Unit Test 2 Answers

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Geology for Civil Engineers

Unit Test #2

1. It is one of the three important aspects of site and geotechnical investigation which aims to
minimize cost of exploration and yet give reliable data.
A. Procurement B. Execution C. Report writing D. Planning
2. Conducting sin-situ test of subsurface material is part of which stage?
A. Procurement B. Execution C. Report writing D. Planning
3. At this stage calculations performed and recommendations are given.
A. Procurement B. Execution C. Report writing D. Planning
4. It involves activities such as locating springs, seeps, mapping landslides, measuring the structural parameters of
rock outcrops, etc.
A. Sub-surface exploration B. Surface exploration
5. This type of exploration includes direct examination by test pits, trenches, drilling, etc.
A. Sub-surface exploration B. Surface exploration
6. True or False. Determining & interpreting surface & subsurface conditions that influence design & construction
projects is not among the main goals of detailed exploration.
A. True B. False
7. It is a type of Subsurface exploration which involves test pits, boreholes and cores.
A. Direct method B. Indirect method
8. It is a type of Subsurface exploration which involves geophysical techniques.
A. Direct method B. Indirect method
9. True or False. Continuous flight augers are generally not suitable for use in investigations
requiring soil sampling.
A. True B. False
10. Hollow stem augers are generally limited a maximum depth of _____meters.
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40
11. This type of tool is used for obtaining large disturbed samples which is good for gravelly
soils and cobbles.
A. hollow stem augers B. bucket auger drill C. percussion D. split spoon
12. It is the simplest method of exploration and sampling.
A. Core drilling B. Auger boring C. Rotary drilling D. Percussion drilling
13. This type of boring is used in clay, sand and rocks and is not recommended for materials
containing large percentage of gravel size and larger.
A. Auger boring B. Rotary drilling C. Percussion drilling D. Core drilling
14. This type of boring is used for making holes in rocks, boulders and other hard strata which is
quite expensive than other methods.
A. Auger boring B. Rotary drilling C. Percussion drilling D. Core drilling
15. This is used for drilling holes and obtaining rock cores.
A. Auger boring B. Rotary drilling C. Percussion drilling D. Core drilling
16. It is made horizontally into the ground to know the subsurface geological condition and to know the depth of
fresh sound rock. Applicable for dam abutments.
A. soil nailing B. drifting C. rock anchoring D. slope protection
17. These type of soil samples are those obtained using equipment that destroy the macro structure of the soil but
do not alter its mineralogical composition.
A. disturbed samples B. undisturbed C. destroyed D. undestroyed
18. Which of the following is the appropriate depth of boring for dams and embankments?
0.7 0.7
A. Zb (m)= 3S B. Zb (m)= 6S C. Zb (m) = 1/2H to 2H D. Zb (m) = 1/4H to 2H
19. It is the direction along which the inclination of the bedding plane occurs.
A. strike B. Dip C. hinge D. limb
20. It is the direction of the trace of the intersection between the bedding plane.
A. strike B. Dip C. hinge D. limb
21. The bend noticed in rocks are called…
A. folds B. Fault C. crevice d. cracks
22. When the beds are bent upwards, the resulting fold is called…
A. anticline B. syncline
23. When the beds are bent downwards the resulting fold is called…
A. anticline B. syncline
24. When the axial plane divides a fold into two equal halves in such a way that one half is the mirror image, then
the fold is called __________fold.
A. asymmetrical B. symmetrical
25. If the compressive forces responsible for folding are not of the same magnitude, _________folds are formed.
A. asymmetrical B. symmetrical
26. When thick sedimentary strata are folded, along the crust and trough, some empty space occurs. These spaces
are readily occupied if magmatic intrusion get access to them. On solidification these appear as lens shaped
across the axial plane.
A. lopolith B. phacolith C. laccolith D. batholith
27. This is a mushroom like concordant intrusive igneous bodies.
A. lopolith B. phacolith C. laccolith D. batholith
28. It mainly refers to mutual relationship with constituent minerals of rocks in addition to crystallinity, granularity
and shape of minerals in the rocks.
A. structure B. transparency C. strength D. texture
29. In some beds at the bottom, there will be bigger particles and very fine particles at the top. There is a gradual
decrease in the size of the particles from bottom to top. This phenomenon is called…
A. current bedding B. sheet bedding C. graded bedding D. vesicular bedding
30. Organic deposits undergoes natural process until they become coal. Which of the following is the second state of
these deposits?
A. peat B. mock C. lignite D. charcoal
31. The figures below are examples of _______rocks.

A. foliated 84
B. siliceous C. stratified
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D. argillaceous
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32. True or False. From the Civil engineering point of view, faults are the most unfavorable and undesirable
geological structures at the site for any given purpose.
A. True B. False
33. True or False. Joints are useful in exploration of water and in location of well sites.
A. True B. False
34. True or False. Any type of rock may be utilized as aggregate for concrete mix.
A. True B. False
35. These are the largest known discordant intrusive igneous bodies mainly occurring in mountain ranges.
A. lopolith B. phacolith C. laccolith D. batholith

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