Wsu 2022
Wsu 2022
Wsu 2022
This is the approved Visual Identity Standards Manual for Wichita State University.
All logos and symbols in this manual are the property of Wichita State University
and may not be reproduced without permission.
The color palette in this manual is for reference only. For color accuracy, use the
PANTONE® color system. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 2
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards: Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Overview....................................................................................................................... 4
Visual identity standards policy................................................................................... 5
Identity system
Wichita State Institutional logo................................................................................... 6
Institutional logo elements.................................................................................... 7
Wichita State institutional logo color standards................................................... 8
Photographic backgrounds with institutional logo placement.............................. 9
Use of Wichita State institutional logo on colored backgrounds..........................10
Unacceptable usage examples.............................................................................. 12
Working with color palettes.........................................................................................14
Typographic standards................................................................................................16
Wichita State University seal...................................................................................... 17
Wichita State Affiliate logos.......................................................................................18
Naming units
How to set up............................................................................................................. 20
Endorsement.............................................................................................................. 23
Disciplines................................................................................................................... 24
Examples.................................................................................................................... 25
Spirit mark
Description.................................................................................................................. 33
Elements..................................................................................................................... 34
Institutional logo color standards.............................................................................. 35
Supplementary resources
Help/contact information/resources.......................................................................... 42
Glossary...................................................................................................................... 43
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 3
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards
Wichita State's brand identity is built on consistency — consistent quality in our teaching
and research, consistent relationships with the community we serve, and consistent use
of words and images. These visual identity standards are intended to help us all achieve
consistency in our communication.
The standards provide us with a single institutional logo that unifies our various colleges,
departments and organizations. Like its predecessors, the institutional logo incorporates
wheat as a symbol representing our place and our history. Harking back to our earliest days
when students shocked wheat as a means of financial support, the use of wheat within
the logo continues to represent the hard work and commitment to quality that Wichita
State is known for as Kansas’ only urban-based research university.
Many people helped make these standards a reality. From faculty and staff to students
and alumni to community members — all shared a common goal of strengthening Wichita
State's brand to give it a more recognizable presence. Now your assistance is essential to
make this goal a reality. Carefully review these standards and see that they are properly
implemented and followed.
Thank you for your ongoing efforts in making Wichita State University a powerful brand,
built on a shared commitment to consistency in everything we do.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 4
Wichita State Visual Identity Standards: V i s u a l S ta n d a r d s P o l i c y
The Wichita State Visual Identity Standards Manual details specific instructions and guidelines for the consistent
use and implementation of the visual elements of the Wichita State Visual Identity Standards, as they relate
to all forms of university communication. Adhering to these standards creates and enforces the awareness and
image of Wichita State University. Well-maintained visual brands are vital in creating the right impressions. By
complying with these standards, Wichita State will be able to visually present a common front.
The following rules and guidelines have been developed with extensive advice and consultation from numerous
departments, administration, staff, designers, students, faculty and alumni.
In an effort to develop a strong, highly recognizable and effective visual identity, and to do so through consistent
application of visual standards over time, the only approved marks, logos, logotypes, seals and symbols are the
ones described in this manual. No other versions of the approved visual standards elements may be used instead
of or as replacements for these official Wichita State Visual Identity Standards elements.
Separate identifying marks, symbols and logos for Wichita State entities (colleges, departments, divisions,
centers, etc.) are not permitted under this visual identity program. New logos, marks and symbols may not be
introduced. The only exception to this policy is for sanctioned student organizations, which may choose a separate
identity or an official Wichita State naming unit.
The most recent version of this document can be found at:
To access visual identity artwork downloads (templates, logo), and find further information about
Wichita State Visual Identity Standards, please visit
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 5
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e I n s t i t u t i o n a l l o g o
Vertical Logo
Use the preferred, horizontal institutional logo whenever possible. When space is limited or
if other layout variants create challenges for the horizontal logo, the vertical version of the
institutional logo may be used. As with the institutional logo, the individual parts of the logo
should not be separated, and the typography should not be reset.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 6
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e I n s t i t u t i o n a l l o g o
Wichita State Logo: This three-letter acronym is the abbreviation adopted generations ago for Wichita State
University. It is crowned by a stalk of wheat, which refers to the university’s heritage as Wheatshockers and to
WuShock, the university’s mascot. Origins of this association date back more than a century to a time when students
took on summer jobs harvesting and stacking shocks of wheat in the fields surrounding the campus. Crafted in the
school’s traditional colors of black with an outline of yellow, the logo embodies the bold forward motion of Wichita
On certain specialty items whose size or space situations create an advantage for using the logo only (pens, ball caps, water
bottles, etc.) the WSU logo may be reproduced without the entire signature lock-up and may be printed with the logo; however
"Wichita State" must appear somewhere on the item.
Reproductions of the WSU logo on university communications such as printed material (brochures, notecards, postcards, fliers,
etc.) must use either the preferred horizontal signature or the vertical signature (if horizontal signature is not conducive to
space allocations). This also applies to web, broadcast and fleet graphics applications.
Divider Bar: This graphic device serves both to visually separate and create linkage between the logo and the
logotype. The divider bar is designed to vary in length only when the institutional logo is expanded to include
secondary and tertiary information such as college names and departments.
Wichita State University Logotype: The name of the university is designed to project a contemporary forward-
thinking appearance while at the same time maintaining a classical aesthetic. Because it is a modified variation on
the font Klavika, it cannot be reproduced by simply resetting. Always use the complete Institutional logo in digital
form as provided by the university.
The institutional logo is the physical combination of the Wichita State logo, the Wichita State University logotype
and the dotted line that serves as the connecting unit between the two. They are placed in a specific scale and
relationship to each other that prevents the independent altering of elements.
The primary institutional logo is horizontal in orientation and is the preferred configuration. There is a centered
vertical configuration of the institutional logo that should be used only when limited space requires it.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 7
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e I n s t i t u t i o n a l l o g o
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 8
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e I n s t i t u t i o n a l l o g o
Avoid placing the institutional logo against photography that will clash or cause the institutional logo to vibrate visually.
Never place the institutional logo on an area that is visually busy or patterned. Look for a Institutional logo placement area
that is relatively open and lacks contrasting detail.
When the institutional logo must be used with a photographic background, look for opportunities to build a graphic element
into the design such as a white band or white section (but not an enclosure for the institutional logo) that covers the
photograph in the place where the institutional logo is to appear. Another option when integrating the institutional logo into
photography is to use an area of transparency in the photo where the photo fades to white or an extremely light color where
the institutional logo is to be applied, giving it less visual interference from the background image. This also works well with
the one-color institutional logo.
The concept to work toward is building a “free space” or a space that is free of background image that could adversely compete
with the institutional logo. The goal of the composition should be to provide the institutional logo with a background that does
not compete with it.
College of Fine Arts
Center for Economic Development and Business Research
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 9
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e I n s t i t u t i o n a l l o g o
Use of Wichita State institutional logo on Colored Preferred Institutional logo use on white
Backgrounds for Collateral Materials background
The following standards are exceptions for the use of the Wichita
State institutional logo when applied to various colored backgrounds.
These applications may commonly occur on collateral material.
Because the Wichita State colors are black and Shocker yellowTM,
these two background colors will be used often. Being the same
color(s) as the institutional logo presents special challenges that are
exceptions to the rules. Note that the rules vary slightly when applied
to other colored backgrounds. OPTION 1
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 10
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e I n s t i t u t i o n a l l o g o
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 11
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e I n s t i t u t i o n a l l o g o
Unacceptable Usage
It is highly important for maintaining a successful brand that the Wichita State institutional logo be handled correctly when
displayed in any form. The examples on this page and the following illustrate unacceptable uses.
do not combine any other Wichita State logo entities with the institutional logo or logotype.
(only exception is traditional WuShock for Athletics, but refer to the Athletics Dept. for that standard)
do not overlap or overprint any element or logo entity with the institutional logo or logotype..
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 12
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e I n s t i t u t i o n a l l o g o
Unacceptable Usage
It is highly important for maintaining a successful brand that the Wichita State institutional logo be handled correctly when
displayed in any form. The examples on this page and the following illustrate unacceptable uses.
• do not reconfigure, resize or recolor any parts of the institutional logo or logotype.
• do not apply special effects to or build patterns from institutional logo or logotype.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 13
Identity System: W o r k i n g w i t h C o l o r Pa l e t t e s
To best support the visual identity standards, always use color in moderation. The primary palette has been built to help
designers do this by limiting its function and color options. It consists of black, white and Pantone® 116c (yellow) for coated
paper applications, and black, white and Pantone® 109u (yellow) for uncoated paper applications. Its function is to provide
color choices for a flat background color area (a dominant field that is filled with any one of these colors). The limited amount
of colors in this palette helps designers focus their efforts toward other elements of design (dynamic photography and
interesting, highly functional relief elements), which are where the power and sophistication of this design program reside.
The primary-centric palette consists of colors that are closer to yet slightly expanded from Wichita State’s primary palette.
These colors are the safest colors to use to avoid color incompatibilities in design projects. Their origins are within the primary
palette, and they can be relied upon in most cases to offer color choices that are more harmonious with that palette. It is ideal
not to use these colors in a dominant way but rather as relief elements, providing more of a color spike or highlight to help
feature or accent a part of a layout.
The third color palette is the supplemental palette, which is reserved for colors that go beyond the primary-centric palette.
An example of such an application might be when needing to color-code or differentiate between numerous pieces of similar
printed literature. The colors from this palette venture further from the primary palette. However, these colors are lower in
saturation to allow them to easily work with and connect to the primary palette in more of an accent or relief role. The best way
to think about usage of this palette is sparingly.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 14
Identity System: W o r k i n g w i t h C o l o r Pa l e t t e s
In the example of a typical brochure cover design, the largest background area or field of flat color is at the bottom and is
filled with white from the primary palette. The subject of the brochure (in the band of text in the upper right) is accented
with a small spike of color (dark violet) from the supplemental palette. This treatment as a relief element helps focus
attention toward the subject while also providing an anchor for the text. The area around the white band that houses
the subject text has been filled with a color from the primary-centric palette, bringing more attention to the title while
introducing another small area of color (this instance of color allows the designer a precedent for using the color perhaps on
the interior of the brochure). Finally, the photograph provides an area of great visual interest and another dynamic source
of color for the designer to explore. This is made possible in part because many of the color selections have been simplified
by the three-palette system, allowing more time to be focused on composition and photographic interest.
This is just one simple example of how the system can work. Not all three of the palettes have to be used in the same
design solution. Many times only one or two of the palettes may be required for the desired solution. The system is a tool
to provide people responsible for design of WSU publications and collateral materials with more time for focusing on key
areas that will help elevate and unify design communication pieces.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 15
Identity System: T y p o g r a p h i c S ta n d a r d s
The typography of the Wichita State Visual Identity Standards system is composed of the following fonts:
Klavika, and Adobe Garamond. Web fonts are Roboto and Titillium.
The Klavika font family is under license by Wichita State. For a copy of the fonts, contact Strategic Communications.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 16
Identity System: Th e W i c h i ta S tat e U n i v e r s i t y S e a l
Requests for use of the seal should be directed to the Wichita State president's office or Strategic Communications.
Contact the president's office at (316) 978-3001, or Strategic Communications at (316) 978-3045.
The seal should be printed only in one color to avoid reproduction issues with four-color process printing that could occur
with some of the detailed line work. Embossing or foil stamping must be approved.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 17
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e A f f i l i at e L o g o s
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 18
Naming Units: D e s c r i p t i o n
With so many organizations in the Wichita State family, it's important to follow these
brand policies and recommendations to maintain consistency. Proper use of naming
units will strengthen the organization's individuality while building overall brand
equity in the university.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 19
Naming Units H o w t o s e t u p
Naming units
When adhered to correctly, naming units provide a way for colleges, departments, centers, and institutes to have a greater sense
of identity, increased recognition, and easier application on promotional items and other materials. Each unit uses the university
brand fonts and should be used consistently. Do not separate the naming unit's sections in any way, and do not pair with fonts
other than what is prescribed in this policy. Naming units must always be endorsed by the Wichita State University Institutional
Wichita State University’s naming unit structure is the combination of these two elements:
Descriptor: The first part of the college, department, center, or institute name is called the descriptor. Although all names are
very different, this first section is typically descriptive in nature to the organization. Klavika Regular Small Caps is used for this
part. Always use this font style first in the unit.
Emphasis: The second part of a naming unit is emphasized to highlight the unique quality of the organization. Klavika Bold
Small Caps is used for this part and should always appear last in the unit.
Together the descriptor and emphasis make up the naming unit. This font style combination is reserved for the naming units
only. All naming units should be used with this styling consistently to preserve an special appearance for organizations within
the university. Naming units must always be endorsed by the Wichita State University Institutional logo.
Naming units are set up in the branding
templates. You can find them here:
Tools and Resources —
a global Templates
• Branded templates are setup with:
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 20
Naming Units: H o w t o s e t u p
Single Line
When space allows for the naming unit to reside on one line, use this option.
When the application allows for a left-
justified naming unit, use this option.
The line breaks at the change of font
style from Klavika Regular to Bold.
When the application allows for a
centered naming unit, use this option.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 21
Naming Units: H o w t o s e t u p
When setting up a naming unit, type SAME POINT SIZE
size and line spacing should always
be the same.
15 PT Center for Research
and Evaluation Services
15 PT
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 22
Naming Units: E n d o r s e m e n t
Endorsement: Naming units require endorsement of Wichita State University's primary institutional logo. The primary Wichita
State institutional logo should always appear in proximity to the college, department, center, or institute.
When endorsing a college, department, center, or institute, the primary Wichita State institutional logo should be placed at
the bottom of the application and below the name of the organization. The primary Wichita State Institutional logo will follow
standard brand policies.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 23
Naming Units: D i s c i p l i n e s
Disciplines: Disciplines serve to provide clarity in that particular area of academics for a the college, department, center,
or institute it is associated with. Each unit is designed in such a way to build consistency and familiarity among all
disciplines. These units should not be altered or reconfigured in any way.
Disciplines should be used sparingly and only in proximity to the college, department, center, or institute's name unit
associated with it.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 24
Naming Units: E x a m p l e s
NAMING UNIT W. Frank Barton School of Business
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 25
University Correspondence System: C o r r e s p o n d e n c e S y s t e m D e s c r i p t i o n
Stationery materials (letterhead, envelopes and business cards) are printed with two
colors; black and Shocker YellowTM, and must be ordered through the official university
stationery printer online at
All stationery materials (letterhead, envelopes and business cards) must be preprinted
on official paper approved for this purpose. Stationery materials may never be created
using a nonapproved printer or recreated digitally, such as in a Microsoft Word®
The only exception to this rule is Wichita State memohead. Memohead is available in
a Microsoft Word® template form through Shocker Printing. A small fee is charged for
creating memohead templates for departments.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 26
University Correspondence System: C o n v e n t i o n a l S tat i o n e r y
The stationery system is printed with two colors; black and Shocker YellowTM.
City, State, Zip October 21, 2020
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W. Frank Barton
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Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 27
University Correspondence System: C o n v e n t i o n a l S tat i o n e r y
The stationery system is printed with two colors; black and Shocker YellowTM.
Begin body of
W. Frank Barton letter 2” (2.0”)
School of Business from top edge
of page
Month Date, Year
City, State, Zip October 21, 2020
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Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 28
University Correspondence System: C o n v e n t i o n a l S tat i o n e r y
Address begins 2”
W. Frank Barton (2.0”) down from
School of Business top of envelope
124 Clinton Hall, 1845 N. Fairmount
Wichita, KS 67260-0048
Address is justified
left, at 4 1/4” (4.75”)
from left edge of
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 29
University Correspondence System: C o l l at e r a l C o r r e s p o n d e n c e I t e m s
While the preferred versions of the collateral stationery items are printed in two-color printing, when budget dictates a
necessity for it, one-color printing may be used. Please visit
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 30
University Correspondence System: C o l l at e r a l C o r r e s p o n d e n c e I t e m s
College of
College of
Health Professions
1845 Fairmount St., Box 210
Wichita, KS 67260-0210
College of Engineering
124 Clinton Hall, 1845 N. Fairmount
Wichita, KS 67260-0048
College of
ACTUAL SIZE IS 3-7/8 X 7-1/2
Health Professions
1845 Fairmount St., Box 210
Wichita, KS 67260-0210
College of
College of Engineering
BOOKLET ENVELOPE AT ACTUAL SIZE IS 6 X 9 124 Clinton Hall, 1845 N. Fairmount
Wichita, KS 67260-0048
ACTUAL SIZE IS 5-1/2 X 8-1/2
ACTUAL SIZE IS 3-7/8 X 7-7/8
Note that memohead is available in a Microsoft Word® template form through Shocker Printing Solutions.
A small fee is charged for creating memohead templates for departments.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 31
University Correspondence System: At h l e t i c s C o r r e s p o n d e n c e I t e m s
Stationery materials (letterhead, envelopes and business cards) are printed with two colors, black and Pantone® 109u
(yellow), and must be ordered through the official university stationery printer online at
All stationery materials (letterhead, envelopes and business cards) must be preprinted on official paper approved for
this purpose. Stationery materials may never be created using a nonapproved printer or recreated digitally, such as in a
Microsoft Word® template.
The only exception to this rule is Wichita State memohead. Memohead is available in a Microsoft Word® template form
through Strategic Communications. A small fee is charged for creating memohead templates for departments.
Department of
Intercollegiate Athletics
Recipient ACTUAL SIZE IS 3-1/2" X 2"
City, State, Zip October 21, 2020
To whom it may concern Gretchen Torline, Director of Digital Media and Branding
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim 124 Clinton Hall, 1845 N. Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0048
veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea [email protected] | (316) 978-6018
commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et FRONT
iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te
feugait nulla facilisi.
Dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt
ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse-
Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci
tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip
Department of ex ea commodo consequat. Duis
autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate
Intercollegiate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui
124 Clinton Hall, 1845 N. Fairmount
blandit praesent luptatum zzrilWichita,
delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Dolor
KS 67260-0048
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Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 32
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e S p i r i t M a r k s
Spirit Marks
Wichita State maintains a portfolio of spirit marks on certain specialty items with size or space situations that create an
advantage for using the WSU logo only (pens, ball caps, water bottles, etc.) the WSU logo may be reproduced without the
entire signature lock-up and may be printed with the logo, however "Wichita State" or "Wichita State University" must
appear somewhere on the item.
Wichita State
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 33
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e U n i v e r s i t y At h l e t i c s S p i r i t M a r k
Spirit Mark
Wichita State University Intercollegiate Athletics Association operates as a separate but affiliated organization with Wichita State
University. Athletics’ marketing mission is unique in that it is focused both on athletic recruitment and development and on attracting
patrons to events. For many years, Wichita State Athletics has utilized the WuShock logo as its primary logo. Research has confirmed that
the WuShock logo is closely associated with athletic programs at Wichita State. For these reasons, Wichita State Athletics uses a separate
Spirit Mark from the rest of the university, but one that ties closely to all other aspects of Wichita State Visual Identity Standards.
Wichita State Athletics Spirit Mark: is a physical combination of elements (a Spirit Mark, divider bar and Wichita State logotype) placed
in a specific scale and relationship to each other that prevents the independent altering of elements. It utilizes the university’s system of
color and typography.
Divider Bar: This graphic device serves to visually separate and create a linkage between the Spirit Mark and logotype. The divider
bar is designed to vary in length only when the Spirit Mark is expanded to include secondary and tertiary information such as athletic
departments and programs.
Wichita State University Logotype: The name of the university is designed to project a contemporary forward-thinking appearance while
at the same time maintaining a classical aesthetic. Because it is a modified variation on the font Klavika, it cannot be reproduced by
simply resetting. Always use the complete Spirit Mark in digital form as provided by the university.
The primary Spirit Mark is horizontal in orientation and is the preferred configuration. There is a centered vertical configuration of the
Spirit Mark that should be used only when limited space requires it.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 34
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e U n i v e r s i t y At h l e t i c s S p i r i t M a r k
Horizontal Lock-up
The preferred use whenever possible for the Wichita State Athletics Spirit Mark is the horizontal lock-up. The individual
parts of the Spirit Mark should not be separated, and the typography should not be reset, as it was customized for this
logotype. Never try to approximate or re-create these designs. Adherence to first-generation art assures consistency and
ensures the long-term success of the Spirit Mark.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 35
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e U n i v e r s i t y At h l e t i c s S p i r i t M a r k
When the Spirit Mark must be used with a photographic background, look for opportunities to build a graphic
element into the design such as a white band or white section (but not an enclosure for the Spirit Mark) that covers
the photograph in the place where the Spirit Mark is to appear. Another option when integrating the Spirit Mark into
photography is to use an area of transparency in the photo where the photo fades to white or an extremely light color
where the Spirit Mark is to be applied, giving it less visual interference from the background image. This also works well
with the one-color Spirit Mark.
The concept to work toward is building a free space or a space that is free of background images that could adversely
compete with the Spirit Mark. The goal of composition should be to provide the Spirit Mark with a background that does
not compete with it.
Avoid placing the Spirit Mark against photography that will clash or cause the Spirit Mark to vibrate visually. Never place
the Spirit Mark on an area that is visually busy or patterned. Look for a placement area that is relatively open and lacks
contrasting detail.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 36
Identity System: W i c h i ta S tat e C o m m e r c i a l i z at i o n
The marks of Wichita State University are controlled under a licensing program administered by CLC. Any use of these marks will require written
approval from CLC.
• University Seal (logo 59) is only permitted on graduation merchandise and other events hosted by the President's Office. See page 19 of this guide for
further information.
• Logos 1-71 are shown with preferred background colors. Alternate background colors are permitted on a case by case basis.
• No use of curent players'name, image, or likeness is permitted on commercial products in violation of NCAA rules and regulations.
• Wichita State University maintains a separate collection of indicia related to vintage marks. An additional license agreement is needed for this collection.
• Clear space must be provided between Logos 1-71 and other graphic elements. Except for rare instances, the clear space surrounging any logo shoudl be
equal to one half of the logo height.
• WuShock must be used as a single word.
• The preferred colors for merchandise are black, white, and Shocker Yellow. Other color combinations are available on a case-by-case basis.
• Wichita State will not approve the use of indicia in connection wiht products or designs that present an unacceptable risk of liability or could be harmful
to the mission or image of the university.
• All Wichita State marks on merchandise must incorporate the appropriate trademark designation symbols.
• It is preferred that (space permitting) all merchandise explicitly states WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY or WICHITA STATE on the item. Exceptions to this
expectation will be made on a case by case basis.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 37
Additional Identity Applications: W e b C o n t e n t C r e at i o n a n d B r o a d c a s t S ta n d a r d s
For more information on web design standards, including guidelines on web templates, selecting images and digital
messaging, visit
Broadcast Standards
In any university video project, the Wichita State primary Institutional logo should appear near either the opening or close.
The institutional logo must follow the visual identity standards. It must not be animated to explode, erode, flip, melt, spin,
extrude, become three-dimensional or disintegrate.
Wichita State Visual identity standards regarding typography apply in video projects when referring to the university, and the
three core identity fonts (Klavika, Bodoni and Adobe Garamond) should be first choices when working with type.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 38
Additional Identity Applications: S i g n a g e
Campus-Wide Outdoor Signage and Guidelines micro-perforated film applied (to be black during the day,
The Office of Facilities Planning has developed a standard illuminated white at night), and where letters are mounted a
signage system to maintain consistency among outdoor half inch from the wall and the depth of each channel letter is
signage and wayfinding applications across the Wichita State 5 inches. Exact measurements will depend on the dimensions
campus. The signage system was designed to provide the of the structure on which they are mounted.
greatest visibility and assistance to vehicle and pedestrian
traffic while introducing a branded, cohesive and innovative PARTNER COMPANY LOGOS
aesthetic to the entire campus. For information about Preference will be given to corporate logos created using
building or wayfinding signage, or for any signage needs, quarter inch flat, cut-out aluminum, painted black and
please contact the Office of Facilities Planning at mounted a half inch from the wall. When standing alone, and
(316) 978-3030. not combined with channel letters, logos may be backlit. Final
color and design will need to be reviewed and approved by the
VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL architectural review committee.
Vehicular directional signs should be placed near entrances
to campus and at intersections. The content of these signs is POWER AND WIRING
intended to direct vehicular traffic to locations frequented by All wiring and power supplies should be concealed within
visitors and members of the public. raceways, preferably behind exterior walls.
Outdoor Signage Guidelines for Wichita State Old Town
MAPS Buildings
Map signs should be placed along the perimeter of campus The recommend the signage for Wichita State Old Town
near parking lots and at bus stops. These signs direct foot buildings carries forward the aesthetic established for the
traffic into the campus. main campus.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 39
Additional Identity Applications: S i g n a g e
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 40
Additional Identity Applications: F l e e t G r a p h i c s
Fleet Graphics
The Wichita State institutional logo translates well to fleet graphics and serves to unite a diverse array of different fleet
vehicles while providing an effective exposure for Wichita State's identity. In some instances, the preferred horizontal
institutional logo may not be ideal for logo size and proportion. in those cases, switching to the vertical institutional logo
is allowed if doing so allows for a larger and more prominent visual impression. On all vehicles, the institutional logo is
required on the driver and passenger side doors. Wichita State fleet vehicles should be white with horizontal (preferred) or
vertical configurations of the institutional logo in all black or black and Shocker YellowTM.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 41
Supplementary Resources: H e l p / C o n ta c t I n f o r m at i o n / R e s o u r c e s
• For questions about Wichita State Visual Identity Standards or help with use of the university logo, institutional logo
or other design elements:
• For help with the Wichita State website or with using Omni CMS:
Contact the Wichita State President's office at (316) 978-3001, or Strategic Communications at (316) 978-3045.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 42
Additional Identity Applications: G l o s s a r y
Camera-Ready Art: Copy and art that is ready to be photographed PDF (Portable Document File): A document able to view vector and
for a printer’s use. (In most cases this has been replaced with digital bitmap data, and allow it to be printed or distributed digitally. A PDF
files. A more current term is “final art.”) can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free utility available at
CYMK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black): The subtractive process
colors used in process printing. Black is added to enhance color and PICT: A standard, uncompressed image format for which most
contrast. Macintosh illustrations are encoded.
EPS (Encapsulated Postscript): A file format used to transfer graphic Process Color: The subtractive primaries, Yellow, Magenta and Cyan,
images within comparable applications. A desirable format because plus Black in four-color process printing.
of wide compatibility with many design software programs.
Raster File: As opposed to a vector file, raster is any format that is
Font: A complete assortment of letters, numbers, punctuation, made up of bitmap information instead of mathematical vectors.
etc. of a given size and design. Examples of different types of Image files scaled up beyond their own resolution will degrade
fonts would be PostScript Type 1, PostScript Type 3, OpenType and image quality. Example: TIFF, JPEG.
Resolution: For bitmap images, resolution refers to the number
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format): Digital image format developed of dots in a given area. Traditionally stored in either DPI (dots per
for Web -- a highly compressed file used for images that contain line inch, for pre-press) or LPI (lines per inch, on press). High-resolution
art, solid colors and logos. images average 300 DPI or more.
Icon: A simple graphic representation of a company, product, etc. RGB: An electronic color module based on values of red, green and
blue commonly used in electronic media.
Italic: The style of letters that slant, in distinction from upright, or
Roman, letters. An average italic face is slanted 11 degrees to the Institutional logo: The lock-up combination of a logo and logotype.
right. However, italic versions are usually specially developed letter- This lock-up may include rules or other additional graphic elements.
by-letter. Used for emphasis within text.
Spot Color: Any color other than CMYK, usually from the Pantone
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): A file format used on library or other color matching system. Used in a variety of
the internet as well as applications where high compression is a applications such as offset printing or silk screen printing.
factor, such as email or high volumes of images. High compression
can result in lack of image quality; be cautious with use in printed Spirit Mark: The Athletics combination of a logo and logotype. This
materials. lock-up may include rules or other additional graphic elements.
Kerning: Subtracting or adding space between two or more Symbol: A logo or mark representing a company.
characters, making them closer together or farther apart. Can be
done automatically or manually to compensate for letters that can TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): A graphic format suitable for
fit closer. scanned images and other large bitmaps. TIFF is a neutral format
designed for compatibility with all applications. For storing and
Logo: A symbol or mark representing a company or product. This is compressing grayscale, 8- and 24-bit color images, it is the standard
usually a pictorial icon. format for scanned images such as photographs or illustrations.
Logotype: The name of a school or company in a special design or Vector File: As opposed to a bitmap or raster file, vector data is
type treatment, used as a trademark. made up of mathematical representations of lines and shapes that
are to appear on screen. Scaling vector images up or down does not
Mark: Used as shorthand for a logo or a Institutional logo. degrade quality and is most often used for line art and logos for
print applications. Example: EPS, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia
Naming Unit: A grouping of a college, department, center or Freehand.
institute's name, set in a specific font and arrangement. Strategic
Communications creates Naming Units.
Wichita State University Visual Identity Standards current as of spring 2022 pg. 43