Title: Explore The Representation of Asian Parents in Social Media

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Title: Explore the representation of Asian parents in social media

Asian parents have always been stereotyped by the social media that they are

strict,with high expectations and having bad English. And this image is often seen in

films, Youtube and for those Asian who study overseas, people would comes up with

an image of ‘The student is living in a strict family and have a weird

accent’.However it is yet to explore why people would have this image for Asian

parents in the beginning.Therefore as mentioned, witnessed in Youtube,films, this

paper is going to explore the representation of Asian parents in social media.

To start, the process of how this image is being represented will be discussed.First,

the culture difference is causing this to happen, some of the Asian, or Chinese

tradition that seem normal to them, the foreigners would think this is strange, for

example,De-Sheng, C. (2013) mentioned that Chopsticks should be used in a few

specific ways. In Chinese culture, beating bowls while eating is usually regarded as a

practice of beggars. Putting chopsticks upright in a bowl is a custom used only in

sacrifices, so it's better not to do it. From the above it is shown that even in dining

Chinese has its own strict culture.And to further explain how this strict, and high

expectations image formed, the Youtube video by Steven He, ‘When Asian is a

difficulty mode’(Steven He,2021). This video is about how would a game difficulty

be if the difficulty is for Asian.In the video the player is getting killed even if he is

just being touched by a normal leaf. This has shown the difficulty is extreme and it

represented that being in an Asian mode is so difficult.In the video there are a son and

a dad and the dad and they are trying to beat this game. The game boss is the player’s

aunt and she killed the player by simply saying,‘You still trying to be an actor?’ And

the game over screen showing that the player dies from unemployment. As being seen
in Figure1.1, the Asian working in film in 2022 is still low and to act in the leading

role is almost impossible, so this content reflected the reality of Asian not getting the

chance to work in the film industry and those who trying to be an actor would be

considered silly, the parents and the relatives would be expecting them to work as a

lawyer or a doctor.Therefore the content above is trying to represent the expectations

of Asian parents. As the video got over 50million views on Youtube and it has

become a meme in the social media, people would use the word ‘Failure’ to describe

the Asian who are not good at their studies. This has created the image of Asian


The above has shown how the image of Asian parents is represented. However in this

mainstream representation there are forgotten details. The below is going to talk about

it. First, it is not necessarily that it has to be Asian parents that they have high

expectations. It is not a must. Parents from other countries can have a high

expectations too. And as a matter of fact, some Asian nations like China , Hong

Kong , Taiwan are not even that tough like the social media expected. As being

mentioned by Raghavan, P. (2015),Success in a career was not given much weight by

parents in most developed countries. Successful careers are not considered too

important by parents in Asian nations such as China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, with

15%, 17%, and 19% respectively supporting it as an ultimate goal. Therefore from the

above it is being shown that this impression of Asian parents is just being inserted in

people’s head, rather than being the reality.Then going back the language of the

videos mentioned in the previous part,the Asian aunt said, ‘ Steven, when you get so

fat?’ This is obviously wrong in a sentence structure but Steven He did this on

purpose. He intentionally made a mistake to show that the character is an Asian.To

show a character being an Asian doesn’t mean making English mistakes. This is the

silenced part in the representation.

To conclude, the above part has shown the representation of Asian parents and it has

been discussed that the ways this image of strict,with high expectations and having

bad English is being represented and in the next part it is also had been discussed that

the forgotten issues in these representations. In my opinion, they are better ways to

tell the story.Based on the forgotten part, I think it is better to distinct clearly those

from Asia and those Asian who born and raised overseas.Asian or Asian-American

can have a fluent English speaking skills. Like in the famous movie Shang-

Chi,Michelle(2021) mentioned that Katy, Shang-Chi's best friend, played by

Awkwafina, is called "the American girl" in the film and doesn't speak Mandarin

owing to her U.S. birth.Asian Americans in the U.S. are increasingly alienated by the

perpetual-foreigner myth, which perpetuates the idea that they are forever considered

foreigners. As a result, Shang-Chi's distinction between Chinese versus Chinese

American characters is socially significant in ensuring accurate representation. To

conclude, the above part has shown the representation of Asian parents and it has

been discussed that the ways this image of strict,with high expectations and having

bad English is being represented and there are also forgotten issues in these



The percentage of people of color working in film in 2022

Note. This is the report of Hollywood of the people of color working in the
industries,from“UCLA Hollywood diversity report,” by Ana-Christina et al,2023

Reference List

De-Sheng, C. (2013). Chopsticks as a cultural symbol in China. IOSR Journal of Research &

Method in Education, 1(4), 01–02. https://doi.org/10.9790/7388-0140102

Hollywood Diversity Report 2023 | Social Sciences. (n.d.). Social Sciences.


Michelle,Y (2021, September 10). Shang-Chi’ Rings in a New Level of

Representation.Shondaland. https://www.shondaland.com/inspire/a37531296/shang-


Raghavan, P. (2015, July 18). Indian parents have very high expectations about their

children’s education and careers. Times of India Blog.



Steven He. (2021, September 21). When “Asian” is a difficulty mode [Video]. YouTube.


Raghavan, P. (2015, July 18). Indian parents have very high expectations about their

children’s education and careers. Times of India Blog.



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