All India Prelims Test Series - 2017: Indian Economy + Science Ncerts

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AIPTS-GS-Economy + Science BYJU’s Classes:-9980837187

Q1 Consider the following statements regarding The
black money (undisclosed foreign income & assets) Q8) The practice featuring residents of a third country
imposition of tax act,2015 taking advantage of a beneficial tax treaty between two
i. Penalty for such concealment of income and assets will countries to lower his tax liability is called
be 300% of the tax a) Round tripping
ii. This act will deal with black money stashed away in b) Treaty shopping
abroad only c) Both
Identify the incorrect statement/s d) None
a) i only
b) ii only Q9) Recently during the floods in Chennai, a bottle of
c) Both mineral water was sold at RS 200. This situation is a
d) None classic example of
a) Demand pull inflation
Q2) Which of the following is/are the objectives of gold b) Cost push inflation
monetization schemes c) Both
i) Reduce gold imports d) None
ii) Make gold a performing asset
iii) Mobilize the gold held by households and institutions Q10) The problems of high inflation is/are
in the country i) It reduces the purchasing power of the people
iv) Improve liquidity in the market ii) It increases the savings in a country
a) i and ii only iii) Interest rates goes up
b) All the above iv) Investments increases
c) iii and iv only Choose the correct answer
d) i and iii a) All the above
b) i and iii only
Q3) consider the following statements c) ii and iv only
i) The concept of economic growth is quantitative in d i, iii and iv only
nature whereas economic development is qualitative
ii) The concept of inclusive growth is associated with Q11) Greasing the wheel of commerce is the apt
economic development description for
identify the correct statement/s a) Creeping inflation
a) i only b) Trotting inflation
b) ii only c) Galloping inflation
c) both d) runaway inflation
d) none
Q12) consider the following statements about the FRBM
Q4) _________ is a temporary levy imposed by the act of 2003
government to achieve a specific socio-economic i) It mandates the government to ensure inter-
objective. generational equity, long term macro-economic stability,
a) cess and effective debt management
b) Surcharge ii) It mandates the government to reduce fiscal deficit by
c) Excise duty 0.3% of GDP every year and Revenue deficit by 0.5%
d) Customs duty GDP every year
iii) This act implies only to the center government
Q5) Taxes on the inter- state trade of goods and services iv) The center government shall not borrow from RBI
are except by other ways and means advances.
a) levied and collected by the state government Identify the correct statement/s
b) levied and collected by the central government a. i and iii only
c) levied by the centre but collected by the state b. ii and iv only
d) Levied by the state but collected by the canter c. i, ii and iii
d. i, ii, iii and iv
Q6) Taxes collected under which of the following articles
does not form the part of consolidated fund of India. Q13) The FRBM review committee was headed by
a) Art 270 a) N.K. Singh
b) Art 268 b) Nachiket Moore
c) Art 272 c) Urjit Patel
d) Art 271 d) Deepak Mohanty

Q7) An increase in tax revenues collected by the Q14) Fiscal drag is a condition normally associated with
government due to the growth in the national income is a) Deflation
known as b) Disinflation
a) Tax elasticity c) Reflation
b) Tax spread d) Inflation
c) Tax buoyancy
d) Progressive Taxation

AIPTS-ECONOMY+SCIENCE BYJU’s Classes:-9980837187

Q15) Consider the following statements about primary
deficit (PD) Q23) The interest rate at which RBI lends to commercial
i) PD = Fisacal deficit + interest payment banks for long term is called
ii) it helps in assessing the progress of government in its a) Repo rate
fiscal control efforts b) Bank rate
which of the above statements is /are correct? c) MSF
a) i only d) Base rate
b) ii only
c) Both Q24) The recommendations of Deepak Mohanty
d) None committee led to the introduction of
a) Base rate
Q16) Excessive deficit financing is not good for an b) Bank rate
economy because c) MSF
i) It leads to inflation d) None of the above
ii) Pushes up interest rates
iii) Reduces savings in the economy Q25) Which of the following factors are considered in
iv) Leads to crowding out of private sectors calculation of Human Development Index?
a) i and iii only i) Life Expectancy
b) i ii and iii ii) Sex Ratio
c) iv only iii) Standard of living
d) i, ii, iii and iv iv) Education
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Q17) During the period of economic slowdown, the RBI a) i, ii and iii
will follow b) ii, iii and iv
a) Expansionary monetary policy c) i, iii and iv
b) Contractionary monetary policy d) i, ii, iii and iv
c) Cautious monetary policy
d) Both a and c Q26) India innovation index is launched by which of the
following institution?
Q18) Tax expenditure stands for a) Ministry of Finance
a) Money spent towards collection of tax revenues b) NITI Aayog
b) Money spent for tax reforms c) Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
c) Money forgone as tax exemptions d) Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
d) Money granted to state governments
27) Consider the following statements:
Q19) Open market operations of the RBI i) Inflation benefits the debtors.
a) Increases the total stock of government securities in ii) Inflation benefits the bondholders.
the economy Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
b) Reduces the total stock of government securities in a) i, only
the economy b) ii only
c) Changes the proportions of government securities held c) Both i and iii
by various players d) Neither i nor ii
d) Leads to no changes in the government securities
holding 28) Which of the following organizations released
Inclusive Development Index?
Q20) Cash reserve ratio (CRR) a) World Bank
a) Is 4% of the total deposits held by the banks b) International Monetary Fund
b) Earns interest c) World Economic Forum
c) There is no floor or cap on the CRR rates d) United Nations Development Program
d) Co-operative banks are also required to maintain CRR
Identify the wrong statement Q29) Recently Union Government launched 'Start Up
India' campaign. What are the criteria for a company to
Q21) Banks should maintain SLR in liquid assets. Which be eligible for start-up?
of the following is not a constituent of SLR maintained i) The firm incorporated should be less than three years
by the banks? old.
a) Gold ii) Annual Revenue of less than Rs. 25 crore.
b) Government securities a) i, only
c) Current account balances with other banks b) ii 0nly
d) All public sector bonds c) Both i and ii
d) None
Q22) If reverse Repo is 5% on a particular day, how
much will be Repo and MSF (marginal standing facility)? Q30) What are the indicators are included in Ease of
a) Repo= 6% and MSF = 7% Doing Business released by the World Bank?
b) Repo = 5.5% and MSF = 6% i) Starting a business
c) There is no connection between these three ii) Enforcing contracts
d) None of the above iii) Getting an electricity connection

AIPTS-ECONOMY+SCIENCE BYJU’s Classes:-9980837187

iv) Protecting investors the pension wealth, as accumulated till age of 60 years
a) i, iii and iv only of the subscriber.
b) ii, iii and iv only Which of the above statements is/are correct?
c) i, iii and iv only a) i only
d) All of the above b) ii only
c) Both i and ii
Q31) Indradhanush plan launched by the government d) Neither i nor ii
aims to:
a) To reduce the poverty Q37) Rajasva Gyan Sangam relates to which of the
b) To increase employment opportunity to youth following?
c) To increase spending on infrastructure projects a) To address banking reforms
d) to revamp functioning of public sector banks. b) To improve higher education in India with the
collaboration of foreign institutes
Q32) Consider the following statements about Payment c) To improve scientific innovations in the country
Banks. d) To improve taxation system
i) Payments banks will mainly deal in remittance services
and accept deposits of up to Rs 1 lakh. Q38) Which of the following sectors has the highest
ii) They will not lend to customers and will have to weightage in Index of Eight Core Industries?
deploy their funds in government papers and bank a) Electricity
deposits. b) Crude Oil
iii) They can issue debit cards and credit cards. c) Coal
Which of the above statements is/are correct? d) Natural Gas
a) i and ii only
b) ii and ii only Q39) Identify the incorrect statement/s regarding NPA
c) i and iii only (non-performing assets)
d) All of the above a) NPA are those accounts of the borrowers who have
defaulted for more than 90 days. (commercial loans)
Q33) Consider the following statements: b) The accounts which have remained NPA for more than
i) The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by a year are called substandard assets
the World Bank. c) Public sector banks have larger share of NPA than
ii) Recently, the Chinese Renminbi was added to the private banks
reserve currency list. d) SARFAESI act of 2003 was passed to reduce the
Which of the above statements is/are correct? problem of NPA
a) i only
b) ii only Q40) Identify the correct statement/s about the Basel
c) Both i and ii norms introduced by the Bank of international
d) None settlements (BIS)
i) The Basel committee on banking supervision looks
Q34) Priority sector lending by banks in India after the implementation of Basel norms.
constitutes the lending to which of the following sectors? ii) Basel norms 1 was introduced in 1990
i) Medium Enterprises iii) Indian banks are following Basel norms 2 which were
ii) Social Infrastructure introduced in 2004
iii) Renewable Energy iv) Indian banks will adopt Basel norms 3 in 2019
iv) Import credit a. i and ii
a) i, iii and iv only b. iii and iv
b) i, ii and iii only c. i and iii
c) ii and ii only d. ii and iv
d) All of the above
Q41) With regarding to money market in India, consider
Q35) Which among the following World Bank Group the following statements
organizations was established to promote the growth of i) Money market is the market for short term lending and
the private sector? borrowing and deals only with secured loans
a) International Finance Corporation ii) Call money and notice money are important
b) International Bank for Reconstruction and instruments of money market
Development iii) If the lending/borrowing is for only one day it is
c) International Monetary Fund called call money
d) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) iv) If the lending /borrowing is for 2-14 days it is called
notice money
Q36) Consider the following statements about Atal Identify the correct statement/s
Pension Yojana. a) i, and ii
i) Atal Pension Yojana (APY) provides an option to the b) i, ii, iii
spouse to continue to contribute for balance period on c) i, ii, iv
premature death of the subscriber. d) ii, iii, iv
ii) After the death of both the subscriber and the spouse,
the nominee of the subscriber shall be entitled to receive Q42) Identify the odd one out
a) Treasury bills (T- bills)

AIPTS-ECONOMY+SCIENCE BYJU’s Classes:-9980837187

b) Certificates of deposits (CD) Which of the above statements are true?
c) Commercial paper a) i only
d) gilt edged securities (G-SECS) b) ii only
c) both
Q43) ECB (external commercial borrowings) instrument d) none of these
cannot be used by
a) Private companies Q52) Consider the following statements about the parts
b) PSU of a flower:
c) Banks i) Sepals keep the parts of the flower safe before it opens.
d) None of the above ii) Petals help in pollination
Which of the above statements are true?
Q44) Company “XYZ” recently issued new shares to the a) i only
public for the second time in past 5 years. What will b) ii only
such an issue be called? c) both
a) Initial public offer d) none of these
b) Secondary public offer
c) Follow on public offer Q53) The location of which of the following joints is
d) None of the above incorrect?
a) Ball and socket joint is found in the shoulder
Q45) QFI (qualified foreigner investor) can be b) Hinge joint is found in the knee
a) Entity of any country c) Pivotal joint is found in the hip
b) Entity of FATF countries only d) Fixed joint is found in the skull
c) Entity of EU countries only
d) Entity of ASEAN countries only Q54) Consider the following statements
i) Iodine solution is used to test the presence of fat.
Q46) FDI is better than FII for an economy because ii) Vitamins have no nutritive value, but provide
i) It is less volatile protection against disease.
ii) It brings in technology iii) Mixture of copper sulphate and caustic soda is used
iii) Creates new business and new jobs to test the presence of proteins.
iv) Easier to attract Which of the above statements are true?
chose the correct statement/s a) iii only
a) i, ii, iii b) i and ii only
b) i only c) ii and iii only
c) iii, iv d) none of these
d) iii only
Q55) Consider the following statements:
Q47) If USA stops QE (QUANTITATIVE EASING) than i) Rhizobium changes nitrogen into ammonium ions
a) FDI and FII to India increases ii) Rhizobium bacteria found on root nodules of legumes
b) B. FDI and FII to India reduces iii) Nitrification converts ammonia into nitrates.
c) Both Which of the above statements are true?
d) Neither a) i only
b) ii and iii only
Q48) Indias biggest export Item is c) i and iii only
a) Petroleum products d) i, ii and iii
b) Gems and jewellery
c) Agriculture goods Q56) which of the following animals can be said to be a
d) Textiles ruminant?
a) Deer
Q49) Which round of GATT negotiations led to the birth b) Lion
of WTO c) Rat
a) Havana round d) Bear
b) Kennedy round
c) Tokyo round Q57) consider the following statements about sea breeze
d) Uruguay round and land breeze.
i) The cool breeze to the sea from the land is called a sea
Q50) Which is the most contentious agreement of WTO? breeze.
a) TRIPS (Trade related intellectual property rights) ii) The land breeze is observed at night.
b) AOA (Agreement on agriculture) Which of the above statements are true?
c) GATS (General agreement on trade in services) a) i only
d) None of the above b) ii only
c) both i and ii
Q51) Consider the following statements about the parts d) none of these
of a leaf:
i) The part of a leaf by which it is attached to the stem is Q58) Consider the following statements about acid-base
called lamina. indicators.
ii) The broad green part of the leaf is called petiole.

AIPTS-ECONOMY+SCIENCE BYJU’s Classes:-9980837187

i) Phenolphthalein gives a pink colour if the solution is c) Paramecium
acidic. d) None of these
ii) China rose indicator turns acidic solutions to dark
pink. Q66) Consider the following statements.
iii) Blue litmus turns red for a basic solution. i) Force acting on a unit area of a surface is called
Which of the above statements are true? impulse.
a) ii only ii) Friction always acts against the applied force.
b) ii and iii only iii) For a force to act on an object, it is not necessary to
c) i and iii only have contact with the object.
d) i, ii and iii Which of the above statements are true?
a) ii only
Q59) Consider the following statements about rust. b) ii and iii only
i) It requires presence at least one of either oxygen or c) i and iii only
water. d) i, ii and iii
ii) Galvanization is a process of prevention of rusting.
iii) It is essentially an oxide of iron. Q67) which of the following statements is incorrect?
Which of the above statements are true? a) If the frequency of vibration is high, then the sound is
a) ii only said to have a high pitch.
b) ii and iii only b) Pitch of the sound is expressed in terms of decibel.
c) i and iii only c) Loudness of sound is proportional to the square of the
d) i, ii and iii amplitude of the vibration.
d) The number of oscillations per second is called the
Q60) which of the following statements is not true? frequency of oscillation.
a) Gaseous exchange in cockroaches happen through
spiracles. Q68) The eye lens focusses light on to the back of the
b) Earthworms breathe through tracheae. eye, on a layer called?
c) Frogs can breathe through their skin. a) Retina
d) none of these b) Iris
c) Pupil
Q61) Consider the following statements d) Cornea
i) The inner surface of a spoon will act as a convex
mirror Q69) which of the following is/are sense organs?
ii) Real image can be obtained on a screen. i) Eye
iii) Virtual images are formed by diverging lenses. ii) Skin
Which of the above statements are true? iii) Ear
a) ii only a) I only
b) ii and iii only b) ii and iii only
c) i only c) i and iii only
d) i, ii and iii d) i, ii and iii

Q62) Malaria is caused by a – Q70) which of the following statement is correct

a) Virus a) Angle of incidence can be greater than or equal to the
b) Bacteria angle of reflection.
c) Protozoa b) Angle of incidence can be smaller than or equal to the
d) Fungi angle of reflection.
c) Angle of incidence is independent of the angle of
Q63) Consider the following statements. reflection.
i) The property of the metals by which they can be d) Angle of incidence is always equal to angle of
beaten into thin sheets is called malleability. reflection.
ii) The property of the metals by which they can be
drawn into wires is called tensile strength. Q71) Which of the following can be zero for a moving
Which of the above statements are true? body?
a) i only i) Average velocity
b) ii only ii) Distance travelled
c) both iii) Average speed
d) none of these iv) Displacement
a) i only
Q64) which of the following statements is not correct? b) ii and iii only
a) Copper Sulphate is blue in colour c) iv only
b) Zinc sulphate is colourless d) i and iv only
c) Copper is red in colour
d) none of these Q72) According to the third law of motion, action and
Q65) which of the following is not unicellular? a) Always act on the same body but in different
a) Amoeba directions
b) White blood cells b) Always act on different bodies in opposite direction

AIPTS-ECONOMY+SCIENCE BYJU’s Classes:-9980837187

c) Always act on different bodies in the same direction a) i only
d) Always act on the same bodies in the direction normal b) i and iii only
to both the bodies. c) ii only
d) i and ii only
Q73) The value of G depends on? Q81) Consider the following statements
a) The mass of the two bodies i) sulphur is used in the vulcanisation of rubber.
b) The radius of the two bodies ii) Bauxite is an important ore of iron
c) Depends on the mass and the radius of the two bodies iii) Stainless steel contains iron, carbon and chromium.
d) None of these Which of the above statements are true?
a) i only
Q74) The speed of the ultrasonic waves is b) ii and iii only
a) Lower than those of audible sound waves c) i and iii only
b) Higher than the audible sound waves d) i, ii and iii
c) same as the audible sound waves
d) can be lower, higher or equal to the audible sound Q82) In a concave mirror, an object placed __________
waves. will result in a virtual image.
a) Twice the distance of the focal point.
Q75) Which of the following set of phenomena would b) Between the focal point and mirror.
increase on raising the temperature? c) Between the focal point and twice the distance of the
a) Diffusion, evaporation, compression of gases focal point.
b) Evaporation, compression of gases, solubility d) Past the focal point
c) Evaporation, diffusion, expansion of gases
d) Evaporation, solubility, diffusion, compression of Q83) Which of the following is not correct for isomers of
gases a compound?
a) they differ in physical properties.
Q76) Which of the following are physical changes? b) they differ in chemical properties.
i) Melting of iron metal c) they have same molecular formula.
ii) Rusting of iron metal d) they have same structural formula.
iii) Bending of an iron rod
iv) Drawing a wire of iron metal Q84) Food cans are coated with tin and not zinc
a) i, iii and iv because:
b) ii and iii only a) zinc is costlier than tin.
c) iii and iv only b) zinc has a higher melting point than tin.
d) i and iv only c) zinc is more reactive than tin.
d) zinc is less reactive than tin.
Q77) The isotopes of an element contain
a) same number of neutrons but different number of Q85) The intensity of a magnetic field is defined as the
protons. force experienced by a
b) same number of neutrons but different number of a) standard compass
electrons. b) unit negative charge
c) different number of protons as well as different c) unit positive charge
number of neutrons d) unit north pole.
d) different number of neutrons but same number of
protons Q86) A dynamo converts
a) Mechanical energy into sound energy
Q78) According to the modern periodic law, elements are b) Mechanical energy into electrical energy
a periodic function of their: c) Electrical energy into mechanical energy
a) atomic mass d) Electrical energy into sound energy
b) atomic number
c) number of valence electrons Q87) Consider the following statements
d) number of electrons i) Trypsin helps in digesting proteins
ii) Lipase helps in breaking down fats
Q79) Consider the following statements iii) Bile salts help in increasing the efficiency of enzymes.
i) addition of oxygen to an element Which of the above statements are correct?
ii) removal of hydrogen from an element a) i and iii only
Which of the above can be said to oxidation process? b) ii and iii only
a) i only c) i and ii only
b) ii only d) i, ii and iii
c) both i and ii
d) none of these Q88) Consider the following statements
i) Blood pressure in the arteries are greater than veins.
Q80) Consider the following statements ii) High blood pressure is caused by the constriction of
i) vinegar contains citric acid the arteries.
ii) potash alum is used to purify water iii) Blood pressure is measured using barometer.
iii) sodium chloride is a base Which of the above statements are correct?
Which of the above statements are correct? a) i and iii only

AIPTS-ECONOMY+SCIENCE BYJU’s Classes:-9980837187

b) ii and iii only (d) Chronic disease
c) i and ii only
d) i, ii and iii Q99) BCG vaccine is used to develop immunity against
(a) Jaundice
Q89) Which of the following is a plant hormone? (b) Polio
a) Insulin (c) Influenza
b) Thyroxin (d) Tuberculosis
c) Oestrogen
d) Cytokinin Q100) Which of the following is an example of nutritional
deficiency disease?
Q90) The gap between two neurons is called? (a) Hypertension
a) dendrite (b) Rickets
b) synapse (c) Diabetes
c) axon (d) Gastroenteritis
d) impulse

Q91) Which organelle is the power house of the cells?

a) Plastids
b) Mitochondria
c) Golgi apparatus
d) Nucleus

Q92) Plastids which are responsible for giving colours to

fruits and flowers are
a) Chloroplasts
b) Leucoplasts
c) Protoplasts
d) Chromoplasts

Q93) Bone is an example of?

(a) Muscular tissues
(b) Connective tissues
(c) Epithelial tissues
(d) Nervous tissues

Q94) Which among the following produce seeds?

a) Thallophyta
b) Bryophyta
c) Pteridophyta
d) Gymnosperms

Q95) Which of the following is not an aerial adaptation of

a bird?
a) Presence of strong flight muscles
b) Presence of vertebral columns
c) Streamlined body
d) Forelimbs modified into wings

Q96) Which of the following is a group of invertebrate

a) Mammalia
b) Pisces
c) Reptilia
d) Arthopoda

Q97) Ascaris worm lives in which part of human body?

(a) Kidneys
(b) Liver
(c) Small intestine
(d) Large intestine

Q98) Diseases which are always present in certain

location are called?
(a) Epidemic diseases
(b) Endemic diseases
(c) Acute diseases

AIPTS-ECONOMY+SCIENCE BYJU’s Classes:-9980837187


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