SPSC SST, Mcqs Pedagogy

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2 5 Peday (Ay (8) (c) (D) in to. : (A) To motivate the learner (8) To provide feedback (C) To interact with the learner. (0) For all the abovav’ Most Important work is. “ (A) to organize teaching worky (8) to evaluate the students (C) to'deliver tecture in class (0) to take care of children ‘The word “Pedagogy” means? (A) tounderstand the child (8) to guide the child {C) tolead the ehiidy “(©) to educate the child Teachers should present Information to the students clearly and In Interesting way, and folate this new Information to tha things ‘students: (A) don't know (8) already know” (C) willing to know . (0) not willing to know : ‘The field of study ‘concerned with the Construction of thought processes, Including remembering, problem ~ solving, and decision-making Is called, (A) Education (B) Pedagogy (C) Cognitive Developmanty” (0) Epistemology The more parts of your brain you use, the more iikoly you are to * Information. (A) use (8) miss (C) misuse . (0) retainy . The process of reasoning from one oF more given statements to reach a legleatly Cortain ogy Is the study of Education” Teaching Mcthadsv Leaming Process Guiding Students Pedagogy . computor is uscd of teacher conclusion is called. (A) Deductive Reasoning”, (8) Inductive Reasoning 10, _u. LB. 14, 1s, 16, 1, * (D) (C) Qualitative Reasoning (0) Quantitative Reasoning Education ts a process in which knowledge and skills are transferred? (A) froma few Persons lo few persons {B) from a few persons to a targe number of people (©) froma fow persons to the next generationy =~ (0) _ from a generation to the next generation A Prior! knowledge is knowledge that Is known independently of__" (A) analysis (8) Information (C) experience’ evidence . The philosopher who for the first time rentloned the Importance af play (oF sports) in education was. 2 (A) Socrates. (8) Plato {(C) Aristoter (0) John Locke Tho {dea of practical learning , means education should apply to the. 2 (A) practica (8) soclely (C) abstract knowledge {D) realworldy 'e concept of Forennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is, 2 . (A) Important “(B) —averlastingy (C)_Indemand (0) — inneed Progressivism bolleves that education comes’ from the experience of tho, 2 - (A) chid# (8) teacher (C) principal (0) society Progressivism belloves that children fearn in alan. 2 (A) “closed environment (8) « competition (C) Isolation {D) communityy A normal human being has Senses? (a) 4 (8) sv {c) 6 (D0) 7 ‘The Idea of teaching the whole child In the “philosophy of pragmatism in education” Means teaching students to be good. 2 (A) leamers (8) thinkers, (C) scientists (0) cllizens “Which from the following Is NOT among the five senses? (A) vision (B) ~ touch (C) smell - (0) thought” The curriculum of educational Institutes should be based on. z (A) theory (B) ‘practice . (C) theory and practice” (0) theory, practice and research Tho application of ‘ideas, knowledge and - skills to achieve the dosired results, Is called. 7 (A) problem solving’ (8) critical thinking (C)_ reasoned arguments *(D) deductive method Tho branch of philosophy focuses on ‘the nature of reality is_"_ 7 (A) Connectionism (B) Epistemology (C) Metaphysics” (0) Pedagogy” . . «In education, + Is‘used to make inference about the learning and dovelopmont of students? (A)~ assessmenty » (8) evaluation (C) mieasurement {D) diagnosis Educational: psychology Is concemad with ~ ‘the sclentific study of, 20, 2 + "4A) education , {B) philosophy of education . {C) human learning” (0) teaching methods Progressive education emphasizes learning by 2 (A) reading (8) — writing (C) doing (0) _ enjoying According to famous philosophers, teaching Is alan, 7 (A) ant 18) arts (C) science — (D)__ technique According to John Dewey, which side of tho educational process Is the basis? mM * (C) philosophical {0} psychological Tho fol of teacher in inquiry-based learning . sof __i (A) instructor ,(B) (C) delegator (0) factiltator formal autherity : “ (0) 35. 36. cr 28. In cooperative learning mathod, the role,of|, teacher Is of_____? faclitator delegator facllitator and dotegator”” delegator and formal authority Dat method of Ingury was contributed is Socrales? (B) Plato (C) Aristole (D) John Dewey The psychomotor * domain Involves, : (A) leaming (B) knowledge (C) mariner (D) physical movernont The skill when students try to bua abstract knowledge is called. (A). otiginating ” (8). characterizingy : (C) - evaluating (0) synthesizing " An assessment use to determine a person's ability, Ina partkuler field’ of studies Is called. (a) Smilade tate (B) . diagnostic test {C) ° evaluation measurement Which’ act of teacher foster a sense of autonomy In the learning process? - (A) instructor (B) facilitator {C) dolegatory (0) format authority A teacher I eqnaldared successful only It ho. * (A) Understands fis subject weil _ (8) - Gets his articles published in popular magazine {C) Gives 100% examination result (0) is gontle and easily approachable Before accepting the teaching profession ‘one must know: (A) The duty of the teachers (B) The pay scale of teachers (C) Tho future prospects of his profession (D),_ The benefits available to teachers : Women are given proferonces:In teaching of primary children: (A) She Is emotionally understanding?” (8) She can also cry {C) Students don't get scared (©) Men don't like this profession .The use of Intemet for students In their educational activities Is in your opinion: (A) Takes the place of he teacher (8) Modium for good teaching {C) The wastage of precious time {D) Good medium of entertainment 38. FS 40. al. a 46. The teaching approach In which students share knowledge with othor studonis * through a variety of structures, Is known as: (A) Cooperative Classroom Model (8) Cooperative behavior Model {C) Cooporalive Learning Model (Q) None of these When students aro asked. to leave tho classroom (0 observe ovents organisms and objects In tholr natural surroundings tho feachor Is actually ising toteach them? (A) Fiold Observations (8) Field tips. (C) Class observation (D) None of these Traditionally the cards with “a question, problem, or fact on ane side and the answer |S0. ora related fact on the other Side are called: (A) Observations Cards (8) Placards (C) Flash Cards (D) Note cards Discovery teaching Is actually a__? (A) Posilivist approach . (B) Dialectical approach - {C) Constructivist approach (D) Destructive approach Teacher reads aloud to tho,class to Improve students: (A) Feelings about feading (8) Pronunciation (C) Comprehension (0) Allofthe: Reading or fooking at material quickly to gain an overview of the content Is the reading tachnique called: (A) Silent Reading (8) Skimming . (C) . Scanning (D) None ofthese Team activity to summarize readirig Is also termed as: (A) Group Summary. ‘ ‘ {B) Relay Summary - {C) Group Presentation *(0) Noneofthese When Instruction Is delivered by a person close In age or achlavement to the person receiving instruction, the process Is knavin as: 48. 49. si. 52, ca 56. Individual tutoring Peer Coaching . Peer Tuloring None of these Tound table discussion the participants discuss $7, topic amang .AS poople grow older, the 1A) Originally {B) Informally (C) Formally {D) None of these- ‘Tho uso of technology to enhance leaning process Is called In education? @ 7 (6) 1cT (C) Information technology (0) Communication technolog Accordlrig to Emile, the noblest work In education Istomakealan___—? (A) ‘good citizen (B) reasoning man (C) thinker (O) entrepreneur Which from the following should be used to dotroasa minor Inappropriate behavior? (A) Praise (8) Reward {C) Ignorance (0) Strictness learning declines? (A) speed (8) power (C) quality (0) quantity Responses that produce a discomforting effect become to occur again In that situation? (A) not likely {C) tess likely (8) equally likely (D)_more likely According to John Dewey, schools must propare students for. (A) prosentlife (6) Tete (C)_ entrepreneurship (D) research ~The longer a particular ability fs unused the It becomes. (A) marelmportant (8) less important (C) stronger (0) weaker Tho truth of the conclusion of an inductive argumont is (A) certain (8) Seperionce {C) observation (D} probable Chitdron are usually egocentele during _——__and stages? Sensorimoiar,Preoperationa, Preoperational, Concrete operational Concrete operatianal, Formal operational Formal operational, Sensorimotar Recording to Plaget’s theory of cognitive dovelopment, the Conerete operational stage starts at ago__? Al 3 7, (Cc) 14 (0) 1 According to Jean Piaget ehlldren aro no longer egocentric entering. (A) Sensorimotor stage (B) . Preoperational stage (C) Concrete operational stage 59, 60, 61 6, + (A) (D) Formal operational stage According to Plaget's thcory of copnitive development, the Formal operational stage; starts at ago, abstract during (A) Sensorimotor stage (8) Preoperational stage (C) Concrete operational stage (D) Formal operational stago In cooperative method teachers act as a delegator means the teacher act as alan logic ‘and ‘reasoning ski ? . to tho students, (A) resource (8). partner (C)_ evaluator {D) foster To incroase the confidence of the teachar (A) Selection of suitatle strategy is needad (8) Well preparation of the material aids Is required {C)_ Woll preparation of the content is required {0) ‘Class room discipline is a must Which types of person should enter In the} field of teaching? Meritorious persons (B) Devoted and laborious persons (C} General persons (0) Economicallyweak persons All of the following. are the advantages of lecture strategy ‘except: {A} Itwill increase the oral communication “powers of pupils (B) More content can be presented to puplis in less amount of time (C) Objectives of cognitive as well as effeciive domains of behavior can be achlove {D) Habit of concentrating fo teaching for a longer period can be developed Major advantage of , suporvised study backward pupils can be removed can be developed In pupil Avery Important quality of a good student Is: (C) Toalways obey the teacher According to Joan Plagat, children develo Hy 66. a. 68. 0, 70, mh 73, technique is that: (A) Problems of learning disabled and Allof the above (C) Self learning hablis and self confidante (D) ° Formative evaluation of teaching Is possible (A) Tocome to school on time (8) Tobe quile and Well behaved (0) To make an effort to understand what Is. taught in class “Tho primary duly of a teacher Is to bo Ho to histhor: udents §—(B) Nation (c) (0) Family To study tho functioning of the unconscious mind, which of the following techniques can bo most profitably used? (A) Situational tests » , (8) Projective techniques (C) Case studies (0) Personality inventories What should teacher do after teaching the lesson? (A) He should give those answers of he ‘Questions of the lesson (8) He should ask to do Question answers of the lesson (C) Ho should test tho understanding of the r students (0) He: should leave them if they may write or not : ‘The Information about Internet and computer makes children? (A) Give more knowledge (8) Increase tho knowledge of the information (C) Make him best disciple (D),. More intelligent One of the students ofa class hardly talks In the class. How would you encourage him to express himscil? (A) _ By organizing discussions classroom activities = * (B) By encouraging children to take part in (c) By organizing educational games/programmers in which children fel like speaking (D) By givirig goad marks to those who express themselves well Primary teachors should give top priority -~? Understanding the comunity (B) Understanding tha colleague Teachers. {C) Interaction with the parents (D) Understanding the child Tho best techniqua of teaching at primary stigols__. (A) Seil-eaming (B) The traditional black-board and chalk. technique {C) Game technique (D) Practical training A8 ludent having sclentific attitude: Gets goods job Becomes courageous Studies systematically ‘Thinks rationally 4 4. 15. 16. 7B. 0. 82. a4, When a teacher onters his class on tho first day the thome of discussion should be 2 (a) Course-content (B) Schoo! principal (C) Schoo! building {D) Introduction Is a teacher contered model that Tocuses on student's activities bolng guided bythe teacher? _ {A)_ Thinking Mode! (8) Model (C) Directive Model (0) Indirect Model Any method of teaching which Involves two or more students, can, be termed as 2 (A) Class task (8) Group Work (C) Class work (0) Group task ‘The tochniqua in which the students act out roles form storlos or historical events, is termed as: . (A) Drama (8) Simulation {C) Play” {D} Allofthe above . ‘Ono way to maximize teaching timo shorten delays due to transilloris and focus on student's behavior Is" lised to establish Inthe classroom? A) Pro (B) Rules c) {B) None of these Is pair activity. in whieh ‘Students have exaclly 3 seconds to share all they known . (A) - Quick talk (8) Quickintro {C) - Quick response (0) Quick discussion Pedagogical tes, Rotilines. ‘The now curriculum. should be Introduced, 2 (A) abruplly (B) continuously (C) gradually ({D). relatively Curriculum revision should bo alan process? , (@)_ abrupt (8) continuous (C) gradual {D) relative Robert Sternberg, a famous psychologist, argued that creativity requires different types.of Intelligence. (a) 3 (8) 4 (c) 5 (0) 6 Evaluation of the process of curriculum dovelopment should bo made__ 2 4A) abruplly (8). continuously {c) gradually (0) relatively The torm houristle means In decision making. aS. 8. a7. 88. 90. 22. te 4A) brain storming (B) calculations {C) thoroughness (0) mental shortcuts According (0 Soeralos of Meno, virtuo lk? (A) teachable {8) unteachablo {C) reachable (0) unreachable : ‘The teacher should know the following thing: (A) Whal information is required by children? (B) What ras last known to the children? (C) Inwhich field difficulty Is faced by the children? - (0) Whats the known to the hand? Which of the following Is not emphasized In memory lovel of teaching? {A} Presenting the subject matter by giving least freedom to puplis (8) Helping the pupils generalize the acquired knowledge . {C) : Conducting tests along with teaching _ (D)_Cramining of the learnt materia! : If one child gives answers to all the Questions al first In your class but disturbs: the rest of the children and roams here and there in the elass then what will you do? (A) Tell him not to do tke that (B) Punished him {C) Engage that child In more activities than rest of the chijdren of the class so that he may learn now things Complain the guardians that his child is breaking the discipline Tha students fearn most from those teachers who: (a) () ren before {D) Are gentle Are always ready for discussion (C) Express their ideas comprehensively and - slearly (0) Works hard ‘Tho psychological environment ofthe class {Is mainly the duly of 7 (A) Student himself (8) Class teacher (C) Principal (©) Subject teacher in evaluation approach of tesson planning: {A)_ Teaching strategies and material eids are mentioned in a separale column (8) Objectives to be realized are writen against each leaching point (C) Activites of the teacher and pupils are mentioned separately (0) Alt of the above Bright eluents can be motivated well by: « (A). Ralsing their asplration lovel and goals of life a a. 95: 96. 98. 99. (B) Introducing novelty in strategies (C)_ Giving them quick feedback (D) None of these ‘Qn which basis tho ability of toachers can bo Judged? . : (A) To full the needs of the students (B) ‘Personalily of the teacher (C) Period of the service (0) Publication of the books The able teacher is one who: {A) Engages the students In their work (8) Inculcates the interes! In the subject among students (C) Helps all the students In passing the examination (0) Maintains peace in the class “ While ‘delivering lecture In the ciass a|~ teacher: (A) Take the help of nbtes (8) Must give lilustrations to starty the - difficult points (G) Deliver jong lectures (0) Allofthe above Regular changes In teaching strategles In the class is required: (A) To match it with ability level of pupils: (B) * To reduce the burden tevel of pupils (C)_ To match content and objective with strategy (0). Alllof the above When a student asks a Question to which the teaching has no direct, correct answer, What should the teachor do? (A) Tell the student nol lo ask such irelevant (8) Tell the student that he would glva the correct answer later (C) Give some vague answer and salisly the student Questions (D) Ask the sludent-to find oul the answer himself from books in the library The philosopher who — worked, In mathematical and sclentific didacile was? 4A) Jean Piaget {B) JohnDewey - (C) Martin Wagenschoin {D) Lev Vygotsky The book Emile or "On Education’ on the “mature of education and man Is written by_- 2 4A) Aristotle . (8) Plato (C) John Dewey (0) Rousseau 190. According to John Dewey, school Is a Institution, and education (A) social, philosophical (B) social, social {C) philosophical, philosophical process. 102. 103. dod. 108. 106.” 107. 109, wa (0) onvironmental, psychological ‘Tho mare often a particular ability Is used the Mbecomos? (A) morcimportant 18) . Important! {C) stronger (0) weaker : The conclusion of a deduetive argument is, 2. (A) certain (C) observation loss {8) experience (0). probable The reasoning in which the given statements ‘ara viowed as supplying strong evidence for the “truth of the conclusion Is called, ? (A) Deductive Reasoning (B) Inductive Reasoning (C) Qualitative Reasoning . {0) Quantitative Reasoning The person is influential communicator If: (A) Heis.acomedian characteristic (8) I his communication Is very clear {G) Ihe communicates in his mather longue (D) Whe has dramatic charaeteristic Generally students fike those teachers who: (A) Dictate notes in the ciass {B) Remove the difficulties of the subject (G)_ Reveal important Questions before examinations (0) Are self-disciplined : Child development Is marked by interrelated processes, which one is not one of them? (A) Differentiation (8) Motivation {C) Integration {D)- Leaming What type of class climate you would prefer? (A) Awell behaved class students speaking ‘only when asked {B) Arvactive class following the rules prescribed by you (8) Abighly Interactive and self disciplined class * (0) Aduiet and highly attentive class Developing new rules and principles on the basis of givon facts and Information in, momory lovel Is called 2 (A) Association (8) Generalizailon {C) Applicalion (D) Assimitation What should teacher do before teaching the lesson? Ho shou el the ancwers of te lessens irs Lesson should bo read by a student Ha should point out the meaning of difficult words of the lesson, first He should tell the main objectives of the lesson (8) (©) {0) w “110. Which of the following Is nel tho part off educational technology? {A) Use of motivation techniques in the class | (B) Construction of measuring instrumens for evaluation of instructional outcomes (C) Comparison of performance of two different classes or schools (Dj _ Selection of suitable teaching sirategies 111. Which of the following purposes Is served by Iesson plan? ' 4A) Psychologi¢al teaching is possible (8) Suitable leaming environment can be Created In the class (C) Ateacher can stick to his content (0) All ofthe above : 112. Which of the following strategies Is most suitable for introducing a lesson? (A) ,Demonstration(B) Questioning (C) ‘Narration’, (D) Lecture 113. Purpose of avaluative phase of teaching Is: (A) To know to what extent objectives are realized {8) To know the shortcoming of the teacher (C) Taknow the effectiveness of strategies {0) Allof the above ‘ 114, Which is the best method of study of behavior? (A) Inspection method (B) Interview method {C) Practical method (0) Persdnal study method 415. Atiitudeean:___* (A) Be overt orcovert both {B) Provide basic for individual differences (C) ‘Bathe measure of cultural differentiation (0) Allof the above 116. Which of tha following teaching aids helps the pupils lo study,. analyses and:compare date? (A) Graphs . (8) Maps (C) Diagrams (D) Pictures + 117, Evaluation approach of lesson planning Is criticized on tho ground that; (A) _No effort is made to integrate different . Teaching points «| (B) Ils highty structured where teacher dominales over pupils, (C)_ It does not take individual ditferenge of pupils Into account . : {D) Allof the above : 118 Complexities of scoring of matching types of tests can be redisced by__ (a) Assigning only one mark for the item (B) Increasing the items in two columns {c) Supplementing the matched Items with four allarnative ems child 120. 121. 122. Wh (D) . None of these Guldance romoves:__? (A) | Tho personal problems of the Individual” (8) Psychological problems of the Individual (C)_ The social problems of the individual {0) Allof tho above Three “merits of aro______? 4A) Approval, rellability and subjective {B) Subjectivity, dexterity and approval (C) Approval, subjectivity and reliability (D) Approval, dexterity and objectivity ‘Guidance dllfers from counseling In which of ‘the following manner? (A) Guidance is a group process while counseling is a-cne to one contact. {8) ‘Guidance mosily covers social aspects while counseling Is a learning oriented process and reduces the learning - problems of the individual (C) Guidance is a broader concept than counseling (0) All of the above : child’ responds to all women who wear black sult because of the black suit of her’ mother, it -Is the example Proficiency test f__ i? Intemal inhibition Generalizations Assimilation All of he above ‘What Is meaning of growth? (A): Change related to measurement (8) Change related to result (C) Goth (A) and B. (D) .None of these ., Tho ablo toacher Is’one who:, _ (A) Inculcates the interest in the subject + among students 2s, * (e) aa (B) Helps all the students in passing the examination (C) Engaged tho students In tholr work (0) Maintains peace in the class Basic Education mean___ (A) System of education (8) Poor learning . Basic of any learning {0) Minimum learning A teachor must check his own unruly behavior bocauso? (A) Prineipal wil take action (8) Students will not like it _ {C) Parents will comptain {O) He Is dealing with impressfonable When siudents begin learning, with an activity designed to lead them to particular concepts of conclusions, the mattod of teaching Is called, 2 ra. 129. 130. BL A 132. » A 133. 134. (A) Analytical teaching (8) Discovery teaching (C) Invention teaching (D) None of these Teacher-centored Instruttion which Includes lecture, presentation and recitation Is also known as, 7 (A) Classical Instruction (8) Direct instruction (C) Old method Instruction (0) None of these + “is an approach whorsby a feather or counsolor poses questions to thd student to allow them to explore Ideas that may be complex or emotionally difficult? (A) Facllitative questioning {8) Critical questioning {C) Explanatory questioning (D) . None of these Free writing Is used as a timed detivily to stimulate the flow of, 2 (A) Ideas and words (8) Talk (C) Discussions {D) Letters of the alphabet Is any activity that occurs ouiside the classroom for’ the purpose of providing hands: on experience with objects or pegple that only occur In certain places? (A) Field work (8) Field Observations. (C) Field walle (0) Field Trips When educators travel to tho studant’s location to provide instruction on topics of professional or personal interest. The mode of teaching becomes, 9 Innovative Teaching (8) Moving Teaching (C) Travel Teaching Lo (0) Extension Teaching : Is an organizing tool to help the idents visualize how many events can be tled to of contribute to a rosull? (A) Fishbone (8) Fishpond AG) Backbone (0)° Noneofthese + When students are asked to proparo an analysis of eritlc all features of an object or| concept, the strategy is tormed as, (A) Sequencing {B) Concept mapping (C) Characterization (0) None ofthese While teaching in tho classroom, \eork that involves two or more form of. (A) Collaborative Tearing ny kind of dents, Isa 136. 137. 1s. {B) Collaborative project {C) Collaborative work (0) Got'sborative effort ‘Chucking (A) Ordering (8) Memorization {G) Knowledge {D) None of these ‘The theory explaining the different types of learning and proposing that they require different types of teaching Is remembered as, 2 (A) Conditions of knowledge (8) Conditions af behaviors (C} Conditions of learning {D) None of these When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add_an Idea, the notebook is known as. wy Talieclive Notebook technique? * (8) Collective work Sample Ls. 140. “(0) Mt, a2, M3, 4. M5, “() {C) Collective homework (0) None of these Circles of teaming by__? (A) Rogers {8) David Johnson {C) Roger and David Johnson (0) None of these ean be useful In motivating some students to learn? (A) Compatitions {B) Collisions {C) Compositions None of these A process of looking at what Is being assessed Is called 2 (A) Assessment (B) Evaluation (C). Measurement (0) Rubrics Formative assessment is an assessment teaming? wb (@) of (C) ‘by (0) for An assossment use to Identify difficulties In the learning process Is called__? (A) Initial assessment {B) diagnostic assessment (C) | formative assessment (0) * summative assessment To compile the Information Into pattern and were formulated propose a plan Is called. 2 (A) analyzing (8B) evaluating {C) synthesizing (0) originating ‘The most complex skill of Bloom's taxonomy is_- 2 ‘ (A) characterizing (By evaluating synthesizing (0) —_riginating 26, 7. 148, 149. 150, Isl. 153. The three domains of are, (A) Cognitive, Affective and Paychomotor (8) Cognitive, Pedagogy and Psythomolor (C) Cognitive, fective and Pedagegy (0) | Pedagogy, Alfectiva and Psychomotor The first Institution of higher learning In tho Western World, “Acadomy", was founcod Yom (A) Socrates” (B) Plato (C) Aristoue (2) Yohn Doway The “Apology" the Plato's fecollection of the Speech given by Socrates when Socrates was charged with__* ? (A) _ believing in the rotation of the Earth (8) not believing in the rotation of the Earth {C) believing in gods (D) not believing in gods Which from the following Is NOT an informal assessment? ' . Bloom's taxonomy (A) Observation (B) Project (C)* Rubrics (D) Participation A student having scientific altitude (A) Becomes courageous . (8) Gets goods job (C) Studies systematically {D) Thinks rationally The aim of education should be: : (A) Toprepare the (8) Todevelop * students for social examination awareness in ihe students (C) Todevelop - (D) Toprepare tha ‘vocational skills in the students practical lifov A teacher can motivate the students by: (A) Giving propor (B) Giving sullable guidancey’ prizes (C) Delivering (0) ‘Giting speech in class examples Ia student docs not pay any respect to you (Teacher), thon you will: — (A) Rebuke him (8) Talk his/her parents (CG) Ignore “(0) Award toss hinvherw -marks in examination The best method of checking student's homework is: (A) Tocheckthe (8) Toassignitto answers in the intetiigent lass in group students of tho manner class {C) “Tocheekby (D)_ Tocheck them the leacher with the holp of himselfina © « ° specimen answer regular way 156. 158, 89. Tho alm of Natlonal Council for Teacher Educatien Is: (A) To provido (B) To maintain grant to standards In corleges of colleges of education education” (C) To promote (D) Toopen research in. college of education education Kindorgarten systom of education was contributed by; (A) Froobelv (8) (C) Spencer (0) T.P. Nunn Montessori . Essay type tosts are not reliable because: (A) (8) Their answers are different ditierent (C) Theirresults (0) Their are dillerent checking Is affected by examiner's : moody The success of integrated education depends on: . (A) Thesupportof, (8) The highest community ~ quality of x teaching leaming material {C) The "(O) The attitudinal excellence of changes in text-books¥ teachers ) Compre. ehension () Observingtext_ (J "Synthesis 277. Intonation Is the use of: (2) Listening “(b) Tune “()._ Reading (3) Word 278, Which of the Wtles ‘fits the text est! Is tho example of; : fa) Extensive (b)__ Intensive feading teading Scanning Skimming ic) ining ) 279. “See the timetable and {oll the break times” Is tho examplor (o) Extensive (b) readit {c) Scanning~ (d) 280. Reading the question Intensive reading Skimming: paper In the exam|nation hall ls the examplo of: 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 29 = 295. 304. 305, 306. (a) Skimming (b) Scanning () Extensive * .(d) Intensive reading .. reading’. 281. Novel eating | Is afi example of. (a) Skimmnit bh) Scanning (c) Extensive (a) Intensive jcading” reading + 282. InsQ aR s stands for; , (a), Survey? (bo) Sumrnary (c)’ Students (Study 283. InSQ3R, Q stands for: (2) Quota Question~ (c) Quarter {d) Quotation 284. Punctuation. means: a (a) Alphabets {b) “Sound . (c) Regularity (d) | Marks” 285. Which one Is correct spelling? (a) Foregitling (b) Forgetting” () Forgeling: —-(0)_. Foregelting 286, Which one wt the correct 3 velling? (a) Superinte- Superentehdent ndent¥ (oc) Suprident a” “ Supredent 287. “Colloga” Is az " ‘Verb (b) Adjective + Pronoun (Noun 288, “Strong” Isa: . . (a) verb (6) Adjectivey. (ce) _ Pronoun (d) + Noun “Road” Is at (a) Vorby () Adjective fe) Pronoun (d) Noun “And” is a: (a) Pronoun (b) Conjunction’ (c) n (J) Adverb Phonotles Is tho study of: : (0 fb) Sounds tc) Words (0) Letters Articulatory Phonelics deal with the way how speech sounds are: Used (0) Classfied * a Received (od) Produced” A.good handout should have parts;, (a) Five (0) Four c) Three (a) Twor “Schedule Reading" Is an example of: (o) Intensive, (o) Scanning Reading” (ce) Skimming (4) None of these How many araas of language are to be efficiency? {a). - Four” (o) Three () Two (d) One . The word "Dismay" Is az (a)’ Pronoun (b) Adjective” (c) : Verb: (d) Noun ) 297. Whats the correct spelling? +a) Picknicking’ = (b)-—Pickniking (c) _Pickicking (a) Picnikcing . The word “sincerely” Is a: (a) Adverb~” (o) Adjective (c) Pronoun (@) Noun . You are___than |. (2) Cockier (b) The luckier” (c) — Lucklest™ (d) Lucky |. Heis too shy to mect: (a) - Every Body (0) No Body {c) Anybody () Some Body |; What Is tho-total number of diphthongs in ‘English language? @) 68 (o) 7 fc) 6% () 5 . The rise and fall of the pitch of our voice: (2) Syllables {b) Intonation’ (c) Stress (d) Rhythm . Exchange of Ideas between two or more persons isi... (a) Listening ” (by) Communicayon (c) Telling = (Understanding I there ig no receive, there is nor (a) Media (b) Message ()_ Sender (4) Communication” ‘The first objective of teaching English Is to develop: (2). Welling ski (0! Reading skit (c) Speaking skill (0) Latening : a ‘The number of consonants In English: fa) 31 Qo) 26 {) 21v m8

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