Bilateral Maxillary Second Molar Tooth Microdontia: A Case of Very Rare Tooth Anomaly
Bilateral Maxillary Second Molar Tooth Microdontia: A Case of Very Rare Tooth Anomaly
Bilateral Maxillary Second Molar Tooth Microdontia: A Case of Very Rare Tooth Anomaly
Case Report
A 22-year-old, completely healthy female patient applied to the Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Radiology of the Faculty of Dentistry with complaints of sensitivity with hot and
cold stimulants in her posterior teeth. There was no caries finding in the preliminary
examination. Since the second molar teeth seemed smaller and the third molars were not in the
alveolar archs, a panoramic x-ray was taken and for possibilities of caries lesion, two bitewing
radiographs were taken. On the panoramic image, it was observed that the maxillary second
molar teeth were very small on both sides and the third molar teeth were not formed at all (Fig.
1). Taken into account the fact that the germs of the third molar teeth were able to slide
anteriorly and erupt from the second molar teeth region in the early second molar tooth
extraction, we learned that there were no permanent teeth extraction in the anamnesis.
Furthermore, it became evident that the teeth in the question are not third molars having
Corresponding Author: microdontia anomalies by looking at both the intraoral position (Fig. 2) and the smooth axis
Dr. Bilgun Cetin inclination in the radiographs. In this way, microdontia was detected in maxillary second
Assist. Prof, Burdur Mehmet molar teeth and agenesis was detected in all the third molar teeth.
Akif Ersoy University Faculty of
Dentistry, Istiklal Yerleskesi
Since the cause of the complaints is gum inflammation and no proximal caries lesion was seen
15030 Burdur, Turkey on the bitewing images (Fig. 3), the patient was referred to the periodontology clinic.
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
No complaints were made for the second molar teeth having reported case was the first in the literature. Hans et al.
microdontia, including aesthetics, and a possible caries reported that there was neither a case of bilateral molar teeth
treatment for them could be difficult, so the patient was only which has microdontia anomaly nor a case of unilateral [2].
informed about careful oral care. However, a few cases that are not associated with syndrome
have been reported in all teeth. In the cases of multiple tooth
Discussion involvement, the microdontia was mostly pronounced with
Dental anomalies related to a single tooth development, due to the anterior teeth [6, 7].
local factors, while cases involving more teeth or the Microdontia anomaly often causes aesthetic problems because
appearance of several anomalies are observed together with it is frequently observed in lateral incisor teeth. When seen in
various syndromes. However, it is possible to observe more the posterior teeth, it is susceptible to caries because it does
than one anomaly in individuals without syndrome, although not provide the ideal contact with the adjacent teeth, but
it is very rare [5]. In this case, both third molar tooth agenesis treatment can be challenging, due to its size and root canal
and microdontia of bilateral second molar teeth were detected morphologies [3]. In fact, the root canal morphology of the
in the patient without syndrome. second molar teeth in general can vary and this affects the
Only one case report was found when the literature review of successes of root canal treatment [8]. Also, if there is a
molar teeth showing bilateral microdontic anomalies microdontia, it may not be possible to predict how this can
unrelated to the syndrome was made. In the case, microdontia change root canal morphology. For these reasons, the
was observed in the maxillary second molar teeth bilaterally diagnosis of microdontia in the early period is very important.
and not related to any syndrome. It was emphasized the
Fig 2: Intraoral photograph showing bilateral microdontia of maxillary second molar teeth (white arrows).
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Fig 3: Bitewing radiographs of the case. (a. right side, b. left side)
Although non-syndrome microdontia is observed frequently
in the lateral incisors, third molars, and supernumerary teeth,
it may rarely occur in other tooth groups as well. Due to the
different contact relationship with adjacent teeth and root
canal morphology, it is very important to make an early
diagnosis. Besides, it may be necessary to use radiographs in
addition to oral examination in the diagnosis of microdontia.
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