Burhan Purposal
Burhan Purposal
Burhan Purposal
Ms. Naila Azeem
2-Problem statement..........................................................................................................................
3-Literature review............................................................................................................................
4-Justification and rationale...............................................................................................................
5-Research objectives........................................................................................................................
6-Research questions.........................................................................................................................
7-Proposed Methodology...................................................................................................................
8-Data analysis...................................................................................................................................
9-Significance and scope...................................................................................................................
10-The structure of the proposal........................................................................................................
12-Time Frame..................................................................................................................................
13-Refrences .....................................................................................................................................
Marketing is a term that is used to describe news, entertainment, and advertising.
According to comarketing Fred Allen, radio is considered a medium, and little is
done well on it. For their clients' ads, marketing buyers buy time on the internet,
television, and radio, as well as space in newspapers and magazines (Chen et
al.2018).Consuming can be considered as an important component of the national
income of a society (Gupta et al., 2008). Therefore, the study of consumer
behavior can be very important in the economy to direct the production, and work
for achieving an integrated match between resources and needs (Aissa et al.,
2018). Consumer behavior is unstable and depending on many factors. Where it is
affected by the consumers evaluation of goods and services, as well as, their
comparison to get the best of them to meet the consumer’s desire and achieve the
consumer’s needs and satisfaction (Hogg, 2003). The consumer faces many
influences that control the final behavior and orientation towards buying a specific
good or service, and these influences differ according to the nature, culture, social
background of consumers, and the market (Mittal et al., 2008). On the other hand,
the most important influencer is the environmental uncertainty such as
environmental disasters, earthquakes, volcanoes, and pandemics (Jameel et al.,
2021). However, due to instability of consuming behavior as well as the reduction
of companies’ sales during crises, researchers explore the impact of environmental
uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer behavior and highlight the
factors that companies have to consider during such pandemics.
2-Problem Statement
It is notable that many business firms are facing difficulties such as sales reduction
due to the changing of consuming behavior during crises period. Where, in a
recent survey showed that 46% of consumers are reducing their purchases during
pandemics which directly reflect on sales of business firms (Kim, 2020). In
addition, the environmental uncertainty can be a very vital influence that
companies have to consider in their future action plan due to high risk that may
happen forwards. Moreover, during crises and pandemics such as COVID-19, the
behavior of consumers is going to be changed. In addition, the main findings were
the positive relation of consumers’ behavior with the quality, and the availability
of product. While, there is a negative relation with the price, and advertisements.
Finally, researchers do not recommend any increase in advertising campaigns or
prices of the products during pandemics due to its negative impact on consuming
3-Research Objective
Researchers aim to achieve the following objectives in this research:
4- Research Question
The proposed research questions of the research are given below;
• What is the relationship between the marketing mix elements and consumer
behavior during environmental uncertainty?
• How the information for companies to handle issues in the term of consumer
needs during environmental uncertainty such as COVID-19 pandemic?
5-Literature Review
The consumer behavior is the basis that must be adopted in understanding the
marketing process based on looking at the requestor of the service or good (the
consumer) as a set of satisfactory needs and desires, a set of actions and reactions,
and indirect decisions (Raewf and Thabit, 2015).There are many scientific theories
that deal with consumer behavior in various aspects, the most important ones can
be listed below (Thabit et al., 2016), (Jameel and Ali, 2016), (Stampa et al., 2020),
(White et al., 2020): Freudian motivation theory Freud believes that the needs of
the individual appear at different levels of feeling, they can be at an indirect level,
and they can only be observed through psychological analysis that can help infer
them. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs This theory relies mainly on a number of
hypotheses. These hypotheses summarize that the individual has the needs of
varying importance. Where the needs can be in a hierarchical form that includes in
the base of hierarchy, the strongest basic human needs and this individual works to
achieve satisfying the most important need in his/ her view. Afterward, the
individual will work to satisfy the needs which are less important than the
previously achieved.Two-factor theory According to this theory, Herzberg was
able to distinguish between two sets of feelings that could impact on individual
behavior, and determine satisfaction and dissatisfaction. This theory is considered
the most acceptable from the practical perspective. Theory of the leisure class
Veblen explains in his theory that the individual buys the good to satisfy his/her
needs. The needs and wants are greatly affected by the group to which he/she
belongs. In addition, the individual looks to consumption patterns and purchasing
habits of the social classes higher than the class to which he/she belongs. The
Advertisements greatly impact on how individuals perceive things around them, as
previous studies have shown that stereotypes and the classification of a specific
group of people have a significant impact on a large number of individuals, where
advertisements affect society and the consumer’s perception of a particular
product; therefore, advertisements can be considered as one of the most
influencing factors on consumer behavior. In addition, researchers such as Akyüz
and Ercilasun suggested that advertisements should not be stopped during crises,
due to the high impact on the long run of business firms (Akyüz and Ercilasun,
The Environmental Uncertainty Pandemic crises are one of the most important
types of environmental uncertainty because they significantly increase the degree
of uncertainty in organizations (Appiah et al., 2020), contribute to the disruption of
strategic plans, limit the effectiveness of making decisions, and reduce the public’s
confidence in the organization and its vision (Darvishmotevali et al., 2020). At
present, the world is facing COVID-19 pandemic; therefore, most of the
organizations and consumers have faced a high level and dangerous environmental
uncertainty (Mann, 2020), as COVID-19 forces the world to trade-off between
social separation and economic collapse (McKibbin and Fernando, 2020). Hence,
applying quarantine for long periods of time can seriously affect many economic
activities that include social interactions such as retail trade, restaurants, tourism,
sporting events, and entertainment events. (Fernandes, 2020).
6-Justification And Rationale
There are many scientific theories that deal with consumer behavior in various
aspects, the most important ones can be listed below (Thabit et al., 2016), (Jameel
and Ali, 2016), (Stampa et al., 2020), (White et al., 2020): Freudian motivation
theory Freud believes that the needs of the individual appear at different levels of
feeling, they can be at an indirect level, and they can only be observed through
psychological analysis that can help infer them. This study focuses on the to
Understanding consumer behavior during environmental uncertainty such as
Covid-19.This study has a very detailed description of Identifying the relationship
between the marketing mix elements and consumer behavior during environmental
uncertainty such as sales reduction due to the changing of consuming behavior
during the period of crises. However, this research aims to understand consumer
behavior, and identify the relationship of advertisements, product price, product
quality, product availability and consumer behavior during environmental
uncertainty.The study also focuses on Providing conclusions for companies to
handle issues in the term of consumer needs during environmental uncertainty
such as COVID-19 pandemic.
7-Proposed Methodology
This research aims to understand consumer behavior, and identify the relationship
of advertisements, product price, product quality, product availability and
consumer behavior during environmental uncertainty, as well as, providing a
information for companies to handle the issues related to consumer needs during
environmental uncertainty and crisis like COVID-19 pandemic. The research will
be conducted to identify the relationship between the elements of Marketing Mix
and Consumer Behavior during Environmental Uncertainty. This research is a
primary research will use Quantitative approach, data collected will be through a
questionnaire covering consumers of products in two different cities Lahore, and
Karachi. Moreover, questionnaire distribution will done electronically by creating
Google forms and send them by email as well as other social media platforms.
Returned questionnaires will be coded and analyzed by SPSS ver. 25.
8-Data Analysis
This research aims to understand consumer behavior, and identify the relationship
of advertisements, product price, product quality, product availability and
consumer behavior during environmental uncertainty, as well as, providing a
conclusion for companies to handle the issues related to consumer needs during
environmental uncertainty and crisis like COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore,
managers are getting confused during the process of making marketing decisions.
In addition, COVID-19 as a result of being a global pandemic, the global economy
greatly affected and led to a financial crisis caused by the occurred lockdown,
where the impact is not due to the disparity between supply and demand as the
previous financial crisis. During the COVID-19 lockdown, the researchers
electronically emailed surveys to respondents from two cities (Lahore and
Karachi). However, to analyze the data, the researchers employed SPSS software,
Cronbach’s Alpha, and Person Correlation to test the four study hypotheses. The
researchers concluded that
environmental uncertainty clearly affects the principles of consumer behavior.
Moreover, during crises and pandemics such as COVID-19, the behavior of
consumers is going to be changed. In addition, the main findings were the positive
relation of consumers’ behavior with the quality, and the availability of product.
While, there is a negative relation with the price, and advertisements. Finally,
researchers do not recommend any increase in advertising campaigns or prices of
the products during pandemics due to its negative impact on consuming behavior.
The proposed research study will consist of four chapters and sections including
the introduction of the topic, literature of the review, research methodology, data
analysis. The introduction chapter will consist of the background of the study,
problem statement, justification and rationale, and the significance and scope of
the study. The chapter of the literature review will discuss the literature of
previous studies regarding the independent and dependent variables of the study.
The chapter of the research methodology will discuss all aspects of data collection
and techniques and will also give them information about the population and
sample size of the study. Furthermore, the chapter of data analysis will consist of
data analysis techniques and the process data of interpretation.
12-Time Frame
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