A Simulation-ILP Based Tool For Scheduling ER Staff
A Simulation-ILP Based Tool For Scheduling ER Staff
A Simulation-ILP Based Tool For Scheduling ER Staff
Cenfeno,Giachetti, Linn, and Ismail
ancillary units where demand is variable by day of the and day-off scheduling in general, as well as the methods
week and time of the day; specifically, the authors intro- to solve such problems using mathematical programming.
duced Tactical Staffing Analysis. This model was written He presented a model for allocating overlapping shifts with
in AMPL language and solved using the CPLEX Optimiza- demand fluctuations (the Klein City Problem). He also
tion package. The output of the solution is a text file that presented the service level policy for staff requirement in
lists all the scheduling tours. However, as they point out shifts scheduling. For the day-off scheduling, he discussed
mathematical models seldom provide complete answers to the problem where an employee workweek does not match
real problems, but they provide partial solutions, and a the service facility operating week. For this situation, he
greater understanding of the problem. presented a model that provides equal assignments by ro-
Khan (1991) presented a solution that was a network tating individuals among day-off patterns.
model to minimize the flow of resources through the net-
work The resonrce is the nursing staff that needs to be as- 2.2 Scheduling Using Simulation
signed to different departments in the hospital. Khan used
the minimal flow algorithm to solve the problem. He Computer simulation can be.used to model and analyze
proved that using the minimal flow algorithm would yield real-world problems that cannot be successfully ap-
the same results as the simplex method. This study can proached by other types of analytical techniques (Fitz-
provide some insights into the staff scheduling problem of patrick et. al, 1993). In the last two decades, the use of
ER systems, but it does not provide a complete methodol- simulation as a planning and decision making tool has been
ogy for staffing a complex system such as an ER system. spreading rapidly in the healthcare arena. Many simulation
Haocock and Chan (1988) addressed the problem of projects have been done for hospitals around the world,
staff schedulingwhere the workload varies from day to day primarily in Emergency Departments.
and the administrators need to schedule staff weeks in ad- Pitt (1997) reports on a project that uses simulation as a
vance. The variability in demand is addressed by one of resource planning tool. The project is the PRISM project
the following strategies: (planning Resources using Interactive Simulation Model-
0 Staffing at average demand levels w i d no consid- ing). PRISM is a general hnework that supports the
eration to work force capability. analysis of a range of models and variables to test different
0 Staffig at constant level, overtime permitted, and scenarios in the resource and strategicplanning in hospitals.
considerationsto work force capability. A simulation model of a new one-stop pre-procedural
Staffing at constant level, no overtime permitted, work-up and assessment area of the University of North
Centeno, Giochetti, Linn, and Ismail
Centeno, Giachetti, Linn, andlsmail
Once the patient is stable and treatments are complete, the Table 3: MD Sewice Times
physician decides on the patient’s disposition. The RN IMLl Phase I Service TimeIMD Phase I1 Service Time
prepares and mange for patient’s disposition documenting Acuity 1 Distribution 1 % 1 Distribution I %
all actions on patient’s chart.
The arrival pattern presented seven different distribu-
tions (Table I). The service times of the RN and the MD
were divided into two main stages since they do not service
a patient from start to finish and then move on to the next
patient. For the RN, Phase 1 is from the time patient occu-
pies a bed in the treatment area until the physician sees the
patient, and phase 2 is made of the rest of the time until all
treatments are completed. For the MD, Phase 1 is the time
of the patient initial evaluation by the MD, when tests and
treatments are ordered and documented, and Phase 2 is the
time from the completion of tests until the patient is stabi- Table 4 Patient Behavior Percentages
lized and a decision on disposition of patient is to be made. 1 Action I Percentage
In this manner, the server (RN and MD) is seized to per- I Anival by hre rescue or 1 24
form the task and then released once this task is completed.
Each service time for the RN’s and the MD’s consisted of
multiple distributions as given in Tables 2 and 3.
To build a model for the system being studied, it is
necessary to h o w the properties of the patients being
treated. All patients that came in to the emergency depart-
ment were logged in with all their properties including
their method of anival, disposition, and the auxiliary pro-
cedure received (Table 4).
Times for other ancillary activities are in given in Ta-
ble 5. Procedures procedures
Patients that have EKG I 42
Table 1: Distributions for Inter Arrival Times
Table 2: RN Service Times Once the model was verified and validated, the condi-
1RN Phase I Service TimelRN Phase II Service Time tions for the experiments were established. &tially, the
Acuitv IDistribution 1% IDishibution I% simulation model was run for 10 replications, and the LOS
for each replication was recorded. These values were used
to calculate the sample size required to achieve a reliability
level of +- 3.61 when building a 95% confidence interval.
From these, it was established that the number of replica-
tions required is 38.
is given in Table 6. A minimum of one RN is required at 5 1 3:OOAM I 3:OOPM I $400.00 I
Time Period
Subject to
X i = Number of nurses working shift i
ci = Salary cost for a nurse during shift i
aj = Number of R”s required per period as de-
termined in the simulation model
i = Indexforshifts In the above ILP model, there are three equations that
j = Index forperiods are similar, (Period 3,4, and 5) differing only in the right
n = Maximumnumberofshifts hand side (RHS) constant ( U ,’
). The constraint with the
nea p model w i h actual data (Table and ~ ~ b 1 ~ 7 ) fnax{u3.u4.a5) will render the other two constraints re-
is as follows: dundant. These equations are left in the ILP model be-
cause the values of a3, U , , and a5may change due to
changes in the input parameters of the simulation model.
Any change to the input parameters of the simulation
Subject to: model will result in changes to the results of the simulation
model, which in tum will affect the values aj . Since this
X3 + X4 2 al (Period 1) model is meant to be reusable, these similar constraints
X, + X5 5 a2 (Period2) have been left in to allow the model to choose its own re-
X, + X s 2 a3 (Period3) dundant constraints, depending on current conditions. It is
also worth noting that labor costs change over time.
XI + XI 2 u4 (Period4)
Therefore, the values of c j (salary cost for a nurse during
+ x5 5 4 (Period5) a shift) are read fiom a text file, allowing flexibility in the
+ x2 + x5 2 ‘ 6 (Period6) constraint equations as well as in the objective function of
the ILP model. Every time the ILP model is nm, the labor
+ x2 + x3 > (Period 7) cost text file is read by the ILP model assigning values to
each c j. The LINGO Model is given in Figure 2.
xl + x 2 + x3 + x4 2 as (Period8)
X2 + X 3 +. x4 2 9‘ (Period 9) 6 VEAINTEGRATION
Centeno. Giachetii.Linn. and Ismail
;ETS: Nurses-Periods/ RN1 RN2 RN3 RN4 RN5 RN6 Figure 3 shows the steps in the VBA integration. It re-
"7 RN8 RN9/ : Demand; quired the programming of several ARENA model events:
Nurses-Shifts/ SH1 SH2 SH3 SH4 SH5/ : Re-
pirement ; RunBegin
Cost-ehi€ts/Cl C2 C3 C4 C5/ : Cost; RnnEndReplication
$nd Set8 RnnEnd
lemand = @File( 'Finalschedules.txt') ; The code for gathering data and implementing Reyes'
30st = @File( 'ShiftCost.txt' 1 : (1998) goal driven simulation heuristic is very extensive,
aTEXT ('shifts.TXT') I Requirement; but since the interesting part was the embedding of the ILP
ZNCDATA model, Figure 4 provides the subset of the VBA code that
[OBJECTIVE1 MIN = Cost 1Cl)'Requirement ISH1) + triggers and controls LINGO.
:ostlcZ) 'Requirement (SNZ) +
3ost (c3)'Requirement(SH3) + 1 Get the goal (LOS) from user
zostlC4)*Requi+ement(SH4) + t Load files (schedules)
Iost (C5)*RequirementiSH5); Change = 0
1 Run simulation
SINIRequirement ISH1)) i I At end of Simulation run,
SIN(Requirement iSH2)) ; For i = 1 to iI (Number Of periods per day)
aGIN(Requirement (SH3)1 ;
aGIN(Requirement lSH4)) i Calculate 95% CI on LOS f o r nperiods
aGIN(Requirement (SH5)) ; I€ Goal c ~nxllos,I then RN,=Rh',+I
Requirement (SH3) + Requirement (SH4) >= De-
nand(RN1); Change = 1
Requirement (SH4) + Requirement (SH5) 5= De- Next i
nand(RN2); 5 If Change, = I , then
Requirement (SH1) + Requirement lSH5) >= De-
nand(RN3); Stop Simulation
Requirement iSH1) + Requirement (SH5) >= De- Update physical model (SCHEDULES)
mandIRN4) ; Go to step 3
Requirement (SH1) + Requirement (SH5) )= De- Else
mand(RN5); Export RN, from SCHEDULES to file
Requirement lSH1) + Requirement lSH2) + Rewire- End If
nent (SH5) >= Demand(RN6) ; 5 Trigger Lingo ILP model
Requirement (SH1) + Requirement (SH2) + Require-
ment(SH3) >= DemandlPS7); Load Files (cost, )
Requirement (SH1) + Requirement (SH2) + Require- Get solution, transfer to a file
mentlSH3) + RequirementlSH4) >= DemandiRNB); 3 Pause simulation execution, retain control
Requirement(SH2) + Requirement(SH3) + Require- 9 Trigger Lingo ILP model
mentlSH4) >= Demand(RN9);
Load Files IcoBt, mi)
Solve ILP model,
! Terse Output mode transfer results to an ASCII file
SET TERSE0 1 10 Read ILP results f i l e
! Open a file I1 Display final Results.
DIVERT Shifts.TXT Figure 3: Steps in the Integration Process
! Send solution to the file
! Close solution file At the conclusion of the simulation run, the number of
RVRT nurses is exported from the SCHEDULES element to a text
! Quit LINGO
file. A VBA routine (LingoContro[) triggers LINGO to
run the pre-formulated LINGO ILP model. The LINGO
Figure 2: The LINGO ILP Model model is programmed to read the text file containing the
number of nurses required per time period VBA for
components of the tool are: a simulation model and an in- ARENA funs the ILP model, via the DDE facility of Send-
teger linear program. The tools used to develop these two keys. The results are then exported to a text file. that is in
components are ARENA and LINGO. These tools have a tum read by VBA for ARENA to exhibit the final results
master-slave relationship, with ARENA retaining the mas- through a user form.
ter role because of its VBA capability. Figure shows the
macro steps of the heuristic that enable the communication
between tbe user and ARENA and ARENA and LINGO.
The user never interacts directly with LINGO, only with
ARENA through a simple and friendly interface.
Centeno, Giachetti, Linn, and Ismoil
Close #15
ObsNum = I
ReDim mIobsNum1 As Integer
open -Shi€ts.fXt" For Input AB #15 0 Oper
Do While Not EOF(151
For I = 1 TO ObsNum
Input #15, z
m(I1 = z
Next I
Close #15
Load ResultForm H , : TE TH
ResultForm.Shiftl.Text = FNSHl
ReaultForm.Shift2.Text = RNSH2 H , : TE 2 TH.
ResultForm.Shift3.Text = RNSH3
ResultForm.Shift4.Text = RNSH4
ResultForm.Shift5.Text = RNSH5 where,
ReBultFOm.Hour8.Text = TotalHOurs TH =Total person-hours for Heuristic
ResultForm.Objective.Text = Totalcost
ResultForm.Show TE = Total person-hours for Empirical
End Sub Since the resulting confidence interval (24.67, 44.13)
Figure 4 VBA Code to Control LINGO does not contain zero, and the two tail significance level is
less than 0.005, we reject the null hypothesis. Thus, there
Centeno, Giachetti, Linn, andlsmoil
is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a difference Conference Proceedings, Institute of Industrial Engi-
between the two populations. Furthermore, because the neers, 343-349.
difference TE - TH is positive (34.4), schedules generated Hammond, D. and S. Mabesh, 1995, “A Simulation and
using the heuristic requires less person hours than the Analysis of Bank Teller Manning,” Proceedings of the
schedules generated using the empirical method. There- 1995 Winter Simulation Conference, C. Alexopoulos,
fore, the heuristic is better than the empirical approach. K. Kang, W. R Lilegdon, and D. Goldsman (eds),
The mean improvement in the total person-hours is 1077-1080.
34.40 hours per day, that is a 28% improvement. Estimat- Hanmk, W. M.and T. J. Chan, 1988, ”Productivity and
ing nursing hourly rate to be at $35.00, the 28% improve- Staffig of Hospital Units with Uncertainty in the De-
ment, for a 15 beds emergency room, will result in an an- mand for Service,” IIE Tmactions, 20(4), 346-353.
nual savings of approximately half a million dollars (34.4 Hospital Statistics, 2000 Edition, Health Forum LLC, an
hourslday*$35.00ihour * 365 dayslyear = $439,460). If a affiliate of the American Hospital Association.
hospital decides to implement this heuristic, they must own Isken, M. W. and W. Hancock, 1998, “Tactical Staff
ARENA and LINGO software packages, which implies an Scheduling Analysis for Hospital Ancillaq Units,”
investment of approximately $25,000.00. Given the ex- Joumalof the Society for Health Systems, 5(4), 11-23,
pected savings, investing in the s o h a r e is profitable. Ismail, A. M. and N. D. Miville, 1999, “Flexible Staffmg
This tool will aid ER management in determining the for Ancillary Departments in Hospitals,” Industrial
exact number of staff required to achieve a specific goal, Engineering Solutions 99 Canference Proceedings, B.
which is the time in the system that a patient spends in ER. Bopaya, and P. H. Cohen (eds), 79-83.
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