Grade 12 Summative Task Sheet
Grade 12 Summative Task Sheet
Grade 12 Summative Task Sheet
Due Date: Class: G12 Assessment: Essay Outline: Introduction, AOK 1 Claims and
13/ 11/ 23 TOK Counter Claims
ATL Skills: Thinking, Submission Requirements:
Communication, Self Upload onto Managebac task, “TOK Draft 1: Intro, AOK 1 Claims/
Management. Counter-Claims
GENIUS Values: Grounded - Font Size: Size 12
- Line Spacing: Double Spacing
- Font Type: Arial
- File type: Word or PDF document (not Pages).
- File Name: FirstName_LastNameTOKDraft12023
- In text citations
- MLA Reference list.
Task Description:
For this summative, students will need to complete an outline of their TOK Essay which will include
the following sections:
A completed introduction which should include:
Define one or two of the key terms in the prescribed title.
Narrow in on one aspect of the prescribed title that is particularly interesting.
The two Areas of Knowledge (AOK’s) that you are going to explore.
A clear thesis statement that provides, in general, a roadmap how you are going to
approach this essay.
An outline of the claim that you will be presenting for your first AOK.
The Real Life Situation (RLS) that you are going to use to support your claim.
The counter-claim that you are going to be using in regards to your first AOK/ claim.
The Real-Life Situation (RLS) that you are going to be using to support your counter-
Miss Allan G12 TOK- TOK Draft 1 Summative Rubric
Does the student provide a clear, coherent and critical exploration of the essay title?
Excellent Good Satisfactory Basic Rudiment 0
9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 ary 1-2
Possible characteristics
Insightful Pertinent Acceptable Underdevelo Ineffective
Convincing Relevant Mainstream ped Basic Descriptive
Accomplis Analytical Adequate Superficial Incoherent
hed Lucid Organized Competent Limited Formless