Cooling Tower

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Cooling Tower inspection tips

cooling tower inspection tips

Use these instructions to perform a thorough inspection on virtually any cooling tower. These instructions are
completely general, so some portions won’t apply to your cooling tower.
When you’ve filled out the checklist, use the results to help plan your cooling tower repair and maintenance. Always
refer to your tower’s user manual if you have specific questions about your cooling tower.
Your Marley sales representative will be happy to help you with parts and service or to guide you toward a qualified
service contractor. Call 913 664 7400 and ask for the name of your nearest Marley representative or check the web

safety and health

Before starting a cooling tower inspection it is important Personal Protective Equipment

to identify all potential safety and health hazards Always follow local Safety and Health regulations
associated with the work and identify how each hazard regarding personal protective equipment (PPE). As a
will be eliminated or controlled. Planning ahead helps minimum, cooling tower workers should wear a hard hat,
alert workers to potential safety hazards and take safety glasses or goggles, work gloves, and high top
appropriate preventive action. leather boots with nonslip soles. Fall protection should
Always follow safety and health regulations published by be provided as required.
local authorities. Use the following general guidelines for When climbing the cooling tower structure is required,
basic worker protection. workers should be equipped with a full body harness
and two shock absorbing lanyards of at least six feet in
length. Two lanyards allow movement while providing
Legionnaire's Disease fall protection at all times. Safety belts or single lanyard
Legionnaire's Disease is caused by infection from the systems do not provide adequate fall protection.
Legionella pneunophila bacteria, which is present in all
natural environments. The bacteria, which thrives in warm
moist environments, can enter the lungs when carried Tower Cleanliness
in small water droplets. Cooling towers can create the An unclean tower can be an amplifier of unhealthy
potential for Legionella infection, particularly when biological agents. It is important to periodically inspect an
biological growth is present. operating cooling tower for good biological control. The
Basic safety precautions include: inspection should include, at a minimum, visual evaluation
• Turn off and lock out cooling tower fans before working of the condition of the water and the distribution basins.
inside any cooling tower. Good biological control is indicated by clean, clear water
• Wear a full or half face respirator with HEPA (high with no green or brown algae below the water line.
efficiency particulate air) filters. Poor control is detected by cloudy, dirty, or foul smelling
water. Also look for rust colored corrosion “pockets”.
Persons using respirators must be properly trained
These pockets may be filled with black liquid that
in their use, including a pulmonary function test and
smells like rotten eggs. If observed conditions indicate
medical evaluation to determine the ability to wear and
poor biological control, the tower should be thoroughly
use the respirator.
cleaned and the water treatment system evaluated.
Clean cooling towers result from practicing biological
testing and using effective biological control procedures.

Tower Casing Fan Deck

Look for leaks, cracks, holes or general deterioration, Check the general condition of the fan deck material,
including air leaks between adjoining panels. Make sure noting any steel corrosion or wood decay. Make sure the
that hardware attaching the casing to the structure is fan deck support members are in good condition and
tight and in good condition. that connections between the fan deck and the supports
Inspect steel casing for corrosion or scale buildup and are tight. Look for air leaks between adjoining fan deck
examine wood casing for signs of wood decay, including panels.
soft rot or plywood delamination. Look for evidence of Loose fan deck overlays are a tripping hazard. Be sure
brittleness or cracking in fiberglass casing. that overlays are properly attached and that the overlay
Make sure that access doors are in good working order material is in good condition. Consider replacing ACB
and that access doors are shut tightly when tower is in overlays immediately, regardless of condition.
operation .
If your budget allows, consider replacing ACB (asbestos
cement board) casing immediately, regardless of its
condition. Look for evidence of wood decay or steel corrosion.
Check for loose treads, handrails, or deteriorated
In handling and/or disposing of ACB or ASB material, it
stringers. Make sure all bolted connections are tight and
is recommended that you contact the Federal Agency,
that hardware is in good condition.
OSHA, EPS, as well as the local and state agencies for
information concerning specific state regulations and
requirements for handling and the disposal of asbestos Ladder and Handrail
wastes. Check general condition of material and make sure that
all connections between the ladder and the tower are
Structure tight and in good condition. Check the welds on steel
and aluminum ladders.
Inspect the structure of a steel tower for evidence of
corrosion—particularly any loss of metal. Spot check
the tightness of bolted joints. Look closely for signs of Interior Walkway
corrosion near welded joints on galvanized steel towers. Look for broken or deteriorated treads and rails on
Look for signs of wood deterioration, including through- wood or fiberglass walkways. Inspect steel walkways
cracks, fractures, or decay in wood members. Inspect for evidence of corrosion. Check the tightness of
wood members both visually and by tapping with a connections between the walkway and the tower
hammer. A dull, low pitch sound indicates softness, while structure. Pay particular attention to any damage or
a higher pitched sharp sound indicates good solid wood. deterioration that may pose a potential safety hazard for
If you find soft spots, carefully probe with an ice pick operating and maintenance personnel.
or similar device. Pay particular attention to the wood
around steel or cast iron fasteners and connectors, as
well as the bottom of columns. Spot check the tightness Cold Water Basin
of bolted structural joints. Inspect joint connectors for Check for excessive buildup of sludge and accumulated
evidence of corrosion or other signs of deterioration. debris which provides an ideal breeding ground for
Check the assembled joints of a fiberglass or plastic bacteria. Check condition of sump, sump screen, and
tower to be sure that hardware is tight and in good anti-cavitation device (if one is used). Sump screen
condition. Look for evidence of tearing or cracking in the should be free of trash. Note particularly any corrosion
structure. or loss of metal in cold water basin components. Inspect
wood, steel and fiberglass basins carefully for any signs
of leaks or breakdown of sealing material.

Distribution Basin For reference purposes—in case you need to order

Check for deterioration of the basic material. Check parts—note the material of splash bars and grids— note
wood for decay, and check for corrosion of steel. Look the horizontal and vertical spacing between adjacent
for leaks between adjoining panels. Inspect the integrity splash bars; note whether the splash bars are installed
of basin support members. Check tightness of bolted parallel or perpendicular to the louver face— and note
joints in steel or fiberglass basins. the shape of the splash bar (wood lath, T-bar, V-bar,
M-bar, half-round, etc.).
For film fill, check for buildup of scale, algae, or other
contaminants on the surface of the sheets. Also check
Inspect iron pipe for corrosion and loss of coating for erosion, sagging, torn sheets, or evidence of ice
material. Examine all supports to insure their integrity for damage. Check the condition of support members. Note
continued service. Spot check for leaks and for tightness the sheet material and spacing in case you plan to order
of bolted joints. Look for signs of deterioration on PVC or parts.
fiberglass pipe.
In either case, consider replacing asbestos fill
immediately. You’ll also benefit improved performance
Basin Flow-Control Valves from the modern families of high-efficiency fill designs.
Inspect valve components for corrosion or signs of wear.
Operate valve manually through its full range of travel Drift (Mist) Eliminators
and reset the valves to balance water flow to all basin
Cleanliness and effectiveness of drift eliminators
are critical in preventing the spread of Legionella
pneunophila bacteria.
Spray Nozzles Make sure that all air passages are clear of debris, and
Check for clogging or signs of internal wear. If necessary, as clean as possible. Check that all components are
temporarily remove a nozzle and disassemble it to properly installed. Check condition of seals to assure that
look for internal clogging. Be sure that all nozzle water can’t bypass the eliminators through deteriorated
components (such as removable splash plates) are in or missing seals. Wood blades and frames are subject
place and working properly. Look for any loss of material to severe conditions, and should be checked for rot and
resulting from corrosion or erosion. Check for adequate decay.
connection to branch pipe or distribution basin floor. In case you need to order replacement parts, note the
material and configuration of drift eliminators. The major
types are wood blades, plastic blades, and PVC cellular
Fill (Packing)
configurations, including eliminators molded on the fill
Fill comes in two general types—splash and film. Splash sheets.
fill consists of wood or plastic bars in various shapes,
supported in a fixed spacing and orientation, usually
using a wire or fiberglass grid. Ceramic bricks are Louvers
another type of splash fill. Film fill consists of multiple Make sure that all louvers are in place. Look for any
parallel formed sheets, either hung in the tower or deterioration of the base material, such as wood rot or
resting on fixed support members. corrosion of steel louvers. Check for excessive scale
For splash fill, check the condition of the splash bars buildup or biological growth. Check the condition
themselves. Look for sagging, broken or decaying splash of louver support members, and of the connections
bars or excessive buildup of scale. Look also for fallen between the louvers (supports) and the tower itself. Note
or misplaced splash bars. Be sure that all supporting the material, arrangement and vertical spacing of louvers.
grids are in place and evenly spaced in the tower. Check Typical varieties include plywood, steel, ACB, fiberglass
the coating on steel grids, the condition of the welds and cellular configurations molded on the fill sheets.
on stainless wire grids, and the general condition of Consider replacing ACB louvers immediately regardless
fiberglass grids. If a section of grid shows excessive of condition.
deterioration, it should be replaced. Also, examine the
tower members which support the grid itself.

Belt Drive Fan System Drive Shaft and Couplings

Check the condition of the pulleys, looking for any Check alignment using any approved method, such as
corrosion or loss of metal in the pulley grooves or on the a dial indicator or optical device. Look for evidence of
webs. Make sure that the bushings holding the pulleys corrosion or other damage on the tube, particularly near
on the shafts are tight and in good condition. any welds. Check all connections between the tube and
Check for proper belt tension and alignment. Look for the flex elements, and between the coupling halves and
signs of wear, such as checks and gouges, indicating the motor and gear box shafts. Examine metallic flex
that belts should be changed. elements very carefully for signs of corrosion or fatigue.
Check the fan shaft bearing lubricant, and re-lubricate Examine elastomeric flex elements for cracks, brittleness
if necessary. Make sure that shafts and seals are in or other signs of wear.
good condition. Check for loose or damaged bearings. Most drive shafts consist of a single span. However,
Make sure that all connections between the bearing some still include two shafts together with an
housing and the support are tight and in good condition. intermediate bearing housing support. If your drive shaft
Check the support itself for evidence of corrosion or includes a mid-span bearing, check the bearing carefully,
other damage, and check the tightness of connections adding lubricant as necessary. Check alignment of both
between the support and the tower structure. shafts and make sure that bearing hold-down hardware
Gear Box is tight and in good condition. If you must replace any
component in a two-shaft system, you should investigate
With the fan off check the oil level and add or replace
replacing the entire system with a single span shaft
oil as necessary. Drain off an oil sample and look for
which will reduce your maintenance costs dramatically.
evidence of foreign material such as water, metal
shavings, or sludge. Check for oil leaks around seals
(particularly input pinion seals) and replace the seal if Fan
leakage seems excessive. If your tower has centrifugal blowers, check for broken
Check backlash by rotating the pinion shaft back and or missing blades. Look for corrosion or erosion of the
forth, noting the amount of free rotation before the gear blades, particularly near any welds between the blades
teeth engage fully. Check endplay by pulling up and and the end plates. Check the condition and tightness of
down on a fan blade tip, noting the amount of movement the hub and the bushings between the hub and shaft.
in the gear box output shaft. Some amount of backlash Propeller fans may be either fixed-pitch, with welded
and endplay are necessary for proper gear life. If you or riveted connections between the blades and hub; or
have doubts about your gear box, consult a qualified adjustable pitch, having bolted connections between the
service contractor. blades and hub and some means of readjusting blade
Make sure that the outside of the case is free from pitch angle.
excessive deposits which may inhibit cooling. Check that Check fixed-pitch fan blades for corrosion or erosion.
all hardware connecting the gear box to the support is Carefully examine the connections between the blades
tight and in good condition. and hub. Check the condition and tightness of the
bushing between the hub and shaft.
Direct Drive Fan System Check the blades and hub of adjustable-pitch fans
Make sure that the fan bushing is tight on the motor for signs of corrosion, erosion, or excessive buildup of
shaft and that the bushing and its hardware are in good deposits. Carefully measure the pitch angle
condition. Check the joints between the motor mount of each blade, and readjust blades to the manufacturer’s
and its support. recommended pitch angle within +1/2°. Check the
tightness and condition of the hardware attaching
the blades to the hub. Tighten as necessary using
manufacturer’s recommended procedures.
Examine the connections between the hub cover (if
there is one) and the fan hub.

Fan Cylinder (Shrouds)

Check overall condition of the material, paying particular
attention to any welds in steel shrouds Check the
condition and tightness of all assembly and hold-down
hardware. Look for any leaks between adjoining stack
segments. Measure fan blade tip clearance all around
the cylinder, using the longest fan blade. Adjust tip
clearance by adjusting the cylinder or support according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Mechanical Equipment Support

Examine all steel components for corrosion or loss of
metal, particularly near welds and bearing surfaces.
Check tightness of connections between the mechanical
equipment and the support; and between the support
and the tower structure. Check all bolted connections in
the support itself for proper tightness and condition of
On wood towers, look for evidence of iron rot wherever
the support contacts the structure. On steel and
fiberglass towers, check all bolted connections between
the support and the structure itself.

Makeup Valve
Operate the float valve or float switch manually to make
sure that it opens and closes properly.

Tower Location Date Inspected

Owner / Company Inspected by
Company Contact Inspector
Signature Signature
Owner's Tower Designation
Tower Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.
Process Served by Tower Operation: Continuous q Intermittent q Seasonal q
Design Conditions: gpm HW ºF CW ºF WB ºF
Cell No. Number of Fan Cells Tower Type: Crossflow q Counterflow q
Date Tower was Installed

This checklist is intended to be used as a guide only. This checklist may not cover all potential issues and should not be relied upon as a substitute for Au-
thorized Service Provider's professional judgment. Authorized Service Provider should report on all issues. Any issues that are identified for which a space
is not otherwise provided in the checklist, should be noted in the Other Component sections or in a supplementary document.

Condition: 1—Good 2—Keep an eye on it 3—Needs immediate attention

1 2 3 Comments

Casing Material
Structural Material
Fan Deck Material
Stairway q Material
Ladder q Material
Handrail q Material
Interior Walkway q Material
Cold Water Basin Material
Silt, Debris Buildup

Water Distribution System

Open Basin System
Distribution Basin Material
Inlet Pipe Material
Inlet Manifold Material
Flow Control Valves Size
Nozzles — Orifice Diameter Size
Silt, Algae, Debris
Spray Type System
Header Pipe Material
Branch Pipe Material
Nozzles — Orifice Diameter Size
Up spray q Down spray q

Heat Transfer System

Fill — Type and Material
Eliminators — Type and Material
Louvers — Type and Material
Biological Fouling

Use this space to list specific items needing attention:

Condition: 1—Good 2—Keep an eye on it 3—Needs immediate attention

1 2 3 Comments

Mechanical Equipment
Speed Reducer Type: Belt q Gear q Direct Drive q
Belt Drive Unit
Belt Designation
Fan Sheave Designation
Motor Sheave Designation
Gear Drive Unit
Manufacturer Model Ratio
Oil Level: Full q Add Immediately q Low, Check Again Soon q
Oil Condition: Good q Contains Water q Contains Metal q Contains Sludge q
Oil Type Used
Fan Shaft Endplay
Unusual Noises? No q Yes q Action Required
Drive Shaft
Manufacturer Material
Fan Type: Propeller q Blower q
Manufacturer Fixed Pitch q Adjustable Pitch q
Diameter Number of Blades

Blade Material
Hub Material
Hub Cover Material
Blade Assembly Hardware
Tip Clearance " min " max
Vibration Level
Fan Cylinder Height
Mechanical Equipment Support
Oil Fill and Drain Line
Oil Level Sight Glass
Vibration Limit Switch
Name Plate Data: HP RPM Phase Hz Volts
F L Amps Frame SF Special Info.
Last Lubrication — Date
Grease Used — Type
Unusual Noises? No q Yes q Action Required
Unusual Vibration? No q Yes q Action Required
Unusual Heat Build-up? No q Yes q Action Required

Make-up Valve
Other Component
Other Component


7401 WEST 129 STREET | OVERLAND PARK, KS 66213 INSPECT-16 11/2016

913 664 7400 | COPYRIGHT © 2016 SPX CORPORATION

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