Robotics Module 3 PRINT

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Robotics Module-3

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1. Design and Implantation of wheel wired Robot

2. Motor On/Off using touch switch.

3. Implementation and calculation of force sensor.

4. Implementation and calculation of light sensor.

5. Implementation and calculation of range sensor.

6. Design and implementation of Runner Robot

7. Building a Floor cleaning Robot

8. Making a Clap switch

9. To design and implement of 5volt linear power supply

Experiment No. 1
Object: Design and Implantation of Two wheel wired Robot


1. DPDT Switch
2. 2 DC Geared Motor 12 Volt
3. Wire
4. Battery 12 Volt or Power Supply

There are following tools are required for this project:

1.Soldering iron
2.Hack saw/ blade
3.Screw drivers
6.Wire stripper

There are following components are required for this project-

Battery (12 volt , 4.5 Ah) - 1 nos.

DPDT Switch- 2nos. or 4 nos robot gripper
Ribbon wire strip- 3 meters+
DC Geared Motors 4nos 4x4 or 2 nos 4x2
Chassis(having holes for motor) - 1
box 1
Metal strip 12
Wheels 4 nos.
Castor wheel 1 no. (4x2)
Soldering wire - as required


Before you start making your robot you need a paper plan. Measure length of the motor
(excluding shaft), diameter of shaft of the motor, inner hole diameter of the motor. Draw a rough
sketch of the base you need to cut keeping in mind the placement of motors and wheels.

Chassis is a mechanical assembly for making a 4 wheel drive platform. Where you can mount
any controller board to drive your bot. This is just the mechanical chassis, optionally as shown in
the figure you can use 4 DC geared motors, 1 castor and 4 wheels with rubber rings so you can
make both variants.

Mechanical assembly:

Fit the caster wheel at position show in above diagram with 1.5-2 inches (approx.) screw. Fit the
dc motor into the holes of chassis and couple the wheel by using screw or rubber tube.

What Is Caster Wheel

A Caster wheel is an un driven, single wheel that is designed to be mounted to the bottom
of a larger object so as to enable that object to be easily moved. They are available in

various sizes, and are commonly made of rubber, plastic, nylon, aluminum, or stainless
steel, etc.

DPDT Switches Using Circuit

To make anti-clockwise motion of motor, the polarity of supply must be inverted of polarity of
supply in clockwise motion. For "Polarity Reversal" DPDT switches are generally used. This can
be done by using following circuit.

DPDT Switch Connections for wired control

the wire should solder on metal strip not on switches directly. This precaution helps us if there is
wrong connection occurs in circuit. So we can change the circuit by changing metal strip
position. The procedure is shown in figure below-

Motor Connections

The rechargeable battery of rating 12 Volt and 4.5 ampere rating should connected with remote
switch and can 9v ! 8 pcs AA battery (12V) holder with on/off switch.

The above circuit shows you how to connect the dpdt switches to the motors and the 12V supply

and by pressing the switch you can check the direction of the robot and change it accordingly.
thus you are ready with your first WIRED ROBOT

Result: Successfully implemented 2 wheel wired robot using 2 DPTD switch also learn the basic
function of robot.

Experiment No. 2
Object: Motor On/Off using touch switch.


1. Arduino UNO
2. Power supply 12 Volt 1A
3. 2 pushbuttons
4. 2 resistors 220Ω or 330Ω, 2 resistors 10kΩ or 4.7kΩ
5. 1 transistor 2N2222
6. 1 red LED, 1 green LED
7. 1 diode 1N4001 (or 1N4002)
8. 1 small dc motor

There are following tools are required for this project:

1. Soldering iron
2. Screw drivers
3. Multimeter
4. Pliers
5. Wire stripper

Circuit Diagram:


int buttonPin1 = 2; //Start button

int buttonPin2 = 3; //Stop button
int greenLedPin = 6;//green led start status int
redLedPin = 7; //red led stop status
int motorPin = 9; // the motor's pin
int buttonStatus1 = 0;
int buttonStatus2 = 0;

void setup() {
pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT);
void loop() {
buttonStatus1 = digitalRead(buttonPin1);
buttonStatus2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2);

if (buttonStatus1 == HIGH && buttonStatus2 == LOW)

// if the start button is pressed (AND stop button not)
digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH);// turn the motor ON
digitalWrite(greenLedPin, HIGH); //turn the green led indicator ON
digitalWrite(redLedPin, LOW); //turn the red led indicator OFF }

if (buttonStatus1 == LOW && buttonStatus2 == HIGH)

// if stop button is pressed (AND the start off)
digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW); // turn the motor OFF
digitalWrite(greenLedPin, LOW); //turn the green led indicator OFF
digitalWrite(redLedPin, HIGH); //turn the red led indicator ON


Step1: If the start button is pressed, it sending the HIGH signal to the Arduino Pin 2 than Pin 6
(Green LED) and Pin 9 goes HIGH.

Step2: If the stop button is pressed, it sending the HIGH signal to the Arduino Pin 3 than Pin 6
(Red LED) goes high and Pin 9 goes LOW.

Result: Successfully implemented the circuit and verifying the code.

Experiment No. 3
Object: Implantation and calculation of force sensor.


1. Arduino Uno
2. Power Supply
3. Force Sensor
4. Jumper wire

What is a Force Sensitive Resistor?

FSRs are sensors that allow you to detect physical pressure, squeezing and weight. They are
simple to use and low cost.

FSR's are basically a resistor that changes its resistive value (in ohms) depending on how much
its pressed. These sensors are fairly low cost, and easy to use but they're rarely accurate. They
also vary some from sensor to sensor perhaps 10%. So basically when you use FSR's you should
only expect to get ranges of response. While FSRs can detect weight, they're a bad choice for
detecting exactly how many pounds of weight are on them.
Some basic stats

these stats are specifically for the Interlink 402, but nearly all FSRs will be similar. Checking the
datasheet will always illuminate any differences

➢ Size: 1/2" (12.5mm) diameter active area by 0.02" thick (Interlink does have some that
are as large as 1.5"x1.5")
➢ Resistance range: # Infinite/open circuit (no pressure), 100K ohms (light pressure) to
200 ohms (max. pressure)
➢ Force range: Force range: 0 to 20 lb. (0 to 100 Newtons) applied evenly over the 0.125
sq in surface area
➢ Power supply: Any! Uses less than 1mA of current (depends on any pullup/down
resistors used and supply voltage)

Circuit Diagram:

This Arduino sketch that assumes you have the FSR wired up as above, with a 10Kohm pull
down resistor and the sensor is read on Analog 0 pin. It is pretty advanced and will measure the
approximate Newton force measured by the FSR. This can be pretty useful for calibrating what
forces you think the FSR will experience

FSR testing sketch.

Connect one end of FSR to power, the other end to Analog 0.

Then connect one end of a 10K resistor from Analog 0 to ground

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int fsrPin = 0; // the FSR and 10K pulldown are connected to a0
int fsrReading; // the analog reading from the FSR resistor divider
int fsrVoltage; // the analog reading converted to voltage
unsigned long fsrResistance; // The voltage converted to resistance, can be very big so make
unsigned long fsrConductance;
long fsrForce; // Finally, the resistance converted to force

void setup(void) {
Serial.begin(9600); // We'll send debugging information via the Serial monitor

void loop(void) {
fsrReading = analogRead(fsrPin);
Serial.print("Analog reading = ");

// analog voltage reading ranges from about 0 to 1023 which maps to 0V to 5V (= 5000mV)
fsrVoltage = map(fsrReading, 0, 1023, 0, 5000);
Serial.print("Voltage reading in mV = ");

if (fsrVoltage == 0) {
Serial.println("No pressure");
} else {
// The voltage = Vcc * R / (R + FSR) where R = 10K and Vcc = 5V
// so FSR = ((Vcc - V) * R) / V yay math!
fsrResistance = 5000 - fsrVoltage; // fsrVoltage is in millivolts so 5V = 5000mV
fsrResistance *= 10000; // 10K resistor
fsrResistance /= fsrVoltage;
Serial.print("FSR resistance in ohms = ");

fsrConductance = 1000000; // we measure in micromhos so

fsrConductance /= fsrResistance;
Serial.print("Conductance in microMhos: ");

// Use the two FSR guide graphs to approximate the force

if (fsrConductance <= 1000) {
fsrForce = fsrConductance / 80;
Serial.print("Force in Newtons: ");
} else {

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fsrForce = fsrConductance - 1000;
fsrForce /= 30;
Serial.print("Force in Newtons: ");

Result: Successfully Design and implantation of Force Sensor.

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Experiment No. 4
Object: Implantation and calculation of Light sensor.


1. Arduino UNO
2. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
3. 100 KΩ POT
4. Buzzer

Component Description

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

An LDR is a type of variable resistor that change its resistance according to intensity of the light
incident on it. Generally, when the intensity of light is less i.e. in dark conditions, the resistance
of LDR will be in the order of Mega Ohms (MΩ).

As the intensity of the light increases, it resistance decreases and falls down to few Ohms at
maximum intensity of light.
Photo Resistors are semiconductor devices with photo sensitive cells. Photo cells are made with
different compounds depending on the frequency of the light and application they are used.
Cadmium Sulphide cell based photo resistors are most common in consumer applications as they
are inexpensive. Some applications are night lights, alarm systems, solar tracking systems etc.
Lead Sulphide and Indium Antimonide cell based photo resistors are frequently used for low to
mid infrared frequencies.
Germanium Copper cell based light dependent resistors are used in far infrared frequency
applications and they are used in infrared based astronomy and spectroscopy.

100 KΩ Potentiometer
This is a variable resistor whose resistance can be varied from 0Ω to 100 KΩ.

Arduino UNO

It is the main controlling part of the project. It has both analog and digital pins. It has 6 analog
input pins and 14 digital I/O pins.

Circuit Design of Light Sensor

As the photo resistor or LDR is a variable resistor, a voltage divider network must be used to
gets the analog equivalent output from it.

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A 100 KΩ POT and the LDR form a voltage divider and the output of the voltage divider is
given to the analog input A0 of Arduino.
A buzzer is connected to pin 11 of Arduino.

Working of Arduino Light Sensor

Light Sensors are very useful devices in wide range of applications. One of the common
applications is an automatic night lamp, where a light bulb is automatically turned on as soon as
the sun sets down.
Another good application is solar tracker, which tracks the sun and rotates the solar panel
All these applications use a simple photo resistor or an LDR as the main sensing device. Hence,
in this project, we designed a simple light sensor that indicates when the light is indicated. The
working of the project is very simple and is explained below.
All the connections are made as per the circuit diagram. The code for Arduino is written and
dumped in the board. When the LDR detects a light over certain intensity, the Arduino will
trigger the buzzer. When the intensity of light decreases, the buzzer is turned off.
The 100 KΩ POT used in the voltage divider network can be used to adjust the intensity levels at
which the buzzer is triggered.

Circuit Diagram:

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int sensorPin = A0; // select the input pin for the potentiometer

//int ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED

int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

void setup() {

// declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT:


pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);


void loop()


if(sensorValue <= 14)







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➢ Light Sensors are used in variety of applications.
➢ They can be used in security systems like burglar alarm systems where an alarm is
triggered when the light falling on the sensor is interrupted.
➢ Another common application of light sensor is night lamp. As long as the sun light falls
on the light sensor, the lamp will be switched off. When the sun light starts decreasing
and is completely off, the lamp will be turned on automatically.
➢ One of the important applications of light sensors is in generation of efficient solar
energy. Light sensors are often used in Solar Tracking systems. The solar panel will be
rotated according to the movement of the sun and its intensity.

Result: Successfully implementation and design light sensor.

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Experiment No. 5
Object: Implantation and calculation of Range sensor.


1. Arduino Uno
2. HC-SR04 Module
3. Breadboard
4. Jumper wires

You'll need a laptop or a PC to upload code to the Arduino and view the Distance on the Serial

An Ultrasonic Sensor is a device that measures distance to an object using Sound Waves. It
works by sending out a sound wave at ultrasonic frequency and waits for it to bounce back from
the object. Then, the time delay between transmission of sound and receiving of the sound is
used to calculate the distance.

It is done using the formula Distance = (Speed of sound * Time delay) / 2

We divide the distance formula by 2 because the sound waves travel a round trip i.e from the
sensor and back to the sensor which doubles the actual distance.

The HC-SR04 is a typical ultrasonic sensor which is used in many projects such as obstacle
detector and electronic distance measurement tapes.

The HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic ranging module. This economical sensor provides 2cm to 400cm
of non-contact measurement functionality with a ranging accuracy that can reach up to 3mm.
Each HC-SR04 module includes an ultrasonic transmitter, a receiver and a control circuit.

There are Four Pins on the HC-SR04. They are:

• .Vcc (5V supply)

• Gnd (Ground)
• Trig (Trigger)
• Echo (Receive)

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The key features to be noted are:

• Operating Voltage: 5V DC
• Operating Current: 15mA
• Measure Angle: 15°
• Ranging Distance: 2cm - 4m

The connections are as follows:

• Vcc to 5V Pin of the Arduino.

• Gnd to Gnd Pin of the Arduino.
• Trig to Digital Pin 9 .
• Echo to Digital Pin 10.

Refer the schematics for more clarity on the connections. Few things to remember while building
the circuit

• Avoid placing the sensor on metal surfaces to avoid short circuits which might burn the
• It is recommended to put electrical tape on the back side of the sensor.
• You can also directly connect the Ultrasonic sensor to the Arduino with jumper wires

Circuit Diagram:

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* Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 interfacing with Arduino.


// defining the pins

const int trigPin = 9;

const int echoPin = 10;

// defining variables

long duration;

int distance;

void setup() {

pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output

pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input

Serial.begin(9600); // Starts the serial communication

void loop() {

// Clears the trigPin

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds

digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

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// Calculating the distance

distance= duration*0.034/2;

// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor

Serial.print("Distance: ");


Note: Once you've uploaded the code, the board will begin to transmit data to the
computer. You will know this when you see the Tx LED on the Arduino blinking each time
it transmits a data. Now if you open the Serial Monitor, you'll see the distance being

Result: Successfully implemented and design range sensor.

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Experiment No. 6
Object: Design and implementation of Runner Robot


1. BO DC motor Double shaft

2. 3.7 Volt/240 mAH Li-Po Battery
3. PVC pipe 7 mm Diameter
4. At 5 mm from edge make a 2 mm diameter hole on BO motor

Here is a simple running robot. You can easily make it for your own. It has two C wheels made
from PVC pipe driven by one single geared DC motor. It is actually hopping between the steps.
See the slow motion part. Its motion is like Kangaroo.
Electrical Connection- The motor ( RPM-100) is connected with a switch in series. It is power by
a 3.7V , 240mAH, Li-Po battery.

It has two C wheels driven by one plastic geared DC motor ( 100 RPM). The legs are made from
PVC pipe. Small small humps were made on the outer side of each leg using hot glue. These
kinds of legs are known as Wheg. Wheeled leg. It is actually hopping between the steps.

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Link Video for more help:

Result: Successfully implemented runner robot using BO motor and battery.

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Experiment No. 7
Object: Building a Floor cleaning Robot

Cleaning the house on regular basis is a very demanding and challenging task especially when
there are kids in the house. In this Intractable, we might take a step towards the solution of this
problem. Let’s make a Remote Controlled Floor Cleaning Robot as well as a toy that can make
your kids help you in cleaning the house and fun part is they will be playing all the time and the
house will still be clean.


1. 6v Geared DC Motor
2. Two way Switch
3. 3.7v Li-ion Battery
4. General Purpose PCB Board
5. Office paper Clips
6. Hot Glue Gun
7. Soldering Iron
8. Pliers

Let’s Make the Robot

1. Take a small piece of Electrical cable raceway, open it and on the bigger piece make 2 holes
at both the sides.

2. Take a geared DC motor, align the motor shaft to the hole and mark the points on both sides.
3. Make holes at both the marked points.
4. Apply hot glue and attach the motors to the electrical cable raceway on both sides.
5. Take 4 different colored wires and solder the wires to the motor terminals.
6. Take two spare CD's and using super glue, paste a plastic circular piece at the center of both
the CD's.
7. Now, apply some hot glue and fix the CD to the motor shaft.
8. Take a circular cloth and insert a thread around the edges using a needle.
9. Place the CD at the center of the cloth pull the thread tightly to wrap the CD in the cloth.
10. Repeat the step for other CD as well.
11. Our Floor Cleaning Robot is ready. It is now time to make a Controller for the Robot.

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12. Make a half cut PVC pipe and 4 two way switches.
13. Using hot glue, paste two switches together and make two such pairs.
14. Refer to the schematic and make connection between the switches.
15. Make 4 holes in the PVC pipe, insert and attach the switches to the PVC pipe.
16. Refer to the schematic and connect motor wires to the switch pairs.
17. Now, Take a General Purpose PCB Board and cut out an adequate size to fit two 3.7v Li-
Ion Batteries.

Link Video:

Result: Successfully implemented the floor cleaner and learn the working of robot.

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Experiment No. 8
Object: Making a Clap switch

Clapping hands together switches an LED on or off in this Arduino breadboard project for
beginners. The sound made by clapping is detected by an electret microphone connected to one
of the Arduino analog input pins.
The first time that the clap is detected by the Arduino, an LED will be switched on. The second
time that a clap is detected the LED will be switched off.

Hardware Requirements
The following hardware is required to build the Arduino clap switch project:
1. Capacitor microphone
2. 100n capacitor
3. 10k resistor
4. 100k resistor
5. 220 ohm to 470 ohm resistor
6. LED
7. Arduino Uno or similar Arduino board
8. Electronic breadboard and jumper wires

Clap Switch Breadboard Layout and Circuit Diagram

Build the circuit as shown in the breadboard layout and circuit diagram below. The negative or
GND pin of the electret microphone is the pin that connects to the body of the microphone.
A resistor with value between 220 ohm and 470 ohm is used in series with the LED (R3 in the
circuit diagram).

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Circuit Diagram:

Arduino Clap Switch Sketch Code

After building the above circuit, load the following sketch to the Arduino. Open the Arduino
serial monitor window as shown in the video to see what the value is that is read from the analog
pin. This value is what is being checked in the sketch to trigger the clap switch and switch the
LED. The check is done in the following line of code.
if (analog_val > 10) { // trigger threshold

The value used in this check can be changed if the switch is too sensitive or not sensitive enough.

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// Program: clap switch
// Description: Switches on an LED when hands are clapped.
// Electret microphone connected to A2, LED and series
// resistor connected to digital pin 2
// Date: 6 April 2016 Author: W.A. Smith
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // using serial port to check analog value
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // LED on digital pin 2

void loop() {
int analog_val; // analog value read from A2
static bool led_state = false; // current state of LED

analog_val = analogRead(A2);

if (analog_val > 10) { // trigger threshold

// toggle LED
if (led_state) {
led_state = false; // LED was on, now off
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
Serial.println(analog_val); // print analog value for debug purposes
else {
led_state = true;
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // LED was off, now on
delay(50); // wait for clap noise to subside

How the Circuit Works

The electret microphone needs resistor R1 to supply voltage to the transistor inside the
microphone. C1 stops any d.c. voltage from reaching the Arduino analog pin and only allows the
audio voltage from the microphone through.
R2 pulls the Arduino analog pin down to GND to ensure that an analog value of zero is read
when the microphone is not picking up the sound of a clap. The analog input would otherwise be
floating at some value and picking up noise from the microphone.
When someone claps, the microphone picks up the sound and a tiny voltage reaches the analog
pin which is read by the sketch running on the Arduino. If the value read from the analog pin is
big enough, the LED will be toggled from off to on or on to off.

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This is a very easy project for beginners to build. Some improvements could be made by
building a circuit to amplify the microphone and feeding the amplified signal to the Arduino. The
sensitivity of the microphone could then be adjusted by adjusting the gain of the amplifier.

Result: Successfully build the clap switch and study the working of circuit.

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Experiment No. 9
Object: To design and implement of 5 volt linear power supply

In most of our electronic products or projects we need a power supply for converting mains AC
voltage to a regulated DC voltage. For making a power supply designing of each and every
component is essential. Here I’m going to discuss the designing of regulated 5V Power Supply.

Let’s start with very basic things the choosing of components

Component List:

1. Step down transformer

2. Voltage regulator
3. Capacitors
4. Diodes

Let’s get into detail of rating of the devices:

Voltage regulator:

1. As we require a 5V we need LM7805 Voltage Regulator IC.

2. 7805 IC Rating :
3. Input voltage range 7V- 35V
4. Current rating Ic = 1A
5. Output voltage range VMax=5.2V ,VMin=4.8V

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Selecting a suitable transformer is of great importance. The current rating and the secondary
voltage of the transformer is a crucial factor.

• The current rating of the transformer depends upon the current required for the load to be
• The input voltage to the 7805 IC should be at least 2V greater than the required 2V
output, therefore it requires an input voltage at least close to 7V.
• So I chose a 6-0-6 transformer with current rating 500mA (Since 6*√2 = 8.4V).

NOTE: Any transformer which supplies secondary peak voltage up to 35V can be used but as the
voltage increases size of the transformer and power dissipation across regulator increases.

Rectifying circuit: The best is using a full wave rectifier

• Its advantage is DC saturation is less as in both cycle diodes conduct.

• Higher Transformer Utilization Factor (TUF).
• 1N4007 diodes are used as its is capable of withstanding a higher reverse voltage of
1000v whereas 1N4001 is 50V

Center Tap Full Wave Rectifier

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Knowledge of Ripple factor is essential while designing the values of capacitors

It is given by

• Y=1/(4√3fRC) (as the capacitor filter is used)

1. f= frequency of AC ( 50 Hz)
2. R=resistance calculated
R= V/Ic
V= secondary voltage of transformer

• V=6√2=8. 4
• R=8.45/500mA=16.9Ω standard 18Ω chosen
3. C= filtering capacitance
We have to determine this capacitance for filtering
Vac-rms = Vr/2√3
Vdc= VMax-(Vr/2)
Vr = VMax- VMin

• Vr = 5.2-4.8 =0. 4V
• Vac-rms = .3464V
• Vdc = 5V
• Y=0 .06928

Hence the capacitor value is found out by substituting the ripple factor in Y=1/(4√3fRC)

Thus, C= 2314 µF and standard 2200µF is chosen

Datasheet of 7805 prescribes to use a 0.01μF capacitor at the output side to

avoid transient changes in the voltages due to changes in load and a 0.33μF at the input side of
regulator to avoid ripples if the filtering is far away from regulator.

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Circuit Diagram

Final Output: + 5 Volt Regulated Smooth DC

Result: Successfully build the 5 Volt Regulated power supply using 7805 and bridge rectifier
and also study the operation of circuit.

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