AFM 400-Questions Final PDF
AFM 400-Questions Final PDF
AFM 400-Questions Final PDF
Q1. According to the 'American Institute of Certified Q5. Which among the following statements is incorrect
Public Accountants', which among the following is not about Management Accounting?
a fundamental part of the accounting process? a) It is forward looking and generally follows more
a) Recording
stringent accounting standards.
b) Analysing
c) Summarising b) It generally includes cost accounting and budgeting.
d) Classifying c) It assists management in the formulation of policies
and in decision making.
d) All the statements given above are true.
Q2. Which among the following is not a primary
objective of accounting?
a) To record, classify and summarise the data related
Q6. Who made the first attempt to include figures on
to economic transactions.
human capital in the company balance sheets?
b) To provide financial information to help decision
a) Hermansson
making about deployment of resources.
b) Morisson
c) To decide on the personal choices made by the
c) Johansson
promoters in a company.
d) Alfredson
d) To communicate the information about economic
activities of a firm to all concerned stakeholders.
Q7. Presently, 'Fair Value Accounting' does not enjoy
wide degree of acceptance due to
Q3. During fifteenth century, wealthy people employed a) increased cost and delays.
trained officers to keep records of their transactions, b) non availability of reliable information.
property, debts they owed, and the debts others owed c) fast changes in the market prices.
them. This system developed in Italy and was later d) All of the above
adopted by the other European nations. It also came to
be known as 'Double Entry Bookkeeping'.
What is the type of accounting system described Q8. Which among the following statements is incorrect
above? about the definition of accounting given by AICPA?
a) Stewardship Accounting 1. Accounting is a service activity which provides
b) Financial Accounting quantitative financial information.
c) Cost Accounting 2. Accounting is an analytical discipline which
d) Management Accounting defines, classifies and summarises data relating
to economic transactions.
3. Accounting is an information system which
Q4. What is the most important social purpose of collects and communicates economics
financial accounting? information to concerned people.
a) To manage the debt owed by the company to a) 1 and 3 only
maintain fiscal prudence. b) 1 and 2 only
b) To relay reliable information to investors to enable c) 2 and 3 only
them to take efficient investment decisions. d) None of the above
c) To limit the liability of the members to the nominal
values of their shares.
d) To give a legal form to the doctrine of stewardship. Q9. Which section of the Companies Act 2013 casts a
responsibility on the Board of Directors to comply with
mandatory accounting standards?
a) Section 134 (5)
Q11. Which among the following Accounting Standards Q15. Which Accounting Standard deals with effects of
is incorrectly matched? changes in Foreign Exchange Rates?
a) AS 3 – Cash Flow Statements a) AS 3
b) AS 4 – Contingencies b) AS 10
c) AS 5 – Revenue Recognition c) AS 7
d) AS 7 – Construction Contracts d) AS 11
Q27. Which among the following statements is Q31. A company purchases a new computer for Rs
incorrect? 10,000 in 2019. The computer is expected to last 10
a) The process of recording a transaction in a journal is years, meaning it will produce projects for the
known as Journalising. projected decade. The company should charge the
b) The transfer of Journal Entry to a Ledger account is computer's price tag to the depreciation expense of Rs
called Posting. 1,000 per year, adding up to 10 years.
c) Journal reduces the possibility of an error. Which accounting concept is highlighted above?
d) In Journal, all entries are recorded in random order. a) Business Entity Concept
b) Materiality Concept
c) Going Concern Concept
Q28. Which of the following given statement is/are d) Matching Concept
1. The Objectivity concept requires that the same
accounting method should be used from one Q32. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
accounting period to the next. a) It is assumed that a business follows Going Concern
2. The Full Disclosure Principle states that Concept.
financial statements should disclose all b) Personal Transactions and Business transactions are
significant information. distinguished according to Business Entity Concept.
3. The Prudence concept is also known as
Consistency Concept.
Q89. Accounting Standards in India (AS10 and Ind AS Q93. Which one of the following statements best
16) recognize which of the following methods of describes the 'carrying value' of an asset?
calculating depreciation? a) The amount at which the asset is recognised in the
a) Straight line method balance sheet after deducting any accumulated
b) Diminishing balance method depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
c) Units of production method b) The higher of the asset's value in use and its
d) All of the above recoverable amount.
c) The cost of the asset less its residual value.
d) The higher of the asset's NRV and its value in use.
Q90. Company A buys a piece of equipment for Rs
10,700. The equipment has an expected life of 10 years
and a salvage value of Rs 1400. Calculate the Q94. The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the
depreciation amount per year under straight line basis. accounting treatment for property, plant and
a) Rs 1,210 equipment so that users of the financial statements can
b) Rs 1,070 discern information about an entity’s investment in its
c) Rs 930 property, plant and equipment and the changes in such
d) Rs 1,033.33 investment.
Which of the following Ind AS constitutes the above
objective ?
Q91. An entity installed an assembly line in Year 1. Four a) Ind AS 10
years later, Rs 1,00,000 was invested to automate the b) Ind AS 107
line. The automation increased the market value and c) Ind AS 16
productive capacity of the assembly line but did not d) Ind AS 113
affect its useful life. Proper accounting for the cost of
the automation should be to ____________.
a) Report it as an expense in Year 5 Q95. The H&W Co. acquired a new industrial washing
b) Establish a separate account for the Rs 1,00,000. machine, the list price of which was Rs 52,000. The
c) Allocate the cost of automation between the asset supplier allowed a trade discount of Rs 4,000 off the list
and accumulated depreciation accounts.
Q97. Which of the following statements is/are Q101. An expenditure is decided to be ‘capital’ or
incorrect? ‘revenue’ depending upon which of the following
1. AS 10 is also known as Accounting Standard for factors?
Fixed Assets. 1. Nature of expense
2. AS 6 was withdrawn after the issuance of AS 10 2. Effect of revenue earning capacity
Property Plant and Equipment. 3. Benefit from expenditure
3. Ind AS 16 deals with Property Plant and a) 1 and 2 only
Equipment. b) 2 and 3 only
a) 1 and 2 c) 1 and 3 only
b) 2 and 3 d) 1, 2 and 3
c) 1 and 3
d) Only 1
Q102. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
1. Non – recurring expenditure is capital expenditure
Q98. ____________ is the estimated book value of an in nature.
asset after depreciation is complete. 2. Purchase of motor cars or buildings is capital
a) Premium Value expenditure.
b) Salvage Value 3. Expenses which help to generate income in the
c) Par Value current year are capital in nature.
d) Final Value a) Only 1
b) Only 3
c) Only 2
Q99. What is the useful life of an asset? d) 1, 2 and 3
a) the period over which an asset is expected to be
available for use by an enterprise.
Q123. Ramesh drew on Suresh three Bills of Exchange Q128. Match the following:
respectively on 29th, 30th, and 31st January, 2013. The 1. Defective goods returned by Raja a. Journal
term in each case is 1 month. What will be the due date Proper
of payment in each case? 2. Providing interest on capital b.
a) 1st March Purchase Book
b) 2nd March 3. Sold goods to Ravi c.
c) 3rd March Sales Return Book
d) 4th March 4. Purchased goods from Asha Traders d. Sales
a) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b
Q124. Which of the following will be the journal entry b) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
for the cancellation of the old bill in the books of c) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b
Drawee? d) 1-a, 2-c, 3-d, 4-b
a) Bills Payable A/c Dr To Drawer's A/c
b) Bills Payable A/c Dr To Drawee's A/c
c) Bills Receivable A/c Dr To Drawer's A/c Q129. M/s Randeep & Sons sold 40 ink pads @ Rs 8
d) Bills Receivable A/c Dr To Drawee's A/c each, 50 files @ Rs 10 each, 20 colour books @ Rs 20
each to Ishan Stationary and provided 5% trade
Q125. The act of signing and transferring the bill is How this transaction will be recorded in the Ishan
called an _________. Stationary Ledger Account?
a) Honoured a) To Sales A/c 1,159
b) Dishonoured b) By Sales A/c 1,220
c) Endorsement c) To Sales A/c 1,161
d) Discounted d) By Sales A/c 1,227
Q126. In which book of original entry, will you record a Q130. In which, books of original entry the following
bill receivable of Rs 10,000, which was received from a transactions will be recorded:
debtor in full settlement for a claim of Rs 10,100, is 1. Goods purchased from Suyash for Rs 50,000 on
dishonored? credit.
a) Purchases Return Book 2. Provisions for doubtful debts created @10% on
b) Bills Receivable Book debtors.
c) Journal Proper a) Journal Proper, Bills Receivable Book
d) Purchases Book b) Sales Book, Journal Proper
c) Purchases Book, Journal Proper
d) Purchases Return Book, Sales Book
Q144. Primary objective of financial audit is to Q149. Which among the following statements is
_________. incorrect?
Q150. Which among the following statements is Q155. When the balance as per the cash book is staring
incorrect regarding Ind AS 16? point, in the reconciliation, the amount of cheques
a) Each part of PPE with a cost significant in relation to issued and not presented are
the total cost of the item shall be depreciated a) Subtracted
separately. b) Added
b) Depreciation charge for each period shall be c) Ignored
mentioned in the Balance sheet. d) Either added or subtracted
c) Depreciation methods used should be disclosed in
the financial statements.
d) Depreciation rates and useful life of assets should Q156. Which of the following is true when a debtor
be disclosed in the financial statements. pays his dues?
a) Assets side of balance sheet will decrease.
b) Asset side of the balance sheet will increase.
Q151. According to AS 10, an item of PPE that qualifies a) Liability side of balance sheet will increase.
as an asset should be measured at cost which includes b) There is no change in total assets or total liabilities.
a) Purchase cost including import duties
b) Non refundable taxes
c) Cost of dismantling Q157. Based on which of the following concepts, is
d) All of the above share capital account shown on the liability side of a
balance sheet?
a) Business entity concept
Q152. Banks are encouraged to adopt International b) Money measurement concept
Internal Audit Standards, like those issued by c) Cost concept
a) Basel Committee on Banking Supervision d) Going concern concept
b) Institute of Internal Auditors
c) Both a & B
d) None of the above Q158. Which one of the following is not considered as
Research & Development costs?
a) Testing in search for product alternatives
Q153. Which one of the following is not true? b) Legal work on patent application
a) Head of Internal Audit shall be an outside person c) Modification of design of a process
approved by RBI. d) Searching for application of new research findings
b) Head of Internal Audit has access to all records or
c) Head of Internal Audit has authority to Q159. Which among the following is not a type of bank
communicate with any staff member. audit?
d) All of the above mentioned statements are true. a) Concurrent audit
Q198. Banks have been advised by RBI to segregate the Q202. Which among the following is an incorrect
credit entries outstanding for more than 5 year in inter representation of Balance sheet equation?
branch accounts and transfer them to a separate a) Assets = Total Claims on the Company
__________. b) Outside Liabilities = Assets – Capital
a) Open account c) Claims of owners = Assets + Claims of Creditors
b) Blocked account d) Net worth = Assets - Creditors
c) Pending Transactions account
d) None of these
Q203. If assets increase and liabilities do not, the capital
will _________.
a) increase
Q207. Sale of goods on credit results in _______. Q212. Which one of the following entries in the ledger
a) Change in both assets and liabilities is made without any financial transaction?
b) Change in total assets only a) Purchase of raw material during the year.
c) Change in total liabilities only b) Sale of goods on credit during the year.
d) Change in assets but total assets remain the same c) Discounts received during the year.
d) Depreciation during the year.
Q244. ‘Operating expenses’ shown in one of the Q249. Which one of the following statements is not
schedules of the Profit & Loss account of the bank, do correct regarding computerized accounting?
not include _________. a) Business transactions are captured in the form of
a) Law charges accounting entries.
b) Printing and stationary expenses b) It offers benefits of speed and accuracy.
c) Payments to employees c) Higher costs, as compared to human labour, is a
d) Interest expenditure disadvantage of it.
d) Mostly, digital computers are used in computerized
Q245. Interest earned by a bank is shown under which
schedule of the Profit & Loss account?
a) Schedule 13 Q250. Which one of the following is not amongst the
b) Schedule 14 disadvantages of computerized accounting?
c) Schedule 15 a) Requirement of qualified staff for operations.
d) Schedule 16 b) Costly computer peripherals and stationery.
c) Regular back up is required.
d) Secrecy of customers’ transactions is lost.
Q246. In a computerized bank, we should ___________.
a) Change our password at least once a month
b) Not share our password with anyone under any Q251. Which Section of the Banking Regulation Act
circumstance (1949) defines Banking as “the accepting, for the
c) Not allow anyone to use our computer purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money
a) 1,64,900
Q298. Which one of the following statements is correct b) -28,300
about forward rate? c) 28,300
a) In case of direct rates, if the forward rate is more d) 79,700
than the spot rate, the base currency is at a
b) In case of direct rates, if the forward rate is less than Q302. Match the following:
the spot rate, the base currency is at a discount. A. Subscribed share 1. The part of authorized
capital capital that has not yet
c) The forward premium or discount, expressed in
been called up by the
basis points, is called Forward Points. company.
d) All of the above B. Issued share capital 2. Difference between
issued capital and
unsubscribed capital
Q299. Which one of the following factors determine the C. Uncalled capital 3. The amount of capital
forward points? that the company has
Offered to the public for
a) Supply and demand for the currency for the
settlement date. a) A-2; B-3; C-1
b) Market view, i.e. expectations, about the future.
b) A-3; B-2; C-1
c) The interest rate differential between the countries,
c) A-1; B-3; C-2
whose currencies are being exchanged. d) A-3; B-1; C-2
d) All of the above.
Q323. Which of the following statements is incorrect? Q327. Core banking. Is delivered as a set of integrated
1. Banking Regulation Act has prescribed Form A for core banking components that are then tailored to fit
the format of Balance Sheet. the institution’s individual business requirements.
2. The Govt. has notified that account of the banking These components include
companies shall be closed on 31st March every a) Core bank financial institution infrastructure
year as against 31st December earlier. b) Core bank customer management and customer
a) 1 only c) Core bank payments
b) 2 only d) All of the above
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q328. Which among the following is not amongst the
Q324. Match the Following: benefits of core banking?
Schedule in Form A Related to a) It supports multi-currency operations.
1. Schedule 1 a. Other Liabilities & provisions b) It provides 24x7 operations.
2. Schedule 3 b. Deposits c) It provides improved customer satisfaction.
3. Schedule 5 c. Capital d) it increases profits as customers are charged extra
4. Schedule 7 d. Balances with Banks & Money for core banking.
at call and Short Notice
a) 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d
Q329. Which of the following CBS systems are
b) 1-a; 2-c; 3-b; 4-d incorrectly matched with their development
c) 1-c; 2-b; 3-d; 4-a companies?
d) 1-c; 2-b; 3-a; 4-d a) BaNCS - Tata Consultancy services
b) Finacle - Wipro
c) Flexcube - Oracle
Q325. Match the Following: d) None of the above
Schedule in Form B Related to
1. Schedule 13 a. Operating Expenses Q330. ___________ provides the same set of services.
2. Schedule 14 b. Profit of sale of Land To customers across all channels come, whether digital
3. Schedule 15 c. Interest Earned or physical. Users can access all banking services via
4. Schedule 16 d. Interest Expended website., Mobile app, Bank, Branch, Call Center or even
a) 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d social media platforms, such as WhatsApp, Facebook,
b) 1-a; 2-c; 3-b; 4-d Instagram, etc.
c) 1-c; 2-b; 3-d; 4-a a) Omni Channel Banking
d) 1-c; 2-b; 3-a; 4-d b) Neo Banking
c) Multi Banking
Q332. _________ ratios are a measure of the speed Q337. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
with which various accounts are converted into sales or a) Liquidity ratios are calculated to measure the short-
cash. term solvency of the business.
a) liquidity b) Quick assets are defined as those assets which are
b) activity quickly convertible into cash
c) debt c) Quick Ratio is also known as liquid ratio or Acid-test
d) profitability ratio
d) A very high current ratio is good for a business.
Q341. Which among the following is not a limitation of Q345. Which among the following categories of income
Ratio Analysis? heads is exempt from income tax?
1. Income from house property
a) No additional data needs to be presented along with
2. Income from agriculture
ratios. 3. Income from professional practice
b) Window dressing of ratios 4. Scholarships received for education
c) Price level changes Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:
d) No fixed standards. a) 2 and 3
b) 1, 3 and 4
c) 2 and 4
Q342. Income tax is based on the ‘Ability-To-Pay’ d) 1, 2 and 4
principle. What does this principle state?
a) Those who spend more should pay more taxes.
Q346. _____________________ denotes the formal
b) Those who earn more should pay more taxes.
accounting mechanism by means of which costs are
c) Those who save more should pay more taxes.
ascertained by recording them in the books of account.
d) Those who invest more should pay more taxes.
a) Costing
b) Cost Analysis
c) Cost Control
Q343. Which among the following statements is d) Cost Accounting
1. As per the IT Act, any company making a payment is
required to deduct tax at source (TDS) for all the
Q347. Which of the following is/are the correct
objectives of cost accounting?
2. The provisions of TDS apply to payments like salary,
a) Ascertainment of the cost.
interest, commission, professional fees etc.
b) Determination of Selling Price and Profitability
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:
c) Cost Reduction
a) 1 only
d) All of the above
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q348. Which of the following statements is/are
1. Out-of-pocket costs are those costs that do not
Q344. Under Section 2 of the Income Tax Act, who
involve cash outlays or require the utilization of
among the following can be treated as a ‘Person’?
current resources.
1. Hindu Undivided Family
2. Implicit Costs are not recorded in the books of
2. Limited Liability Partnership
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3. All non-manufacturing costs such as general & Q352. ___________________ method is used in mass
administrative expenses, selling and production industries manufacturing standardized
distribution expenses are recognised as period products in continuous processes of manufacturing.
costs. a) Process Costing
a) 1 and 2 b) Job Costing
b) 2 and 3 c) Contract Costing
c) 1 and 3 d) Batch Costing
d) Only 2
Q358. Which of the following costing relates to the Q363. Which of the following industries uses standard
ascertainment of costs after they have been incurred? costing?
a) Historical Costing a) service
b) Absorption Costing b) process
c) Contract Costing c) manufacturing
d) Both A and C d) All of the above
Q377. Which of the following statements is/are Q381. ______________ also known as subsidiary
incorrect? budgets.
1. Marginal costs is taken as equal to Fixed a) Functional Budget
Overheads. b) Master Budget
2. Marginal Costing is also known as Variable c) Sales Budget
Costing. d) Either A or B
3. Marginal cost is calculated as the total
expenses required to manufacture one
additional good. Q382. __________________ is a practice of preparing
a) 1 and 2 the budget based on the evaluation of the productivity
b) 2 and 3 of the different operations in an organization.
c) 1 and 3 a) Performance Budgeting
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b) Zero Based Budgeting Q387. Which of the following taxation systems imposes
c) Responsibility Accounting a flat tax rate irrespective of the income of an
d) None of the above individual?
a) Progressive taxation
b) Regressive taxation
Q383. Which of the following statement is/are correct? c) Proportional Taxation
a) A master budget is also known as cash budget. d) All of the above
b) Budgetary Control does not facilitate Management
by Exception
c) Budgeting is an expensive process Q388. With the passage of which constitutional
d) All of the above amendment act the parliament gave approval to the
Goods and services act?
a) 98th Constitutional amendment act
Q384. Production Overhead Budget includes b) 99th Constitutional amendment act
______________ c) 100th Constitutional amendment act
a) Cost of indirect material d) 101st Constitutional amendment act
b) Cost of indirect labour
c) Cost of indirect expenses
d) All of the above
Q389. Which of the following state indirect taxes has
been subsumed under Goods and Services Tax?
Q385. Which of the following statements is/are 1.Luxury tax
incorrect? 2.Entry tax
1. Activity Ratio= (Standard hours of actual 3.Purchase tax
production / Actual hours worked) * 100 4.Tax on advertisement.
2. Capacity Ratio= (Actual hours worked / a) 2, 3 and 4
Budgeted hours) * 100 b) 1, 2, 3 and 4
3. Efficiency Ratio= (Standard hours for actual c) 3 only
output / Budgeted hours) * 100 d) 1, 2 and 3
a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 3 Q390. GST is a consumption of goods and service tax
d) Only 2 based on?
a) Dividend
b) Development
Q386. Which of the following is one of the c) Duration
disadvantages of the progressive taxation method? d) Destination
a) Discourages more earnings.
b) It supports low growth and development.
c) Opens door for tax evasion Q391. What does “I” stands for in IGST?
d) All of the above a) International
b) Internal
c) Integrated
d) Intra
Q394. Which of the following is not a variable used in Q398. If you have a strong gut feeling that Interest rates
will decrease in coming times and you want to make
the pricing of bonds?
a) Time to maturity maximum profits by selling Bonds, then which of the
b) Quoted price following Bonds will give you maximum appreciation ?
a) Low Coupon and Low Maturity
c) Coupon payments
d) Yield to maturity b) High Coupon and High Maturity
c) Low Coupon and High Maturity
d) High Coupon and Low Maturity
Question No. Answer Question No. Answer Question No. Answer Question No. Answer
1 B 101 D 201 C 301 D
2 C 102 B 202 C 302 A
3 A 103 B 203 A 303 B
4 B 104 C 204 D 304 A
5 A 105 C 205 B 305 C
6 A 106 D 206 A 306 B
7 D 107 D 207 D 307 A
8 D 108 A 208 C 308 C
9 A 109 A 209 B 309 C
10 B 110 C 210 A 310 B
11 C 111 C 211 C 311 B
12 D 112 B 212 D 312 D
13 A 113 C 213 D 313 A
14 B 114 B 214 A 314 C
15 D 115 D 215 D 315 D
16 B 116 D 216 D 316 C
17 C 117 B 217 C 317 D
18 D 118 D 218 D 318 A
19 D 119 A 219 B 319 B
20 D 120 B 220 A 320 C
21 A 121 A 221 B 321 B
22 C 122 B 222 A 322 A
23 B 123 C 223 D 323 D
24 C 124 A 224 C 324 D
25 C 125 C 225 D 325 C
26 B 126 C 226 D 326 B
27 D 127 A 227 D 327 D
28 C 128 A 228 C 328 D
29 B 129 A 229 B 329 B
30 B 130 C 230 A 330 A
31 D 131 B 231 B 331 C
32 D 132 A 232 D 332 B
33 C 133 C 233 C 333 B
34 A 134 B 234 D 334 D
35 C 135 A 235 D 335 B
36 C 136 C 236 A 336 B
37 A 137 B 237 D 337 B
38 A 138 B 238 C 338 A
39 B 139 A 239 D 339 A
40 D 140 D 240 A 340 A
41 B 141 D 241 B 341 A
42 A 142 D 242 A 342 B
Email – [email protected], M - 8146207241 49 | P a g e
43 A 143 B 243 C 343 B
44 A 144 A 244 D 344 A
45 A 145 C 245 A 345 C
46 A 146 D 246 A 346 D
47 C 147 B 247 C 347 D
48 A 148 B 248 D 348 B
49 A 149 C 249 C 349 D
50 D 150 B 250 D 350 B
51 C 151 D 251 B 351 C
52 A 152 C 252 C 352 A
53 A 153 A 253 C 353 D
54 D 154 D 254 D 354 D
55 B 155 B 255 D 355 C
56 B 156 D 256 D 356 B
57 B 157 A 257 C 357 B
58 C 158 B 258 D 358 A
59 C 159 B 259 C 359 C
60 B 160 A 260 D 360 C
61 C 161 D 261 D 361 A
62 B 162 B 262 D 362 A
63 C 163 C 263 D 363 D
64 D 164 A 264 C 364 A
65 A 165 B 265 A 365 D
66 C 166 A 266 D 366 B
67 B 167 D 267 D 367 B
68 A 168 A 268 C 368 D
69 C 169 B 269 A 369 A
70 C 170 B 270 D 370 D
71 C 171 D 271 B 371 D
72 A 172 C 272 A 372 B
73 C 173 C 273 D 373 C
74 A 174 D 274 C 374 A
75 D 175 B 275 D 375 B
76 D 176 A 276 A 376 B
77 B 177 A 277 B 377 D
78 C 178 A 278 D 378 D
79 A 179 B 279 C 379 D
80 A 180 C 280 D 380 A
81 D 181 B 281 A 381 A
82 D 182 C 282 B 382 A
83 D 183 C 283 B 383 C
84 D 184 A 284 B 384 D
85 B 185 C 285 B 385 C
86 A 186 C 286 A 386 D
87 B 187 A 287 D 387 C