Cable Sizes4567
Cable Sizes4567
Cable Sizes4567
The accuracy of the information contained within the tables cannot be guaranteed even though all
efforts have been made to ensure it. Users will therefore use the information at their own risk.
Material referencing AS 3000, Part 1 – 1976 (superseded) is reproduced with permission from SAI
Global Ltd under Licence 1211-c029. The latest version of the standard can be purchased online at
Table 1 - Wire Gauges ....................................................................................................................... 2
Table 2 – Single Core Copper Cables in Conduit or Similar Enclosures .......................................... 3
Table 3 – Single-Core 250 & 660 Volt Insulated & Sheathed Copper Cables .................................. 4
Table 4 – Two Core 250 and 660 Volt Insulated and Sheathed Copper Cables With or Without
Armour and/or Serving ...................................................................................................................... 5
Table 5 – Three and Four Core 250 and 660 Volt Insulated and Sheathed Copper Cables Armoured
and Unarmoured................................................................................................................................. 6
Table 6 - Aerial Copper Conductors - Cover or Insulated ................................................................. 7
Table 7 - Aerial Copper Conductors – Bare Hard Drawn.................................................................. 8
Table 8 – Single-Core Impregnated Paper-Insulated Lead-Sheathed Unarmoured Underground
Cables................................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 9 – Two Core and Multicore Impregnated Paper-Insulated Lead-Sheathed (Armoured or
Unarmoured, and served) Underground Cables in Pipes or Ducts .................................................. 10
Table 10 - Two Core and Multicore Impregnated Paper-Insulated Lead-Sheathed (Armoured and
Served) Direct Buried Underground Cables .................................................................................... 11
Version 1 1
PowerLogic electrical consulting & training
B.E.S.A – British Engineering Standards Association
S.W.G. – Standard Wire Gauge
B.W.G – Birmingham Wire Gauge
A.W.G. – American Wire Gauge
B.&S. – Brown and Sharpe
Table 13.5.3 from the NSW Department of Technical Education’s Electrical Trades Course Workshop
Theory Assignments Nos. 1-16.
Version 1 2
PowerLogic electrical consulting & training
Version 1 3
PowerLogic electrical consulting & training
Table 3 – Single-Core 250 & 660 Volt Insulated & Sheathed Copper Cables
Number and Current Rating (amps)
Nominal Volt Drop
Diameter of
Area of (mV/A.m)
Wires Unenclosed Direct Buried Underground Ducts and Pipes
(square R-60 R-75 R-60 R-75 R-60 R-75
Conductor R-PCP-85 R-PCP-85 R-PCP-85 Single Balanced
inches) R-PCP-60 V-75 R-PCP-60 V-75 R-PCP-60 V-75
(inches) R-BL-85 R-BL-85 R-BL-85 Phase Three Phase
V-60 V-85 V-60 V-85 V-60 V-85
0.0015 1/.044 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 46 39
0.0020 3/.029 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 36 30
0.0030 3/.036 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 23 19
0.0032 1/.064 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 21 18
0.0045 7/.029 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 13
0.007 7/.036 35 45 50 45 55 60 40 50 60 9.5 8.2
0.01 7/.044 40 55 60 55 65 70 50 60 70 6.6 5.6
0.0145 7/.052 50 70 80 70 80 90 60 70 80 4.6 3.9
0.0225 7/.064 70 90 100 90 105 115 75 90 100 3.1 2.7
0.03 19/.044 80 105 125 115 125 135 90 110 115 2.4 2.1
0.04 19/.052 100 120 140 120 135 145 105 120 125 1.7 1.5
0.06 19/.064 125 165 195 155 180 200 135 160 175 1.1 0.98
0.075 19/.072 140 190 220 175 205 230 155 185 200 0.92 0.79
0.1 19/.083 165 225 260 210 245 270 185 215 235 0.69 0.59
0.12 37/.064 190 250 290 230 270 290 200 240 260 0.59 0.52
0.15 37/.072 220 290 335 260 305 330 230 270 290 0.49 0.43
0.2 37/.083 260 350 405 305 360 395 270 320 340 0.39 0.33
0.25 37/.093 300 405 470 350 420 445 300 360 385 0.31 0.27
0.3 37/.103 340 460 535 390 450 495 340 395 430 0.27 0.24
0.4 61/.093 400 545 645 455 525 580 395 465 505 0.23 0.20
0.5 61/.103 460 620 730 510 585 650 445 525 570 0.20 0.18
0.6 91/.093 510 690 820 570 640 715 495 580 625 0.18 0.16
0.75 91/.103 590 800 950 650 730 805 555 650 705 0.17 0.15
0.85 127/.093 630 860 1020 700 780 860 590 690 725 0.16 0.14
1.0 127/.103 700 950 1110 770 860 950 630 750 810 0.15 0.13
1. This table does not apply to single-core sheathed cables enclosed in conduits, ducts or the like installed in free air.
2. The above ‘unenclosed’ current ratings may also be applied to any number of single insulated conductors run as open wiring in accordance with Rule 3.17, and to single-core
protected cables to AS C147 buried direct in the ground.
3. The above current ratings for underground ducts and pipes may be applied to single-core insulated cables installed in underground enclosures.
4. Voltage drop applies for single-core cable touching, flat pairs or trefoil at a minimum power factor of 0.8 and a conductor temperature of 75°C.
Reference: Tables 2S and 4S from AS 3000, Part 1 – 1976 superseded. This material is reproduced with permission from SAI Global Ltd under Licence 1211-c029. The
latest version of the standard can be purchased online at
Version 1 4
PowerLogic electrical consulting & training
Table 4 – Two Core 250 and 660 Volt Insulated and Sheathed Copper Cables With
or Without Armour and/or Serving
Number and Current Rating (amps)
Nominal Volt Drop
Diameter of
Area of Unenclosed Direct Buried Underground Ducts and Pipes (mV/A.m)
Comprising R-60 R-75 R-60 R-75 R-60 R-75 Balanced
(square R-PCP-85 R-PCP-85 R-PCP-85 Single
Conductor R-PCP-60 V-75 R-PCP-60 V-75 R-PCP-60 V-75 Three
inches) R-BL-85 R-BL-85 R-BL-85 Phase
(inches) V-60 V-85 V-60 V-85 V-60 V-85 Phase
0.0015 1/.044 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 46 39
0.0020 3/.029 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 36 30
0.0030 3/.036 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 23 19
0.0032 1/.064 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 21 18
0.0045 7/.029 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 13
0.007 7/.036 30 40 50 45 55 60 35 40 45 9.5 8.2
0.01 7/.044 40 50 60 55 65 75 45 50 55 6.6 5.6
0.0145 7/.052 50 60 80 70 80 90 55 65 70 4.6 3.9
0.0225 7/.064 60 75 90 85 100 115 70 80 90 3.1 2.7
0.03 19/.044 75 90 110 100 120 135 80 95 105 2.4 2.1
0.04 19/.052 85 110 130 120 140 150 95 110 125 1.7 1.5
0.06 19/.064 115 140 170 145 180 205 125 145 160 1.1 0.98
0.075 19/.072 135 165 195 165 200 230 145 165 185 0.92 0.79
0.1 19/.083 155 190 230 200 235 270 170 195 215 0.69 0.59
0.12 37/.064 170 205 250 210 255 290 185 205 230 0.59 0.52
0.15 37/.072 200 240 290 255 295 335 210 245 265 0.49 0.43
0.2 37/.083 246 285 345 295 345 390 245 285 315 0.39 0.33
0.25 37/.093 270 325 400 335 390 440 280 325 355 0.31 0.27
0.3 37/.103 305 370 450 370 445 490 305 355 390 0.27 0.24
0.4 61/.093 365 440 530 430 505 580 360 420 455 0.23 0.20
0.5 61/.103 410 505 600 470 545 630 405 465 510 0.20 0.18
0.6 91/.093 - - - - - - - - - 0.18 0.16
0.75 91/.103 - - - - - - - - - 0.17 0.15
0.85 127/.093 - - - - - - - - - 0.16 0.14
1.0 127/.103 - - - - - - - - - 0.15 0.13
1. This table also applies to neutral screen cables.
2. Voltage drop applies for single-core cable touching, flat pairs or trefoil at a minimum power factor of 0.8 and a conductor temperature of 75°C.
Reference: Tables 2S and 5S from AS 3000, Part 1 – 1976 superseded. This material is reproduced with permission from SAI Global Ltd under Licence 1211-c029. The
latest version of the standard can be purchased online at
Version 1 5
PowerLogic electrical consulting & training
Table 5 – Three and Four Core 250 and 660 Volt Insulated and Sheathed Copper
Cables Armoured and Unarmoured
Number and Current Rating (amps)
Diameter of Volt Drop (mV/A.m)
Area of Unenclosed Direct Buried Underground Ducts and Pipes
Comprising R-60 R-75 R-60 R-75 R-60 R-75 Balanced
(square R-PCP-85 R-PCP-85 R-PCP-85 Single
Conductor R-PCP-60 V-75 R-PCP-60 V-75 R-PCP-60 V-75 Three
inches) R-BL-85 R-BL-85 R-BL-85 Phase
(inches) V-60 V-85 V-60 V-85 V-60 V-85 Phase
0.0015 1/.044 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 46 39
0.0020 3/.029 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 36 30
0.0030 3/.036 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 23 19
0.0032 1/.064 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 21 18
0.0045 7/.029 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 13
0.007 7/.036 30 35 40 35 45 50 30 35 40 9.5 8.2
0.01 7/.044 35 40 50 45 55 65 40 45 50 6.6 5.6
0.0145 7/.052 45 50 65 60 70 75 50 55 60 4.6 3.9
0.0225 7/.064 55 65 80 70 85 95 60 70 75 3.1 2.7
0.03 19/.044 70 80 90 85 100 110 70 80 85 2.4 2.1
0.04 19/.052 80 95 110 100 115 125 85 95 100 1.7 1.5
0.06 19/.064 100 120 145 125 150 165 105 120 130 1.1 0.98
0.075 19/.072 120 140 170 140 170 190 120 140 150 0.92 0.79
0.1 19/.083 140 165 200 170 200 225 140 165 180 0.69 0.59
0.12 37/.064 150 180 220 185 220 245 160 180 195 0.59 0.52
0.15 37/.072 180 210 250 215 245 280 180 200 220 0.49 0.43
0.2 37/.083 215 250 300 250 290 325 200 235 255 0.39 0.33
0.25 37/.093 250 280 355 280 330 370 230 270 290 0.31 0.27
0.3 37/.103 280 320 385 310 360 410 260 300 330 0.27 0.24
0.4 61/.093 330 375 465 360 420 475 310 355 390 0.23 0.20
0.5 61/.103 370 415 505 395 460 520 345 400 430 0.20 0.18
0.6 91/.093 - - - - - - - - - 0.18 0.16
0.75 91/.103 - - - - - - - - - 0.17 0.15
0.85 127/.093 - - - - - - - - - 0.16 0.14
1.0 127/.103 - - - - - - - - - 0.15 0.13
1. The above ‘unenclosed’ current ratings may also be applied to three and four-core unarmoured sheathed cables enclosed in conduits, ducts or the like which are installed in free
2. This table also applies to neutral screen cables.
3. Voltage drop applies for single-core cable touching, flat pairs or trefoil at a minimum power factor of 0.8 and a conductor temperature of 75°C.
Reference: Tables 2S and 6S from AS 3000, Part 1 – 1976 superseded. This material is reproduced with permission from SAI Global Ltd under Licence 1211-c029. The latest version
of the standard can be purchased online at
Version 1 6
Electrical Consulting and Training Pty Ltd
Table 12S from AS 3000, Part 1 – 1976 superseded.
This material is reproduced with permission from SAI Global Ltd under Licence 1211-c029. The latest version of the
standard can be purchased online at
Version 1 7
Electrical Consulting and Training Pty Ltd
Table 13S from AS 3000, Part 1 – 1976 superseded.
This material is reproduced with permission from SAI Global Ltd under Licence 1211-c029. The latest version of the
standard can be purchased online at
Version 1 8
Electrical Consulting and Training Pty Ltd
Version 1 9
Electrical Consulting and Training Pty Ltd
Version 1 10
Electrical Consulting and Training Pty Ltd
Version 1 11