Binomial SN Dey Xi

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expansion r2 occurs only in

Glearly, rth term= (r+)th term if. r= (0+l)x


Similarly, (r+l)th term = (r+2) th term if, (r + 1)=

coefficient a, of x
is a, = "c,b.

Also r occurs in "C,r"(Cx+b)

= "C,rc,
Therefore, it follows that, rth term = (r+ 1)th term = (+ 2) tn
terms if r=r+l,which is clearly impossible. So the expansion the
coefficientofr4 is +26cx4
2nd,-(n-1)a~ = 2n b-(n-1y"ci
of (1 + x)" cannot have three successive equal terms.

f a, be the coefficient of r in the expression 2)! (n-
(1+ br²+cr", prove that 2na, =(n-1)az.
Jn"n(n-)(0-2)!_ (n-1)nn[(n s 1wa)
(n-2)! (n-1)!9
Solution (1+ by2 +cxdy" = {1+x(b+ cx)}"
n²b[n-l-n+1]= 0
=1+"G(cx+ b) +"C,(ex +b)²
2na, = (n-1)a
+"C,lcr+ b)³ + +2n(cx+ b)"

SEXERCISE 8 Eachquestioncarries
7. State which of the following is
A In the expansion of (a+*)",the sum ofthe indices
Muttiple Choice Type Questions 1mark and x in any termis n-1.

If x>0, y> 0, then the 7th term in the expansion

Choose the correct option (x-2y)l5 is negative.
1. The number of terms in the expansion of (x © IIn isa positive integer, then "C, +"C,++",=
A) 10 B 11 © 12 13 O In the expansion of (l+x)", the sum of the coeficie
2. The index of y in the 10th term in the expansion of (x +y) of the terms in even positions is 2"-1.
A 9 B 10 19 . 20 8. State which of the following is true?
3. If the number of terms in the expansion of (a +x)" is finite The general term in the expansion of (a-"
then n is a (-"ças-).
B real number B) positive integer 8 There are two middle terms in the expansion of (I-!
© negative integer O positive fraction when n is an even positive integer.
4. The index of a in the 12th term in the expansion of
C) In the expansion of (1 +x)", the sum of the coetficien
(a+ 2b)20 js of the terms in even positions is equal tothesumoft
(A) 9 B) 10 C 19 D 20
coefficients of the terms in odd positions.
5. The general term in the expansion of (a +x)32 is O The valueof [(2 + 3)7-(2-3))is a rational nuu
ax 9. The middle term in the expansion of (2x-3y) l2 is -
(A 6th term B 7th term C 5th term (D
8th ter

10. Two middle terms in the expansion of

(33a-4b)15 are -
6. The coeficient of xM in the expansion of (1+x)"+n is terms
A 6th and 7th
terms (B 5th and 6th
A (m + n)! B) (m + n)! termts
©) 7th and 8th
terms D 8th and 9th
C) (m + n)! D) none of these 11. Total number of terms in the expansion of
m!n! (D 12
[Council Sample Question '13] B 10 C 11

wheeypansion of (2r+y)l5, the indices of x and yin the
that the coeficient of r" in the expansion
erm are respectively ( ) Prove of r in the expansion
(l+)2n is twice the coefficient
8 and7 B 6and 9 C9 and 6 7 and 8 of (l +)2n - 1
+r),the coefficients
icient of 10th termi in the expansion of ( (iM) Prove that in the expansion of (1
B 20 20 of l4 and are equal.
heexpansion of (a +x)", the coefficient of rth term from 0. Pind the middle
term (or terms) in the
expansions :

(iti) (iv)(2r- 3r
iay Short AnsWer Type Questions

9. Using binomial theorem find the value:
(1) (999)3 (tu) (101)*
ethe binomiialtheorem for a positive integral index.
ais a positive integer, show that, in the expansion of Eachquestioncarries
the sum of the coefficients of terms in the odd Short Answer Type Questions 4mmarks
wions is equal to the sum of the coefficients of terms in
sBren positions and each sum is equal to 27-1,
1. "If n be a positive integer, then the terms in the expansion
He down the binomial expansion of, of (1 +x)", having equal numerical coeticients shall be
equidistant from the beginning and the end.'-Prove this.
2. Find the coefficients of

3 () 5 in the expansion of (r
N-3rty +3xy² -y³j³ (wt--2)³ () x2 in the expansion of (2
Simplify : (H) -l in the expansion of -
#3+1)6-(43-1)6 (i) (2+/3) +(2-3)?
) +y- 4y(z+ y)° +6y²(x+y)²-4y°r+y +y (iv) x2 in the expansion of (3r
f) (a-3)³ +6(a-3) +12(a -3) +8
6) (r+2-1' +(*--)' () y2ral in the expansion of (y-)**
up to the term independent of x. (vi) in the expansion of xr-2)0
Determine : (vi) x in the expansion of 1-#+2r)1-)
) 10th term in the expansion of (3a+ : (vii) l0 in the expansion of (l+x+*)(1-x)l5
) 4h term in the expansion of (-2).
a 3. Find the term independent of r in each of the following
expansions :
term in the expansaon of (+)",
312 ()
ne general term in the expansion of (a-32: . 10

) 3rd term from the end in the expansion of

(4x 58
( (iv)
in the expansion of
(r+1)th term from the end (vi) (9
0) Show that the coefficients of r and x are equal in
de expansion of (1 + x)m+,
() (1-l-y (i) (l+

4Which term in the 12. (1) If the coefficients of and rll in

expansion of is the
(1 +ax+ 2r2,6 be 27 and (- yt
independent 192)
of x where p,
that term?
qare positive integers? What is
Examine whether or not there is any term
that, a -1,

(11) Ifin the expansion of (1 +x)m (1-xy"

of x in the
independent of x and x are3 and the tret
(-6) respectively
expansion of value of m. theen, e
(ii) Examine whether or not there is
any term containing 13. (1) Use binomial| theoremto show that if n
in the expansion of(2x?. then,
1is at
6 (a) 11" - 10n -1 is divisible by 100
0 If the coefficient of in the expansion of 2+)
be 160, find the value of k. (b) 32n-8n-1 is divisible by 64
(c) 52n- 24n-1 is divisible by 576.
(ii) If the term free from x in the
expansion ofi (i1) n(> 1) is a positive integer. Show that 14n
be 405, find the value of
m. divisible by 13 for all n.
?. If the 21 st and 22nd
terms in the expansion of (iii) For every natural number n(>
(1+x)4 are equal, find the value of x. 1), Droye
4n + 15n-1 is divisible by 9.
, If the
coefficient of x and x+1 are equal in the (iv) If n is positive integer
expansion of (1 +x)2n +1,then find the value of r. (>1), show
(42n +2- 15n - 16) is always divisible by
[Council Sample Question '13] 14. Using binomial theorem find the value : 225.
(iii) In the expansion of (1 +x)20, the () (0.999) [correct to three places of
term is to that of the (r+1)th termcoefficient
of the rth
is in the ratio 1 :2. decimals
Find the value of r. (i) (1.02) [correct to two
places of decimals]
i) If in the expansion of (1 15. Write down the expansion of 4

(3r+ 1)th term be equal to the

+x)32, the coefficient of 4x-) 4 . By giving su
coefficient of (r+5)th values to x and y, obtain the value of
term, show that, r=7. (39.75 coH
(v) If the four places of decimals.
coefficient of (r + 3)th termn in the expansion of 6 Prove that,
(1+x)4 be the same as the
term, find these two terms. coefficient (3r+2)th
of x, x-la,x-2.a'
n! (n- )!! x-3,q3
BShow that the co¢fficient of the (r+l)th term (n-2)!2! (n-3)!3!
expansion of (1 + x" is equal to the sum of the in the 17 Two
successive terms in the expansion of 2 ;
of the rth and
r+1)th terms
coefficients Find these two terms and
in the expansion of
(1 +x)2-1 their equal value.
Ho. If n be a positive
Show that the midd<e term in the integer and the sums of the odd teas
expansion of (x+ 1)2n is even terms in the
1-3-5-"(2n -1).2 expansion of (a+)" be
n. respectively, prove that,
10. (1) A2- B2 =
YShow that the
coefficient of the middle term of (ü) 4AB = (a'-)"
(1+x)2m is equal to the sum of the coefficients of the 19. Find the (a+x)" -(a-x)"
two middle terrhs of (1 + x)m -1. value of
(ii) Show that the
coefficient of the middle term in the
expansion of (1+ x)40 is equal to the sum of the (l+*)"+"C,(l+xy"-l.(1 -x)
coefficients of the two middle terms of (l +x)39. 20. If n be a +"C,(l+xy"-21-.
11. (i)Af the
coefficients of (p+1)th and (p+3) th terms in positive integer, show that the algehai s
the expansion of numerical
21. Show that coefficients in the expansion of
(1+x)" be equal, show that, the
p=n- l. sum of the
expansion of (1 +r2n js coefficients
of the ni
(W) n the binomal expansion of (a- 22 1
b)", n>5. the sum 2. If (1
i the 5th and 6th terms is
zerO. Find the value of . +x+*y" = a +a,r+ a,t o;
prove that, 4t a,

the coefficient of x' in the Cor2+ ... +Cr" then show :

expression of 1U. F (1+ x)" =Co +C,x+ +nCo=n-27-I
then prove that, 2na, = (n - 1)a,.
(1) C, +2- C,+3-C t""
yabinomialexpansion if the coefficients of two successive
(-1)"-ln Ch =0
1Sareequal, show that the coefficients of terms just (") C-2C, +3C, ... +
edingandsucceding these terms are also equal. 27 +1_1
(ii) n+1
(1+x)" 1+
"C,x+"C,+.. +"C and
2 3

.*", an are in A.P., show that -..+(-1)". n+1 n+1

(iv) 3
+"C ay: +(-1)"."Ch a, =0. +CnCo =(n!)2
thecoefficients of three successive terms in the expansion
(e) CoCn +C,:Cn-) + C, Cn-2+ .
(n +1)2"
be a, b and c respectively, then show that, (vi) Co +3C +5C, +..+(2n +1)C, =
2ac +blat and a(b+c) h term has coefficient a . (vi)
202 36g n(n+1)
h2-ac b²-ac 2
Eachquestioncarries (vii) 1 3
LongAnswer lype n+1

5marks (ix) . 5...= 2"-1

2 4 6 n+1
oie and prove the binomial theorem for a positive integral
dex. («) CC +CC, + C,Cg t +Cn-1Cn
he coeficients of 5th, 6th and 7th terms the expansion (2n)!
(n+ 1)! (n- 1)!
(l+x)" are in A.P.; find n.
the coefficients of three successive terms in the expansion (2n +1)!
l+x" are 120, 210 and 252 respectively, find n. (ci) Co 3 n+1 {(n+ 1)!}?
the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of (*+ a)"
240, 720 and 1080 respectively, find x, aandn. (xii) (C, +C+C,t +C,)
te three successive coefficients in the expansion of (1 + x)"
ein the ratio 1:2 :3. Find n.
(xii) CC,+ C,C,+1tC,C,+2t +Cn-Cn
the coefficients of the consicutive four terms in the
-ansion of (1+x)" be a,, ag a and a4 respectively, (n+r)! (n-r)!
ßiY that,
(xiv) Co-G,+C,´- C +... +(-1)".c, =0, where n
a, t ag is an odd integer
[Council Sample Question '13] (xv) 3."Ch -8."C, + 13."C, -18."Ct up to (n+1)
5th and 6th
De a positive integer and if the 3rd, 4th,
terms =0

s n thè expansion of (x+ A)",

when expanded in
(xvi) Co+4C,+ 8C, + 12C, + +4nC, =l +n·2" +1
-ending powers of X, be a, b, c and d respectively,
Wthat, 11. If (1-)" =Co-Cx+ C,r- Czrt..
b- ac_ 5a
2-bd 3c +C,(-1) x+ +(-l)" " show that.
the coefhcient of > in the following expression: C+2C, +3C ++nC, = n-27-l,
+2)" +(r+2)" -l(x+ 1) +(x+ 2)"-2(x +1)2 +(x+ l)"
12. Find the sum of the series
he first three terms in the expansion of (1 +x)" are in A.P.,
"C,+2."G,a+3. "c,.+.**t(n+l)."c,r"
and hence show that.
We that,
n(n -1)x-4nx+2 =0. "Co+2·"C +3-"C, +:.. +(n +l)"C, =(n +2)2" -1
13. Show:
(tv) when x =5
() x-"C(a+y)+"C,(r+ 2y)-"C,(x+3y) +.. =0 10

(1) 2".
2n-14nn=).gn-2_..+(-1)" =1 (v) when =y=
() (ax- by) lO when a=2, b=5,
14. If (1+ x)"= Co+ C,x+ C,r'+ +C x=3,y!2
show that, 16. Find numerically the greatest coefficients in the
1 2n-1
+ expansions :
1!(7-1)! 3(n-3)! S.(n-5)! n!
(1) (2a+3x)11
13. Find mumerlcally the (ii) (2-3x)15
greatest terms in the following
expansions: 17. Which term in the expansion of (x+ 3n
(" 2x has the e
() ( coeficient ?
18. In the expansion of the expression (a+x)'5 if the a
(H) (2a-3b) when a = b= term is the geomnetric mean of the eighth and
which term in the expansion is the greatest?

8. (1) 70
Multiple Choice Type (iü) 70
1. C 2. (lii) 126x and (- 1261)
3. ) 4. A (tv) (-1)".(3".2n!
5. D 6. C (n!)
7. D 8. © 9. () 997002999
9. 10. (iü) 104060401
11. © 12. (A
13. A 14. O
Short Answer Type
Very Short Answer Type 2. (1) 960
() 60 (iii) (-792) (iv) -216x
3. () ab +12a5b+ 60a b² +16043 b +
240a b4 (v) (-1)n-r, (2n+1)!
+ 192ab5+ 64b6
(vi) 3360
h2 h3
283543 510342
(vii) (-34) (vii) 4433
3 (1) 792
+ 5103a 2187 9 (ü) 495 (iü) -252 c2
b (iv)
(ii) 8x8x',32x,16 18
81 27y+ 3y2 3y (v) 96096 (vi) 495
yA (vii) 21 (vi) 25
(iv) 64x5
-+20x_20 +135 _243 729 4. (q+ l)th term p+)!
4x2 8x4 64x6 plq!
S. ) No
6. (i) No
(1) 2
(vi) x3x5-3x+ llx +6x2- 12x-8 (ü) 9
(vil) 1- 4x+ 10x2- 16x + 19x- 16x5 + 10x6
7. () ? (1) n
4x7 + 8 (ii) 7
4 (1) 240./3 (11) 10084 (ii) x4 (v)
(iv) (a-1)3 and
(v) 128x-224x5 +112x3 14x
11. (i) 2-4
5. 6561y8 87480x + 510300 - ..
6. (1) 1485 x 2lla-6 (1) -120a4.b-4 12. (11) m=12
14. (1)
(ii) 2"c, 0.996 (iü) 1.17
(iv) (-1). ""C,-3-· aM-2r (v) 4375:-4 15. 256x*-64xy +6x2yxy34256,2496597.5039
17. 2nd and 3rd
r! terms, value = 1152
19. 2n

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