Assignment On Composite Floors CVE80021 S2 2023
Assignment On Composite Floors CVE80021 S2 2023
Assignment On Composite Floors CVE80021 S2 2023
School of Engineering
This assignment has been reviewed and endorsed by Dr Scott Menegon, from the consulting
engineering firm Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec (WGA), to ensure the design example is broadly
representative of a composite floor.
The plan shown in Figure 1 below represents part plan of a typical floor in a multisyory
building. The floor construction comprises of a composite slab spanning continuously over a
series of secondary steel beams (SB1 and SB2). The secondary steel beams are supported on
primary beams (PB) and steel columns as shown on the plan.
All the secondary beams and the primary beams in this floor are to be designed as simply
supported composite beams. Your task is to design the composite slab, a typical secondary
beams SB1, typical secondary beam SB2 and a typical primary beam PB for both
serviceability of deflection and the ultimate ultimate limit states of bending moment and sher
force. The composite slab should be checked for need of temporary propping during the
construction stage. The design of the composite slabs and composite beams should be based
on the material covered in the lectures and tutorials. Below is the given data that will assist
you in your task.
1. Use BONDEK as profiled steel sheeting. It is up to you to selct the BMT thickness of the
BONDEK profile
2. Normal weight concrete with f’c = 32 MPa
3. Required fire rating for the composite slab as F120 minutes.
4. Allow superimposed dead load (GSDL) of 1.0 kPa.
5. Assume Imposed Load ( Q) for the floor to be 3.0 kPa.
6. Minor degree of control over cracking is required.
7. Deflection limit for the in-service condition of the composite slab is Span/250 for total
8. Deflection limit for the profiled steel sheeting saggingduring the construction stage is
restricted to “sheeting span/130”. (This is to determine the number of temporary rows
9. Make any reasonable assumptions if necessary to help in design.
20 Marks
Secondary Beam SB1
Primary Beam PB
Primary Beam PB
After the floor of the building was desigend and constructed as per the criteria of Question 1,
the owner of the building asked the design engineer to check one small part of the floor that
will be used as a temporary storage bay. The area of the floor to be checked is bound by the
red rectangle in Figure 2 below.
The imposed load in this temporary storage bay area is 7.5 kPa which represnts weight of
temporary stacked material ( assume very short duration of time) . Check the composite slab
and the composite steel beams that will be affected by the increased imposed load and
provide comments on the findings of your checking process. Assume all other design
parameters are the same as Question 1.
Temporary Storage
Area Q = 7.5 kPa 2.8m
Figure 2 Plan of the building of Question 1, where part of the floor to be checked as a
storage area for an increased imposed load.
5 Marks
This assignment is worth 25% of the overall mark of the unit.
Submission date: By 5:00 PM, Friday 01 September 2022. Submit a hard copy of the design
report to Dr Kamiran Abdouka in Room ATC 740 or the letter box on Level 7 of ATC