.87) 2.769 (5.52) 2.800 (3.67)
Proportion of extended kin in the network −5.176 (−2.93) −6.011 (−2.49)
Alter is neighbor slope
Intercept −1.986 (−6.96) −1.854 (−6.02) −1.845 (−6.61) −1.843 (−8.2)
Alter is a work–student mate slope
Proportion of work–student mates in the 1.027 (1.35) 0.745 (1.55)
Alter is strong tie slope
Proportion of strong ties in the network 0.194 (1.22) 0.147 (0.95)
Alter degree of centrality slope
Intercept −0.754 (−1.52) −0.821 (−1.71) 0.922 (1.23) 1.025 (1.37)
Network degree of centrality −7.681 (−2.81) −7.621 (−3.28)
Alter is older than 40 years old slope
Intercept −0.292 (−1.76) −0.383 (−2.23) — — — —
Ego’s age −0.098 (−1.68) −0.089 (−1.36)

Std. χ2 (p- Std. χ2 (p- Std. χ2 (p- Std. χ2 (p- Std. χ2 (p-
Random Effects Dev. value) Dev. value) Dev. value) Dev. value) Dev. value)

Intercept 0.936 225.5 0.788 197.1 0.561 137.3 0.589 144.5 0.588 41.34
(0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)
Alter is immediate kin 1.658 64.08
Alter is extended kin 1.688 47.63
Alter degree of centrality 1.259 59.86
Level 1 random effect 2.175 1.991 1.990 1.969 1.801
Deviance 3,461.49 3,173.87 3,146.44 3,135.24 3,087.12
Number of parameters 3 8 17 16 25

NOTE: Blank spaces correspond to coefficients theoretically not included in the models, “—” correspond to coefficients with a t-statistic < 0.90. The chi-square statistics
reported above are based on only the portion of all level 2 units that had sufficient data for computation (83 out of 84 in Model 1, 81 out of 84 in Models 2, 3, and 4;
and 29 out of 84 in Model 5). Fixed effects and variance components are based on all the data. Deviance corresponds to −2 times the log likelihood function. Standard
deviations of fixed effects correspond to robust standard errors and variance–covariance parameters and fixed level-2 coefficients are estimated by maximizing their
joint likelihood.

in the two models, respectively. If ego–alter ties had not been consid- Egos’ Characteristics
ered as embedded in specific networks, this variance would have been
neglected. Egos that have children at home are more likely to have alters phys-
The results are discussed next in more detail, grouped into three ically close, a result that also occurs when only socializing alters are
categories: egos’ characteristics, alters’ characteristics, and social considered. A possible explanation of this effect can be drawn from
network attributes. time constraints, which are probably higher for egos with children,
120 Transportation Research Record 2076

making both tie maintenance and social activities more difficult with models (Tables 1 and 2): egos that have lived longer in the city are
people located far away. In addition, the presence of children in the more likely to have closer contacts both overall and for social activi-
household is also relevant as a cross-level effect with immediate fam- ties. Then, people who probably have longer-time local social net-
ily members considering all network members, although with a dif- works tend to value these contacts both when they define their close
ferent sign: if egos have children, they are more likely to be further alters as well as when they perform social activities. This result echoes
from their immediate family members. This result suggests that other Fischer’s finding (29) that newcomers in the city tend to name twice
location dynamics associated with the life cycle stage of having chil- as many middle distance alters and an even higher proportion of long-
dren (e.g., job location, household size, immigration) may be more distance kin alters. This variable does not show high levels of corre-
relevant than potential support from immediate family members. lation with that of recent immigration, as it captures egos that have
Although the ego’s age is significant at the ego-network level only moved both internationally and nationally.
in earlier multilevel models, it becomes a much stronger explanatory Egos who work at home are more local in their overall social net-
variable crossed with alter’s age in the final Model 5 of both Table 1 works, as the negative relationship with log-distance shows, an effect
and Table 2. In the model of all network members (Table 1), the alter’s that is significant in the all-alters case but not in the only socializing
age slope indicates that, in general, older alters tend to be located network. Complementing Harvey and Taylor (38), who found that
closer to their egos. However, the crossed-effect alter’s age–ego’s age people who work at home spend more time with family at home or
suggests an opposite trend, indicating that, when both egos and alters alone, they presumably also have a greater chance of interacting with
are older, the previous tendency of alters locating closer is counter- more neighbors and, in general, with more local alters. However, at
balanced, with egos and alters tending to locate further than if any the same time, these more local relationships in egos who work at
of them had been young. In other words, although older alters have home do not translate into less long-distance socializing contacts than
a higher probability of being located close to egos, this tendency those of egos working outside the home. The latter result is consistent
becomes the opposite when the ego is also older. A possible explana- with Harvey and Taylor’s evidence that, despite the potential low
tion comes from mobility biography: older egos tend to have personal social interaction with work and student mates, working at home does
network members they know for a long time, and these alters have not translate into less travel (38).
a greater propensity to locate farther away (e.g., in other cities and When egos have Internet access at home, they are more likely to
countries) because of the ego and alter’s spatial mobility in time. In include longer-distance alters in their networks. In fact, this variable
contrast, the model with only socializing alters shows a negative effect serves as an indicator of whether the ego uses communication tech-
of the ego’s age, crossed level with alter’s age, instead of the positive nologies to maintain relationships. In this sense, the sign of Internet
sign in the all-alters model. That is, when egos and alters are older, access precisely shows part of the egos’ capability of maintaining
they tend to perform social activities when they are spatially closer, their longer-distance alters. The effect is significant only for the over-
possibly due to greater needs for accessibility and social support. In all alter model but has no relevant effect when only socializing alters
sum, when egos and alters are older, their distances are more likely to are considered, which suggests that Internet access involves the ability
be longer, but if they socialize, alters are more likely to live closer to to contact alters living at a long distance and maintain these relation-
egos, compared with their younger counterparts. ships but not necessarily to socialize with them. Distance is still an
Besides age, the other explanatory variable that changes signs important barrier to face-to-face social interaction (21).
between the two sets of models is income. Ego–alter distances in egos
with higher income tend to be shorter overall, but at the same time,
when only socializing alters are considered, ego–alter distances in Alter’s Characteristics
egos with higher income tend to be longer. This result suggests that
equity issues may play a role in the spatial scope of individual net- In the case of the influence of the alter’s role, network members who
works, with higher-income egos having greater mobility to perform are immediate or extended kin are more likely to live further from the
social activities both from a spatial point of view—as seen here—and ego. The positive relationship between ego–alter distance and kinship
from the frequency of interaction perspective, as the results from Car- relationship remains when only socializing alters are considered—
rasco and Miller (2) suggest. In other words, although low-income that is, kin are those who locate farther in the socializing personal
egos may have a more dispersed personal network, their mobility con- network. This result complements earlier evidence using the same
straints lead them to socialize less frequently and in a smaller spatial data (2), which suggests that, controlling for the negative effect of
scope than their higher-income counterparts. ego–alter distance, individuals tended to socialize less frequently with
The negative sign of English spoken at home in the all-alters model kin, compared with other roles. In this sense, the frequency of kin
shows that recent immigrant egos tend to have more distant networks, social interaction is lower than with other alters, not only because of
confirming that the geographic scope of relevant contacts is heavily spatial separation but also because of other factors (such as socializing
influenced by personal biography and mobility (6). At the same being considered a kinship obligation). However, at the same time—
time, recent immigration does not have a significant relationship with because kin are located farther than other roles in the socializing per-
ego–alter distance when only socializing alters are considered. The sonal network—egos are more willing to travel longer distances to
latter result suggests that, although recent immigrant egos tend to socialize and maintain their ties with kin, compared with other roles.
consider alters living farther as relevant (possibly maintaining the These results can be explained both because of kinship norms of
relationship by using communication technologies), their socializing connectivity and because kinship systems foster connectivity.
patterns do not differ too much from those of nonimmigrant egos, By contrast, neighbors (as expected), work and student mates, and
from a distance viewpoint, controlling for factors such as income, friends are more likely to locate closer to the ego (the latter having a
consistently with the absence of ethnic enclaves in the study area (22). very weak association). Of those three roles, only neighbors have a
Finally, three other personal and socioeconomic attributes show a significant positive effect when only socializing alters are considered.
significant effect on ego–alter log-distances. The years the ego has Carrasco and Miller (2) showed that, controlling for the negative
lived in the city shows a statistically significant effect in both final effect of ego–alter distance, egos tended to have more frequent social
Carrasco, Miller, and Wellman 121

activities with neighbors, work and student mates, and friends than The empirical models presented here explicitly distinguish between
with kin. In this sense, the results in this paper show that, although ego–alter distances in networks considering all alters and only those
egos socialize more frequently with these three roles, they are less alters who actually socialize with egos. The distinction is important
willing to travel longer distances to socialize with them than with kin. both conceptually and empirically because people tend to maintain
Finally, the degree of centrality—which accounts for the alter’s certain contacts but without interacting socially face-to-face (or at
number of links with others in the personal networks—shows a pos- a very low frequency). In fact, the differences in these models suggest
itive relationship with ego–alter distance in the overall contact net- an interesting venue for linking social network spatial distribution, and
work. A possible explanation is that egos tend to maintain ties at equity and social exclusion issues, where the focus on accessibility
longer distances with more connected alters, because they are more to people is put up front.
structurally important in their personal networks: for example, kin or Then results show that the characteristics of egos and the nature of
friends who know most of the other network members. ego–alter ties are associated with the spatial distribution of social net-
works, suggesting, from a transportation policy perspective, that pat-
terns of travel distance certainly vary according to who is involved in
Social Network Composition and Structure the social activity. At the same time, the analysis showed that certain
social network characteristics have some influence in the spatial dis-
The composition of the social network, measured by the proportion tribution of alters, having a role explaining distance between egos and
of each role in the network, has some statistically significant effects, alters.
which tend to be in the opposite direction than the effect of their cor- More generally, the analyses performed here reveal that, although
responding role in distance. For example, although extended kin alters the spatial distribution of personal networks can have some idiosyn-
tend to be located at far distances, if the ego has a higher proportion cratic characteristics, there are several systematic effects that influ-
of extended kin in the network, they tend to be located closer, all else ence the spatial distribution of ties and that can aid in understanding
equal. By contrast, higher proportions of neighbors, work and student where people perform social interactions with others. Furthermore,
mates, or strong ties are related to alters of each role locating at fur- from a transport policy viewpoint, the dependency of the spatial dis-
ther distances. With the exception of the proportion of strong ties, tribution of personal networks on aspects such as income and life
these role composition effects are present only in the socializing alters cycle point to the relevance of studying the spatial distribution of indi-
model (Table 2). Thus, alters with roles that tend to locate farther viduals’ home locations as a potential source of social activity–travel.
(closer) overall will locate relatively closer (farther) if their propor- The analyses presented here also highlight the importance of explic-
tion in the network is high. Possibly, there is a compensation mech- itly studying with whom egos interact, and the composition and struc-
anism between having long-distance and short-distance alters. For ture of the personal networks in which these ties are embedded, as
example, if a high proportion of alters in an ego network are kin (i.e., such network characteristics influence and constitute sources of expla-
who have some tendency to be located farther from ego), it will be nations of ego–alter distances and the spatial distribution of social
more likely that at least some of these alters will be located closer activities.
than the average corresponding to their specific role. Overall, the empirical evidence presented here illustrates the need
Finally, network structure explanatory variables are almost absent for understanding social activity–travel from a person-to-person per-
as significant explanatory variables in the log-distance between egos spective rather than focusing only on physical place (and destinations)
and alters. The number of components in the network (excluding iso- analytically isolated from the traveler’s social context. In that sense,
lates) shows a weak negative relation to distance, suggesting that the explicit incorporation of personal networks provides a useful and
egos with more subgroups will tend to have spatially closer network sensible approach to go beyond the traditional individualistic para-
members. The cross-level effect of network degree of centrality with digm in the study of the spatial distribution of social activity–travel
the alter’s degree of centrality also shows a negative effect, suggest- and situates travel behavior in social and physical space.
ing that the longer-distance trend between well-connected alters and
their egos is counterbalanced when the personal network has large
differences in the degrees of connections with others.
Overall, these results suggest that, although network composi-
tion and structure are associated with the physical distribution of The authors thank Bernie Hogan, Jeffrey Boase, Kristen Berg,
alters, they are somewhat weaker as explanatory variables than Jennifer Kayahara, and Tracy Kennedy, members of NetLab at the
when they are used as explanatory variables for the frequency of Centre for Urban and Community Studies at the University of Toronto
social activities (1, 2). with whom the data used in this paper were collected. Data collection
was supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Coun-
cil of Canada, the Intel Corporation, Microsoft Research, and the Joint
CONCLUSIONS Program in Transportation of the University of Toronto. The analysis
reported here was supported by a Transport Canada Transportation
Although the spatial distribution of social interaction is a key charac- Planning and Multimodal Initiative grant and the Natural Sciences
teristic of social activity–travel behavior, current knowledge about and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
this issue is very scarce. This paper studied the spatial distribution of
social networks, recognizing that home locations of alters and egos
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