Mole Concept Chapter 1
Mole Concept Chapter 1
Mole Concept Chapter 1
Theory & Questions Explanations
Page No. Page No.
1. The Solid State (Rationalised Content)
1 142
2. Solutions
23 152
3. Electrochemistry
43 165
4. ChemicalKinetics 62 175
5. Surface Chemistry (Rationalised Content] 82 188
6. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements /Rationalised Content! 100 195
7 The p-Block Elements
(Group 15 to 18) /Rationalised Content) 115 201
8. The d-and f-Block Elements
134 210
9. Coordination Compounds 154 218
10, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
176 231
11. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 197 242
12. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 220 254
13. Amines
245 266
14. Biomolecules 268 278
15. Polymers /Rationalised Content| 285 283
16. Chemistry in Everyday Life(Raionalised Contentl 301 287
NEET 2023 Solved Paper 1-10
2023 2022 2021 2020 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 1| 2016| 2015 2015 Re 2014
12 -
of 10 -
heat heat
eliquid cool -Gas Electric current ampere A
Mixtures Heterogeneous
Mixtures Elements Compounds
10-12 pico
10-9 nano
0.200 g has three significant point. For example, 400 1.0080 amu
decimal = 1.0078 amu =
significant if there is no but 400. has three significant -16(9O) atom would be
significant figure, of oxygen
has onlyone Such numbers Similarly, the mass
four significant figures.
figures and 400.0 has scientific notation. We can express amu. known as
'u', which is
are better represented for one significant figure, 4.0x10 'amu' has been replaced by
4x10 present
the number 400 as and 4.00x 10° for three significant At
unified mass.
for two significant
0bjective NCERT
Average atomic mass: it is the sum of the products of fractional
abundances (f) of the isotopes and theit coTesponding mass Eg. Wt, of bases
Molar Mass
number (A ), ie.
Molar Mass
A= EfA,=A, xf +f*A, +. Eq. Wt. of Salts =.
Net Positive or Negative charge
Carbon has the following three isotopes with relative abundance
and massS as shown against each of them.
Isotope Relative Abundance Atomic Mass Empirical &Molecular Formuta)
(%) amn) An empirical formula represents the simplest
98.892 whole
ratio of various atoms present in a
molecular formula shows the compound,
exact number of reansu,mbeth:e
2x 1010 14.00317 of atoms present molecule of compound. dif erent
in a a The
From the above data, the average atomic mass molecular formula from empirical tormuBa is given as.Stepsto find
of carbon will Sten Conversion mass per cent to
i: of
COme out to be: grams
(0.98892) (12 u) +(001108) (13.00335 u) +(2 x 10-) (14.00317u) Step 2: Convert into number of moles of each element
=12.011 u Step 3: Divide each of the mole values obtained
MoBecutar Mass: It is the sumn of atomic masses of the smallest number amongst them by tbeabove
present ina molecule. It is obtained by multiplying theelements Step 4: Write down the empirical formula
atomic the numbers after writing the symbolsbyof
mass of each element by the number of its
them together. For example: atoms and by adding
resne mentiorirg
Molecular mass of methane, Step 5: Writing molecular formula
(CH) =(12.011 u) + 4 (1.008 u) = 16.043 u In final step divide molar mass or
relañon between molecular mass and vapour formula mass as,
(moBecular mass) by emoint
Molecula mass = 2 x vapour density Molecular Mass
Molecular mass = Mass of 22.4 Lof vapour of STP Empirical Fornula Mass
V.D= Density of a gas at certain temp. and pressure
Molecular formula =nx Empirical formula
Density of hydrogen at same temp. and pressure or Molecular formula -
(Empirical formula),
Mole Concept and Molar Mass
The mole., (symbol mol), is the SI
Stoichiometric Calculations
Limiting Reagent: The
One mole contains exactly 6.022 14076xof10amount of substance. product is called the limitingreactant
unit that limits the amount oi
This number is the fixed elementary entities. reactant or limiting reagent.
numerical value of the Avogadro Reactants not completely consumed are called excess
constant, N,, when expressed in the unit mol- and is called the lt can be reactant.
Avogadro number. explained by the following example.
In the preparation of
} lmole of atoms
:Gram atomic mass (or lg atom) ammonia:
:6.022 x 10 atoms. N,(g) + 3H,(g) ’ 2NH, (g)
} Imole of
molecules :Gram molecular mass (or lg When one mole of N, reacts with
of NH, are produced. What three moles ofH,, two moles
molecule) would
reacted with three moles of H. ? Would happen if two moles of N,
:6.022 x 10 molecules NH, be formed? Answer is more than two moles of
:22.4 Lat STP given below.
1mole of ionic compound: Gram Before the reaction takes place,
formula mass nitrogen and hydrogen a
present in a l:3 molar ratio. The reaction
6.022 x 102% formula units the balanced equation. One takes place according
Molar mass of H,0= 18.02 g/mol H, to produce two moles of
mole of N. reacts with three
moles o
has been used up, and NH.. At this point, all the hydroge
Important Formulas the reaction stops. One mole of unreacted
nitrogen is left in addition of the
Number of moles = Given Mass twO moles of NH, that häv
been produced by the
Atomic or Molar mass In this reaction, only reaction.
Eq. Wt. of an the hydrogen that
is completely used up. It is
ion/radical =Formula Weight the limiting
total charge of product thatreagent, or the
can be forned by a determines the amoUn!
Eq. Wt, of acids Molar Mass only until the limiting reaction. TheByreaçtion
reagent is used contrast, the
reactant that up.
Basicity is
completely used up excess
some nitrogen will remain reagent because
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
i8, TWo olenents X(of mass l6) and Y (ol ass 14) combine 24, Whieh among the given gascs contain the equal number of
te totn compounds A, B nnd (C. Theatio of different Inolecules Hs that of 16 grams of oxygen?
massos otY which vombine with a fixed mass of Xin A, B I) l6gm of S0,
Aud 'is l:3ES,TN2 parts by näss of Xcombines with 2) 32 grans of S0,
N4 prits (y mass of \Y in B, then in C, l6parts by maSS o 3) 12 gm of0, 4) All
\ willconbine with, 25. One atom of an clement weighs 1.8 × 102 g, its atomic
I) 4 pats by mass ofY 2) 42 parts by nmass ofY hass is
) 70 parts by mmass ofY 4) R4 parts by mass ofY I) 29.9u 2) 18u
3) J08.36 u 4) 154 u
Atomic and Moleeular Masses 2. If H,sO, ioniscs as H,SO, + 2H,0 -’ 2H,0*+ S0}. Then
total number of ions produccd by 0.1 mol H,SO, will be:
io Bonmn has two isotopcs B" and B" whose tolative
) 9.03 x 1021 2) 3.01 x 1022
albundaices are 20% nd 80"% respectively. Atomie woight
of Borm iN 3) 6.02 x 1022 4) 1.8 x 1023
) 0 2) 1| 27, Which of the following will not have a mass of 10 g?
1) 10,$ 4) 10,8 I) 0.l mol CaCO,
17. Insuin contains 34% sulphur by mass. What will be 2) I.51 x 10" Ca² ions
minimum nolecular weight of insulin? 3) 0.16 mnol of CO ions
) 94.117u 2) 1884 l 4) 7.525 x 1022 Br atom
) 94| u 4) 976 u 28. g of oxygen contain number of atoms equal to that
I8. The holccular nass of glucose (CH,,0) contained by:
1) l60.N u 2) 180.162 u I) 2g of calcium 2) 4 g sulphur
3) 2164 u 4) 134.821 u 3) 9g nitrogen 4) 4 g sodium.
29. A person adds 1.71 gram of sugar
Mole Concept and Molar Masses (C,,H,0,,) in order to
sweeten his tea. The number of carbon atoms added are:
(mol mass of sugar=342).
19. Igatom of nitrogen
represents: I) 3.6 x 1022 2) 7.2 x 1021
) 6.02 10 N, molecules 3) 0.05 4) 6.6 x 1022
2) 22.4 Lof N, at S.T.P 30. The number of atoms present in
3) 0.2L of N, at S.T.P (at. mass =31) are:
0.1 mole of P, 4
*. Two ciements X (of mass l6) and Y {of mass I4) combine 24. Which among the given gases contain the tquai nutnber of
to fom compounds A, B and C. The ratio of different molecules as that of l6 grams of oxygen?
masses ofY which combinc with a fixcd mass of Xin A, B } l6gm of SO. 2) 32 gams of S0.
and C is :3:5. if 32 parts by mass of Xcombines with
84 parts by mass of Y in B, then in C, 16parts by mass of 3) 12 gm of O, 4) A!
X will combine with: 25. One atom of an clement weighs 1.8 x 10*g. its atomic
mass is:
) 14 parts by mass of Y 2) 42 parts by mass of Y
3) 70 parts by mass of Y 4) 84 parts by mass of Y ) 29.9 u 2) 18 u
3) I08.36 u 4) 154 u
Atomic and Molecular Masses 26. If HSO, ionises as HSO, + 2H,0 -2H0*+ SO, .Then
totai nunmber of ions produced by 0.i mol H,SO, will be:
16. Boron has two isotopes B° and B' whose relative ) 9.03 x 10! 2) 3.01 x 10
abundances are 20% and 80% respectiveiy. Atomic weight 3) 6.02x 10 4) 1.8 x 10
of Boron is
1) 10 2) 11 27. Which of the following will not have a mass of i0g?
3) 10.5 4) 10.8 ) 0.! mol CaC0,
17,. Insulin contains 3.4% suiphur by mass. What wili be the 2) I.51 x 10Ca ions
minimum molecular weight of insulin? 3) 0.16 moi of CO; ions
1) 94.117u 2) I884 u 4) 7525 x 10 Br aiom
3) 941 u 4) 976 u 28. 2 g of oxygen contain number of atoms cqual to that
18. The molecular mass of glucose (C H,,0,) containod by:
) 160,8 u 2) 180.162 u
I) 2 gof calcium 2) 4g sulphur
3) 216.4 u 4) 134.821 u 3) 9g nitrogen 4) 4g sodium.
29. Aperson adts I.71 gran of sugar (C,,H,0,,)in order to
swocten hts tea. The number of carbon atonns added are:
Mole Concept and Molar Masses (moi mass of sugar 342).
) 3.6 10 2) 7.2 × 10
19, lg-atom of nitrogen represents:
I) 6.02 x 10 N, molecuies 3} 0.05 4) 6.6 10
2) 22.4 LofN, at S.TP 30. The number of atoms present in 0.1 moie of P,
3) 1.2 L of N, at S,T.P {at. mass 31) are:
4) 28 g of nitrogen ) 24 x / stoTIS
20. Which is correct for 10 g of CaCO,? 2) Same as in 0.05 mol of S,
1) Itcontains l g atom of carbon 3) 6.02 * 10atons
2) It contains 0.3 g atoms of oxygen 4) Same as in 3.lg of phosphorus
3) Itcontains 12 g of calciumn 31. Which one contains maximun number of moBecules?
4) Itrefers to 0.l gequivalent of CacO, 1) 2.5 gmolecule of N,
21. The number of oxygen atoms present in 14.6 g of 2) 4g atom of nitrogen
magnesium bicarbonate is: 3) 3.01 x 10 atoms of nitrogen
) 6N, ) 0.6 N 4) 82 g of dinitrogen
3) N, 4) N 32. Out of 1.0 g dioxygen, L.0 g (atomic) oxygen and
2 1.0 g ozone, the maximum number of oxygen atoms are
2?. Which of the foilowing has the highest mass? contained in:
I) 20 g of sulphur I) L0g of atomic OXYgen
2) 4mol of carbon dioxide 2) 1.0gof czone
3) 1?x 0 atoms of hydrogen 3) 1.0 gof oxygen gas
4) 12Lof heliumat N.T.P. 4) All contain same number of atoms
X*. If wc assume 1/24 th part of mass of carbon instead of 1/12 33. What is the total number of atoms present in 25.0 mg ef
th part of it as Iamu, mass of l mole of a substance will
camphor, CH0
Reman unchanged 2) get doubled ) 9.89x10* 2) 6.02 x 10
?} Ciet halved 4) can't be predicted 3) 9.89 x1 4) 2.67x 10:
Objective NCERT
Punch -
I8. Two oxides of a metal Contain S0% and 40% metal (M)
27, A mctalnitride M,N,contains 28% of
respectively. If the formula of first oxide is MO, the mass of inctal M is:
nitrogcn. The alomic
formula of second oxide will be:
) 24 2) 54
1) MO, 2) MO, 3) 9 4) 87.62
3) M,0 4) M,0, 28. Chlorine can be prepared by reacling HCl with
In an organic compound of molar nass 108 g nmol C, H MnO,. The
reaction is representcd by thc cquation
and Natoms are present in 9:1:3.5 by weight. Molccular
fornmula can be MnO,(g) +4HC\aq.) -’ MnCl, (aq.) +C1,(g) +211,0()
Assuming that the reaction gocs to completion.
1) CHN, 2) C,H,N of conc, HCI solution (36% by mass) is nccded What mass
to produce
3) CH,N, 4) C,HN, 2.5 gC1,?
2R 6.0 x 10° molccules of urca are present in 100 nL of its I) 14.27g 2) 25 g
solution. The molarity of urea solution is 3) 25.21g 4) 30 g
1) 0.00l M 2) 0.01 M 29. 29.2% (w/w) HCIstock solution has a density of 1.25 g
The molccular wcight of HCI is 36.5 g mol !. The volume
3) 0.02 M 4) 0.1 M
(Avogadro constant, N, =6.02 ×10* mol) (in mL) of stock solution required to prepare a 200 m
solution of 0.4 M HCl is
2. In the reaction,
1) 16 mL 2) 6l mL
ZAI(s) +6HCl(aq) -’ 2Al"(aq) + 6CI (aq) + 3H,(g),
3) 80 mL 4) 8 mL
I) 6L HC(aq) is consumed for every 3LH,(g)
produced 30. The molality of 1L solution with x% H,SO, (w/v) is
2) 33.6 LH.(g) is produced regardless of
temperature and equal
to 9. The weight of solvent present in the solution is 910 g.
pressure for every mole Al that reacts The valuc ofx is
3) 67.2 LH.(g)at STP is produced for every mole Al that 1) 90 2) 80.3
3) 100 4) 95.5
4) 11.2LH(g) at STP is produced for every mole HCI(ag)
consumed 31. The composition of residual mixture will be, if 30 g of Mg
22. 4.4 g of CO, and 2.24 litre of H, at STP are combines with 30 gof O,
mixed in a 1) 40gMgO +20 gO,
container. The total number of molecules present in the 2) 45 gMg0 + 15 gO,
container will be 3) 50 g MgO + 10g 0, 4) 60 g MgO only
1) 6.022 x 1023 32. How many moles of magnesium phosplhate,
2) 1.2044 x 1023
contain 0.25 moles of oxygen atoms? Mg,(PO,), will
3) 2 moles 4) 6.023 × 1024
I) 0.02 2) 3.125 x 10
23, 1g sample of alkaline earth metal react completely with 4.08
gH,SO, and yields an ionic product MSO,. Then find out the 3) 1.25 x 102 4) 4.25 x 10
atomic mass of alkaline earth metal (M)? 33. The atomic weights of two elements A and B are 40 u
I) 9 80 u respectively. If x g of A contains y atoms, how many
2) 24
atoms are present in 2x g of B:
3) 40 4) 87
24. A compound contains 36% Cby mass. If each molecule 1) 2) Y
2 4
contains two C atoms the number of moles of the compound 3) y
in its 10 g is: 4) 2y
34. The haemoglobin from red blood corpuscles of most
1) 0.J5 2) 1.5 mammals contain approximately 0.33% of iron
3)150 4) 1500 by mass. The molecular mass of haemoglobin is
25. When a certain amount of octane is burnt 67200g mol, The number of iron atoms in each molecule
completely, of haemoglobin is:
7.04 g of CO, is formed. What mass of H,0 is formed
simultaneously? I) 3 2) 4
1) 3.24 g 2) 6.68 g 3) 2 4) 6
3) 6.48 g 4) 6.16 g 35. 0.8 mole of a mixture of CO and CO, requires Cxactiy
26. A 1.50 g sample of KHCO, having 80% purity is 40 gram of NaOH in solution for complete conversion
heated. Assuming the impurity to be thermally stable, of all the CO, into Na,CO,, if the mixture (0.8 mole) is
loss in weight of the sample, on heating is:
the completely oxidised to CO,, find further requiredmoles of
1) 26.4 g 2) 2.64 g I) 0.2 2) 0.6
3) 0.264g 4) 0.0264 g 3) 1 4) 1.5
Objective NCERT Punch
3. Which statement regarding mass and weight is not correct ? 8, Which amongst the following statements is not corree
1) Mass of a substance is the amount of matter present about the given reaction ?
in it. CH, (g) + 20, (g) -’ CO, (g) +2 H,O (g)
2) Weight is the force exerted by gravity on an object. I) One mole of CH,(g) reacts with twO moles of 0.(2) o
3) The SI unitof mass is kilogram. give onc mole of CO,(g)and two moles of H,0(g).
4) Mass of a substance may vary from one place to another 2) One molecule of CH() reacts with 2 molecules of
while weight of a substance is constant. O,(g) to give one molecule ofCO,(g) and 2 molccules
4. The incorrect statement regarding significant figuros is: of H,O(g).
1) There are three significant figures in 285 cm. 3) 22.7 L of CH, (g) reacts with 45,4 L of 0, (g) to give
2) There are two significant figures in 0.25 mL. 22.7 Lof Co,(g) and 45.4 Lof H,0(g)
3) There are threc significant figures in 0.03 4) 16g of CH, (g) reacts with 32 g of O, (g) togive 44 g
4) There are four significant figurcs in 2.005. of CO, (g) and 18 g of H,0(g).
9. Choose the incorrect statement about molarity :
5. Select the incorrect statement regarding laws of chemical
combination : I) Molarity is defined as the number of moles of the solute
1) According to law of conservation of mass, matter can present in Ilitre of the solution.
neither be created nor be destroyed 2) Molarity is denoted by symbol M.
2) According to law of definite proportions, a given 3) IM NaOH means 1 mol of NaOH present in I
litre o1
compound always contains exactly the same proportion the solution.
of elements by weight. 4) Molarity is independent on temperature.
3) According to law of multiple proportions, if two I0. ChoOse the correct statement/s :
clements can combine to form more than one compound,
A. 0.22 g of CO, contains 0.005
the masses of one element that combine with a fixed moles
mass of the other clement, are in the ratio of small B. 320 mg of SO, contains
0.005 moles
whole numbers. C. 560 mg of SO,
contains 0.005 moles
4) According to Gay Lussac's law, equal volumes of all D. 0.085gof NH,
gases at the same temperature and pressure should
contains 0.005 moles
1) A, B and C
contain cqual numbcr of molccules 2) Only C
3) A, B and D
4) B, C and D
Ssnse Rasie Cucepts of Chenústry
Directions: These questions consist of two statements 3. Assertion: The number of significant figures in 1502 cm is
each, printed as Assertion and Reason. While answering two.
these questions, you are required to choose any one of the Reason: All non-zero digits are significant and zeroes lie
following four responses. between any two non-zeroes will be significant.
1) Both Assertion and Reason are True and the 4. Assertion: The ratio by volume of NH,: HCI:NH,Cl is
Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion. 1:1:1inthe reaction
2) Both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is NH,(g) +HCI(g) -’ NH,C()
not a correct explanation of the Assertion. Reason: Gay Lussac's law deals with gaseous reactants
3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False. and products only.
4) Assertion is False but Reason is True. 5. Assertion: 64 g of SO, and 80g of SO, will occupy same
volume at NTP.
!. swertian: 1 mole of anygas occupies 22.4 lit at NTP.
Reason:lmole of any gas occupies 22.4 lit at NTP.
Reson: Volume of gas depends on temperature, pressure
and nature of gas. 6. Assertion: The empirical mass of ethene is half of its
molecular mass.
2. Asversion: The no. of Oxygen atoms present in 16 g of
OXygen and 16 g of 0, is same. Reason: The empirical formula represents the simplest
whole number ratio of various atoms present in a
Reasgn; Both these species represents 1 g atom of oxygen. compound.
Objective NCERT Punch
7. ANsertion: Onc atomic mass unit is defined as one tweltth Combustion of 16 g of methane gives Chemistry
of the mass of one carbon-12 atonm.
9. Assertion:
combustion of methane, water is
Reason: Carbon-12 isotope is the most abundant isotope of Reason: In the one of the
carbonand has bcen chosen as standard. products. amu represents a mass cqual to 166 x 10 21
8. ANsertion: Signiicant figures for 0.200 is 3 wherens for 10. ANsertion:
200 it is 1, kg.Renson: I amu represents the actual mass ot one atom of
Reason: Zero at the end or right of anumber are significant
provided they are not onthe right sicde of the decinnal point. carbon-12.
13. Which of the following statements indicates that law of 3) When magnesium burns in Oxygen, the amount of
muBtipie proportion is being followed? magnesium taken for the reaction isequal to the anount
1) Sample of carbon dioxide taken from any source will of magnesium in magnesium oxide formed
aiways have carbon and oxygen in the ratioi:2
2) Carbon forns two Oxides namely C0, and C0, where 4) At constant temperature and pressure, 200 mL of
masses of exvgen which combine with fixed mass of hydrogen will combine with I00 mL oxygen to produce
carton are in the simpie ratio 2: 200mL. of water vapour
i. What mass of 95% pure CaC0, will be required to 4. One mole of carbon atom weighs 12g, the number of atoms
neutralise sO ml of 0.S M HCI solution according to the in it is equal to. (2029 Covid)
following resction? (2022) (Mass of carbon-12 is 1.9926 × 10 g)
CaC0 2HCICaCl,tCOt 2H,Oo 1) 6.022x 102 2) 12 × 102
[Calcalate upto second place of decimal point] 3) 6.022 x 1023 4) 12 x 123
1) 9.50 g 5. The number of moles of hydrogen moiecules required to
2) 1.25 g produce 20 moles of ammonia through Haber's process is
3) 1.32 g (2919)
4) 3.66 g 1) 10 2) 20
3) 30 4) 40
. An organic compound contains 78% (by wt.) carbon and
6. A mixture of 2.3 g formic acid and 4.5 g oxalic acid is
renaining percentage of hydrogen. The right option for the
empirical formula of this compound is: [Atomic wt. of C is treated with concentration H,SO,. The evoBved gaseous
12, His 1] mixture is passed through KOH pellets. Weight (n g) of
I) CH 2) CH,
the remaining product at STP wil be (2018)
1) 1.4 2) 3.0
3) CH, 4) CH 3) 4.4 4) 2.8
3. Which one of the followings has maximum number of 7. Inwhich case is number of molecules of water maximum?
atoms? (2020)
1) lg of Mg(s)[Atomic mass of Mg 24) 1) 18mL of water
2) 1gof0,(g) [Atomicmass of O = 16] 2) 0.18 g of water
3) ig ofLi(s) [Atomic mass of Li =7] 3) 10 mol of water
4) lgofAgls) [Atomic mass of Ag=108] 4) 0.00224 L of water vapours at l atm and 273K