September 8, 1962: Nature
September 8, 1962: Nature
September 8, 1962: Nature
itself from 405 to 625 lines involves problems enough, try to justify the unhappy events of a century ago,
and although the White Paper gives no details it for they are over and done with: so much so, in fact,
seems that the Government's policy is reasonable. that no reputable scholar is likely to make the
The creation of a national network of U.H.F. stations mistake of asserting that theoretical physics can be
used as a prop for religion. (Symbolic logic may
is a major undertaking and while existing V.H.F. sites possibly capture ethics and oosthetics, but that is
and masts will be used to the fullest possible extent, something quite different.)
many new U.H.F. stations must be built. Further, All this, however, is not to deny a place for a further
as is pointed out in the BBC Record for June, much plane of discourse whereon epistemic conditions are
more care has to be taken in locating the receiving "wholly other", and to which its own metaphysics
aerial, which by and large will itself be more costly. may apply. They should indeed b~ humb~e and
In most locations it will be necessary, first, to have an searching. As regards the Metaphysical Society of
outside aerial and secondly to have an aerial of high- 1869, the author has presumably read the penetrating
record by his fellow-countryman, Prof. A. w_. Brown
gain costing appreciably more than the indoor and
(1947), of this phase of thought, remembermg that
outdoor aerials which are often adequate for Bands I the original title was "Theological" and not "Meta-
and III. The method by which the change-over is best physical". The whole purpose of the change was to
affected is a technical problem which has still to be make for obvious impartiality.
examined fully, and if the adoption by the Govern- The association of metaphysics with some kind
ment of the Pilkington Committee's recommendation of transcendentalism is largely a matter of language,
in this field has made this a matter of some urgency it and one can sympathize with the writer in his desire
is as well that the user should appreciate that the cost to reduce the number of assumptions supporting an
of technical advance is not something which should be objective ontology.
The interplay of belief and reason goes on. The
borne entirely by the State. It is right and salutary W oat has inherited the Augustinian "Credo ut intelli-
that some of the charge should fall on those who gam", and passed it on through Anselm and Duns
immediately benefit by it, and that in itself should Scotus. Without rejecting it, there is an honoured
help to keep the further discussion of the organization place awaiting the empirical metaphysic;; for which
of television and sound broadcasting on sensible and this volume so clearly strives. F. I. G. RAWLINS
realistic lines attuned to technical and social needs
rather than political prejudices.
Foundations of Empiricism
Electrical Theory on the Giorgi System
By P. Cornelius. Translated from the third Dutch
By James K. Fiebleman. Pp. xi+ 389. (The edition by Dr. L. J. Jolley. Pp. x+ 187. (London:
Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1962.) 27 guilders. Cleaver-Hume Press, Ltd., 1961.) 32a. net.
voltage and current. The power consUined in a been included in Angstrom units for the shorter
resistance is stated as an axiom, since the real nature wave-length range and in five Angstrom units for
and dimensions of voltage and current are not the higher ranges, it would have been a consider-
revealed until much later. The book is indeed more able advantage. The inclusion of a range using glass
valuable for the technologist wishing to tie up loose optics is to be commended for those who have instru-
ends of his electrical knowledge than it would be for ments with this additional equipment; hitherto
the young student aiming to grasp the fundamentals workers in this medium have been rather ignored
of his subject. For him, Coulomb's law of forces when aids of this type have been offered.
between electric charges remains the natural starting On general grounds, the spectra suffer from the
point of his subject. The best method of introducing inherent 'graininess' of the photographic emulsion, a
the concept of the magnetic field is perhaps more defect that could scarcely be entirely avoided. The
controversial; but it is doubtful if many teachers of wisdom of glossy photographs on thin card for use in
electrical engineering will be prepared to relegate a laboratory is questionable; though users can over-
mechanical forces to the secondary position which come the flimsiness by mounting each card on a
they occupy in this book. thicker backing, a matt finish would probably have
About half the book is devoted to an exposition of been more serviceable.
selected problems. The author's self-denying ordin- The price of £26 may seem high, but this is probably
ance with regard to the use of mathematics prevents justified when one considers the man-hours necessary
the study of these problems to any great depth, to make a similar series of charts, even if it be con-
but the reader's interest is maintained through- fined to the range more commonly used in any
out. particular laboratory. The ready comparison of the
Electrical engineers in Britain should be grateful charts in this Atlas with spectrograms prepared with
to Dr. Jolley for the most attractive translation of Hilger equipment should make it worthy of a place
this work and to the Cleaver-Hume Press for the in the spectrographic laboratories where such equip-
publication of it. No misprints were found, the ment is to be found, and by no means out of place
contrast of print and paper are excellent and the where other equipment is in use.
diagrams clear. A. H. M. ARNOLD J. A. C. McCLELLAND
ance ofN. Turkeltaub. Pp. 13+50 plates. (London: HIS is a book for which there has long been
Hilger and Watts, Ltd., 1962.) £26 5s. a need. For although the greatest successes