Documentary Analysis

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Documentary Film Analysis Melanie Angarone

The Education of Michelle Rhee

Who made this film? What do I need to know about the filmmaker(s) to
anal!e this film?
The film was made by producer Michael oseloff and also by Frontline! which is produced by the "#$%
Educational Foundation& The "#$% Educational Foundation puts out many of the programs on '#(
)'ublic #roadcasting (er*ice+& '#( is a non,profit public broadcaster with -./ tele*ision stations&
oseloff has won four Emmy awards for his documentaries and has produced many other Frontline films!
and he was wor0ed for a *ariety of different news sources and T1 stations& "hen *iewing the film! it is
important to note that oseloff is a producer with an e2tensi*e history in the field of documentary ma0ing&
What #entral $uestions is the film trin% to answer?
What does the filmmaker want &eo&le to know or remember?
Who is the tar%et audien#e?
This film as0s many 3uestions about the career of Michelle Rhee as chancellor of the "ashington! D&4&
public schools! such as how was she successful5 %ow did her career impact students5 6mpact teachers5
"hy was she seen as a contro*ersial leader5 "hy did she end up lea*ing her position5 Frontline is trying
to e2pose the many factors that led to her rise and fall! and wants the *iewer to be aware that Rhee was
admired by some but also deeply disli0ed& The film is not all positi*e! and includes footage of Rhee firing
multiple principals and discusses the alleged cheating scandal that may ha*e occurred under her reign&
The target audience is the American public! because the public school system impacts adults! students!
and ta2payers in this nation&
"'O(O)I'S Who funded this film and what is his or her interest in this &arti#ular
a&&roa#h to the film*s main to&i#(s)?
"$#% produced this film7 "$#% is funded through donations from the public and corporate
partnerships& They produce many educational pieces for '#(& Michael oseloff! also the producer! has
been interested in e2posing many current issues! hence his interest in tis topic&
Who mi%ht benefit from the messa%es in this film? Who mi%ht be harmed
or disad+anta%ed b them?
What ha+e I learned from this film? Wh mi%ht the film*s messa%e(s)
)atter to me?
As a future educator! this film enlightened me on the issue of education reform in this country and how it
might apply to me in se*eral years& 6 benefitted from hearing the information in this film! as would many
educators because it is *ery informati*e& 6t might harm those who are supporters of Rhee or other
education reformers because it e2poses some truths behind her career that do not show her in a positi*e
What kinds of a#tions mi%ht I take in res&onse to this film?
This film will cause me to ta0e action in that 6 reali8e how important it is for me to be an informed *oter!
especially with the 6llinois gubernatorial election coming up between #ruce Rauner and 'at 9uinn! both
of whom greatly affect the state of education in this state& "atching this film clued me into things 6 need
to pay attention to when reading about their plans for education reform&
What is this film about (and what makes ou think that)?
What ideas, +alues and information are o+ert? Im&lied?
Documentary Film Analysis
Who are the +oi#es of authorit in this film? Are there +oi#es left out that
would add im&ortant &ers&e#ti+es?
This film is about the contro*ersial career of Michelle Rhee7 6 feel that it is considered contro*ersial
because on the page for the *ideo it claims that Michelle was both admired : re*iled& The *alues of the
film are the importance of education and those who run the education system& The film featured
prominent *oices on both the side of education reform! such as Rhee and the mayor who elected her! and
the opposition! li0e teachers and the leader of the D&4& teachers; union& The film may ha*e benefitted
from featuring the *oices of national leaders outside the D&4& public school system&

What te#hni$ues does the filmmaker use to #ommuni#ate essential ideas?
How do those te#hni$ues #ommuni#ate the intended messa%e(s)?
The film shows both pri*ate inter*iews with administrators and footage from actual meetings between
teachers and rallies held during Rhee;s tenure& 6 thin0 using a *ariety of types of footage was effecti*e in
getting the film;s message across to *iewers&
How mi%ht others see this film in a wa that differs from the wa I see it?
How and wh mi%ht different t&es of &eo&le inter&ret this film in
di+er%ent was?
What is m rea#tion to this film and what do I learn about mself from m
rea#tion or inter&retation?
6 thin0 that those who are not studying education might ha*e a different perspecti*e as 6 do because they
are not as well *ersed in the realm of education& Additionally! the film has many political implications as
it addresses the topics of unions! merit pa! and teacher tenure& As a future teacher! some parts of the film
angered me because 6 would not want to ha*e my e*aluations so tightly bound to student test scores&
When was this film made? Sin#e then, has anthin% o##urred that is
rele+ant to the #laims or fo#us of the film?
Where or how has this film been distributed (shared with the &ubli#)?
The film was made almost two years ago! and since then! Michelle Rhee has stepped down from her
position in her program (tudents First& Additionally! education reform has ta0en center stage as of late
with the creation of more charter schools under the push from corporate reformers who belie*e in some of
the same ideas that Rhee does& The film is a*ailable on D1D for purchase through '#(; website and is
currently a*ailable for streaming on their website&
Whi#h of the film*s assertions are fa#ts and whi#h are o&inions?
What sour#es does the film rel on for its information, ideas or assertions?
Are those sour#es #redible? How do ou know?
The film is based on behind the scenes access to actual meetings with principals and inter*iews with
administrators in the D&4& public schools& 6t also features footage from conferences& The documentary
also discusses data gathered from reports& 6 belie*e the film does its best to be unbiased by gathering
points of *iews from people on either side of the issue and calling into 3uestion the *alidity of some of
the reports&

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