Pakstudy Affairs

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Mave (73) nk CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF PAKISTAN” . ‘PRESPARTITION™ (712! Muhammad Bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahit and conquered Sindh. 1526: The First Bante of Panipat (1526) was fought between the Mughal Emperor Zahir-ud. Din Muhammad Babur and the Delhi Sultan Mbrahim Lodhi. ‘1856: The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between the Mughal Akbar the Great and Samrat Hem. SVS642 Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani was bom. 97032 Shah Waliullah was bor atthe time of Muzhal's downfall. Shah Waliullah translated the Holy Quran into Persian language and wrote "Hujjat-ullah-al- Baligha”, “khilafat-al-Khula fa" Shah Waliullah’s sons— Shah Rafi-ud-Din and Shah Abdul Qadis—translated the Holy Quran into Urdu. FIST: Lord Clive defeated Siraj-ud-Dauta in the battle of Plassey. 47612 The Third Bante of Panipat (1761) was fought between the Afghans and the Marbattas. 07781: Haji Shariat Ullah was bom in Fandpur District He started Fraizi Movernent in Bengal "1817: Siz Syed Ahmad Khan was bom at Delhi GGONay 1857: War of Independence started in Benga! by Indian soldiers against Bnitsh. Drgar’s Uniques? Spoken Engh | LBL Cig Fe BE Cuca Sal Ase, Ueotivad te ele fe he laa lrgel sh use Bagi L LUT FG: Albu unl = ee dee Lac iitey (i = 486: sts jails bb2 Ak ane S PEL =. FG(Category Wise).'s ~ Ap Ye 4 Sut Z a i Hlapeeasiree oe net § 8 Cb oye _ dustices-gardar: Adis na ee ue 1 op te ei | CHP JU 0 eg —— CA )922. $422. et __ National Stipa $983 set up : SHAR, dick 955 ae a wie nN 2 7 EanOeA a MIO S67 shiffel vats — ISK A a te styt. ipere, Feu BE Sed ‘wig és doebyt ~ x at ESS bf ep feos NS pp be a 1735? Km / Ay . fw ppt a Covporatian eka or YY LUES oe ede 1987_E2 ppt 2 ee — a Cite Dad PAY fae ht te 1998 ho e. a Fadl d Spe see Shoes os C; ey 160° ae eet ye Se, ES fa 1999 hfe? / CALE OS ——— ee ree Bade Loge 7 ee oo . —phiti Die? _ - —A99G_ Ce) 19, phil SUE A 1999_£7 1s cif bs ard pil Hohek 2.000 tat. ihn a ed oes Ct Te LS @ oe wt ~ e jue — at food TP al? ¢ — Ee aE rere ie Bal — FEISS fe rae i AH fit Mee - : 2.003 Qe Se a = ih epg: Slt IS tre weil mere mhtons 16 a lost @ bee UK beau —— atts 4 eet! ; beaguciett @ oss = ewe Foreigen sie fat G “abe _ agar unten-rhan rea ee @ 63 __ CophePale: Sarwar ; AS pres LEAL UK @ 632 _ 1990 &; ree Va ad ed ate @ 633. SyedHashom Fae / DP We e bay lergc =fb yh i nee “z= 989 — gt dace$ G 6x6 a 1981 oS eR aa lant 2a y- a §WdPE PELDE ee Come ge —— Hse Sé a sedi BLE frei dey 623 ep Ad nn pdiel pe ste us Po Ke A - a Cebit ye o Lidacll ere AS et oO : _ Gig Cie, oat err abeiteks yack ae Oe. Me te, ease # vit fee sue of Co IRI. aL ‘fe, Seen Padowite seed! te adie ay Aa ge ee he nba a pas HOS po hs 4 pb 0% weitvou, Ae ee ane ae wuifpl bp dics fe Lo — on 4 - bof ses fics. a ee fe bey rgiiaes lt ey hes et dA uae : 7 . - -* . of. oy Ef USE BIVES— - . gett pS te. dey 7), a BOS tem ~—S. “i eee ss a HLAY C4 - _ Katedero fo: meals “pl 4. os Ste wey, Lina oh J So 138 oy 0 SUP UC 6 Er y 4 653 4m - Sevefet Bf lee AY Eve ys BB or - iy beg 8 SIF et = er L169 Keo beh. thevepd eluruy _— ——___ —_FGy tem ie 7 8 ee Ue yh oe iy Se bP — he ide" bol ules ey vw! Ue i = ~-—___ 249463 1m wo ett: o Seyi ae ey 2 — SSS EE He — @TS; NTS a PTS... wl lesls Cigptie Kee oft YS hal ees ve gf Ot ee “bla pe Bb. 02 wp sateen A? arbi ‘Of 4 Pox! ae “ples valle Le 6 4 oe 7 au), tle My Mite oe car © tee (et + Lets) AP? » a be’ 5B “i, gfe on ae OF ad ~ Gf 6 ~Gf oF o 4 eae (EP ESE, a Ob as — She eae é : F3 WeIL 4; po Def oy wl oft of. es 93h _ we bY 2 (Edw sa te lle wo A. Khateeg220man : / as ee SF FAS i Sutahe te S508 ve 7 wz $ ‘is wv hy Savi SK Gp Bbj August MM 2.008 | / — _ tere i €4 J T-ute —_teb Bom _ = feo d2 Be bes 300 Yn goes satelite _G bady twas ouneja ae, ten ee 200) 8. —_ wre “soletbite. pax Sat L£ Laanchp - 3 003 wf ; a - frst SPote_.- ealebbife. Kr Panistany el, Eaipaeee i Bete opto A —_ Kabul __ pets ne APA sb 2 Os p02 epee Pe 1976 ? pe a uf taf ae Bane oe ed ; gs ee 7 rs. - ? ; Af A Boat hE Me EA eee ees eer | Foe CT NU eg fee? Mypy Spey? (77 20% a (hl a8 ae *- prod olur ey fet Jj? 7 ee 756 rae, 2 J nF Boy is rIsles 77 : . shit Sent — bf bpeagt * GAb RE Sf LOT, Sib 2; J BS Bre ALLE Spl pee? eo GER SRB & Oo _ Mancthar Late vei fe led CL Cre Ge Coes Kavr K iver ¢ an eu ee fen Lie Goodkin Bustin . ee a oe me ee tedee' HS Ld Al ra rma fa yatulfah Mor _ =F fide Shs ste] 1933 —— o por be", Bi sri) 14.395, a = Bee vite, ey ee de L Pest Cu 53) 55) 56) 57 58) 59) 60) rst [toys Ittoo. Arca ot : ons ote ann atte Ar Hane We tengy | 62) YOU arty emeons) AY ggltiade tr then itbaets [the seater pave e¥ePVINITE egoking DY 2m? aay ne oT aie ea tke in 9 un ‘ isang Om Fee eyouronnst nto prae ve WF Setdie ise by iisditice v seins Win? lees Uy on owen oe A) Bush veo a} Forest MY maternal aunt isa bad news. Nest [The undestined expression mast neorly D) beak passx S13) mecns:| G4} When d= [lr € PAS Se nents in A) The one who always brings news B) The one who brings trouble C) ABBE newscaster D) Apersan who likes gossips Sameerais junior hen four years, A) than, by 8) to, by ) to, for D) than, for ‘Though his stall iseften confused by tho way hhe runs the office, ve found that there's method tonic madness [the underined idiory most neory means {A}. To look foolish but move clvetty B) A welt thed madness €)_ Seme pattern of foolishness 10} To try net to fol others with your decisions For any number x, the value of |] = a) tx wor =r Be ni YG aq ot fraction Isf2it one fraction tt sum of to then ote aco ae ® ° oF where [isprime, then number of PEA). Fe, power tet of 4 are a2 p) 4 qa b) 16 fs) ocx < Bthen. A) > oy ote cox pb) xt=1 66) The numbe! A) (1100)3 (101g), © (1001), ©) (1110), . he PR ee obl Wh 4° wn binary system Is ~ 69) which material atlews the tight to pass. ough partially? A) Transparent 8) Opaque C) Translucent DB) Non turninous 70) Total number of Chromosomes in somatic Fell of Priman ate A 48 nlo2 au b) a6 D1) Peer steamts of BN on A) Perpendicular tr eachother 1) Poralohoreactomer ©) Antgaraliel a eich ether bi Atan av with each other ee ji. : at _ ios t i teh 4 ety om ues i . tn. Prank Mesecay” WSS GT BU ou an STE e So Musa Khan a = funds! er ER bw Ge —~O.— Ai Marshal “as phar Khan Et pS bE Ay ceeeg de pyc e- ;-— ve sr calic’ 6 — fib-Khovo oe fe one Le Shay Agate GB. re Sahib oe Mey Gib M6 siagtet @ — “appa DibaP — safen9* ee = ee se! Lye at ye at LS at soredt LL BNSC =, Lit | Bybee Sy Pit a EAE te BOR eH farce ee (by Le dla FU te Ce eats Te Te _ SCREENING 1 IRECTORATE D cnen (PST) EST FOR RECRUITMENT OF PRIMARY SCHOOL crs, STRICT Ss OF ELEntenany a stconoany COUCATION, MERGED O KHYGEN PAKHTUNKHWA, ROLL Wo. nate ANSWER SHEE Stat ng, TOTAL TINE: 90 AtNNUTES, y Trae SUN lett Curopean union January. 41, 2030, Ay ux 8) France ) Gen many ©} Spain Leyte. Pakistan and Ay tran b) Afghanistan C) Turkey D) india 5) The bauic objective el the Crips to achieve the Indimn support fa A) War af Independence B) World wart C} Hindu Muslim unity 1B) The division of Inds 6) ipresated the philatat Conference on DD Hlovember 1919 A) Mautana suharninad A Joba 8) Maulana Shoukst A CC) Abul ralarn Azad Bb) AX. Fasl ul Man 7) Sayld___ newspaper once a day A) rents usually B) iseading uiuslly C) usually eating 1D) usually reads —stepexrine frankly mot you te [the underaned hon meat ay a) q 9) 29) twant to purchase a a) 6) o ” 10) —— TOTAL MARKS: 109 ehh telme n of my nropoution ns) Irv tobide inthe tush raving excuses \ To aveid talking about wat bs Important Totate rubbish _ kurta flee tng pink cot pink nce long cotton Toni rice pink cotton cotton nice long pink Objective Resolution defines the role of Tn the constitution of Pakistan, a a a 5} aw 7 8) a % I You shoud ta fe to pul People Ri Minorities Muutary courage to ask an apology him your rudeness To. To, of eh. tor From, After tre death of his mother, it took him a [The eriderinew omrese means) a) 8) cl b) Recover conttal otere’s emotions Manage tre immediate finances in an organized way core eyes take same reat 13) (432), 259), a) 8 a Oy a3) (243) (3), ain, 2a ——==——_— U4) ae 7 our SUEY Hk I Lee Soyh IS ey ' 5 I 5 LU: ah aed at SA OSL YE le da: seus ve (20 > Les (fee fost Say 4 rnp bec oN | SUZ HO SAG weer La: Soot SUteus UB east doy SUF VL AUP Wott 3>2! SCF Ne SSE ye WU bbe . Ce 7 SKU, base SWE PIUF EE tie 7 sree wh he 2 Seo) (ee = beet ee ae 5 CHS lo bral Lyell RLS, US pl oh" SUR EY eis, 3 les oy (tp eo six Set ot Sosy1 St ft! ELLEN GB dors 5 Wifey rl (7 bop" felisbaly 54, § (ECOSIL bape , PeEUsle xb LZ Ute (thule xbl chunky iin? () bilan lo (0) eebaa Fee P(r) ela Keio x? (r soli] 2 yet ab 2 UP OP op dine y B27? Killer) jl BP) oy "a fob es oy SO- CHEUA, | by JH 09> perf Urs | wl. SEY Ke | 5 Ure Ebb ot ue |e ‘ala Soja? 2 oe pl Us Zeige rag Ble AA ey Lee [bee OL LB oe a Lib ae WB USF oli | to a COME 2/ 7S (pp? LaF use| I - - To fue: ww Whe G7 ard He ape | 2 - Qe ebed Clb as | 13 ge 6 [cde ire Pe? <= 1 oe « bt 5 YbesE Crepe slab ee 2> [IS (Ss WYP SIF stot Se) al cus oy Zyl EWE y's ay s : ro ey ape CU ohare bas 7 ese, iyo7 alle Cryer \29 ’ sprigs io bles” all”, - a Ax, 8 & Vly Lol apt Pyle Tb | Be ee a Prune Tae ep Js eb ge al ee afl 3? re = - - {gf pB IS eho Wut us st - 33 = 7 7 . = om” le cp sh fe bee On eg? ee? 33 59-5 4-., |e ap 24 fe iat enw tL ideyhl yal (ye? Bo 3y = Z one | Leo at el yg Jon Ye ( (be-G Oy 2) glise 35 ~ . ett Sy ‘nt LK abe . ewUlbey nl | SY - “be ana 36 pe’ Swe — we Ha ates io Le a oses fe WES oy, | ;: ev 3 hep hoo Sew ti 55,9 la \ . 3 NN ae he eae —| (OUI oe i Ugg J) a7)! CE PE EW eer E BUC QV” Ie why | Csr 4a 7K i 7M 5 y ol CIB Si Lue? 29p Kur ts 6% 2 o> vas SPU AW Eg PUss | 4 ee) LP ops Looser you ac cone oe o: Ue a ob hs A aSt MS ah £0 of : Uopax je Hr Beep isicn pr by le of eb Ua A (eel A cS Laces eure yoko oi Prplina lured Ul Lito eye, my 01 , oF © eel Late LZ U7 bss 4 yd Ut PE oby tue, fos a Wo - eet Ue Way” lo a ee ap a Pe LULL oir eG WE PTE oN | (Sire et sla)aasl Te | . — 4 ae oye lg _ z + — ¢ | = - | | — | = rE PLP Yo | | Lh etatstey (MEM Bird 9 § 203 loys ie a: 4A ube yaf ah for fil E hdut | 43 BN | Uspuyary 7a ove we [ay CLs >8 Plo | § use Las 4) aa | Se (ye ela? -46 Ee. eélo) Jeet cose ye pele Held Dip Se “44 sliaAb 3 easel Sy -48 pole (ss Tow’, 10 Yet eta aa -45 JAI pbk | seals ful ard Ty i 6 LS 591” -So Ate 3 | ita Sst wh | rect Sool « “ : |: eet sv (9 Zoid oe Wess “52 ex ae ; WC EOLe SSCP Rediie wy - are i aed! pl anys sly? ~sy (MEP Sol Wey oe CF al rN? oe BF a [SPO rt tise sl asddudiur = rt ee Eustis. ede ue Egat | males lab patel + ra Mesa rtd al few aed -t ehh dstidene bee WA LOW, rhe Fad EB ior iat Zz. tS peed, Wh par Satu lel, ee She fa Tis Dla sie ya s ssh Lang fir) a Ute wily plese ls DA LUPE Serax? - ees Ae yi Hb RED EG be ust Kyter 7 oo er et bt sepia ie four Wate iets Liat ee Ie — — ronal te Fb yeahh x ee yt sist di ih eos ist pees |. wl! lolais, op tas ht a lel ep) L el Haid tty ay Secateet ie e. = Stale Mle ‘aoe or Dea SRS ees eur de | Bear te | ead eZee a eet! rte _ ws tabaci UES a eae UE et ab ste Ua Att digas lef ii» rele tases = : Sy ec. ls, wl ene? PLN Utslege inn aot the OF AF SUH : i ue CU Find euipoles oof” « oeure ret ‘ideal a “uahatey lab. wiifiatep. : ep dhs Urey ay yer seit tale ei9e5 Spy ME, eet eas Supthea? ert. a fhe AS febeek Ley pe opt set Fe eu ives 2 = ye " 4 $ yb opr aves $e) at Oe ds td esol Ue Us >s | wytie aan poet . - Lo Fy ae ia bis rata lee WA “fb a Laptay | a, vy WGaouvsne agi os eli ae ‘ a we wp cli. ee Py Llp 2h ej pi met 2) Oe CT hetegtotiea nee | ee Se IE ne ta oye lel Ce tthantaslenrs | Upp etre oy by GI ails | ete se bil Hi) _ siieih be ee fut tute Ht 99 yahoo Soa ° 4 oy. a2 Alert beh Sto ier es. heer. 4 OF Upoles j ba at bed L Cot : we 7 Wles5 rah (Lge hE ais Lae _ Z ae Lee Ny ty ts 7 ey Baty gl ae “He, y,1 7 an yy! NG i = pan | of 4 4 “a aie a Seg Fuyith 39 —-# ; | rt | se fGF Le AL |e _ OF BIS | tae AISA Li rice 139 oa on Muff evoash eras Iyo (1790 ) Syren ¢ CUABZ yy Ne yalth Ye Wotuse 1h! (1786) yl ee’ ol SUFI 53, Yor “oie Myr 183 SO 2b 6? SF 9)) WG CPINND tage abt oF rep Mo Serage ws OP RI seer (Fes pola 46 eo SCG WSL fC uP 14) Se bh se Ybsue oo! 148 Wp tiors vse his Lbs) Uo! (49 8a uid PL. itl 1Se cm nm I (o SSM fom) 5 oie of call - = . Aen oa it oushe a 87 ep pe yah luc eB L ror ; es et cE Fauve 14 ORI? | ends Gade PPP \ Selby bath igh re em ut pao |-as wee ef A007 jeer ).16 o-— 2g) ys Zz, eu, bb Mia EF L. ae ee PLE, ben ee fila DU |e Lusud Cp Aas Ut SLI A | 8 oe Ie ¢ es —_ /* Oy Soa iI ie C9 Mb he ie ~ Up td e5'l an Lesh on EU? FT ute” | oy ET Sil Wy uae COUPE NSA ured U8 Kur Lia) ie 'baa Sty fb [oor / eB | Cut bened afizo) Nay) 23 se ihr eps 5 ad =]. 7 124 Ls wer Sho f ge abe dee CHAU sol. seule wl prnotad - 186 pwtepyis STL boy be Zool 99 wy” SPU Lol Le 55 1 “8 aprh 5 Ut Ay A LS aps Le 95) OF Yel, oe Soo OP fe 6555) “Jo Solst SOOTY Uhh Ules 9 Leute y te Seb Aber wry Assy “4 JPG, > $UxeS i ILace, ¥ pZ{ER SOS A do Z Ls5y) a4 eT COVES yy te) yy why NaN eg or FS WAU’ Uf Upile bur - = a | 5 LG Lael’ ver ; ey —_ 5PM Com, PS le as : : 5 eH oun oo, 2a ae see tibiae Ep TY cry senses Lu by YS epeiehs, exif ieee ith aes Sip? se wbus ee lt Seb Ub yon? 5? pA” Pe? OE bu pyr SeMs (si UY dus UT SLI BF Feu usP uriKdli ys PrIpB pps? Shere peoresere SAGES be Pslyctl ‘ eu oly (Lp dp ged teas" uete oe (yp 1 LoS eed FNS ay Appr ™ U2PU'DI + sally een seus Bot 7 UL = jeu § LGR PE Lal GZ CN ee dice we (CYP Dvct ug Be)oo1 \ Lhe | Cy kk So? y=, i. oe = _e& asl SOF ut GIN gg '9oS- i908 | $y wet he | 6Q. Wer SWepriotatuin 9 bee : $e WO ode - 60 SEF lee ol . lie isla 4 he -é1 PCO 5 FU Wwe? | 6a CLS 27 SCP abe POE 3 — See Lb wisi! gels leh gs Uo SWC yt aad -66 Sey See TIM «eg p> _ EWG IPUP -@ re tape Ee Pus, LEI Sts fibers 6 yh wee Wh iar tubes Tin no PUR GPE UG ener u pene a CW gs obi pe: 2 ree fys Feb oy ball’ 45 Jee tenatnepooutear (phe SYS 5 WP LP ory «4! as ati eS —-* Did You Know? 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