Hootsuite SocialTrends 2024 Report (ENG)
Hootsuite SocialTrends 2024 Report (ENG)
Hootsuite SocialTrends 2024 Report (ENG)
The good old days of jumping on bandwagons and desperately trying
to outrun trends on social media are numbered.
Social marketers have come of age—and with their hard-won wisdom comes
a renewed focus on performance and less patience for folly. As platforms
continue raining new tools, features, and algorithm updates on us all, social
marketers are learning to take a deep breath and ignore the noise.
In 2024, ROI will take center stage on social as smart organizations finally
close in on their top-performing tactics. From singling out hero platforms
All eyes on ROI and perfecting their content mix to boosting their team’s capabilities with
AI, the marketers and brands who set the pace this year will do so with a
new level of precision and efficiency. There’s no time to waste on efforts
that yield no results—no matter how sentimental we might feel looking
behind us. (Love you forever, blue bird.)
From here on, it’s full speed ahead—and that’s why we may be looking
at social media’s most pivotal year yet.
Let’s go.
The AI The Platform The ROI
Trend Trend Trend
With generative AI on the rise, Strapped for time and In the quest for social ROI,
Contents financial organizations toe the resources, organizations stop brands must turn to
line between efficiency and stretching themselves thin entertainment to boost
authenticity on social media. and double down on the the bottom line.
platforms that get results.
Note: Commercial survey respondents were from 118 countries, with the most common being
the US (n = 2,709), Canada (n = 377), the UK (n = 267), India (n = 114), and Australia (n = 67).
AI forces
brands to
With generative AI on the rise, brands
toe the line between efficiency and
authenticity on social media.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
+28% +29%
% change %
+44% This year
86% 85%
Last year
67% 66% +195%
+260% +136%
54% 52%
37% 46%
Edit and Produce ad Develop Completely Produce Edit Generate Use a chatbot
refine text text from new ideas revise and customer images images to respond to
scratch rewrite text support text messages
Sample: 4,278 respondents from scratch
Source: Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Survey 8
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
Audiences greet AI with hesitation
There’s good news, and there’s bad news.
First, the bad news. (Better to rip off the Band-Aid, right?) AI-generated
social posts get a lot of buzz, but the question of trust still casts a big
of consumers say
No one’s a stranger to fake news anymore. And the idea of a machine
they are less likely
stringing words or mashing images together to be shared online makes to engage with and
some people uneasy, especially when trying to gauge what’s real and
what’s not on social. trust content if they
These sentiments line up with a 2022 study by the Pew Research know it was created
Center on the increased use of AI in daily life. The study found that
45% of US adults are equally concerned and excited about this, while
by an AI application
37% are more concerned than excited, and only 18% are more excited Source: Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Consumer Survey
than concerned.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
Take Gen Z, for example. They’re more likely to If I know something 20%
If I know something
claim they know what’s real and what’s created is created byby
is created anan
AIAI 22%
application, I am less
application, I am less 28%
by AI than other generations. They’re also more likely to engage with it
likely to engage with it 33%
likely to trust and engage with AI content. On
the other hand, baby boomers are the opposite 21%
If I Ifknow something
I know something is
on all accounts: less confident in their ability to is written byby
written ananAIAI 22%
tell if something is created by AI, and less likely
application, I amI am less
less 27%
likely to trust it
likely to trust it 33%
to trust and engage with it if it is.
Response = =
Response Strongly Agree
Strongly agree
Authenticity 🤝 AI
It’s inevitable: AI will become ubiquitous In 2024, the most successful brands will
on social. And it’s completely fair for social redefine “authenticity.” It’s not about who
marketers to use a tool that makes their life (or what) creates your content anymore;
easier. Scaling back on its use now would be it’s about the brand experience your content
like reverting from computers to typewriters. creates for the customer.
To thrive in this new environment, marketers Does it feel right? Does it reinforce the brand?
and brands need to move beyond defining Does it work? Get those right and you can
“real” and “authentic” based on whether dismiss questions about whether a bot made
something was created exclusively by a human. it with a shrug.
Like it or not we’re all cyborgs now, at least at
work. Whether we’re using AI as a brainstorm-
ing partner, letting it finish our sentences for
us, pretending it doesn’t exist, or (more likely)
a mix of the above, this genie is out of the bottle.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
“Basic design elements, like making sure that To make sure Croda is set up for success, Sidi
text isn’t running off to the corner, resizing collaborated with IT and other teams within the
images, color consistency: It sounds like little organization to put AI policies in place. Now the
things, but it really does make your brand look company has clear guidelines for securely using
professional,” she says. “I think AI is going to AI across different departments.
help quite a bit in the design space.”
The marketing team also has an approvals
In addition to creating consistency and improv- process in place so every bit of AI content is
ing the quality of social media images, Croda’s fact-checked and greenlit before it’s posted
marketing team also uses AI for brainstorming on social—a priority among their fact-loving,
content ideas and drafting social media captions. data-driven community.
like? How do they feel about what they see on social media?
Other data points you can learn about your audience include:
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
Share with all internal and external content creators so your social
content is consistent across all channels
commit to their
Strapped for time and resources,
organizations stop stretching themselves
thin and double down on the social
platforms that get results.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
But when your audience is everywhere, that’s a tall order— Time or budget investment
to maintain a presence on 52%
and the average social media user logs into about seven multiple social platforms
Unsatisfactory short-term
impact for campaigns
Unsatisfactory longer-term Sample: 4,281 respondents
impact for campaigns Source: Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Survey
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
Most social marketers could talk your ear off are enough to make social marketers’ heads
about why it takes so much time and energy spin. No wonder 66% of them say they have too
to be active—and thrive—on several social much to do, according to our 2023 Social Media
media networks. Management Career Survey.
One of the biggest factors: How important it’s Social marketers are responsible for developing
become to tailor social content to each network. strategies, creating content, tracking analytics,
(Cross-posting just doesn’t cut it anymore, sadly.) executing ads, responding to comments,
Different channels have different audiences, scheduling posts, and sooooooo much more— of marketers say
lingo, trends, and hashtags, not to mention word
counts and image specs. Brand posts that
and that’s before considering that each of those
tasks have to get done for multiple channels.
the pace at which
mimic the content and formats of individual
It’s also before taking into account the constant
networks release
new user and
platforms make for a better user experience—
platform changes that social pros are expected to
and less annoyed customers.
stay on top of. Today, networks release new user
Users also have different reasons for being on and advertising features so often that more than advertising features
each platform—Facebook for connecting with half (58%) of marketers say it’s difficult to keep up.
makes it hard to
friends and family, TikTok for being entertained,
Instagram for exploring interests, and Twitter/X
The good news? Social marketers aren’t the
only ones who feel the pressures of having to
keep up
for getting news and event updates, for example.
deal with multiple platforms. Company leaders Source: Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Survey
The differences between platforms—and the are finally starting to clue in, recognizing the
amount of work it takes to cater to them all— impact this is having on their business.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
performance, and burnt out staff, it was still considered less BeReal
TikTok 50%
50% 60% 50%
50% 40%
of a risk than scaling back on platform efforts. So they Snapchat
Snapchat 45%
45% 55%
YouTube 52% 48%
(foolishly) stuck it out. Reddit
Reddit 43%
43% 57%
Pinterest 36%
50% 64%
But now, organizations are starting to stray from this way of
30% 70%
thinking. Instead, they’re acknowledging the problems and Twitter/X
Snapchat 45% 55%
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
The platforms that drive the most ROI confidence Conversely, the majority of brands are on these numbers don’t dovetail neatly with overall
aren’t necessarily the most widely used, and vice Twitter/X, but only 30% think it drives value— ROI confidence for these platforms. What we do
versa. Take WhatsApp, for example. Only 14% of which is a 23% decrease from last year and might know is that whatever their reasons, organiza-
organizations have a presence on the instant explain the platform’s 7% drop in brand use. tions are more willing than ever to say buh-bye
messaging app, but almost two-thirds of them to platforms and strategies that aren’t meeting
So we have some speculations about Twitter/X,
feel strongly that it benefits their business. So their definition of ROI. They’re finally prioritizing
but why are brands shifting their strategies away
there aren’t too many who use it, but those who their own platform-by-platform ROI scores and
from Pinterest (down 11%) and WhatsApp (down
do, feel they get a lot out of it. making business decisions accordingly.
an eye-popping 18%)? They didn’t tell us—and
No value, no point:
Brands leave some of
the social platform giants
Change in platform use for businesses from 2022 to 2023 Zeroing in on the platforms that work
+16% It’s easy to fall into a pattern of following social In 2024, strategic organizations will push
media industry norms. But industry norms don’t back against unjustified expectations to do
+5% consider the unique goals, growth strategies, everything on every platform. They’ll unlock
KPIs, and customers of your organization. their top-performing channels based on ROI,
+1% That’s why it’s so important to take a step and focus their attention on those—and only
back, challenge your own assumptions about those. If they’re really confident (and brave),
the platforms you’re on, and think about they might even abandon one or two
what’s best for your business. altogether.
The key is being able to defy distractions that This will give social marketers more time with the
-1% prevent you from making smart decisions about platforms that make the cut—time to understand
your channels. Keeping up with what your their audiences, experiment with content to see
-7% competitors are doing and experimenting with what resonates, stay on top of trends and
shiny new features or entirely new platforms is algorithms, and get up to speed with all the
-11% an essential part of a social marketer’s job, but features. Because mastering a few key platforms
not at the expense of driving real business value is surely better than being so-so at many.
-18% from social.
Samples: 3,891 respondents (2024), 9,422 respondents (2023)
Sources: Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Survey, Hootsuite Social Trends 2023 Survey
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
formats, and other patterns that’ll help make it worthwhile). If you find any major
you decide how to approach your social flops, it may be time to scale back on
strategy moving forward. those channels or even shut down those
accounts. But these decisions shouldn’t be
Crushing it on Facebook, Instagram,
made lightly—be sure to share your find-
LinkedIn, and TikTok? Consider these your
ings with key players in your organization
hero platforms, and pour all your efforts
so you can make the call together.
into them. That means spending the
majority of your time (and budget) on Get a step-by-step walk-through of
those platforms—researching, experiment- the easiest audit process with our
ing with content, doing social listening, Social Media Audit Guide
and engaging with your audience.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
fuels the social
ROI engine
In the quest for social ROI, brands
must turn to entertainment to
boost the bottom line.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
The brand
is looking
Infrequent posts 14%
Absence from
social platforms 14%
Sample: 4,508 respondents
Source: Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Consumer Survey
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
The problem is, brands seem to have other ideas. While almost half of organizations are yammer- It’s no surprise, then, that 68% of social marketers
ing about themselves, 69% say engagement is report being concerned about the ROI of their
It turns out, 48% of marketers publish product
the top metric they use to demonstrate ROI. social activities. When brands measure success
or brand updates or news multiple times a
in ways that don’t add up, ROI will be hard to
week, according to our survey. That’s a huge How can you demonstrate ROI through
come by.
disconnect between what brands are posting engagement metrics when you’re giving the
and what people really want to see. audience exactly what they don’t want to
engage with?
And it gets worse.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
51% 2% Pipeline
Brands cling
Views 3% Share of voice
to engagement to Engagement 3% Sentiment
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
Which takes us back to entertainment. What does that actually mean? Let’s get
back to basics and bust open the dictionary.
In 2024, brands that publish entertaining
“Entertainment” simply boils down to
content on social will succeed in winning
“providing enjoyment”—and that can mean
eyeballs, engagement, and (eventually)
a lot of different things.
market share away from brands that keep
on publishing the same old stuff. Humor is enjoyable for sure. But so is finding
inspiration, getting excited, feeling moved, or
of consumers think
This isn’t a strategy you can pivot to overnight—
especially if you’ve been measuring ROI through
learning something new. Surely you can think that brands should
be more relatable
of something enjoyable you could provide to
metrics that aren’t aligned with your initiatives.
your audience. (If you’re stumped, these post
But if that strategy isn’t working as well as it
used to, it’s time for you to get back to the true
ideas are a great spot to begin.) on social media
strength of social media: building brand You don’t need to overthink it: 56% of consumers Source: Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Consumer Survey
awareness, affinity, and long-term relationships think that brands should be more relatable on
with your audience through engaging, social, according to our Social Trends 2024
entertaining social content. Consumer Survey.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
So in the words of everyone’s favorite cliché, Give what they want, take what you need
just be yourself—but your person-self, not your
all-important-super-serious-brand-self. After Brands can’t keep talking about themselves, This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t sell or promote
all, social media is not a place where you talk then hope to keep their audiences engaged. on social at all either. It’s just about realigning
at someone. It’s an interactive space where That’s a surefire way to flop. They should instead your priorities and reevaluating your content so
the exchange of value is a two-way street. be thinking about what their followers want. you can better serve your audience.
We also know how tempting it is to fast-track Like entertainment—in all the shapes and Social media can be a massive profit engine for
ROI through sales. After all, Statista forecasts forms it takes. your business. But for that to work, it has to be
social commerce to keep growing 30% year- built on relationships, not transactions. And
In return, you won’t just win your audience’s
over-year. They even estimate sales via social relationships are built by sharing something
attention and interest; you’ll also win their
channels to reach US$2.9 trillion by 2026. meaningful together.
affinity, trust, and eventually, their desire to
But focusing solely on dollar figures risks convert and become loyal customers.
turning social media into a short-term
demand-generation machine. Instead,
maximize social media as a space to create
deeper connections, meaningful interactions,
and customer relationships.
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
It’s not enough for a post to go viral—they The result? The department became so beloved Just by creating relevant content, the depart-
also measure how it affects event attendance. by their community that when TikTok bans ment was able to build a community that has
Other times, likes and shares are given less were introduced for federal agencies in the US, their back and supports them in times of
importance if what they ultimately want are their community came together and asked the need—even when those followers aren’t their
votes. #DuckStampContest governor to give them a pass. primary audience, like hunters. It’s proof of how
far your audience can take you when you give
Whatever they do on social, it’s centered on the
them value first.
department’s mandate of creating a safe,
educated, and engaged community of wildlife
AI Trend Platform Trend ROI Trend
2 Let social be
the long game 3 Make social relationships
the foundation of your ROI
With all this experimentation, you should give social (and yourself) Paying attention to what your customers want and actually giving it to
the space and time to dial in your winning tactics. them? Well done. That’s the first step.
Don’t rush into “smashing those goals” or “crushing those targets.” Social Tracking engagement across your social initiatives? Another leap in the
is best for building brand equity, which takes time—and that’s okay. right direction.
More importantly, don’t start getting impatient and reverting to your old, Now, measure how far those engagements go beyond social and across
self-promotion-y ways. We’ve already established that no one likes a hard your larger business goals. Things like, did that viral post move the needle
sell. Letting them flock to you will be much more effective in the long run. and increase your social share of voice after the Twitterverse (X-verse 🤔)
gave it so much love? Are you seeing more web traffic after a customer
And when you are talking about yourself (because you’re a business and
advocate shared your post to her bajillion followers? Are more likes on
that’s unavoidable), just make sure you’re warm, authentic, and relatable.
your TikToks translating into a higher sign-up rate for your events?
Position your promotion with a human experience, so it becomes more
personal and meaningful. Making sure your social content connects with business goals gives your
social media efforts a higher purpose. And putting your audience’s desires
at the heart of those efforts keeps them rooted in customer value and
authentic relationships.
Lead writers and researchers: Julia Escaño, Jordana Rapuch
Research and content directors: Kendall Walters, Sarah Dawley
Research and analysis: Critical Truth
Editor: Curtis Foreman
Supporting copy: Konstantin Prodanovic
Lead designer: Eric Uhlich
Supporting design: Gianfranco Valentini, Russ Horii, Anne Buchan
Video and motion graphics: Christopher Young, Liam MacLeod, Derek Saddler
Web: Ann Alonso, Sephora Khatchadourian, Sara Sinclair, Paige Cooper
SEO: Cathy Carey
Acknowledgements Campaign management and planning: Dory Kashin, Billy Jones
Social: Eileen Kwok, Trish Riswick
Big thanks to all the wise and talented owls
Webinars: Stacy Combest
who contributed to this year’s report…
Email: Denea Campbell, Yvette Lai, Allie Schwartz
Paid media: Ella Garfield, George Bradley, ASM Siddique
Marketing automation: Juliette Schoular, Spainie Zhuang, Neema Rafizadeh
PR: Chrisanna Chan, Rola Tfaili, Melanie Gaboriault
Inbound: Shannon Tien, Karolina Mikolajczyk, Liz Stanton, Britny Kutuchief
Industry insights: Larissa Beardmore, Ben Cathers, Tim Treacy, Scott Cassano,
Michael Blondé, Alex Wedderburn
Me was the biggest meme on the block. Since then, social has become a
non-stop engine of online culture, connectivity, and commerce. And through
it all, Hootsuite’s been your one-stop shop for all things social.
Smart social listening and engagement tools? We’ve got those on tap.
apps and integrations
AI-powered social commerce and customer care? We’ll help you do that, too.
1 Million
More than 200,000 paying customers log on to Hootsuite to tell their stories,
grow their audience, and make gutsy business goals come true. We’ll help
you run at the non-stop pace of online culture—wherever it goes next.