F451 p34-44 Blackout Poetry

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Part One: The Hearth and the Salamander

Blackout poetry

Blackout poetry is made when a poet takes a piece of already printed text and crosses out
words until a poem is formed. Both the text and the blacked-out words form the poem.

Fahrenheit 451 BlackOut poetry task:

You will be assigned a page from p.34 - p.44 from Fahrenheit 451 and you will create
blackout poetry using the following steps:

1. Select words throughout the page that, when read together, create meaning related
to what is happening in the scene on the page or a larger message in Fahrenheit 451.
2. Decide on up to three background images that support the meaning revealed by the
words in the blackout poem and/or reveal meaning from your particular page.
3. Write a 1-paragraph analysis that explains how the remaining words and the
background images work together to create a message that relates to the deeper
meaning in Fahrenheit 451. Include a topic sentence and a concluding sentence.

Blackout Poetry Rubric

Category Exceeds Expectations Meets Below Expectations

Selected Words When read together the Selected words, The meaning created by
words create a powerful when read together, the selected words is
message significantly create meaning unclear. It may be
reflecting a message from related to the novel. unrelated to a message
the novel. from the novel.
Background The background images are The background The meaning created by
Image visually impressive and images support the the images is unclear
support the meaning in the meaning revealed and is unrelated to the
blackout poem or the novel by the words in the message from the novel.
in a profound way. blackout poem or
on the page.
1-Paragraph The writing is powerful and The writing The connections
Explanation well constructed. It analyses analyses how the between the images,
how the words & words and words and deeper
background images create background images meaning may be
meaning as it related to create a message unclear. The paragraph
Fahrenheit 451. Topic and relating to may be undeveloped,
concluding sentences tie Fahrenheit 451. lack analysis or lack
ideas together. Topic and topic and concluding
concluding sentences.
sentences are
An example:

“How many, how many will you take?

And lying on the bed with two technicians standing straight.
He wouldn't cry the death of a silly empty woman
What a shame! A wall between him and Mildred
Nothing, nothing, nothing
The living room, let's not stand and talk
Who was the victim of emptiness, and emptiness
Anything faded. Died.”

In the scene of my poem, Montag is frightened by Mildred’s pill-taking habits which reminds
him of the incident in which Mildred accidentally committed suicide and went to the
emergency hospital. However, this was not due to he truly cares whether she lives or dies.
His fear comes from the fact that he does not really love her but trying to avoid admitting
that fact. His tears started to drop as he realised he would not cry for Mildred's death if she
took an overdose of sleeping pills. The reasons behind his life, or Mildred’s life, lack any
true, real feeling. He acknowledges that both he and his wife are internally, utterly empty.
Montag blames the parlour walls in the living room for separating Mildred from him, killing
or distorting her brain as Mildred spends all of her time within her three TV walls. Mildred is
more interested in interacting with the “parlour walls” than her own husband, technology
has replaced human interaction. She even calls the people on TV “family” and values them
much more than Montag. This causes them to seem more like disgruntled roommates and
that is why Montag to wish for having a real talk with Mildred instead of “self-talking” with
the “fake families”. Even though Montag seems to have a little care towards Mildred,
however from my perspective, the couple is the victim of emptiness. The passion, or love
between them has faded and died or even never existed. The poem demonstrates the
emptiness, and the lack of bonding between humans in the society of Fahrenheit 451 due to
the overwhelming technologies has replaced human interactions.

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