Verbs Nouns Adjectives and Adverbs

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WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

Activity Type Introduction

Grammar and Vocabulary This parts of speech worksheet helps students learn how to
Exercises: categorising, identify verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs and use them in
labelling, unscrambling, sentences.
binary choice, error
correction, gap-fill Procedure
Speaking Game: forming Give each student a copy of the two page worksheet.
sentences from prompts,
freer practice (pair work) Students begin by reading a sentence and putting the words from
the sentence in the correct categories.

Focus Exercise A - Answer key

Parts of speech: verbs,
nouns, adjectives, and Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
adverbs eats cat fat quickly

Aim Students then read sentences describing verbs, nouns, adjectives

and adverbs and indicate which part of speech is being described
To learn how to identify in each one.
verbs, nouns, adjectives,
and adverbs and use Exercise B - Answer key
them in sentences.
1. adverbs 2. verbs 3. adjectives 4. nouns
5. nouns 6. verbs 7. adverbs 8. adjectives
Make one copy of the Next, students put words into the correct parts of speech category.
two-page worksheet for
each student. Exercise C - Answer key

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs

Level sat woman old quietly
Elementary (A1-A2) runs dog big slowly
worked child good hard
moved car red noisily
Time fell rain cold quickly
writes sister little badly
30 minutes

After that, students put words in the correct order to make


Exercise D - Answer key

1. The old woman sat quietly. 4. The red car moved noisily.
2. The big dog runs slowly. 5. The cold rain fell quickly.
3. The good child worked hard. 6. My little sister writes badly.

(continued on the next page) © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

Activity Type Procedure continued

Grammar and Vocabulary Students then move on to read sentences and underline the
Exercises: categorising, correct part of speech to be used in each one.
labelling, unscrambling,
binary choice, error Exercise E - Answer key
correction, gap-fill
1. beautifully 2. hungry 3. singer
Speaking Game: forming
4. loudly 5. speaks 6. interesting
sentences from prompts,
freer practice (pair work)
Afterwards, students rewrite sentences, correcting the mistakes.

Exercise F - Answer key

Parts of speech: verbs, 1. My big brother cooks very badly.
nouns, adjectives, and 2. We weren't hungry, so we ate slowly.
adverbs 3. My older cousin paints well.
4. The bus driver drove quickly.
5. I picked up the glass carefully.
Aim 6. The happy bird sang noisily.
To learn how to identify
Next, students read sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct
verbs, nouns, adjectives,
parts of speech using their own ideas.
and adverbs and use
them in sentences.
Lastly, in pairs, students take it in turns to say a letter of the
alphabet and then the word verb, noun, adjective or adverb, e.g.
Preparation 'C - adjective'.

Make one copy of the Their partner then has 30 seconds to think of a suitable word and
two-page worksheet for use it in a sentence, e.g. 'Cute - My cat is cute'.
each student.
Students score one point for each correct sentence.

Level The student with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Elementary (A1-A2)

30 minutes © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

A. Verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs are four parts of speech. Read the sentence
below and put one word from the sentence into each category.

The fat cat eats quickly.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

B. Write verbs, nouns, adjectives or adverbs next to each description.

1. These words describe how we do something. .......................

2. These words, such as swim and run, demonstrate actions. .......................

3. These words describe an object, person, or place. .......................

4. We use these words to identify an object, person, or place. .......................

5. We sometimes add an 's' or 'es' when there is more than one of these. .......................

6. These follow nouns or pronouns and change forms in different tenses. ......................

7. These usually end in 'ly', but there are exceptions like hard and well. .......................

8. These usually come before nouns, or after verbs in a sentence. .......................

C. Put the words into the correct parts of speech category.

big moved sat good old quickly slowly woman rain dog quietly red

writes worked little runs child noisily car cold fell sister badly hard

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs

D. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. woman / the / sat / quietly / old ...................................................................

2. slowly / dog / runs / the / big ...................................................................

3. the / hard / child / good / worked ...................................................................

4. car / the / moved / noisily / red ...................................................................

5. rain / fell / quickly / the / cold ...................................................................

6. badly / my / sister / little / writes ................................................................... © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

E. Read the sentences and underline the correct word to be used in each one.

1. My cousin sings beautiful / beautifully.

2. The hungry / hungrily dog ate quickly.

3. The famous sing / singer dances very well too.

4. The small baby cried loud / loudly.

5. Our new teacher speaker / speaks very clearly.

6. The interest / interesting science lesson passed quickly.

F. Rewrite the sentences, correcting the mistakes.

1. My big brother cooks very bad. ......................................................................

2. We weren't hungry, so we ate slow. .....................................................................

3. My older cousin paints good. .....................................................................

4. The bus drive drove quickly. .....................................................................

5. I picked up the glass careful. .....................................................................

6. The happily bird sang noisily. .....................................................................

G. Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct parts of speech.

1. Joe always does his homework ................................

2. The ................................ children played quietly.

3. On cold days, I walk to school ................................

4. The new chef cooks ................................

5. The small ................................ slept peacefully.

6. The ................................ dog ran quickly.

7. Our new ................................ works well.

8. During the summer holidays, I ................................ late.

H. In pairs, take it in turns to say a letter of the alphabet and then the word verb,
noun, adjective or adverb, e.g. 'C - adjective'.

Your partner then has 30 seconds to think of a suitable word and use it in a sentence,
e.g. 'Cute - My cat is cute'.

Score one point for each correct sentence. The student with the most points at the
end of the game wins. © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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