Sacrifice Is Proof of Love

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Sacrifice Is Proof Of Love

"There is no greater love than a man laying down his life for his
friends." John 15:13

• With what do we repay God's love? Because He has first loved us

in such a way, we must also love Him with all our heart, soul and
strength. The real proof that people love God is obedient to do His
word! Don't say we love God if we don't obey to do His will! Loving
God must have real evidence. Even being involved in the ministry
of God's work does not guarantee that people will really love God,
because not a few Christians make ministry only as a routine
activity, even as a cover or mask. "If you love Me, you will keep all
My commandments." (John 14:15) and "Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he is the
one who loves Me. And whoever loves Me, My Father will love him, and I will love him and will reveal
Myself to him." (John 14:21).

•• Dengan apakah kita membalas kasih Tuhan? Karena Ia sudah terlebih dahulu mengasihi kita
sedemikian rupa, kita pun harus mengasihi Dia dengan segenap hati, jiwa dan kekuatan kita. Bukti nyata
orang mengasihi Tuhan adalah taat melakukan firman-Nya! Mengasihi Tuhan harus ada bukti nyata.
Terlibat dalam pelayanan pekerjaan Tuhan pun tak menjamin orang akan mengasihi Tuhan dengan
sungguh-sungguh, karena tidak sedikit orang Kristen yang menjadikan pelayanan hanya sebagai aktivitas
rutin, bahkan kedok atau topeng.

• Sacrifices (offerings, tithes and helping others) are proof of loving God: "Glorify the Lord with your
wealth and with the first fruits of all your earnings, then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and
your winepress will overflow with the water of the grapes." (Proverbs 3:9-10). Indeed, God does not
desire our money or wealth because He is the Owner of everything; God wants to train us to give first
before we receive, even God "...who provides seed for the sower, and bread for eating, He will also
provide seed for you and multiply it and grow the fruits of your righteousness; you will be enriched in
every kind of generosity" (2 Corinthians 9:10-11). There is no excuse not to give!

•• Berkorban (persembahan, persepuluhan dan menolong sesama) adalah bukti mengasihi Tuhan.
Sesungguhnya Tuhan tak mengingini uang atau harta kita karena Dia Pemilik segalanya; Tuhan hendak
melatih kita untuk memberi terlebih dahulu sebelum kita menerima, bahkan Tuhan "...yang
menyediakan benih bagi penabur, dan roti untuk dimakan, Ia juga yang akan menyediakan benih bagi
kamu dan melipatgandakannya dan menumbuhkan buah-buah kebenaranmu; kamu akan diperkaya
dalam segala macam kemurahan hati," (2 Korintus 9:10-11). Tidak ada alasan untuk tidak memberi!

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