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IEC 62368-1, 3rd

Edition: What You

Need to Know

White paper

Most manufacturers around the world are actively working to achieve compliance with the requirements of the
2nd edition of IEC 62368-1, Audio/video, information and communications technology equipment – Part 1: Safety
requirements. However, the introduction of a 3rd edition of the standard in late 2018 has led to some confusion among
many industry professionals regarding the changes embodied in the new version of the standard, as well as how best to
address these new requirements.

In this white paper brief, we’ll explain the major differences between the 2nd and 3rd editions of IEC 62368-1 and discuss
how best to meet the expectations of regulators regarding the requirements of this important standard.





IEC 62368-1 AND TÜV SÜD 6

About the TÜV SÜD expert

William Wenthold
PSS Technical Manager / NRTL/SCC-Technical for Safety Testing

William Wenthold has worked in the field of Product Safety Compliance for product
categories Control Equipment, Household, Laboratory Test, Measurement and Control,
Office (IT), Laboratory Test, Measurement and Control, Lasers, Audio/Video, Industrial
Products, and Power Supply/Inverters/UPS since 1994 at TÜV SÜD America, Inc.
San Diego Office. Mr. Wenthold is a TÜV SÜD & CB Scheme Technical Certifier for
products and a Technical Assessor for the CB Scheme.

He has held positions from Test Technician/Engineer to West Regional Manager

(USA) and is now TÜV SÜD America’s PSS Technical Manager / NRTL/SCC-Technical
for Safety Testing. Mr. Wenthold holds an Associate of Applied Science, Electrical
Engineering degree from ITT Tech., San Diego.

2 IEC-62368-1, 3rd Edition: What You Need to Know | TÜV SÜD

A brief history of IEC 62368-1
The rapid pace of innovation has technologies now routinely combine performance. While the standard
brought to our lives advanced information technology equipment details certain construction criteria to
technology devices that would have (ITE) with audio/video (AV) be used in assessing compliance with
seemed like the stuff of science capabilities. The resulting products its requirements, IEC 62368-1 also
fiction movies just 20 years ago. and devices provide innovative allows for alternative constructions
Today, instead of having to lug around solutions that enable us to work more that provide acceptable levels of
a phone, a laptop and a camera, a efficiently and with greater effect. protection against the identified
single smart phone that easily fits in hazards.
our pocket allows us not only to make However, the convergence of multiple
phone calls but to instantly access technologies in a single device First published in 2010, with revised
emails and text, stay up to date on has complicated the process of editions issued in 2014 (2nd Edition)
social media platforms, and take assessing the safety of that device and 2018 (3rd Edition), the adoption of
high-resolution photos of friends and in accordance with the requirements IEC 62368-1 will not only simplify the
family. of a single standard. To help reduce regulatory approval process, but will
this complexity, the International also give device developers greater
This blending of technologies in Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) freedom in the development and
a single device is not limited to developed IEC 62368-1, a technology- introduction of a new generation of
consumer electronics. Indeed, independent standard that places advanced technology devices.
commercial, industrial and medical primary emphasis on device

Key aspects of IEC 62368-1

IEC 62368-1 was intended to well as injuries caused by hazardous resulting in an injury; ignition
eventually replace two existing IEC substances or mechanical causes, possible
standards, IEC 60065, Audio, video thermal burn or radiation. The HBSE iii. Class 3—Injury; ignition
and similar electronic apparatus – methodology embodied in likely
Safety requirements, and IEC 60950-1, IEC 62368-1 uses the following four d. Qualify the effectiveness
Information technology equipment – steps to assess potential energy of the identified safeguards,
Safety – Part 1: General requirements. hazards associated with a device, and using performance-based or
However, IEC 62368-1 is not simply to determine a device’s compliance construction-based (prescriptive)
a combination of the requirements with the safety requirements of the compliance criteria.
of these two standards. Instead, it is standard:
a completely new and independent It is important to note that the
standard based on Hazard-Based a. Identify the energy HBSE methodology in IEC 62368-
Safety Engineering (HBSE) principles, sources in the product/ 1 should not be confused with
a safety science discipline that has device; risk assessment or risk analysis.
been developed and refined over the b. Classify the identified energy Although the specific requirements
past two decades. sources according to their effect of the standard were developed
on the body or on combustible using risk analysis techniques, the
The focus of the IEC 62368-1 is sources, as follows: use of risk analysis is not expressly
on potential hazards associated i. Class 1—Not painful, but required in applying the requirements
with energy sources found in a may be detectible; ignition of the standard to a given product or
given product or device, including not likely device.
electrically caused injuries or fire, as ii. Class 2—Painful but not

TÜV SÜD | IEC-62368-1, 3rd Edition: What You Need to Know 3

Key changes in IEC 62368-1 3rd Edition
Released in October 2018, the 3rd Requirements applicable to outdoor The 3rd Edition of IEC 62368-1 does
Edition of IEC 62368-1 expands the equipment are detailed at length not apply to transportable equipment,
applicability of the standard to include in a new Annex Y to the standard, such as a laptop, notebook or phone,
additional products and devices “Construction requirements for that can be used in outdoor locations,
under its scope, and modifies certain outdoor enclosures.” Specific unless expressly identified by the
requirements applicable to products equirements include: manufacturer for continuous use in an
and devices covered in prior editions outdoor location.
of the standard. Specific changes to ƒƒ General requirements —
the requirements of the 3rd Edition Unless otherwise Large equipment installed in
of IEC 62368-1 are discussed in the specified by the restricted access areas
following sections. manufacturer, outdoor equipment The scope of the 3rd Edition of
must be capable of operating at IEC 63268-1 has been modified to
Outdoor equipment a minimum ambient temperature specifically include “large equipment
Outdoor equipment is defined in the of -33 , and up to a maximum
installed in restricted access areas.”
3 rd Edition of IEC 62368-1 as ambient temperature of +40oC. The standard defines a “restricted
“equipment that is installed or Compliance with this access area” as an “area accessible
exposed in an outdoor location, requirement is verified by only to skilled persons and to
specified by the manufacturer to inspection and by evaluating instructed persons with the proper
comply wholly or in part under specific the data provided by the authorization.”
conditions.” An “outdoor location” is manufacturer.
defined in the standard as “location... ƒƒ Safeguards for socket-outlets Also falling under the scope of a
comply wholly or in part under specific in outdoor equipment—The restricted access area are “work
conditions.” An “outdoor location” is electrical mains supply for cells,” which are defined as “space
defined in the standard as “location… socket-outlets used in outdoor within the equipment of such size
where protection from the weather or equipment must be equipped that a person can enter completely or
other outdoor influences provided by a with a residual current protective partially…for servicing or operating
building or other structure is limited or device (RCD) with a rated the equipment and where mechanical
non-existent.” residual operating current not hazards may be present.”
exceeding 30mA. Compliance
with this requirement is checked
by inspection.

4 IEC-62368-1, 3rd Edition: What You Need to Know | TÜV SÜD

Among other modifications, the also specifies the requirements for inside of a product or device where
3rd Edition of IEC 62368-1 includes instructional safeguards that must an injury can occur due to leaks of the
requirements applicable to the accompany image projectors, image liquid from the LFC.
protection of persons working with projectors with lamps and all other
equipment in restricted access areas equipment with lamps. Products containing coin/button cell
that include work cells with MS3 batteries
parts. Specifically, direct access to a Wireless power transmission For products or devices likely to be
work cell must be protected by either A new clause in the revised standard, accessible to children and which
an interlock method or a key or tool Clause 9.6, specifies requirements contain coin or button cell batteries
method. and a test method to assess potential with a diameter of 32 mm or less,
burn risks associated with near field the 3rd Edition of IEC 62368-1 now
An additional modification requires wireless power transfer, specifically requires that the battery compartment
the inclusion of an emergency its ability to warm foreign metallic door be designed so as to require a
stop system, the safety function of objects in close proximity to the tool, such as a screwdriver or coin,
which complies with one of several transmitter. Testing involves four to open the battery compartment,
identified standards. Restarting of separate testing cycles, assessing and the application of a minimum of
any mechanical equipment that has the degree to which heat generated two independent and simultaneous
been stopped by an emergency stop through the wireless power transfer movements to open by hand.
system is only possible by initiating process warms foreign objects in
a start control procedure after the direct contact with the transmitter, Top, bottom and side opening
emergency stop control has been and at distances of 2mm and 5mm. requirements for fire enclosures
manually reset. Edition 3 of IEC 62368-1 also specifies
Liquids and liquid-filled components an alternative method for assessing
Optical radiation issues A separate new clause to the revised the sizes of openings and opening
The 3 rd Edition of IEC 62368-1 standard, Clause 4.1.8, clarifies that properties of a fire enclosure and
makes important changes to Table liquids and liquid-filled components a fire barrier in a product or device
39, “Radiation energy source (LFCs) in a product or device are to be (Clause Specifically, when a
classifications,” found in Clause considered as “electrically conductive portion of the side of a fire enclosure
10 of the standard. The Table materials,” unless they are specified falls within an area indicated by the
sets maximum radiation output as insulating liquids. Clause 4.1.8 5-degree angle in Figure 40 of the
levels applicable to lasers, image also specifies construction and test standard, openings on that side can
projectors and lamps and lamp requirements applicable to most types be considered either top or bottom
systems. The revised standard of pressurized LFCs that are used openings.

TÜV SÜD | IEC-62368-1, 3rd Edition: What You Need to Know 5

IEC 62368-1 3rd Edition Transition Timetable and
Since IEC 62368-1 is an International A Canadian and U.S. version of the Date of Withdrawal (DoW) for using
Standard not specific to any one standard was adopted in late 2019 as EN 60950-1 and EN 60065 in the EU is
country, the timetable for the a Bi-National standard CSA-C22.2 the end of December 2020.
transition to the 3rd Edition depends No. 62368-1, and UL 62368-1. These
largely on where you look. The developments should facilitate the Given the wide diversity of products
standard needs to be adopted at a use of the 3rd Edition of IEC 62368-1 that fall under the scope of IEC
national level by individual countries, by manufacturers and distributors 62368-1, there is unlikely to be one
which in some cases can be a of marketing applicable devices single best answer for navigating
time-consuming process. In fact, throughout North America in the very the dynamic regulatory landscape
the 2nd Edition of the standard is near future. and determining which edition of the
still undergoing adoption in many standard to apply. For that reason,
countries. At a minimum, this situation The picture is less clear in the seeking the guidance of an expert
could lead to confusion among both European Union (EU), where a third-party is essential in determining
regulators and manufacturers as to CENELEC version of the standard the application of the provisions
whether to use the requirements of is still under development and of both editions of the standard
the 2nd or 3rd Edition of the standard no timetable has been set for its to a given device, and evaluating
in designing and developing their completion or publication in the the likelihood of acceptance of
products and devices. Official Journal of the European Union each edition in the preferred target
(a prerequisite for use by regulators markets.
there). In the meantime, the official EU

IEC 62368-1 and TÜV SÜD

TÜV SÜD is a global leader in most advance testing equipment to In this dynamic regulatory landscape,
electrical safety testing for a wide ensure consistency and accuracy the experts at TÜV SÜD can help your
range of consumer electrical and of all testing result. Our technical company successfully navigate your
electronic equipment and products as professionals are fully versed in compliance with the requirements of
well as medical equipment, industrial, the latest developments regarding IEC 62368-1 and achieve regulatory
commercial and laboratory equipment. the acceptance of IEC 62368-1 by approval. For more information,
Our accredited laboratories around regulatory authorities in all major contact [email protected].
the world are equipped with the jurisdictions.

6 IEC-62368-1, 3rd Edition: What You Need to Know | TÜV SÜD

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7 IEC-62368-1, 3rd Edition: What You Need to Know | TÜV SÜD

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TÜV SÜD | IEC-62368-1, 3rd Edition: What You Need to Know 8

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