The Street Harassment Scale

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The Street Harassment Scale

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Never Once in the A few times About once A few times Almost Multiple
past year in past year a month a month everyday times a day

When you are in public (on-campus or off-campus):

1) How often has a man whistled, yelled, or honked at you from his car while you were
walking/waiting for the bus/riding bike?
2) How often has a man blown you kisses or made other romantic gestures to you on the street?

3) How often has a man told you to smile?


4) How often has a man-made negative comments about your appearance as you walk by (e.g.
―keep the legs, lose the face‖)?

5) How often has a man offered you money for sex when you are either walking or standing
waiting for someone?

6) How often has a man asked you for your name?


7) How often has a man told you how pretty or attractive you are as you walk down the street
and then repeated these comments louder, trying to get your attention?

8) How often has a man slowed down his car so that he can drive beside you as you walk and
either watch you or speak to you?

9) How often has a man made sexually explicit gestures to you as you walk (e.g., pantomiming
a blow job, grabbing his crotch)?

10) How often has a man complimented your appearance (e.g. ―you have beautiful eyes‖,
―nice legs‖, ―you‘re beautiful‖)?

11) How often has a man asked if you have a boyfriend or are married?
12) How often has a man commented on your weight saying that you are either too fat or too

13) How often has a man made sexual comments to you and then followed you as you walk?

14) How often has a man asked you for your phone number?

15) How often has a man yelled things like ―hey sexy!‖ or ―you‘re fine!‖ from a car while
driving past you as you are walking or waiting for someone?

16) How often has a man walked past you and commented on your weight, saying that he
approves of your size?

17) How have men touched you as you walked past them (e.g., touching your waist, brushing
a hand against your breast, grabbing your hand, etc.)?

18) How often has a man called you insulting names to you as you walk past (e.g., ―whore‖
or ―bitch‖)?

19) How often has a man approached the male person you are walking or sitting with and
complimented him on your appearance or on his successful conquest of you?

20) How often has a man yelled comments about your appearance at you while you are jogging?

21) How often has a man walked past and directed non-verbal sounds at you (cat calls, wolf
whistles, etc.)?

22) How often has a man stared at you in a sexual way as they walk past you on the street (e.g.
leering, eyeing you up and down)?

23) How often have construction workers yelled compliments to you about your appearance as
you walked past their work site?

24) How often has a group of men made gestures and calls for you to come over to where they
are standing?
25) How often has a man pulled his car over as you are walking and asked you to do sexually
explicit things with him?

26) How often has a man called for your attention and when you ignore him begun shouting
insults at you?

27) How often has a man showed you his penis on the street?

28) How often have men physically assaulted you as you walked past them (e.g. slapping your
buttocks, punching you, tripping you, poking you)?

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