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IB Design Technology

CORE Topics 1-6

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Topic 1 Topic 5
1.1 Anthropometrics 5.1 Invention
1.2 Psychological Factors 5.2 Innovation
1.3 Physiological Factors 5.3 Strategies for innovation
5.4 Strategies for innovation
Topic 2 5.5 Product life cycle
2.1 Resource and reserves 5.6 Rogers’ characteristics of innovation and
2.2 Waste mitigation strategies consumers
2.3 Energy Utilisation, Storage and Distribution 5.7 Innovation, design and marketing
Waste mitigation strategies specifications
2.4 Clean Technologies
2.5 Green Design Topic 6
2.6 Eco Design 6.1 Characteristics of classic design
6.2 Classic design, function and form
Topic 3
3.1 Conceptual modelling
3.2 Graphical modelling
3.3 Physical modelling
3.4 Computer-aided design (CAD)
3.5 Rapid prototyping

Topic 4
4.1 Properties of materials
4.2a Metals and metallic alloys
4.2b Timber
4.2c Glass
4.2d Plastics
4.2e Textiles
4.2f Composites
4.3 Scales of Production
4.4 Manufacturing processes
4.5 Production systems
4.6 Robots in automated production

Updated 11th May 2016- John Zobrist

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Topic 1
Human Factors and Ergonomics
1.1 Anthropometrics
Design is human centred and, therefore, designers need to ensure that the products they design are the right si e for the user
and therefore comfortable to use. Designers have access to data and dra ings, hich state measurements of human beings of
all ages and si es. Designers need to consider ho users ill interact ith the product or service. Use and misuse is an important
consideration. Anthropometric data sets can vary significantly bet een populations. Particularly in the fashion industry, the
variance in these data sets impacts the si e range of clothes for particular markets.

Define the term Human Factors’ The term Human Factors is used for the combination of ergonomics and

What are the aims of uman Human Factors aims to

Factors ● Reduce stress and fatigue on people, as they ill be able to do things faster,
more easily, more safely and make fe er mistakes (reduce errors)
● Increase safety
● Increase ease of use
● Enhance operational comfort
● Improve system performance, reliability and maintenance

What is Ergonomics The application of scientific information concerning the relationship of human beings to
the design of ob ects, systems and environments.

What do e mean by the term Physical ergonomics most often deals ith the ork related sub ects of posture
physical ergonomics Give an orksite development operating layout material handling repetitive stress and
example. movement repetitive stress in uries and musculoskeletal disorders and occupational
safety and health. The aspect of ergonomics that deals ith body measurements,
particularly those of si e, strength and physical capacity.

What do e mean by the term Cognitive ergonomics is concerned ith mental processes, such as perception, memory,
cognitive ergonomics Give an reasoning, and motor response, as they affect interactions among humans and other
example. elements of a system.

What do e mean by the term Organizational ergonomics sub ects include communication, ork design, shift ( ork
organisational ergonomics Give hours) management, cre resource management, team ork, virtual organi ations,
an example. tele ork, and uality management.

What is Anthropometric data Anthropometric Data is sub-classified as Static Data and Dynamic Data.

What is Structural Static Data (also kno n as Structural data) refers to measurements taken hile hile
Anthropometric data the sub ect is in a fixed or standard position, e.g. height, arm length.
Static data is much easier to gather, as people are asked to remain still hile
measurements are taken.

What is functional Dynamic Data (also kno n as Functional data) refers to measurements taken during
Anthropometric data physical activities, e.g. cra ling height, overhead reach and a range of upper body
Dynamic data involves people carrying out tasks. People carry out tasks in many
different ays. While static data is more reliable, dynamic data is often more useful.

What tools can be used to collect Sliding Callipers,Cloth Tape, Sitting height meters, Stadiometer
Anthropometric Data

Percentiles and percentile ranges Percentiles are sho n in anthropometry tables and they tell you hether the
measurement given in the tables relates to the average person, or someone ho is
above or belo average in a certain dimension.

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IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

There is a great deal of anthropometric data available. ou are expected to be able to

-interpret percentile tables in order to calculate dimensions related to a product and
consider ho products can be adaptable for different markets or ad ustable to cater for
-consider the 5th, 5 th and 5th percentiles in particular, and percentile ranges such as
2.5th to 7.5th and 5th to 5th
-interpret percentile tables based on different national and international populations,
gender and age.

What do e mean hen e Clearance can be seen as the minimum distance re uired to, enable the user group into
discuss clearance in uman or through an area. This is especially important hen designing emergency exits and
Factors safety hatches

What do e mean hen e Reach is also kno n as the workspace envelope. A orkspace envelope is a
discuss reach in uman Factors 3-dimensional space ithin hich you carry out physical ork activities hen you are at
a fixed location. Workspace envelopes should be designed for the 5th percentile of the
user population, hich means that 5 of users ill be able to reach everything placed
ithin the envelope.

Why does a designer need to Certain products tend to be available in different sizes or ith adjustability built in as
consider adjustability hen there really is no one si e fits all’. E.g. Ironing tables can be ad usted to allo for people
designing seating of a different height to use comfortably. This has an effect on the design of the legs, as
this is ho the board is ad usted in height.

Explain hat is meant by the Clothing comes in a range of si es. For manufacturers to make clothing fit every
range of si es versus individual variance ould not be economically possible, thus it tends to come in a range
adjustability of si es based on percentile ranges. Children’s car seats are adjustable to allo for a
range of si es and a gro ing child.

What is an ergonome and hen A 2D scaled physical anthropometric model based on a specific percentile human forms
are they used What are the are called ergonomes. The ergonomes have been scaled from data taken from specific
advantages and disadvantages percentile ranges to form a standard human form. Ergonomes are used ith dra ings of
the same scale as the model to consider the relationship bet een the si e of an ob ect
and people. They are used ith 2D dra ings, mainly for orthographic dra ings and also
modelling to vie field of reach, field of vision, etc.

What is a manikin What are the A manikin is an anatomical 3D model of the human body. A ointed model of the human
advantages and disadvantages body used by artists, especially to demonstrate the arrangement of drapery. Also called
lay figure. They are useful for assessing the relationship of body parts to spatial
arrangements represented by a 3D model, for example, a chair to a desk. Full scale
manikins are generally more expensive than ergonomes and they give a better
representation of the overall ergonomics in the design context (such as crash test

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

1.2 Psychological Factors

uman beings vary psychologically in complex ays. Any attempt by designers to classify people into groups merely results in a
statement of broad principles that may or may not be relevant to the individual. Design permeates every aspect of human
experience and data pertaining to hat cannot be seen such as touch, taste, and smell are often expressions of opinion rather
than checkable fact. The analysis of the human information processing system re uires a designer to critically analyse a range of
causes and effects to identify here a potential breakdo n could occur and the effect it may have.

What is Cognitive psychology Cognitive ergonomics is concerned ith mental processes, such as perception, memory,
cognitive ergonomics concerned reasoning, and motor response, as they affect interactions among humans and other
ith elements of a system.
● mental processes- such as perception, memory and reasoning
● motor response- as they affect interactions among humans and other elements
of a system.

What methods are there for 1. bservation

collecting Psychological factor 2. Surveys Intervie s
data 3. Standardi ed Testing
4. Case Studies

What is a Nominal Data Scale ominal means by name’. Used in classification or division of ob ects into discrete
groups. Each of hich is identified ith a name. The scale does not provide any
measurement ithin or bet een the categories

What is an Ordinal Data Scale Deals ith the order or position of items. Words, letters, symbols or numbers arranged
in a hierarchical order. uantitative assessment can not be made

What is a Interval data scale rganised into even divisions or intervals. The intervals are of e ual si e. There is no ero

What is a Ratio data scale The difference bet een a ratio scale and an interval scale is that the ero point on an
interval scale is some arbitrarily agreed value, hereas on a ratio scale it is a true ero.
For example, C has been defined arbitrarily as the free ing temperature of ater,
hereas grams is a true ero, that is, no mass. A ratio scale allo s you to compare
differences bet een numbers.

What are examples of Smell: important in food, perfumes, candles, deodorants, chemicals. Unpleasant odors
Psychological factors are added to chemicals to arn people.

Light: the level of illumination should increase as the tasks becomes more precise for
example the illumination re uired for a surgeon is brighter than the illumination needed
for a corridor.
ighting in orkplaces, safety. For example effects of florescent lighting and rotating
parts on machinery. ighting effect on ambience and mood, e.g. lighting in restaurants
gentle, calming, stimulating.

Sound: can be used to

● Provide information such as arning signal (fire alarm or alarm).
● Sound for reassurance that the product is orking ex. Watches
● Feedback , histling kettles, reversing trucks
Sound can be positive in the environment such as playing music in an exhibition. oise
can also be negative in a orkspace, that’s hy open plan offices use screens to reduce

Taste: important in food, it must have a good taste to sell ell. Responses to taste are
also a factor of culture and experience.

Texture: shapes and textures improve products and make them easier to use, for
example bottle tops, handles fabrics and non-slip floors, smooth orktops in kitchen.

Temperature: Clothing is an important part of a comfortable ork environment but the

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

environment must be controlled regardless of the outside climate. o the user

responds to different environmental factors, for example, ho arm or cold ork
environments can affect the performance of an individual. A range of comfort ones ill
exist based on body mass, manner of dress or even physiological changes that can be
developed from exposure to a particular temperature or environment over time.

Value: May be perceived as a function of cost, features, prestige, rarity etc. or a

combination of these factors.

What is the Human information uman information-processing systems, considering inputs, processes (sensory, central
processing systems and motor) and outputs. A simple representation of a human information-processing
system is belo .

What are examples of Environmental factors such as noise, lighting, temperature, humidity, vibration may
Environmental factors affect hearing, vision, general comfort and health.

What are examples of a Some examples of ho the flo process may break do n are dependent on the
breakdown ith the uman follo ing
information ● Age, skills level, disability, infirmity or frailty
processing systems ● oung children may not have the si e, strength, fine motor control or skill to
perform the tasks.
● lder people may not have the strength
● People ith disabilities, such as arthritis or Parkinson s disease, may also not
have the fine motor control re uired.
● A physical condition hich can include A S Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, MS
Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis, Partial paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, Repetitive
Strain in ury, lindness, earing, Reduced sense of feeling

o can you maximise workplace An important role in maximising orkplace performance and reducing the possibilities of
performance accidents.

Management Policies, safety education, decision centrali ation

Physical environment oise, temperature, pollutants, trip ha ards, signage

E uipment design Controls, visibility, ha ards, arnings, safety guards

The ork ob itself oredom and repetitiveness, mental and physical

orkload, musculoskeletal impacts such as force,
pressure and repetition)

Social and psychological Social group norms, morale


The orker Personal ability, alertness, age, fatigue

What is Alertness? Alertness is the key term and means being a are of hat is happening in the vicinity, in
order to understand ho information, events, and one s o n actions ill impact goals
and ob ectives, both immediately and in the near future.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

What is a Human error? Human error come in several forms but t o fundamental categories are slips and
mistakes. Slips result from automatic behaviour, hen subconscious actions that are
intended to satisfy our goals get aylaid en route. Mistakes result from conscious

What are possible ays of Lighting: best lighting is natural lighting or lo fre uency brightness depending on task.
optimizing environmental factors In medical surgery it ould be opposite- bright and sharp to optimise the task
to maximi e orkplace Thermal comfort: Male and Female have different body temperature. aving the right
performance temperature air humidity and flo of air circulation to get best ork performance.
Working space Space, orking envelope, safe
Noise: Protection of excessive noise (above 5 decibels)
Vibration Machines, etc. create vibration and sound and can be annoying

What are some perception effects This principle maintains that the human mind considers ob ects in their entirety before
in products the perception of their individual parts suggesting the whole is seen rather than the
sum of its parts.


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

1.3 Physiological Factors

Designers study physical characteristics to optimi e the user’s safety, health, comfort and performance. Understanding complex
biomechanics and designing products to enable full functionality of body parts can return independence and personal and social
ell being to an individual.

What is Physiological factors Physiological factors have more to do ith bodily tolerances (ho much can the body
concerned ith ithstand) such as comfort and fatigue. When users interact ith products, they may
put stress on their bodies.

What is Physical ergonomics Physical ergonomics is concerned ith human anatomy, and some of the
concerned ith anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical characteristics as they relate to
physical activity. Physical ergonomic principles have been idely used in the design of
both consumer and industrial products.

What are some human values It also considers hich activities can be carried out and ho human values (for example,
ith types of physiological uality of life, improved safety, reduced fatigue and stress, increased comfort levels and
factors ob satisfaction) are enhanced.

What is Fatigue When people get tired they react in different ays. Fatigue is the temporary
diminishment of performance. Fatigue can be physical and or mental. Fatigue can inform
design decisions and can affect users.

What is Comfort Comfort is a ualitative consideration and differs massively bet een different people.
Comfort is a physiological factors that inform design decisions and can affect users.

o can designing ergonomically Healthy Workforce: Instead of orkers ad usting to standard tools and e uipment,
enhanced ork environments and ergonomics promotes product designing based on human body structure and
products have advantages for the re uirements. Therefore, these products drastically reduce the strain orkers experience
employer and employee due to repetitive use of machines, computers, scanners, industrial apparatus and related
instruments. ess strain e uates to reduced instance of occupational illnesses and
therefore healthier employees.
Enhanced Productivity A healthy orkforce translates to enhanced productivity. Easy to
use e uipment keeps the ork momentum going on for longer durations. Workers
experience less fatigue and are happy to use tools designed especially for them.
Reduced Number of Sick Days Reported: People ith reduced instance of ork
associated ailments implies they take fe er days off due to sickness and ork more
number of days in a year. This means lesser number of orkdays is lost.
Savings y using ergonomic orkstations, employers save huge amounts of money
other ise spent in compensation claims, treatments and litigation.

What is biomechanics in human iomechanics in human factors includes the research and analysis of the mechanics
factors concerned ith (operation of our muscles, oints, tendons, etc.) of our human body.
With biomechanics, measuring the amount of force put on the muscles and oints of
people hen orking in different positions can be tested by determining hich positions
make use of an individual’s muscular strength. iomechanics in human factor design
deals ith four key criteria
● Force
● Repetition
● Duration
● Posture

What are some factors affecting ● Gender

muscle strength ith human ● Age -
factors - Greatest around 2 ’s
- 5 less in 4 ’s
- 2 less in 6 ’s
● Pain, Physical training schedule, Immobili ation or bed bound

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

To ic
Resource management & sustainable production
2.1 Resource and reserves
Resource management and sustainable production carefully consider three key issues consumption of ra materials,
consumption of energy, and production of aste in relation to managing resources and reserves effectively and making
production more sustainable. As non-rene able resources run out, designers need to develop innovative solutions to meet basic
human needs for energy, food and ra materials. The development of rene able and sustainable resources is one of the ma or
challenges of the 21st century for designers.

Resources Resources are the stock or supply of materials that are available in a given context.

Renewable resources A natural source hich can replenish ith time they make take place as energy or
commodities, some ill re uire careful management i.e. plantation of timber others are
deemed inexhaustible i.e. ind and solar.

Non-Renewable A non-rene able resource (also called a finite resource) is a resource that does not
rene (replenish) itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction, for
example, coal, petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels, minerals and ores.

Comparison of rene able and

non-rene able resources Renewable Resources Non Renewable Resources

1.) Are inexhaustible 1.) Resources are present in fixed and

2.) Are not affected by human activities limited uantities.
3.) Release less carbon emissions 2.) Are exhaustible.
4.) More expensive to implement. 3.) Release more carbon emissions.
eg. hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, 4.) ess expensive to implement.
wind, tidal eg. coal, timber, natural gas, oil, nuclear

Reserves A natural resource that has been identified in terms of uantity and uality.
Energy reserves are pro ected on the basis of geologic and engineering data and cannot
be obtained at present due to economic or technical reasons i.e. mining of oil sands is
currently uneconomical due to current price structure.

Renewability Rene ability relates to a resource that can be replenished over time or is inexhaustible,
for example ood from trees, and fresh drinking ater Conserving resources and
technologies that improve energy efficiency.

Impact of development may have The impact of multinational companies hen obtaining resources in different countries
on the environment regions can be a significant issue for the local population and have ma or social, ethical
and environmental implications.

The development of rene able The economic and political importance of material and land resources and reserves
and sustainable resources is one considering set-up cost, efficiency of conversion, sustainable and constant supply, social
of the ma or challenges of the impact, environmental impact and decommissioning
21st century for designers.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

2.2 Waste mitigation strategies

Waste mitigation strategies can reduce or eliminate the volume of material disposed to landfill. The abundance of resources and
ra materials in the industrial age led to the development of a thro a ay society, and as resources run out, the many facets of
sustainability become a more important focus for designers. The result of the thro a ay society is large amounts of materials
found in landfill, hich can be considered as a ne source to mine resources from.

Waste mitigation strategies The abundance of resources and ra materials in the industrial age led to the
development of a thro a ay society, and as resources run out, the many facets of
sustainability become a more important focus for designers. The result of the thro a ay
society is large amounts of materials found in landfill, hich can be considered as a ne
source to mine resources from.
Waste mitigation strategies can reduce or eliminate materials directed to landfill. The
prevention, monitoring and handling of aste, coming up ith solutions to deal ith
pollution and aste

Re-use Reuse of the same product in same context or a different context

Examples include Water ottles, Plastic ags, Glass ottles, Toothbrush, Clothes

Repair The reconstruction or rene al of any part of an existing structure or device. To

mend restore service faulty e uipment, the life-cycle of many products
is designed so that they or parts deteriorate over time.
Examples Washing machine belt, Shoe soles, ightbulb, Cars - bumpers, lights, Fix an
inner tube on a bicycle

Re-engineer To redesign components or products to improve their characteristics or performance.

(speed, energy consumption). Examples include F1 cars - here aerodynamics is
changed (shape) or lighter ne materials used

Recycle Recycling refers to using the materials from obsolete products ( aste)
to create other products. Examples include Glass, Paper, Aluminium
cans, Thermoplastics, e spaper

Recondition Rebuilding a product so that it is in an as ne condition, and is generally used in the

context of car engines and tyres. Examples include car engines, tyres, bearings, etc

Dematerialisation Reducing the uantities of materials trying to do more ith less . ooking at the
constraints of the materials e use, through reduction and reuse of materials. Examples
include the changes made to the ne Mac Pro vs the old Mac Pro version.
Demateriali ation improves product efficiency by saving, reusing or recycling materials
and products. It impacts on every stage of the product life cycle in material extraction
eco-design cleaner production environmentally conscious consumption patterns
recycling of aste. It may mean smaller, lighter products and packaging the replacement
of physical products by virtual products (email instead of paper, eb pages instead of
brochures) home orking, and so on.

Methodologies for waste ooking into the current management of aste (i.e landfill, incineration) and pollution (i.e.
reduction noise, air pollution).

● Developing ne bio-fuels, self-decomposing materials, building products from

recyclable materials, reconditioning products and building products ith a
cradle to cradle life-cycle.
● Making consumers and manufacturers a are of pollutants and the effect on the
environment, passing acts legislation to ban reduce these pollutants i.e. the EU
Take ack program and the US Clean Air Act . Eco-labeling products for
consumer a areness.
● Follo ing IS (International standards organisations) 14 a net ork of
national standards spanning the globe, addressing environmental issues.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Methodologies for designing out -The prevention, monitoring and handling of aste, coming up ith solutions to deal
waste ith pollution and aste.
-Product recovery strategies at end-of-life disposal
-Energy from aste, reuse of parts of products, recycling from parts of products.
-Circular economy-the use of aste as a resource ithin a closed loop system
-Environmentalists have a large influence on product marketability, designers and
manufactures often ork together to design products hich are deemed as
Green Environmentally friendly.

Product recovery strategies Recycling refers to using the materials from obsolete products to create other products.

Product recovery strategies The processes of separating the component parts of a product to recover the parts and
Raw material recovery materials.

Product recovery strategies WEEE is a complex mixture of materials and components from electrical products that
WEEE Recovery because of their ha ardous content, and if not properly managed, can cause ma or
environmental and health problems.

Product recovery strategies Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-from- aste (EfW) is the process of generating energy
Energy recovery in the form of electricity and or heat from the primary treatment of aste. WtE is a form
of energy recovery. Most WtE processes produce electricity and or heat directly through
combustion, or produce a combustible fuel commodity, such as methane, methanol,
ethanol or synthetic fuels.

Product recovery strategies Reduction of total material and energy throughput of a product or service, and the
Standard parts at the end of limitation of its environmental impact through reduction of ra materials at the
product life production stage energy and material inputs at the user stage aste at the disposal

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) ife-cycle assessment ( CA, also kno n as life-cycle analysis) is a techni ue to assess
environmental impacts associated ith all the stages of a product s life from cradle to
grave (i.e., from ra material extraction through materials processing, manufacture,
distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling).

Circular economy the use of An economy model in hich resources remain in use for as long as possible, from hich
aste as a resource ithin a maximum value is extracted hile in use, and the products and materials are recovered
closed loop system and regenerated at the end of the product life cycle.

External drivers and ● Increasing supply chain pressure

social change ● Public opinion
● Energy costs
● Waste charges
● Take-back legislation
● The obligation to provide environment-related information
● orms and standards
● Eco-labelling schemes
● Subsidies
● Environmental competition
● Environmental re uirements in consumer tests
● Environmental re uirements for design a ards
● Increasing cooperation ith suppliers

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

2.3 Energy Utilisation, Storage and Distribution Waste mitigation

There are several factors to be considered ith respect to energy and design. Efficient energy use is an important consideration
for designers in today’s society. Energy conservation and efficient energy use are pivotal in our impact on the environment. A
designer’s goal is to reduce the amount of energy re uired to provide products or services using ne er technologies or creative
implementation of systems to reduce usage. For example, driving less is an example of energy conservation, hile driving the
same amount but ith a higher mileage car is energy efficient.

Energy utili ation, storage and Efficient energy use is an important consideration for designers in today’s society.
distribution Energy conservation and efficient energy use are pivotal in our impact on the
environment. A designer’s goal is to reduce the amount of energy re uired to provide
products or services using ne er technologies or creative implementation of systems to
reduce usage. For example, driving less is an example of energy conservation, hile
driving the same amount but ith a higher mileage car is energy efficient.

Embodied energy The embodied energy in a product accounts for all of the energy re uired to produce it. It
is a valuable concept for calculating the effectiveness of an energy-producing or
energy-saving device.

Distributing energy national and The ay in hich electricity is distributed along the grid and the energy loss involved
international grid systems from small source collection and delivery, to large scale and the effect on the

Local combined heat and power Combined heat and po er (C P) is an efficient and clean approach to generating electric
(CHP) po er and useful thermal energy from a single fuel source. C P is used either to replace
or supplement conventional separate heat and po er (S P). Instead of purchasing
electricity from the local utility and burning fuel in an on-site furnace or boiler to produce
thermal energy, an industrial or commercial facility can use C P to provide both energy
services in one energy-efficient step. Advantages of CHP include:
-Reduced energy costs versus separate heat and electrical generation systems
-Reduced emissions versus separate heat and electrical generation systems
-Where the capture and use of aste heat is not viable, many industrial facilities may
still benefit financially via distributed generation (DG)

Systems for individual energy Systems for individual energy generation such as microgeneration includes the
generation small-scale generation of heat and electric po er by individuals, small businesses and
communities to meet their o n needs, as alternatives or supplements to traditional
centrali ed grid-connected po er. E.g. solar po er, ind turbines or biogas rain ater
harvesting, compost toilets and grey ater treatments among others.

uantification of carbon ● record carbon emissions

emissions Measuring ● discover ho much is being produced
● discover ho here it is produced
● track your carbon footprint

Mitigation of carbon emissions ● umans intervention in the reduction of carbon emissions

Reducing ● These contribute to global arming
● Resulting in melting polar caps, rising seas, desertification,
● provide Sinks’ that can reabsorb carbon emissions
● A Sink’ are forests, vegetation or soils.

atteries, capacitors and An electric battery is a device consisting of t o or more electrochemical cells that
capacities considering relative convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. atteries and other electronic
cost, efficiency, environmental components (capacitors, chips, etc) have had a great impact on the portability of
impact and reliability. electronic products and, as ne technologies are developed, they can become more
efficient and smaller. atteries are made from important resources and chemicals,
including lead, cadmium, inc, lithium and mercury. It’s important to understand the
effects of your decisions as batteries are categorised into igh, Medium and o
through the use of a sustainable lens (charging, impact on eco-system, etc).

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IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

2.4 Clean Technologies

Clean technology seeks to reduce aste pollution from production processes through radical or incremental development of a
production system. Clean technology is found in a broad range of industries, including ater, energy, manufacturing, advanced
materials and transportation. As our Earth’s resources are slo ly depleted, demand for energy orld ide should be on every
designer’s mind hen generating products, systems and services. The convergence of environmental, technological, economic
and social factors ill produce more energy-efficient technologies that ill be less reliant on obsolete, polluting technologies.

Clean Technology Products, services or processes that reduce aste and re uire the minimum amount of
non-rene able resources. Clean technology is found in a broad range of industries,
including ater, energy, manufacturing, advanced materials and transportation. As our
Earth s resources are slo ly depleted, demand for energy orld ide should be on every
designer’s minds hen generating products, systems and services. The convergence of
environmental, technological, economic and social factors ill produce more energy
efficient technologies that ill be less reliant on obsolete, polluting technologies.

Drivers for cleaning up Manufacturers may respond to current or impending legislation or pressure created by
manufacturing the local community and media. The reasons for cleaning up manufacturing include
● promoting positive impacts
● ensuring neutral impact or minimi ing negative impacts through conserving
natural resources
● reducing pollution and use of energy
● reducing aste of energy and resources

reakdo n of environmental
problems products can cause and
their geographical scale Geographical scale Types of environmental problem

oise, smell, air pollution, soil and ater


Soil and ater over-fertili ation and

Regional pollution, drought, aste disposal, air

Pollution of rivers, regional aters and


one levels, acidification, inter smog,

heavy metals

Climatic change, sea level rise, impact on

the o one layer

Legislation The role and scale of legislation are dependent upon the type of manufacturing and the
varied perspectives in different countries. Consider ho legislation provides an impetus
to manufacturers to clean up manufacturing processes and also ho manufacturers
react to legislation. Manufacturers may respond to current or impending legislation or
pressure created by the local community and media.

Governments, politicians and businesses have to consider the effects of manufacturing

on the environment. In recent years raised a areness of environmental issues is
increasing pressure on governments to introduce or comply ith legislation regarding
environmental issues. These re uirements bind companies to legislation and if these
re uirements are not met then financial penalties can be imposed.

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International targets for reducing Sometimes, agreements are made at an international or continental level to create
pollution and aste targets for reducing pollution and aste. These agreements are usually discussed and
agreed upon at international summits and meetings. ften conflicts and disagreements
arise bet een countries trying to decide caps or limits on pollution or aste making
agreements or settlements difficult to achieve. Some countries may be more affected by
such limits than others, and feel that their economy or the profits of companies ill
suffer as a result.Some recent agreements include yoto Protocol, Montreal Protocol and
the Carbon Trading Scheme.

End-of-pipe technologies An initial response to reducing the emission of pollutants and creation of aste is adding
clean-up technologies to the end of the manufacturing process. This is called an
end-of-pipe approach. Technology that is used to reduce pollutants and aste at the end
of a process. This can entail the treatment of ater, air, noise, solid or toxic astes.
Some examples of this approach include Carbon Capture, Filtration systems,
Composting and Catalytic Converters on vehicles

Incremental solutions Radical solutions

Products hich are improved and Where a completely ne product is

developed over time leading to ne devised by going back to the roots of a
versions and generations. problem and thinking about a solution in
a different ay.

System level solutions A System level solution embraces the idea of a solution to the problem of pollution and
aste as a hole and is concerned ith the interrelationship rather than individual
elements. It helps policymakers and energy planners understand the impacts of existing
and proposed legislation, policy, and plans on rene able energy development and
deployment at the local, state, regional, and national levels.

Agreements are made at an international or continental level to create targets for

reducing pollution and aste. These agreements are usually discussed and agreed upon
at international summits and meetings. ften conflicts and disagreements arise
bet een countries trying to decide caps or limits on pollution or aste making
agreements or settlements difficult to achieve. Some countries may be more affected by
such limits than others, and feel that their economy or the profits of companies ill
suffer as a result.


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2.5 Green Design

Green design integrates environmental considerations into the design of a product ithout compromising its integrity. The
starting point for many green products is to improve an existing product by redesigning aspects of it to address environmental
ob ectives. The iterative development of these products can be incremental or radical depending on ho effectively ne
technologies can address the environmental ob ectives. When ne er technologies are developed, the product can re-enter the
development phase for further improvement.

Green Design The product- role of designer The starting point for many green products is to improve
an existing product by redesigning aspects of it to address environmental ob ectives. The
iterative development of these products can be incremental or radical depending on ho
effectively ne technologies can address the environmental ob ectives. When ne er
technologies are developed, the product can re-enter the development phase for further

Green legislation a s and regulations that are based on conservation and sustainability principles,
follo ed by designers and manufacturers hen creating green products.
Green legislation often encourages incremental, rather than radical approaches to green
design. Sustainable products provide social and economic benefits hile protecting
public health, elfare and the environment throughout their life cycle from the
extraction of ra materials to final disposal.

Incremental innovation is sometimes referred to as continuous improvement, and the

business attitude associated ith it is inside-the-box’ thinking. A simple product may be
improved (in terms of better performance or lo er costs) through the use of higher
performance components or materials. A complex product that consists of integrated
technical subsystems can be improved by partial changes to one level of a sub-system.
Incremental innovations do not involve ma or investments or risks. User experience and
feedback is important and may dominate as a source for innovation ideas

Radical innovation involves the development of ne key design elements such as

change in a product component combined ith a ne architecture for linking
components. The result is a distinctively ne product, product-service, or product
system that is markedly different from the company’s existing product line. A high level
of uncertainty is associated ith radical innovation pro ects, especially at early stages.

Timescale to implement green ften, legislation re uires governments and manufacturers to comply over many years.
design This can be beneficial to companies and manufacturers as they can adopt incremental
approaches to green design therefore minimising the cost, ho ever some environmental
concerns, for example carbon dioxide reduction and climate change re uire immediate

Legislation Environmental legislation has encouraged the design of greener products that tackle
specific environmental issues, for example, eliminating the use of certain materials or
energy efficiency.

Incremental changes to a design and as such is relatively easy to implement, for

example, legislation relating to the use of catalytic converters for cars. The timescale for
implementing green design is relatively short (typically 2 5 years) and therefore

Consumer Pressure The public have become a are of environmental issues through media focus on issues
such as the destructive effect of chlorofluorocarbons on the o one layer acid rain in
orthern European forests and the nuclear accident at Chernobyl. Increased public
a areness has put pressure on corporations and governments.

CFCs ere the ideal refrigerants during their time. They ere nonflammable, non
corrosive, nontoxic, and odorless. Used consumer products during the 7 s and s, such
as refrigerators, cleansing products, and propellants. CFC’s ere found to be destructive
to the one layer.

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Drivers for green design Drivers for green design include consumer pressure and legislation, among others.
(consumer pressure and Environmental legislation has encouraged the design of greener products that tackle
legislation) specific environmental issues, for example, eliminating the use of certain materials or
energy efficiency. Unfortunately, many companies value short term profit and value for
shareholders over the impact of their activities on the environment. Some companies
lobby governments so that they can be exempt from legislation, or to try and persuade
them to ater do n’ legislation. Sometimes consumer pressure can be ust as effective
as legislation. Through social media, the bad behaviour of companies can be exposed
uickly, reach a ider audience and consumers can decide as a large group to boycott a
company. Social media has allo ed the influence of consumers to gro exponentially.
This can hurt a company s profits greatly, persuading them to clean up their act.

Design objectives for green Design ob ectives for green products ill often address three broad environmental
products categories.
● Materials
● Energy
● Pollution Waste
These objectives include
1. increasing efficiency in the use of materials, energy and other resources
2. minimi ing damage or pollution from the chosen materials
3. reducing to a minimum any long-term harm caused by use of the product
4. ensuring that the planned life of the product is most appropriate in
environmental terms and that the product functions efficiently for its full life
5. taking full account of the effects of the end disposal of the product
6. ensuring that the packaging and instructions encourage efficient and
environmentally friendly use
7. minimi ing nuisances such as noise or smell
. analysing and minimi ing potential safety ha ards
. minimi ing the number of different materials used in a product
1 . labelling of materials so they can be identified for recycling.

When evaluating product sustainability, students need to consider

1. ra materials used
2. packaging
3. incorporation of toxic chemicals
4. energy in production and use
5. end-of-life disposal issues
6. production methods
7. atmospheric pollutants.

Strategies for designing Green The environmental impact of the production, use and disposal of a product can be
Products modified by the designer through careful consideration at the design stage. When
designing Green product consideration must be made for
● ra materials used
● packaging
● incorporation of toxic chemicals
● energy in production and use
● end-of-life disposal issues
● production methods
● atmospheric pollutants.

Materials o much damage is done to the environment in extracting the ra material

o much energy is needed to process this material
o long ill this material last ill it damage easily
Can this material be recycled

Energy o can I reduce the amount of energy re uired to manufacture this product
o can I reduce the amount of energy re uired to use this product

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Pollution/Waste What is likely to happen to this product hen it is obsolete

o can I reduce the chances of this product ending up in landfill or sent to incineration
o can I increase the chances of this product being repaired, reused or recycled
o can I reduce the amount of pollution given off by this product

The prevention principle The avoidance or minimization of ha ards and aste. It aims to address the
occupational health and safety concerns through each stage of the product life cycle.

A number of risk assessment tools can be used by companies to assess their operations
for risk and introduce management systems to protect the health and safety of
employees and minimise waste.

● no ledge based
● Actual risk of causing harm can be assessed
● ccurrence of damage is probable if no measure is taken
● Regulation emission frame ork defines substantial criteria (eg. emissions
● Definition of acceptable risk is primarily science based

The precautionary principle The anticipation of potential problems in relation to the environmental impact of the
production, use and disposal of a product. The precautionary principle permits a lo er
level of proof of harm to be used in policy-making henever the conse uences of
aiting for higher levels of proof may be very costly and or irreversible.

● Uncertainty
● Risk cannot be calculated and is only a suspected risk of causing harm
● ccurrence of damage is uncertain and cannot be predicted clearly
● Regulation through procedural re uirements
● Social acceptance of the risk is considered


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2.6 Eco Design

Eco-design considers the design of a product throughout its life cycle (from cradle to grave) using lifecycle analysis. Efficient
energy use is an important consideration for designers in today’s society. Energy conservation and efficient energy use are
pivotal in our impact on the environment. A designer’s goal is to reduce the amount of energy re uired to provide products or
services using ne er technologies or creative implementation of systems to reduce usage. For example, driving less is an
example of energy conservation, hile driving the same amount but ith a higher mileage car is energy efficient.

Eco Design Eco-design is a more comprehensive approach than green design because it attempts
to focus on all three broad environmental categories materials, energy and
pollution aste. This makes eco-design more complex and difficult to do.

Impact of internal and external

drivers for eco-design from an
economic perspective Internal drivers for eco-design External drivers for eco-design

Manager s sense of responsibility Government

The need for increased product uality Market demand

The need for a better product and

Social environment
company image

The need to reduce costs Competitors

The need for innovative po er Trade organisations

The need to increase personnel


Cradle to grave Cradle to grave design considers the environmental effects of a product all of the ay
from manufacture to use to disposal

Cradle to the Gate Cradle to cradle design is a key principle of the circular economy. Cradle to Cradle (C2C)
is a holistic approach to design populari ed by Professor Michael raungart and William
McDonough. raungart and McDonough offer Cradle to Cradle certification to products
that measure up to the standards they set. According to their ebsite The target is to
develop and design products that are truly suited to a biological or technical metabolism,
thereby preventing the recycling of products hich ere never designed to be recycled in
the first place.

Cradle to the Gate Cradle to the Gate (Cradle-to-gate is an assessment of a partial product life cycle from
resource extraction (cradle) to the factory gate (i.e., before it is transported to the

Life Cycle stages: Make sure you are able to assess the environmental impact of a given product over its
life cycle through LCA ( ife Cycle Assessment)-Pre-production, Production, Distribution
including packaging, Utilization and Disposal. The complex nature of CA means that it
is not possible for a lone designer to undertake it and a team ith different specialism is
re uired. CA is complex, time-consuming and expensive, so the ma ority of eco-designs
are based on less detailed ualitative assessments of likely impacts of a product over its
life cycle. The simplest example is the use of a checklist to guide the design team during
a product’s design development stages.

UNEP Ecodesign Manual In 1 6 the United nations released an Eco-design manual also kno n as Design for
Sustainability (D4S). The ma or concerns outlined in the U EP Ecodesign Manual ere
● increase recyclability
● reduce energy re uirements

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● maximise use of rene able resources

● reduce creation and use of toxic materials
● reduce material re uirements of goods and services
● increase product durability and reduced planned obsolescence

Design for the environment CAD Soft are that allo s designers to perform ife cycle analysis ( CA) on a product and
software assess its environmental impact.

Product life cycle stages the role The roles and responsibilities of the designer, manufacturer and user at each stage of the
of the designer, manufacturer product life cycle can be explored through CA. CA identifies conflicts that have to be
and user resolved through prioriti ation. It is not idely used in practice because it is difficult,
costly and time-consuming. It is targeted at particular product categories products
ith high environmental impacts in the global marketplace, for example, ashing
machines and refrigerators. o ever, in the re-innovation of the design of a product or
its manufacture, specific aspects may be changed after considering the design ob ectives
for green products, such as selecting less toxic materials or using more sustainable
sources. A product may be distributed differently or its packaging may be redesigned.

Environmental impact Environmental considerations include water, soil pollution and degradation, air
assessment matrix contamination, noise, energy consumption, consumption of natural resources,
pollution and effect on ecosystems

Converging technologies The synergistic merging of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information and

communication technologies and cognitive science. A typical example of converging
technology is the smart phone in terms of the materials re uired to create it, its energy
consumption, disassembly, recyclability and the portability of the devices it incorporates.

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Topic 3
3.1 Conceptual modelling
A conceptual model originates in the mind and its primary purpose is to outline the principles, processes and basic functions of a
design or system. Designers use conceptual modelling to assist their understanding by simulating the sub ect matter they
represent. Designers should consider systems, services and products in relation to hat they should do, ho they should
behave, hat they look like and hether they ill be understood by the users in the manner intended.

What is the role of conceptual A conceptual model originates in the mind and its primary purpose is to outline the
modelling in design principles, processes and basic functions of a design or system. Conceptual models are
used to help us kno and understand ideas. Concept models are useful for
communicating ne ideas that are unfamiliar to people.

o do conceptual models vary in Conceptual models may vary in range from the more concrete , such as mental image
relation to the context that appears in mind, to the abstract mathematical models that do not appear directly in
What are some of the conceptual mind as an image. Conceptual models also range from scope of the sub ect they are
modelling tools and skills needed representing. For example, they can represent either a single model (Statue of iberty),
hole classes of things ( f.e. electron) or even a vast domains of sub ect matter , such as
physical universe. Conceptual models are used to help us kno and understand, design
thinking, ideas, casual relationships, principles, data, systems, algorithms or processes.
● Graphical Modelling
Dra ings
Flo charts
● Physical Modelling
Rapid prototype (3D printing)
alsa ood
lue styrofoam
● irtual Modelling
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Surface or Solid modelling, FEA, Data

What is service design Service design is the activity of planning and organi ing people, infrastructure,
communication and material components of a service in order to improve its uality and
the interaction bet een service provider and customers. The purpose to design
according to the needs of the customers so the product is user-friendly, competitive
and relevant.

o are conceptual models used Concept models are used to communicate ideas that might be difficult to imagine
to communicate ith oneself and other ise. Designers use conceptual modelling to visualise and communicate ideas by
others simulating hat they ant to design.

What are the advantages and

disadvantages of using Advantage Disadvantage
conceptual modelling
-Shares ig Picture’ - acks detail
-Makes it easy for non-designers and -Can be misinterpreted
non-technical people to understand a -Scale models can be misleading hen
complex idea the product is smaller or larger
-Communication ith clients and users -Materials may not reflect the final
-Gauge people s reaction to concept or choice of materials- difficult to emulate

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3.2 Graphical modelling

Graphical models are used to communicate design ideas. Graphical models can take many forms, but their prime function is
al ays the same to simplify the data and present it in such a ay that understanding of hat is being presented aids further
development or discussion. Designers utili e graphical modelling as a tool to explore creative solutions and refine ideas from the
technically impossible to the technically possible, idening the constraints of hat is feasible.

What What they are used for What they look like

What is a graphical A graphical model is a 2D and 3D graphical They are dra ings that convey the designers idea.
model models visuali ation of an idea, often created
on paper or through soft are.

Perspective To sho hat a product ill look like hen Informal dra ing techni ue on the 3D vie of the
drawings finished in a more lifelike ay. design. The lines of a perspective dra ing head
to ards a vanishing point.

Isometric drawings Used to accurately sho hat a product ill ou can recognise these dra ings by an angle of
look like hen it is finished the ob ect in the dra ing being 3 degrees

Orthographic A ay of dra ing an 3D ob ect from different

Projection directions. Usually a front, side and plan vie
are dra n so that a person looking at the
dra ing can see all the important sides.
rthographic dra ings are useful especially
hen a design has been developed to a stage
hereby it is almost ready to manufacture.
Final , can be put to manufacture. Must al ays
have at least 3 vie s.

Scale drawings All dra ing techni ues that sho an ob ect in
proportion to its actual si e. It is used hen
something needs to be presented accurately or
either for planning or manufacturing.

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Sketching versus Sketching: Spontaneous and free hand Sketching:

formal drawing representation used very early in the design
techniques process. Usually free hand
Adv Communicate the ideas very uickly
among the colleagues.
Dis can’t take the idea to manufacture.

Formal drawings: Ruled out and accurate

dra ings. The techni ues tend to be used in
the development phase of a design process.
Formal dra ings are used to represent a more
resolved idea, something that the designer has
settled on or ishes to investigate the idea in
more detail. Formal drawings:
Adv Sho s in detail si es of concept, Can be
used to construct, Accurate, Different vie s of
ob ect sho n that couldn’t see from a 3D
dra ing
Dis Time consuming, Re uires high level of
skill, Specialist dra ing e uipment needed

Part drawings A part drawing provides the information to

assembly a product in a similar ay that an
assembly dra ing does ith additional benefit
of having a list of parts P or ill of
Materials M . A dra ing of individual parts
to help kno hich part is broken and ho to
repair it.

Assembly drawings An assembly drawing sho s ho parts of a

product fit together. They are often used to
(Exploded sho ho to assemble parts of model kits and
isometric) flat-pack furniture.
There are t o types of assembly dra ings.
A fitted assembly drawing sho s the parts put
together, and can be dra n in 2D or 3D.

An exploded assembly drawing that sho s the

parts separated, but in the correct relationship
for fitting together. Exploded vie s are usually
dra n in 3D.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Algorithm In mathematics and computer science, an

algorithm is a self-contained step-by-step set
of operations to be performed.
Seen here ith a flo chart.


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3.3 Physical modelling

A physical model is a three-dimensional, tangible representation of a design or system. Designers use physical models to
visuali e information about the context that the model represents. It is very common for physical models of large ob ects to be
scaled do n and smaller ob ects scaled up for ease of visuali ation. The primary goal of physical modelling is to test aspects of a
product against user re uirements. Thorough testing at the design development stage ensures that an appropriate product is

Term Definition Example/advantages & disadvantages

What is Physical A physical model is a

modelling? three-dimensional, tangible
representation of a design or a system.
Appearance Model’

-They allo the user to visuali e the product and identifying
any problems ith the product easily.
-The user can understand ho the product ould look in a real
-It can be a time consuming process to create the physical
-It can’t be manipulated the same ay a digital model can be.

Scale A scale model is a smaller or larger

models physical copy of an ob ect. Scale
models allo visuali ation, from
examining the model, of information
about hat the model represents. A
scale is usually represented e.g. 1 1

A good example of scale models is seen

in architecture, hereby a full-si e
building is modelled at a greatly
reduced scale. This enables designers
to visuali e the structure of the
building, but also the exterior and
interior aesthetics and lines. Advantages:
-The model can be overvie ed easily, especially if the original
design is exceptionally large.
-As it is scaled, it gives an idea of ho large the model ill be
hen it is actually produced built.
-Can be time consuming to create a perfectly scale model.
-Apart from providing the user ith visual information about
the product, it is hard to manipulate it to sho ho it orks.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Aesthetic Aesthetic models are developed to

models look and feel like the final product. They
are used for many purposes including
ergonomic testing and evaluating
visual appeal. Aesthetic models look
like but do not ork like the final
product. Aesthetic models can be
relatively simple, consisting of solid
chunks of foam finished and painted to
look like the real thing, or they can be
more sophisticated, simulating eight,
balance and material properties.
Usually, aesthetic models are for
sho and are not designed to be
handled excessively. They give
-They can be used instead of digital models to give the user an
non-designers a good representation
idea of ho the product ould look like in a real environment.
of the feel and look of an ob ect. For
-They can be used to give production engineers data to assess
example, production engineers can
the feasibility of producing the product.
take data to assess feasibility for
matching manufacturing systems.
-They are non- orking models and they only provide a visual
model of the product.
-They are fairly expensive to produce as the surface finish can
be difficult to recreate.

Mock-ups Mock-ups are used to test ideas. They Advantages

are scale or full-si e representation of -Can be used to get feedback from
a product used to gain feedback from the user.
users. A mock-up can be considered a -They are models made to a 1 1 scale
prototype if it includes some and offer a full si e representation of
functionality. the product.
Can have ork-like mock up and -Does not offer as much functionality
look-like mock up. as a prototype.
-Can be difficult and time consuming
to create.

Functional A functional prototype is a sample or

Prototypes model built to test a concept or process
or to act as an ob ect to be replicated or
learned from. A prototype is used to
test and validate ideas and can be used
throughout design development.
Prototyping can be used to provide
specifications for a real, orking
product rather than a theoretical one.
Prototypes are developed to ork from
t o perspectives the point of vie of
the development team, hich can learn
by creating the product, and the point
of vie of the user, from hom the Advantages:
development team can learn through -Is a semi to fully functioning model of a product and thus it
user interaction and feedback. A can be used to test the functions of the final product out.
prototype can be developed at different -It can provide specifications for the parts involved in a real
fidelities ithin a range of user and product and ho they ould function together.
environment contexts. Disadvantages:
-Can be slightly expensive to make as the prototype needs to
be able to function.
-Does not take aesthetics into account as it primarily tests the
function of the product.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

What is the range Fidelity is a measure of the realism of a The range of contexts is
of Fidelity model or simulation. restricted in a controlled environment
The range of fidelity is general any user, any environment
low fidelity conceptual partial final user or environment
representation analogous to the idea total final user and environment
medium fidelity representation of
aspects of the idea A combination of fidelity and context provides validation of an
high fidelity mock-up of the idea, idea and or further insight for development.
as close as possible to the final product

Instrumented Instrumented physical models are

models e uipped ith the ability to take
measurements to provide accurate
uantitative feedback for analysis.
They can be used effectively to
investigate many phenomena such as
fluid flo s in hydraulic systems or
ithin ind tunnels, stress ithin
structures and user interaction ith a
product. For example, an instrumented
model of a keyboard can record the Advantages:
actions of the user and provide data on -Can be used to take accurate measurements related to the
ho often keys are used and the performance of the product, and can be used to improve the
number of errors a user makes (that is, product further.
the number of times the backspace or -Can be used to record the dynamic behaviour of an ob ect, in
delete key is used). These models can other ords, data can be taken on ho the product functions
be scaled in terms of both geometry in a controlled environment.
and important forces. Disadvantages:
-Can take time and be very expensive to set up.


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

3.4 Computer-aided design (CAD)

A computer-aided design is the generation, creation, development and analysis of a design or system using computer soft are.
As technologies improve and the soft are becomes more po erful, so do the opportunities for designers to create ne and
exciting products, services and systems. Greater freedom in customi ation and personali ation of products has a significant
impact on the end user. The ability to virtually prototype, visuali e and share designs enhances the hole design cycle from data
analysis through to final designs.

Term Definition Example/advantages & disadvantages

What is CAD and hat is it Computer-aided design. CAD is used -A computer-aided design is the generation, creation,
used for for conceptual design and layout of development and analysis of a design or system using
product and can ultimately eliminate computer soft are. The use of CAD to simulate the
the high costs of testing and conditions in hich a product ill be used allo s the
manufacturing. CAD is used in fashion, designer to gain valuable data at lo cost.
construction, automative, architecture
and for planning electrical or
mechanical layout.

Surface modelling Surface models are photo-realistic

images of a product, offering some
machining data but no data about the
interior of the product.

-photo-realistic images of a product, offering some

machining data
- o data about the interior of the product.

Solid modelling Solid models are clear representations

of the final product. They provide a
complete set of data for the product to
be reali ed including internal
dimensions and volume.

Solid models are clear representations of the final

product. They provide a complete set of data for the
product to be reali ed including internal dimensions
and volume.

Data modelling A data model explicitly determines the

also known as structure of data or structured data
Mathematical modelling/ including statistical modelling. Typical
Statistical modelling data models include databases and
information systems

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Virtual prototyping irtual prototyping involves the use of

surface and solid modelling to develop
photo-realistic interactive models.
These can be considered digital

aguar and and Rover moving to virtual 3D vehicle


Bottom-up modelling When designing using a bottom-up

strategy, the designer creates part
geometry independent of the
assembly or any other component.
Although some design criteria are
often established before modelling
the part, this information is not shared
bet een models. nce all part models
are completed, they are brought
together for the first time in the
assembly. For example, the process by
hich the Mars rover Curiosity as
created follo ed a bottom-up
Advantage e kno hat the parts are.

Place existing parts and

subassemblies into an assembly file,
positioning components by applying
assembly constraints, such as mate
and flush. If possible, place the
components in the order in hich they
ould be assembled in manufacturing.

Top-down modelling Top-do n design is a

product-development process
obtained through 3D, parametric and
associated CAD systems. The main
feature of this method is that the
design originates as a concept and
gradually evolves into a complete
product consisting of components and
Top-do n begins ith the design
criteria and create components that
meet those criteria. Designers list
kno n parameters and create an
engineering layout. The layout can be
a 2D design that evolves throughout
the design process as sho n in the
follo ing image.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Digital humans Digital humans are computer

simulations of a variety of mechanical
and biological aspects of the human
body. They can be used to interact
ith a virtual prototype. uman
simulation in product design enables a
product to be developed more uickly,
as there can be more design iterations
in less time. This results in higher
product uality that meets human
re uirements more accurately. Digital
prototypes are cheaper to produce
than physical prototypes. Products are
safer as a result of more thorough
analysis of safety aspects. Improved
productivity results from enhanced
automation of the development

Motion capture Motion capture is the recording of Gollum from obbit is a character formed by using
human and animal movement by any Motion Capture filming techni ue. This character got
means, for example, by video, an a ard inning for motion capture model.
magnetic or electro-mechanical
devices. A person ears a set of Compared to Avatar, Gollum appearance reveals all the
acoustic, inertial, ED, magnetic or muscle movements and skin reflection to the light,
reflective markers at each oint. sho ing the technology improvement over the years.
Sensors track the position of the
markers as the person moves to
develop a digital representation of the
Motion capture can reduce the cost of
animation, hich other ise re uires
the animator to dra either each
frame or key frames that are then
interpolated. Motion capture saves
time and creates more natural
movements than manual animation,
but is limited to motions that are
anatomically possible.

Haptic technology aptic technology is a technology that

interfaces the user via a sense of
touch. Also kno n as force feedback
technology, haptic technology orks
by using mechanical actuators
(motor) to apply forces to the user. y
simulating the physics of the user’s
virtual orld, it is possible to compute
these forces into real time. aptic
technology allo s the user to become
part of a computer simulation and to
interact ith it, enabling the designer
to observe the user’s performance and
to design a better outcome. It can also
be used in situations here it is
difficult to train in the real
environment. aptic technology is
also used in feedback devices used in
home entertainment consoles.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Virtual reality (VR) irtual reality is the ability to simulate

a real situation on the screen and
interact ith it in a near-natural ay.

Animation Animation is the ability to link graphic

screens together in such a ay as to
simulate motion or a process.

Finite element analysis Finite element analysis involves the

(FEA) calculation and simulation of unkno n
factors in products using CAD
systems, for example, simulating
stresses ithin a elded car part.
(virtual model)

Uses colour indication to sho

-Structural load (stress and strain)


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

3.5 Rapid prototyping

Rapid prototyping is the production of a physical model of a design using three-dimensional CAD data. The gro th in computing
po er has had a ma or impact on modelling ith computer-aided manufacture. Rapid soft are and hard are developments
allo ne opportunities and exciting ne technologies to create dynamic modelling of ever-greater complexity. Models can be
simulated by designers using soft are, tested and trialled virtually before sending to a variety of peripheral machines for
prototype manufacture in an ever-increasing range of materials. The ease of sending this digital data across continents for
manufacture of prototypes has ma or implications for data and design protection.

What How it works Image of process

Stereolithography It is a form of 3D printing using a li uid

(S A) bath of resin combined ith an
ultraviolet laser. The ultraviolet light hits
(uses laser or light the li uid hardening it to form the
to set plastic li uid) structure of the ob ect being printed. The
base plate of the bath then moves do n
allo ing more liquid to flo over the
previously hardened li uid so the same
process can be repeated until the ob ect
being printed has been completed. The
S eeper’ seen in the image to the right
ust helps even out the height of the
bath every time the laser fires.

Laminated object It takes the sliced CAD data from a 3D

manufacturing model and cuts out each layer from a
( M) roll of material, using a laser or plotter
cutter. These sliced layers are glued
together to form the model, hich is
either built on a movable platform
belo the machine or on locating pins
hen using card.

Fused deposition Uses an additive principle by laying

modelling (FDM) down materials in layers.
Plastic/metal is un ound from a coil
(Same as school and sent to an extrusion nozzle that can
makerbot and turn the flow on and off.
Flashforge) The nozzle is heated to melt the
material, no le moves in horizontal and
vertical directions by a numerically
controlled mechanism (CAM)

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Selective laser is an additive manufacturing techni ue

sintering (S S) that uses a high-power laser (for
example, a carbon dioxide laser) to fuse
(uses laser to set small particles of materials such as
plastic po der) plastic, metal (direct metal laser
sintering), ceramic or glass po ders into
a mass that has a desired 3D shape.

Advantages and Advantages Disadvantages

Disadvantages of -Decrease development time -Some people are of the opinion that rapid prototyping is
Rapid Prototyping -Decrease costly mistake not effective because, in actual, it fails in replication of the
-Increase number of variants of product real product or system.
(since each printed model takes lesser -It could so happen that some important developmental
time to produce, the time saved can be steps could be omitted to get a uick and cheap orking
used to develop more ideas, thus model. This can be one of the greatest disadvantages of
increase productivity). rapid prototyping.
-Increase product complexity (more -Another disadvantage of rapid prototyping is one in hich
complex and difficult shapes can be many problems are overlooked resulting in endless
modelled, hich ould perhaps not be rectifications and revisions.
possible ith hand. For eg. sculpting out - ne more disadvantage of rapid prototyping is that it may
an accurate sphere in a material). not be suitable for large si ed applications.
-Increase effective communication -The user may have very high expectations about
(since the model is tangible, various prototype’s performance and the designer in unable to
aspects of the design ould be easier to deliver these. .
explain to others, as compared to CAD.
Models can also be tested, hich
probably ould be only possible through
artificial simulation for CAD designs, and
thus unlike prototypes, this ould only
give an approximate idea).
-Rapid Prototyping can provide ith
concept proof that ould be re uired for
attracting funds (easier to explain,
aesthetics can be focused on)


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Topic 4
Raw material to final product
4.1 Properties of materials
Materials are selected for manufacturing products based primarily on their properties. The rapid pace of scientific discovery and
ne technologies has had a ma or impact on material science, giving designers many more materials from hich to choose for
their products. These ne materials have given scope for smart ne products or enhanced classic designs. Choosing the right
material is a complex and difficult task ith physical, aesthetic, mechanical and appropriate properties to consider.
Environmental, moral and ethical issues surrounding choice of materials for use in any product, service or system also need to be

Define Physical properties These properties tend to be the characteristic of materials that can be identified through
testing that is considered to be non-destructive, although some deformation is re uired
to test hardness. This exception is often hy hardness is often catergorised as a
mechanical property.

Definitions Mass- relates to the amount of matter that is contained ith a specific material. It is is
often confused ith eight understandably as e use g to measure it. Mass is a
constant hereas eight may vary depending upon here it is being measured.

Weight- relies on mass and gravitational forces to provide measurable value. Weight is
technically measure as a force, hich is the e ton, ie a mass of 1 g is e uivalent to .
e tons on earth .

Volume- is the uantity of three-dimensional space enclosed by some closed boundary,

for example, the space that a substance solid, li uid, gas, or shape occupies or contains.

Density- is the mass per unit volume of a material. It’s importance is in portability in
terms of a product’s eight and si e. Design contexts include, pre-packaged food
(instant noodles) is sold by eight and volume, packaging foams.

Electrical resistivity- This is a measure of a material’s ability to conduct electricity. A

material ith a lo resistivity ill conduct electricity ell. It s particularly important in
selecting materials as conductors or insulators.

Thermal conductivity- A measure of ho fast heat is conducted through a slab of

material ith a given temperature difference across the slab. It s important for ob ects
that ill be heated or must conduct or insulate against heat.

Thermal expansion (expansivity)- A measure of the degree of increase in dimensions

hen an ob ect is heated. This can be measured by an increase in length, area or volume.
The expansivity can be measured as the fractional increase in dimension per kelvin
increase in temperature. It s important here t o dissimilar materials are oined. These
may then experience large temperature changes hile staying oined.

Hardness- The resistance a material offers to penetration or scratching. ardness is

important here resistance to penetration or scratching is re uired. Ceramic floor tiles
are extremely hard and resistant to scratching.

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Mechanical properties Tensile strength- The ability of a material to ithstand pulling forces. Tensile strength is
important in selecting materials for ropes and cables, for example, for an elevator.
Compressive strength- Compressive strength is the capacity of a material or structure
to ithstand loads tending to reduce si e,
Stiffness- The resistance of an elastic body to deflection by an applied force. Stiffness is
important hen maintaining shape is crucial to performance, for example, an aircraft
Toughness- The ability of a material to resist the propagation of cracks. Good ith
resisting high impact of other ob ects- e.g. hammer
Ductility- The ability of a material to be dra n or extruded into a ire or other extended
shape. Ductility is important hen metals are extruded (not to be confused ith
malleability, the ability to be shaped plastically).
Malleability is the ability for materials to be shaped easily. The property of a substance
that makes it capable of being extended or shaped by hammering or by pressure from

What is Young’s modulus, stress Young's Modulus - also kno n as the tensile modulus or elastic modulus, is a measure
and strain of the stiffness of an elastic material and is a uantity used to characteri e materials. It
is defined as the ratio of the stress (force per unit area) along an axis to the strain (ratio
of deformation over initial length) along that axis in the range of stress.

What is elasticity on the graph.

Which part What does it mean
Give an example.

What is plasticity on the graph.

Which part What does it mean
Give an example.

Stress Force
Cross Sectional Area

Strain Change in ength

riginal ength

This straight line region is kno n as elastic region and the material can regain its
original shape after removal of load. The stress and strain are directly proportional up to
point A.

Point is kno n as the Yield Point. nce the material has crossed the ield Point the
material ill not return to it’s original shape, this is kno n as the plastic region.

The line bet een AC is not a straight line and strain increases faster than stress. The
material ill change in length faster at these points than at any other point.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

At this point C the cross sectional area of the material starts decreasing. At point D the
orkpiece changes its length ith a little or ithout any increase in stress up to point E.

Point F is called ultimate stress point or fracture point. A material is considered to have
completely failed once it reaches the ultimate stress.

Measuring hen a material reaches it’s ield Point is called the oung’s Modulus.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Aesthetic characteristics Some aesthetic characteristics are only relevant to food, hile others can be applied to
more than one material group. Aesthetic characteristics of products make them
interesting, appealing, likeable, or unattractive and are based completely on personal
preferences. These personal vie s are affected by mood, culture, experience, activation
of the senses, values, beliefs, etc. They are very difficult to uantify scientifically and
people s reactions to taste, smell, appearance and texture are very different.

Definitions Taste - the ability to detect the flavour of substances such as food and poisons.
Smell - the ability of humans and other animals to perceive odors. Consider the scene in
atato i e i here he experiences the taste of food in vibrant technicolor, think
about ho smells evoke memories, the smell of fresh bread hen you enter a
supermarket, food smells making you hungry, etc.
Appearance - related to ho something looks. What a product looks like. Is it colourful
masculine feminin funny sexy sleek minimal clean busy etc. The appearance of a
product appeals to different demographics such as age, gender, culture, ethnicity, etc.
Shopper place a large emphasis on colour, so does brand recognition IE Coca Cola
Texture - the properties held and sensations caused by the external surface of ob ects
received through the sense of touch. e.g. smoothness of kitchen ork surfaces for
reasons of hygiene, tiles around a s imming pool (i.e. roughened surface to prevent
slipping hen et). ard, Soft, Abrasive, Smooth. Wood has a grain pattern, metal has a
cold texture.

Colour- is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories of

● ptical e.g. opa ue, translucent, transparent
● Colour e.g ot, Cold, Warm, Mello , right, ivid, Cool
● Effects on emotions. e.g. sense of armth’ and coldness’ i.e. arm’
red orange yello cool’ violet green blue. The use and application of such
kno ledge in the designed environment. e.g. decoration, symbols, artefacts.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Smart Materials Smart materials have one or more properties that can be dramatically altered, for example, viscosity,
volume, conductivity. The property that can be altered influences the application of the smart material.

Type of Smart How it works/what it can do Design contexts where properties of smart
Material materials are exploited

Piezoelectricity is a term that is derived from the greek meaning When a piezoelectric material is deformed, it
for pie o, s uee e or pressure here electricity is gives off a small electrical discharge. When an
generated hen pie oelectric material is electric current is passed through it, it increases in
deformed, The pressure acting upon the si e (up to a 4 change in volume). These
material it gives off a small electrical discharge. materials are idely used as sensors in different
environments. Pie oelectric materials are used in
the airbag sensor on a car as it senses the force of
an impact on the car and sends an electric charge
to activate the airbag.

Shape memory Metals that exhibit pseudo-elasticity and shape They can be used to make products for durable
alloy (SMA's) memory effect due to rearrangement of the and harder to break. i.e. Glasses frames
molecules in the material. Pseudo-elasticity
occurs without a change in temperature or The shape memory effect allo s severe
electrical voltage. The load on the SMA causes deformation of a material, hich can then be
molecular rearrangement, hich reverses hen returned to its original shape by heating it.
the load is decreased and the material springs
back to its original shape.

Photochromicity Material that can described as having a elding goggles mask. cool tee shirts. reactor
reversible change of colour when exposed to light sunglasses
light. ne of the most popular applications is for
colour-changing sunglass lenses, hich can
darken as the sun light intensifies. A chemical
either on the surface of the lens or embedded
ithin the glass reacts to ultraviolet light, hich
causes it to change form and therefore its light
absorption spectra.

Magneto-rheostatic Electro-rheostatic (ER) and magneto-rheostatic MR fluids are being developed for use in car shock
(MR) materials are fluids that can undergo absorbers, damping ashing machine vibration,
dramatic changes in their viscosity. They can prosthetic limbs, exercise e uipment and surface
change from a thick fluid to a solid in a fraction of polishing of machine parts. ER fluids have mainly
a second hen exposed to a magnetic (for MR been developed for use in clutches and valves, as
materials) or electric (for ER materials) field, and ell as engine mounts designed to reduce noise
the effect is reversed hen the field is removed. and vibration in vehicle

Thermoelectricity Thermoelectricity is, at its simplest, electricity est as co-founded by former Apple engineers
produced directly from heat. It involves the Fadell and Rogers in 2 1 and no produces a
oining of t o dissimilar conductors that, hen range of household monitoring devices. The
heated, produce a direct current. Thermoelectric temperature monitors uses thermocouples to
circuits have been used in remote areas and drive the electrical signal to provide the data. est
space probes to po er radio transmitters and products form part of the interface to create
receivers. smart systems that are remotely driven through
smartphone apps.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

4.2a Metals and metallic alloys

Materials are classified into six basic groups based on their different properties. Typically hard and shiny ith good electrical and
thermal conductivity, metals are a very useful resource for the manufacturing industry. Most pure metals are either too soft,
brittle or chemically reactive for practical use and so understanding ho to manipulate these materials is vital to the success of
any application.

Extracting metal from ore A metal ore is a rock containing a metal, or a metal compound, in a high enough
The Earth s crust contains concentration to make it economic to extract the metal. The method used to extract
metals and metal compounds metals from the ore in hich they are found depends on their reactivity. For example,
such as gold, iron oxide and reactive metals such as aluminium are extracted by electrolysis, hile a less-reactive
aluminium oxide, but hen metal such as iron may be extracted by reduction ith carbon or carbon monoxide. Thus
found in the Earth these are the method of extraction of a metal from its ore depends on the metal s position in the
often mixed ith other reactivity series
substances. To be useful, the
metals have to be extracted
from hatever they are mixed

Aluminium Extraction Aluminium ore, most commonly

bauxite, is plentiful and occurs
mainly in tropical and sub-tropical
areas. Bauxite is refined into
aluminium oxide trihydrate (alumina)
and then electrolytically reduced
into metallic aluminium.

Steel Blast Furnace using oxygen furnace and the electric arc furnace contribute to high rates
of steel reusability

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Grain size Metals are crystalline structures comprised of individual grains. The grain si e can vary
and be determined by heat treatment, particularly ho uickly a metal is cooled. uick
cooling results in small grains, slo cooling results in large grains. Grain si e in metals can
affect the density, tensile strength and flexibility.
The smaller the grains in the metal the higher density the metal is. igher density means a
lo er flexibility and sometime tensile strength. The tensile strength and flexibility ill also
depend on ho the metal is tempered normally. The rate of cooling and the amount of
impurities in the molten metal ill affect its grain si e
● Gradual cooling - a fe crystals are formed - large grain si e
● Rapid cooling - many crystals formed - small grain si e.
● Reheating a solid metal alloy allo s the grain structure to re-align itself.
● Directional cooling in a structure is achieved by selectively cooling one area of a

The effect of impurities (or additives) in a molten metal can induce a large number of fine
grains that ill give a stronger and harder metal. This addition must be carefully controlled
as too many impurities may cause an accumulation at the grain boundaries, hich ill
eaken the material.

Modifying physical properties Alloying is an alloy is a mixture of t o elements, of hich one is at least a metal
by alloying, ork hardening and - e.g. Carbon and Iron is Steel. Copper and inc (t o metals) create rass
tempering - Adding in different (materials to) metals to ultimately create a harder and strong

Work hardening or cold orking, is the strengthening of a metal by plastic deformation.

As the name suggests the metal becomes harder after the process. The metal is not
heated at all. The process involves the metal passing through a set of rollers to reduce its
thickness, (compressed) grains are deformed. The shape is changed, but the volume
remains constant. The defects of these structures reduce the ability for crystals to move
ithin the metal structure, becoming more resistant to more deformation as they
recrystalli e. Processes include -
● rolling,
● bending
● shearing
● dra ing

Annealing is a heat treatment that alters the physical and sometimes chemical properties
of a material to increase its ductility and to make it more orkable. It involves heating,
maintaining a suitable temperature, and then cooling by slo ly reducing the temperature
over time. Annealing is softening the metal after work hardening.

Case Hardening is hardening are processes in hich the surface of the steel is heated to
high temperatures (by direct application of a flame, or by induction heating) then cooled
rapidly, generally using ater this creates a surface of martensite on the surface.
Improves hardness on the surface or case of the material hile keeping the inner core
untouched and so still processes properties such as flexibility and is still relatively soft.

Tempering is a process of heat treating, hich is used to increase the toughness of

metals containing iron. Tempering is usually performed after hardening, to reduce some of
the excess hardness, and is done by heating the metal for a certain period of time, then
allo ed to cool in still air. Tempering is reducing brittleness after uenching.

Superalloys Design criteria for superalloys:

- Excellent mechanical strength and creep resistance at high temperatures
- Corrosion and oxidation resistance

Creep Resistance:
- Creep is the gradual extension of a materials under constant force. Dependant on
temp. and pressure.
- ccurs as a result of thermal vibrations of the lattice. Can result in fracture of
superalloy due to development of cavities in the material

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Oxidation Resistance:
- Presence of other metals such as chromium ensure that a tight oxide film is
formed on the surface
- This restricts access of oxygen to the metal surface so that the rate of oxidation
is heavily reduced.

Applications of Superalloys: ickel ased Alloy

- et Engine Components (Turbine blades operate at high temperature and under
extreme stress conditions. In operation they ill glo red hot, ho ever they
must be creep resistant, fatigue and corrosion resistant.

Recovery and disposal of metals - car bodies and steel reinforcing recovered from concrete can be recycled into ne
and metallic alloys steel
- modern technologies are causing a significant problem
- 2 million to 5 million tonnes of e- aste
- ne recycling schemes directed specifically for e- aste
- example Samsung Washing Machine here broken parts can be taken
apart and replaced ith a ne one
- Aluminium recycling a huge advantage as extraction process is so
expensive damaging to environment therefore e should encourage alu


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Contexts where different metals and metallic alloys are used

Classification and Type Properties (pro's and con's) Example of products
of Metal

Ferrous metals - Poor corrosion resistance - Surgical tools

Steel - Tough - scre
- Ductile - nails
- Malleable - kitchen utensils
- Good Tensile Strength - used in all purpose engineering
- Can be recycled
- Relatively Cheap

Ferrous metals - very ductile - basic machinery

Iron - strong - tools
- malleable - building structures
- ong lasting - manufacturing components of cars

Ferrous metals Stainless - high initial cost - Pipes

Steel - difficult to fabricate - cutlery
- difficult to eld due to high carbon - aircraft

on Ferrous metals - light eight - Aircraft manufacture

Aluminium - easily orked - indo frames and some kitchen are
- Malleable and soft
- Conducts heat and electricity
- Corrosion resistant

on Ferrous metals - conducts heat and electricity - Wiring

Copper - Corrosion resistant - tubing
- Tough, ductile - pipe ork

on Ferrous metals - Soft - Tin cans

Tin - Corrosion resistant

on Ferrous metals Zinc - ayer of oxide, anti Corrosion - Makes brass

- Easily orked ith - steel coating (galvanising)
- tanks
- anti rust

on Ferrous metals - ery corrosive - rnamental purposes

Brass - Tarnishes - ithin electrical fittings
- Conducts electricity ell

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

4.2b Timber
Timber is a ma or building material that is rene able and uses the Sun’s energy to rene itself in a continuous cycle. While
timber manufacture uses less energy and results in less air and ater pollution than steel or concrete, consideration needs to be
given to deforestation and the potential negative environmental impact the use of timber can have on communities and ildlife.

Characteristics of natural timber atural timber is timber that is used directly from the tree after being seasoned (a
controlled drying process). It is actually a type of composite material because it is made
up of cellulose ( ood fibres) held together ith a natural adhesive (lignin).
The tensile strength of timber is greater along the grain (fibre) than across the grain

atural timber is classified into t o main categories Softwood and Hardwood.

● Soft ood comes from oni ero s trees. These have needles that are kept
● ard ood comes from de id o s trees. These are broad leaved and often shed
their leaves during inter, depending on the climate.

The orld’s forests can be divided into temperate and tropical

● Temperate forests are in the regions bet een the tropics and the polar areas,
mainly in the northern hemisphere. oth hard oods and so t oods ro in
te perate orests Tropical forests are in the region bet een the 2 tropics.
enera y on y hard oods are o nd in these orests

Seasoning of Timber T o types of seasoning- Artificial ( iln) or atural

1) Air Seasoning
Advantages o expensive e uipment needed, Small labour cost once stack is made,
Environmentally friendly-uses little energy

Disadvantages Takes longer than iln seasoning, large area of space re uired for a lot of
ood, it is notable to produce timber not dry enough for use in the dry, centrally heated
air of modern buildings

2) Kiln Seasoning
Advantages Insects are killed during this process, Re uire little stacking space, Moisture
content of the timber may be brought to any desired level, It is dries uickly, It can be
controlled, Achieve a lo er moisture content, Defects associated ith drying can be

Disadvantage It is expensive , It gives a little eaker timber hen compared to air

seasoning, re uires supervision by a skilled operator, uses a lot of energy

Conversion of timber After a tree has been felled/cut down and

taken to a sa mill, it is converted ready for
seasoning. After the timber dries out, it is cut
into smaller sections.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Faults ith natural timber atural oods are also sub ect to
movements such as splitting, cupping,
warping and bowing. All of these ould
make the ood unusable.

Woods can also form knots hich are

formed here branches gro from the
main trunk or here the bud as
formed. nots ill make the timber
eaker, but it
can be used
from an
aesthetic point
of vie .

Characteristics of natural timber - ard ood trees are mostly deciduous, and are characterised by their broad or large
hardwood area leaves. hard ood trees also bear fruit, such as nuts, seeds or acorns, there name is
often derived from the name of their fruits. They can 1 years to mature.
-Tropical hard oods are not classified as deciduous but as an iosper . but their timber
has comparable mechanical properties of strength, hardness and durability. hard ood is
mostly of a higher density and hardness than a soft ood.
-Aesthetics of hard oods is usually very appealing. This makes it very desirable and its
often used in high- uality furniture. This also makes it very expensive.
- ard oods contain much more fibrous material than soft oods. The fibers are smaller
and more compact, making it stronger and harder. In general, the greater the density of
ood, the greater its mechanical strength.

Hardwood Colour/texture Uses

Beech - A straight-grained Used for furniture,

hard ood ith a fine texture. ight children’s toys, tool
in colour. ery hard so is ideal to be handles. Can be steam
used here it is being bashed around bent and laminates
and used often. eech is also very ell.
easy to ork ith.

Teak - A very durable oily ood A very durable oily

hich is golden bro n in colour. ood hich is golden
ighly resistant to moisture as it bro n in colour. ighly
contains natural oils. resistant to moisture
and outdoor eather

Oak - A very strong ood hich is A very strong ood

light in colour. pen grain. ard to hich is light in colour.
ork ith. When treated it looks pen grain. ard to
very classy and elegant. ork ith. When
treated it looks very
classy and elegant.

Mahogany - An easy to ork ood An easy to ork ood

hich is reddish bro n in colour. This hich is reddish bro n
ood is very expensive. A hard ood. in colour. This ood is
very expensive.

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Characteristics of natural timber Softwoods

Softwood Colour/Texture Uses

Scots pine - A straight-grained Used for DI and cheap

soft ood but knotty. ight in colour. uality furniture. Mainly
Fairly strong but easy to ork ith. used for constructional
ork and simple oinery.

Spruce - Creamy- hite soft ood Used for general indoor

ith small hard knots. ot very ork, hite ood furniture
durable. used in bedrooms and

European redwood - uite strong, Used for general

ots of knots, durable hen ood ork, cupboards,
preserved. shelves, roofs.

Softwoods come from coniferous trees hich are evergreen, needle-leaved,

cone-bearing trees, such as cedar, fir and pine.
Soft oods can often be harder than hard ood. Douglas Fir has a higher tensile and
compressive strength than many hard oods. alsa ood, although technically a
hard ood, is mechanical eek, lo tensile strength, lo hardness and lacking in

Aesthetics : Soft oods such as pine are very resinous and at times this resin can leak
out of the timber. Resin is really sticky and messy and ill also come through painted
surfaces (it makes a really bad stain).
Pine ill change color if exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. Generally a pale
yello ith bro n streaks. Soft oods are also prone to decaying and arping, bo ing,
cupping and splitting.

Soft oods are usually made up of tube-like cells (similar to holding up a bunch of stra s
together). This ould make the soft oods less dense and more prone to ater damage.
The timber absorbs ater ust like a sponge if the end grain is exposed.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Characteristics of man-made Man-made timbers are composite products that use ood lengths, fibres and veneers
timbers along ith an adhesive binder and combined under heat and pressure to produce a

ighlight characteristics include tensile strength,resistance to damp environments,

longevity, aesthetic properties

MDF Plywood Chipboard/Particleboard

Smooth, even surface. A very strong board Made from chips of ood
Easily machined and hich is constructed of glued together. Usually
painted or stained. Also layers of veneer hich veneered or covered in plastic
available in ater and are glued at degrees laminate.
fire resistant forms. to each other.

Used mainly for A very strong board Made from chips of ood
furniture and interior hich is constructed of glued together. Usually
panelling due to its layers of veneer hich veneered or covered in plastic
easy machining are glued at degrees laminate.
ualities. ften to each other.
veneered or painted.

Advantages and disadvantages

of man-made timbers Advantages Disadvantages

available in large flat sheets- 244 x sharp tools re uired hen cutting
122 mm so can be used for large manufactured boards, and tools and easily
pieces of furniture ithout having to blunted
oin pieces together

good dimensional stability- they don’t difficult to oin in comparison ith traditional
arp as much as natural timber construction methods- you cannot cut
traditional ood ork construction oints such
as finger or dovetail oints

can be decorated in a number of ays, thin sheets do not stay flat and ill bo
eg, ith veneers or paint unless supported

sheets of ply ood and MDF are flexible cutting and sanding some types of board
and easy to bend over formers for generates ha ardous dust particles

aste from ood production can be edges must be treated and covered to hide
used to make MDF, chipboard and unsightly edges and to stop ater getting in, a
hardboard. process called concealing edges this also
helps to create an appearance of a solid piece
of timber.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Treating and finishing timbers Timber treatments finishes are used to protect, enhance and improve the mechanical

Timber treatments- are an additive preservative to improve the timber s resistance to

attack and improve its durability is enhanced to a level hich is suitable for the intended
- Wood destroying fungi - resulted from moisture
- Wood destroying insects - borers, hite ants
eg. Wood preserver, creosote, stain preservers

Timber finishes- are applied to the surface of the timber and is usually carried out to
achieve one or both of the the follo ing reasons
- Aesthetics- to improve the materials natural beauty
- Function- to protect it from environmental impact, heat, moisture
Finished timber re uires sanding ith abrasive paper to close up the grain leaving
smaller gaps.
eg. varnish estapol, finishing oil, ood ax

Timber is seasoned as part of it preparation for commercial use. This process reduces
the moisture content so that it becomes orkable. The remaining moisture, albeit small,
means that the ood never really stabilises and continues to s ell and shrink, ith
humidity and temperature variations.

Recovery and disposal of timbers Reforestation is the process of restoring tree cover to areas here oodlands or forest
once existed. If this area never returns to its original state of vegetative cover the
destructive process is called deforestation. In order to maintain a sustainable forest
industry reforestation is necessary.

Wood recycling is the process of turning aste timber into usable products. Recycling
timber is a practice that as populari ed in the early 1 s as issues such as
deforestation and climate change prompted both timber suppliers and consumers to
turn to a more sustainable timber source. Recycling timber is the environmentally
friendliest form of timber production and is very common in countries such as the U ,
Australia and e ealand here supplies of old ooden structures are plentiful. Timber
can be chipped do n into ood chips hich can be used to po er homes or po er

Uses for recycled waste wood include traditional feedstock for the panel board industry,
hich still accounts for the ma ority of recycled ood. ther uses include animal
beddings, e uestrian and landscaping surfaces, play areas and filter beds.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

4.2c Glass
The rapid pace of technological discoveries is very evident in the manufacture and use of glass in electronic devices. Different
properties have been presented in glass for aesthetic or safety considerations for many years but the future of glass seems to be
interactivity alongside electronic systems. The structure of glass is not ell understood, but as more is learned, its use is
becoming increasingly prominent in building materials and structural applications.

Characteristics of glass Glass is a hard, brittle and typically transparent amorphous solid made by rapidly
cooling a fusion of sand, soda and lime.

amorphous- Glass is an amorphous substance (a solid that is not crystalline) made

primarily of silica fused at high temperatures ith borates or phosphates.
transparency- Ability to allo light to be transmitted ith minimal scattering allo ing a
clear vie through material.
chemically inert- ack of reactivity ith other materials.
non-toxic- Absence of toxic breakdo n products lack of reactivity.
brittle- reaks into numerous sharp shards.
biocompatibility- The product ensures the continued health of a biological environment.
hardness- Scratch resistance.
aesthetic appeal- Favourable in terms of appearance.
electrical insulator- Reduces transmission of electric charge.
cheap- Abundance of material and high volume production in comparison to production

Applications of glass Laminated Glass- 2 thin sheets of glass ith an interlayer of plastic in bet een. It is
very strong bonds, retains shards of glass hen cracked e.g. iPhone glass cover,car
windshield, architectural use, bullet proof windows

Toughened or Tempered Glass- uter face of glass in compression, inner side of glass in
tension, it shatters in small pieces and used for furniture e.g. staircases/floors,
architectural use

Soda Glass- as poor thermal shock (shatters hen hot ater put in glass), expands
uickly, cheap to produce and used in drinking bottles

Pyrex slo expansion contraction and used for cooking, test tubes, thermometers,
over doors

Gorilla Glass is a brand of speciali ed toughened glass developed and manufactured by

Corning for use ith mobile devices, designed to be thin, light and damage-resistant.

Recovery and disposal of glass -Faulty and broken glass products are broken up (cullet) and reused by mixing ith virgin
materials to make a batch. This can save energy and also materials (virgin).
- o degradation of glass uality in the process so it can be repeated several times.
There is very little astage during manufacture.
-Glass is 1 recyclable and can be recycled endlessly ithout loss of purity or uality

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

4.2d Plastics
Most plastics are produced from petrochemicals. Motivated by the finiteness of oil reserves and threat of global arming,
bio-plastics are being developed. These plastics degrade upon exposure to sunlight, ater or dampness, bacteria, en ymes, ind
erosion and in some cases pest or insect attack, but in most cases this does not lead to full breakdo n of the plastic. When
selecting materials, designers must consider the moral, ethical and environmental implications of their decisions.

Ra materials for plastics

Natural plastics Semi synthetic plastics Synthetic plastics

these are naturally these are made from these are materials that
occurring materials that naturally occurring are derived from breaking
can be said to be plastics materials that have been do n, or ’cracking’ carbon
because they can be modified or changed but based materials, usually
shaped and moulded by mixing other materials crude oil, coal or gas, so
heat. An example of this is ith them. An example of that their molecular
amber, hich is a form of this is cellulose acetate, structure changes. This is
fossilised pine tree resin hich is a reaction of generally done in
and is often used in cellulose fibre and acetic petrochemical refineries
e ellery manufacture. acid and is used to make under heat and pressure,
cinema film. and is the first of the
manufacturing processes
that is re uired to produce
most of our present day,
commonly occurring

Raw materials for plastics Most modern plastics are derived from natural materials such as crude oil, coal and
natural gas ith crude oil remaining the most important ra material for their
Polymers are substances hich are made up from many molecules hich are formed
into long chains. The differences in the ay the chains bond cause the different
properties in the different types of polymers.

Structure of thermoplastics Thermoplastics are linear chain molecules, sometimes ith side bonding of the
molecules but ith eak secondary bonds bet een the chains. et een the long chain
molecules are secondary bonds hich are eak forces of attraction bet een the

Thermoplastics can be heated and reformed. Their polymer chains do not form cross
links. Thus, the chains can move freely each time the plastics are heated.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Material Properties Applications

Polypropylene (PP) ight, hard, tough, impact resistant, Used for medical and
good chemical resistant, can be laboratory e uipment,
sterilised, good resistant to ork containers, chairs

Polyethylene (PE) tough, resistant to chemicals, soft

and flexible, good electrical

HIPS Tough, high impact strength, rigid,

good electrical insulator.

ABS igh impact strength, tough, itchen are, G Pro camera

scratch-resistant, light eight, cases, Toys ( ego)
durable, good resistance to
chemicals, good electrical insulator

PET Chemical resistant, high impact Plastic drinking bottles

resistance, tough, high tensile
strength, durable, excellent ater
and moisture barrier

PVC Good chemical resistance, Pipes, Rain ater pipes and

eather-resistant, light eight, guttering,
good electrical insulator, stiff, hard, Windo frames and fascias,
tough, aterproof, durable Electrical cable insulation

Structure of thermosetting Thermosets are linear chain molecules but ith strong primary bonds between
plastics adjacent polymer chains (or cross links). This gives thermosets a rigid 3D structure.

n first heating, the polymer softens and can be moulded into shape under pressure.
o ever, the heat triggers a chemical reaction in hich the molecules become
permanently locked together. As a result the polymer becomes permanently set’ and
cannot be softened again by heating. Examples of thermosetting plastics are
polyurethane, urea formaldehyde, melamine resin and epoxy resin

Material Properties Applications

Polyurethane strong electrical insulator (resistance) Wheels, foam, varnish,

good tensile and compressive strength paint and glue
good thermal resistance
can be fairly hard and tough
can be easily bonded
can be flexible and elastic

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Urea-formalde high tensile (tension) strength Table are

hyde high heat distortion temperatures Worktop laminates
lo ater absorption uttons
high surface hardness Electrical casings
eight volume resistance

Melamine resin high electrical resistivity kitchen utensils plates,

very lo thermal conductivity high heat camping bo ls (not
resistance micro ave safe)kitchen
hard solid utensils and plates,
scratch resistant laminated benchtops
stain resistant
available in a range of thicknesses and si es

Epoxy resin Tough Construction of aircraft

Chemical resistance (also ater) boats and cars, also are
Fatigue and mechanical strength (Tensile used in electrical
strength and compressive strength) circuits and general
Electrical insulation purpose adhesive and
Temperature resistant (maintains form and ith glass reinforced
strength) (Though some are vulnerable to light) plastics
Can be used on metal (The adhesive)

Temperature and recycling -Thermoplastics soften hen heated and harden and strengthen after cooling.
thermoplastics and thermoset -Thermoplastics can be heated, shaped and cooled as often as necessary ithout
plastics causing a chemical change, hile thermosetting plastics ill burn hen heated after the
initial molding.
- on-reversible effect of temperature on a thermoset contribute to it not being able to
be recycled. eating increases the number of permanent cross-links and so hardens the
plastic, so therefore cannot be recycled

Recovery and disposal of plastics early all types of plastics can be recycled, ho ever the extent to hich they are
recycled depends upon technical, economic and logistic factors. As a valuable and finite
Thermoplastics resource, the optimum recovery route for most plastic items at the end-of-life’ is to be
eat, Reshape, Cool recycled, preferably back into a product that can then be recycled again and again and so
on. The U uses over 5 million tonnes of plastic each year of hich an estimated 24 is
Thermosetting currently being recovered or recycled.
Plastics andfill, incinerate
Recycling: Turning aste into a ne substance or product. Includes composting if it
Biodegradable meets uality protocols.
Plastics ury in the ground, ● Provides a sustainable source of ra materials to industry
landfill ● Greatly reduces the environmental impact of plastic-rich products hich give off
harmful pollutants in manufacture and hen incinerated
● Minimises the amount of plastic being sent to the landfill sites
● Avoids the consumption of the Earth’s oil stocks
● Consumes less energy than producing ne , virgin polymers
● Encourages a sustainable lifestyle among children and young-adults

Bioplastics: To reduce the problems of disposing of plastics they can be designed to be

biodegradable, kno n as bioplastics. These are plastics derived from rene able sources,
such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, pea starch or microbiota.
Production of oil based plastics tends to re uire more fossil fuels and to produce more
greenhouse gases than the production of biobased polymers (bioplastics).
Some, but not all, bioplastics are designed to biodegrade. iodegradable bioplastics can
break do n in either anaerobic or aerobic environments, depending on ho they are
manufactured. ioplastics can be composed of starches, cellulose, biopolymers, and a
variety of other materials.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

4.2e Textiles
The continuing evolution of the textiles industry provides a ide spread of applications from high performance technical textiles
to the more traditional clothing market. More recent developments in this industry re uire designers to combine traditional
textile science and ne technologies leading to exciting applications in smart textiles, sports ear, aerospace and other potential

Raw materials for textiles Fibres can be classified as being from a natural or synthetic source. A fibre is an elongated
hair like strand or continuous filament. The length exceeds more than 2 times the

-Wool, linen and cotton are short fibres. silk is a long continuous filament fibre.
-Fibres can be t isted using the spinning process and converted into yarn or fibres can be
used in their ra form and manufactured to create felt.
-Consider absorbency, strength, elasticity and the effect of temperature

- manufactured from fibres, the origin can be subdivided into t o section

- natural (organic)
- either a plant or animal origin
- ex. cotton, linen, ool and silk
- synthetic (man-made)
- created by chemical processes
- polymer-based from oil and coal, others are from glass, metal
ceramic and carbon.

Properties of natural fibres Properties of ool, cotton and silk and Design contexts in hich different types of textiles
are used
- originates from plants, animals and minerals
- are usually short fibres (staple fibres)
- can absorb moisture (ex. s eat from skin) therefore fabrics are breathable.
- flammable, easy to dye, poor resilience, good conductor of electricity
- sources include cotton, ool, linen and silk

Fibres from Plants

- Cotton Can be cool or arm to ear as fibres trap air, reducing convective heat
loss. It is durable, creases easily, absorbent, dries slo ly
- inen stiffer handle, dries uickly, durable, very absorbent

Fibres from Animals

- Wool absorbent, dries slo ly, arm to ear, not durable
- Silk absorbent, durable, arm to ear, soft handle

Examples of natural fibres

Natural Fibre Origin End uses

Wool Sheep fleece, goat, alpaca, G D I SU AT R TRAPS AIR

A IMA camels s eaters, blankets, socks, coats,
tailored suits etc

Cotton Cotton boll plant IG A S R E C

EGETA E night ear, summer clothes, shirts,
under ear, eans, bedsheets,
socks, to els, etc

Silk Silk cocoon. IG USTRE

A IMA evening dresses, night ear, ties,
cushions, edding dresses etc

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Properties of synthetic fibres ● man made fibres (usually from chemical resources)
● fibres produced are long and much smoother
● most are thermoplastic and ill soften and contract hen exposed to heat.
● have lo affinity for moisture creating less breathable’ fabrics.
● sources include viscose, acrylic, nylon and polyester

Examples of synthetic fibres

Synthetic Fibre End uses

ylon Rope, fishing filament, seatbelts, parachutes, luggage,

conveyor belts, outer ear, tents.

Polyester (Dacron) uter ear, combined ith other fibres to improve crease
resistance, sports ear, hoses, sails, auto upholstery,

ycra (Spandex) Sports ear, combined ith other fibres to improve stretch,
disposable diaper, under ear.

Conversion of fibres to yarns ● in the beginning, the strands are a tangle of loose fibres.
● natural fibres, except silk, ill be in different lengths to symbolise the maturity of
gro th.
● natural fibres also re uire cleaning and refining, and some mixing in order to
homogenise the batch
● the fibres are then slightly t isted and thinned out in order to produce sufficient
strength for handling
● rapping fibres around each other increases strength
● the process is repeated, hile lengthening the yarn.
● the yarn that is formed is called a single’ (single strand of yarn)

Conversion of yarns into fabrics Weaving: undertaken on a machine called a loom ith t o distinct styles of thread hich
eaving, knitting, lacemaking, are interlaced together to form a fabric arp and eft. Warp threads run length ays on a
and felting piece of cloth and the eft runs across from side to side.
- there are different kinds and ays to produce a eave for example a th ill
eave is by alternately passing under t o and over one,
- a smooth satin finish is achieved.

Knitting: process of forming fabrics by looping a single thread (by hand ith slender ires
or a machine provided ith hooked needles)
- made by making knots, ho ever the destruction of one loop threatens the
destruction of the entire eb, unless the meshes are reunited (because of the
interlocking nature of the yarn in knitted fabrics)
- advantages include fabric can stretch, lo stress on the yarn, large number of
stitch types are available
Lacemaking: lace- ork is a stitched fabric patterned ith holes, and is no commonly
made from cotton.
- it is made by hand ith a needle (called needlepoint lace). by bobbins (along ith
a pins, pillo or a cushion, hence called pillo lace’) or by a machine and is
created by looping, plaiting one thread ith another, ithout any backing
- synthetic threads are often used for machine-manufactured lace and because of
their high strength to eight circumstances, detailed and complex patterns are
Felting: felt is made from animal fibres (sheep’s ool, rabbit fur), ho ever today it can be
made from man-made fibres (viscose)
- felt-making process is dependent on the kinks in the fibres and the irregularities
in the surface (to see if the fibres are able to interlock together) good ools,
scales are perfect and numerous, hile in inferior ones there are fe er serrations

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

( agged edges) and are less perfect in structure

- (from ool) progressively depositing layers of cleaned and combed fibers into a
large tray, each degrees from each other.
- hot soapy ater assists ith lubrication and reduces friction and so the fibres can
move and because entangles in the scales on the fibre surface.
- they then bond to form a cloth.
- (alternative) needle felting involves combining fibres using special felting needles.

Recovery and disposal of textiles Many items of clothing are manufactured and produced in developing countries. ften
orking conditions that many people experience ho do a repetitive, lo skilled ob.
ther ethical issues connected to the production and manufacture of textiles are linked to
environmental issues, chemical dyes, ashing, finishes, use of pesticides to gro the
crops and land usage for gro ing the crops and gra ing for the animals.
Development of ne textiles and other related technologies needs to consider the
sustainability issues such as recycling and disposal.

● Wastage from textiles may be categori ed as either pre- or post - consumer.

Pre-consumer textile aste is mostly formed of materials that are generated as
by-products of production processes. Post-consumer aste mentions to clothing
or household textiles that is reused or recycled instead of being disposed.
● Recycling involves the reprocessing of used materials (clothing, fabric scraps, etc)
and aste from the manufacturing process.
● nce all of the materials are collected, cleaned and sorted, recyclable textile may
be processed first mechanically here the fibres are separated before being
re-spinned into yarn or chemically through repolymeri ing fibres. to again spin
into yarn.
● With aste reduction, reuse and recycling results in o ering purchase prices,
reducing use of virgin materials, reducing disposal costs and landfill, generating
less air and ater pollution, keeping materials out of the aste stream and
preserving the embodied energy’ used in manufacturing.

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4.2f Composites
Composites are an important material in an intensely competitive global market. e materials and technologies are being
produced fre uently for the design and rapid manufacture of high- uality composite products. Composites are replacing more
traditional materials as they can be created ith properties specifically designed for the intended application. Carbon fibre has
played an important part in eight reduction for vehicles and aircraft.

Form fibres sheet particles and Composite materials (also called composition materials or shortened to composites)
matrix are materials made from t o or more constituent materials ith significantly different
physical or chemical properties, that hen combined, produce a material ith
characteristics different from the individual components. The individual components
remain separate and distinct ithin the finished structure. The ne material may be
preferred for many reasons common examples include materials hich are stronger,
lighter or less expensive hen compared to traditional materials. ne material acts as
the matrix, hich can be in the form of fibres, sheets or particles ith the other as the
bonding agent.

Advantages Disadvantages

● high strength-to- eight ratio ● very expensive

● high tensile strength ● re uires specialist manufacturing
● eave of the cloth can be chosen to facilities
maximise strength and stiffness of ● eak hen compressed, s uashed, or
final component sub ect to a high shock or impact
● can be oven in different patterns to ● small air bubbles or imperfections of
create aesthetically pleasing surface the matrix ill cause eak spots and
patterns reduce the overall strength

Fibres sheets particles textiles, glass, plastics and carbon

● aminar
Consists of t o or more layers of material bonded together usually ith an adhesive to
form a ne composite material ith improved properties
The most commonly recogni ed laminar material is ply ood

➔ Manufactured from an uneven number of plys
➔ Application here high uality, high strength, large sheet material is re uired
➔ It is resistant to cracking, breaking, shrinkage, t isting and arping
➔ Can be used as an engineering material for architecture or light eight stressed
skin applications (marine and aviation environments)

Laminated Glass
➔ Consists of a sand ich of t o layers of glass and a polymer interlayer of
Polyvinyl butyral (P ) oined under heat and pressure in a furnace called an

➔ When broken the P interlayer hold the pieces of glass together (safer)
avoiding the release of other ise dangerous shards of glass
➔ The fracture produces a pattern of radial and concentric cracks (spider- eb
➔ used for car indscreens

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Laminar composites
➔ aminates of different material oined together in a sand ich structure
➔ Consists of layer of thin or bidirectional fibres or metal sheet held apart by a
light eight core (foam or honey-comb style structure)
● Fibre-reinforced
● Particle reinforced

Process eaving, moulding, Weaving: to form (fabric or a fabric item) by

pultrusion and lamination interlacing long threads passing in one direction ith
others at a right angle to them.

Similar to in ection moulding,
using mix of materials. r put
under high pressure

Pultrusion is a continuous
molding process hereby
reinforcing fibers are
saturated ith a li uid
polymer resin and then
carefully formed and pulled
through a heated die to form a

ne of the early materials that as
used as part of a lamination process
as called Formica. Formica originally
consisted of layers of fabric bound
together ith resin later, it as made
ith thick pieces of paper laminated
ith melamine. This tougher
substance could resist heat and
abrasion, hile the paper opened up a
ealth of possibilities for printing
colours and patterns, hich proved
key to its success.

Spray-up is carried out on an open mould, here
both the resin and reinforcements are sprayed
directly onto the mould. The resin and glass may
be applied separately or simultaneously
chopped in a combined stream from a chopper
gun. Workers roll out the spray-up to compact the
laminate. Wood, foam or other core material may
then be added, and a secondary spray-up layer
embeds the core bet een the laminates
(sand ich construction). The part is then cured,
cooled and removed from the reusable mould.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Composition and structure of Matrix thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics, ceramics, metals


Design contexts in this

composite materials is used
Concrete Sand, concrete, aggregate and ater Construction (reinforced ith Steel) to make
are mixed together, they form a fluid mass that strong
Types and how used is easily molded into shape. ver time, the
cement forms a hard matrix hich binds the
rest of the ingredients together into a durable
stone-like material ith many uses

Engineered wood: is made by binding or fixing -Medium Density Fibreboard

strands, particles of fibres, veneers of boards of -Particle or chipboard
ood together ith adhesives or other fixing -Ply ood
methods to create composite materials. - - laminated veneered timer
-I oists or I beams

Plywood is a sheet material manufactured It may be used for all panelling, flooring
from thin layers or plies of ood veneer that and furniture.
are glued together ith ad acent layers having
their ood grain rotated up to degrees to
one another.

Particleboard also kno n as particleboard and

chipboard, is an engineered ood product
manufactured from ood chips,sa mill
shavings, or even sa dust, and a synthetic resin
or other suitable binder, hich is pressed and
extruded. riented strand board, also kno n as
flakeboard, aferboard, or chipboard, is similar
but uses machined ood flakes offering more

Kevlar is a composite material similar to Carbon evlar is used in a variety of applications

Fibre and is oven into a cloth hich combined because of its uni ue properties, including
ith Polyester resin can be moulded into a -body protection, such as bullet-proof vests
variety of complex shapes. It can also be oven Military helmet here light eight
into fabric cloth to protect the earer almost properties, comfort and flexibility are
like an indestructible net. evlar also has a high important
strength-to- eight ration and is five times -sports e uipment, such as skis, helmets
stronger than steel. and rac uets, here light eight properties
and strength are important
-sails for indsurfing, here the material
has to ithstand high speeds

Carbon reinforced plastic (GRP) is a composite ● oat hulls

material made from plastic and fine fibres of ● Canoes
glass. It is also kno n as Fibreglass.The strands ● Car body panels
are combined ith resin (polyester or epoxy ● Chemical storage tanks
resin) to make GRP. Fibreglass and resin on their ● Train canopies
o n are eak but hen combined create a good
strength-to- eight ratio material. It is very
versatile and can easily be moulded into 3D

Laminated veneer lumber (LVL ) is an

engineered ood product that uses multiple
layers of thin ood assembled ith adhesives.
It is typically used for headers, beams, rimboard,
and edge-forming material.

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Advantages and disadvantages of Advantages

composite They are much stronger than the original material used. aminated glass for example is
materials much tougher, and shatters less
-Corrosion and Chemical Resistance Composites are highly resistant to chemicals and
ill never rust or corrode
- igh cost of fabrication of composites is a critical issue

They can not be recycled. Most composites are thermosetting and so it is hard to
separate and recycle


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4.3 Scales of Production

The scale of production depends on the number of products re uired. Decisions on scale of production are influenced by the
volume or uantities re uired, types of materials used to make the products and the type of product being manufactured. There
are also considerations of staffing, resources and finance.

Scales of Description of why you would Advantages Disadvantages

Production selecting an appropriate scale of

One-off ne - off production is here ●Uni ue, high uality products ● ery labour intensive, so selling
only one for a fe specialist are made prices are usually higher
items are re uired. If a prototype ●Workers are often motivated ● Production can take a long time
is made then it usually part of the and take pride in their ork and can be expensive as specialist
realisation of the product and so tools are re uired
the next step after testing ould ● Economies of scale are not
be batch or volume production. possible, often resulting in a more
expensive product

Batch production imited volume production (a set ●Since larger numbers are ● Workers are often less motivated
number of items to be produced made, unit costs are lo er because the ork can be
● ffers the customer some repetitive
variety and choice ● Goods have to be stored until they
●Materials can be bought in are sold, hich can be expensive
bulk, so they are cheaper

Mass The production of large amounts ● abour Costs are usually ● Machinery is very expensive to
of standardi ed products on lo er minimal buy and set up for production
production lines, permitting very ●Materials can be purchased lines
high rates of production per in large uantities so they ● Workers are not motivated
orker. are cheaper provide ● ot very flexible as a production
excellent bargaining po er line is difficult to adapt
or Continuous A production method used to ● arge numbers of goods are ● Production process ill have to
flow manufacture, produce or process produced stop hen repairs are made
materials ithout interruption.

Mass A sophisticated CIM system that Mass customisation uses some of the techni ues of mass
customization manufactures products to production for example, its output is based on a small number of
individual customer orders. The platforms, core components that underlie the product. In the case of
benefits of economy of scale are a atch, the internal mechanism is a platform to hich can be added
gained hether the order is for a a ide variety of personalised options at later stages of production.
single item or for thousands.


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

4.4 Manufacturing processes

Different manufacturing processes have been developed to innovate existing products and create ne products. Designers
sometimes engineer products in such a ay that they are easy to manufacture. Design for manufacture (DfM) exists in almost all
engineering disciplines, but differs greatly depending on the manufacturing technologies used. This practice not only focuses on
the design of a product’s components, but also on uality control and assurance.

Process Manufacturing techniques

Additive techniques Paper-based rapid prototyping ( ayers of paper cut and glued together to create a 3D shape)

Laminated object manufacture (LOM) ( ayers of material cut and glued together to create a 3D

Stereolithography (Solidification of po der using 3D printing)

Wasting/ Cutting ( aser, Sa s, Chiseling, Drilling)

subtractive techniques
Machining (Router or Milling machine)
To remove material by
cutting, machining, Turning (Metal or Wood athe)
turning or abrading.
Abrading (Sanding, Filing, Grinding)

Shaping techniques Moulding (In ection moulding, extrusion)

To change the shape of Thermoforming ( eating plastics and vacuum forming, or using a strip heater to heat and bend
the material ithout acrylic)
Laminating (Flexi-ply ood by gluing layers together over a former shaped mould)

Casting (Sand casting, Die casting- usually solid to li uid then cooled

Knitting (textiles)

Weaving (textiles)

Joining techniques Permanent- e.g. Welding, ra ing, Soldering, Pop riveting,

Temporary (non-permanent fastening)

Fastening or oining materials mechanically through the use of scre s, rivets, bolts, pins, clips,
nails, press studs and snaps. The advantage of this techni ue is the ease for disassembly at the
expense of permanent damage to the materials used eg. installing scre s

Adhering- Gluing
once formed, cannot easily be separated

Fusing (welding)
Permanent process involving the heating of the surfaces such as metals and plastics. This process
isn’t recommended hen considering design for disassembly.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

4.5 Production systems

The development of increasingly sophisticated production systems is transforming the ay products are made. As a business
gro s in si e and produces more units of output, then it ill aim to experience falling average costs of production economies
of scale. The business is becoming more efficient in its use of inputs to produce a given level of output. Designers should
incorporate internal and external economies of scale hen considering different production methods and systems for

Type Description/Impact of different Advantages Disadvantage

production systems on the
workforce and environment

Craft production This type of production makes a ocally based, allo ing clients This type of production is
single, uni ue, product from start to to converse directly ith fre uently slo
finish. abor intensive, highly skilled manufacture
It is a small-scale production May be re uired to have a
process centred on manual skills. variety of skills

eg. building ships, bridges, igh cost.

handmade crafts (furniture),
tailored clothing

Mechanized olume production process ess labor intensive

production involving machines controlled by

Automated Automated Production is the fasted ay of mass producing goods and services. It is a volume
production production process involving machines controlled by computers. Pro s and con s of Automation
-Making complex decisions: Automated systems can make decisions that are beyond the capacity
of people to make.
-Speed of decision making. Automated systems also can make decisions more uickly than people
-Routine, boring jobs. Many people find repetitive, simple obs, such as orking on a factory
assembly line, dull and degrading. They have difficulty maintaining the level of

Assembly line Assembly line production is a volume production process here products and components are moved
production continuously along a conveyor. As the product goes from one orkstation to another, components
are added until the final product is assembled.

Mass production Mass production is the production of large amounts of standardi ed products on production lines,
permitting very high rates of production per orker.

Mass customization Mass customi ation is a sophisticated CIM system that manufactures products to individual
customer orders. The benefits of economy of scale are gained hether the order is for a single item
or thousands.

Computer numerical C C refers to the computer control of machines for the purpose of manufacturing complex parts in
control (CNC) metals and other materials. Machines are controlled by a programme commonly called a G code .
Each code is assigned to a particular operation or process. The codes control , and movement
and feed speeds.

Production system This is dependent on hat type of production method that is selected for a product.
selection criteria
Production system selection criteria include time, labour, skills and training, health and safety, cost,
type of product, maintenance, impact on the environment and uality management

E.g. Might be better to In ection mould a product case from 3 parts rather than 1 part as it might be
easier and uicker to do final assembly.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Design for Design for manufacture (DfM) means designers design specifically for optimum use of existing
manufacture (DfM) manufacturing capability. Designers need to consider designing products so they can be easily and
efficiently manufactured ith minimal impact on the environment. Design for Manufacture can be a
constraint on the design brief. Design for Manufacture involves Design for Process, Design for
Materials and Design for Assembly Disassembly.
There are four aspects of DfM.

Design for materials: designing in relation to materials during processing.

The selection of materials is an important consideration for a designer. It can affect environmental at
each stage of the Product Cycle, from pre-production to disposal. For example, the choice of a
thermoplastic may mean an impact on the environment through the extraction of oil, ho ever
thermoplastics are highly recyclable meaning less of an impact at the disposal stage, providing they
are recycled and not sent to landfill or incinerated. Minimising the amount of materials and using
non-toxic or biodegradable alternatives can also reduce the impact on the environment.

Design for process: designing to enable the product to be manufactured using a specific
manufacturing process, for example, in ection moulding .
When designing or redesigning products, designers should consider ho the manufacture of parts
and components can be achieved efficiently and ith minimal aste. For example in ection moulding
is an extremely energy efficient process ith minimal aste produced.

Design for assembly: designing taking account of assembly at various levels, for example,
component to component, components into sub-assemblies and sub-assemblies into complete

Design for disassembly: designing a product so that hen it becomes obsolete it can easily and
economically be taken apart, the components reused or repaired, and the materials repurposed or
y minimising components, assembly can be made to be uicker and more efficient. In addition, using
standard components can decrease manufacturing time. More and more designers are considering
ho their designs can be disassembled. This means that different materials can be separated for
recycling or to make repair or reconditioning easier resulting in less products being sent to landfill.


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

4.6 Robots in automated production

The development of increasingly sophisticated robotic manufacturing systems is transforming the ay products are made.
Designers should consider the benefits of increased efficiency and consistency hen using robots in production and be able to
explore the latest advances in technology to ensure the optimum manufacturing process is used. o ever, a good designer ill
also understand their responsibility to consider the moral and ethical issues surrounding increased use of automation, and the
historical impact of lost obs.

Primary characteristics A robot is defined as an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator

of robots programmable in three or more axes, hich may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in
industrial automation applications. The introduction of robots to an assembly line has had a
ma or impact on the labour force, often making skilled orkers redundant in favour of a
technician ho can maintain and e uip a large number of robots.

Work envelope The 3D space a robot can operate ithin, considering clearance and reach. These distances are
determined by the length of a robot s arm and the design of its axes. Each axis contributes its
o n range of motion. A robot can only perform ithin the confines of this ork envelope. Still,
many of the robots are designed ith considerable flexibility. Some have the ability to reach
behind themselves. Gantry robots defy traditional constraints of ork envelopes. They move
along track systems to create large ork spaces.

Load Capacity Within this context, the eight a robot can manipulate

Advantages of using robotic Disadvantages of using robotic

systems in production systems in production

Single-task robots -Reduces chance of error -Expensive relative to the outcome

- earnability for the operator - ong process as little can be done ith only
single task robots

Multi-task robots -Manufacture is sped up, more efficiency -Increased chance of error
-Inputs and outputs can be varied

Teams of robots -Increased efficiency and versatility ther robots are much more flexible as to the
- eed to hold parts in place hile orientation of the ob ect on hich they are
performing other tasks e.g. elding operating or even the task that has to be
-Production line processes re uire teams performed on the ob ect itself, hich the robot
of robots to perform different tasks at may even need to identify.
different stages.
For example, for more precise guidance, robots
Robots exhibit varying degrees of autonomy often contain machine vision sub-systems acting
(ability to ork independently, ithout as their eyes , linked to po erful computers or
human input. controllers. Artificial intelligence or hat passes
for it, is becoming an increasingly important
Some robots are programmed to faithfully factor in the modern industrial robot.
carry out specific actions over and over
again (repetitive actions) ithout variation
and ith a high degree of accuracy. These
actions are determined by programmed
routines that specify the direction,
acceleration, velocity, deceleration and
distance of a series of coordinated motions.

Machine to machine (M2M) refers to ired and ireless communication bet een similar devices. In product
(M2M) restocking, for example, a vending machine can message the distributor hen a particular item is
running lo . M2M communication is an important aspect of arehouse management, remote
control, robotics, traffic control, logistic services, supply chain management, fleet management
and telemedicine. It forms the basis for a concept kno n as the Internet of Things (IoT).

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

ey components of an M2M system include sensors, a Wi-Fi or cellular communications link and
autonomic computing soft are programmed to help a net orked device interpret data and make

First generation robots First-generation robots are a simple mechanical arm that has the ability to make precise motions
at high speed. They need constant supervision by a human operator.
The operation of these machines must be constantly supervised, because if they get out of
alignment and are allo ed to keep orking, the result can be a series of bad production units.

Second generation robots Second-generation robots are e uipped ith sensors that can provide information about their
surroundings. They can synchroni e ith each other and do not re uire constant supervision by a
human ho ever, they are controlled by an external control unit.
Second-generation robots can stay synchroni ed ith each other, ithout having to be overseen
constantly by a human operator. f course, periodic checking is needed ith any machine,
because things can al ays go rong the more complex the system, the more ays it can

Third generation robots Third-generation robots are autonomous and can operate largely ithout supervision from a
human. They have their o n central control unit. S arms of smaller autonomous robots also fit
in this category.
There are some situations in hich autonomous robots do not perform efficiently. In these cases,
a fleet of simple insect robots, all under the control of one central computer, can be used. These
machines ork like ants in an anthill, or like bees in a hive. While the individual machines lack
artificial intelligence (AI), the group as a hole is intelligent.


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IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Topic 5
Innovation + Design
5.1 Invention
The protection of a novel idea of ho to solve a problem is a ma or factor in commercial design. Invention by lone inventors or in
collaborative, creative teams is at the forefront of design. Designers must not only be creative and innovative, but also
understand the concepts that ill make a ne product viable. A designer must use imagination and be firmly grounded in factual
and procedural kno ledge hile remembering the needs and limitations of the end user.

Define an Invention Invention is the process of discovering a principle hich allo s a technical advance in a
particular field that results in a novel ne product.

Drivers for Invention Motivation Drivers for invention include personal motivation to express creativity for personal
for Invention interest, scientific or technical curiosity, constructive discontent, desire to make money,
desire to help others. A fe of the many reasons that drive invention are listed belo
● a personal motivation to invent in order to express one’s creativity or personal
● scientific and or technical curiosity
● constructive discontent ith an existing invention design
● desire to make money
● desire to help others.

The Lone Inventor The lone inventor is an individual orking outside or inside an organi ation ho is
What are the advantages and committed to the invention of a novel product and often becomes isolated because he or
disadvantages of being a lone she is engrossed ith ideas that imply change and are resisted by others. Individuals
inventor ith a goal of the complete invention of a ne and some hat revolutionary product.
● ave ideas that are completely ne and different.
● May not comprehend or give sufficient care to the marketing and sales of their
● Are usually isolated, and have no backing to ards their design.
● Are having a harder time to push for ard their designs, especially in a market
here large investments are re uired for success.
● Their ideas, because of ho different they are are often resisted by other
employees and orkers.

Intellectual Property (IP) A legal term for intangible property such as creations of the mind such as inventions
and designs that are used in a commercial setting. Intellectual property is protected by
la .

What are the benefits of IP enefits of IP include differentiating a business from competitors, selling or licensing to
provide revenue streams, offering customers something ne and different,
marketing branding, its value as an asset. The benefits of intellectual property include
● differentiating a business from competitors
● allo ing sale or licensing, providing an important revenue stream
● offering customers something ne and different
● marketing branding
● establishing a valuable asset that can be used as security for loans.

What are effective strategies for Patents An agreement from a government office to give someone the right to make or
protecting IP sell a ne invention for a certain number of years .

Trademarks: A trademark is a recognisable sign, design or expression hich

distinguishes products or services of a particular trader from the similar products or
services of other traders.

Copyright Copyright is a legal right created by the la of a country, that grants the
creator of an original ork exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

time, ith the intention of enabling the creator (e.g. the photographer of a photograph or
the author of a book) to receive compensation for their intellectual effort.

Patent pending An indication that an application for a patent has been applied for but has not yet been
processed. The marking serves to notify those copying the invention that they may be
liable for damages (including back-dated royalties), once a patent is issued.

First to market When a company or a person has or think they have a innovative idea or product,
therefore ill rush to have it on the market before anyone else. Some innovators decide
not to protect their IP as an alternative strategies to ensure success by allo ing them to
get first to market rather than spend money on patents or aste time.

Shelved technologies- Reasons Technology that is shelved for various reasons. Sometimes shelved technologies ill be
hy some patented inventions rediscovered or taken off the shelf.
are shelved


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

5.2 Innovation
There are many different types of innovation. Designers ill be successful in the marketplace hen they solve long-standing
problems, improve on existing solutions or find a product gap . The constant evaluation and redevelopment of products is key,
ith unbiased analysis of consumers and commercial opportunities.

Define an Innovation The business of putting an invention in the marketplace and making it a success.

Reasons hy inventions become Fe inventions become successful innovations due to the follo ing reasons
innovations ● Marketability- o product demand or not readily saleable
● Financial support- There is little monetary backing from the organisation or an
outsider. The invention ould need more sponsors to financially aid the product.
● Marketing- Is the process of getting products from the producer or vendor to
the consumer or buyer, hich includes advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.
Poor marketing strategies or rong target markets. Invention ould need to be
advertised as a product the public ould ant.
● The need for the invention- Examples include alternative energy resources to
combat our insatiable need for oil ho ever if oil prices are lo or there is a ready
supply of oil then the alternative energy invention ill not take hold.
● Price- Affordable, cost effectiveness or value for money … therefore it may be
too expensive to purchase, or to manufacture and the consumer may not see it
orth its cost compared to its use. eep in mind, the product’s price needs to be
e uivalent to the income of the specific age group that ould buy the ma ority
of the product.
● Resistance to change- People and organisations can be resistant and reluctant
to change, feeling comfort and security in the familiar thus resist ne
ideas products.
● Aversion to risk- Risk aversion is a concept in economics, finance, and
psychology related to the behaviour of consumers and investors under
uncertainty .

Sustaining Innovation Innovative ideas that are constantly updated in order to maintain their success. A ne or
improved product that meets the needs of consumers and sustains manufacturers.

Disruptive Innovation A product or type of technology that challenges existing

companies to ignore or embrace technical change.
Examples include the iPod hich changed the ay e
managed and listened to music. Mobile phones so e
ere no longer restricted to landlines.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Process Innovation An improvement in the organi ation and or

method of manufacture that often leads to
reduced costs or benefits to consumers.
Example is in the automobile industry such
as Ford ith the introduction of assembly
line production and Toyota ith lean

Architectural Innovation The technology of the components stays the same, but the
configuration of the components is changed to produce a
ne design. Putting existing components together in novel
ays. Examples include electric cars, Sony Walkman

Modular Innovation The basic configuration stays the same, but one or more key
components are changed. Example include a ne type of
s itch button on a toaster.
Also kno n as incremental design

Configurational Innovation

Modifying arrangements of components to improve performance, usability and function

(buttons, interface, dials, better heating element, 4 slots rather than 2, etc).

Radical Innovation Changing the paradigm of the market that the ne

product is produced in invention of smartphones
changed the phone industry.

It is similar to diffusion but the difference is that a

radical innovation might not be successful as it
might not be accepted into the marketplace e.g.
Sinclair C5 electric car

Radical could include ne materials,

manufacturing, etc.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Innovation strategies for markets Diffusion is a process here a market ill accept a ne idea or product. The rate it
Diffusion and suppression accepts the ne idea or product can be increased by several factors.
● Examples of idely diffused products include the, light bulb, refrigerator (1 ),
ATM cards, Music CD’s (no mp4 format).
● nce idely accepted they often become dominant designs.

Suppression is a process here a ne idea or adoption of a product by the market is

actively slo ed. This may be due to difficulties competing ith a dominant design,
ambiguity over patent o nership, competing companies actively petitioning against a
ne product it perceives as threatening, or the natural resistance to an unfamiliar


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

5.3 Strategies for innovation

Designers have a range of strategies for innovation. Companies encourage advancements in technology and services, usually by
investing in research and development (R D) activities. Even though the R D may be carried out by a range of different experts
from varied fields of research, the development process is often based on common principles and strategies to identify the
direction of development. This methodology structures the R D of ne technologies and services.

Act of insight ften referred to as the eureka moment , a sudden image of a potential solution is
formed in the mind, usually after a period of thinking about a problem. Such as e ton
atching an apple fall and gaining insight in gravitation forces.

Adaptation A solution to a problem in one field is

adapted for solving a problem in another
field. The principle of ho a hovercraft
orks as adapted the hover la n mo er.

Technology transfer Technological advances that form the basis of ne designs may be applied to the
development of different types of products systems, for example, laser technology.
aser transferred into surgery or audio or data CDs

Analogy An idea from one context is used to stimulate ideas for

solving a problem in another context. Sonar modelled on ho
bats navigate and used no in ships to check depth or
placement of fish.

Chance An unexpected discovery leads to a new idea. elcro as

developed hen a chap alking ith his dog found lots of
seed pods stuck to his socks and dog. e looked under the
microscope and made his discovery of the pods having many
little hooks

Technology push Scientific research leads to advances in technology that underpin new ideas. This is
here the driving force for a ne design emerges from a technological development. The
Sony alkman is an example.

● Innovation is created, then appropriate

applications are sought to fit the
● Did the market ask please give me an
iPod ith do nload store or a camera
phone Most likely not so this ould be
a technology push

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Market pull A ne idea is needed as a result of demand from the marketplace. The car market hich
has separate sectors for the supermini, family cars, mini-vans, executive cars, sports
cars, SU , and so on.
Market Pull approaches
● Implemented on platforms
● Platforms are open ended and can evolve based on changing needs
● as lo market related risk because application is kno n
● as lo technology related risk because solution is not kno n
● When the market asks for better safety features in a car then this ould be
market pull.


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

5.4 Strategies for innovation

There are three key roles in invention and innovation, hich can be shared by one or more people. Collaborative generation of
kno ledge and high efficiency information flo allo for diversity, increased resilience, reliability and stability ithin an
organi ation. Through participatory research, stakeholders can make full use of the resulting innovation and invention, by
transferring findings relevant to the sector in hich they are positioned. A designer’s increased a areness through shared
industry kno ledge enhances profitability and policy.

The Lone Inventor The lone inventor is an individual orking outside or inside an organi ation ho is
committed to the invention of a novel product and often becomes isolated because he or
she is engrossed ith ideas that imply change and are resisted by others.
one inventors are
● Individuals ith a goal of the complete invention of a ne and some hat
revolutionary product.
● ave ideas that are completely ne and different.
● May not comprehend or give sufficient care to the marketing and sales of their
● Are usually isolated, and have no backing to ards their design.
● Are having a harder time to push for ard their designs, especially in a market
here large investments are re uired for success.
● Their ideas, because of ho different they are are often resisted by other
employees and orkers.

The Product Champion An influential individual, usually orking ithin an

organi ation, ho develops enthusiasm for a
particular idea or invention and champions it
ithin the organi ation.

Profile of a Product Champion

● as business experience in the domain
● Can speak intelligently about the issues
● Acts as a good facilitator
● Works and plays ell ith others
● Accepts responsibility for the product
● Defends the team’s ability to produce the
● Is illing to make hard decisions about scope
● Treats the team as kno ledgeable professionals
● Sets reasonable performance expectations
● Communicates ith the team, the customer, management, sales, and marketing
● as a illingness to learn from everyone
● Doesn’t trust everyone does trust the right people

The Entrepreneur An influential individual ho can take an invention to market, often by financing the
development, production and diffusion of a product into the marketplace. Profile of an
● usiness acumen
● Self-control
● Self -confidence
● Sense of urgency
● Comprehensive A areness
● Realism
● Conceptual Ability
● Status Re uirements
● Interpersonal Relationships
● Emotional Stability

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Roles of the product champion Sometimes an inventor may have developed skills or profiles of a product champion
and entrepreneur in the and or entrepreneur. ames Dyson and Thomas Edison are t o examples.
innovation of products and Edison (later it as discovered that S an invented the light bulb) used profits from his
systems earlier inventions to bring the light bulb to market.

ames Dyson is an example of an inventor, product champion and or entrepreneur. e

invented the cyclone technology for suction. At first no-one as interested in this radical
design so he championed’ his product until he found a apanese company ould ould
take it on. ater he ould use the profits to further improvements and novel products.
e build an understanding of business.

Comparison bet een one The lone inventor may lack the business acumen to push the invention through to
Inventor and Product champion innovation. The product champion is often a forceful personality ith much influence in a
company. e or she is more astute at being able to push the idea for ard through the
various business channels and is often able to consider the merits of the invention more
ob ectively.

Inventors often take the role of product champion and or entrepreneur because …
● Their product or idea is novel
● Too novel or out there’ for a company to take a risk on
● Can t find a backer or company to produce it
● The inventor ill have to champion’ their product to different companies

The advantages and Effective design dra s from multiple areas of expertise, and this expertise can be utili ed
disadvantages of multidisciplinary at different stages of product development.
approach to innovation Most products are no extremely complex and rely on expertise from various disciplines.
Most designs are developed by multidisciplinary teams.
● Modern Products such as smart-phones, printer scanners are very complex.
● Re uires kno ledge from many disciplines.
● It ould be unlikely that a lone inventor ould have the expertise in all the
● Most modern day designs are developed in multidisciplinary teams


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

5.5 Product life cycle

There are several key stages in the product life cycle. Designers need to consider the hole product cycle of potential products,
services and systems throughout the design cycle and beyond. Products may have an impact not only on the direct consumer
but also on society at large and the environment.

ey stages of the product life 1. Launch There are slo sales and little profit as the product is launched on the
cycle launch, gro th, maturity, market.
decline. Including examples of 2. Growth The market gradually accepts the product, so diffusion starts and sales
products at different stages of the expand.
product life cycle including those 3. Maturity Sales peak but remain steady, so maximum profit is achieved.
ne to the market and classic 4. Decline Market saturation is reached and sales start to reduce as ell as profit.

bsolescence planned, style bsolescence affects the product life cycle.

(fashion), functional, technological Planned A product becomes outdated as a conscious act either to ensure a continuing
market or to ensure that safety factors and ne technologies can be incorporated into
later versions of the product.
Style (fashion) Fashions and trends change over time, hich can result in a product no
longer being desirable. o ever, as evidenced by the concept of retro styling and the
cyclic nature of fashion, products can become desirable again.
Functional ver time, products ear out and break do n. If parts are no longer
available, the product can no longer ork in the ay it originally did. Also, if a service vital
to its functioning is no longer available, it can become obsolete.
Technological When a ne technology supersedes an existing technology, the existing
technology uickly falls out of use and is no longer incorporated into ne products.
Consumers instead opt for the ne er, more efficient technology in their products.

Length of the product life cycle - ength of the product life cycle considering the effect of technical development
considering the effect of technical - ength of the product life cycle considering the effect of consumer trends including
development and consumer fashion

Product versioning/generations A business practice in hich a company produces different models of the same product,
and then charges different prices for each model. Product ersioning is offering a range
of products based on a core or initial product market segments. A company can maintain
a pioneering strategy and consistent revenue flo by introducing ne versions or
generations of a product to a market. Apple uses this strategy effectively, creating
multiple versions and generations of their iPod , iPhone and iPad products.

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Advantages and disadvantages Advantages and disadvantages for a company of introducing ne versions and
for a company of introducing ne generations of a product
versions and generations of a ● Improved consumer choice consumers can choose the version thats suits them.
product ● Improved consumer choice can choose a budget level such as uicken tax
soft are
● Maximise profits for the company hopefully through increased sales.


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

5.6 Rogers’ characteristics of innovation and consumers

Innovations take time to diffuse into a target audience. Rogers’ four main elements that influence the spread of ne ideas
(innovation, communication channels, time and a social system) rely heavily on human capital. The ideas must be idely
accepted in order to be self sustainable. Designers must consider various cultures and communities to predict ho , hy and at
hat rate ne ideas and technology ill be adopted.

The impact of Rogers’ five Five characteristics identified by Rogers that impact on consumer adoption of an
characteristics on consumer innovation Relative advantage Compatibility Complexity bservability Trialability
adoption of an innovation
1. Innovation/Relative advantage is the the degree to hich the innovation is
perceived as better than the idea it supersedes. Relative advantage refers to the
extent to hich the innovation is more productive, efficient, costs less, or
improves in some other manner upon existing practices .
2. Compatibility is the degree to hich the innovation is perceived as being
consistent ith existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential
adopters. An innovation must be considered socially acceptable to be
implemented. And some innovations re uire much time and discussion before
they become socially acceptable’.
3. Complexity (simplicity) is the degree to hich the innovation is perceived as
difficult to understand and use .
4. Observability is the degree to hich the results of the innovation are visible
to others. The chances of adoption are greater if folks can easily observe relative
advantages of the ne technology. In fact, after some adopt, observability can
improve the diffusion effect, a critical component of technology transfer .
5. Trialability is the degree to hich the innovation may be experimented ith
on a limited basis. Innovations are easier to adopt if they can be tried out in part,
on a temporary basis, or easily dispensed ith after trial .

Social roots of consumerism Issues for companies in the global marketplace hen attempting to satisfy consumer
needs in relation to lifestyle, values and identity.
Consumerism is concerned ith protecting customers from all organisations here
there is an exchange relationship. The roots of consumerism can be traced through
disillusionment ith the system the performance gap the consumer information gap
antagonism to ard advertising impersonal and unresponsive marketing institutions
intrusions of privacy declining living standards special problems of the disadvantaged
different vie s of the marketplace.

The influence of social media on Consumers can influence diffusion of innovation. When considering the influence of
the diffusion of innovation social media in rallying support for boycotting of some products systems, students can
explore the concepts behind organi ations such as ickstarter, Sellaband, Seedrs and
Cro dCube, hich act as cro d-funding platforms for creative products and pro ects.
They can also examine the role of social net orks such as Facebook , inkedIn and
T itter as methods of raising brand a areness.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

The influence of trends and the ou ill need to consider ho consumer choices are influenced by trends and the media,
media on consumer choice including advertising through maga ines, television, radio, sponsorship and outdoor
advertising product placement through film and television product endorsement and
so on.

Categories of consumers include

innovators, early adopters, early
ma ority, late ma ority, laggards

This in relation to ho adopt consumers technology

● Innovators (risk takers) are the first individuals to adopt an innovation. They
are illing to take risks.
● Early adopters (hedgers) are the second fastest category to adopt an
● Early majority ( aiters) the third group, tends to take more time to consider
adopting ne innovations and is inclined to dra from feedback from early
adopters before taking the risk of purchasing ne products systems.
● Late majority (skeptics) adopts the innovation after it has been established in
the marketplace and is seldom illing to take risks ith ne innovation.
● Laggards (slo pokes) are the last to adopt an innovation. They tend to prefer
traditions and are un illing to take risks.


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

5.7 Innovation, design and marketing specifications

Successful innovations typically start ith detailed design and marketing specifications. Designers must establish clear
parameters for a marketing specification in order to create uni ue and creative solutions to a problem. Designers need to collect
valid and useful data from the target market and audience throughout the design cycle to ensure the specification includes
certain essential components.

Target markets When determining the target market, market sectors and segments need to be

Target audiences It is important to differentiate bet een the target market and the target audience. When
determining the target audience, characteristics of the users should be established.

o a target audience is used to Who is most likely to buy this product given its benefits o can the organi ation tap
establish the characteristics of into the buying po er of these consumers Where is the target market most likely to
users find out about the product Ans ering these uestions helps you to position your
product in the correct marketing and distribution channels.

Market analysis An appraisal of economic viability of the proposed design from a market perspective,
taking into account fixed and variable costs and pricing, is important. It is typically a
summary about potential users and the market.

User need A marketing specification should identify the essential re uirements that the product
must satisfy in relation to market and user need.

Competition A thorough analysis of competing designs is re uired to establish the market need.
Every product you take to market, even ones that are ne inventions or improvements
on old products, face competition. This is because customers buy products for many
different reasons. Some are interested in the innovation of ne products, others care
more about price point and clever marketing schemes. our competition ill capitali e on
these buyer preferences and seek to edge out your product from the market. Identifying
the competition in your marketing specification helps the organi ation to clarify ho it
can edge out and respond to the competition.

Research methods Literature search

A thorough analysis of competing Usually performed using authoritative sources such as academic ournals, books, theses,
designs is re uired to establish consumer maga ines, government agency and industry publications
the market need. User trial
A trial here members of the community ho ill use the product are observed using
the product. This usually happens in a lab environment and participants have set tasks to
perform under controlled conditions.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

User research
The uestioning of users about their experience using a product. Usually as a
uestionnaire or focus group.
Expert appraisal
Where an expert (chosen on the basis of their kno ledge or experience) is asked to give
their opinion.
Performance test
Where the product is tested and data is collected- crash test dummy

Design specifications All of the re uirements, constraints and considerations must be specific, feasible and

A list of re uirements, constraints and considerations that a yet-to-be-designed product

must fulfil. The design specification must be developed from the design brief and
research and re uirements ould include

● aesthetic re uirements
● cost constraints
● customer re uirements
● environmental re uirements
● si e constraints
● safety considerations
● performance re uirements and constraints
● materials re uirements
● manufacturing re uirements


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Topic 6
Classic Design
6.1 Characteristics of classic design
A classic design has a timeless uality, hich is recogni ed and remains fashionable. A classic design is not simply defined by
ho ell it functions or its impact. Classic designs can be recogni ed as from their design movement era. et, originality,
hether it is evolutionary or revolutionary, seems to be the trait that makes a product timeless .

Design Classic A product that serves as a standard of its time, that has been manufactured industrially
and has timeless appeal. It serves as a standard of its time, despite the year in hich it
as designed, is still up to date and remains relevant to future generations and in this
ay has a lasting impact on society. The design resists the vagaries of taste and fashion
and once established as a classic it gradually ac uires further value.

Design classics are iconic products and characterised by simplicity, balance, is still up to
date and usually innovative in their use of material. ften they unite technological
advances ith beautiful design, for example, Apple products such as the iPod, the
Coca-Cola bottle and soft drink cans. Classic designs can emerge from any sector of the

To ensure sustained success over an extended period of time, design classics must not
only address functional and aesthetic re uirements but also an emotional connection
ith the user o ner.
Examples Fender Telecaster, Eames ounge chair and ttoman, Porsche 11

Image Within the context of classic design, image relates to the instantly
recogni able aesthetics of a particular product. For example, the shape of
a Coca-Cola bottle, or the shape of a olks agen eetle motor car.

The classic design is instantly recogni able and provokes emotional


ften referred to as iconic , the longevity of classic designs suggests

uality and the continued demand for such products is not dependent on
heavy marketing or advertising, although this often takes place to
reinforce the status and remind ne generations of consumers of the
intrinsic value of the classic design. The design is often idely imitated,
usually ith cheaper versions, so this reinforces the status of the original design and its
pioneering concept.

Status and culture Classic design defies obsolescence and transcends its original function. Classic designs
are often recognised across culture and hold iconic status The iconic status of classic
design is often attributed to them being breakthrough products, products that set ne
standards or ne meanings.

Status Products considered as classic designs often increase in value and

can pro ect a certain status as they become more desirable. The
o nership of a classic design can increase the perceived status of
an individual.

E.g. Status of earing a Rolex Watch

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Culture In the context of classic design, culture plays an

important part. They often reflect cultural
influences and mark transition points ithin a
particular culture. The culture of concern may
be national, religious or a sub-culture, such as a
particular youth culture or movement.

E.g. ritish culture red letterbox, red

double-decker bus, union ack flag and colours,

Obsolescence A product that is obsolete is no longer produced or used or out of date. The role of mass
production has contributed to a product reaching classic design status. Some products
are considered to be classic design based on the uality of execution, enduring ualities
and restraint.

This is the stage in a product life cycle here the product is no longer needed even
though it functions as ell as it did hen first manufactured. Classic designs tend to
transcend obsolescence and become desired ob ects long after they have ceased to be

Planned obsolescence When a product is deliberately designed to have a specific product cycle. This is usually a
shortened life span. The product is designed to last long enough to develop a customer’s
lasting need.

The product is also designed to convince the customer that the product is a uality
product, even though it eventually needs replacing. In this ay, hen the product fails,
the customer ill ant to buy another, a up to date version. bsolescence can be
determined by fashion, technology, materials, construction techni ues.
The classic design may no longer be needed as a functional ob ect or it may become
technologically obsolete. o ever, it may still sell very small numbers although it may
no longer be viable to produce it commercially. In such circumstances the resale value of
existing products increases enormously as the number of products available lessens
over time. Such products become very collectable and have investment value, for
example, classic cars. ther products may not intrinsically be orth much money but are
valuable to certain o ners or collectors, such as toys that have been used and are in
poor condition.

Mass production For many centuries prior to the Industrial Revolution, classic evoked thoughts of
artistry and craft skills, for example, classical architecture and furniture. The advent of
mass production and designing for the masses often meant a reduction in uality of
products and poor design. o ever, once mass production techni ues became more
established some designers embraced the opportunities offered by the ne techni ues
and materials as a ay of providing people ith ell-designed products at an affordable
price due to the cost-effectiveness of production. o longer as classic design the
preserve of the elite in society.

Mass production involves the bulk manufacture of products that have little or no
customisation. The setup costs for mass production are high because it usually involves
extensive mechanisation and automation. The total cost per unit is lo er though as less
labour is re uired and materials can be sourced in larger uantities for less. The constant
presence of a product in a changing context leads to classic design status

Example W eetle 21 million sold (1 41-2 3)

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Ubiquitous/ A classic design often has a constant presence, or omnipresence, in a rapidly changing
omnipresence context. When an ob ect becomes part of our everyday lives, e become very familiar
and comfortable ith it’s presence and style. The product becomes part of our life and
e start to attach emotions, feelings and experiences to the product.

The product becomes embedded in our life. Therefore the demand for the product
continues even hen ne products ith better function enter the market. This
continued demand for the product hen ne er alternatives are available afford the
product classic design status.

This makes a classic designs often dominant in the marketplace and difficult to change.

Dominant design The design contains those implicit features of a product that are recogni ed as essential
by a ma ority of manufacturers and purchasers.

When classic design is dominant in the market-place it can be difficult to change. Apart
from the functional or particular feature that is so appealing to the user, emotional
issues can impact. Users are often reluctant to change, they are happy ith the product
and can not see any advantage in up-grading’ or changing to a later model.

Users can become emotionally attached to the classic design, can cannot believe that
any other product is better, or in fact simply do not ant to change from their reliable,
and cherished possession.


IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

6.2 Classic design, function and form

For a design to become a classic design, the form can transcend the function. Classic design holds form follo s function as a
fundamental principle, but this is not al ays evident in practice. Some products are so ell designed ith function as their
primary goal, that their use is intuitive. As designers develop ne technologies, the lines bet een the form and function of a
product continue to blur.

Form Also considered as the three-dimensional space that a product takes up, in the context
of classic design, form relates to the shape of a product and the aesthetic qualities that
the shape gives.

Function Products can be considered classic designs based on ho ell they fulfil the task that
they have been designed for.

Form versus function This is the meaning that the result of design should derive directly from its purpose.
Sometimes there is tension bet een form and function hen developing ne products
based on a classic design. When considering form, it can also be dictated by other
functions such as design for manufacture techni ues, for example, design for

Bauhaus School The auhaus School (literally meaning building house’ in German) as founded in 1 1
by Walter Gropius in Weimar, then the capital of post WWI Germany. In this era of change
and disillusionment, the movement sought to embrace 2 th century machine culture in a
ay that allo ed basic necessities like buildings, furniture, and design, to be completed
in a utilitarian but effective ay.
With their theory of form follows function, the school emphasi ed a strong
understanding of basic design, especially the principles of composition, color theory, and
craftsmanship, in a ide array of disciplines.

Retro-styling Retro styling uses the form and decoration of classic designs from a particular period of
time and or style. Retro styling builds on the classic image but can often involve the use
of ne technology. Retro-styling a ne product needs to respect and understand the
original form and underlying structure before making changes. Designers need to
ho ever be respectful of the original designer s’ intent.

Retro-design often mimic a product or past experience to evoke feelings of nostalgia.

Modern retro products may also use an old format to meet a ne demand. E.g. Sony
DR-S16D P digital clock radio

For the Mini Cooper it as important to keep the car small, playful and cute. A hole
generation had gro n up ith the original Mini, and it’s retro styled remake needed to
capture the same emotion to appeal to this generation a second time around.

Conflict and compromise Comparison of retro-styled products ith the original production models in relation to
form and function.

The balance bet een function and form is often a difficult area for the designer. If a
product is purely functional, it may be lacking in appeal to consumers, no matter ho
good it is at completing its ob. ften e are dra n to products that have been
developed ith form as the primary consideration. The human psyche appreciates
beauty. The aesthetics of a product are embedded in its form- and often e can be
dra n or attracted to it because of its inherent beauty- perhaps over-looking its
functional attributes.

The Starck designed Salif uicer, a classic design, has a high aesthetic value, its form is
celebrated yet its function is poor. The MT4 teapot by Marianne randt is completely
stripped of the decoration popular in 1 24 - presenting as a purely functional product.

Practical function The practical function of an ob ect or space is determined by the rational - the logical or
ell reasoned approach to its design. Decisions by the designer or user ill determined
by the ob ects usability and reliability.

IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Psychological function The psychological function of an ob ect or space is determined by the emotional
responses. These are the needs and ants driven by fads, fashion and technological
trends. Decisions by the designer or the user ill evoke psychological responses-
personal identity, the narrative of me’ and relate to the desirability of the ob ect or

Practical function versus Some products have either practical function or psychological function has the
psychological function determining factor in the design.

When practical function forms the designers primary goal the interaction ith the ob ect
can become intuitive. Intuitive design ill have a number of redeeming features
affordance, expectation, efficiency, responsiveness, responsiveness, forgiveness,
explorability, emotional security. A product can transcend the its practical function to
meeting the psychological needs of the user by evoking emotions- aesthetically pleasing
ob ects appear to the user to be more effective, by virtue of their sensual appeal. This is
due to the affinity the user feels for an ob ect that appeals to them, due to the formation
of an emotional connection ith the ob ect.


Page 1
IB Design Technology CORE T1­6

Examples of Classic Design Products

n epoise 122 a p honet s o1 istro hair

hi ippe tar s J i y a i a es otto an hair ender e e aster

itr s J i er

Marianne brandt tea pot Mini assi ony - 16 di ita o radio

IB Design Technology

HIGHER Topics 7-10

Click on topic below for direct access

Topic 7 Topic 9
7.1 User-centred design (UCD) .1 Corporate Strategies
7.3 Strategies for user research .2 Market Sectors and Segments
7.4 Strategies for UCD .3 Marketing Mix
7.5 eyond usability-designing for pleasure .4 Marketing Research
and emotion .5 randing

Topic 8 Topic 10
.1 Sustainable Development 1 .1 ust in Time ust in Case
.2 Sustainable consumption 1 .2 ean production
.3 Sustainable design 1 .3 Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)
.4 Sustainable Innovation 1 .4 uality management
1 .5 Economic viability

Updated 2 th May 2016- John Zobrist

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Topic 7
User-centred design (UCD)
1 se ­cen e esign CD
The fundamental principle of UCD is that understanding the needs of the users is the key to designing the best products and
services. A designer must consider the needs, ants and limitations of the end user ithin every element of the design cycle. The
ability to identify ho users ill interact ith a product, service or system is vital for its success. To achieve this, designers must be
able to ac uire and analyse valid data ithout making assumptions about ho the product may be used.

Main Idea Description and Design Context

What is UCD? The foundation of UCD is that good design re uires that the needs and capabilities of the
users are determined and incorporated into the design process from the start through to the
Advantages of UCD
- UCD design is to put yourself in the user’s shoes.
- The design ould be more intuitive.
Disadvantages of UCD
- User-centric design is expensive
- Difficulty to translate certain types of data into design
- Products takes more time
- Item may be too complicated and specific for public use leading to becoming more

The product must address the whole user experience. Design should make it easy for the
user to
● determine actions possible at any time
● see the options and results of actions
● determine current system state
● follo intuitively from intention to action

The designer needs to have a User- the person utilising the product. The person ho is being affected by the product or
deep understanding of the ho is reaping the benefits or dra backs of the product. A product can alter as ell,
user, task and the depending on the user.
environment. Task- the thing the product is s pposed to do… The user may have multiple uses for the
same product. For eg a ater bottle- the bottle may be designed for carrying ater only, but
the users may use it for other li uids such as milk etc.
Environment- The place here the product is likely to be used- indoors outdoors,
urban rural, on Earth in space etc.

What is Iterative Design? Iteration is the act of repeating a process ith the aim of approaching a desired goal, target or
result. Regular feedback from user ould assist in making small changes to the
product design. Each repetition of the process is also called an iteration , and the results of
one iteration are used as the starting point for the next iteration.

The process is iterative, led The process is iterative, led by the user and developed through user-centred evaluation.
by the user and developed The design is developed through user-centred evaluation. For example, IS stated the six
through user-centred principles that an iterative design should include
evaluation. 1. The design is based upon an explicit understanding of users, tasks and environments.
2. Users are involved throughout design and development.
3. The design is driven and refined by user-centered evaluation.
4. The process is iterative.
5. The design addresses the hole user experience.
6. The design team includes multidisciplinary skills and perspectives

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IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

UCD design teams are UCD Design teams are

multidisciplinary. multidisciplinary as only by
The five stages of UCD incorporating into the
research, concept, design, development process the
implementation, launch concerns and expertise of the
Inclusive design user and production teams that
manufacture, distribute,
maintain and market the
product could a good design
emerge. The UCD process
therefore represents a
fundamental change in the
traditional design process here
design ere developed largely in

UCD design teams may include

anthropologists, ethnographers
and psychologists.

Research ● usiness and User problems and re uirements are analysed.

● The user, task and environment are considered
● This can be done ith a multi-disciplinary teams of
ethnographer, anthropologists and psychologists
● the above diagram for Research

Concept ● Initial ideas are put for ard

● Concept modelling takes place, including paper models
● Allo s for tactile and appearance evaluations
● Evaluation is fed back into the design cycle
● It is uick and cheap to carry out.
● A multi-disciplinary team of designers, various engineers and
● the above diagram for Concept

Design ● Development of ideas

● Scaled models such as prototypes, mock ups etc are made
● Monitoring of performance against usability re uirements
● Allo s for more continued evaluation by the user and design
● Evaluation is fed back into the design cycle
● the above diagram for Design

Implementation ● arious testing and evaluations are carried out ith a ide
range of end users
Evaluation is fed back into the design cycle
● A multi-disciplinary team is used to measure the end-users
psychological and physiological experience.
● the above diagram for Implementation

aunch ● The end product is launched

● Continuous evaluation is carried out
● Monitoring of performance against usability re uirements
● the above diagram for aunch

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

What is Inclusive design? -User-centred design has a focus on inclusive design.

-Inclusive design re uires designing universally accessible products for all users including
those ith physical, sensory, perceptual and other challenges and impairments.
-Products and services address the needs of the widest possible audience, irrespective of
age or ability.
-It is important The effects of rapidly ageing populations, and gro ing numbers of people
with disabilities, are having a profound effect on ne product and service development.


IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

7.2 Usability
Usability is about ho easy it is to use a product or system. A design team should be user driven and fre uent contact ith
potential users is essential. To understand ho a product, service or system may be used, the designer must consider the prior
kno ledge and experience of the users, as ell as their typical psychological responses. Evaluation methods that utili e
appropriate testing and trialling strategies must be used to determine these aspects.

Main Idea Description and Design Context

What are the Usability Usability is defined as the extent to hich a product can be used by specified users to
objectives? achieve specified goals ith effectiveness and satisfaction in a specified context of use .
The primary ob ectives of usability are
● Ease of use
● Efficiency of use
● Unambiguous feedback
● Clarity of human interface

Usability ob ectives include usefulness, effectiveness, learnability, attitude (likeability).

Usefulness - product enables user to achieve their goals - the tasks that it as designed to carry out
and or ants needs of user. nce users have learned the design, ho uickly can they
perform tasks
● Efficiently fast and ith minimum effort

Effectiveness - uantitatively measured by speed of performance or error rate and is tied to a percentage
of users. Use the design completely and accurately
● Prevents errors
● User can recover if errors occur.

Learnability - user s ability to operate the system to some defined level of competence after some
predetermined period of training. Also, refers to ability for infre uent users to relearn the
● It is the ease at hich the user can learn to use a product
● The intuitiveness to use a product, service or system design.
● o easy is it for users to accomplish tasks the first time they encounter the
● Memorable hen the user returns they do not have to re-learn ho to use it

Attitude - user s perceptions, feelings and opinions of the product, usually captured through both
ritten and oral communication.
● Satisfaction or likability hen the client uses or interacts ith the product,
service or system design.
● o pleasant is it to use the design

What are the benefits of enefits of enhanced usability include product acceptance, user experience, productivity,
Enhanced usability and an user error, training and support
give examples
Enhanced usability increases
- Product acceptance The kno ledge that a product or service paid for ill meet up
to its defined specifications.
- User experience a person s perceptions and responses that result from the use or
anticipated use of a product, system or service, this can modify over time due to
changing usage circumstances.
- Productivity Developing products and services ith the user in mind can reduce
time asting or difficult to understand aspects of a product.
Enhanced usability decreases
- User error With simpler interfaces and controls, user error is reduced or even

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

- Training and support If a product has a more intuitive user interface, a more
pleasant user experience and simpler controls, there is less need for training and
support to the consumer and so, reduced costs in these fields.

Characteristics of good Good user-interface design exhibits the follo ing features
user-product interfaces and ● lo user error rate
an example ● high levels of user satisfaction
● easy to learn-simple uncomplicated, uncluttered interfaces
● easy to use-intuitive design, controls appear here anticipated and actions perform
as expected
● easy to remember functions and operations are performed over time ith an ease
of repeatability and high level of competence retention.

Examples of good user-product interfaces for products include

1. Simplicity and ease of use - Products ith intuitive and easily accessible interfaces
are likely to be more popular ith consumers (especially more affluent and older
2. Intuitive logic, organization and low memory burden- Easy to use intuitive
interface design allo s ne operators to uickly become competent in the basic
operations of a product. Poorly designed, less intuitively organi ed interfaces place
a high level of learning through trial and error. They also increase the memory
burden placed on consumers ho may use the product intermittently and be
destined to repeat the learning process over.
3. Visibility- Colour, symbols of controls should be visible and it should be obvious
ho they ork.
4. Feedback- Feedback is the provision of information, for example, an audible tone
to a user, as a result of an action. The tone on a telephone touchpad or the click of a
key on a computer keyboard provides feedback to indicate that a key has been
5. Affordance, Affordance is the property of an ob ect that indicates how it can be
used. uttons afford pushing, and knobs afford turning. n a door, handles afford
pulling, hereas push plates afford pushing.
6. Mapping - Mapping relates to the correspondence bet een the layout space of
buttons of the controls and their re uired action.
7. Constraints- Constraints limit the ay that a product can be used. The design of a
three-pin plug or a US (universal serial bus) device ensures that they are inserted
the correct ay.

Population stereotypes Population stereotypes are responses that are found to be widespread in a user population.

Assumptions and associations are made by the population of a particular culture regarding
ho e uipment and products operate. It is a concept relating to cultural expectations. It is
the manner in hich most people in the population expect something to be done. ou might
think of it as your intuition or your innate functional understanding of something.
It is important to consider the intended User Population for any product (or system) you are
designing. It can be defined as the range of users for a particular product or system. these
can be defined by age, gender, physical condition, socio-economic class etc. Expectations
that are found to be idespread in a population are kno n as conventions or stereotypes.
E.g. USA vs. Europe ith s itches in houses and cars.

Example includes the direction of handles to open and close and also the ay s itches are
turned on or off.

What are the advantages and Disadvantages Making use of population stereotypes in the design might sometimes be
disadvantages of using irrelevant. For example, hen a person alks into a room and ant to turn a light s itch on,
population stereotypes for the most common ay for Americans is to turn it up, but in other countries, it is the
designers and users opposite.
Advantages For many controls, certain actions e do such as turning, sliding etc ill
produce the expected result. Many users can operate a product ithout having to learn ho
to operate it.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

7.3 Strategies for user research

The designer needs to understand the reasons behind the behaviours, ants, and needs of the user. Designers should select
research strategies based on the desired user experiences in the context of the product, service or system. The purpose of user
research is to identify needs that reveal the complexities of personae. Real-life scenarios that simulate actual user experiences
can generate ne findings.

Main Idea Description and Design Context

User population ● User populations are a range of users for a particular product or system.
● Population’ defined as the group expected to make use of an item, instrument, product or
● Products may be designed for a particular user population, ho ever there are many products
designed for multiple population.

Classification of ● Users can be classified by age, gender and physical condition.

users ● Allo designed to gather detailed feedback to generate insights for design development to
each group.
● Users can also be classified by interests, habits, nuances, emotional responses.

The use of Personae is a profile of the primary target audience for a product.
personae ● Personae is created for these follo ing reasons to discover the needs of the customer,
improve the uality of products, understand the customer profoundly, and identify hich
customer groups need to be valued.

Essential details for defining personae include name, age, photo, information about family and home
life, ork environment, computer proficiency and comfort level ith using Web, attitudes, motivation
for using a high-tech product, information-seeking habits, personal goals

What is Secondary Secondary personae are those ho are not the primary target audience for a product, but hose
personae needs the product should meet. They are able to provide valuable alternative insights to the
development of a product.

What is Anti-personae are those for hom the product is not designed.

What is user User Research focus on understanding the users behaviour and needs through observations, analysis
research and feedback.

o are Scenarios Scenario is an imagined se uence of events in the daily life of a persona based on assumptions by
used as a strategy researchers and designers.
● Scenarios provide physical and social context for different personae
● Scenarios are based on best, orst and average case.
● Simulates actual user experiences can generate ne findings.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Use Case Use case is a set of possible

sequences of interactions or event
steps between a user and a product
to achieve a particular action.


IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

7.4 Strategies for UCD

Users have a central role in evaluating hether the product meets their ants and needs. For designers to successfully integrate
usability into the design process, they re uire a holistic understanding of ho a product, service or system is used. Designers
must identify user re uirements through the use of careful observation and intervie s. A clear strategy for UCD ill improve
acceptability and usability, reducing costs and effort, hile fulfilling user re uirements.

Main Idea Description and Design Context

What is Field research? An observation of customer's user experience first hand, done by the firm. Essential for
research to be conducted in the user's environment.
● Useful hen redesigning the product, as producers can fix the designs current
● Can see hat a user actually do in oppose to hat they say they do
● Do nside is the cost of doing the field research, hich is uite expensive to

Advantages Disadvantages

● Gain first hand kno ledge ● Data ill be very narro

● Gain first hand experience ● emotionally taxing as relationship
● btain detailed data of people and bet een intervie er and client has to
processes be established.
● It emphasi es the role and relevance
of social context.

What are Method of Common ay of defining the range of user population. Using this method, sample users are
extremes selected to represent the extremes of the user population plus one or two intermediate
● Example, if you ere choosing a door height, and pick the 5th percentile value, in
other ords, you ould design for the taller people, then you ouldn’t need to
orry about the average height people, or the 5th percentile, because they ould
fit any ays.

Advantages Disadvantages

● greatest number of users are ● maybe sensitive for extreme groups to

accommodated be involved

o are Observation used as bservation A collection of responses from users, as ell a trail observation of users
a strategy interacting ith the product.
Essentially is a user trial here the intended client uses the product and the expert
observes. This can be in the field (natural environment) or in a lab (controlled environment)

Advantages Disadvantages

● elp to unveil usability issues ● Data collected maybe difficult to

● Tested under conditions of use analyse

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

o are interviews and focus A collection of responses from users, a trail of observation of users interacting ith the
groups used as a strategy product.

Advantages Disadvantages

● It is dynamic ● Expensive as intervie ees are often

● Face to Face compensated
● ody language and gestures can be ● Participants may not ish to share
observed sensitive issues
● Easily measure reactions ● Small sample si e may not be truly
● Clarifying uestions can be asked representative of the hole
● Moderator bias

o are Questionnaires used The method of obtaining user responses, through uestionnaires to solicit information.
as a strategy ne of the market research strategy, and user data collection techni ues (supermarket
surveys, uestionnaires and intervie s). User research is classed as Primary

Advantages Disadvantages

● Cheap ● Static
● Easy to administer ● poor number of responses
● large numbers of uestionnaires can ● maybe only interested people fill out
be administered the survey thus perhaps a bias
● sent easily to a ide local, national,
global regions

What is affinity diagramming Affinity diagramming is a tool used to organise ideas and information.
and ho is it used ● A graphical tool
that identifies a
general theme to
collect facts,
opinions and
● They express data
and infromation in
a common format
by creating
clusters and
groups of
● It represents a
text based map
hich sho s
aspects of the product that has been ill be taken into consideration in the design
and manufacturing of the product, thereby presenting the results.

Advantages Disadvantages

● Simple ● time consuming

● Cost effective ● can get uite large
● Easy to get data from a group
● builds team ork

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

What is Participatory design Involving the user in the design process. The target market perform realistic tasks, by
interaction ith paper versions of the final product.
An example of participatory design is hen users representing the target market for a
product perform realistic tasks by interacting ith a paper version of the user-product
interface manipulated by a person acting as a computer ho does not explain ho the
interface orks.

Prototype testing sessions Making a testing product here all experiments are conducted before making the final
product making all changes necessary that can be seen hen the prototype is used.

Usability testing sessions The testing of a product with potential users to find out how usable the product is.
Usability testing sessions in hich a user group is monitored hile they are made to test the
product by another user group. Example a user group ho are using a micro ave being
monitored by another group evaluating ho the first group is able to use the micro ave in
terms of speed and efficiency and understanding

Natural environments atural environment, is the monitoring of the user interacting ith the product in their
homes, or place of ork or other natural product environments.

Natural environments Usability laboratories

● The potential client is observed using ● The potential client is observed using
the product, system or service here the product, system or service in a
it is intended to be used controlled.
● Advantage solicit data from real and ● Advantage controlled environment
intended contexts can ensure that
● Advantage usability is tested in the product service system is used as
intended environment intended.
● Disadvantage biased opinions from ● Advantage Groups of observers’ can
the observers vie the usability and a more ider
● Disadvantage mostly uantitative vie of analysis
data is collected. ● Advantage labs can be set up ith
high-tech sensors and e uipment for
better monitoring.
● Disadvantage can be costly as
facilities personnel must be hired.
● Disadvantage can be intimidating to
kno people are behind one- ay

Testing House Typically a company that ill test products on their site in a lab. Testing house has the
environment set at the real scenario. For example it might be -1 degrees ith sno and a
user has to put up a tent earing the clothing he she ould be earing in that real
scenario...but it s not on the north pole but inside a controlled environment and the hole
test is filmed and timed. This can be carried out in different parts of the orld hich can
provide culturally biased usability issues.

Usability laboratories Usability testing is carried out in an usability laboratory, and the test users are monitored by
another group of observers in a different room. Example: Lab
For example Usability laboratories is same but ith no climate- put up same tent in
standard room and it is filmed and timed. It s not -1 degrees and earing normal clothing.

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Compare Testing houses Advantages:

versus usability laboratories ● Usability labs provide the best environment for people to observe and listen, either
through one- ay mirrors or through video cameras fed to large screens.
● More people come to observe usability testing hen it’s conducted in a lab. Testing
becomes more of an event . The novelty of it, the comfort of the observation room,
the free food, and the chance to get out of the office are all po erful temptations to
get people to attend. It’s al ays helpful to get people from the pro ect team
involved in observing the testing firsthand.
● When more people come to observe testing, you can have debriefing sessions and
discussions at various points during the day.
● Usability labs give you the most control over the testing e uipment, the
environment, and the situation. ou can ensure that each participant’s experience is
the same. That’s important hen you’re doing a test that relies primarily on
collecting uantitative metrics.
● abs allo you to have the most high-tech setup, ith eye tracking, mobile
usability testing e uipment, multiple cameras, audio recording, etc.
● Since the participants come to you, you don’t have to travel, and you can fit more
sessions in each day.

● A usability lab is a highly artificial environment. Taking people out of their normal
context and bringing them into a lab does not sho you their natural behavior.
● Usability labs ith the one ay mirror, the cameras, and the observers can be
intimidating and make participants feel uncomfortable. This can affect their
behavior. no ing that the designers and pro ect team are observing can lead to
the effect of participants telling you hat they think you ant to hear.
● It’s harder to get people to participate in a usability test hen they have to come to
a lab. It’s easier to get them to participate hen you can go to them or test them
remotely. The best participants are often the ones that don’t have time to come to a
usability lab. Those ho are able to come to a lab are sometimes
less-than-desirable or, even orse, professional participants ho supplement
their income by participating in focus groups and usability tests.
● ecause people have to travel to the lab in person, your participants are limited to
those in the immediate area.
● Usability labs are expensive. ab space and e uipment cost a lot of money, making
usability testing more expensive.


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7.5 Beyond usability-designing for pleasure and emotion

Usability is not the only factor for a designer to consider products can be designed to evoke pleasure and emotion. A designer’s
ability to provide satisfaction through aesthetic appeal and pleasure can greatly influence the success of a product, service or
system. Understanding attitudes, expectations and motivations of consumers plays a significant role in predicting product
interaction. Designers need to be empathetic and sympathetic to user emotion, hich acts as a critical component to determine
ho he or she interprets and interacts ith a product, service or system.

Main Idea Description and Design Context

Attitude The perceptions, feelings and opinions about a product by a user. We ant to create products that
people love. To make it a pleasure to use reduce complexity it’s usable
People become attached’ to a product, they are engaged as a user consumer in the product hich ill
also develop brand loyalty (if a consumer is satisfied ith the product, they’ll come back hich
obviously increases or maintain sales for a company)

Four-pleasure The four pleasures (socio-pleasure, physio-pleasure, psycho-pleasure and ideo pleasure) are used
framework hen products are designed to evoke pleasure and emotion.

Socio-Pleasure Pleasure derived from being part of a group, i.e. gaining pleasure from being in a social group such as a
member of the PC Gaming Master Race or being a fan of Apple products .
ther examples include
● Email, internet and mobile phones that facilitate communication bet een people.
● Products may promote social interaction by being conversation starters, for example, e elry,
art ork or furniture.
● Clothing can communicate social identity and indicate that a person belongs to a particular social

Physio pleasure Pleasure derived from touching, smelling, hearing and tasting something.
Ex.- the ay something opens or physically feels like. Common products that invoke this type of
pleasure are- knives, boxes, the texture of certain surfaces, the smell of ne products like a car.
ther examples include
● earing a silk garment or the smooth feel of an iPod iPhone,
● taste such as eating chocolate
● smell of leather, a ne car, coffee or freshly baked bread

Psycho-Pleasure Psychological pleasure is created hen the person thinks about the situation, consciously or
unconsciously. This can be created by intellectual games such as Sudoku or Scrabble that stimulate
thinking and give the pleasure of inning. The brain re ards itself ith a shot of natural opiates
hen it sees patterns and learns, making this another po erful motivational approach.
ther examples include
Examples include
● it might be expected that a ord processor that facilitated uick and easy accomplishment of
tasks ould provide a higher level of psycho-pleasure than one ith hich the user as likely to
make many errors. The former ord processor should enable the user to complete the task more
easily than he or she ould ith the latter.

Ideo-Pleasure Pertains to people s values, refers to pleasure derived from our ideals of life, aesthetics, culturally
and others. example I EA mug that has a groove at the bottom to let the ater drain hen drying.
ther examples include
Examples include
● A product made from biodegradable materials might be seen as embodying the value of
environmental responsibility.

Visceral design Design that speaks to people s nature in terms ho people expect things to ork and ho things are
expected to turn out and ho different ays of things acting are generally interpreted. Making the
design intuitive.

Behavioural design Is all about use and understanding ho people ill use a product, about functionality and is
fundamental part of the design process.

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Reflective design Evokes personal remembrance, the message, the culture. example a atch being more than ust a
atch, rather being a fashion statement. A atch tells more than ust time.

Design for Emotion Design for Emotion ill help your designs attract more attention and communicate your message
more po erfully, to more people.
Designing for emotion can increase
● User engagement
● Product or brand loyalty
● Satisfaction ith a product by incorporating emotion and personality

Attract converse A frame ork for creating designs that intentionally trigger emotional responses.
(ACT) model

Attract o it looks- Get someone to buy a product because they like the aesthetics of the product

Converse o you interact- Converse is related to interaction and ho increased interaction makes a generally
better product

Transact o it orks- It is to either carry out or conduct a business for a transact relates to function and ho
increasing the function of a product makes a product in general better

Empathetic When the designer takes the place of the user to see ho potentially could use the product and the
ob ect could be better suited for the consumer. To empathi e ith potential users and so gain a better
understanding of users’ thoughts, needs, values and beliefs.

Sympathetic The decisions re uired for the product to be the most helpful for the user given certain conditions.


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Topic 8
8.1 Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is concerned ith satisfying human needs for resources no and in the future ithout compromising
the carrying capacity of the planet. Designers utili e design approaches that support sustainable development across a variety of
contexts. A holistic and systematic approach is needed at all stages of design development to satisfy all stakeholders. In order to
develop sustainable products, designers must balance aesthetic, cost, social, cultural, energy, material, health and usability
considerations. Triple bottom line sustainability does not only focus on the profitability of an organi ation or product, but also the
environmental and social benefit it can bring. rgani ations that embrace triple bottom line sustainability can make significant
positive effects to the lives of others and the environment by changing the impact of their business activities.

Triple bottom line istorically there has been a close correlation bet een economic gro th and environmental
sustainability environmental, degradation as economic prosperity increases so environmental uality decreases. This
economic and social. trend is clearly demonstrated on graphs of human population numbers, economic gro th
and environmental indicators. Sustainable development frame orks enable the evaluation
of the complex and interrelated concepts that are associated ith development

There is a correlation bet een economic development and human ell-being. Design
involves problem-solving to develop products and services to enhance human ell-being.
The importance of sustainability issues and strategies is critical to sustainable economic
Economic development consumes resources, resulting in environmental impact. Designing
for sustainability is dependent upon an understanding of the short- and long-term goals
and values of individuals, institutions and governments.

It is about the big picture that allo s economic activity to rise hile reducing resource use
and reducing environmental impact.

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Decoupling Decoupling refers to disconnecting t o trends so that one no longer depends on the other.
Decoupling disconnecting Through the act of decoupling (using resources more productively and redesigning
economic gro th and production systems), it is technically possible to deliver the same or e uivalent goods and
environmental impact so that services ith lo er environmental impact hile maintaining social and e uity benefits.
one no longer depends on the

Kyoto Protocol An international treaty that sets binding obligations on industrialised countries to reduce
The use of international and emissions of greenhouse gases. The treaty as agreed in 1 7 and came into force in 2 5
national la s to promote
sustainable development

Earth Summit in Rio de The U sought to help Governments rethink economic development and find ays to halt
Janeiro (1 2) the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources and pollution of the planet. The summit
The use of international and has produced results, making eco-efficiency a guiding principle for business and
national la s to promote governments alik
sustainable development

International and national Adopting a corporate strategy that has the support of shareholders stakeholders can be
laws difficult to achieve. International and national la s encourage companies to focus on
aspects other than shareholder value and financial performance, hich include
transparency of corporate sustainability, transparent sustainability assurance and hether
businesses, public services, national resources and the economy have the means to
continue in the years ahead at a micro and macro level.

Sustainability reporting A sustainability report is a company report that focuses on four aspects of performance.
The reliability and acceptance of sustainability reporting re uires accurate data gathering to
be maintained over a lengthy period of time. Students need to be able to explain the
benefits of sustainability reporting for governments, manufacturers and consumers.

enefits for manufacturers uilds trust Transparency about environmental impact can help
to reduce reputational risks, open up dialogue ith stakeholders such as customers,
communities and investors, and demonstrate leadership, openness and accountability.
elps to attract capital from green investors by identifying ne markets and business

A gro ing number of companies see sustainability reporting as a means to drive greater
innovation through their businesses and products to create a competitive advantage in the
market. etter reputation Improves consumer brand loyalty.

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Meets the expectations of employees, improved morale. Increased efficiency In a 2 12

global survey of sustainability reporters, indicated that reporting helped make their
organi ations’ decision-making processes more efficient.

enefits for consumers Consumers ant to kno hether a company is performing in a

globally responsible manner from an environmental perspective (e.g., ater use, emissions,
aste), and a social perspective (e.g., labor practices, human rights, corruption, customer
health and safety).

Product stewardship Product Ste ardship is an environmental management strategy that means hoever
designs, produces, sells, or uses a product takes full responsibility for minimizing the
product’s environmental impact throughout all stages of the product’s life cycle, including
end of life management (disposal). Designers may need to respond to consumer pressure as
more consumers become a are of resource issues and product labelling. Product
ste ardship re uires all stakeholders involved in making, buying, selling or handling
e uipment to take responsibility for minimi ing environmental, health and safety impact at
all stages of the life cycle. E.g. odyshop US and also these examples belo
organic foods
genetically modified food
green cotton
forest ste ardship

In most cases, manufacturers have the greatest ability, and therefore the greatest
responsibility, to reduce the environmental impacts of their products. Reducing use of toxic
substances, designing for reuse and recyclability, and creating take back programs are ust a
fe of the many opportunities for companies to become better environmental ste ards of
their products. For ard-thinking businesses have recogni ed that demonstrated corporate
citi enship and maximum resource productivity are essential components to creating
competitive advantage and increasing shareholder ealth (triple bottom line sustainability)

As the sector ith the closest ties to consumers, retailers are one of the gate ays to
product ste ardship. From preferring product providers ho offer greater environmental
performance, to educating the consumer on ho to choose environmentally preferable
products, to enabling consumer return of products for recycling, retailers are an integral part
of the product ste ardship revolution.

Ultimately, it is the consumer ho makes the choice bet een competing products and using
and disposing of products responsibly. Without consumer engagement in product
ste ardship, there is no closing the loop. Consumers must make responsible buying
choices hich consider environmental impacts. They must use products safely and
efficiently. Finally, they must take the extra steps to recycle products that they no longer

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8.2 Sustainable consumption

Sustainable consumption focuses on reducing the use of resources of a product to minimi e its environmental impact. Designers
develop products, services and systems that satisfy basic needs and improve uality of life. To meet sustainable consumption
re uirements, they must also minimi e the use of natural resources, toxic materials and aste, and reduce emissions of
pollutants at all stages of the life cycle. It is not only the role of designers to create markets for sustainable products. Consumers
need to change their habits and express a ant and need for these products.

Consumer attitudes and Advantages and disadvantages of consumer and environmental pressure groups for the
behaviours to ards user, manufacturer and designer

Eco-warriors Eco- arriors actively demonstrate on environmental issues. Eco- arriors protest anything
that is damaging to the environment (such as animal cruelty and pollution). Greenpeace is an
environmental organi ation that actively supports those protests and usually organi e or
oin them. Examples of protests are members chaining themselves to trees and thro ing
red paint on fur coats.

Eco-champions Eco-champions champion environmental issues ithin organi ations. The Eco Champion ill
lead a Taskforce, a team of counselors from all parties, and the local community to listen to
ideas and ork together to tackle these problems. The group ill look into areas such as
hat e consume, hat energy e produce and use up, ho e get around and ho e
can reduce and dispose of our aste.

Eco- fans (adopts) Eco-fans enthusiastically adopt environmentally friendly practices as consumers. An
Eco-fan is someone ho accepts all ne technological advancements for green design on
the current market. An eco-fan ill buy almost anything that is environmentally friendly and
ill never buy a harmful product. Products include, dolphin friendly tuna, aerosol spray cans
that do not contain CFC propellants, cosmetics that have not been tested on animals,
products packaged in environmentally friendly materials (reusable recyclable).

Eco-phobes (resents) Eco-phobes actively resent talk of environmental protection Eco-phobes are people ho
are against helping the environment and purposely go against the ecological movements.
They believe that the environmental problems are irrelevant to their lives, and some even
believe that it is a scam. If you told an eco-phobe about environmental problems such as
global arming, he ould probably respond by saying Is the earth arming h, you
betcha. Is Mars arming up. upiter Uh-huh. Will this free e-tha cycle continue
happening into hatever eternity there may be I’d have to say so. There are many
theories that eco-phobes believe are true against helping the environment, but many of
these theories are skeptical and are suspicious of many people. Some suggest that an
example of an eco-phobe is George ush, ho refused to sign the yoto agreement hich is
based on controlling the Co2 output in a country to a limit in order to decrease global

Eco-labelling Eco labeling means that a legal organisation grants a special label (eco label) to a product.
This label means that the product in uestion is very environmentally friendly.
Many products no are labeled according to ho environmentally friendly they are.
Such labeling schemes have come about as a result of legislation and consumer pressure.
They enable the consumer to compare potential purchases and make an informed choice.

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Advantages of Eco Labelling Disadvantages of Eco Labelling

For consumers, they re a shortcut to doing The biggest problem ith a gro ing
good they re an easy to use, trust orthy interest in ethical shopping is that
guide to products that help the manufacturers may be tempted to make
environment in some ay. exaggerated or misleading claims, hich
confuse consumers into thinking products
Second, for manufacturers, eco labels are better than they really are. Instead of
offer a potential point of difference and a raising standards, the result is confusion
competitive advantage. Many consumers among consumers and a systematic
take environmental performance into undermining of all eco friendly products
account so if a product looks eco friendly (including genuine ones). This, of course, is
and doesn t cost much more, it s more exactly the problem that properly certified
likely to be lifted off the shelf. For eco labels are designed to solve. For the
manufacturers, making eco friendly system to ork, ecolabels need to be
products can make commercial sense. trust orthy, trusted, simple to
understand, and easy to recogni e.
Third, labels encourage a general raising of
environmental performance, even among
products that aren t labeled. According to
the International Standards rgani ation
(IS ), the body that guarantees orld ide
uniformity in the ay e measure things,
the ob ective of eco labels is ...through
communication of verifiable and accurate
information, that is not misleading, on
environmental aspects of products and
services, to encourage the demand for and
supply of those products and services that
cause less stress on the environment,
thereby stimulating the potential for
market driven continuous environmental
improvement. In simpler ords, if
environmentally friendly products sell
better, all manufacturers have an incentive
to produce them and standards rise

Energy labelling schemes We need to consider ho Energy labeling is different in different countries.

European union
If a company manufactures or sells household electrical
e uipment ithin the European Union, it must provide
customers ith the energy efficiency rating of your products by
having a clear labeling on the product. As a consumer, if you are
buying a household electrical item the energy efficiency rating
should be displayed clearly on the product to help you make a
better informed decision.

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The Good Environmental Choice abel is the only environmental
labelling program in Australia hich indicates the environmental
performance of a product during its complete lifecycle. The label
is a arded to products that meet voluntary environmental
performance standards hich have been created and assessed
in comparison to international environmental labelling

Creating a market for Many shoppers ant green products, but retailers and brand marketers are losing green
sustainable products sales at several key points along the path to a purchase.
The largest opportunities to capture shoppers interested in green products involve
building a areness,
educating shoppers,
making green products easier to find and recogni e,
enhancing in-store communications and
inspiring shoppers at the store shelf.

As consumers increasingly demand green products, there is an incentive for marketers to

offer them. It is important for firms to understand hen consumers choose these products,
and ho to market them effectively. Ultimately it is the consumers choice as to hich
products they ill buy (often based on price alone). It is important to
Create a market for sustainable products through
pricing considerations
stimulating demand for green products
production of green products

Pricing considerations Green products that are more expensive than grey’ products are not often purchased (cost
can be decreased as more companies start using triple bottom line sustainability).

Stimulating demand for green usinesses could involve academics, pressure groups and the media to highlight
products, current environmental crisis. This raises a areness to reduce overall consumption of
environmentally damaging products.
Engage in open dialogue ith the public, consumers and government to rethink ho
society vie s consumption.
Dialogue can encourage consumers to think about ho lifestyle choices impact the
environment, recogni e sustainability implications of consumption and reduce reliance
on products.
Pay attention to market niches and demand to decide hich green products to
promote. For example, consumers have become increasingly concerned ith buying
organic food hich has created a large market niche for supermarkets.
Market green products as a ay to build a responsible identity and lifestyle. For
example, firms can encourage being a good mother by buying natural, organic foods for
your children s health.
Consumers buy products as a ay to fulfill needs like self-identity and social
relationships. Firms that market green products as a ay to help save the planet or
improve health of loved ones encourage consumers to fulfill these needs.

Production of green products. A green plastic product might mean the company making the product can recycle the plastic
(if it is ever returned or gathered).

A sustainable product ould not use traditional plastic (made from non rene able resources
(oil)) but ould use a bio-plastic made from plants or mushrooms that is made locally
(reduced transportation need) in factories that use solar po er for energy

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Pressure groups o consumer and environmental pressure groups can attract idespread support.
o pressure groups exert influence for changes on these issues and support using the
media (including social media). Pressure groups use a range of direct and indirect actions
to promote environmentally sustainable policy.

Direct Action
Direct action entails physically attempting to hinder an activity that is seen as rong, or
gaining promotion through spectacular actions that aim to dra attention to
environmentally damaging activity.
Direct actions have in the past included the attempt by Greenpeace to scupper French
nuclear testing in the south pacific by blockading the ship ith their o n vessel, The
Rainbo Warrior, in 1 5. This action resulted in an aggressive attack by French Special
forces using mines. The ensuing explosions in ured several cre members, one of hich
dro ned to death. Follo ing in uiries, the French foreign minister as disgraced and t o
French soldiers ere found guilty of manslaughter. Follo ing this, French nuclear bombings
ere halted aid public outrage and the rallying of private yachts in e ealand, hich
further hampered French plans.
It must be noted that direct action need not be dangerous or aggressive, although
Greenpeace have at times been criticised for endangering activists.

Indirect Action
The over helming ma ority of pressure group action is indirect, involving the promotion of
issues through education, debate and calculated lobbying.
The Friends of the Earth have launched a campaign called The ig Ask, encouraging the
public to directly lobby their local M.P s on difficult environmental issues, either in person, or
through letter riting.
It must be noted that indirect action is usually behind successful direct action, hilst direct
action adds impetus to indirect action.

Lifestyle and ethical Consider strategies for managing estern consumption hile raising the standard of living
consumerism of the developing orld ithout increasing resource use and environmental impact. Also
ho consumers have become increasingly a are of information provided by pressure
groups and as markets have globali ed, so has consumer po er.
Consumers might have been informed of the environmental factors of various products and
become more conscious does not al ays translate into purchasing of sustainable
alternatives due to some examples such as

Lifestyle consumerism:
-a preferred criteria of brand due to recognition reputation
-the availability of product
-the price of product rather than eco-label or energy label
-the purchase of the product ith the higher efficiency may influence the consumer by cost
saving over the life durability impact on ecosystem reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
of the product
-consumer lifestyle
-product origin
-company reputation

Ethical consumerism:
eing an ethical consumer means buying products which were ethically produced and or
hich are not harmful to the environment and society. E.g. Fairtrade coffee or buying
free-range eggs or as complex as boycotting goods produced by child labour and atching
your food miles ho much energy as used getting the product to you Products hich fall
into the ethical category include organic produce, fair trade goods, energy-efficient light
bulbs, electricity from rene able energy, recycled paper and ood products ith Forest
Ste ardship Council approval.

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Take back legislation Take back legislation puts the impetus on manufacturers to deal with the product or waste
at the end of it’s lifecycle. This can mean providing opportunities for recycling and
collection, providing information to the consumer about disposal or directly dealing ith the
obsolete product.

Implications of take-back Take back legislation is the legislation that holds manufacturers responsible for the
legislation for designers, environmentally safe recycling or disposal of their end-of-life products.
manufacturers and They are expected to provide a financial and or physical plan to ensure that such products
consumers. are collected and processed. Take back legislation comes in many different policy forms. For
instance some legislation asks consumers to ork ith manufacturers to return products
themselves for recycling.

Implications of take-back legislation for manufacturers and designers.

nce companies have to take products back, they become immediately interested in
design for disassembly and recyclability because they are the ones doing the
disassembling and recycling
Manufacturers and designers have to make design changes that reduce aste, such as
improving product recyclability and reusability, reducing material usage, and
do nsi ing products.
For instance, if a product has to be taken back and recycled by the manufacturers, it
ould be most advantageous for them to ensure the original design can be readily
Special care has to be taken ith the choice of materials, costs, parts in order to make
it easier for manufacturers to collect and recycle products.
Some European countries have la s here stores must accept used packaging (from
their store) on the spot. Customers love it because trash collection bills are very high in
Europe and if you can leave your aste packaging at the store, you save money. The
result Increased customer satisfaction and an immediate reduction in product

Implications of take-back legislation for consumers

If the cost of recycling a product is included in its price consumers can make more
informed decisions about buying
Some European countries have la s here stores must accept used packaging (from
their store) on the spot. Customers love it because trash collection bills are very high in
Europe and if you can leave your aste packaging at the store, you save money. The
result Increased customer satisfaction and an immediate reduction in product

Consider strategies for managing estern consumption hile raising the standard of living
of the developing orld ithout increasing resource use and environmental impact.
In industriali ed countries, the consumption patterns of cities are severely stressing the
global ecosystem hile settlements in the developing orld need more ra material,
energy, and economic development simply to overcome basic economic and social problems.

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8.3 Sustainable design

Sustainable design is a philosophy of developing products in line ith social, economic, and ecological sustainability principles.
The first step to sustainable design is to consider a product, service or system in relation to eco-design and analyse its impact
using life cycle analysis. The designer then develops these to minimi e environmental impacts identified from this analysis.
Considering sustainability from the beginning of the process is essential. Datschefski’s five principles of sustainable design e uip
the designer ith a tool not only to design ne products, but also to evaluate an existing product. This can lead to ne design
opportunities and increase the level at hich a product aligns ith these principles.

Green design Green design began hen consumers started to demand eco-friendly products as a result of
versus sustainable design concerns over damage to our environment. Green design refers to the development of
products to have a reduced impact on the environment.
Sustainable design is based on the gro ing reali ation that hat e have done so far is not
enough. Sustainable products provide social and economic benefits hile protecting public
health, welfare and the environment throughout their life cycle from the extraction of
ra materials to final disposal.

Green Design Sustainable Design

Products that have little or no effect on the Deals ith T sustainability, economic,
environment. environmental Social

Cradle to the grave approach Cradle to cradle approach

onger timescale hich can affect the

Shorter (than sustainable design)
R D stage (system ide research
therefore easier and cheaper to address
needed) of the design process increases
environmental concerns in products.
costs therefore may not be feasible.

Incremental idea generating techni ues Idea generating techni ues are more
are feasible as possibly only small changes radical to re-think (over-haul redesign) the
need to be made. nature of the product and ho it orks

Datschefski’s five principles The total beauty of sustainable products

of sustainable design
Is the name of a book by philosopher and design guru Ed in Datschefski.
In it he describes five simple tests for sustainability - cyclic, solar, safe, efficient, social

There are five design re uirements for sustainable products. The first three mimick the
protocols used by plant and animal ecosystems

Cyclic The product is made from organic materials, and is recyclable or compostable,
or is made from minerals that are continuously cycled in a closed loop. The idea here is
that there should be no such thing as aste. All by-products should be the food for
something else, ust like photosynthesis. Metals can be recycled again and again.
Something that really has to be thro n a ay might be burned to release the energy
locked up in it. iodegradable materials can be composted to provide nutrients for the
soil. In this ay carbon and nitrogen can re recycled.

Solar The product uses solar energy or other forms of rene able energy that are cyclic
and safe, both during use and manufacture. The sun can give us energy directly
through photovoltaic cells, and through using other types of solar panels. ut ave
and ind po er are also the product of the sun s energy. ydro-electricity is made
possible by rain falling again this is po ered by the sun. iomass can be converted
into energy. The sun makes plants gro , and e eat the plants (or animals that have
eaten the plants). Thus, our energy comes indirectly from the sun. Also e can burn
biomass to generate heat energy.

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Safe The product is non-toxic in use and disposal, and its manufacture does not
involve toxic releases or the disruption of ecosystems. Are all releases to air, ater,
land or space the food for other systems A safe product or process is one that does
not harm other people or life, physically or chemically. ou need to consider the hole
life cycle of the product - the ra materials, extraction and manufacturing processes,
the transport involved, the impact of distribution, sale, use (and misuse ) and ultimate
disposal of the product. A totally safe product generates nothing harmful, nor any
aste, at any stage. We need also to think of the social impact of the product or
process - see point 5 belo .

The fourth re uirement is based on the need to maximise the utility of resources in a finite

Efficient The product s efficiency in manufacture and use is improved by a factor of

ten, re uiring less materials, energy and ater than products providing e uivalent
utility did in 1 . Every product re uires energy, materials and ater for its
production and use. Can an e uivalent or better product be produced ith less

We need to reduce our use of energy, materials and ater by up to . In the long
term, is the product economic to make r does it create problems that someone else
ill have to pay for in the future

And the fifth recognises that all companies have an impact on the people ho ork for
them and the communities ithin hich they operate

Social The product and its components and ra materials are manufactured under fair
and ust operating conditions for the orkers involved and the local communities. Does
the product manufacture and use support basic human rights and natural ustice

Are the orking conditions safe and compatible ith human dignity Are people paid
properly at all stages of the supply chain Does the product reinforce e uality of
opportunity Does it enhance cultural diversity Does it encourage participation in

istory sho d be o r ide he United tates ed the or d s e ono ies in the 20th ent ry
be a se e ed the or d in inno ation oday the o petition is eener the ha en e is to her
and that is hy inno ation is ore i portant than e er t is the ey to ood ne obs or the 21st
ent ry hat s ho e i ens re a hi h a ity o i e or this eneration and t re

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

8.4 Sustainable Innovation

Sustainable innovation facilitates the diffusion of sustainable products and solutions into the marketplace. Sustainable
innovation yields both bottom line and top line returns as developing products, services and systems that are environmentally
friendly lo ers costs through reducing the resources re uired. Designers should vie compliance ith government legislation as
an opportunity for sustainable innovation. As energy security becomes an ever more important issue for all countries, designers,
engineers and inventors need to develop ne ays of efficiently generating energy. As ne energy production technologies
become available, designers need to harness them to be used in ne products to improve their energy efficiency.

Complexity and timescale of Sustainable innovation relies on cooperation bet een different stakeholders such as
sustainable innovation government and manufacturing. It is the broadest approach going beyond technical
solutions. This approach is based on a socio-technical systems intervention rather than ust
considering product improvement.
The huge timescale means that sustainability is difficult to maintain as conditions criteria
can change significantly, for example, a lengthy period of economic do nturn.
● This is often difficult as both parties have differing vie s.
● Sustainable innovation re uires a radical change hich is time-consuming and
expensive so manufacturers are not so illing to consider sustainable innovation.
● Sustainable innovation is a hugely complex concept that re uires a long time for
implementation, typically 2 4 years depending on the nature of the innovation.

Sustainable Top-down At its most basic, this is the breaking do n of a system into component parts. From a
strategies corporate strategy perspective, a top-do n strategy means that the leadership level ill
determine the goals and ho each department and or individual employees ill contribute
to meet those goals. When considering sustainable innovation, designers are usually more
comfortable ith top-do n strategies as it means investment and resources are more
predictable and reliable.
● Top-down is controlled by government. E.g. ban plastic bags in shops in Singapore.
● Management of resources, finances (controlling bank rates, etc) and so on.
● It provides targets and measures for sustainability.

Sustainable Bottom-up At its most basic, this is the piecing together of components or systems in order to give rise
strategies to a more complex system or product. From a corporate strategy perspective, a bottom up
strategy methodology means that the leadership level ill determine the overall goals, but
the orkforce ill assist in developing the mechanisms and ideas to meet that goal.
● Strategies implemented from the bottom’ such as regional or local (city or to n)
level. E.g. These include local initiatives like Planting Tree Campaigns
● Designers are involved with bottom-up strategies are usually enthusiasts for the
pro ect and illing to make a commitment even though it may not be cost-effective
to do so. Students are expected to be able to identify examples of bottom-up
strategies and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for consumers users.
● A potential problem for designers is the changing political scene and associated
policies, for example, ithin the domain of rene able energy.

Government intervention in There are various strategies that governments use to promote kno ledge exchange and
innovation technology transfer. Government intervention includes
1. regulation setting and policing rules to avoid or limit environmental issues caused
by undesirable technologies
2. education providing consumers ith information and guidance in the choice of
products and services that are more sustainable
3. taxes to penali e environmentally damaging technologies and influence
consumer choice of sustainable products and services
4. subsidies to stimulate and support sustainable innovations.

Macro energy sustainability Macro energy sustainability can be influenced through international treaties and energy
policies, instruments for change and disincentives, and national systems changing policy
hen government leadership changes. Macro-sustainability is the area of sustainable
development that focuses on ho a nation, region or the entire world would establish
large scale behaviors for sustainability

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

E.g. the yoto Treaty ould fall into this category. yoto Protocol on the reduction of green
house gases. In order for it to be successful all governments need to agree, for a hile
Australia and USA did not so many countries follo ed suit

Macro energy sustainability

o macro energy sustainability can be influenced through
● international treaties and energy policies
● instruments for change and disincentives
● national systems changing policy hen government leadership changes

Micro energy sustainability Micro energy sustainability can be influenced by the role of the government in raising
a areness and changing attitudes, and promotion of individual and business action
towards energy sustainability. Micro energy sustainability can be influenced by
● the government raising a areness and changing attitudes
● promotion of individual and business action to ards energy sustainability
● E.g. ocal governments installing Combined eat and Po er (C P)

Energy security (energy Energy demand is rarely constant and this puts a responsibility on those that generate and
demand) manage the flo of energy to understand hen peaks and troughs of energy use occur over
the course of days, eeks and years. For example
● In many countries, energy demand increases substantially during breaks and
follo ing popular T sho s as large numbers of people put the kettle on to en oy a
hot beverage.
● Also, there may be particular periods during the night here energy use is at a
minimum. In these situations it is vital that the po er-generating stations are
informed hen to start and stop energy generation.
● The difficulty arises as massive amounts of electricity cannot easily be stored,
excess energy generated at these times is asted.
● Demand supply trends need to be predicted carefully to create a responsive and
efficient energy supply.

Smart Grids A modernised electrical grid that uses analogue or digital information and communications
technology to gather and act on information (such as behaviours of suppliers and
consumers) in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics and
sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity. They can be national or
international. International grids allo electricity generated in one country to be used in

Advantages of Smart Grid Disadvantages of Smart Grid

-Mostly electromechanical -Digital in nature

- ne- ay communication -T o- ay communication
-Mostly centralised generation -Distributed generation
-Sensors are not idely used -Sensors are idely used
- ack of monitoring manual -Digital self-monitoring
-Failures and blackouts -Adaptive and intelligent
- ack of control -Robust control technology
- ess energy-efficient -Energy efficient
-Usually not possible to integrate ith -Possible integrate large scale rene able
rene able energy energy
-Customers have less scope to modify -Customers can check uses and modify

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Topic 9
Innovation & Markets/Corporate Strategies
9.1 Corporate Strategies
Companies and businesses can utili e a range of different strategies to develop products, services and systems. The success of a
company relies heavily on the strategies it adopts. The evaluation of products, services and systems can inform the selection of
the most appropriate strategies to follo that ill enable a company to achieve its ob ectives.

Pioneering strategy eing the first to market ith a ne innovation. Pioneering means being ahead of the
competitors by introducing a ne product first. This strategy has the potential for high profit
if the product is successful
James Dyson Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner, James Dyson Bladeless Fan,
Lego bricks, Tesla hybrid car

Imitative strategy Developing products that are similar to an existing ne product. The imitative strategy aims
to develop a product similar to the pioneered product as uickly as possible. It takes
advantage of all the R D invested by others. Developing Products that are similar to an
existing ne product.
Examples Lego and Megabloks
Duallit Toaster, GoPro Camera and yicamera and sony camera

The Ansoff Matrix The Ansoff Matrix also kno n as the Ansoff product and market gro th matrix is a
(not in the guide but aids marketing planning tool hich usually aids a business in determining its product and market
understanding of the gro th. This is usually determined by focusing on hether the products are ne or existing
frame ork for marketing) and hether the market is ne or existing.

The model as invented by . Igor Ansoff. Ansoff as primarily a mathematician ith an

expert insight into business management. It is believed that the concept of strategic
management is idely attributed to the great man.

The Ansoff Matrix has four alternatives of marketing strategies Market Penetration,
product development, market development and diversification.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Market development Finding ne applications for existing products, thereby opening up ne markets. Increasing
sales to existing customers or finding ne customers for an existing product.

This marketing strategy may also be kno n as Market Extension. In this strategy, the
business sells its existing products to ne markets. This can be made possible through
further market segmentation to aid in identifying a ne clientele base. This strategy
assumes that the existing markets have been fully exploited thus the need to venture into
ne markets. There are various approaches to this strategy, hich include e
geographical markets, ne distribution channels, ne product packaging, and different
pricing policies. In e geographical markets, the business can expound by exporting their
products to other ne countries. It ould also mean setting up other branches of the
business in other areas that the business had not ventured yet. arious businesses have
adopted the franchise method as a ay of setting up other branches in ne markets.

A good example is Guinness. This beer had originally been made to be sold in countries that
have a colder climate, but no it is also being sold in African countries. The other method is
via ne distribution channels. This ould entail selling the products via e-commerce or mail
order. Selling through e-commerce ill capture a larger clientele base since e are in a
digital era here most people access the internet often. In e Product packaging, it means
repacking the product in another method or dimension. That ay it may attract a different
customer base. In Different pricing policies, the business could change its prices so as to
attract a different customer base or so create a ne market segment. Market Development
is a far much risky strategy as compared to Market Penetration. This is so as it is targeting a
ne market and one may not uit tell ho the outcome may be.

Product development The creation of ne , modified or updated products aimed mainly at a company’s existing
Examples Victorinox Swiss Army Knife, Iphone 5 to Iphone 6, Swatch watch, GoPro

In product development gro th strategy, ne products are introduced into existing

markets. Product development can differ from the introduction of a ne product in an
existing market or it can involve the modification of an existing product. y modifying the
product one ould probably change its outlook or presentation, increase the products
performance or uality. y doing so, it can appeal more to the already existing market. A
good example is car manufacturers ho offer a range of car parts so as to target the car
o ners in purchasing a replica of the models, clothing and pens.

Market penetration Increasing sales to existing customers or finding ne customers for an existing product.
Market penetration is a tool used to determine the potential gro th available for product
Calculation product sales total market potential

When e look at market penetration, it usually covers products that are existence and that
are also existent in an existing market. In this strategy, there can be further exploitation of
the products ithout necessarily changing the product or the outlook of the product. This
ill be possible through the use of promotional methods, putting various pricing policies
that may attract more clientele, or one can make the distribution more extensive.

In Market Penetration, the risk involved in its marketing strategies is usually the least since
the products are already familiar to the consumers and so is the established market.
Another ay in hich market penetration can be increased is by coming up ith various
initiatives that ill encourage increased usage of the product. A good example is the usage
of toothpaste. Research has sho n that the toothbrush head influences the amount of
toothpaste that one ill use. Thus if the head of the toothbrush is bigger it ill mean that
more toothpaste ill be used thus promoting the usage of the toothpaste and eventually
leading to more purchase of the toothpaste.

When you develop the products in a ay ne market segments can be targeted. Thus
increasing sales to the existing users clients or increasing the number of users targeted.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

This strategy involves changing ith the pricing or the uality of the good. Can also involve
changing the uantity supplied per unit, changing the price of the good. (eg reos in China)
ictorinox- knives, bags, atches, allets, etc.
Iphone 6 Was created for the Asian Market as they anted larger screens.

Product diversification The process of setting uniform characteristics for a particular product, system or service to
help increasing sales. It involves the modification of an existing product so that its market
potential can increase. Example iPhone(small and large si e) or involves a company both in
the development of ne products and in selling these products to ne companies. It is
hen firms offer different products in order to increase sales selling to previous consumers
as ell as selling to ne customers. estle Diversifying to making cornflakes, Milo, ot
Chocolate, Chocolate etc
Victorinox: Originally produced knives, now produce wallets, key holders and other
Apple: Laptop, iPod, etc Product family, Swatch- Swatch car
Lego: Technik, NXT, Duplo, Wedo

The last strategy is Diversification. This gro th strategy involves an organi ation marketing
or selling ne products to ne markets at the same time. It is the most risky strategy
among the others as it involves t o unkno ns, ne products being created and the
business does not kno the development problems that may occur in the process. There is
also the fact that there is a ne market being targeted, hich ill bring the problem of
having unkno n characteristics. For a business to take a step into diversification, they need
to have their facts right regarding hat it expects to gain from the strategy and have a clear
assessment of the risks involved.

There are t o types of diversification. There is related diversification and unrelated

diversification. In related diversification, this means that the business remains in the same
industry in hich it is familiar ith. For example, a cake manufacturer diversifies into a fresh
uice manufacturer. This diversification is in the same industry hich is the food industry. In
unrelated diversification, there are usually no previous industry relations or market
experiences. ne can diversify from a food industry to a mechanical industry for instance.

A good example of the unrelated diversification is Richard ranson. e took advantage of

the virgin brand and diversified into various fields such as entertainment, air and rail travel
foods etc. Another example is the Easy et hich has diversified into car rentals, gyms, fast
foods and hotels. Though diversification may be risky, ith an e ual balance bet een risk
and re ard, then the strategy can be highly re arding. Another advantage of diversification
is that in case one business suffers from adverse circumstances the other line of businesses
may not be affected.

Hybrid approaches When multiple previously mentioned strategies are used at once.
Most common and practical one.
An example is the MpMan - digital audio player (manufactured in South orea), multiple
companies attempted to capture the gro ing Mp3 player market

The relative success of ames Dyson acuum Cleaner is an example of pioneering strategy. Research sho s that
pioneering and innovative the ma ority of product and service pioneers rarely reach market dominance due to being
strategies unable to capitalise. Sony’s etamax failure to capture market dominance is another high
profile example of an imitator such as C achieving market success. Innovation is achieved
hen the product has been successful in the marketplace.

Corporate social Corporate social responsibility is a form of self-regulation for a company that centres
responsibility around the development of goals related to three areas economic social and
environmental. A corporate strategy ithin a company s strategic vision for the future
includes responsibility for its actions, socially, ethically and environmentally. (Economic,
Social, Environmental). E.g. en and erry s ice cream.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Comparison of success The imitative strategy aims to develop a product similar to the pioneered product as uickly
bet een pioneering and as possible. It takes advantage of all the R D invested by others. Pioneering involves
imitative strategies charting a ne or innovative course hereas, imitative strategies is to create a product
based on a fe existing ideas.
Facebook, ego and Sony Walkman as an example

What is the result of a hybrid If a company has a hybrid corporate strategy it ill adopt an expensive and risky pioneering
strategy strategy for some products and a cheaper and safe imitative strategy for others.

What is the aim of corporate Refers to a company s approach for the future. ften involves an assessment of the current
social responsibility situation and mapping of the policies and procedures to achieve predetermined goals. -
goals may be long term or short term, production-based, environmental, financial or
The designer company needs to consider the ethical implications of imitating the products
of others and their implications on cultural, economic, and intellectual property level.
Examples include use of eather fur, Animal testing (body shop cosmetics), abour
camps S eat obs, Fair Trade, etc.


IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

9.2 Market Sectors and Segments

Designers must research and consider the target market sectors and segments in the design of their products. Designers must
consider the market hen targeting their product, service or system. The smaller the sector, the more the target audience ill
have in common. Companies may decide to compete in the hole market or only in segments that are attractive and or familiar.
A designer’s understanding of the identified market is essential.

General market sectors A broad ay of categori ing the kinds of market the company is aiming for.
e.g. education or medical

Geographical sectors Geographical sectors identify purchases in a particular region. Characteristics might be
region, value and cultural-specific. Consumers’ needs vary from one climatic region to
eg. durian flavoured reo in South East Asia, green tea itkat in apan

Client based sectors Focus on consumers, hether they be individuals or groups, industry related, commercial or
government run enterprises. e.g. teachers or nurses

Mass market Produced on a large scale, a product that is available to a large amount of people and can be
used by anyone. Available as a Global brand e.g. Franchise food brand McDonald, FC,
starbucks, Apple, Samsung, G

Market segments Markets divide into smaller segments here the purchasers have similar characteristics and
tastes. Consumers ithin market segments are identified as having similar characteristics.
eg. commercial and domestic (furniture)

Could also include

-Geographic Segmentation Country, climate (temperature and humidity range),
environment, location, area that product ill be used sold

-Psychographic Segmentation Users specific needs such as attitudes, behaviour and values.
Is it about educating people, empo ering society, changing attitude of people (could include
the UWC mission statement) e.g. eco-fans

-Demographic Segmentation Average age range of user, skill level, gender, income, lifestyle,
profession, family, etc.n

Product Family A group of products having common classification criteria. Members normally have many
common parts and assemblies. Some companies manufacture a group of related goods or
services, they are often grouped together under the title of a product family’. e.g. Apple
products (iPhone 6 has 2 si es), MW cars, en ood household products, Dyson products.

Product family encourages consumers to purchase other products in the range if they have
had a positive experience ith the brand.
A product family is a group of products that have a common classification criteria. Members
of a product family normally have many common parts and assemblies, are branded
consistently and share aesthetic characteristics.

Designers often develop product families to extend a successful product range and to
develop products for market segments that are already familiar ith the original product. E.g.
iPhone, iPad, iTouch


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9. Marketing Mi
Empathy for, and understanding of the target audience is developed through thorough analysis of the market chosen. This
informs several factors the standards that end users demand ho and here to distribute and sell the product ho much they
are illing to pay for a certain product and its uality and ho to communicate the launch of a product. Correct analysis of these
factors could determine the success or failure of a product, despite its uality.

Marketing Mi - 4 P’s Four factors identified through market research that provide the designer ith an accurate
brief of market re uirements.
The 4 P s are
-Product ariety, uality, Design, Package and rand
-Place Distribution, Delivery, Retail ocations, Do nload and ogistics
-Price Retail of product (see Setting Price belo )
-Promotion The ays that can be used to communicate information about a product or
system to consumers and other interested parties. Promotion strategies include above the
line (mass advertising) and belo the line (targeted advertising). Examples include
Discount, onuses, Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Public Relations,
Sponsorship, Sales Calls, rochures, Emails, Payment Plans and Credit Terms

Why is a marketing mi Standards the end users demand ho and here the product ill be used, ho it ill be
important to specific target distributed and sold and ho much the consumer is illing to pay for a certain product and
market groups uality, and ho the product ill be communicated or launched. Correct analysis of these
factors could determine the success and failure of a product, despite its uality.

Product Standardisation State-based legislation to guarantee uality, safety and reduce potential risks for the user.
Allo for interchangeability of components. Support globalisation.

Place What are the verheads (rent, capital, land) are reduced. Companies ill only carry little stock and place
implications of internet selling orders through suppliers on a needs only basis.
for a company in relation to its
supply chain and distribution
net ork

Setting Price There are 4 types of pricing strategies demand, competitor-based, product line, and
psychological pricing.
Demand pricing Where the different products from the same product range are positioned
at different price points. A pricing strategy here a company ill set the price based on the
demand for the product. Could be set by ho much a customer values the product (Rarity,
scarcity and prestigious branding contribute to higher pricing)
Competitor pricing Monitoring competitor’s pricing, and offering lo er prices to increase
Product line pricing The offering of add ons to improve or vary the product maximises
profits by increasing sales.
Psychological pricing Where a product is priced to give the impression that it is paying less.
For example, pricing at 1. instead of 2 i.e. making a price look better.
Cost-plus strategy A pricing strategy here a company ill add a percentage to the total
costs incurred for a product (production, design, distribution etc.)

Competition-based pricing A pricing strategy here a product is positioned in the market based on the price of similar
strategy products competitors. The company ill position the product by pricing it lo er, similar or
higher than similar products.

What is the purpose o The ays that can be used to communicate information about a product or system to
promotion consumers and other interested parties. Encouraging consumer to make a positive buying
choice. Raise product a areness to increase sales

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

9. Marketing esearch
Market research is any organi ed effort to gather information about markets or customers. Market research often identifies ho
to improve the product, service or system and increase its chance of success ithin a particular sector or segment. The price a
user is prepared to pay is usually determined through market research. This in turn sets an upper limit of cost to the design and
production of a potential product, service or system. Market research has a crucial role in determining the constraints a designer
has to ork ithin.

Purpose of market research The purpose of market research includes idea generation and development evaluating
market potential and economic trends collecting data relating to demographics, family
roles, consumers identifying suitable promotional
strategies considering technological trends and scientific advances

Market research strategies Market research is the systematic gathering of data about individuals or organisations using
statistical analysis and techni ues to support decision making. Strategies include literature
search, expert appraisal, user trial, user research, perceptual mapping and environmental
Advantages information comes authoritative sources
Disadvantages early markets are volatile and unpredictable, unreliable for innovative

Primary data collection Data observed or collected directly from first-hand experience. arge Scale Primary data
collection can be very costly but vitally important and more accurate than secondary data.

Secondary data collection Published data and the data collected in the past or by other parties. Secondary data can be
very valuable especially in terms of demographics, ergonomics and overall market analysis.

ualitati e Data that is personal to individuals e.g. comfort, taste, etc.

uantitati e Data ith numbers statistics

iterature search The use of consumer reports, ne spaper, maga ines, encyclopaedias, manufacturers
information, etc to conduct research and follo historical development.
Useful sources of information could include internet, D D, Encyclopedia, ne spaper, Which
U Consumer ebsite, manufacturers information and specification of products.

pert appraisal The reliance on the kno ledge and skills of an expert in the operation of the product. Can be
bias and also sometimes difficult to locate an expert.

ser trial The observation of people using a product and collection of comments from people ho
have used a product. Is done in a laboratory, usually ith hidden cameras or data loggers
hich record the interaction bet een the user and product. Is useful to identify usability
issues but can be expensive to run.

ser research btaining users’ responses through uestionnaires surveys and intervie s. Involves the
uestioning of users regarding their experiences and opinions of a product.
Methods typically include uestionnaire, user diaries, intervie s and focus groups. It is
generally easy to collect data and relatively cheap.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Perceptual mapping Perceptual mapping is a tool to uickly compare a product to others in the market in a
graphical representation. This graphic marketing tool is used to sho ho something is
regarded, understood or interpreted, by identifying the relationships bet een competing
products, buying choices and future recommendations by consumers. Typically the position
of a product, product line,or brand, of a company is displayed relative to their competition.
An example sho n belo

n ironmental scanning Environmental scanning is the study and interpretation of the political, economic, social and
technological events and trends hich influence a business, an industry or even a total

Consumers’ reaction to - echnophiles is someone ho immediately elcomes a technological change. Early

technology adopters of technology. Prepared to pay premium for early entry into the market ust to
ac uire the product.

- echnophobe is someone ho resists all technological change. ot comfortable ith ne

ays of orking and often subscribe to the theory that hat they currently have is enough
for their needs.

- echnocautious is someone ho needs some con incing before embracing technological

change. Tend to ait for improvements in technology. They may not feel comfortable ith
ne ays of orking, and often remain ith hat’s existing.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Consumers’ reaction green - co- arriors actively demonstrate on environmental issues (Greenpeace). Care for the
design natural orld in their daily lives and decision-making.

- co- ans enthusiastically adopt environmentally friendly practices as consumers.Seek to

help others in applying these same principles. Aim to spread the practice of environmentally
friendly consumption and lifestyle.

- co-champions are influential people that can use their position to influence certain issues
ithin an organisation (often artists, movie stars, etc.)

- co-phobes actively resent talk of environment protection. b ectify the environment and
see it as a machine that produces resources and energy for the use and control of mankind.
Champion technological solutions to problems, see environmental protection as an
inefficiency that only increases company costs, causes delays and reduces profitability.

Market research strategies Advantages and disadvantages of each market research strategy considering the nature,
reliability and cost of the research and importance to the design development process.

Some strategies include

- Expert appraisal
- User Trial
- Consumer Surveys
- Patent investigations
- iterature scanning
- Competition or SW T analyses

e product development involves manufacturers exploring the needs of the market and
developing appropriate products in response.

Market research, data and analysis by manufacturers that may involve

- Competitor Product Analysis
- User trials to test product acceptance
- What-if scenarios evaluating product profitability
- Investigation of unfilled or alternative niche opportunities
- Market dynamic analysis
- User surveys and intervie s focusing is on customer buying habits and attitudes
- Targeting existing customers to gather their vie s on an existing product to seek
ays of improvement.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

9. randing
In order to diffuse products into the marketplace, the identity of a company is typically embodied in a brand. The brand is
communicated to the consumer through a value proposition. Designers help to communicate this by building a strong user
experience around the brand identity determining content design establishing the tone of message through advertisements
and promotion. randing creates an identity for a product or company, hich makes it distinct from another and can provide
added value.

rand A brand is a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name.
The company name of the organi ation can also serve as a brand.
E.g. ego, estle, Dyson, Apple

rand loyalty When a person has the tendency to favour one supplier over others for the same product.
For example people ho ust tend to stick ith Apple products- not even look at consider
alternative choices.

o brands appeal to They identify the traits of specific market segments hence being able to precisely meet the
di erent market segments needs of the identified group.

e.g. Mu i stores (Minimalist style- so segment is dictated by fashion style

Prada, ouis uitton ( eblen Goods to sho high social class)

The difference bet een a ™- rademark or egistered Design - A trademark is a logo, symbol, ord, or ords
trademark and registered legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. e.g. ike
design patent s oosh logo, apple logo, ust do it

Patent Intellectual property mark that protects a product s appearance or it s technology.

This refers to the features of the product s shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation
hich is ne and distinctive. The exclusive rights granted to a patentee in most countries
(not all) is the right to prevent others from making, using, selling, or distributing the
patented invention imitating the appearance technology of the product ithout

The implications for a company Positive or negative publicity from one product can have an impact on the hole brand. If
of positi e and negati e one product does badly, consumers may have a bad impression of the brand. This ill
publicity on brand image discourage consumers from purchasing from this brand in the future.

egati e impact- Clive Sinclair even though their computer manufacturing as successful,
they invented a ne personal transport solution and it as poorly conceived. Due to that,
lead to a massive decline in sales of all sinclair products.

Positi e impact- irgin Atlantic Richard ranson’s activities have helped to provide positive
perceptions of the company.

Contribution of packaging to Packaging can have a big impact on brand identity . The final visible packaging to the
brand identity customer of the product must align ith the brand s ethos and support brand identity.

Evaluating the global impact Apple, Adidas, Starbucks, ike, Toyota, etc.
o branding Provides a sense of belonging to a global community. Maybe even a
cult fashion trend lifestyle. The product brand ill become associated ith success and

pdated 22nd eb 2016- J Zobrist

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

amples o uestions

. The marketing mix or 4Ps is composed of

A. planning, preparation, policy, particulars

. product price place promotion
C. presentation, permanence, placement, price
D. propaganda, percentiles, producing, price.

2. Psychological pricing engenders

A. use of all five senses

. a physiological response
C. price perception on the consumer s part
D. price exaggeration on the consumer s part.

. Market research is conducted to

A. reduce aste
. check the success of a product
C. meet manufacturing re uirements
D. best match product de elopment ith consumer needs

. rand loyalty is best expressed hen

A. consumers purchase only brand name products

. consumers speak positively about a product to others
C. consumers accrue points based on brand purchases
D. consumers continue to make purchasing decisions based on a brand name irrespecti e o price.

. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated ith corporate responsibility programs.

d anta es
● pro es o pany i a e in the ar et
● reates ethi a y and en iron enta y onsiderate orporations - there ore bene i ia to so iety
● ro ides a distin tion or ons ers a ay ro o pany s a or b siness area
● n rease transparen y a o ntabi ity - better sto er re ations - rand oya ty
isad anta es
● o d be e pensi e ta e e ess ti e reso r es to o p ete these pro ra es
● hey ay in o p eted in ain and be a so e too o ar etin to pro ote a o pany rather ha e any rea
i pa t

. Explain the use and purpose of perceptual maps in marketing. 2 marks

er ept a aps ser e as a is a representation o the se tors in a ar et in order to reate a ar etin strate y that
has a o petiti e ed e o s or ar et di ersi i ation and inno ation to enerate ore interest pro it

t is a too to i y o pare a prod t to other ar ets in a raphi a representation here they an ie their position
in the ar et and han e a ordin y a o s desi ners to ana y e ons er p r hases trends

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

. Explain the differences bet een product development and product diversification. marks

rod t e e op ent is the iterati e pro ess o i pro in a prod t based on aspe ts s h as ar et resear h han es
in trends and ore rod t de e op ent in o es the introd tion o a ne prod t into a ar et or the i pro e ent o
e istin ones

rod t di ersi i ation is the e pansion o a prod t a i y o pany s prod t ran e to appea to a ar er ar et
a dien e rod t di ersi i ation in o es the odi i ation o an e istin prod t so that its ar et potentia an in rease
or e a p e pp e a in 2 s reen si es or the i hone

. Explain hy companies adopt an imitation strategy rather than developing ne products of their o n. 2 marks

a es oney on resear h and de e op ent and a so the red tion ith desi n and de e op ent ti e hen e o ers
o era ost hi h eads to a possib e hi her pro it

9. Explain ho companies may brand similar products to meet different market segments. marks

● a e a ni e brandin strate y so that they an appea to di erent ar et ro ps and attra t e istin ar et

ro ps to inno ati e ideas
● reate di erent sets o prod t a i ies to appea to di erent parts o the ar et s h as i at h dition and
other i at h ran es to appea to those ith di erent sty es so ioe ono i abi ities and ore
● an ead to prod t di ersi i ation as sa e brand is ab e to be re o nised by a ar er a dien e d e to its prod t
di ersi i ation
● hey identi y the traits o spe i i ar et se ents hen e bein ab e to pre ise y eet the needs o the
identi ied ro p i hard ranson di ersi ies his o pany to prod e not on y in the air ine ind stry b t a so
ood rai ay et

. Compare and contrast the activities of marketing and advertising. marks

d ertisin is the intera tion bet een the prod ts and the ons er and nderstandin ho to best p a e prod ts in
order to in rease sa es by en a in ith the ons er in a ertain ay

Mar etin en o passes ad ertisin ho e er it is ore abo t the brand strate y and o er ia de e op ent o the
o pany as a ho e rather than spe i i prod ts

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Commercial Production
. ust in ime ust in Case
ust in time and ust in case are opposing production strategies utili ed by the manufacturer. While inventory creates a safety net
for companies, maintenance and potential aste of resources can have significant implications for companies and the
environment. Manufacturers must evaluate and analyse each market and determine hether a IT or IC strategy is the best to
follo .

ust in time ( IT) and ust in case IT and IC are t o production strategies used by manufacturers that have both
( IC) advantages and disadvantages to them. A manufacturing company ill choose one of
these strategies to follo for many reasons that include the products they are producing,
the nature of the market and the nature of the economy.

ust in time A situation here a company does not allocate space to the storage of components or
completed items, but instead orders or manufactures them hen re uired. arge storage
areas are not needed and items that are not ordered by customers are not made.

d antages o Disad antages o

-Production to order ith materials being -If any of the stock is faulty then more
supplied IT cuts do n on storage space has to be ordered from a supplier hich
-Reduced capital investment as capital is not could slo do n the lead time and
tied up in unused ra materials or unsold production process.
products. -Companies may not benefit for
-Reduced ork in progress economies of scale if they are
-Increased efficiency purchasing smaller uantities.
-Improved stock control

ust in case C A situation here a company keeps a small stock of components or products or ones that
take a long time to make, ust in case of a rush order.

d antages o C Disad antages o C

-Prevention of aste and overproduction - Shop o ners have to hold a lot of

- verheads are lo er as arehouse space inventory
and inventories are less - A large investment at the start of
-Every customer becomes a sale business
-The manufacturer has a buffer’ of goods in - It occupies a lot of space, hich can
stock in case of unforeseen circumstances be expensive
e.g. non delivery of supplies - These products might spoil leading to
-The manufacturer can respond uickly to a aste
demand for a product - If trends change you could be left ith

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

-The manufacturer can produce a steady a lot of unsellable products

flo of product and have a stable orkforce
- ess capital costs than IT e.g. information
and communication technology systems,
stock control systems.
-Able to stock pile supplies or finished


IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

.2 ean production
ean production aims to eliminate aste and maximi e the value of a product based on the perspective of the consumer. ean
production considers product and process design as an ongoing activity and not a one-off task, and should be vie ed as a
long-term strategy.

ean production ean production considers product and process design as an ongoing activity and not a
one-off task. It should be vie ed as a long-term strategy that focuses on continual
feedback and incremental improvement.

The characteristics of lean - supplies Getting the right amount of material to the production line ust In Time.
production include 2 - ighly trained multi-skilled ork orce aving experts in place to ensure that no time
is asted.
- uality control and continuous impro ement Checks are made at every stage of
production to uickly identify and fix any problems that arise. Improvements to the
system are actively sought.
- ero de ects Ensure that time, material and energy are not asting producing a
sub-standard product.
- ero in entory Products are manufactured ust In Time to be sold.

principles o lean production. 1. Eliminating aste

2. Minimi ing inventory
3. Maximi ing flo
4. Pulling production from customer demand
5. Meeting customer re uirements
6. Doing it right first time
7. Empo ering orkers
. Designing for rapid changeover
. Partnering ith suppliers
1 . Creating a culture of continuous improvement ( ai en)

ai en A culture o continuous impro ement originating in apan and considered an important

aspect of an organi ation s long-term strategy. It is a philosophy and commitment to
continuous process and product improvement.

alue stream mapping alue stream mapping, also kno n as end-to-end is a visual aid to map relationship
bet een materials processes in ormation and time. It allo s company managers to
plan the manufacture of a product from start (purchase of ra materials) to manufacture
(processes and systems) to distribution (export, to arehouse) and finally to the end (sale
to customer). It is used to identify potential problems in the system.
This big picture’ vie provides production managers ith the necessary overvie to plan
here they can make improvements to the process in order to speed it up. It can also be
used as a tool used to analyse current and future processes for the production of a
product through to delivery to the consumer.

ork lo analysis Workflo analysis supports value stream mapping as it classi ies all tasks in a
manu acturing process. It is the revie by production managers of processes in a
orkflo , in order to identify potential improvements. Workflo analysis considers the
se uence, tools and even orker movement to ensure the highest possible efficiency in
the system.

Consider ho alue stream Where alue stream mapping provides a big picture’ of the manufacturing process,
mapping and ork lo analysis ork lo analysis is concerned ith the details of the production line.
contribute to an effective lean
production method.

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IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

ole o the ork orce The role of the orkforce in lean production must focus on these three areas
Devolution in po er relating to process improvement
ai en
The development of a highly skilled orkforce can build deep understanding of ho the
production process orks and allo orkers at all levels to identify areas of the orkflo
to be improved. Understanding that the best people to identify improvements of a product
or system are those ho use it, companies striving for a lean production system ensure
that all members of the orkforce are able to contribute to the design of the system. This
benefits the company, hich is able to streamline processes and reduce costs and also
empo ers the orkforce and gives them a sense of o nership and loyalty to the

anban anban is a ay of managing kno ledge (and or in this case stock, orders and uality).
ne ay in hich anban is used if for parts bins. When the parts bin reaches a lo level
(for example 2 left) the anban label is submitted to the accounts department to
automatically order and deliver another batch of parts ust in time.

Product Family In terms of lean production, a product amily is a group of products using similar
processing methods. .g. C C machining for Apple laptop and iMac screen and keyboards
all from aluminium.
The concept of standardised specifications or components or assemblies ithin a product
family or associated brands allo s companies to create a competitive advantage. ften
based around product platform’ or standardised architecture’ a product family gives the
manufacturer the opportunity to produce customised or alternative designs through the
addition, subtraction or substitution or parts. Advantages of a product family include
● Increased modularity
● Reduced design effort
● Reduced time to market for products
● ess manufacturing processes
● Reduction of the number of suppliers needed
● ess diversity of stock material
● Waste from one product can be used to manufacture a different product
● Easily adapt production to meet demand for a particular family member

ead time The time bet een the initiation and the execution of a process. The time uoted to
customers (usually in days or eeks) bet een the date of purchase and the date of
delivery of final product.
ead time sum o all processes sum o all delays ueue times bet een processes

he Ss is a formal approach to 1. sorting

cleaning and organi ing the 2. stabili ing
orkplace involving five 3. shining
processes 4. standardi ing
5. sustaining the practice.

The se en astes are 1. overproduction

2. aiting
3. transporting
4. inappropriate processing
5. unnecessary inventory
6. unnecessary excess motion
7. defects.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

Advantages and disadvantages

of ean production d antages o ean Production Disad antages o ean Production

Minimises aste (and therefore ne problem in production stops the hole

reduces cost) process
ess impact on the environment Manufacturers rely on suppliers, one mistake
uickly adaptable to market by them halts production
pushes More suitable for large scale production
ittle capital is tied up in ra When a certain level of refinement is met,
material or unsold stock using lean methods to s uee e more economy
Increased autonomy for orkers from production can discourage orkers,
- leading to higher moral reversing positive motivation and undermining
your leadership.


IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

. Computer integrated manu acturing C M

Computer-integrated manufacturing uses computers to automatically monitor and control the entire production of a product.
When considering design for manufacture (DfM), designers should be able to integrate computers from the earliest stage of
design. This re uires kno ledge and experience of the manufacturing processes available to ensure integration is efficient and
effective. Through the integration of computers the rate of production can be increased and errors in manufacturing can be
reduced or eliminated, although the main advantage is the ability to create automated manufacturing processes.

Computer-integrated CIM is a system of manufacturing that uses computers to integrate the processing of
manufacture (CIM) production, business and manufacturing in order to create more efficient production lines.
CIM systems can monitor all operations from ra materials intake to final product

Integrating computers facilitates sharing of data to create a more flexible and efficient
manufacturing system.

Computer- integrated manufacture (CIM) takes the concept of integration of separate

manufacturing technologies and combines these ith all aspects of a company s
operations, not ust those that are directly involved in manufacture. Under a CIM system,
all teams can share the same information and easily communicate ith one another.

A CIM system uses computer net orks to integrate the processing of production and
business information ith manufacturing operations to create cooperative and efficient
running production lines. CIM systems control and link the follo ing components

The tasks performed ithin CIM ill include

● Personnel
● Marketing
● Product Design (CAD)
● Computer Management (Materials handling, planning, manufacturing
● Machine tools and E uipment (CAM)
● Purchasing (cost accounting)
● Distribution (inventory control)

When considering the

advantages and disadvantages
of CIM d antages o C M Disad antages o C M

Complex products on large scale igh Investment

production runs are efficiently Smaller plants employing
manufactured non-repetitive, specialised
ery flexible system as it is easy to set manufacturing operations have found
the automation less use for CIM
Suitable for batch production here
repetitive patterns or operations occur.
Relatively lo maintenance

CIM can be applied to different Consider the advantages and disadvantages of CIM in relation to different production
scales of production. systems.

Fle ible manu acturing system A le ible manu acturing system (FMS) is a manu acturing system in hich there is
FMS some amount of le ibility that allo s the system to react in case of changes, hether
predicted or unpredicted. This le ibility is generally considered to fall into t o categories,
hich both contain numerous subcategories. enefits of using a flexible manufacturing
system (FMS)
- increased productivity due to automation
- shorter lead times for ne products due to flexibility
- lo er labour costs due to automation
- improved production uality due to automation

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

. uality management
uality management focuses on producing products of consistent re uired uality. Designers should ensure that the uality of
products is consistent through development of detailed manufacturing re uirements. They also need to focus on the means to
achieve it. The importance of uality management through uality control ( C), statistical process control (SPC) and uality
assurance ( A) reduces the potential aste of resources.

uality control Involved in development systems to ensure that products or services are designed and
produced to meet or e ceed customer re uirements and e pectations.
Tolerances are defined at the design stage of the machinery. Parts not ithin tolerance
need to be re orked or scrapped. Continuous monitoring ensures that the machines
perform to the predetermined standard to produce uality product. uality control at the
source eliminates aste from defects as orkers are responsible for the uality of the
ork they do.

Statistical process control SPC is applied in order to monitor and control a process. This is a uality control tool that
uses statistical methods to ensure that a process operates at its most efficient ( ithin
defined fields). This is achieved through measuring aspects of a component to ensure that
it meets the re uired standard throughout its production in order to eliminate aste.

.g. At the beginning of a process it is a aste of time and money to begin production
process ith bad supplies before a costly or irreversible point, after hich the product is
difficult to re ork or correct before and after assembly or painting operations that might
cover defects before the outgoing final product or service is delivered. y monitoring the
arious parts o a process stages are highlighted and the can be ad usted in order to
maintain con ormity and uality o output and reduce costs, improve productivity,
real-time decisions, reduce product variability and scrap, uncovers hidden process
abnormalities hich improves reaction times to process the changes needed.

uality assurance. This co ers all acti ities from design to documentation. It also includes the regulation of
uality of ra materials, assemblies, products and components, services related to
production, and management and inspection processes.

Di erences bet een A is process oriented hile C is product oriented.

vs C
A deals in developing processes and systems that align ith MS.
C on the other hand deals ith monitoring products.
.g. a A engineer ould develop a uality plan based on customer re uirements and a
C engineer ould monitor and ensure that all re uirements of the uality plan are met
during manufacturing.
A A engineer may be involved in developing packaging shipping re uirements or
provide uality specifications to purchasing. The C engineer ould only focus on making
sure product meets the re uirements of uality plan as set by A.
A is the part of M focussed on providing confidence that uality re uirements ill be
C is the part of M focussed on fulfilling uality re uirements

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

. conomic iability
Designers must consider the economic viability of their designs for them to gain a place in the market. Designers need to
consider ho the costs of materials, manufacturing processes, scale of production and labour contribute to the retail cost of a
product. Strategies for minimi ing these costs at the design stage are most effective to ensure that a product is affordable and
can gain a financial return.

Cost e ecti eness. Is the most efficient ay of designing and producing a product from the manufacturer’s
point of vie .

alue or money Is the relationship bet een hat a product is orth and hat it costs.
It is important to note the difference bet een cost and price. For a product to achieve
profit, the price of a product has to be higher than its cost. Costs include fixed and variable
costs involved in designing and manufacturing the product, and getting it to the point of

Costing s. pricing Price is ho much consumers are illing and able to pay for certain goods and services.
Cost is ho much it takes to produce goods and services.

Fi ed costs Are the costs that must be paid out before production starts, for example, machinery.
These costs do not change ith the level of production.

Fixed costs include all the costs that must be paid out before production starts
e.g. design costs, set up tooling costs, marketing initial set-up tooling costs ill be high
for first model but may be able to use same tooling and thus reduce costs for subse uent
models design for manufacture ill reduce fixed costs R D fixed costs ill be very high
in order to develop ne products regularly

ariable costs Fixed costs are the costs that must be paid out before production starts.
Are costs that ary ith output, for example, fuel or ra material.
ariable costs include all the costs that vary ith the volume of production
e.g. materials, energy light eighting ill reduce amount of material re uired and could
reduce variable costs variable labour costs can be reduced by setting up manufacturing in
countries ith relatively cheap labour

Cost analysis Cost Analysis in ol es the e amination and e aluation o the separate elements o cost
including pro it. It is a tool used to determine the potential risks and gains of producing a
product. It is used by manufacturers to determine the break-even point for a product and
can be used to create multiple scenarios for a product. It allo s the feasibility of a product
to be established.

Can also be separated into

-Financial Cost nalysis Analyses ho a financial decision ill impact an individual or
single company.
- conomic Cost nalysis Analysis the impact of a financial decision on the economy as a
hole including the environment and society.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

reak-e en or reak-e en point Is the point of balance bet een profit and loss. It represents the number of sales of a
product re uired to cover the total costs (fixed and variable).

Average revenue and average total cost e uals to each other.

reak-even point the number of products that ill be made to recoup the set-up costs a
proportion of the fixed costs ill be recouped on each product after the break-even point
the profits of the manufacturer ill increase alternatively the manufacturer can drop the
price to enhance the competitiveness of the product once fixed costs are covered the
manufacturer determines

Pricing setting strategies Demand Pricing

Where the different products from the same product range are positioned at
(from T .3) different price points. A pricing strategy here a company ill set the price based on the
demand for the product. Could be set by ho much a customer values the product (Rarity,
scarcity and prestigious branding contribute to higher pricing).

Competitor pricing
Monitoring competitor’s pricing, and offering lo er prices to increase demand

Product line pricing

The offering of add ons to improve or vary the product maximises profits by increasing

Psychological pricing
Where a product is priced to give the impression that it is paying less. For example, pricing
at 1. instead of 2 i.e. making a price look better.

Cost-plus strategy A pricing strategy here a company ill add a percentage to the total
costs incurred for a product (production, design, distribution etc.)

Competition-based pricing
A pricing strategy here a product is positioned in the market based on the price of similar
products competitors. The company ill position the product by pricing it lo er, similar or
higher than similar products.

Price-minus strategy The opposite retail minus of cost-plus pricing strategy. The manufacturer ill conduct
user research to determine ho much consumers are illing and able to pay for certain
goods and services. nce companies have this information, they minus the profit margin
to determine the price and ork out ho to produce it at that price point.

IB Design Technology I ER T ­1

etail price The price at hich a product is sold in a store. This price is usually double the holesale
price. E.g. ike T-shirt costs 4 . in a World of Sports store. Usually RRP
(Recommended Retail Price)

holesale price The price at hich a good is sold to a retailer. This price is greater than hat the
holesaler paid the producer but less than the price at hich the retailer ill sell in a
store. E.g. World of Sports paid 24. for that ike shirt before selling it at a retail price
of 4 . .

ypical manu acturing price The price re uired to manufacture a product. This is cheaper than the price it is sold to a
holesaler or retailer. E.g. It costed ike 2 to manufacture that ike shirt before selling
it to a holesaler at 24. .

arget costs A target cost is a marketing approach that assigns an appropriate price to a product prior
to its production or manufacture.
Target costing is to enable management to manage the business to be profitable in a very
competitive marketplace. In effect, target costing is a proactive cost planning, cost
management, and cost reduction practice hereby costs are planned and managed out of
a product and business early in the design and development cycle, rather than during the
later stages of product development and production.

nit cost

eturn on in estment Compares a company s pro itability ith a company s efficiency and is often e pressed
as a percentage of the net profits, divided by the cost of investment.

Financial return Financial return is the profit gained from an investment for the product (investment in
plant, staffing, materials, marketing and associated costs surrounding the manufacture
and sale). Expressed in for the profit of buying and selling stocks.

Sales olume The number of uantity of goods or services sold provided over a particular period of time


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