One of the greatest challenges educators face is captur- into the phenomenon they are studying. The experiment pre-
ing the interest of the students they are attempting to in- sented here challenges the students to use their chemical
struct. This can be accomplished with demonstrations, knowledge to solve a potentially real-world problem, while
anecdotes, or by relating the material to a situation that the at the same time forcing the students to critically think about
student has experienced or may likely experience in the fu- what they are doing, interpret the results on their own, and
ture. These same challenges exist both in the classroom as make decisions to complete the assignment and arrive at an
well as in the laboratory. Indeed, laboratory experiments of- answer.
ten present unique teaching challenges. There is a tendency With the above in mind, a laboratory experiment was
for students to follow the laboratory procedure without ever designed to expose students to a high-performance liquid
considering what they are doing, why they are doing it, or chromatography (HPLC) separation. Owing to student cu-
fully understanding the concepts being taught. This cook- riosity about the forensic science field, the experiment was
book recipe approach to laboratory experiments allows the designed using four drugs that have clinical relevance and
student to successfully complete the assigned task, but often have lethal doses (Figure 1 and Table 1). It is applicable for
does not impart any knowledge, understanding, or insight any student taking an analytical chemistry course where
HPLC is taught, typically in the third year of the curricu-
lum, and may be applicable for introductory forensic science
courses as well. Adding a bit of mystery to the outcome of
an experiment often can capture the attention of the students
and compel them to make an extra effort to both understand
the concepts being presented as well as correctly solve the
Experimental Overview
The HPLC experiment is presented to the students in
the context of a mysterious death. Each lab group is presented
with a patient (male, 48 years, 200 lb, 61) who has been
found dead in his bed with no signs of foul play. Next to the
bed are several prescription medications, and a drug over-
dose is suspected as the cause of death. Each group is given a
different mixture, representing a blood extract containing one
or more of the four drugs found on the nightstand, and is
challenged with determining whether the death was a drug
overdose and if so, whether it was accidental or a suicide.
Several previous lab experiments have been published describ-
ing the HPLC analysis of pharmaceutical agents, including
Figure 1. Structures of prescription drug analytes.
an asthma medication (1), antipsychotics (2), and several deal-
ing with analgesics (36), but none of these experiments have
used the drugs presented here, and none of these have built
the experiment around the context of a forensic mystery that
Table 1. Therapeutic and Toxic Drug Ranges the students must solve.
Therapeutic Level/ Toxic Level/
Drug Group Organization
(g/L) (g/L)
Disopyramide 0.0020.005 > 0.005 To more accurately model what the students will encoun-
Lidocaine 0.00150.0050 > 0.005 ter outside of the academic environment, they are randomly
divided into groups of four students at the beginning of the
Procainamide 0.0040.010 > 0.016
semester. The lab format is based on the format developed
Quinidine 0.0020.005 > 0.010 and used by John Walters, with each group member having
NOTE: The data are from ref 10. a specific role to play during the experiment (79). The roles
The four drugs used in this experiment are disopyramide,
lidocaine, procainamide, and quinidine (Figure 1). Prior to
the start of the laboratory, the instructor prepares standard
(2.5 gL) samples of each compound in 50:50 water:HPLC
mobile phase (63:30:6.5:0.5 water:methanol:acetic
acid:triethylamine). Several unknown blood extract samples
containing one or more of the standards are also made by di-
luting the standards with water. To remain in the linear work-
Figure 2. HPLC of a mixture of 0.04 g/L procainamide, 0.5 g/ ing range of the HPLC system, the concentrations of the drugs
L lidocaine, 0.25 g/L disopyramide, and 0.05 g/L quini- in the unknown samples vary from 0.010.5 gL for
dine, with dihydroquinidine contaminant. Injection volume of 20 disopyramide, 0.0252.5 gL for lidocaine, 0.001250.04
L, separation conditions as listed in the text. gL for procainamide, and 0.001250.1 gL for quini-
dine. These concentrations have been determined to provide
good signal-to-noise ratios in the chromatogram without over-
include a group manager, chemist, instrumentation special- loading the column and are within the linear UV-absorbance
ist, and software specialist. For each new experiment the roles region of the instruments. While the entire working concen-
rotate among the group members so that everyone has a tration range for disopyramide and lidocaine are above the
chance to experience, and is equally challenged by, each role toxic levels, the concentration ranges for procainamide and
over the course of the semester. The successful completion quinidine span both the therapeutic and toxic levels. Thus,
of the experiment requires that all group members success- the instructor can choose to include drugs in the blood sample
fully complete their assigned role. A discussion of group dy- at therapeutic or toxic levels as desired. These ranges assume
namics is beyond the scope of this manuscript, but can be that there is no sample preconcentration incorporated into
found in the Walters publications (79). the hypothetical extraction protocols, which are not discussed
here. Alternatively, the instructor could indicate that the blood
Group Roles extracts have already been concentrated by a factor of 10 or
The group manager is the key person for each experi- more, which would allow even disopyramide and lidocaine
ment. He or she is in charge of the group and is directly re- to be observed in the linear working range of the instrument
sponsible for all aspects of the lab experiment. The group but represent therapeutic ranges in the patient. Students would
manager directs the other members of the group, ensures that then have to take this concentration step into account when
the experiment runs smoothly, and handles any problems calculating the original blood concentrations of the drugs.
within the group. It is his or her responsibility that all mem- A representative chromatogram is shown in Figure 2. As
bers of the group understand their roles, complete their tasks, can be seen, the quinidine standard yields two peaks, with
and understand what other group members are doing even the small, later-eluting peak due to the contaminant
though each member has a separate task. After completion dihydroquinidine. Each HPLC system is equipped with a 4.6
of the experiment, the group manager also must complete a mm 15 cm C18 column and a 20 L injection loop. An
short 1015 minute interview with the lab instructor or isocratic flow rate of 1 mLmin is used and UV absorbance
teaching assistant to discuss the results of the lab. is measured at 254 nm. We currently use four isocratic HPLC
The chemist is responsible for making all solutions for systems (Alltech 426 pump and LINBAR UVIS 200 detec-
the experiment including dilutions of the drug standards. He tor), which allows a maximum of sixteen students per labora-
or she must understand how to use any equipment needed tory section. Each HPLC system is connected to a
and how to perform any calculations required to make the data-collection computer running an in-house written data
solutions. It is also the chemists responsibility to handle all acquisition program using National Instruments LabVIEW
chemicals safely and dispose of any waste properly. software. This software collects time and absorbance values
The instrumentation specialist is in charge of learning and allows them to be imported into Microsoft Excel for fur-
how to operate the HPLC correctly and safely as well as per- ther mathematical processing if desired. Any HPLC system
forming the analysis. During the first 15 minutes of the lab capable of collecting UV data should be adequate for this ex-
period, the instrumentation specialists from each group are periment.
given a short tutorial on how to operate the HPLC systems
and how to collect and process the data. He or she may also Group Responsibility
refer to the instrument manuals provided in the lab. During the prelab lecture, the instructor presents the
The software specialist is in charge of documenting the problem that each group must attempt to solve. Each group
procedures, performing any calculations or data manipula- manager chooses a simulated blood extract and the instru-
tions, and helping to write the final report for the group man- mentation specialists are called together for a short tutorial
ager to present to the instructor or teaching assistant. He or presented by the instructor or TA on how to operate the
she also must determine the clinical relevance of each drug, HPLC systems. The group manager is then in charge of mak-
the normal dosages, and toxic levels. ing all the decisions, hopefully in consultation with the other
group members, required to complete the laboratory experi- whether the patient likely died of a drug overdose, and if
ment and solve the mystery. The chemist must prepare the so, whether it was likely accidental or intentional. While
standard solutions, diluted to be in the working linear range the students are told during the prelab lecture that the elu-
of the instrument, of each of the four drugs to be injected ent from the HPLC column will be analyzed with a UV-
into the HPLC prior to analyzing the mixture. While the absorbance detector and that the BeerLambert law applies
chemist prepares the first drug standard dilution, the HPLC to this experiment, they are not given explicit instructions
column can be equilibrated for 10 to 15 minutes until a stable as to how to convert the data obtained from the chromato-
baseline is obtained. The software specialist can be sent to gram into drug levels in the blood. The BeerLambert law
the library to obtain information on each of the four drugs, and the use of spectroscopic data for quantitative analysis
or may use the Internet to attempt to find this information, is covered earlier in the semester, and the students are ex-
since there are no data to collect or analyze during the first pected to be able to apply this previous knowledge to the
portion of the lab. Unorganized or unprepared group man- HPLC data. Several weeks prior to this HPLC experiment,
agers will find that they have people standing around with students also completed other lab experiments where they
nothing to do during the first half of the experiment and performed absorbance-based quantitative analysis by first
scrambling to get everything done at the end of the lab pe- generating a standard curve. Questions invariably arise dur-
riod. This could be a potential topic for discussion during ing the lab as to whether peak height or peak area should
the management interview after completion of the lab. In be used. This presents another opportunity for upper man-
extreme cases, the instructor may need to prompt activity in agement to encourage the students to consider what is hap-
the group and gently direct the group manager to take a more pening during the HPLC analysis. What does the peak
forceful approach. height represent? Is it a good measure of the total quantity
The lab instructor and TA (representing upper manage- of drug introduced onto the HPLC column? The students
ment) continually circulate among the groups watching the are forced to think about what they have measured and how
progress of each group. If needed, the group manager may they might use the information to solve the problem. Dur-
be asked to explain what their group is doing to force the ing the prelab lecture, the students are given the linear work-
group manager to think about how they are accomplishing ing ranges for each drug, but the exact concentrations used
their tasks and how to possibly make things better. For ex- to make their calibration curves, and the number of points
ample, if a stable baseline is observed after ten minutes, but to use for the curves, are left to each individual group. Once
the group manager does not decide to inject the first stan- the calibration curve for known concentrations of a drug
dard, the instructor may ask the group manager what they has been created, the quantity of drug present in the patients
are doing or what they are looking for before making the first blood can be calculated.
injection. After the column has been equilibrated, each drug For this experiment, all four drugs can be quantitated
standard that the chemist has prepared is individually injected because the blood extracts are made by the instructor from
onto the C18 column. Again, the instructor and TA circu- pure drug samples and solvent. In an actual blood sample,
late among the groups and pose thought-provoking questions the blood matrix would be very complex, even after extrac-
to each group such as how can the end of the separation of a tion protocols. Many components of the matrix may be un-
pure compound be determined, what is the predicted elu- retained and thus would elute at or near the dead time (tm),
tion order of the four drugs based on their chemical struc- making the quantitation of procainamide impractical using
tures, or what accounts for the negative peak seen early in the current separation. Students generally do not recognize
the separation? This ensures that the group members are this subtle point, making for a good discussion topic during
thinking about the separation process and not just waiting the lab.
to make the next injection. After determining the identity and concentration of each
drug in the patients blood, each group must reach a deci-
HPLC sion as to the cause of death. Each group can determine an
The retention time of the most retained compound is approximate level of each drug in the patients blood based
approximately 6 minutes, allowing each chromatographic run on the concentration of each drug found in the sample, an
to be completed in approximately 10 minutes, depending on estimation of the total quantity of blood in an average-sized
how long the group manager decides to wait to ensure a person, and the weight of the patient. By comparing these
steady baseline after each separation. Once all four standards values to the normal or toxic levels of each drug as obtained
have been analyzed, the groups unknown simulated blood by the software specialist, the cause of death can be specu-
extract is injected. Each group then must use the data to de- lated. Note that for each unknown, the concentration of at
cide which, if any, of the standard compounds are present in least one of the drugs present in the samples far exceeds the
the patients blood. This is usually accomplished by observ- normal and toxic doses, making the determination relatively
ing the number of peaks in the chromatogram and compar- simple if all calculations are done correctly. Nonlethal con-
ing the retention times of the standards with the peaks in centrations could be used if desired, although this would pre-
the unknown sample. clude the students from arriving at a cause of death. With
After identifying which drugs are present in the patients good preparation and time management by the group man-
system, each group must determine the quantity of these ager, the entire experiment can easily be accomplished within
drugs in the patient to make an informed decision about a four-hour lab period.