Interplay Between Classical and Quantum Mechanics

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Resource Letter ICQM-1: The Interplay between Classical and Quantum

Martin C. Gutzwiller

Citation: Am. J. Phys. 66, 304 (1998); doi: 10.1119/1.19065

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Roger H. Stuewer, Editor
School of Physics and Astronomy, 116 Church Street
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

This is one of a series of Resource Letters on different topics intended to guide college physicists,
astronomers, and other scientists to some of the literature and other teaching aids that may help
improve course content in specified fields. @The letter E after an item indicates elementary level or
material of general interest to persons becoming informed in the field. The letter I, for intermediate
level, indicates material of somewhat more specialized nature; and the letter A, indicates rather
specialized or advanced material.# No Resource letter is meant to be exhaustive and complete; in time
there may be more than one letter on some of the main subjects of interest. Comments on these
materials as well as suggestions for future topics will be welcomed. Please send such communications
to Professor Roger H. Stuewer, Editor, AAPT Resource Letters, School of Physics and Astronomy, 116
Church Street SE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455.

Resource Letter ICQM-1: The Interplay between Classical and Quantum

Martin C. Gutzwiller
IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598
~Received 8 March 1997; accepted 9 November 1997!
This Resource Letter provides a guide to the literature that is concerned with the connections
between classical and quantum mechanics. After the three centuries of classical mechanics, this
fundamental problem in physics became one of the important issues at the beginning of the
twentieth century, in the transitional period from 1900 to 1925. It then lost some of its urgency
during the modern period from the discovery of Schrodingers equation to the middle of the 1960s,
when the validity of quantum mechanics was tested in all the areas of application. The most recent
30 years are called the Post-Modern Period because both the classical and quantal aspects of nature
are seen in their full complexity, and the advantages of viewing one in the light of the other have
brought a better understanding of many special fields. The literature is divided into these four
periods, and the list of references in each of them is subdivided according to the main areas of
interest. Most of the bibliographic descriptions are accompanied by a short comment that is
supposed to complete the information in the title. 1998 American Association of Physics Teachers.

I. INTRODUCTION to handle all by itself. The results would still have to be

interpreted just as any data from a survey or a controlled
Newton created classical mechanics almost single- experiment. Thus, in order to understand modern physics, we
handedly in less than three years, starting in the late summer have to be aware of the interplay between classical and quan-
of 1684 and completing his Mathematical Principles of tum mechanics.
Natural Philosophy ~usually called the Principia from their
The same situation occurs in the relations between geo-
Latin title! in the early summer of 1687. The creation of
metric ~ray! optics and wave optics, although the contrast
quantum mechanics took a little longer, starting with de Bro-
between the macroscopic and the microscopic scale is not as
glies wave nature of the electron in 1924 and ending with
the general quantization of wave fields by Heisenberg and extreme and the special applications may be quite different.
Pauli in 1929. The intervening five years present a unique The time interval for working out the conceptual difficulties,
flowering of new ideas that form the conceptual base for all however, was much longer since the diffraction of light is
of modern physics. first described in the work of Grimaldi, which was published
Quantum mechanics describes physics on the atomic in 1665. The resulting controversy was only settled by
scale. The word atom was chosen to apply to an object that Young and Fresnel 150 years later. Another century passed
cannot be cut into smaller pieces. Therefore, its mathemati- before the electromagnetic theory of light got its final tri-
cal description requires concepts that contradict to some ex- umph when the diffraction of x rays by crystals was discov-
tent the foundations of classical mechanics. Since our intu- ered by Laue in 1912. This happened after Einstein had re-
ition is based on our experience with objects on the validated the corpuscular nature of light in his work on the
macroscopic scale, however, we have to deal with the con- light quanta.
trast and take advantage of any connections between the ap- Wave phenomena could be observed during all this time
parent opposites when we try to solve particular problems. most easily on the surface of water. The mathematical theory
The alternative would be a purely logical application of ab- of hydrodynamics and acoustics was developed without
stract rules, such as one could expect a computing machine much controversy. In the Principia, Newton discusses the

304 Am. J. Phys. 66 ~4!, April 1998 1998 American Association of Physics Teachers 304

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motion of a fluid through the opening of a screen, complete from the geometry of light rays to the wave phenomena of
with the standard picture of a wave that is diffracted as it diffraction and interference; and the development of field
passes a narrow opening in a wall. The interplay between theories to cope with hydrodynamics, acoustics, elastic vi-
classical and quantum mechanics has a close analog both in brations, and particularly, electricity and magnetism.
the electromagnetic theory of light, and its wave phenomena The nineteenth century also produced the laws of thermo-
themselves can be visualized most directly in the propaga- dynamics and the beginning of statistical mechanics; the
tion of sound and water waves. same century brought us spectroscopy and its many applica-
These analogies played a crucial role in the historical de- tions in gases, liquids, and solids; finally, there is the spec-
velopment of physics on the atomic scale, and they are an tacular development of chemistry that led to the structure of
important part of the introductory teaching in modern phys- many molecules and the periodic table of elements. All of
ics. But they are usually hidden in the textbooks and mono- these areas had a profound effect on the birth of quantum
graphs, and they are rarely acknowledged in the articles of mechanics, and were in turn deeply affected by it.
the main scientific journals. Apparently, most authors nowa- The Transition Periodfrom 1896 to 1925. Some of the
days feel completely comfortable with applying quantum world-shaking discoveries that mark its beginning include: x
mechanics to their special area of research. They are con- rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895, radioactivity by
cerned exclusively with proving that their results are in total Antoine-Henri Becquerel in 1896, and the electron by Joseph
agreement with the mathematical predictions of quantum John Thomson in 1897. This period covers the early work by
mechanics. Consequently, they tend to hide any approximate the great pioneers Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Niels
and intuitive idea that could be used ~and probably was used! Bohr, who found the first explanations for the simplest prob-
as a simple preliminary check, and provide some motivation lems in the interaction between isolated atoms like hydrogen
to the reader. Many theoretical physicists seem to imitate the and helium, and the electromagnetic field. They were the
mathematicians in eliminating any crude approximation from masters in stretching the validity of classical mechanics way
their publications because it could be misleading to the read- beyond its natural domain with the help of purely empirical
ers. rules.
This Resource Letter is meant to provide some relevant The Modern Periodfrom 1926 to 1965. In the first six
information for three distinct, but related purposes: ~i! to months of this period the four monumental papers on wave
cover the areas of physics where the interplay between clas- mechanics by Erwin Schrodinger were produced. Physics
sical and quantum mechanics may help in explaining the once more looked like an open book where the answers to all
basic ingredients to the novice; ~ii! to list the most easily questions can be reduced to very few elementary principles
accessible sources, primary as well as secondary, that deal that are expressed in precise mathematical language. There
with the historic transition from classical to quantum me- no longer seemed any need to fall back on the magical in-
chanics; and ~iii! to provide a rough idea of the recent appli- ventions of the transition period, because the explanation for
cations where the semiclassical approach to quantum me- every concrete experiment seemed reducible to a tractable,
chanics has been used with some success.
mathematical problem. No discrepancy was ever found in the
comparison between the results of the laboratory and of the
II. THE HISTORICAL APPROACH quantum-mechanical theory.
The main purpose of this Resource Letter might be best The Post-Modern Periodfrom 1966 until now. This pe-
served if the transition from classical to quantum mechanics riod is characterized by the realization, on one hand, that the
is studied in the chronological order of events. Such a pro- basic issues concerning nuclear and elementary-particle
gram is hard to carry out, however, because many crucial physics are still far from resolved, and on the other hand, that
problems were solved quite unexpectedly and completely in most of the important phenomena on the atomic scale and
a very short time. It was as if a mighty fortress had been above cannot be readily deduced from the accepted founda-
beleaguered for decades, and then was taken by storm after tions in these fields.
the troops had been able to penetrate through a small open- In spite of the tremendous increase of scientific activity in
ing in the walls, and overwhelm all further resistance. The these last 30 years, the simple-minded optimism of the Mod-
exact process of conquest is of less interest than the stubborn ern Period for an ultimate understanding of the whole uni-
resistance that preceded the capture. verse is no longer justified. Physics has acquired many of the
The development from classical to quantum mechanics attributes of engineering where the known fundamental prin-
will be divided into four periods. Each period is defined as a ciples are used to think of inventions and novel applications,
time interval between some definite years; these limits were and complete explanations are a luxury to be left for later
chosen to some extent in order to have simple dates that are generations.
related to our year of 1996. Since the problems to be tackled have become much
The Classical Periodfrom 1596 to 1895. This period harder, there is more emphasis on intuitive insight, and ap-
starts with the year of Keplers first publication, Mysterium proximate methods are appreciated because they provide a
Cosmographicum ~The Secret of the Universe!, which is in better understanding. Therefore, classical pictures and mod-
rough coincidence with Galileos first works, De Motu ~On els are again called upon, as they were in the period of tran-
Motion! of 1590 and Le Meccaniche ~On Mechanics! of sition. But they are now used in the full knowledge either of
1600. Preceding both is a marvelous book by Simon Stevin what an exact treatment would demand in problems from the
of Brugge in Flanders of 1586, De Beginselen der Weegh- atomic scale on up, or of the large territory still to be discov-
const ~The Beginnings of the Art of Weighing!. ered in the nuclear and elementary-particle domain. The date
These three centuries cover several basic developments in of 1966 was chosen by the author because it marks the be-
classical physics: the progress of mechanics from its first ginning of his work on the connection between classical and
formulation by Isaac Newton to the sophisticated formalism quantum mechanics, which was the first to take into account
of Lagrange, Hamilton, and Jacobi; the advance of optics the possibility of chaotic behavior in classical mechanics.

305 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 305

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Each of these four periods has contributed in its own way CHAOS
to the interplay between classical and quantum mechanics. It Chemical Physics Letters
seemed, therefore, most natural to divide up the vast number International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
of individual connections according to their origin in one of Journal of Chemical Physics
these four time intervals. The bridges from one to the other Journal of Mathematical Physics
will be pointed out if they appear to be particularly signifi- Journal of Physics A and B (occasionally G)
cant. But within each period the various items will be Nature
grouped together according to their technical areas. Nonlinearity
Each of the four consecutive periods will be covered in Nuclear Physics A
this Resource Letter. The text dealing with each period will Physica D (occasionally A)
be subdivided into sections that are devoted to the main top- Physical Review (before being split into different parts)
ics of investigation during that period, as far as they are Physical Review A and E (occasionally B and D)
related to the basic issue of this Resource Letter. Inside each Physical Review Letters
section, we will try to adhere to the usual format with sub- Physics Reports
sections for each of the various modes of publication. Physics Today
Physics World
III. SOME REMARKS CONCERNING THE CHOICE Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A
OF THE REFERENCES Progress of Theoretical Physics
Reports of Progress in Physics
Sections VVII contain mostly the titles of textbooks and Reviews of Modern Physics
monographs, whereas Sec. VIII contains mostly the titles of Science
conference proceedings and collections, plus a large selec- Science News
tion of articles in contemporary scientific journals. Many in- Scientific American
stitutional libraries have recently adopted a policy where SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
books are kept in the accessible stacks, but bound journals Review
older than ten years are relegated to some warehouse where Zeitschrift fur Physik B and D
they can be recovered on special request; browsing in old
journals is essentially discouraged. V. THE CLASSICAL PERIOD
Most journals are actively trying to limit the number and
length of the articles that are published. Unfortunately, the Although some of the original texts from this period may
authors do not seem to cooperate, and the result is an expo- be hard to obtain, the author has found many of them lan-
nential growth at a rapid rate of the number of pages pub- guishing in university libraries, completely unappreciated for
lished in almost every journal. At the same time, either the their critical role in the development of physics. The author
area covered in any one article gets smaller in order to ensure would like to encourage the reader to take at least a casual
rapid dissemination of new information, or the same infor- look at them, even if they are written in an unfamiliar lan-
mation gets spread out with minor variations and in different guage, nothing worse than Latin in any case, and often avail-
combinations, particularly in conference proceedings. able in English translation. The density of new information is
Nevertheless, there is a lot of very good work coming out usually orders of magnitude above the standard publication
all the time. But the monthly tables of content demand more in our time.
patience and concentration if a potential reader wants to find A. Some historical documents of classical mechanics
the items that are most interesting in any special field. Gen- 1. The Art of Weighing, Simon Stevin ~De Beghinselen der Weeghconst
eral classifications are hard to establish because any article is beschreven duer Simon Stevin van Brugghe, tot Leyden Inde Druck-
likely to touch more than one area. Section VIII is subdi- eye van Christoffel Plantijn, By Francoys van Raphelinghen, 1586!.
vided into many more categories than Secs. VVII to help Reprinted with English translation in Principal Works of Simon Stevin,
the reader through the available literature. These sections are edited by E. J. Dijksterhuis ~C. V. Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam,
not meant to propose a systematic and exhaustive scheme, 1955!, Vol. 1, General Introduction, Mechanics. A marvelous exposi-
tion of the statics, including hydrostatics, shortly before the beginning
but only a practical way to distinguish among the existing
of the seventeenth century when dynamics became the focus of scien-
publications. tific activity. This text is full of illustrations and practical examples,
The original intention of the author was to put together a and its title page is decorated with a sketch of the experimental evi-
list of references that could make some claims to complete- dence for equilibrium on an inclined plane. ~E!
ness, at least for the purpose of an introduction concerning 2. On Motion and On Mechanics, Galileo Galilei. Comprising De Motu
the interplay between classical and quantum mechanics. This (;1590) translated with Introduction and Notes by I. E. Drabkin and
topic, however, not only covers all of the twentieth century Le Meccaniche (;1600), translated with Introduction and Notes by
Stillman Drake ~The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1960!.
and pervades a large part of the active branches in physics,
In contrast to Stevins work these texts are relatively short and much
but it has also become ever more active in the last 30 years, more philosophical; they are also accompanied by extended historical
with many applications coming into view all the time. There- comments. Obviously, Galileo is still bound to the scientific discus-
fore, the present list is hardly more than a personal collection sions of antiquity and middle ages, and his skill in problems of statics
coming from somebody who has been an active participant hardly matches Stevins. Yet, we are less than 100 years away from
in the recent revival. Some helpful suggestions by Doug Newtons breakthrough in the Principia. ~I!
Stone and Turgay Uzer are gratefully acknowledged. 3. Dialogues Concerning Two Sciences, Galileo Galilei, translated by
Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio ~MacMillan, London, 1914; re-
printed by Dover, New York, 1954!. @Also translated, with a Foreword
IV. JOURNALS by Albert Einstein as well as Introduction and Notes by Stillman
Drake ~University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1953 and 1967!.#
American Journal of Physics New Translation with Introduction and Notes by Stillman Drake ~Uni-
Annals of Physics (New York) versity of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1974!. Galileos claim to be the

306 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 306

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father of modern mechanics is based on this work, written after his white light by a prism, the last part deals with inflexion, Newtons
condemnation by the Church and published in 1638. The two new word for diffraction that has not survived, and for a good reason. He
sciences cover problems in statics, and in dynamics, particularly the recognizes Grimaldis work in the first sentence, but he has an expla-
motion on an inclined plane, the pendulum, and parabolic trajectories nation in terms of particle trajectories that are bent in the neighbor-
of projectiles. Although written as a conversation between three hood of a sharp edge. ~I!
people, it proceeds through numerous simple theorems in geometry as 11. The Wave Theory of LightMemoirs of Huygens, Young, and
well as some experiments where the modern reader is left wondering Fresnel, edited by Henry Crew ~American, New York, 1900!. A short
whether they were real. ~E! history of the most important developments in the nineteenth century
4. Sir Isaac Newtons Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophi- precedes the crucial papers by Huygens, Young, and Fresnel, each of
cal and His System of the World, translated into English by Andrew which is followed by a short biographical sketch. A very useful col-
Motte in 1729, revised by Florian Cajori ~California U.P., Berkeley, lection. ~E!
1934!, reprinted in Great Books of the Western World ~Encyclope- 12. The Nature of LightA Historical Survey, V. Ronchi, translated by
dia Britannica, Chicago, 1952!, Vol. 34 as well as in several other V. Barocas ~Harvard U.P., Cambridge, MA, 1970!. A readable account
recent translations, e.g., by I. B. Cohen and Anne Whitman ~to appear of the long history that starts in antiquity and the middle ages, and
in the University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1997!. For any leads to the great debate between ray and wave optics at the beginning
person interested in physics, there is nothing at all comparable to read- of the nineteenth century. This story is important in our context be-
ing this fundamental text, which is the foundation of everything that cause the relations between classical and quantum mechanics are
has happened since its first publication in 1687. The technical require- clearly foreshadowed in the optical phenomena. They have directly
ments are no more than high-school geometry, and an appreciation for inspired a lot of the crucial experiments that established quantum me-
the great leap forward that occurred with this book. ~A! chanics as the ultimate theory on the atomic scale. ~E!
5. The Key to Newtons DynamicsThe Kepler Problem and the 13. The Mathematical Principles of Huygens Principle, Bevan B.
Principia, J. Bruce Brackenridge with English translation from the Baker and E. T. Copson ~Clarendon, Oxford, 1950!. A concise and
Latin by May Ann Rossi ~University of California Press, Berkeley, very readable treatise on the mathematical theory ~in traditional terms!
1995!. A mostly technical presentation of the general reasoning and of the wave motion in acoustics, electromagnetism, and optics. Par-
the detailed arguments of Newton to prove Keplers laws from the ticular attention is given to the theories of the diffraction on a screen
assumption of the gravitational force between two masses. The text by Kirchhoff and Sommerfeld. Highly recommended to any student
follows the original draft On Motion and the relevant sections of the approaching this subject. ~A!
Principia; a high-school student should be able to understand every- 14. The Classical Theory of Fields, L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz,
thing with the help of all the figures. Learned historical comments are translated by Morton Hamermesh ~Pergamon, New York, 1951, 1962,
not always well separated, and may discourage some peoples interest. 1971!. Unique textbook, both understandable and extremely varied,
~I! contains a good chapter on light propagation, as well as the motion of
6. Newtons Principia for the Common Reader, S. Chandrasekhar charges, and the analogous phenomena in the relativistic gravitational
~Oxford U.P., New York, 1995!. Covering most of the Principia with- field. ~I!
out many historical comments, giving Newtons arguments in modern 15. The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume I: Mainly Mechanics,
form with the help of new diagrams and rather elaborate algebra. ~I! Radiation, and Heat, Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and
Matthew Sands ~AddisonWesley, Reading, MA, 1963!. Among the
many elementary textbooks on classical physics, this one is mentioned
B. The history of classical mechanics because of its five chapters, 2630, which cover various parts of op-
7. The Mechanization of the World Picture Pythagoras to Newton, tics, from Fermats principle to diffraction, with a minimum of math-
E. J. Dijksterhuis, translated by C. Dikshoorn ~Oxford U.P., London, ematical formalism and a maximum of intuition. A person with only a
1961; reprinted by Princeton U.P., Princeton, NJ, 1986!. One of the beginners training in mathematics should be able to learn about the
best and most complete accounts of the historical process that led from most important ideas. ~E!
the Greek views of science through late antiquity, the Middle Ages, 16. Almost All About Waves, John R. Pierce ~MIT, Cambridge, MA,
and the Renaissance to Newtons synthesis: The world runs like a 1974!. A very general introduction to vibration and wave phenomena
mechanical contraption on the basis of some well-defined mathemati- requiring only relatively simple mathematics. ~E!
cal relations that allow precise predictions. ~I! 17. Optical Caustics in Natural Phenomena, J. A. Lock and J. H. An-
8. The Great Physicists from Galileo to Einstein, George Gamow, drews, Am. J. Phys. 60, 397407 ~1992!. Caustics are explained in
originally published as Biography of Physicists ~Harper Brothers, simple terms as a wave phenomenon that is related to geometric optics.
New York, 1961; reprinted by Dover, New York, 1988!. Most enjoy- ~E!
able discussion of physics in its historical development, requiring
some mathematical literacy, but lightened with many of the authors D. Classical field theories
drawings. Special effort is devoted to the discussion of wave phenom-
18. A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, Volume I: The
ena in various contexts. ~E!
Classical Theories, Sir Edmund Whittaker ~First published by Nelson
and Sons, London, 1910, revised and enlarged in 1951; reprinted by
C. Ray and wave optics Humanities, New York, 1973!. A masterpiece of complete reporting
and explaining that starts in the seventeenth century and goes through
9. Traite de la Lumie`re, Christiaan Huygens, Leiden 1690 ~original
the nineteenth century achievements of Maxwell, J. J. Thomson, and
written in French, translated by S. P. Thompson in volume 34 of Great
Lorentz. ~I!
Books of the Western World, Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago 1952,
19. Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, In-
pages 545619!. Generally recognized as the first discussion of wave
terference and Diffraction of Light, Max Born and Emil Wolf ~Per-
optics, and of Huygenss principle where each disturbance spreads in a
gamon, New York, 1959!. Completely new edition of a textbook by
spherical wave, and every point in turn serves as the origin of a sec-
Born, entitled Optik, Ein Lehrbuch der elektromagnetischen Lichttheo-
ondary wave. This idea leads directly to Feynmans path integral in
rie ~Springer, Berlin, 1933!. After a historical introduction with a care-
quantum mechanics. It is important to emphasize, however, that Huy-
ful exposition of geometrical optics, the emphasis is on starting sys-
gens principle deals with a single pulse traveling at the speed of light,
tematically with Maxwells equations including their
and not with a sinusoidal wave as in most optical experiments ~such as
phenomenological equivalent in solids, liquids, and gases. Coherence
Grimaldis!. ~E!
and interference are treated. A complete picture of a classical field
10. Opticks or a Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and
theory emerges with many of its practical applications. ~I!
Colours of Light, Isaac Newton ~London, 1704!. Published many
times thereafter; available with a foreword by A. Einstein in Dover
Publications, New York, 1979, as well as in Great Books of the E. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
Western World, Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago 1952, pp. 373 20. Elements of Classical Thermodynamics for Advanced Students of
544!, Vol. 34. Although Newtons many discoveries in optics were Physics, A. B. Pippard ~Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 1957!. In spite
made 30 years earlier, this work is his definitive explanation. While of its title the demands on mathematical sophistication are quite lim-
the bulk deals with ray optics and particularly with the refraction of ited, but the discussions are simple and clear. ~E!

307 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 307

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21. Elementary Statistical Physics, C. Kittel ~Wiley, New York, 1958!. are described, and a few theoretical developments are explained in
Covering not only fundamental principles, but also fluctuations, noise, separate boxes. The reader will gain appreciation for the difficulties
and transport phenomena requiring a minimum of mathematical skills. and occasional detours that led to the ultimately satisfying outcome.
~I! ~E!

2. Articles in scientific journals

30. On the Quantization Condition of Sommerfeld and Epstein, Albert
Since the Transition Period came to an end 70 years ago, it Einstein, translation by Charles Jaffe of the article Zum Quantensatz
is receding into the distant past. Its eminent representatives von Sommerfeld und Epstein von A. Einstein in Verhandlungen der
Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 19, 8292 ~1917!, Joint Insti-
died a generation ago, and their work is no longer studied for tute for Laboratory Astrophysics ~JILA! Report No. 116 ~1980!. The
its own merit, but only as a stepping stone to a more com- quantization condition is rewritten in a form that does not refer to any
plete and definitive theory. Nevertheless, their struggles with special coordinate system. But Einstein ~with a reference to Poincare!
preliminary results and ad hoc explanations help us appreci- is the first to realize that even for this form to be applied, the system
ate the inherent difficulties of quantum mechanics, which cannot be allowed to be chaotic ~to use the modern term!. The seminal
offers only an abstract approach to reality instead of the con- importance of this deceptively simple paper was not recognized for
another 40 years, and not fully understood for another 20 years. ~I!
crete pictures in classical mechanics. The preliminary con-
31. Elementary Examples of Adiabatic Invariance, F. S. Crawford,
cepts from the transition period very often were shown much Am. J. Phys. 58, 337344 ~1990!. The adiabatic invariance is shown
later to provide a valid approximation to the mathematical explicitly for a number of simple systems, including its relation to the
results of quantum mechanics. simple rules of quantization. ~I!
A. Historical surveys
B. Photons
1. Textbooks and monographs
22. Plancks Original Papers in Quantum Physics, German and English 1. Textbooks and monographs
edition, annotated by Hans Kangro, translated by D. ter Haar and 32. Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 18941912, T.
Stephen Brush ~Wiley, New York, 1972!. This small paperback con- S. Kuhn, second edition with a New Afterword ~The University of
tains the two short papers that Planck read at the meetings of October Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987; first Edition, Oxford U.P., New York,
19 and December 14, 1900, to interpret the recent measurements of the 1978!. A historical account of the thermodynamics, and then statistical
blackbody radiation. The arguments in the second paper are quite mechanics, concerned with the blackbody radiation. The central role of
simple, and the constant h is defined, with a numerical value too small Max Planck in this development is studied with great care, with the
by only 1%. ~E! help of many details and numerous notes at the end as well as an
23. Thirty Years that Shook PhysicsThe Story of the Quantum extensive bibliography. There have been some vocal objections, how-
Theory, George Gamow ~Doubleday, New York, 1966; reprinted by ever, both to Kuhns interpretation of science history in terms of revo-
Dover, New York, 1985!. A highly entertaining introduction for the lutions, and to his view of the developments in Plancks views; see R.
layperson who is able to read simple mathematical formulas, and enjoy Jost ~1995! Ref. 34. ~I!
the authors amusing drawings as well as the photographs of all the 33. A History of Theories of Aether and Electricity, Volume II: The
participants. The Appendix contains the English translation ~from the Modern Theories 19001926, Sir Edmund Whittaker ~first published
original German! of the famous Copenhagen Faust, a physicists by Nelson and Sons, London, 1933; reprinted by Humanities, New
spoof of Goethes drama. ~E! York, 1973!. This second volume covers the transition period again
24. Sources of Quantum Mechanics, edited with historical introduction very thoroughly ~cf. the mention of the first volume in the preceding
by B. L. van der Waerden ~North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1967; re- chapter!, including special relativity, the old quantum theory, gravita-
printed by Dover, New York, 1968!. A selection of the essential papers tion, and the discovery of the new quantum mechanics. It has acquired
including some letters from the short, but crucial period when modern a special reputation because it assigns most of the credit for the dis-
quantum mechanics was developed first by Bohr and his school with covery of special relativity to Poincare and Lorentz. ~I!
the help of the correspondence principle, and then by Heisenberg, 34. Das Marchen vom Elfenbeinernen TurmReden und Aufsatze
Born, Dirac, and Pauli. All in English translation with illuminating ~The Tale of the Ivory TowerLectures and Essays!, Res Jost, edited
comments. ~I! by K. Hepp, W. Hunziker, and W. Kohn ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
25. Paul EhrenfestVolume 1: The Making of a Theoretical Physi- 1995!. A very worthwhile collection of essays of interest to physicists,
cist, M. J. Klein ~North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1970!. Chapters 10 and including The critique of Planck by T. Kuhn on pp. 6778. ~A!
11 contain valuable discussions of the quantum hypothesis and the
adiabatic principle. ~I!
26. The Genesis of Quantum Theory 18991913, A. Hermann ~MIT, C. Atoms
Cambridge, 1971!. A slender volume centered around the main figures
of Planck, Lorentz, Einstein, Stark, Haas, Sommerfeld, Nernst, and
1. Textbooks and monographs
Bohr. ~E! 35. Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines, Arnold Sommerfeld, trans-
27. The History of Quantum Theory, Friedrich Hund, translated by Gor- lated from the third edition of Atombau und Spektrallinien by H. L.
don Reece ~Harper & Row, New York, 1974!. A rather detailed his- Brose ~Methuen, London, 1923!. The whole generation of physicists
torical account in fairly simple language, but requiring a good knowl- who started the modern period was raised on the strength of this basic
edge of the underlying physics. Mathematical formulas are used freely, text. It still is the best introduction to the atomic physics of the tran-
and many references to the original works are provided. A very useful sition period, an ideal combination of simple qualitative arguments
introduction into a more thorough study of the whole development. ~E! with a minimum of elementary mathematics, covering the whole area
28. Niels Bohrs Times in Physics, Philosophy, and Polity, Abraham including experiments. ~E!
Pais ~Clarendon, Oxford, 1991!. Perhaps the best biography of Niels 36. The Mechanics of the Atom, Max Born, translated by J. W. Fisher
Bohr as the great innovator, skillful organizer, and fearless leader in and D. R. Hartree ~Bell, London, 1927; Ungar, New York, 1960!. The
the transition from classical to quantum mechanics. It is written for the original edition was completed in November 1924, just before the
scientist who is already familiar with the most important developments great breakthrough to the new quantum mechanics. The classical me-
in the first half of this century, and contains a great many details about chanics of multiply periodic motion is discussed in general terms, as
the individual events and their main actors, but without giving any of the basis for the spectra and the interaction with the electromagnetic
the formal mathematical arguments. ~I! field. Examples include the Zeeman and Stark effects, and the single
29. Order, Chaos, OrderTransition from Classical to Quantum electron in the potential of two fixed nuclei; perturbation theory is used
Physics, Philip Stehle ~Oxford U.P., New York, 1994!. A well- for a first attempt at the helium atom. ~I!
researched history of the 30 years from 1895 to 1925, which is written 37. The Quantum Theory of the Atom, George Birtwistle ~Cambridge
for the beginning student in physics. Some of the crucial experiments U.P., Cambridge, 1926!. A contemporary textbook for the student who

308 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 308

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
is familiar with basic physics and wants to learn the best explanations ~Reidel, Dordrecht, 1982!. A fascinating report on the work of Boltz-
then available, starting with radiation theory and classical mechanics to mann and Nernst trying to explain the blackbody radiation classically,
deal with the spectral features of atoms and molecules. An excellent and almost succeeding. ~I!
account. ~I! 47. Zero-Point Energy in Early Quantum Theory, P. W. Milonni and
38. Quantum Principles and Line Spectra, J. H. Van Vleck, Bulletin of M.-L. Shih, Am. J. Phys. 59, 684698 ~1991!. A careful discussion of
the National Research Council, Vol. 10 part 4, published by the Na- the historical background and the physical foundations for a crucial
tional Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, 1926. A very complete early input into modern physics. ~E!
presentation of the old quantum theory, its explanations and results,
with special emphasis on the correspondence principle of Bohr for the
interpretation of the spectral intensities. Its unusually large set of ref- VII. MODERN PERIOD
erences to contemporary work also includes the first reference on page
44 to Einsteins 1917 paper on the quantization conditions in a non- A. Classical mechanics with a modern viewpoint
separable system; I have found only one more reference ~by Lanczos
The emphasis in classical mechanics has changed greatly
1949 in Sec. VII A; Ref. 49! until Kellers 1958 paper in Sec. VII C;
Ref. 75. ~A! since Newton, and the arrival of quantum mechanics in the
39. Zeemaneffekt und Multiplettstruktur der Spektrallinien, E. Back 1920s can be seen in the choice of the methods and the
und A. Lande ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1925!. A status report by the examples that are discussed. But the new ideas from the
experts on both experiments and theory concerning atomic spectros- work of Poincare have not penetrated into the awareness of
copy, on the eve of the big breakthrough. The detailed knowledge of most physicists. The solutions of problems in classical me-
the facts is impressive, and is reminiscent of the present condition in chanics, and quantum mechanics as well, are still presented
nuclear and particle physics where a consistent theory is also missing
right now. ~I!
as a matter of finding the right transformation of coordinates.
1. Textbooks and monographs
2. Articles in scientific journals 48. Classical Mechanics, Herbert Goldstein ~AddisonWesley, Reading,
40. Classical View of the Stark Effect in Hydrogen Atoms, T. P. Hezel, MA, 1950!. A generation of physicists has been brought up with this
C. E. Burkhardt, M. Ciocca, and J. J. Leventhal, Am. J. Phys. 60, textbook. It emphasizes subjects that are close to the problems of
324328 ~1992!. Old quantum theory done in explicit detail. ~E! quantum mechanics such as central forces, rigid-body rotation, small
41. Classical View of the Properties of Rydberg Atoms: Application of oscillations, special relativity, the Hamiltonian formalism, and some
the Correspondence Principle, T. P. Hezel, C. E. Burkhardt, M. Cio- simple field theory. There are many references with short comments to
cca, J. J. Leventhal, and L.-W. He, Am. J. Phys. 60, 329335 ~1992!. related monographs. ~I!
Follow-up to the preceding article. ~E! 49. The Variational Principles of Mechanics, Cornelius Lanczos ~Uni-
versity of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1949; reprinted by Dover, New
York, 1986!. A very useful, well organized, and quite explicit presen-
D. Molecules tation of classical mechanics for physicists rather than mathematicians,
ber das Modell des Wasserstoffmolekulion, W. Pauli, Jr., Ann. starting from the variational principle in its different garbs, as well as
42. U
the resulting canonical formalism, and some beginners field theory. It
Phys. ~Vierte Folge! 68, 177240 ~1922!. This published version of
contains the second reference to Einsteins 1917 paper on quantization
Paulis Ph.D. dissertation with Sommerfeld is remarkable because it
conditions, Ref. 30. ~I!
fails to predict the simplest case of molecular binding in spite of its
50. A Treatise on Analytical Dynamics, L. A. Pars ~Heinemann, London,
impressive mastery of the old quantum theory. The reason is the erro-
1965!. A valuable textbook where traditional mechanics is developed
neous handling of the angular momentum quantization, cf. Strand and
systematically from general principles, emphasizing direct insight
Reinhardt in Sec. 4.11; Ref. 282. ~I!
rather than strict mathematical analysis, but with many applications at
each stage. There is still no awareness of the unavoidable irregularities
E. Thermodynamics in the typical motions; all the methods and examples allow explicit
solutions in terms of relatively simple formulas. ~I!
1. Textbooks and monographs 51. Variational Principles in Dynamics and Quantum Theory ~3rd ed.!,
W. Yourgrau and S. Mandelstam ~Saunders, Philadelphia, 1968!. A
43. The New Heat TheoremIts Foundation in Theory and Experi- fine historical survey starting with Fermat and his successors in clas-
ment, W. Nernst, translated from the second edition by Guy Barr sical mechanics, going on to the old and new quantum mechan-
~Methuen, London, 1926; reprinted by Dover, New York, 1969!. The ics including Feynman and Schwinger. By way of contrast even hy-
definitive account and textbook of the so-called third law of thermo- drodynamics is covered; there is a general emphasis on some of the
dynamics, the vanishing of the entropy at the absolute zero of the philosophical meaning. ~A!
temperature scale, which turned out to have its explanation in quantum 52. Mechanics: Classical and Quantum, T. T. Taylor ~Pergamon, Ox-
mechanics. ~I! ford, 1976!. Although this textbook was written in the Post-Modern
Period, the author decided to adopt the views of the earlier Modern
F. Statistical mechanics Period. The connection between classical and quantum mechanics is
found in the similarities of the mathematical formalisms rather than the
44. Statistical MechanicsThe Theory of the Properties of Matter in phenomena. ~I!
Equilibrium based on an Essay awarded the Adams Prize in the
University of Cambridge 19231924, R. H. Fowler ~Cambridge
U.P., London, 1929!. A marvelous survey including the early quantum B. The new wave mechanics
results of Planck, Debye, Nernst, including interatomic forces, Brown-
ian motion, meteorology, astrophysics, and the interaction with radia- No serious student in physics can do without any knowl-
tion. ~E! edge of wave mechanics as it can be found in a vast number
45. Report on Radiation and the Quantum-Theory ~2nd ed.!, J. H. of textbooks. The intended audience for these books covers a
Jeans ~The Physical Society of London, London, 1924!. Covers the wide range, from pure mathematicians who are interested in
development of the statistical foundations of the radiation theory and
proving general theorems, to engineers and chemists who
the theory of specific heats, as well as the relation with Bohrs corre-
spondence principle. ~E! want to concentrate on limited and well-defined applications.
We will mention only the relatively few books where the
1. Articles in scientific journals transition from classical to quantum mechanics gets more
46. Modern and Old View in the Dynamical Foundations of Classical than just a perfunctory treatment. A number of monographs
Statistical Mechanics, L. Galgani, in Applications of Modern Dynam- can be considered classics in QM because of their indepen-
ics to Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics, edited by V. Szebehely dent approach and depth.

309 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 309

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Finally, some authors have tried to present the subject the contrast between CM and QM is often mentioned in many different
without the help of its almost inevitable mathematical appa- contexts, such as the classical electron, indeterminacy, symmetry, ir-
reversibility, the measurement process. ~A!
ratus, but rather by appealing to the readers intuition with
the help of ingenious illustrations. This kind of effort is of
great importance for physics, however, because it helps in
3. Fundamental treatises for the beginning expert
making the origin and the practice of quantum mechanics
more understandable to the lay people. A teacher might find a. Textbooks and monographs
some inspiration to get away from a purely formal discussion 61. Problems of Atomic Dynamics, Max Born ~MIT, Cambridge, 1926!.
of the important concepts. Reprinted as a paperback by MIT Press in 1970. These 30 lectures
were given at MIT between November 14, 1925 and January 22, 1926;
1. Qualitative discussions for the general reader the first 20 lectures are concerned with the structure of atoms, and the
a. Textbooks and monographs last 10 with the lattice theory of solids. This is the first account of the
operator version of quantum mechanics as discovered by Heisenberg,
53. The Strange Story of the Quantum, Banesh Hoffmann ~Harper, and elaborated by Born, Jordan, and Pauli, including the latters theory
1947, Dover, New York, 1959!. An account for the general reader of of the hydrogen spectrum; its preface is dated January 22, 1926, so that
the growth of ideas underlying our present atomic knowledge. Writ- this text predates Schrodingers first paper. The arguments that led
ten in a colloquial style, with a minimum of mathematics and few from the old to the new quantum theory, i.e., from the reliance
pictures, for a reader who needs constant encouragement and enjoys on classical mechanics to the use of matrices, are discussed in a way
the little devices of live conversation. ~E! that is no longer found in the textbooks, unfortunately. ~I!
54. Are Quanta Real? A Galilean Dialogue, J. M. Jauch ~Indiana U.P., 62. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, P. A. M. Dirac ~Oxford
Bloomington/London, 1973!. The main issues concerning classical and U.P., London, 1930, 1935, 1947!. This monograph is the first compre-
quantum mechanics are discussed in a fictional trialogue between the hensive text of the new quantum mechanics, and each new edition
three persons of Galileos Dialogue on the Two Major Systems of presents some important new view of the author. It is in a class by
the World of 1632 and his Discourses and Demonstrations Con- itself because it records the progress in his systematic development
cerning Two New Sciences of 1638. Salviati represents the modern that starts from his insights into classical mechanics. The second edi-
scientist, Sagredo is the intelligent layman, and Simplicio the defender tion presents the first approach to the path integral, and the third is
of the conventional wisdom. A clever imitation of Galileos learned phrased in the formalism of bras ^ and kets & whose juxtaposition
and polemic language. ~E! forms the bracket ^, & or scalar product. ~A!
55. In Quest of the Quantum, Leonid Ponomarev, translated from the 63. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, Paul A. M. Dirac ~Belfer Gradu-
Russian by Nicholas Weinstein ~Mir, Moscow, 1973!. A very enter- ate School of Science, Yeshiva University, New York, 1964!. A slen-
taining and well-written introduction with hardly any mathematical der volume of four lectures where Dirac exposes his views on the
formulas, but numerous whimsical drawings to emphasize some of the process that leads from the classical Hamiltonian mechanics through
simple arguments. Short biographies of the main actors are found the study of Poisson brackets to the quantization in both curved and
throughout. ~E! flat spaces. Although the ideas are general and abstract, the formalism
56. Taking the Quantum Leap; the New Physics for Non-Scientists, is simple in typical Dirac fashion. ~I!
Fred Alan Wolf ~Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1981!. A very attrac- 64. The Feynman Lectures on Physics. III. Quantum Mechanics, Ri-
tive, general introduction for the layperson into the difficulties that chard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands ~Addison
haunt quantum mechanics. The questions concerning the wave nature Wesley, Reading, MA, 1965!. This textbook on QM is unique because
of a particle are emphasized with the help of many sketches, and it tries to motivate everything for an audience that is not familiar with
occasional works of art, as well as pictures and biographical notes on the use of mathematical language. There is an abundance of simple
the main actors. ~E! sketches with explanations based on intuition, and that very often
57. The Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics ~2nd ed.!, means pictures from classical mechanics. Special attention is devoted
Max Jammer ~American Institute of Physics, New York, 1989!. An to the effects of symmetry, which are usually hard to grasp except
understandable and extremely well documented history that explains through formal arguments. ~E!
the origins of quantum mechanics starting with Plancks work on
blackbody radiation and going into some of the controversies in the b. Articles in scientific journals
interpretation of wave mechanics. The author is remarkably even- 65. The Correspondence Principle Revisited, R. L. Liboff, Phys. Today
handed and stays away from unwarranted generalizations and formal- 5055 ~February 1984!. Discussion of Plancks quantum going to zero
istic arguments. A unique source of information. versus the quantum number going to infinity. ~E!
58. The Historical Development of Quantum Mechanics ~5 volumes!, J.
Mehra and H. Rechenberg ~Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982 to
1987!. A report that reads more like a story for the general public with
many anecdotal details, but contains a lot of information not generally C. WKB wave functions and path integrals
found, e.g., the discovery of QM ~Vol. 2!, the formulation of matrix
mechanics and its modifications ~Vol. 3!, Erwin Schrodinger and the 1. Textbooks and monographs
rise of wave mechanics ~Vol. 5!. ~I!
66. An Introduction to Phase-Integral Methods, J. Heading ~Wiley,
New York, 1962!. A short and very useful introduction to the prob-
2. General discussion with a philosophical bent lems of the transition from CM to QM for the motion in one dimen-
sion. After a good historical survey, the WKBJ solutions and the
a. Textbooks and monographs Stokes phenomenon are discussed with the help of the functions in the
59. The New ScienceWhere is Science going? The Universe in the complex plane. The behavior near transition points ~from classically
Light of Modern Physics, The Philosophy of Physics, Max Planck, allowed to forbidden regions! as well as various applications including
with a preface by A. Einstein and an introduction by James Franck waves in the ionosphere are treated. ~I!
~Meridian, 1959!. This volume 3 of Plancks Complete Works con- 67. Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, R. P. Feynman and A. R.
tains many of the popular talks that its illustrious author gave through- Hibbs ~McGrawHill, New York, 1965!. Introductory textbook that
out his life, after his original discovery had completely transformed treats many examples very explicitly, but only when they are amenable
classical physics, and his personal life ended in tragedy during and to complete solutions, i.e., integrable. ~I!
after World War II. ~E! 68. JWKB Approximation: Contributions to the Theory, Nanny Froe-
60. The Physicists Conception of Nature Symposium in honor of the man and Per Olof Froeman ~North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1965!. A
seventieth birthday of P. A. M. Dirac, edited by Jagdish Mehra short but systematic treatise where this approximation to Schrodingers
~Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973!. A large and remarkable collection of ar- equation in one dimension is discussed in the complex plane with
ticles by many of the most outstanding participants in the development some mathematical sophistication, including higher-order terms in
of QM. Hardly any special problems in physics are discussed, although powers of Plancks constant. ~A!

310 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 310

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69. Semi-Classical Approximations in Quantum Mechanics, V. P. author discusses the experimental techniques as well as the results in a
Maslov and M. V. Feodoriuk ~Reidel, Boston, 1981!. This is the first systematic manner using the most direct theoretical approach, includ-
English version of a book in Russian by the first author from the early ing classical arguments. ~E!
1960s that was translated into French in 1972. Although the phase- 79. The Spectrum of the Atomic Hydrogen, G. W. Series ~Oxford U.P.,
integral solution of Schrodingers equation is treated in more than one New York, 1957!. A short technical history of this central subject,
dimension, and many clever models are discussed, the emphasis lies from the earliest results in the late nineteenth century to the latest
on the mathematical justification rather than on the physical ideas. The triumphs of the quantum electrodynamics. The newest high-precision
main challenge of dealing with the classically chaotic motions is not data are quoted and discussed, but not fully explained. ~I!
taken up. Maslovs name seems forever tied to the phase losses at 80. Atomic Spectra, H. G. Kuhn ~Longmans, London, 1962!. An elemen-
caustics. ~A! tary introduction that uses the classical pictures whenever useful, and
70. Classical Dynamics and its Quantum Analogues, David Park includes a discussion of the most important experimental evidence. ~E!
~Springer, New York, 1979!. Although less than 20 years old, these 81. Structure of Matter, W. Finkelnburg, translation from German by O.
lecture notes give the standard version of the classical-quantal connec- Matossi-Riechemeier ~Springer-Verlag, New York, 1964!. A very suc-
tion, with all the familiar examples worked out in detail. The explana- cessful introductory text into nuclear and atomic, as well as some
tions and the mathematics are kept at a level for undergraduates, and molecular and condensed matter physics, on the basis of simplified
include discussions of Hamiltonian dynamics, perturbation theory, quantum pictures. ~E!
rigid body, and simple continuous systems like strings. ~E! 82. The Photoionization of One- and Two-Electron Atoms, L. M.
Branscomb, in Physics of the One- and Two-Electron Atoms
~North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1969! pp. 660699. A very readable sur-
2. Articles in scientific journals vey covering mostly experiments, including the astrophysical implica-
tions. ~I!
71. Space-Time Approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, R.
P. Feynman, Rev. Mod. Phys. 20, 367387 ~1948!. @Reprinted in Se-
lected Papers on Quantum Electrodynamics, edited by Julian E. Spin and statistics
Schwinger ~Dover, New York, 1958!.# Diracs idea is carried a step 83. Exclusion Principle and Spin, B. L. Van der Waerden in Theoret-
further by interpreting the propagator ~or probability amplitude! in ical Physics in the Twentieth Century, A Memorial Volume to
quantum mechanics as an integral over all the different paths between Wolfgang Pauli, edited by M. Fierz and V. F. Weisskopf ~Inter-
the given end points where the integrand is the exponential of the science, New York, 1960!, p. 199. Gives the best account of the dif-
classical action integral. Classical mechanics comes out immediately ficult process of getting Pauli to accept the electron spin in the critical
because the path of stationary action with respect to small variations is year of 1925; his objections were exactly the quasiclassical picture that
the one to suffer least from the destructive interference among the was used by the discoverers, Kronig as well as Goudsmit and Uhlen-
paths. Feynmans view has become the starting point for most of the beck. ~I! @cf. the remarks by A. Herrmann, co-editor of Paulis Cor-
more refined models in QM. ~I! respondence, Volume 1. 19191929 ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979!,
72. On the Definition and Approximation of Feynmans Path Integral, p. XV#.
C. Morette, Phys. Rev. 81, 848852 ~1951!. The first attempt of a
mathematical proof to show that the path integral is a solution of
Schrodingers equation for sufficiently short times. ~A!
F. Scattering
73. Path Concepts in HamiltonJacobi Theory, Rolf Landauer, Am. J. 84. The Theory of Atomic Collisions, N. F. Mott and H. S. W. Massey
Phys. 20, 363367 ~1952!. An isolated precursor in the efforts to un- ~Oxford U.P., London, 1933! ~first edition, with a second edition con-
derstand the relation between classical and quantum mechanics beyond centrating more on nuclear problems in 1949!. The first systematic
the WKB approximation. ~E! introduction into the practical solution of problems in the scattering of
74. Reflections in One-Dimensional Wave Mechanics, R. Landauer, particles. Starting with electrons in a Coulomb field, including spin,
Phys. Rev. 82, 8083 ~1951!. Correction to the WKB approximation proceeding to whole atoms hit by electrons elastically and inelasti-
by including multiple reflections in one dimension. ~E! cally, ending with massive particles in gas and solids, as well as
75. Corrected BohrSommerfeld Quantum Condition for Nonseparable nuclear phenomena, including relativistic two-body problems and ra-
Systems, J. B. Keller, Ann. Phys. ~N.Y.! 4, 180188 ~1958!. The diation. ~A!
seminal paper of Einstein from 1917 is interpreted quantum mechani-
cally: Each invariant torus in phase space is covered by a simple wave G. Molecular bond
function which is then projected onto position space, and leads to the
85. Band Structure and Molecular Structure, R. de L Kronig ~Cam-
quantization conditions, including the effect of caustics. ~I!
bridge U.P., London, 1930!. A primer on the analysis of molecular
76. Asymptotic Solutions for Eigenvalue Problems, J. B. Keller and S.
structure with the help of rotational and vibrational spectra, on the
I. Rubinow, Ann. Phys. ~N.Y.! 9, 2475 ~1960!. The method of
basis of quantum mechanics. The previously semiempirical results can
Kellers paper above is used to treat a whole collection of integrable,
now be explained quite systematically and completely. ~E!
but not easily separable, systems with two degrees of freedom: The
86. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with Applications to Chem-
possibility of classical chaos is not discussed at all. ~A!
istry, Linus Pauling and E. Bright Wilson ~McGrawHill, New York,
1935!. The textbook for a generation of chemists trying to learn an
D. Atomic spectra important subject with an unexpectedly heavy use of mathematics.
Short chapters on classical mechanics and the old quantum theory are
followed by the regular fare and occasional excursions into the semi-
1. Textbooks and monographs classical regime. Subjects of interest to chemists such as the molecular
77. Quantum Mechanics of One- And Two-Electron Atoms, Hans bond, the rotation, vibration, as well as excited states of molecules,
A. Bethe and Edwin E. Salpeter ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1957!. Sec- and the FranckCondon principle are emphasized. ~I!
ond enlarged edition of Bethes article of the same title in the Hand- 87. Molecular Spectra and Molecular StructureI. Spectra of the Di-
buch der Physik, Vol. XXIV in 1933. It is meant as a reference work atomic Molecules,II. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic
pertaining to the calculations and their comparison with experiment, Molecules, Gerhard Herzberg ~Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ, 1939 for
and is intended for graduate students who wish to learn applied first volume; second volume and enlarged edition of the first, 1950!.
quantum mechanics, giving low-brow explicit derivations. The basic and, at its time, complete monograph on spectra of diatomic
Specific application to atomic systems of general field-theoretic re- molecules. It can fairly be proclaimed as the book that proved quantum
sults is described in detail. A unique source of information in an area mechanics to be the foundation of molecular physics, and therefore of
where semiclassical methods have recently been used with some suc- all chemistry. But the experimental results are way ahead of any de-
cess. ~I! tailed calculations, so that explanations have to remain qualitative,
78. Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure, Gerhard Herzberg, translated using simple, sometimes classical arguments. Both volumes are an
from Atomspektren und Atomstruktur by J. W. T. Spinks impressive demonstration of the amount of knowledge in this special
~PrenticeHall, New York, 1937!. The introductory volume to a series field that was already known, and understood in a qualitative way,
of monographs on spectroscopy for the specialist in the field. The some 50 years ago. ~A!

311 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 311

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
H. Electrons in solids domain. Only relatively simple examples are treated as illustrations of
the fundamental ideas, which are presented in verbal rather than ab-
1. Textbooks and monographs stract mathematical terms. ~A!
99. Statistical Mechanics, Kerson Huang ~Wiley, New York, 1963!. Stan-
88. The Theory of the Properties of Metals and Alloys, N. F. Mott and dard text for the beginning student in this area, before the more formal
H. Jones ~Clarendon, Oxford, 1936; reprinted by Dover, New York, methods from field theory became dominant. ~A!
1958!. The conduction of electrons in a solid is always approached
classically to the extent that external fields, both electric and magnetic, 2. Articles in scientific journals
are applied, and a Boltzmann-like transport equation is solved. ~I!
100. On the Quantum Correction for Thermodynamic Equilibrium, E.
89. Quantum Theory of Solids, R. E. Peierls ~Clarendon, Oxford, 1955!.
Wigner, Phys. Rev. 40, 749759 ~1932!. The Wigner distribution
Introductory text of unusual clarity and simplicity of mathematical
function for a quantum system is defined in this paper, and shown to
tools by one of the original contributors in this field. ~I!
satisfy an equation reminiscent of Boltzmanns classical distribution in
90. Solid State Physics, N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin ~Holt, Rine-
phase space. Wigners idea has inspired countless applications where
hart and Winston, Philadelphia, 1976!. A comprehensive textbook for
the statistical features are inherent in quantum mechanics rather than
graduate students in physics that starts out with three valuable sections
coming from thermodynamics. ~I!
on the old Drude and Sommerfeld theories of metals, as well as their
failures. The remainder of this impressive work gives frequent discus-
sions of the limits for many of the standard methods in the field, as VIII. POST-MODERN PERIOD
well as extensive experimental data. ~I!
The last 30 years in almost every area of physics have
seen an accumulation of results that far surpasses what any
I. Second quantization and field theory individual is able to appreciate. Whereas this growth seems
exponential at a relatively steady rate in many well-
1. Textbooks and monographs established fields, it looks as if a sleeping giant had been
91. The Quantum Theory of Radiation, W. Heitler ~Oxford U.P., Lon- awakened in the special area of this Resource Letter.
don, 1936!. The first monograph on this topic, and the reference work The sudden explosion is intimately connected with the
until the renewal of the radiation theory in the late 1940s by growing awareness of what is now called chaos, for the lack
Schwinger, Tomonaga, Feynman, and Dyson. The classical theory is of both a better word and of any description, let alone expla-
first treated in its Hamiltonian form, which is then quantized first in
nation, of this general phenomenon. The various quarters
vacuo and then in interaction with matter. This represents the prelude
to the great explosion of quantum field theory that now dominates where quantum mechanics is the fundamental tool have re-
high-energy physics as well as other areas like superconductivity, sponded quite differently. Nuclear, atomic, and molecular
magnetism, and statistical mechanics. All these developments are in- physicists have been in the forefront of trying out new ideas
cluded in the much larger third edition which never became as impor- for making the connection with classical mechanics.
tant as this first one. ~A! Condensed-matter physicists are jumping on the band wagon
92. Quantum Electrodynamics34 selected papers, edited by Julian with a vengeance right now, but the main practitioners of
Schwinger ~Dover, New York, 1958!. A collection of the important
papers that led to the development of the modern theory in the late
high-energy and even of statistical physics have as yet to
1940s including the radiative corrections in atomic physics. ~A! take notice.
93. QEDThe Strange Story of Light and Matter, R. P. Feynman Some of the fields with a long history, going back more
~Princeton U.P., Princeton, NJ, 1985!. A short and very readable in- than a century, experience this development differently be-
troduction for the novice. ~E! cause quantum mechanics is not part of their foundation.
94. The Quantum Theory of Light, R. Loudon ~Clarendon, Oxford, Therefore, fluid dynamics and acoustics will not be men-
1973!. An introduction for the beginner in this area that leads through
atomic physics and the quantized radiation field into photon optics,
tioned although they face similar problems in reconciling the
lasers, light scattering, and nonlinear optics. ~I! ray and the wave picture. The same holds true for all of
optics over its wide range of frequencies, with an additional
complication. The electromagnetic field has to be second-
J. Quantum statistics quantized to allow for the photons as classical particles
with BoseEinstein statistics. The resulting behavior of
1. Textbooks and monographs many nonlinear devices in quantum optics is again chaotic,
95. The Theory of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities, J. H. Van but it is described by the same theory as the chaos in classi-
Vleck ~Oxford U.P., London, 1932!. Possibly the first monograph on cal mechanics, and is hardly mentioned in this Resource Let-
the electromagnetic properties of gases, liquids, and solids based on ter.
statistical mechanics, both classical and quantum. An excellent survey
of the progress and new applications under the recent developments.
The vast literature has been organized somewhat artifi-
~I! cially into separate groups, but many textbooks, mono-
96. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, A. H. Wilson ~Cam- graphs, and conference proceedings spread out into more
bridge U.P., London, 1957!. A very useful monograph that covers than one of these classifications. More serious, however, is a
wide areas and discusses many applications in simple mathematical large amount of duplication where the same author contrib-
language without much fuss about the philosophical foundations. Clas- utes very similar papers to different conference proceedings.
sical as well as quantum mechanical aspects of statistical mechanics
Many summary descriptions may sound alike, so that one
are treated in some detail, including the third law of thermodynamics,
electric and magnetic phenomena. ~I! collection of contributed articles may be just as good as an-
97. Ergodic Theory in Statistical Mechanics, I. E. Farquhar ~Inter- other. The reader suffers no great loss if only one such col-
science, London, 1964!. Survey of both the classical and quantal er- lection is available at the local library. Yet many of these
godic theory in the form that was originally proposed by Boltzmann, proceedings provide a good starting point to find out what is
i.e., without the sophisticated techniques of functional analysis, em- happening and who is active in any of the specialties.
phasizing coarse graining, classical phase-space theorems, averaging It would have been impossible to give even a cursory sur-
over initial states. ~I!
98. The Principles of Statistical Mechanics, Richard C. Tolman ~Oxford
vey of the papers that appear in the archival journals, be-
U.P., London, 1938!. A broadly based effort to give a reasonably cause so many people are working hard and publish their
clear and complete picture, from a modern point of view, of the results as soon as they have something to say. I have made a
more powerful methods of Gibbs both in the classical and quantal choice of articles that I consider particularly interesting be-

312 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 312

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
cause of some new result or novel idea. Such an article may experts covering the behavior of low-dimensional classical systems,
not always provide the most efficient route for the new- pattern formation in large systems such as hydrodynamics, turbulence,
computational techniques, and quantum systems. ~I!
comer, compared with some later discussion of the same 112. Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems, a reprint selection compiled and
topic, but it may offer a better insight into the discovery introduced by R. S. MacKay and J. D. Meiss ~Adam Hilger, Bristol,
process at the price of some extra effort. But on the whole, 1987!. A substantial collection containing articles from various scien-
the list of publications below is no more than a sampling tific journals, about equilibria and periodic orbits, quasiperiodic orbits
from a vast set, with some inevitable personal bias. and the breakup of invariant tori, chaotic behaviors and many applica-
tions. ~A!

A. The new classical mechanics

1. Textbooks and monographs 3. Articles in scientific journals
101. Dynamical Systems, George D. Birkhoff ~American Mathematical 113. The Applicability of the Third Integral of Motion: Some Numerical
Society Colloquium Publications, volume IX, published by the AMS, Experiments, M. Henon and C. Heiles, Astron. J. 69, 7379 ~1964!.
Providence, RI, 1927, with a new edition in 1966!. It represents Two harmonic oscillators are coupled by the simplest third-order cou-
essentially a continuation of Poincares profound and extensive work pling, which leads to the most popular model for the transition from
on Celestial mechanics. ...the style may appear less formal and rigor- integrability at low energies to classical chaos at higher energies. ~I!
ous than is now ~1966! customary. But just the informal and lively 114. The Anisotropic Kepler Problem in Two Dimensions, M. C.
manner of writing has been inspiring to many mathematicians. ~I! Gutzwiller, J. Math. Phys. 14, 139152 ~1973!. The first example of a
102. Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, V. I. Arnold, trans- realistic physical system where all the classical trajectories can be
lated by K. Vogtmann and A. Weinstein ~Springer-Verlag, New York, described by a simple binary code. ~I!
1978!. A very readable textbook, although in mathematical language, 115. A Universal Instability of ManyDimensional Oscillator Systems,
with many simple sketches and numerous examples. A lengthy set of B. V. Chirikov, Phys. Rep. 52, 263379 ~1979!. The nonlinear cou-
appendices explains without necessarily proving the main propositions pling between linear oscillators is studied in detail with many numeri-
of modern mechanics. ~I! cal examples in order to establish the instability due to resonance
103. Introduction to Dynamics, I. Percival and D. Richards ~Cambridge overlap, various mechanisms of effective diffusion in phase space, and
U.P., Cambridge, 1982!. A very useful short textbook to get an under- the meaning of entropy. ~A!
graduate student acquainted with the modern ideas and simple ex- 116. Triple Collisions in the Planar Isosceles Three Body Problem, R. L.
amples ~and many problems! in classical mechanics that will lead Devaney, Invent. Math. 60, 249267 ~1980!. A simple mathematical
eventually to ~post-modern! quantum mechanics. ~E! discussion of the main features in the classical model that comes close
104. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, A. J. Lichtenberg and M. A. Lieber- to yielding the ground state of the helium atom. ~I!
man ~Springer-Verlag, New York, 1st ed. 1983, 2nd ed. 1992!. An 117. How Random is a Coin Toss? Joseph Ford, Phys. Today 36 ~4!,
up-to-date monograph covering nonlinear oscillations, perturbation 4047 ~April 1983!. A general discussion of randomness in physics by
theory, stability, stochastic processes in Hamiltonian and dissipative an author who is intimately familiar with, and bases his ideas on the
systems, with many numerical examples and figures. ~A! chaos in classical mechanics. ~E!
105. Chaos in Dynamical Systems, G. M. Zaslavsky, translated by V. I. 118. Chaotic Scattering modelled by an Inclined Billiard, M. Henon,
Kisin ~Harwood, Chur, Switzerland, 1985!. Introductory discussion of Physica D 33, 132156 ~1988!. A very simple model for a classical
stochastic behavior in different circumstances with many examples particle that bounces off a corrugated boundary, and where a complete
about oscillations, nonlinear waves, and quantum systems. ~I! symbolic dynamics can be defined. ~E!
106. ChaosMaking a New Science, J. Gleick ~Penguin, New York, 119. A General Model for Motion bound to an Impurity in an anisotropic
1987!. A popular best-seller that describes both the new problems of semiconductor, J. Casasayas, A. Nunes, and A. M. Ozorio de
classical chaos in simple nontechnical language and the personal sto- Almeida, Physica D 48, 311321 ~1991!. The chaos that is found in
ries of the main protagonists. ~E! the anisotropic Kepler problem is shown to be a very general feature
107. Chaotic DynamicsAn Introduction, G. L. Baker and J. P. Gollub for a whole class of motions in potentials of similar kind. ~A!
~Cambridge U.P., New York, 1990!. An introduction for undergradu- 120. Global Behavior of the Charged Isosceles Three-Body Problem, P.
ates in the sciences with an emphasis on practical computations, and Atela and R. I. McLachlan, Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 4, 865884
some discussion of simple physical systems from mechanics and fluid ~1994!. The many periodic orbits in this system are explained in terms
dynamics. ~E! of two sources, the usual Kepler motion and the collision-ejection
108. Newtons ClockChaos in the Solar System, I. Peterson ~Freeman, trajectories of the collision with the origin. ~A!
New York, 1993!. A very entertaining and highly instructive introduc-
tion to chaotic phenomena for the general reader. The history of cop-
ing with the astronomical observations of the motions in the solar B. Integrable versus chaotic features in quantum
system is told with many interesting sidelights, as well as illustrations, mechanics
diagrams, and explicit data. ~E!
1. Textbooks and monographs
2. Conference proceedings 121. Hamiltonian SystemsChaos and Quantization, Alfredo M. Ozorio
109. The Theory of Orbits in the Solar System and in Stellar Systems, de Almeida ~Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 1988!. An introduction for
edited by G. Contopoulos, Symposium No. 25 of the International theoretical physicists starting with classical mechanics and its tech-
Astronomical Union, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 1722, 1964 niques in the nonintegrable cases, and continuing on to some of the
~Academic, London and New York, 1966!. A marvelous collection of novel methods in quantum mechanics, such as Wigner functions, ran-
contributions in celestial mechanics showing a complete awareness of dom matrices, and periodic orbits. ~I!
the new classical mechanics at a time when most physicists had no 122. Quantum Mechanics of Classically Non-Integrable Systems, Bruno
idea of it. ~I! Eckhardt, Phys. Rep. ~Review Section of Physics Letters! 163, 205
110. Order in Chaos, Proceedings of a Conference at the Center for 297 ~1988!. A well-organized introduction covering the basic results at
Nonlinear Studies in Los Alamos, New Mexico 1982, edited by D. the time and giving a large list of references. The discussion is limited
Campbell and H. Rose @Physica D 7 ~1983!#. One of the first get- to basic principles and interesting model problems. ~I!
togethers on chaos covering many aspects from experimental observa- 123. Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics, Martin C. Gutzwiller
tions, mathematical properties and model systems, fractal structures, ~Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990!. The first half is concerned with a
transition to chaos in circle maps, fluids and vortices, with a special modern approach to classical mechanics with few degrees of freedom,
section ~for the first time! on quantum chaos. ~I! including different types of approximation methods, periodic orbits
111. Physics of Chaos and Related Problems, Proceedings of Nobel and surfaces of section, entropy, and the discussion of instructive ex-
Symposium 59 in Graeftavallen, Sweden 1984, edited by S. Lundqvist amples that are usually left to the specialists. The second half deals
@Phys. Scr. T9 ~1985!#. A rather general survey of the field by the with the quantum mechanics of integrable versus chaotic classical sys-

313 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 313

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tems, in particular their wave functions and energy-level statistics, the 134. Periodic Orbit Theory in Classical and Quantum Mechanics, Focus
connection to periodic orbits in the trace formula, and again some issue edited by P. Cvitanovic, Chaos 2, 1158 ~1992!. An outstanding
important examples in detail. ~I! collection of contributions from the NORDITA program on Physics
124. Quantum Signatures of Chaos, Fritz Haake ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, of Quantum Chaos and Measurement and the NATO Advanced Re-
1991!. The statistics of the energy levels in QM gets a careful and search Workshop on Quantum ChaosTheory and Experiment in
quite complete discussion on the basis of rather abstract and general Copenhagen. The special role of the classical periodic orbits in various
ideas, but with only few concrete examples. This monograph uses mathematical problems and physical experiments is explored; the im-
simple and yet quite elaborate mathematics; it ends with a discussion portance of this topic had been first recognized only 20 years earlier.
of dissipative systems. ~A! ~I!
125. The Transition to Chaos in Conservative Classical Systems: 135. Chaotic Scattering, Focus Issue of Chaos edited by T. Tel and E.
Quantum Manifestations, Linda E. Reichl ~Springer-Verlag, New Ott, Chaos 3, 417706 ~1993!. The second half has a fine collection of
York, 1992!. A very complete and exhaustive treatise that covers the articles dealing with quantum chaotic scattering. ~I!
whole development from classical mechanics in its conventional form 136. Quantum and Chaos: How Incompatible? Proceedings of the Fifth
including area-preserving maps and the diffusion of trajectories, all the Yukawa International Seminar held in Kyoto 1993, edited by K.
way to spectral statistics, semiclassical theory, driven and stochastic Ikeda @Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 116 ~1994!#. A number of care-
systems in QM. A well-organized and largely self-contained reference fully written survey articles covering chaos in both classical and quan-
work in these areas with many illustrations and examples. ~A! tum mechanics, expansion in powers of h, scattering, adiabatic invari-
126. Semiclassical Physics, M. Brack and R. K. Bhaduri ~Addison ants, few-body problems, time scales in relaxation phenomena, is
Wesley, Reading, MA, 1997!. This textbook starts with some simple followed by many contributed papers of various length in the same
examples of the relation between classical and quantum mechanics, areas. ~I!
and goes on to explain how the density of states as well as individual 137. Quantum Chaos: Present and Future, Special Issue edited by K.
energy levels are obtained in nonintegrable systems, with the help of Nakamura, Chaos, Solitons FractalsInterdisciplinary Journal of
many practical illustrations. ~I! Nonlinear Science 5 ~7! ~1995!, Pergamon. A wide spectrum of ar-
ticles by some of the best authors covering fundamental issues as well
as special applications such as driven systems, statistical mechanics,
2. Conference proceedings and collections
semiclassical quantization, and quantum measurements. ~I!
127. Stochastic Behavior in Classical and Quantum Hamiltonian Sys- 138. Quantum Chaosbetween Order and Disorder, edited by G. Casati
tems, Volta Memorial Conference in Como, Italy, 1977, edited by and B. Chirikov ~Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 1995!. The most up-to-
G. Casati and J. Ford ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979!. The first con- date collection with a number of reviews rather than reports on recent
ference in this area assembled some of the pioneers coming from results. ~I!
mathematics, astronomy, and theoretical physics. This volume is a
source for some of the original work, and presents the various view-
points and motivations. In particular, the editors demonstrate the ab-
sence of quantum diffusion in the kicked-rotator model. ~I!
3. Articles in scientific journals
128. Chaotic Behavior in Quantum SystemsTheory and Applications, 139. Semiclassical Approximations in Wave Mechanics, M. V. Berry
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop in Como, and K. E. Mount, Rep. Prog. Phys. 35, 315397 ~1972!. The earliest
1983, edited by G. Casati ~Plenum, New York 1985!. This sequel to survey of the post-modern efforts to reconcile classical and quantum
the first Como meeting covers a spread of topics that is more narrowly mechanics. ~I!
focused on the relations between classical and quantal systems, but it 140. Time-Dependent Approach to Semiclassical Dynamics, E. J.
gives a good picture of the field at this, still early date, covering all the Heller, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 15441555 ~1975!. Schrodingers equation
fundamental, theoretical and experimental, problems that have since is solved in terms of a plane wave with a Gaussian spread whose
become branches of their own. ~I! profile is given by the displacement from a classical trajectory. ~E!
129. Dynamical Chaos, Proceedings of Royal Society Discussion 141. Quantum Corrections to a Classical Photo-Dissociation Model, E.
Meeting, edited by M. V. Berry, I. C. Percival, and N. O. Weiss, Proc. J. Heller, J. Chem. Phys. 68, 20662075 ~1978!. The cross section for
R. Soc. London, Ser. A 413, 1199 ~1987!, as well as Cambridge U.P. photoabsorption is written as a propagator in time that can be approxi-
and Princeton U.P. An interesting set of talks including biology, hy- mated with the help of classical trajectories. ~E!
drodynamics, physics, and mathematics, with Berrys Bakerian Lec- 142. Semi-Classical Quantization on Adiabatically Generated Tori, or
ture Quantum Chaology. ~E! Einstein on the Brink, W. P. Reinhardt and R. E. Gillilan, in Path
130. Chaos and Quantum Physics, Proceedings of the 1989 Summer Integrals from meV to MeV, edited by M. C. Gutzwiller et al.
School in Les Houches, edited by M.-J. Giannoni, A. Voros, and J. ~World Scientific, Singapore, 1986!. The well-known adiabatic prin-
Zinn-Justin ~North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1991!. A rather complete ciple of quantum mechanics is used to find the quantization in the
picture of the state-of-the-art in this area where chaos in classical chaotic region by starting in the regular region where the conventional
mechanics gets directly connected with quantum mechanics. The most quantization conditions hold. ~E!
active authors in this area get enough space to explain their views, 143. The Reality of the Quantum World, A. Shimony, Sci. Am. 258,
including Percival, Bohigas, Gutzwiller, Berry, Colin de Verdiere, 4653 ~January 1988!. A modern discussion of the particle-wave du-
Schmit, Smilansky, Chirikov, Heller, Delande, and Muehlschlegel. ~A! ality. ~E!
131. Quantum Chaos, Proceedings of the International School of 144. Dynamical Aspects of Quantum-Classical Correspondence in Quan-
Physics Enrico Fermi, edited by G. Casati, I. Guarnieri, and U. tum Chaos, M. Toda, S. Adachi, and K. Ikeda, Prog. Theor. Phys.
Smilansky ~North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993!. Good survey articles Suppl. 98, 323375 ~1989!. A systematic and fairly complete, but
on periodic-orbit theory, He-atom, Riemann zeta-function, localiza- sometimes quite technical discussion of the main issues and problems.
tion, level statistics, scattering, time dependence, as well as some dis- ~I!
sipation and noise. ~I! 145. Canonical Transformation in Quantum Mechanics, Y. S. Kim and
132. Quantum ChaosQuantum Measurement, Proceedings of the E. P. Wigner, Am. J. Phys. 58, 439448 ~1990!. The role of classical
NATO Advanced Workshop, edited by P. Cvitanovic, I. Percival, phase space is re-examined more than 50 years after the first sugges-
and A. Wirzba ~Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1992!. A collection of articles that tion of the second author, cf. Ref. 100.
gives some idea about the extent of the renewed interest in relatively 146. On the Quantization of the Three-Particle Toda Lattice, S. Isola, H.
simple, but mathematically difficult problems in quantum mechanics, Krantz, and R. Livi, J. Math. Phys. A 24, 30613076 ~1991!. Com-
as well as their effect on the old discussion of the measurement pro- parison of various quantizations of this system on the border between
cess. ~I! integrable and chaotic. ~I!
133. Chaos and Quantum Chaos, South African Summer School in 147. Back to the Quantum FutureEvading Chaos to Make Quantum
Theoretical Physics 1992, edited by W. Dieter Heiss ~Springer- Predictions, I. Peterson, Sci. News 140, 282284 ~November 2,
Verlag, Berlin, 1992!. Excellent introductory and in-depth articles on 1991!, including a beautiful picture of a Chaotic Quantum Chase
the main problems in this area, in particular on random-matrix models, by Eric Heller on the cover of the issue. An intriguing introduction for
various billiards, experiments in atomic and molecular physics, classi- the general reader to Hellers results on the quantum motion in a
cal and quantum maps, localization of wave functions. ~I! stadium-shaped billiard. ~E!

314 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 314

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
148. Quantum Chaos, M. C. Gutzwiller, Sci. Am. 206, 7884 ~January ing explicit calculations. It covers semiclassical quantum mechanics,
1992!. Does chaos lurk in the smooth, wavelike quantum world? Re- tunneling, dissipation, and Maxwells equations for optics. ~I!
cent work shows that the answer is yessymptoms of chaos enter
even into the wave patterns associated with atomic energy levels. ~E!
149. Quantum Chaos, Roderick V. Jensen, Nature ~London! 355, 311 2. Conference proceedings
318 ~1992!. This review article explains the issues involved for the 161. Path Integrals and Their Applications in Quantum, Statistical, and
general reader with the help of a few well-chosen examples related to Solid State Physics, Proceedings of the NATO ASI in Antwerpen,
atomic physics. ~E! Belgium, 1977, edited by G. J. Papadopoulos and J. T. Devreese ~Ple-
150. Classical KronigPenney Model, U. Oseguera, Am. J. Phys. 60, num, New York, 1978!. Probably the first gathering devoted exclu-
127130 ~1992!. A classical analog for the quantal band structure in a sively to Feynmans idea of the path integral and many of its applica-
one-dimensional lattice is proposed. ~E! tions. Topics range from the classical-quantal relations, to statistical
151. Does Quantum Mechanics Obey the Correspondence Principle? Is It mechanics, diffusion, polymers, polarons, dissipation, hydrodynamics.
Complete? J. Ford and G. Mantica, Am. J. Phys. 60, 10861098 ~I!
~1992!. One of Fords many efforts to explain why he thinks that 162. Path Integrals from meV to MeV, papers from the symposium held
quantum mechanics is much too simple a theory to adequately de- in Bielefeld, Germany, 1985, edited by M. C. Gutzwiller, A. Inomata,
scribe a complex world. His arguments are well worth considering. J. R. Klauder, and L. Streit ~World Scientific, Singapore, 1986!. Cov-
~E! ers a wide range of subjects like classical waves, semiclassical quan-
152. Semiclassical Propagation: How long can it last? M. A. Sepulveda, tization, nonequilibrium systems, lattice physics, spin and relativity, as
S. Tomsovic, and E. J. Heller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 402405 ~1992!. well as mathematical techniques. ~I!
The propagator in semiclassical theory is shown to yield valid solu- 163. Path Summation: Achievements and Goals, Proceedings of the
tions for quantum mechanics well past the time classical chaos has Adriatico Research Conference in Trieste, Italy, 1987, edited by S.
mixed phase space on a scale smaller than Plancks length. ~I! Lundqvist, A. Ranfagni, V. Sa-yakanit, and L. S. Schulman ~World
153. Postmodern Quantum Mechanics, E. Heller and S. Tomsovic, Phys. Scientific, Singapore, 1988!. A collection of status reports from many
Today 3846 ~July 1993!. A well-written report on the origins of the different users of the path-integral idea, mostly outside the application
renewed interest in semiclassical methods as illustrated by the authors in ordinary quantum-mechanics, such as in statistical mechanics, semi-
work on quantum waves spreading inside a stadium-shaped billiard. conductors, polymers, field theory, dissipation, tunneling, and various
~E! mathematical techniques. ~E!
154. Classical geometric forces of reaction: An exactly solvable Model; 164. Path Integrals from meV to MeV, Proceedings of the Fourth
Chaotic Classical and Half-Classical Adiabatic Reactions: Geometric Meeting of Path Integrals from meV to MeV, held in Tutzing, Ba-
Magnetism and Deterministic Friction, M. V. Berry and J. M. Rob- varia, 1992, edited by H. Grabert, A. Inomata, L. S. Schulman, and U.
bins, Proc. R. Society London Ser. A 442, 641658 ~1993!, 659672. Weiss ~World Scientific, Singapore, 1993!. Emphasis on the relevance
A fast motion ~spin! coupled to a slow motion ~particle translation! in a wide variety of different fields ~e.g., polymers, solid-state physics,
produces a force that depends on an integral over the trajectory. When disordered background!, including quantum chaos. The path integral is
the fast motion is quantal and the slow motion classical, there results seen as an indispensable aid to our intuition. ~I!
an effective magnetic force and a deterministic friction in the slow
motion. ~A!
155. Manifestations of Classical Phase Structures in Quantum Mechan- 3. Articles in scientific journals
ics, O. Bohigas, S. Tomsovic, and D. Ullmo, Phys. Rep. 223, 43133
~1993!. Two coupled quartic oscillators realize Percivals distinction 165. Gaussian Path Integrals, G. J. Papadopoulos, Phys. Rev. D 11,
between regular and irregular spectra which then leads to the distribu- 28702875 ~1975!. Gives the simplest practical method to obtain the
tion of energy levels and their quantum fluctuations. ~I! semiclassical approximation to Feynmans path integral. ~E!
156. Semiquantal Dynamics of Fluctuations: Ostensible Quantum 166. Oscillatory Integrals and the Method of Stationary Phase in Infinitely
Chaos, A. K. Pattanayak and W. Schieve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2855 Many Dimensions, with Application to the Classical Limit of Quantum
2858 ~1994!. The Ehrenfest theorem is refined to include the change in Mechanics, S. Albeverio and R. Hoegh-Kron, Invent. Math. 40, 59
a Gaussian wave packet when moving in a double well. ~E! 106 ~1977!. One of the more successful schemes to put Feynmans
157. Moyal Quantum Mechanics: The Semiclassical Heisenberg Dynam- path integral on a firm mathematical basis. ~A!
ics, T. A. Osborn and F. H. Molzahn, Ann. Phys. ~N.Y.! 241, 79127 167. Solution of the Path Integral for the H-Atom, H. Duru and H.
~1995!. Develops a mathematical formalism to get a systematic expan- Kleinert, Phys. Lett. B 84, 185188 ~1979!. With the help of a new
time-like variable a formal nonlinear transformation reduces the path
sion of expectation values in powers of h without the usual singulari-
integral to harmonic oscillators, but this procedure is not shown to be
ties near the caustics of classical mechanics. ~A!
legitimate. ~I!
168. Exact-Path-Integral Treatment of the Hydrogen Atom, R. Ho and
A. Inomata, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 231234 ~1982!. The nonlinear trans-
C. Path integrals formation of the coordinates to avoid the singularity in the trajectory,
due to Kustanheimo and Stiefel, is carried out inside the path integral
1. Textbooks and monographs at the price of some rescaling of time; this exact evaluation of the path
158. Morse Theory, J. Milnor, based on lecture notes by M. Spivak and R. integral is now justified. ~I!
Wells ~Princeton U.P., Princeton, NJ, 1963!. Marston Morse laid the
foundations in the 1930s for a general theory to understand the global
D. Negative curvature surfaces and Riemann zeta
behavior of variational quantities, like the integral over the Lagrangian
in mechanics. His discussion of the second variation for the extremal function
curves ~Morse index! is essential for the phases in all the semiclassical
approximations. ~A!
1. Textbooks and monographs
159. Techniques and Applications of Path Integration, L. S. Schulman 169. Scattering Theory for Automorphic Functions, P. D. Lax and R. S.
~Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1981!. A very well organized general Phillips ~Princeton U.P., Princeton, NJ, 1976!. The classical motion on
introduction to the idea of path integrals in all its many manifestations. surfaces of negative curvature ~along geodesics! is ideally chaotic; this
The developments are carried out very explicitly with explanations monograph discusses the scattering of waves under these conditions,
concerning the motivation of each step. The applications cover first of and provides the mathematical foundations for their treatment. ~A!
all quantum mechanics, and go on to optics, polarons, spins, and mul- 170. The Selberg Trace Formula for PSL~2,R!, D. A. Hejhal, Lecture
tiply connected spaces, statistical mechanics, droplets, plus some men- Notes in Mathematics 548 and 1001 ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1976!.
tion of more difficult subjects from these areas. ~I! The definitive monograph on the Selberg trace formula and all its
160. Trajectories and RaysThe Path-Summation in Quantum Me- variations in the special case of the two-dimensional surfaces of con-
chanics and Optics, A. Ranfagni, D. Mugnai, P. Moretti, and M. stant negative curvature which is the ideal case of purely hyperbolic
Cetica ~World Scientific, Singapore, 1990!. Fine introduction to this ~hard! classical chaos. The mathematics is rigorous, but not exces-
whole circle of ideas requiring some mathematical proficiency for do- sively abstract. ~I!

315 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 315

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171. Chaos on the Pseudosphere, N. L. Balazs and A. Voros, Phys. Rep. quantum Sinai billiard is consistent with the predictions of the Gauss-
143 ~3!, 109240 ~1986!. A theoretical physicists rather than a math- ian orthogonal ensemble which is known from the level distribution in
ematicians view of the propagation of particles and waves on a sur- nuclear physics. ~E!
face of constant negative curvature, still trying to be correct while 182. Bound-State Eigenfunctions of Classically Chaotic Hamiltonian Sys-
emphasizing the geometric pictures. ~I! tems: Scars of Periodic Orbits, E. J. Heller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53,
15151518 ~1987!. Many eigenfunctions of the stadium billiard are
found to have large amplitudes along certain classical periodic orbits.
2. Articles in scientific journals ~E!
172. Stochastic Behavior in Quantum Scattering, M. C. Gutzwiller, 183. Adiabatic Switching: A Tool for Semiclassical Quantization and a
Physica D 7, 341355 ~1983!. The model of a two-dimensional box New Probe of Classically Chaotic Phase Space, W. P. Reinhardt,
~torus! with an exceptional point at infinity is realized with the help of Adv. Chem. Phys. 73, 925978 ~1989!. The very slow change of an
the modular region in Poincares hyperbolic plane. The scattering external parameter generally maintains a discrete eigenstate, even if its
phase shift for a wave is given by Riemanns zeta function on the line energy is not conserved and there is a transition from regular to chaotic
in the classical system. ~I!
x51, and represents the essence of quantum chaos: analytically
184. Periodic Orbits, Bifurcations, and Quantum Mechanical Eigenfunc-
smooth and yet effectively unpredictable. ~E!
tions and Spectra, M. Founargiotakis, S. G. Farantos, G. Contopou-
173. On the Distribution of Spacings between Zeros of the Zeta Func-
los, and C. Polymilis, J. Chem. Phys. 91, 13891402 ~1989!. A fairly
tion, A. M. Odlyzko, Math. Comput. 273308 ~January 1987!. A
complete study of various spectral features in a typical potential of two
unique state-of-the-art calculation verifying the Riemann hypothesis
harmonic oscillators that are coupled by third-order terms. ~I!
for the first billion zeros, and getting the first hundred thousand zeros
185. You Cant Hear the Shape of a Drum, Barry Cipra, Science 255,
beyond the lowest trillion to eight-figure accuracy. The zeta function
1642 ~March 27, 1992!. Short Report for the general reader of recent
serves as abstract model for the trace formula. ~A!
mathematical results showing two different shapes of drums yielding
174. Quantum Chaos of the HadamardGutzwiller Model, R. Aurich,
the same spectrum. ~E!
M. Sieber, and F. Steiner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 483487 ~1988!. The
186. Semiclassical Calculation of Scars for a Smooth Potential, D. Pro-
chaotic motion of a particle on a surface of constant negative curvature
vost and M. Baranger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 662665 ~1993!. Bogomol-
has an energy spectrum that is obtained from the sum over periodic
nyis construction of the wave function in the neighborhood of an
orbits. ~I!
unstable periodic orbit is found to be in good agreement with exact
175. A New Asymptotic Representation for zeta (1/21it) and Quantum
results. ~I!
Spectral Invariants, M. V. Berry and J. P. Keating, Proc. R. Soc.
187. Vibrations of Strongly Irregular or Fractal Resonators, B. Sapoval
London, Ser. A 437, 151173 ~1992!. The famous method of Riemann
and Th. Gobron, Phys. Rev. E 47, 30133024 ~1993!. The effect of the
and Siegel for computing the zeta function is interpreted in the light of
boundary smoothness on the distribution of energy levels is explored
the trace formula, and this idea leads to a remarkable improvement that
numerically in order to find any scaling related to fractal dimension.
avoids some of the well-known difficulties in lowest order. ~A!
176. Chaotic Billiards Generated by Arithmetic Groups, E. B. Bogo-
188. Experiments on Not Hearing the Shape of Drums, S. Sridhar and
molny, B. Georgeot, M.-J. Giannoni, and C. Schmit, Phys. Rev. Lett.
A. Kudrolli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2175 ~1994!. Experiments in two
69, 1477 ~1992!. The hidden symmetries of some special triangles in
different microwave cavities show them to have the lowest 54 reso-
the hyperbolic plane yield the Poisson-type distribution of energy lev-
nances of the same frequencies with four-figure accuracy. ~E!
els just as in integrable systems. ~I!
189. High Orders of the Weyl Expansion for Quantum Billiards; Resur-
177. Prime Formula Weds Number Theory and Quantum Physics, B.
gence of Periodic Orbits, and the Stokes Phenomenon, M. V. Berry
Cipra, Science 274, 2014 ~December 20, 1996!. News report about the
and C. J. Howls, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 447, 527555 ~1994!.
significance of Riemanns zeta function for the energy spectrum of a
Weyls law is vastly expanded by constructing many higher order
chaotic system. ~E!
terms in the number of energy levels N(E) up to the energy E as an
asymptotic series in 1/E. The divergence is shown to be related to the
E. Energy levels and eigenfunctions shortest periodic orbit. ~A!
190. Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble Statistics in a Microwave Stadium
Billiard with Chaotic Dynamics: PorterThomas Distribution and Al-
1. Articles in scientific journals
gebraic Decay of Time Correlations, H. Alt, H.-D. Graf, H. L. Har-
178. Can One Hear the Shape of a Drum? Mark Kac, Am. Math. ney, R. Hofferbert, H. Lengeler, A. Richter, P. Schardt, and W. H.
Monthly 73, 123 ~1966!. A jewel of a mathematical survey concern- Weidenmuller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 6265 ~1995!. 950 resonances on
ing the asymptotic distribution for large wave numbers of the eigen- a microwave cavity. ~E!
values of the Laplacian. Proofs are carried out by appealing to the 191. Chaotic Dynamics and GOE-GUE transition, O. Bohigas, M.-J.
~heat! diffusion equation, and the first correction to Weyls law is Giannoni, A. M. Ozorio de Almeida, and C. Schmit, Nonlinearity 8,
obtained. Since it depends on the length of the boundary, it tells some- 203221 ~1995!. The transition of the energy spectrum from the
thing about the shape of the domain. ~I! Gaussian orthogonal to Gaussian unitary ensemble when time reversal
179. Distribution of Eigenfrequencies for the Wave Equation in a Finite is broken, follows explicitly from the trace formula for the two-point
Domain. I. Three-Dimensional Problem with Smooth Boundary correlation function. ~I!
Surface.II. Electromagnetic Field. Riemannian Spaces. 192. Wave Packet Propagation, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Constructing
Asymptotic Evaluation of the Greens Function for Large Quantum Chaotic Eigenstates, S. Tomsovic, in ChaosThe Interplay Be-
Numbers, R. Balian and C. Bloch, Ann. Phys. ~NY! 60, 401447 tween Stochastic and Deterministic Behaviour, edited by P. Garbac-
~1970!, 64, 271307, 63 ~1971!, 592602, Errata 84, 559563 ~1974!. zewski, M. Wolf, and A. Weron, Lecture Notes in Physics ~Springer-
Weyls law for the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues at large Verlag, Berlin, 1995!, pp. 331353. Semiclassical wave function
wave numbers ~frequencies, energies! is sharply improved by getting depending on time for the stadium billiard yielding very good eigen-
the higher-order corrections in these three pioneering papers. Various states by Fourier analysis. ~E!
geometric and physical conditions are treated, but the general relation
with the periodic orbits is not recognized because Greens function is
always damped by adding an imaginary part to the wave number in F. Periodic orbits and the trace formula
order to even out local fluctuations. ~A!
180. Distribution of Energy Eigenvalues in the Irregular Spectrum, P.
1. Articles in scientific journals
Pechukas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 943 ~1983!. The eigenvalues on the 193. Energy spectrum according to Classical Mechanics, M. C.
energy axis are shown to act as so many particles with a repulsive Gutzwiller, J. Math. Phys. 11, 17911806 ~1970!. The energy levels
interaction that depends on the off-diagonal elements in the Hamil- for integrable systems ~particle in a rectangular box and electron in a
tonian. ~I! spherically symmetric potential! are shown to result directly from the
181. Characterization of Chaotic Quantum Spectroscopy and Universality classical periodic orbits. ~I!
of Level Fluctuation Laws, O. Bohigas, M.-J. Giannoni, and C. 194. Periodic Orbits and Classical Quantization Conditions, M. C.
Schmit, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 14 ~1984!. The level distribution in the Gutzwiller, J. Math. Phys. 12, 343358 ~1971!. The trace of Greens

316 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 316

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
function for an arbitrary system is shown to become a sum over clas- Vattay and P. E. Rosenqvist, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 335339 ~1996!.
sical periodic orbits in the semiclassical limit, thus yielding what is Theory with \ corrections and comparison with scattering on three
now called the general trace formula, in particular when the orbits are circular disks. ~A!
unstable as in the anisotropic Kepler problem. ~I! 208. Ray Splitting and Quantum Chaos, R. Blumel, T. M. Antonsen, B.
195. Eigenfrequency Density Oscillations, R. Balian and C. Bloch, Ann. Georgeot, E. Ott, and R. E. Prange, Phys. Rev. E 53, 32843302
Phys. ~N.Y.! 69, 76160 ~1972!. The investigation of the oscillations ~1996!. The close connection between periodic orbits and energy lev-
in parallelpipeds and spheres leads to the use of closed polygons, and els ~or resonances! persists even if rays are allowed to split on inter-
the qualitative discussion of the classical periodic orbits. But neither faces. ~I!
their stability, nor the effect of the caustics, nor finally the trace for-
mula are mentioned. ~I! G. Maps and billiards
196. Semiclassical Quantization of Nonseparable Systems: A New Look 1. Articles in scientific journals
at Periodic Orbit Theory, W. H. Miller, J. Chem. Phys. 63, 996999
209. Quantizing a Classically Ergodic System: Sinais Billiard and the
~1975!. The trace formula is interpreted for the case of a stable peri-
KKR method, M. V. Berry, Ann. Phys. ~N.Y.! 131, 163216 ~1981!.
odic orbit in terms of an oscillating degree of freedom in its neighbor-
A pioneering article in the quantum-mechanical treatment of ergodic
hood transverse to the periodic orbit. The same idea is proposed by A. billiards, including not only the first numerical computations but also a
Voros in Geometrie symplectique et Physique Mathematique ~Aix- new derivation of the trace formula for billiards of the Sinai type. ~A!
en, Provence, 1974!, Editions du CNRS, Paris, 1975. ~I! 210. Chaos, Quantum Recurrences, and Anderson Localization, S. Fish-
197. Closed Orbits and the Regular Bound Spectrum, M. V. Berry and man, D. R. Grempel, and R. E. Prange, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 509512
M. Tabor, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 349, 101123 ~1976!. The ~1982!. The periodically kicked rotator is mapped into the motion of a
trace formula for the energy levels in an integrable system is discussed particle through a one-dimensional lattice with a random local poten-
more generally but on the same basis as in Ref. 193. ~I! tial so that its eigenstates become localized a` la Anderson rather than
198. The Classical Quantization of a Hamiltonian with Ergodic Behav- the usual Bloch waves in a regular lattice. This unexpected idea dem-
ior, M. C. Gutzwiller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 150153 ~1980!. The onstrates that the energy in the quantal kicked rotator does not increase
trace formula is shown to agree with Selbergs for a particle on a linearly with time as it would classically. ~A!
surface of constant negative curvature, and is used to calculate the 211. The Eigenfunctions of Classically Chaotic Systems, E. J. Heller, P.
energy levels of the anisotropic Kepler problem by adding over the W. OConnor, and J. Gehlen, Phys. Scr. 40, 354359 ~1989!. Several
binary code for the classical periodic orbits. ~A! series of consecutive, highly excited states for the stadium billiard
199. A Rule for Quantizing Chaos? M. V. Berry and J. P. Keating, J. demonstrate their nonrandom character, although the system is chaotic
Phys. A 23, 48394849 ~1990!. The trace formula is rewritten to look classically. ~E!
like the Riemann zeta function, so that the RiemannSiegel method 212. The Quantized Bakers Transformation, N. L. Balazs and A. Voros,
for computing can be used. That leads to a drastic reduction of the Ann. Phys. ~N.Y.! 190, 131 ~1989!. The first successful attempt to
infinite sum ~or product! and suggests a duality between short and long quantize the most elementary model of chaos in classical mechanics.
periodic orbits. ~A! ~A!
200. Geometric Properties of Maslov Indices in the Semiclassical Trace 213. Classical Structures in the Quantized Baker Transformation, M.
Saraceno, Ann. Phys. ~N.Y.! 199, 3760 ~1990!. The eigenfunctions
Formula for the Density of States, S. C. Creagh, J. M. Robbins, and
are represented as probability distributions in phase space where they
R. G. Littlejohn, Phys. Rev. A 42, 19071922 ~1990!. The Maslov ~or
reveal quite clearly the importance of periodic orbits. ~A!
Morse! index, which is important for semiclassical quantization in the
214. Simple Models of Quantum Chaos: Spectrum and Eigenfunctions,
presence of caustics, is related to the topology of the stable and un-
F. M. Izraelev, Phys. Rep. 196, 299392 ~1990!. Everything about the
stable manifolds in phase space. ~A! kicked rotator where one has to deal with the quasispectrum of a
201. Quantum Eigenstates from Classical Periodic Orbits, G. Tanner, P. periodically driven system. ~I!
Scherer, E. B. Bogomolny, B. Eckhardt, and D. Wintgen, Phys. Rev. 215. Semiclassical Dynamics of Chaotic Motion: Unexpected Long-Time
Lett. 67, 24102413 ~1991!. The formula for finding the energy levels Accuracy, S. Tomsovic and E. J. Heller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 664
from the periodic orbits is technically improved to the point where 667 ~1991!. The quantum mechanical wave function starting in a fixed
relatively few orbits yield highly excited states. ~E! point at time 0 is constructed with the help of the classical trajectories
202. Semiclassical Quantization of Multidimensional Systems, E. B. in the stadium billiard, and the result is found to follow the exact wave
Bogomolny, Nonlinearity 5, 805866 ~1992!. The quantization of an for a long time in spite of the classical chaos. ~E!
arbitrary system with k degrees of freedom is reduced to a map of a 216. Periodic Orbits of an Almost Integrable System, S. R. Jain and H.
(k21)-dimensional surface on itself, which can be directly expressed D. Parab, J. Phys. A 25, 66696683 ~1992!. All the periodic orbits are
in classical terms and leads to the periodic orbits. ~A! enumerated and classified for the p /3 rhombus with reflecting walls.
203. Prebifurcation Periodic Ghost Orbits in Semi-Classical Quantiza- ~I!
tion, M. Kus, F. Haake, and D. Delande, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2167 217. Extensive Numerical Study of Spectral Statistics for Rational and
2171 ~1993!. Corrections to the trace formula are necessary in the Irrational Polygonal Billiards, A. Shudo and Y. Shimizu, Phys. Rev.
neighborhood of a classical bifurcation in order to smooth out the E 47, 5462 ~1993!. The spectrum for a particle inside a rhombus-
singularity; these are explained in terms of complex solutions in phase shaped box has a complex dependence on the angle at the vertex. ~E!
space, and confirmed in the case of the kicked top. 218. Microwave Billiards with Broken Time Reversal Symmetry, U.
204. \ Expansion for the Periodic-Orbit Quantization of Hyperbolic Sys- Stoffregen, J. Stein, H.-J. Stoeckmann, M. Kus, and F. Haake, Phys.
tems, P. Gaspard and D. Alonso, Phys. Rev. A 47, R3468R3471 Rev. Lett. 74, 2666 ~1995!. Inserting a ferrite strip unsymmetrically
into a microwave cavity destroys the time reversal symmetry of the
~1993!. The individual terms in the trace formula are expanded to
underlying equations, and therefore changes the statistical properties
higher order in \; cf. related paper in the special issue of Chaos 3,
of the spectrum. ~I!
112 ~1993!. ~A!
219. Exact and Quasiclassical Fredholm Solutions of Quantum Billiards,
205. Analytical Tests of Gutzwillers Trace Formula for Harmonic-
B. Georgeot and R. E. Prange, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 28512854 ~1995!.
Oscillator Potentials, M. Brack and S. R. Jain, Phys. Rev. A 51, Although the frequency distribution in vibrating membranes was first
34623468 ~1995!. The difficulties of the trace formula for the purely established by H. Weyl in 1912 with the help of integral equations, this
harmonic oscillator in more than one dimension are resolved by taking seems to be the first mathematically correct treatment with the help of
the appropriate limits to deal with the degenerate periodic orbits. ~I! the Fredholm method, and yields convergent expressions for the trace
206. Periodic Orbits of Nonscaling Hamiltonian Systems from Quantum formula. ~A!
Mechanics, M. Baranger, M. R. Haggerty, B. Lauritzen, D. C. 220. Quantization of the Three-Dimensional Sinai Billiard, H. Primack
Meredith, and D. Provost, Chaos 5, 261270 ~1995!. The relation and U. Smilansky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4831 ~1995!. The first large-
between quantal energy levels and classical periodic orbits suggests a scale study of the quantum-mechanical spectrum in a classically cha-
quantal energy-versus-period plot that reveals bifurcations and stabil- otic system of three dimensions. ~I!
ity transitions. ~A! 221. Microwave Studies of Billiard Green Functions and Propagators, J.
207. Periodic Orbit Quantization beyond the Semiclassical Theory, G. Stein, H.-J. Stoeckmann, and U. Stoffregen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 53

317 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 317

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~1995!. Detailed experimental investigations of the electromagnetic anisotropic Kepler problem in two dimensions are calculated by add-
waves that propagate inside a stadium-shaped microwave cavity, both ing over the periodic orbits, including the effect of reflection symme-
at a given frequency and as function of time. ~I! tries. ~A!
222. Diffractive Orbits in Quantum Billiards, N. Pavloff and C. Schmit, 233. Celestial Mechanics on a Microscopic Scale, T. Uzer, D. Farelly, J.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 6164 ~1995!. The diffraction of waves in the A. Milligan, P. E. Raines, and J. P. Skelton, Science 253, 4253 ~July
corners of an enclosure leads to additional periodic orbits that show up 5, 1991!. Introduction to the simplest examples of post-modern atomic
in the energy apectrum. ~E! physics, with a very useful list of references and notes. ~E!
223. Studies of Chaotic Dynamics in a Three-Dimensional Superconduct- 234. Quantization of Chaotic Systems, G. Tanner and D. Wintgen,
ing Microwave Billiard, H. Alt, H. D. Graf, R. Hofferbert, C. Ran- Chaos 2, 5359 ~1992!. Review of the trace formula and its technical
gacharyulu, H. Rehfeld, A. Richter, P. Schardt, and A. Wirzba, Phys. realizations with application to the anisotropic Kepler problem. ~I!
Rev. E 54, 23032312 ~1996!. The first time such a spectrum in a 235. Paths to Chaos, H. Friedrich, Phys. World 3236 ~April 1992!.
cavity has been measured; the special interest comes because the semi- Introduction for newcomers to the chaotic features in atomic physics.
classical Greens function in empty three-dimensional space is exact, ~E!
whereas it is only approximate in the two-dimensional examples so 236. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, S. Haroche and J.-M. Raimond,
far. ~E! Sci. Am. 5462 ~April 1993!. Atoms and photons in small cavities
224. Playing Billiards with MicrowavesQuantum Manifestations of behave completely unlike those in free space. Their quirks illustrate
Classical Chaos, A. Richter, in Emerging Applications of Number some of the principles of quantum physics and make possible the
Theory, edited by D. Hejhal, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its development of new sensors. ~E!
Applications ~Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998!. This survey article 237. Resonances and Recurrences in the Absorption Spectrum of an Atom
describes the outstanding experimental work on resonances in micro- in an Electric Field, J. Gao and J. B. Delos, Phys. Rev. A 49, 869
wave cavities and their interpretation, which was carried out at the 880 ~1994!. Since the electric field does not destroy integrability, the
Institute for Nuclear Physics in Darmstadt, Germany. ~I! old quantization rules apply, and their connection with periodic orbits
is used as first pointed out by Gutzwiller, and then by Berry and Tabor.
H. General atomic physics 238. The Classical Limit of an Atom, M. Nauenberg, C. Stroud, and J.
Yeazell, Sci. Am. 270, 4449 ~June 1994!. Pulses of laser light make
1. Textbook and monograph giant atoms whose properties come from both worlds, classical and
225. Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields, H. Ruder, G. Wunner, H. Herold, quantal ~cf. further references to articles by the authors at the end!. ~E!
and F. Geyer ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994!. A general survey with 239. Recurrence Spectroscopy: Observation and Interpretation of Large-
extensive listing of theoretical and experimental results, including a Scale Structure in the Absorption Spectra of Atoms in Magnetic
discussion of the relevance of classical mechanics and chaos. ~I! Fields, J. Main, G. Wiebush, and K. Welge, with J. Shaw and J. B.
226. Spectra of Atoms and Molecules, P. F. Bernath ~Oxford U.P., New Delos, Phys. Rev. A 49, 847868 ~1994!. Experiments are analyzed in
York, 1995!. General introduction with a special chapter on Semiclas- terms of closed orbits, and are shown to demonstrate their bifurcations
sical Theory of Photoelectric Detection of Light. ~I! as functions of the magnetic field. ~I!
240. Threshold Ionization of Atoms by Electron and Positron Impact,
J.-M. Rost, J. Phys. B 28, 30033026 ~1995!. The total ionization
2. Conference proceedings and collections probabilities are obtained by calculating the S matrix semiclassically
on the basis of Feynmans path integral, and come out in excellent
227. Quantum Coherence30 Years of the AharonovBohm Effect, agreement with experiment. ~I!
Conference at the University of South Carolina, edited by J. S.
Anandan ~World Scientific, Singapore, 1990!. A fine survey of the
state-of-the-art concerned with geometric phases, experiments on the I. Hydrogen and Rydberg atoms
AB effect in resistive devices, and philosophical as well as practical
issues related to Bells inequality. ~A!
1. Textbooks and monographs
228. Irregular Atomic Systems and Quantum Chaos, edited by J.-C.
Gay, Comments At. Mol. Phys., volume 25; and as book by Gordon 241. Rydberg Atoms, T. F. Gallagher, Rep. Prog. Phys. 51, 143188
and Breach, Philadelphia, 1992. A fairly complete and up-to-date col- ~1988!. Review of experiments and simple explanations with a large
lection of articles, written for this volume, and centered around the bibliography. ~E!
quantum-mechanical few-body problem in atomic physics. The con- 242. The Hydrogen Atom in a Uniform Magnetic Field, H. Friedrich and
nection with recent high-precision experiments is brought out more D. Wintgen, Phys. Rep. 183, 3779 ~1989!. Review of the progress in
than usual. ~A! this area by two of the main contributors to the semiclassical theory.
229. Classical, Semiclassical and Quantum Dynamics in Atoms, edited ~I!
by H. Friedrich and B. Eckhardt ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997!. A 243. Classical and Quantal Chaos in the Diamagnetic Kepler Problem,
collection of articles that is dedicated to the memory of Dieter Win- H. Hasegawa, M. Robnik, and G. Wunner, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.
tgen, all concentrated on the post-modern use of classical mechanics in 98, 198286 ~1989!. A systematic report that starts with the standard
the understanding of atomic phenomena. ~I! result on classical chaos and goes on to describe the latest results in the
230. Chaos in Atomic Physics, R. Blumel and W. P. Reinhardt ~Cam- experiment and theory of the hydrogen atom in a strong magnetic field.
bridge U.P., New York, 1997!. This textbook starts with some typical ~I!
examples of classical chaos, and goes on to discuss in detail the main
manifestations in atomic physics, especially, in hydrogen and helium
as well as scattering in simple molecules including the latest research. 2. Conference proceedings and collections
~I! 244. Relevance of a Classical Chaos in Quantum Mechanics: The Hydro-
gen Atom in a Monochromatic Field, G. Casati, B. V. Chirikov, D.
L. Shepelyansky, and I. Guarneri, Phys. Rep. 154 ~2!, 77123 ~1987!.
3. Articles in scientific journals An exhaustive discussion of the first experiment that demonstrates
231. Phase-Integral Approximation in Momentum Space and the Bound classically chaotic features in a very simple quantum system. ~A!
States of an AtomI and II, M. C. Gutzwiller, J. Math. Phys. 8, 245. The Spectrum of the Hydrogen AtomAdvances, edited by G. W.
19792000 ~1967! and 10, 10041020 ~1969!. A fairly systematic Series ~World Scientific, Singapore, 1988!. Several contributions in-
effort to get the semiclassical approximation of the Feynman path cluding some recognition of the chaos in a large magnetic field. ~A!
integral in different coordinate systems, and apply the results to the 246. The Hydrogen Atom, edited by G. F. Bassani, M. Inguscio, and T. W.
energy levels and eigenstates in a spherically symmetric potential; the Hansch ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989!. Mostly refinements of experi-
relation between caustics in classical mechanics and special phases in ment and theory, but some recognition of chaos in magnetic fields. ~I!
quantum mechanics is established. ~A! 247. Atoms in Strong Fields, NATO Advanced Study Institute on the
232. The Quantization of a Classically Ergodic System, M. C. Island of Kos, Greece, 1988, edited by C. A. Nicolaides, C. W. Clark,
Gutzwiller, Physica D 5, 183207 ~1982!. The energy levels for the and M. H. Nayfeh ~Plenum, New York, 1990!. An early collection

318 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 318

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
concerned with the effects of large ~dc and ac! electric and magnetic J. Helium and planetary atoms
fields on the spectrum of the hydrogen atom, including traps and high-
intensity lasers. ~I! 1. Textbook
261. Analytic Perturbation Theory for the Two-Electron Problem
from Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators, T. Kato ~Springer-
Verlag, New York, 1966!, pp. 410413. The higher-order terms in the
perturbation expansion for the eigenvalues of the atomic two-electron
problem are shown to converge provided the nuclear charge is larger
3. Articles in scientific journals than 4. ~A!
248. Hydrogen Atom in a strong Magnetic Field, Y. Yafet, R. W. Keyes,
and E. N. Adams, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1, 137142 ~1956!. Although 2. Articles in scientific journals
this research was carried out during the modern period, its results
262. Planetary Atoms, I. C. Percival, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 353,
are important for understanding the recent experiments. ~E!
289297 ~1977!. General introduction to doubly excited atoms and the
249. Effects of High Magnetic Fields on Electronic States in
most simple-minded explanation of the energy levels in terms of the
SemiconductorsThe Rydberg Series and the Landau Levels, H.
old quantum theory. ~E!
Hasegawa, in Physics of Solids in Intense Magnetic Fields ~Perga-
263. Observation of Doubly Excited Resonances in the negative H-ion,
mon, New York, 1969!, pp. 246270. A readable introduction to the
P. G. Harris, H. C. Bryant, A. H. Mohaghegi, R. A. Reeder, and C. Y.
spectrum of an impurity in a semiconductor with special attention to
Tang, with J. B. Donahue and C. R. Quick, Phys. Rev. A 42, 6443
the effect of strong magnetic fields; cf. Ref. 238. ~E!
6465 ~1990!. A fascinating experiment where using the relativistic
250. Multiphoton Ionization of Highly Excited Hydrogen Atoms, J.
effects in a high-energy beam of negative H ions provides the analog
Bayfield and P. Koch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 258261 ~1974!. The ex-
for the more easily available double excitations in a He atom. The
citation of H atoms from a quantum level in the 1960s by strong
theory is done in the old-fashioned way. ~I!
microwave fields is interpreted in terms of classical trajectories rather
264. Semiclassical Cycle Expansion for the Helium Atom, G. S. Ezra,
than a ~very unlikely! multiphoton process. ~I! K. Richter, G. Tanner, and D. Wintgen, J. Phys. B 24, L413L420
251. Semiclassical Quantization of Three-Dimensional Quasi-Landau ~1991!. The series of doubly excited states is obtained with high ac-
Resonances Under Strong-Field Mixing, J. Main, A. Holle, G. Wie- curacy from the classical periodic orbits of the collinear He atom. ~I!
busch, and K. H. Welge, Z. Phys. D 6, 295302 ~1987!. The quasi- 265. The Semiclassical Helium Atom, D. Wintgen, K. Richter, and G.
Landau resonances near the ionization limit are explained by the Tanner, Chaos 2, 1932 ~1992!. Review of the semiclassical approach
old-fashioned quantization rules that are valid for integrable systems. to the ground state of the helium atom. ~E!
~E! 266. Classical Dynamics of s-Wave Helium, G. Handke, M. Draeger,
252. Studies of the Sinusoidally Driven Weakly Bound Atomic Electron and H. Friedrich, Physica A 197, 113129 ~1993!. Simple exposition
in the Threshold Region for Classically Stochastic Behavior, J. E. with pictures of the chaos in the classical motion of the two electrons.
Bayfield, in Quantum Measurement and Chaos, edited by E. R. Pike ~E!
and S. Sarkar ~Plenum, New York, 1987!. Report on one of the first 267. Photodetachment Cross Section of H2 in Crossed Electric and Mag-
experiments to demonstrate the symptoms of chaos in a quantum- netic FieldsClosed-Orbit Theory, A. D. Peters and S. B. Delos,
mechanical system. ~I! Phys. Rev. A 47, 30203042 ~1993!. ~I!
253. Effects of Closed Orbits on Quantum Spectra: Ionization of Atoms in 268. Photoabsorption Spectra of Atoms in Parallel Electric and Magnetic
a Magnetic Field. I. Physical Picture and Calculations; II. Derivation Fields, J.-M. Mao, K. A. Rapelje, S. J. Blodgett-Ford, J. B. Delos, A.
of Formulas, M. L. Du and J. B. Delos, Phys. Rev. A 38, 18961912, Koenig, and H. Rinneberg, Phys. Rev. A 48, 21172126 ~1993!. Ex-
19131930 ~1988!. A quite complete theory of the hydrogen spectrum periments on the Ba atoms reveal the development of classical periodic
in a magnetic field on the basis of classical closed orbits. ~A! orbits by bifurcation as function of the electric field. ~I!
254. Symbolic Description of Periodic Orbits for the Quadratic Zeeman
Effect, B. Eckhardt and D. Wintgen, J. Phys. B 23, 355363 ~1990!.
The classically chaotic trajectories for the hydrogen-atom in a mag- K. Molecular physics
netic field are fully described by a ternary code. ~E!
255. Positive-Energy Spectrum of the Hydrogen Atom in a Magnetic The items in this and some of the following sections came
Field, D. Delande, A. Bommier, and J.-C. Gay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, to the attention of the author without any systematic effort on
141 ~1991!. ~A! his part to understand all the problems in this area that can be
256. Long-Period Orbits in the Stark Spectrum of Lithium, M. Courtney, treated with the help of classical mechanics. They are pre-
H. Jiao, N. Spellmeyer, and D. Kleppner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1340 sented here in order to encourage the reader to go to the
1343 ~1994!. Recurrence spectra show some very long periodic orbits
along the direction of the electric field. ~I!
library of the physics and chemistry departments, and find
257. Closed Orbit Bifurcations in Continuum Stark Spectra, M. Court- out the many fields where the quantal nature of physics and
ney, H. Jiao, N. Spellmeyer, D. Kleppner, J. Gao, and J. B. Delos, chemistry can be illustrated in terms of classical concepts.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 15381541 ~1995!. The bifurcations provide a
basis for understanding the spectra as a function of the electric field.
1. Textbook
~I! 269. Semiclassical Mechanics with Molecular Applications, M. S. Child
258. The Importance of Resonances in Microwave Ionization of Excited ~Clarendon, Oxford, 1991!. A fairly systematic introduction with many
Hydrogen Atoms, P. M. Koch and K. A. H. van Leuwen, Phys. Rep. examples, but except for the short Appendix D there is no awareness
255, 289403 ~1995!. The experiments on the ionization of highly of classical chaos. ~I!
excited H atoms by microwaves are reviewed in detail; they are the
first where the effects of chaos in the classical system could be dem-
onstrated. ~I!
2. Conference proceedings and collections
259. Nonstationary, Nondispersive Wave Packets in a Rydberg Atom, 270. Atom-Molecule Collision Theory: A Guide for the Experimental-
A. F. Brunello, T. Uzer, and D. Farrelly, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2874 ist, edited by R. S. Bernstein ~Plenum, New York, 1974!, contains
2877 ~1996!. Wave functions in a circularly polarized microwave field Rotational Excitation. III. Classical Trajectory Methods, by M. D.
and a magnetic field yield eigenstates that are scarred by periodic Pattengill, pp. 359376; Vibrational Excitation. II. Classical and
orbits from the classically chaotic system. ~I! Semiclassical Methods, by W. R. Gentry, pp. 391426; Reactive
260. Bifurcation of Periodic Orbits of Hamiltonian Systems: Analysis Us- Scattering Cross-Sections. III. Quasiclassical and Semiclassical Meth-
ing Normal Forms, D. A. Sadowski and J. B. Delos, Phys. Rev. E 54, ods, by D. G. Truhlar and J. T. Muckerman, pp. 505566. ~I!
20332070 ~1996!. Mathematical study of the periodic orbits in the 271. Dynamics of Molecular Collisions ~2 Volumes!, edited by W. H.
diamagnetic Kepler problem in view of the spectrum on H atoms Miller ~Plenum, New York, 1976!. Part B contains articles on: Clas-
where bifurcations can be seen in a lower magnetic field than they sical Trajectory Methods in Molecular Collisions, by R. N. Proter
occur classically. ~A! and L. M. Raff, pp. 152; Dynamics of Unimolecular Reactions,

319 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 319

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
by W. L. Hase, pp. 121170, concerned with RRKM ~Rice 285. Nonlinear Dynamics of Vibration-Rotation Interactions: Rigid
RamspergerKasselMarcus! theory; Semiclassical Methods in Mo- Bender H2O, J. H. Frederick and G. M. McClelland, J. Chem. Phys.
lecular Collision Theory, by M. S. Child, pp. 171216; Nonadia- 84, 43474363 ~1986!. Classical-trajectory analysis to find resonances
batic Processes in Molecular Collisions, by J. C. Tully, pp. 217258; and region of chaos as function of energy and angular momentum. ~I!
Statistical Approximations in Collision Theory, by P. Pechukas, pp. 286. Classical Dynamics of intramolecular energy flow and overtone-
269322. ~A! induced dissociation in HOOH and HOOD, T. Uzer, J. T. Hynes, and
272. Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics ~Vol. III!, edited by M. W. P. Reinhardt, J. Chem. Phys. 85, 57915804 ~1986!. Classical
Baer ~CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 1985! consists of three large chapters, trajectories are calculated to get dissociation lifetimes following OH
The Classical Trajectory Approach to Reactive Scattering, by L. M. local-mode overtone absorption. ~I!
Raff and D. L. Thompson; Periodic Orbits and the Theory of Reac- 287. Chaos and Dynamics on .5300 ps Time Scales in Vibrationally
tive Scattering, by Eli Pollak; and Semiclassical Reactive Scatter- Excited Acetylene: Fourier Transform of Stimulated-Emission Pump-
ing, by M. S. Child. ~A! ing Spectrum, J. P. Pique, Y. Chen, R. W. Field, and J. L. Kinsey,
273. Quantum Chemistry and Technology on the Mesoscopic Level, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 475 ~1987!. The very complex, high-resolution
Conference in Fukui City 1993, edited by Hiroshi Hasegawa, J. Jpn. spectrum is shown to make a transition from regular to chaotic at
Phys. Soc. Appl. A 63 ~1994!. Contributions by mostly Japanese au- 26 500 cm21. ~A!
thors concerning classical mechanics and semiclassical quantization, 288. Recurrences in the Autocorrelation Function Governing the Ultravio-
Rydberg atoms, level statistics, and mesoscopic devices. ~A! let absorption spectra of O3, B. R. Johnson and J. L. Kinsey, J.
274. Molecular Dynamics and Spectroscopy by Stimulated Emission Chem. Phys. 91, 76387653 ~1989!. The Fourier transform reveals
Pumping SEP, edited by H.-L. Dai and R. W. Field ~World Scien- time-dependent features that are associated with periodic orbits. ~A!
tific, Singapore, 1995!. Collection of reviews containing articles on: 289. Theoretical Methods for the Analysis of Spectra of Highly Vibra-
Dynamical Analysis of Highly Excited Vibrational Spectra: Progress tionally Excited Polyatomic Molecules, F. Borondo, J. M. Gomez, L.
and Prospects, by M. E. Kellman; Vibrational Energy Flow in Ro- Lorente, and R. M. Benito, Laser Chem. 12, 85102 ~1992!. A good
tating Molecules, by T. Uzer and T. Carrington Jr.; The Extraction general introduction. ~E!
of Dynamics from Complex Molecular Spectra in Case where the 290. Periodic Orbits and Molecular Photoabsorption, O. Zobay and G.
Classical Motion is Chaotic, by H. S. Taylor. ~I! Alber, J. Phys. B 26, L539L546 ~1993!. Comparison of exact quan-
tum mechanics with semiclassical calculations for collinear CO2. ~I!
3. Surveys 291. The Correspondence between Classical Nonlinear Resonances and
Quantum Mechanical Fermi Resonances, F. L. Roberts and C. Jaffe,
275. Classical-Limit Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Molecular J. Chem. Phys. 99, 24952505 ~1993!. A model is discussed in detail
Collisions, W. H. Miller, Adv. Chem. Phys., edited by I. Prigogine because there is no good understanding as yet, cf. the bibliography. ~E!
and S. A. Rice, 25, 69177 ~1974!. Generally considered the basic text 292. Gateway States and Bath States in the Vibrational Spectrum of H1 3 ,
for the semiclassical formalism in molecular collisions. ~A! C. Ruth LeSueur, J. R. Henderson, and J. Tennyson, Chem. Phys. Lett.
276. Quasiperiodic and Stochastic Behavior in Molecules, D. W. Noid, 206, 429436 ~1993!. The correlations in an exceedingly dense spec-
M. L. Koszykowski, and R. A. Marcus, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 32, trum of metastable states are reduced to simple closed orbits. ~A!
267309 ~1981!. Very useful, descriptive review covering classical 293. Classical Atom-Diatom Scattering: Self-Similarity, Scaling Laws,
and semiclassical approaches. ~E! and Renormalization, A. Tiyapan and C. Jaffe, J. Chem. Phys. 99,
277. Theories of Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Transfer, T. Uzer 27652780 ~1993!. Study of chaos in a classical model. ~I!
with an appendix by W. H. Miller, Phys. Rep. 199, 73146 ~1991!. 294. Extraction of Dynamics from the Resonance Structure of HeH1 2
Extensive review with a large list of related references, emphasizing spectra, V. A. Mandelshtam, H. S. Taylor, C. Jung, H. F. Bowen, and
the connection between classical and quantum, aspects. ~I! D. J. Kouri, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 79888000 ~1995!. A chemists
278. Classical Trajectory Studies of Intramolecular Dynamics: Local search for the relevant mechanical model starting from the experimen-
Mode Dynamics, Rotation-Vibration Interaction and the Structure of tal spectrum. ~I!
Multidimensional Phase Space, G. S. Ezra, in Advances in Classical
Trajectory Methods ~JAI, city, 1992!, Vol. 1, pp. 140. Survey for
specialists. ~A! L. Nuclear physics and spins
279. Correspondence Principle, Semiclassical Quantization, and Chaos in 1. Monograph and survey
the Dynamics of Triatomic Molecules, F. Borondo, in Computa-
tional ChemistryStructure, Interactions, and Reactivity, edited 295. Aspects of Chaos in Nuclear Physics, O. Bohigas and H. A.
by S. Fraga, Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry A 77, Weidenmuller, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Particle Sci. 38, 421453 ~1988! ~I!.
592620 ~1992!. A general introduction for the beginner using the 296. Quantum ChaosA New Paradigm of Nonlinear Dynamics, K.
example of the vibrations in the molecule LiCN. ~I! Nakamura ~Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 1993!. In spite of its general
title this monograph concentrates on the chaotic motion of small spin
systems as well as spin waves in solids. The treatment is quite system-
4. Articles in scientific journals atic and complete with many references, but it requires a fair degree of
280. A Spectral Analysis Method of Obtaining Molecular Spectra from mathematical sophistication. ~I!
Classical Trajectories, D. W. Noid, M. Koszykowski, and R. A. Mar-
cus, J. Chem. Phys. 67, 404408 ~1977!. The trajectories of an inte- 2. Conference proceedings
grable and many-dimensional system are Fourier analyzed, and its 297. Semiclassical Descriptions of Atomic and Nuclear Collisions, Pro-
natural frequencies are directly used to find its quantum spectrum. ~A! ceedings of the Niels Bohr Centennial Conference, Copenhagen,
281. Dynamical Effects in Unimolecular Decomposition: A Classical Tra- 2528 March 1985, edited by J. Bang and J. de Boer ~North-Holland,
jectory Study of the Dissociation of C2H6, E. R. Grant and D. Bun- Amsterdam, 1985!. Remarkably, this interesting collection of articles
ker, J. Chem. Phys. 68, 628636 ~1978!. Comparison with the results is completely unaware of modern developments in classical mechan-
based on statistical assumptions in phase space; cf. also J. Santamaria ics.
et al. in Chem. Phys. Lett. 56, 170174 ~1978!. ~I! 298. Quantum Chaos and Statistical Nuclear Physics, Proceedings of a
282. Semiclassical Quantization of the Low Lying Electronic States of Meeting in Cuernavaca, Mexico 1986, edited by T. H. Seligman and
H12 , M. P. Strand and W. P. Reinhardt, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 3812 H. Nishioka ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986!. An early collection of
3827 ~1979!. Paulis Ph.D. thesis ~cf. Ref. 42! is finally done correctly, contributions with an emphasis on applications in nuclear physics,
including the phase corrections on caustics. ~I! resonances, shapes and time dependence of wave functions. ~A!
283. Uniform Semiclassical Theory of Avoided Crossings, T. Uzer, D.
W. Noid, and R. A. Marcus, J. Chem. Phys. 79, 44124425 ~1983!.
3. Articles in scientific journals
284. On rotation and vibration motions of molecules, A. Guichardet, 299. Quantum Tunnelling in the Deformed Region of the LMG Model,
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare 40, 329342 ~1984!. A mathematical for- A. Vourdas and R. F. Bishop, J. Phys. G 11, 95101 ~1985!. Collec-
mulation for the basic coupling between rotational and vibrational de- tive monopole vibrations of nuclei as well as ground state correlations
grees of freedom in molecules. ~I! are amenable in this approach. ~A!

320 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 320

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
300. Nature of Quantum Chaos in Spin Systems, G. Muller, Phys. Rev. 10, 41144129, 41304136, and 41364142 ~1974!. A first try at
A 34, 33453355 ~1986!. ~I! generalizing the semiclassical treatment for a system with few degrees
301. Friction in Nuclear Dynamics, W. J. Swiatecki, Proceedings of the of freedom to a field theory. ~A!
Symposium on Semiclassical Descriptions of Atomic and Nuclear 312. Quantum Meaning of Classical Field Theories, R. Jackiw, Rev.
Collisions, edited by J. de Boer and J. Bang ~North-Holland, Amster- Mod. Phys. 49, 681706 ~1977!. Review of the then recent work on
dam, 1986!. Friction is associated with the transition to a chaotic re- quantizing the vibrations around the simplest solution of a classical
gime. ~I! field theory. ~I!
302. Integrable and Nonintegrable Classical Spin ClustersIntegrability 313. WKB Wave Function for Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom:
Criteria and Analytic Structure of Invariants, E. Magyari, H. Tho- A Unified View of Solitons and Pseudoparticles, J. L. Gervais and B.
mas, R. Weber, C. Kaufman, and G. Mueller, Z. Phys. B 65, 363374 Sakita, Phys. Rev. D 16, 35073514 ~1977!. The semiclassical solu-
~1987!. A general introduction to the idea of coupled classical spins, tions along the imaginary time axis become the solitons and
which then will help understanding the behavior of the better known pseudoparticles that are important for vacuum tunneling in field theo-
quantum spins. ~E! ries. ~A!
303. Nuclear Dissipation and the Order to Chaos Transition, W. J. Swi-
atecki, Nucl. Phys. A 488, 375c393c ~1988!. Chaos is responsible for
N. Clusters
the disappearance of the shell effect and for the dissipative behavior of
the nucleus. ~E! 1. Articles in scientific journals
304. Quantum Chaos in a Schematic Shell Model, D. C. Meredith, S. E.
314. Cooling, Stopping, and Trapping Atoms, W. D. Phillips, P. L.
Koonin, and M. R. Zirnbauer, Phys. Rev. A 37, 34993513 ~1988!.
Gould, and P. D. Lett., Science 239, 877884 ~19 February 1988!.
Comparison of classical criteria for chaos and the distribution of quan-
Using lasers and magnetic traps for the manipulations of single atoms.
tum energy levels in this model for nuclear structure. ~I!
305. Semiclassical Theory of Spin-Orbit Coupling, R. G. Littlejohn and
315. Seeing Chaos in a Simple System, R. Pool, Science 241, 787 ~Au-
W. G. Flynn, Phys. Rev. A 45, 76977217 ~1992!. The semiclassical
gust 12, 1988!. The complicated motion of barium ions held in an
treatment of Schrodingers equation is generalized to include the mul-
electromagnetic trap is an example of chaotic behavior. ~E!
ticomponent wave functions of particles with spin. ~A!
316. Observation of Quantum Supershell in Clusters of Sodium Atoms,
306. Semiclassical Periodic Orbit Theory for Identical Particles, Hans A.
J. Pedersen, S. Bjornholm, J. Borggreen, K. Hansen, T. P. Martin, and
Weidenmuller, Phys. Rev. A 48, 18191823 ~1993!. The trace formula
H. D. Rasmussen, Nature ~London! 353, 24 ~October 1991!. ~E!
is generalized to include a system of several particles interacting while
317. Model Nuclei in the Form of Metal Clusters, S. Bornholm and J.
they obey the Pauli exclusion principle. ~E!
Pedersen, Nucl. Phys. News 1, 1822 ~1991!. The asymptotic distri-
307. Semiclassical Analysis of the Supershell Effect in Reflection-
bution of energy levels in a finite volume is used to explain the occur-
Asymmetric Superdeformed Oscillator, K.-i. Arita and K. Matsuy-
rence of small clusters in certain sizes and shapes. ~I!
anagi, Prog. Theor. Phys. 91, 723746 ~1994!. ~I!
318. Semiclassical Analysis of the Electronic Shell Structure in Metal
308. Classical Bifurcation and Enhancement of Quantum Shells: System-
Clusters. Influence of Surface Softness on Supershell Structure of
atic Analysis of Reflection-Asymmetric Deformed Oscillator, K.-i.
Metal Clusters: Application to Gallium, J. Lerme, Ch. Bordas, M.
Arita and K. Matsuyanagi, Nucl. Phys. A 592, 932 ~1995!. ~I!
Pellarin, B. Baguenard, J. L. Vialle, and Broyer, Phys. Rev. B 48,
90289044 and 1211012122 ~1993!. The quantized motion of the
M. Field theory itinerant electrons in a cluster determines their sizes and shapes. ~I!

Instantons are a special manifestation of the much older O. Statistical mechanics

solitons that go back to some simple hydrodynamics at the
beginning of the nineteenth century. Mathematicians dis- 1. Textbooks and monographs
cussed them as solitary waves due to gravity on the interface 319. Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, David Chandler ~Ox-
between water and air. Physicists picked up the idea in the ford U.P., London, 1987!. A short, direct, and excellent introduction to
1950s and 1960s, and it finally entered particle physics with Monte Carlo methods, classical fluids, chemical kinetics, diffusion,
a 1974 paper listed below. Their implicit hope was that el- fluctuations, and phase transition. ~E!
ementary particles would be directly related to soliton-like
solutions of their classical nonlinear field theories. But Der- 2. Conference proceedings
ricks theorem ~cf. below! shows that solitons occur only in 320. Monte Carlo Methods in Quantum Problems, NATO Advanced
111 dimensions, and, quite generally, they are tied to the Research Workshop in Paris 1982, edited by Malvin H. Kalos ~Re-
possibility of completely integrating the equations of motion, idel, Dordrecht, 1982!. An early and technically understandable col-
lection of calculations in statistical mechanics, quantum chemistry,
which is a very unlikely circumstance at best ~cf. below!. solid-state physics, various lattice models including hadrons. ~I!
1. Conference proceedings
309. The Principles of Instanton Calculus: A Few Applications, J. Zinn- 3. Articles in scientific journals
Justin, in Recent Advances in Field Theories and Statistical Me- 321. Influence of Dissipation on Quantum Tunneling in Macroscopic Sys-
chanics, edited by J. B. Zuber and R. Stora. Les Houches Lectures tems, A. O. Caldeira and A. J. Leggett, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 211214
XXXIX ~Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984!, pp. 39172. Rather down-to- ~1981!. Linear coupling of a particle in a double well to an infinite set
earth collection of significant examples with explicit calculations that of harmonic oscillators produces a reduction in the tunneling rate. ~A!
lead to instantons, such as Phi-Four, i.e., the scalar field phi to the 322. Supersymmetry and the theory of disordered metals, K. B. Efetov,
fourth power, in various dimensions, the false vacuum, large-order Adv. Phys. 32, 53127 ~1983!. The random element now is the distri-
perturbation theory. ~I! bution of impurities ~not the motion due to heat!; the modes of the
electron diffusion, the distribution of energy levels, and the localiza-
tion of electron states is investigated with the help of a new approach
2. Articles in scientific journals that is called the supersymmetry method, or also the nonlinear sigma
310. Comments on Nonlinear Wave Equations as Models for Elementary model, and has an obvious connection with classical mechanics. ~A!
Particles, G. H. Derrick, J. Math. Phys. 5, 12521254 ~1964!. Scal- 323. Crossover from Thermal Hopping to Quantum Tunneling, H. Grab-
ing argument to show that there are no stable and localized solutions ert and U. Weiss, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1787 ~1984!. Kramers theory of
for a large class of equations in two and more spatial dimensions. ~E! thermal activation is brought down to lower temperatures where quan-
311. Nonperturbative Methods and Extended-Hadron Models in Field tum tunneling becomes competitive. ~A!
Theory. I. Semiclassical Functional Methods; II. Two-Dimensional 324. Grassmann Integration in Stochastic Quantum Physics: The Case of
Models and Extended Hadron; III. Four-Dimensional Non-Abelian Compound-Nucleus Scattering, J. J. M. Verbarschoot, H. A. Weiden-
Models, R. F. Dashen, B. Hasslacher, and A. Neveu, Phys. Rev. D muller, and M. Zirnbauer, Phys. Rep. 129, 367438 ~1985!. An inde-

321 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 321

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
pendent, and formally somewhat different method that is close to the are reviewed; measuring an extra degree of freedom for the tunneling
supersymmetry method, and yields similar results. ~A! particle is recommended as the physically most relevant concept. ~E!
325. Influence of Friction and Temperature on Coherent Quantum Tun- 339. WentzelKramersBrillouin Theory of Multidimensional Tunnel-
neling, U. Weiss, H. Grabert, and S. Linkwitz, J. Low Temp. Phys. ing: General Theory for Energy Splitting, S. Takada and H. Naka-
68, 213244 ~1987!. When a quantum particle tunnels through a bar- mura, J. Chem. Phys. 100, 98113 ~1994!. The treatment of tunneling
rier of an almost symmetric double-well potential, the coherent quan- in more than one dimension, though still open, is studied in the context
tum oscillations are shown to be strongly affected by the interaction of molecular dissociations and intramolecular conversions. ~I!
with a heat-bath environment. ~A! 340. Chaos-Induced Avoided Level Crossing and Tunneling, M. Latka,
326. Dynamics of the Dissipative Two-State System, A. J. Leggett, S. P. Grigolini, and B. J. West, Phys. Rev. A 50, 10711081 ~1994!.
Chakravarty, A. T. Dorsey, M. P. A. Fisher, A. Garg, and W. Zwerger, Floquet states in the driven pendulum are investigated. ~I!
Rev. Mod. Phys. 59, 185 ~1987!. The system is modeled by a spin 341. Magnetotunneling Spectroscopy of a Quantum Well in the Regime
that is coupled to a Boson field, and gets a very detailed treatment. ~A! of Classical Chaos, T. M. Fromhold, L. Eaves, F. W. Theard, M. L.
327. Periodic Orbit Approach to the Quantum Kramers Rate, P. Hanggi Leadbeater, T. J. Foster, and P. C. Main, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2608
and W. Hontscha, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 95, 379385 ~1991!. 2611 ~1994!. Resonances in the current-voltage measurements are re-
Reaction rate in the presence of multidimensional tunneling for the lated to unstable closed orbits. ~E!
dissipative environment; cf. same authors in J. Chem. Phys. 88, 4094 342. Tunneling versus Chaos in the Kicked Harper Model, R. Roncaglia,
4095 ~1988!. ~I! L. Bonci, F. West, B. J. West, and P. Grigolini, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73,
328. Universalities in the spectra of disordered and chaotic systems, B. 802 ~1994!. Tunneling between the two islands depends on the area of
D. Simons and B. L. Altshuler, Phys. Rev. B 48, 54225438 ~1993!. chaotic phase space; complications arise when its size equals Plancks
The supersymmetry method is elevated to even greater generality, and quantum. ~I!
applied to the strong correlation in many-electron systems. ~A! 343. Chaotic Landau Level Mixing in Classical and Quantum Wells, D.
329. Orbital Magnetism in Ensembles of Ballistic Billiards, D. Ullmo, L. Shepelyanski and A. D. Stone, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 20982011
K. Richter, and R. A. Jalabert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 383 ~1995!. The ~1995!. A charged particle moves through a barrier in an electric field
magnetic susceptibility for small two-dimensional structures is calcu- normal to the barrier and a magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. ~I!
lated in terms of periodic orbits. ~E! 344. Transition State Theory for Ballistic Electrons, B. Eckhardt, J.
330. A Semiclassical Approach to Dissipation in Quantum Mechanics, Phys. A 28, 34693475 ~1995!. Use of the RRKM theory from chemi-
F. Grossmann, J. Chem. Phys. 103, 36963704 ~1995!. The suppres- cal physics to get the conductance including tunneling and magnetic
sion of quantum behavior in an anharmonic oscillator is shown semi- field. ~E!
classically to be due to its coupling to many harmonic oscillators
~many references to earlier papers along this line!. ~I!
331. Semiclassical Density Matrix near the Top of a Potential Barrier, Q. Mesoscopic systems
Physica A 223, 193213 ~1996!; Exact and Semiclassical Density
Matrix of a Particle Moving in a Barrier Potential with Bound States, 1. Collections and surveys
Phys. Rev. E 104, 75267538 ~1996!, F. J. Weiper, J. Ankerhold, and
345. Mesoscopic Phenomena in Solids, edited by B. L. Altshuler, P. A.
Hermann Grabert. Path integrals are used at high temperatures which
Lee, and R. A. Webb ~North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1991!. Collection
are then lowered to a critical temperature where the fluctuations be-
of articles written by the leading experts including the Aharonov
come large because of a bifurcation in the trajectories and presence of
Bohm effect in gold loops, electric currents in disordered structures,
bound states. ~I!
conduction fluctuations, and correlation involving single electrons or
pairs. ~I!
P. Tunneling 346. Quantum Transport in Small Disordered Samples from the Diffusive
to the Ballistic Regime, S. Washburn and R. A. Webb, Rep. Prog.
1. Articles in scientific journals Phys. 55, 13111383 ~1992!. Both quantum confinement and quantum
interference in impurity scattering perturb the classical Drude conduc-
332. Fractal Analysis of Chaotic Tunneling of Squeezed States in a
tance in small samples at low temperatures. ~I!
Double-Well Potential, H. Dekker, Phys. Rev. A 35, 18251837
347. Mesoscopic Physics, special issue edited by G. Jona-Lasinio, J.
~1987!. The energy splitting in the almost degenerate states leads to a
Math. Phys. 37, 47735268 ~October 1996!. About 20 articles ranging
time dependence like a pathological ~Weierstrass! function. ~A!
from highly abstract to fairly down-to-earth for many different experi-
333. Classical Chaos versus Quantum Dynamics: KAM Tori and Cantori
mental arrangements by some of the most active groups in this area.
as Dynamical Barriers, G. Radons, T. Geisel, and T. Rubner, Adv.
Chem. Phys. 73, 891923 ~1989!. Although barriers in phase space
can prevent classical trajectories from becoming completely ergodic,
examples show how quantum dynamics overcomes this restriction by
tunneling. ~I!
2. Conference proceedings
334. Traversal Reflection and Dwell Time for Quantum Tunneling, M. 348. Quantum Coherence in Mesoscopic Systems, NATO Advanced
Buttiker, in Electronic Properties of Multilayers and Low- Study Institute in Les Arcs, France 1990, edited by B. Krenner
Dimensional Semiconductor Structures, edited by J. M. Chamber- ~Plenum, New York, 1991!. One of the first gatherings of the experts
lain et al. ~Plenum, New York, 1990!. ~E! in the area of conductance fluctuations, persistent currents, localization
335. Chaotic Quantum Phenomena without Classical Analog, G. Jona- of electron wave functions, all under the general roof of quantum
Lasinio, C. Presilla, and F. Capasso, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2269 ~1992!. chaos. ~I!
The many-electron wave function in a one-dimensional two-barrier 349. Physics of Nanostructures, NATO ASI in St. Andrews, Scotland
potential, treated in HartreeFock approximation, yields chaotic mo- 1991, edited by J. H. Davies and A. R. Long @Scottish Universities
tion for some observables such as the charge between the two barriers. Summer School in Physics ~SUSSP!, Edinburgh, 1992#. Covers the
~I! formation of low-dimensional heterostructures, coherent quantum
336. Quantum Tunneling and Regular and Irregular Quantum Dynamics transport, and semiclassical motion in conductors, and tunnel junc-
of a Driven Double-Well Oscillator, W. A. Lin and L. E. Ballentine, tions. ~I!
Phys. Rev. A 45, 36373645 ~1992!. Following the motion of a 350. Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems, Proceedings of an Inter-
Gaussian wave packet. ~I! national Symposium in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1991, edited by W.
337. Manifestations of Classical Phase Space Structures in Quantum Me- P. Kirk and M. A. Reed ~Academic, New York, 1992!. Many articles
chanics, O. Bohigas, S. Tomsovic, and D. Ullmo, Phys. Rep. 223, on ballistic transport, coherence, tunneling, Coulomb blockade, large
43133 ~1993!. The division of the quantum spectrum into regular and arrays of electric and optical devices. ~I!
chaotic components corresponding to classical phase space is refined, 351. Quantum Fluctuations in mesoscopic and macroscopic systems,
and put on a physical footing, including the tunneling through different Adriatico Research Conference, Trieste, 1990, edited by H. A. Cer-
regions. ~I! deira, F. Guinea Lopez, and U. Weiss ~World Scientific, Singapore,
338. Barrier Interaction Time in Tunneling, R. Landauer and Th. Martin, 1991!. Collection of articles on quantum transport, periodic orbits,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 217228 ~1994!. Former theories on this subject path integrals, various devices such as junctions, rings, and arrays. ~I!

322 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 Martin G. Gutzwiller 322

Downloaded 01 May 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
352. Single Charge Tunneling, Special Issue of Z. Phys. B 85, 317467 368. Quantum-Chaotic Scattering Effects in Semiconductor Microstruc-
~1991!, edited by H. Grabert and H. Horner. Mostly up-to-date experi- tures, H. U. Baranger, R. A. Jalabert, and A. D. Stone, Chaos 3,
ments and some theory concerning the observation of a single elec- 665682 ~1993!. Detailed discussion of many different examples. ~A!
tronic charge tunneling into and out of a small device. ~I! 369. Weak Localization in Chaotic versus Non-chaotic Cavities: A Strik-
353. Quantum Complexity in Mesoscopic Systems, Papers from the con- ing Difference in the Line Shape, A. M. Chang, H. U. Baranger, L.
ference at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos, New N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 21112114 ~1994!.
Mexico 1994, edited by Alan R. Bishop, Robert E. Ecke, and Ronnie Experimental evidence for Lorentzian versus linear decrease in resis-
Mainieri, Physica D 83 ~1995!. The quantum manifestations of classi- tance with magnetic field according as the shape of conductor. ~I!
cal chaos are presented along with the recent results from the experi- 370. Precursors and Transitions to Chaos in a Quantum Well in a Tilted
ments on mesoscopic systems, going from the question of decoherence Magnetic Field, G. Muller, G. S. Boebinger, H. Mathur, L. N. Pfe-
to the quantum Hall effect, and including the quantum corrals on the iffer, and K. West, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 28752878 ~1995!. Peak dou-
surface of a copper crystal. ~I! blings and triplings in the I-V characteristic as the magnetic tilt in-
354. Quantum Dynamics of Submicron Structures, NATO ASI in Tri- creases correspond to bifurcations of periodic orbits in the transition
este, Italy, 1994, edited by Hilda A. Cerdeira, Bernhard Kramer, and region to classical chaos. ~I!
Gerd Schoen ~Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995!. A diverse collection of ar- 371. Non-Gaussian Distribution of Coulomb Blockade Peak Heights in
ticles on mesoscopic fluctuations, quantum Hall states, quantum dots, Quantum Dots, A. M. Chang, H. U. Baranger, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W.
ac effects, superconductors, tunneling and transport phenomena. ~I! West, and T. Y. Chang; and Statistics and Parametric Correlations of
355. Mesoscopic Quantum Physics, 1994 Les Houches Summer Coulomb Blockade Fluctuations in Quantum Dots, J. A. Folk, S. R.
School, edited by E. Akkermans, G. Montambaux, and J. L. Pichard Patel, S. F. Godijn, A. G. Huibers, S. M. Cronewett, and C. M. Mar-
~Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995!. Some surveys and some contributed ar- cus, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 16951698 and 16991702 ~1996!. Numeri-
ticles concerned with localization and transport in small two- cal tests of random matrix theory are shown to be consistent with
dimensional quasimetallic samples, cf. in particular the surveys by quantum chaos in weakly coupled, closed systems in zero and nonzero
Altshuler and Simons, Stone, and Smilansky. ~I! magnetic fields.

R. Quantum optics
3. Articles in scientific journals
1. Textbooks and monographs
356. Quenching of the Hall Effect, C. W. J. Beenakker and H. van
Houten, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 24062409 ~1988!. Ballistic transport 372. Chaos in Quantum Optics, J. R. Ackerhalt, P. W. Milonni, and M.
through microscopic four-terminal structure for measuring the Hall L. Shih, Phys. Rep. 128, 205300 ~1985!. An early introduction to the
effect leads to quenching in sufficiently strong magnetic fields. ~E! nonlinear behavior of lasers that leads inevitably to classical chaos;
357. Conductance Fluctuations in the Ballistic Regime: A Probe for with many practical examples. ~E!
Quantum Chaos? R. A. Jalabert, H. U. Baranger, and A. D. Stone, 373. Elements of Quantum Optics ~2nd ed.!, P. Meystre and M. Sargent
Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 24422445 ~1990!. The geometric features in a III ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990!. Readable textbook for graduate
ballistic conductor cause random-looking fluctuations. ~E! students willing to face some algebra, covering wide variety of topics
358. Classical and Quantum Ballistic-Transport Anomalies in Microjunc- from bistability to squeezed states. ~I!
tions, H. U. Baranger, D. P. diVincenzo, R. A. Jalabert, and A. D. 374. Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics, L. Mandel and E. Wolf
Stone, Phys. Rev. B 44, 1063710675 ~1991!. Extreme sensitivity to ~Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 1995!. The most up-to-date and com-
the geometry of the junctions is found in both classical and quantum plete textbook in this area, explaining all the mathematical details very
calculations. ~I! explicitly, e.g., Chap. 9 on Semiclassical Theory of Photoelectric De-
359. Chaotic Scattering, Unstable Periodic Orbits, and Fluctuations in tection of Light. ~A!
Quantum Transport, R. V. Jensen, Chaos 1, 101109 ~1991!. Early
review of this area with some suggestions. ~E! 2. Collections
360. Science at the Atomic Scale, P. Ball and L. Garwin, Nature ~Lon-
don! 355, 761766 ~1992!. A review for the outsider with special 375. Instabilities and Chaos in Quantum Optics, edited by F. T. Arecchi
attention to the fabrication of the new devices. ~E! and R. G. Harrison ~Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987!. Phenomena in
361. Next Electron, Please..., K. Harmans, Phys. World 5053 ~March Active and Passive Systems, e.g., ring lasers, optical turbulence,
1992!. Applying certain voltages to a simple nanoelectronic circuit and pulsations in resonators. ~I!
does not always cause a flow of charge yet offers the possibility of a 376. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, edited by P. R. Berman ~Aca-
new quantum standard for current. ~E! demic, Boston, 1994!. Collection of articles on the state-of-the-art:
362. Statistical Theory of Coulomb Blockade Oscillations: Quantum atoms in a cavity, one-electron emission by moving atoms, optical
Chaos in Quantum Dots, R. A. Jalabert, A. D. Stone, and Y. Alhas- resonator, Casimir effect, micro-masers. ~I!
sid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 34683471 ~1992!. A numerical test of ran-
dom matrix theory. ~A!
3. Articles in scientific journals
363. Conductance Fluctuations and Chaotic Scattering in Ballistic Micro-
structures, C. M. Marcus, A. J. Rimberg, R. M. Westervelt, P. M. 377. Ray and Wave Chaos in Asymmetric Resonant Optical Cavities, J.
Hopkins, and A. C. Gossard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 506509 ~1992!. A U. Nockel and A. D. Stone, Nature ~London! ~1997! 4547, 385. The
marvelous set of experiments with very intriguing results. ~I! output of light waves from a cavity with an oval ~rather than circular!
364. Quantum Dots, M. A. Reed, Sci. Am. 118123 ~January 1993!. shape is explained in terms of chaos in the classical ray optics. ~E!
Nanotechnologists can now confine electrons to point-like structures.
Such designer atoms may lead to new electronic and optical de-
vices. ~E!
S. The interplay between classical and quantum
365. Quantized Periodic Orbits in Large Antidot Arrays, D. Weiss, K. mechanics
Richter, A. Menschig, R. Bergmann, H. Schweitzer, and K. von Klitz-
List of titles for a Reprint Book from the Resource Letters
ing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 41184121 ~1993!. Magnetoresistance oscil-
lations are attributed to certain periodic orbits rather than the in AJP
AharonovBohm effect. ~I! 30. On the Quantization Condition of Sommerfeld and Epstein, Albert
366. When Electrons Go with the Flow, P. Main, New Sci. 3033 ~12 Einstein, translation by Charles Jaffe of the article in Verhandlungen
June 1993!. Remove the obstacles that create electrical resistance, and der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 19, 8292 ~1917!, Report
you get ballistic electrons and a quantum surprise. ~E! No. 116 ~1980! of the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
367. Imaging Standing Waves in a Two-dimensional Electron Gas, M. ~JILA!. ~I!
F. Crommie, C. P. Lutz, and D. M. Eigler, Nature ~London! 363, 129. Quantum Chaology, M. V. Berry, The Bakerian Lecture 1987,
524527 ~1993!. A scanning tunneling microscope ~STM! on a Cu Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 413, 183198 ~1987!; also published
~111! surface reveals standing wave patterns of the electrons in surface separately in Dynamical Chaos, edited by M. V. Berry, I. C. Percival,
states. ~E! and N. O. Weiss ~Princeton U.P., Princeton, NJ, 1987!. ~I!

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137. The Many Faces of Quantum Chaos, Asher Peres, in a Special 265. The Semiclassical Helium Atom, D. Wintgen, K. Richter, and G.
Issue edited by K. Nakamura, Chaos, Solitons Fractals 5 ~7!, 1069 Tanner, Chaos 2, 1832 ~1992!, same issue as 134. ~E!
1075 ~1995!, also published as a separate volume by Pergamon. ~I! 280. A Spectral Analysis Method of Obtaining Molecular Spectra from
148. Quantum Chaos, M. C. Gutzwiller, Sci. Am. 266, 7884 ~January Classical Trajectories, D. W. Noid, M. Koszykowski, and R. A. Mar-
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153. Postmodern Quantum Mechanics, E. Heller and S. Tomsovic, Phys.
290. Periodic Orbits and Molecular Photoabsorption, O. Zobay and G.
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15151518 ~1987!. ~E! Weidenmueller, Phys. Rev. A 48, 18191823 ~1993!. ~A!
233. Celestial Mechanics on a Microscopic Scale, T. Uzer, D. Farrelly, 317. Model Nuclei in the Form of Metal Clusters, S. Bjornholm and J.
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234. Quantization of Chaotic Systems, G. Tanner and D. Wintgen, K. Richter, and R. A. Jalabert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 383386 ~1995!.
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251. Semiclassical Quantization of Three-Dimensional Quasi-Landau
Resonances Under Strong-Field Mixing, J. Main, A. Holle, G. Wie- structures, C. M. Marcus, A. J. Rimberg, R. M. Westervelt, P. M.
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257. Closed Orbit Bifurcations in Continuum Stark Spectra, M. Court- 365. Quantized Periodic Orbits in Large Antidot Arrays, D. Weiss, K.
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