Traslated text แปลสัญญาเช่าห้องชุด

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Made at……………

This agreement made at ……………… This …………… day of ……………. Betwe

en……………… House number….…. Moo……… Subdistrict of……… District of…………
………… Province of………………… Hereinafter referred to as “Lessor” of the one p
art, and …………………… House number……… Moo……… Subdistrict of……… Distric
t of…………… Province of………………… and referred to, hereinafter, as “Lessee” of
the other part. Here by both parties agree as follows:

Clause 1. The lessor agrees to lease and the lessee agrees to take a lease
the Room…………………… Number……… Room number………… Soi……………… Road
……………… Subdistrict of………… District of……………… A total room………rooms on
the day signing agreement at the rental rate of ………………… Baht (.....................
................) per month.
Clause 2. The lessee agrees to pay the rent in advance on the day signing
for the sum of………………… Baht (...................................)
Clause 3. The lessee shall make the rental payments not later than………d
ay of every calendar month to the lessor paid upon Date since the month signi
ng. Upon expiration of this lease agreement, as the lessee agrees to have the le
ase term for………years, the lessee shall have right to give the lessor a notice of
the decision to extend the term of this lease agreement at least…..days. The ra
te of rental payment during the extended term shall be the same rate.
Clause 4. The lessor agrees to allow the lessee to use properties listed in
the appendix, and the lessee agrees to maintain the properties in room as his o
wn, as well as the lessee shall repair the properties.
Clause 5. The lessee shall be responsible for the maintenance in good or
der, and the lessee agrees to allow the lessor or his representative to enter to i
nspect the room at appropriate times. The lessee is not allowed to bring any ill
egal materials in the room. In case the lessor or his representative consider any
material improper to be kept or sold in the room, the lessee agrees that the les
sor has the right to terminate the lease agreement immediately.
Clause 6. As mentioned in Clause 1, the lease agreement includes equip
ment, properties in the leased room, and properties listed in the appendix in th
e attachment.
Clause 7. The lessee agrees to take a lease on the building for the purpos
e of conditioning leasing, and the lessee shall not sublet the leased room to an
y other person without the written consent of the lessor.
Clause 8. If the lessee infringes any clauses of this lease agreement, the l
ease agreement will be terminated immediately by the lessor. The lessee shall
pay its own cost appropriately as the lessor has right to claim.
Clause 9. If the lease agreement ends without renewal of the lease agree
ment or the lessor terminates the agreement as mentioned in Clause 8, the les
see shall move out all of its belongings and possessions from the leased room i
mmediately at its own cost.
Clause 10. The lessee agrees to do under the agreement of the building
which is included in this agreement. In case of the lessee breach of clauses, the
lease agreement shall be terminated immediately. The lessor has the right to p
ossess the leased room.
Both parties have read and agree to write this lease agreement hereto a
ffix their signature

Sign……………………………….The Lessee

Sign……………………………….The Lessor



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