DAA Lesson Plan
DAA Lesson Plan
DAA Lesson Plan
Semester: 5th
Discipline: B.Tech. (CS, IT, CSSE, CSCE)
Session: Autumn 2023
Name : Meghana G Raj
Chamber : Faculty Room Number- 09, Block-B, Campus-15
Contact Number : +91-9000177935
Email : [email protected]
Lesson Plan
Activity Marks
Type of Activity Probable Date CO
No. (Weightage)
1 07.08.23 – 11.08.23 5
(Scheduled MCQ/ Subjective Test)
2 21.08.23 – 25.08.23 5
(Individual Home Assignments)
Course Outcome:
CO1: analyse the asymptotic performance of algorithms
CO2: understand different algorithm design techniques
CO3: apply important algorithm design paradigms and methods of analysis
CO4: demonstrate familiarity with major algorithms and data structures
CO5: modify existing algorithms to apply in common engineering design situations.
CO6: understand different classes of problems P, NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard.
Text books:
Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein,
“Introduction to Algorithms”, PHI.
Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, “Fundamentals of
Computer Algorithms”, Universities Press.
Reference books:
Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos, “Algorithm Design”, Pearson.
Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, “Algorithm Design: Foundations,
Analysis, and Internet Examples”, Wiley India.
Grading Policy:
Note #
Tentative Mid-Semester Syllabus would be up to Greedy Method as per
the Lesson Plan.
Modifications to the above-mentioned structure (Lesson Plan /
Examination Process / Any other modifications) may take place as per
the University Guidelines.