Course Outline (Data Structures and Algorithms) 2021

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The key takeaways are that the course aims to teach fundamental data structures and algorithms, their analysis and implementation in C++. It will provide hands-on experience to students.

The main objectives of the course are to understand design of data structures and algorithms, analyze a wide range of data structures, compare data structures based on analysis, implement new data structures for real-world problems and gain hands-on experience implementing data structures in programming languages.

Some of the topics that will be covered include recursion, sorting algorithms like merge sort and quick sort, trees, binary search trees, balanced trees, heaps, hashing, and graph theory.


Department of Computer Science & IT

Course Outline
Summer 2021

CS-09203 Data Structures & Algorithms

Degree Program BSCS
Credit Hours (2+1) Credit(s)
Co-requisite (s) None
Pre-requisite(s) CS 2135 Object Oriented Programming
Post Requisite of CS-3444 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Weekly tuition pattern 2 sessions (90 min each session)
Dr. Yasir Niaz Khan, Office G098, Email:
Course Mentor
[email protected]

Teaching Team Mr. Muhammad Tayyab, Office , Email: [email protected]


Data structures are essential building blocks for designing efficient algorithms. Thus, they play a
central role in computer science and are important in many other areas of other fields. It's rarely
the language that matters in a program, it's the data structures and how they relate. And range of
elegant Algorithms is possible only if we have appropriate Data Structures for the Job.

The purpose of this course is to provide the students with solid foundations in the basic concepts
of programming: data structures and algorithms. The main objective of the course is to teach the
students how to select and design data structures and algorithms that are appropriate for
problems that they might encounter. This course is also about showing the correctness of
algorithms and studying their computational complexities.


1. To understand the design of fundamental data structures as well as algorithms that

operate on them.

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2. Analysis of Wide Range of Data Structures available
3. Comparison of Data Structures Based on their Analysis
4. Implementing new Data Structures for the real time & industrial needs.
5. To provide rigorous ‘hands-on’ experience with implementing different data structures
in a programming language

By the end of this course, Students will understand:

1. Purpose and mathematical background of algorithm analysis and be able to apply this to
determine the run time and memory usage of algorithms;
2. Analysis of data structures will lead us to know about the advantages and disadvantages of
different data structures available.
3. The comparison of different data structures and algorithms will help in selection of efficient
data structures and algorithms for our problems.
4. Prepare the students for more advanced material that students will encounter in later
5. Implement well-known data structures such as dynamic arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues,
trees and graphs in C++.

1. Presentation by lecturer
2. Class mini tasks/assignments
3. Lab tasks

1. The class of 1.5 hours will be held twice a week.
2. However Extra Sessions may be scheduled if needed.


The course will be delivered both in a classroom and as well as in a Lab.

In Class Implementation,
Live Coding Demo,
Power point slides (if needed),
Class Discussion,
Exams can be held open-book/open-notes, as announced by the instructor.
Extra credit can be awarded to students based on extra achievements, e.g. participation in
programming/project competitions, solving online programming competition problems, etc. on

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the instructor’s discretion.


 Students are expected to know programming. They will be required to do programming in

assignments, project and exams. Although the course deals with concepts of Data
Structures, their implementation is necessary to ensure correct understanding.
 Although there is no restriction of programming language, however C++ with object-
oriented approach will be followed in the classroom.
 There is no restriction of IDE. Students can use any of ANSI and Visual C++ Coding

The following books are recommended for the course. Students are expected to have
at least one book with them, whether their own, or from the library.
1. Data Structures, Algorithms, And Applications In C++, 2nd Edition,
Author: Sartaj Sahni
2. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++
Author: E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and D. Mehta, Computer Science Press.
3. Data Structures Using C++
Author: D. S. Malik
4. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, 2nd Edition
Author: Micheal T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia and David Mount John Wiley and Sons,
5. Algorithms (4th Edition)
Author: Robert Sedgewick (Author), Kevin Wayne (Author)
6. Introduction to Algorithms
Author: Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest, Clifford Stein. MIT
7. Classic Data Structures
Author: Samanta Debasis (Author)
8. Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis in C++
Author: By Clifford A Sheffard
9. Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis with C++ (4th Edition)
By Mark Allen Weiss
Course Outline:
The lecturers should aim to complete the following topics before the mid/final term

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examination as prescribed in the course outline below:

Week Lecture Topics / Sub-Topics

1 Introduction of Data Structures and Algorithm, Memory Organization, Pointers,
Arrays and their working.
2 Static Array, Dynamic Arrays in detail, Sorted/Un Sorted Array, Issues with
Arrays, Sparse Array and Sparse Matrix

3 Asymptotic Analysis: Basics, Efficiency of an algorithm.

Measuring runtime complexity of an algorithm
Linear & binary searching (implementation, run time analysis & asymptotic
2 analysis)
4 Sorting Algorithm (Bubble, Selection, Insertion), implementation, run time
analysis & asymptotic analysis

5 Stack, basic concepts

6 Implementation of Stack using arrays, Applications of Stack.

7 Evaluation of Expression, Reverse Polish notation, Infix, Postfix and Prefix

expressions using stack
8 Queue basic concept.
Implementation using arrays.
9 Applications of Queue.
Circular Queue
Priority Queue
5 10 Dynamic Data Structures
Introduction to Node and Linking,
Single Linked List and List Data Structure in detail.

11 Operations of a Single Linked List & implementation, Run time

analysis & asymptotic analysis of Single Linked List operations
Benefit of Single Linked List, Issues with Single Linked List.
12 Double Linked List, Concept, implementation, different operations
Comparison of Single Linked List with Double Linked List

13 Circular Linked List, Basic concept, characteristics

Comparison of Circular with Single & Doubly Linked List
14 Implementation of Stack and Queue using Linked List

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15 Solution of mid and discussion

16 Recursion
Divide & Conquer
Merge Sort (Algorithm, Implementation)

17 Quick Sort (Algorithm, Implementation)

18 Trees: concepts, their applications

Binary Tree
Binary tree Insertion, deletion.
19 Breadth First Search, Depth First Search
Tree Analysis
11 20 Introduction to Binary Search Tree
Binary Search Tree Implementation
21 BST Deletion & Updation
12 BST Analysis
22 Pre Order, In order, Post Order Traversal
Example of Expression Tree, Post Fix and Infix

23 Balanced Trees, their Implementation

24 Balanced Trees Algorithmic Analysis

25 Heap Concepts
26 Heap Operations, Analysis

27 Static Hashing, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Techniques, Chaining,

Open Addressing
28 Re Hashing
Implementation and their Algorithmic Analysis

29 Graph Theory in detail, Their Applications

Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List
30 Graph Traversals, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search

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No. Assessment Percentage
1. Assignments & Project 15%
2. Quizzes 10%
3. Lab 20%
4. Midterm 20%
5. Final 35%
Total 100%

Note: The above criterion is not fixed. So, it can be changed as per respective teacher’s

Attendance Requirements

You are expected to attend all lectures, tutorials, make up sessions and lab sessions, and any
other classroom activity. Where you fail to attend classes, you cannot expect the lecturer to
brief you on what you have missed. You are responsible for your attendance, not the
academic staff. Attendance at lab sessions will be strictly monitored, and failure to attend
will be taken into account. It is recommended to you to come in time.

Submission and Collection of Assignment

All assignments should be submitted before the time mentioned on Course website/portal
when they are due. Result will be uploaded on course website/portal.

General Information
Students are required to be familiar with the university code of conduct available on the
university website, study guide and prospectus, and to abide by its terms and conditions. In
addition, the following guidelines must also be followed:

Copying of Copyright Material by Student

A condition of acceptance as a student is the obligation to abide by the University’s policy on
the copying of copyright material. This obligation covers photocopying of any material, and
the recording off air, and making subsequent copies, of radio, television or Internet
broadcasts, and photocopying textbooks. Students who flagrantly disregard University policy
and copyright requirements will be liable to disciplinary action under the Code of Conduct.

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Guidelines to Avoid Plagiarism
Whenever you copy more than a few words from any source, you must acknowledge that
source by putting the quote in quotation marks and providing the name of the author. Full
details must be provided in your bibliography. If you copy a diagram, statistical table, map,
etc., you must acknowledge the source.

Students are encouraged to co-operate, but collusion is a form of cheating. Students may
work together in obtaining references, discussing the content of the references and discussing
the assignment, but when they write, they must write alone.

Referencing For Written Work

To attain these qualities, the school recommends use of IEEE style of referencing, which
specifies the authors, article name, place of publishing, publisher information, date.


Checked by, Approved by (Cluster Head)

Dr. Yasir Niaz Khan
Curriculum Review Committee Signature

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