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Poonam Giri Change
Poonam Giri Change
This is to certify that the project titled “IMPACT OF MICROFINANCE IN THE SMES
SECTOR ” is an original work of the Student and is being submitted in partial fulfillment
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It gives me pleasure to present this project report which is an outcome of the study role
of cash flow in financial analysis and it's implications. completing a task is never a one
man afforts. I wise to my sincere gratitude a large number of individual have
contributed directly and indirectly in this project report.
Firstly I would like to acknowledge my sincere thanks to principal professor
Vertika Sinha head department of commerce DR.GHANSHYAM SINGH
I hereby declare that this project work titled “IMPACT OF MICROFINANCE IN THE SMES
SECTOR” is my original work and no part of it has been submitted for any other degree purposeor
The empirical findings in this project are based on the data collected by myself whilepreparing this
This project is completed as a part of curriculum & all that information collected iscorrect to the
best of my knowledge.
4 Comparative Analysis 49
of Micro-finance
Services offered to the
role supporting
changing the face
of poor India
Social Aspects
Role, Functions
and Working
Mechanism of
Marketing of
suggestions and
6 CHAPTER NO. 6 78-79
Microfinance is a general term to describe financial services to low-income
individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services.
Insurance, capacity building, and agricultural business development
services. Whatever the form of activity however, the overarching goal that
unifies all actors in the provision of microfinance is the creation of social
‘Microfinance refers to small scale financial services for both credits and
deposits-that are provided to people who farm or fish or herd; operate small
or micro enterprise where goods are produced, recycled, repaired, or
traded; provide services; work for wages or commissions; gain income from
renting out small amounts of land, vehicles, draft animals, or machinery and
tools; and to other individuals and local groups in developing countries in
both rural and urban areas’.
Microfinance Definition
According to International Labor Organization (ILO), “Microfinance is an
economic development approach that involves providing financial services
through institutions to low income clients”.
The History of Modern Microfinance
ACCION International
This institution had been established by a law student of Latin America to
help the poor people residing in the rural and urban areas of the Latin
American countries. It is one of the most important microfinance institutions
of the world. Its network of lending partner comprises not only Latin
America but also US and Africa.
In 1973, the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) of Gujarat (in
India) formed a bank, named as Mahila SEWA Cooperative Bank, to
access certain financial services easily. Almost 4 thousand women
contributed their share capital to form the bank. Today the number of the
SEWA Bank's active client is more than 30,000.
Credit unions and lending cooperatives have been around hundreds of
years. However, the pioneering of modern microfinance is often credited to
Dr. Mohammad Yunus, who began experimenting with lending to poor
women in the village of Jobra, Bangladesh during his tenure as a professor
of economics at Chittagong University in the 1970s. He would go on to
found Grameen Bank in 1983 and win the Nobel Peace Price in 2006.
Since then, innovation in microfinance has continued and providers of
financial services to the poor continue to evolve. Today, the World Bank
estimates that about 160 million people in developing countries are served
by microfinance. Grameen Bank (Bangladesh) was formed by the Nobel
Peace Prize (2006) winner Dr Muhammad Younus in 1983. This bank is
now serving almost 400,0000 poor people of Bangladesh. Not only that, but
also the success of Grameen Bank has stimulated the formation of other
several microfinance institutions like, ASA, BRAC and PROSHIKA.
Who are the clients of micro finance?
The typical micro finance clients are low-income persons that do not have
access to formal financial institutions. Micro finance clients are typically
self-employed, often household-based entrepreneurs. In rural areas, they
are usually small farmers and others who are engaged in small income-
generating activities such as food processing and petty trade. In urban
areas, micro finance activities are more diverse and include shopkeepers,
service providers, artisans, street vendors, etc. Micro finance clients are
poor and vulnerable non-poor who have a relatively unstable source of
income. Access to conventional formal financial institutions, for many
reasons, is inversely related to income: the poorer you are the less likely
that you have access. On the other hand, the chances are that, the poorer
you are, the more expensive or onerous informal financial arrangements.
Moreover, informal arrangements may not suitably meet certain financial
service needs or may exclude you anyway. Individuals in this excluded and
under-served market segment are the clients of micro finance.
Role of Microfinance
The micro credit of microfinance prename was first initiated in the year
1976 in Bangladesh with promise of providing credit to the poor without
collateral ,alleviating poverty and unleashing human creativity and
endeavor of the poor people. Microfinance impact studies have
demonstrated that:
1. Microfinance helps poor households meet basic needs and protects
them against risks.
2. The use of financial services by low-income households leads to
improvements in household economic welfare and enterprise stability
and growth.
3. By supporting women’s economic participation, microfinance
empowers women, thereby promoting gender equity and improving
household well being.
4. The level of impact relates to the length of time clients have had
access to financial services.
Financial needs and financial services
In developing economies and particularly in the rural areas, many activities
that would be classified in the developed world as financial are not
monetized: that is, money is not used to carry them out. Almost by
definition, poor people have very little money. But circumstances often arise
in their lives in which they need money or the things money can buy.
In Stuart Rutherford’s recent book The Poor and Their Money, he cites
several types of needs:
Lifecycle Needs: such as weddings, funerals, childbirth, education,
homebuilding, widowhood, old age.
Personal Emergencies: such as sickness, injury, unemployment,
theft, harassment or death.
Disasters: such as fires, floods, cyclones and man-made events like
war or bulldozing of dwellings.
Investment Opportunities: expanding a business, buying land or
equipment, improving housing, securing a job (which often requires
paying a large bribe), etc.
Poor people find creative and often collaborative ways to meet these
needs, primarily through creating and exchanging different forms of non-
cash value. Common substitutes for cash vary from country to country but
typically include livestock, grains, jewellery and precious metals.
As Marguerite Robinson describes in The Microfinance Revolution, the
1980s demonstrated that “microfinance could provide large-scale outreach
profitably,” and in the 1990s, “microfinance began to develop as an
industry”. In the 2000s, the microfinance industry’s objective is to satisfy
the unmet demand on a much larger scale, and to play a role in reducing
poverty. While much progress has been made in developing a viable,
commercial microfinance sector in the last few decades, several issues
remain that need to be addressed before the industry will be able to satisfy
massive worldwide demand. The obstacles or challenges to building a
sound commercial microfinance industry include:
Inappropriate donor subsidies
Poor regulation and supervision of deposit-taking MFIs
Few MFIs that mobilize savings
Limited management capacity in MFIs
Institutional inefficiencies
Need for more dissemination and adoption of rural, agricultural
microfinance methodologies.
Activities in Microfinance
Micro credit
It is a small amount of money loaned to a client by a bank or other
institution. Micro credit can be offered, often without collateral, to an
individual or through group lending.
Micro savings
These are deposit services that allow one to save small amounts of money
for future use. Often without minimum balance requirements, these savings
accounts allow households to save in order to meet unexpected expenses
and plan for future expenses Micro insurance: It is a system by which
people, businesses and other organizations make a payment to share risk.
Access to insurance enables entrepreneurs to concentrate more on
developing their businesses while mitigating other risks affecting property,
health or the ability to work.
These are transfer of funds from people in one place to people in another,
usually across borders to family and friends. Compared with other sources
of capital that can fluctuate depending on the political or economic climate,
remittances are a relatively steady source of funds.
Product Design
The starting point is: how do MFIs decide what product s to offer? The
actual loan products need to be designed according to the demand of the
target market. Besides the important question of what risks to cover,
organizations also have to decide whether they want to bundle many
different benefits into one basket policy, or whether it is more appropriate to
keep the product simple. For marketing purposes, MFI‘s sometimes prefer
the basket cover, since it can make the policies sound comprehensive, but
is that the right approach for the low-income market? After picking products,
one must also understand how they are priced. What assumptions do the
organizations make with regard to operating costs, risk premiums, and
Government’s role supporting microfinance
Government’s most important role is not provision of retail credit services,
for reasons mentioned in Government can contribute most effectively by:
Setting sound macroeconomic policy that provides stability and
low inflation.
Avoiding interest rate ceilings - when governments set interest
rate limits, political factors usually result in limits that are too low
to permit sustainable delivery of credit that involves high
administrative costs—such as tiny loans for poor people. Such
ceilings often have the announced intention of protecting the
poor, but are more likely to choke off the supply of credit.
Adjusting bank regulation to facilitate deposit taking by solid
MFIs, once the country has experience with sustainable
microfinance delivery.
Creating government wholesale funds to support retail MFIs if
funds can be insulated from politics, and they can hire and
protect strong technical management and avoid disbursement
pressure that force fund to support unpromising MFIs.
Promote microfinance as a key vehicle in tackling poverty, and
as vital part of the financial system.
Create policies, regulations and legal structures that encourage
responsive, sustainable microfinance.
Encourage a range of regulated and unregulated institutions
that meet performance standards.
Encourage competition, capacity building and innovation to
lower costs and interest rates in microfinance.
Fig no.1
Fig no.2
Microfinance changing the face of poor India
Micro-Finance is emerging as a powerful instrument for poverty alleviation
in the new economy. In India, micro-Finance scene is dominated by Self
Help Groups (SHGs) - Banks linkage Programme, aimed at providing a cost
effective mechanism for providing financial services to the 'unreached
poor'. In the Indian context terms like "small and marginal farmers", "rural
artisans" and "economically weaker sections" have been used to broadly
define micro-finance customers. Research across the globe has shown
that, over time, microfinance clients increase their income and assets,
increase the number of years of schooling their children receive, and
improve the health and nutrition of their families.
A more refined model of micro-credit delivery has evolved lately, which
emphasizes the combined delivery of financial services along with technical
assistance, and agricultural business development services. When
compared to the wider SHG bank linkage movement in India, private MFIs
have had limited outreach. However, we have seen a recent trend of larger
Microfinance institutions transforming into Non-Bank Financial Institutions
(NBFCs). This changing face of microfinance in India appears to be positive
in terms of the ability of microfinance to attract more funds and therefore
increase outreach.
Microfinance Social Aspects
Micro financing institutions significantly contributed to gender equality and
women’s empowerment as well as poor development and civil society
strengthening. Contribution to women’s ability to earn an income led to their
economic empowerment, increased well being of women and their families
and wider social and political empowerment. Microfinance programs
targeting women became a major plank of poverty alleviation and gender
strategies in the 1990s. Increasing evidence of the centrality of gender
equality to poverty reduction and women’s higher credit repayment rates
led to a general consensus on the desirability of targeting women.
animals or jewelry that can be sold off later, or stockpile inventory or
building materials. These savings methods tend to be risky—cash can be
stolen, animals can get sick, and neighbors can run off. Often they are
illiquid as well – one cannot sell just the cow’s leg when one needs a small
amount of cash. Poor people want secure, convenient deposit services that
allow for small balances and easy access to funds. MFIs that offer good
savings services usually attract far more savers than borrowers.
landlords 4.0
Agricultural money lenders 7.0
Professional money lenders 10.5
Relatives and friends 5.5
others 9.0
All non institutional agencies 36.0
All non agencies 100.0
To protect the interest of the depositors.
The research methodology I will be using would be descriptive research
design. It means the topic would be described as far as possible.
Descriptive research means to describe something such as market
characteristics or functions.
The data I would be using secondary data. The data is already listed and I
would be properly arranging it as per my research topic.
I will be listing the following topics:
Proper descriptions of suggestions
Relevant and adequate data analysis
Data analysis method would be appropriate.
Reliability and validity of the data would be checked
Legal forms of MFIs in India
MFIs and Legal Forms
With the current phase of expansion of the SHG – Bank linkage
programmed and other MF initiatives in the country, the informal micro
finance sector in India is now beginning to evolve. While there is no
published data on private MFIs operating in the country, the number of
MFIs is estimated to be around 800. However, not more than 10 MFIs are
reported to have an outreach of 100,000 micro finance clients. An
overwhelming majority of MFIs are operating on a smaller scale with clients
ranging Between 500 to 1500 per MFI. The geographical distribution of
MFIs is very much lopsided with concentration in the southern India where
the rural branch network of formal banks is excellent. It is estimated that the
share of MFIs in the total micro credit portfolio of formal & informal
institutions is about 8 per cent.
Not for profit MFIs governed by societies registration act, 1860 or
Indian trusts act 1882
Non profit companies governed by section 25 of the companies act,
For profit MFIs regulated by Indian companies act, 1956
NBFC governed by RBI act, 1934.
Cooperative societies by cooperative societies act enacted by state
Table no.3 Legal Forms of MFIs in India
Microfinance Providers
Microfinance Institutions
A microfinance institution (MFI) is an organization that provides
microfinance services. MFIs range from small non-profit organizations to
large commercial banks. Most MFIs started as not for- profit organizations
like NGOs (non-governmental organizations), credit unions and other
financial cooperatives, and state owned development and postal savings
banks. An increasing number of MFIs are now organized as for-profit
entities, often because it is a requirement to obtaining a license from
banking authorities to offer savings services. For-profit MFIs may be
organized as Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), commercial
banks that specialize in microfinance, or microfinance departments of full-
service banks. The micro finance service providers include apex institutions
like National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Small
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), and, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
(RMK). At the retail level, Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, and,
Cooperative banks provide micro finance services. Today, there are about
60,000 retail credit outlets of the formal banking sector in the rural areas
comprising 12,000 branches of district level cooperative banks, over 14,000
branches of the Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and over 30,000 rural and
semi-urban branches of commercial banks besides almost 90,000
cooperatives credit societies at the village level. On an average, there is at
least one retail credit outlet for about 5,000 rural people. This physical
reaching out to the far-flung areas of the country to provide savings, credit
and other banking services to the rural society is an unparalleled
achievement of the Indian banking system. In the this paper an attempt is
made to deal with various aspects relating to emergence of private micro
finance industry in the context of prevailing legal and regulatory
environment for private sector rural and micro finance operators. MFIs are
an extremely heterogeneous group comprising NBFCs, societies, trusts
and cooperatives.
They are provided financial support from external donors and apex
institutions including the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK), SIDBI Foundation
for micro-credit and NABARD and employ a variety of ways for credit
delivery. Since 2000, commercial banks including Regional Rural Banks
have been providing funds to MFIs for on lending to poor clients. Though
initially, only a handful of NGOs were “into” financial intermediation using a
variety of delivery methods, their numbers have increased considerably
today. While there is no published data on private MFIs operating in the
country, the number of MFIs is estimated to be around 800. MFIs are an
extremely heterogeneous group comprising NBFCs, societies, trusts and
For NGOs:
1. The field of development itself expands and shifts emphasis with the
pull of ideas, and NGOs perhaps more readily adopt new ideas,
especially if the resources required are small, entry and exit are easy,
tasks are (perceived to be) simple and people’s acceptance is high –
all characteristics (real or presumed) of microfinance.
2. Canvassing by various factors, including the National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Friends of Women’s World
Banking (FWWB), Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK), Council for
Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technologies (CAPART),
Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), various donor funded
programmes especially by the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), World Bank and Department for International Development,
UK (DFID)], and lately commercial banks, has
Greatly added to the idea pull. Induced by the worldwide focus on
microfinance, donor NGOs too have been funding microfinance projects.
One might call it the supply push.
3. All kinds of things from khadi spinning to Nadep compost to balwadis
do not produce such concrete results and sustained interest among
beneficiaries as microfinance. Most NGO-led microfinance is with
poor women, for whom access to small loans to meet dire
emergencies is a valued outcome. Thus, quick and high ‘customer
satisfaction’ is the USP that has attracted NGOs to this trade.
4. The idea appears simple to implement. The most common route
followed by NGOs is promotion of SHGs. It is implicitly assumed that
no ‘technical skill’ is involved. Besides, external resources are not
needed as SHGs begin with their own savings. Those NGOs that
have access to revolving funds from donors do not have to worry
about financial performance any way. The chickens will eventually
come home to roost but in the first flush, it seems all so easy.
5. For many NGOs the idea of ‘organizing’ – forming a samuha – has
inherent appeal. Groups connote empowerment and organizing
women is a double bonus.
6. Finally, to many NGOs, microfinance is a way to financial
sustainability. Especially for the medium-to-large NGOs that are able
to access bulk funds for on-lending, for example from SIDBI, the
interest rate spread could be an attractive source of revenue than an
uncertain, highly competitive and increasingly difficult-to-raise donor
large branch networks. Under this model, the bank forms its own MFI,
perhaps as an NBFC, and then works hand in hand with that MFI to extend
loans and other services. On paper, the model is similar to the partnership
model: the MFI originates.
Coordinating Microfinance Efforts in India
NABARD coordinates the microfinance activities in India at
international/ national/ state / district levels. These include organizing
international/national Workshops, Seminars, etc for experience
sharing, Organizing National and State level Meets of Bankers and
NGOs etc .Dissemination of best practices in SHG / microfinance.
Other Initiatives
Micro enterprise Development Programmer (MEDP) for Matured
SHGs The progression of SHG members to take up micro enterprise
involves intensive training and hand holding on various aspects
including understanding market, potential mapping and ultimately fine
tuning skills and entrepreneurship to manage the enterprise. Hence, a
separate, specific and focused skill-building programme ‘Micro
Enterprise Development Programmed (MEDP)’ has been formulated.
This involves organizing short duration, location specific
programmers on skill up gradation / development for setting up
sustainable micro-enterprises by matured SHG members. The
duration of training programme can vary between 3 to 13 days,
depending upon the objective and nature of training. The training may
be conducted by agencies that have background and professional
competency in the field of micro enterprise Development with an
expertise in skill development.
Scheme for Capital/ Equity Support to Micro-Finance
Institutions (MFIs) from MFDEF
The scheme attempts to provide capital/equity support to Micro
Finance Institutions (MFIs) so as to enable them to leverage
capital/equity for accessing commercial and other funds from banks,
for providing financial services at an affordable cost to the poor, and
to enable MFIs to achieve sustainability in their credit operations over
a period of 3-5 years.
lakh only) and maximum of Rs 10 crore (Rupees Ten crore only)
would be considered for rating and support under the scheme.
Financial assistance by way of grant would be available only for the
first rating of the MFI. MFIs availing Capital Support and/or Revolving
Fund Assistance from NABARD are also eligible for reimbursement of
50% of the cost of professional fee charged by Credit Rating Agency
for second rating subject to a maximum of Rs.1.50 lakh (i.e 50% of
Rs.3 lakh). This will be in addition to the re-imbursement of
professional fee for first rating of the MFI.
Understanding microfinance strategies
This report explores strategic issues shaping the future of the MFI
sector in India. The study approached CEOs of select MFIs with a set
of issues ranging from concerns to competition and sought their
opinions about future strategies. The report draws from their
responses, and states that:
1. Future strategy is about being strong on processes and being overtly
2. Success is a prudential combination of three factors, namely, culture,
beliefs and aspirations;
3. Culture is about the degree of trust rather than the rate of interest;
4. Risk management systems of economically weaker families are built
on their beliefs about dependability and access;
5. Micro credit stories have revealed ingenious ways that clients have
used their loans for purposes that satisfied their aspirations.
Finally, the sector, at about Rs. 14,000 crore looks large, but is small by
any business scale. Competition and unhealthy practices are
overshadowing the good work and reputation earned over many years.
MFIs in India need to overcome these challenges in the future.
SHG-Bank Linkage Programmer
A Facilitating SHGs to access credit from formal banking channels.
SHG-Bank Linkage Programmer has proved to be the major
supplementary credit delivery system with wide acceptance by banks,
NGOs and various government departments.
Capacity Building
Capacity building must be tailored to meet the differing needs of the
nascent/emerging MFIs and of the expanding/mature MFIs. There is
a pressing need to develop comprehensive, relevant and integrated
training modules on a wide range of topics to professionalize Indian
microfinance – thus building the much sought-after second tier
management in MFIs. The industry continues to grow, and so does
the demand for competent middle management. Currently, these are
typically sourced by MFIs from the rural institutes of management.
But these rural institutes are using curricula largely based on the one
developed by SIDBI nearly a decade ago – and it is high time to revisit
this curriculum, to update it both in terms of content (to reflect the new
realities in India microfinance) and in terms of its delivery (to use
multi-media/practical examples, and thus bring the courses to life with
video clips, case studies and field-based exercises that take the
students out into the field).
Microfinance Management:
The programmer aims at enabling the participants to gain a clear
understanding of various policies, conceptual, and operational issues
involved in developing effective and successful microfinance
Innovative Methodologies
Tiny amount of loan to large number of borrowers at their doorstep is
a costly operation compared to revenue income. Cost reduction is
also an essential element in microfinance operation. Reducing cost
can be possible either offering larger loan size or by innovating no
conventional Management which is less costly.
The essences of innovative management are as follows:
1. Specialized operation.
2. Documentation of essential information only.
3. Simple product, simple loan application and verification process.
4. Absence of grant guarantee.
5. Staff recruitment in no conventional manner.
6. On the job training (each one teaches one).
7. Simple standard loan register along with ledger and cash book
abandoning the bookkeeper/cashier.
8. Standard furniture, fixture and collective use of facilities in the
9. Decentralized branch structure.
10. Branch level financial planning
11. Strong monitoring from mid and head office.
12. Written Manual.
Microfinance Working Environment
How can microfinance institutions (MFIs) help improve working conditions?
How can they contribute to job creation? And how can MFIs help reduce
child labor? Should MFIs have an interest in addressing these and other
decent work issues? These are some of the questions that the
ILO intends to address through an experimental global action research
programmer (2008-2011) in partnership with microfinance Institutions
interested in promoting decent work. Access to micro credit or other
financial services can help improve the decent work status. Conditional
loans, credit with education, incentives like interest rate rebates, linkages
with social partners and NGOs as well as the provision of micro insurance,
Conditional cash transfers or health care can be effective ways to reduce
child labor, decrease vulnerabilities, raise awareness and create incentives
to improve working conditions.
SWOT MATRIX for Microfinance Management
1. Experienced senior management Team.
2. Robust IT system.
3. Clear and well defined HR policy.
4. Infusion of own equity - commitment from promoters.
5. Process innovation.
6. Clarity and good understanding of vision.
7. Transparency at all levels.
8. Plans for value added and livelihood support services (LDS).
9. Shared ownership.
1. Limited resources.
2. Micro managing.
3. Start up organization; therefore, yet to institutionalize the standard
4. Attracting/Holding on to the staff till the time we become
established players.
5. Refine the processes for growth.
1. Huge Potential Market.
2. Scope of introducing livelihood related services.
3. Financial crunch is helping organization to be cost conscious and
4. IT systems.
1. Financial crisis.
2. Increasing competition.
3. Increasing competition.
4. Poor banking infrastructure.
5. Political instability.
Table no.4
Role, Functions and Working Mechanism of
Financial Institutions
1. ICICI Bank
“ICICI Bank is one bank that has developed a very clear strategy to
expand the provision of financial products and services to the poor in
India as a profitable activity”
ICICI’s microfinance portfolio has been increasing at an impressive
speed. From 10,000 microfinance clients in 2001, ICICI Bank is now
lending to 1.8 million clients through its partner microfinance
institutions, and its outstanding portfolio has increased from Rs. 0.20
billion (US$4.5 million) to Rs. 9.98 billion (US$227 million). A few
years ago, these clients had never been served by a formal lending
institution. There is an increasing shift in the microfinance sector from
grant-giving to investment in the form of debt or equity, and ICICI
believes grant money should be limited to the creation of facilitative
33 ICICI Bank expects to target 200 micro-finance institutions (MFIs)
by March 2007, he said, speaking on the sidelines of the press
conference to launch FINO. At present, the bank has tie-ups with 100
MFIs. FINO is an initiative in the micro-finance sector. It would target
300-400 million people who do not have access to basic financial
services, said Mr Manish Khera, CEO, FINO. The company has an
authorised capital of Rs 50 crore. MFIs, NBFCs, RRBs, co-operative
banks, etc would directly or indirectly tie up with FINO to use its
services, he said. FINO would charge Rs 25-30 per account every
FINO aims bringing scale to "micro" business leading to lowering of
costs for the local financial institutions (LFIs) and act as an internal
technology department for the LFIs, said Mr Khera. The company is
working on providing technological solutions in insurance, especially
the health insurance sector to the under-privileged," he said. It is
interacting with Nabard, SIDBI and other banks to give shape to what
FINO does, said Mr Khera.
The MFI as Collection Agent
To address these constraints, ICICI Bank initiated a partnership
model in 2002 in which the MFI acts as a collection agent instead of a
financial intermediary. This model is unique in that it combines debt
as mezzanine finance to the MFI (Mezzanine finance combines debt
and equity financing: it is debt that can be converted by the lender
into equity in the event of a default. This source of financing is
advantageous for MFIs because it is treated like equity in the balance
sheet and enables it to raise money without additional equity, which is
an expensive financing source.).The loans are contracted directly
between the bank and the borrower, so that the risk for the MFI is
separated from the risk inherent in the portfolio. This model is
therefore likely to have very high leveraging capacity, as the MFI has
an assured source of funds for expanding and deepening credit. ICICI
chose this model because it expands the retail operations of the bank
by leveraging comparative advantages of MFIs, while avoiding costs
associated with entering the market directly.
Another way to enter into partnership with MFIs is to securitize
microfinance portfolios. In 2004, the largest ever securitization deal in
microfinance was signed between ICICI Bank and SHARE
Microfinance Ltd, a large MFI operating in rural areas of the state of
Andhra Pradesh. Technical assistance and the collateral deposit of
US$325,000 (93% of the guarantee required by ICICI) were supplied
by Grameen Foundation USA. Under this agreement, ICICI
purchased a part of SHARE’s microfinance portfolio against a
consideration calculated by computing the Net Present Value of
receivables amounting to Rs. 215 million (US$4.9 million) at an
agreed discount rate. The interest paid by SHARE is almost 4% less
than the rate paid in commercial loans. Partial credit provision was
provided by SHARE in the form of a guarantee amounting to 8% of
the receivables under the portfolio, by way of a lien on fixed deposit.
This deal frees up equity capital, allowing SHARE to scale up its
lending. On the other hand, it allows ICICI Bank to reach new
markets. And by trading this high quality asset in capital markets, the
bank can hedge its own risks.
Beyond Microcredit
Microfinance does not only mean microcredit, and ICICI does not limit
itself to lending. ICICI’s Social Initiative Group, along with the World
Bank and ICICI Lombard, the insurance company set up by ICICI and
Canada Lombard, have developed India’s first index-based insurance
product. This insurance policy compensates the insured against the
likelihood of diminished agricultural output/yield resulting from a
shortfall in the anticipated normal rainfall within the district, subject to
a maximum of the sum insured. The insurance policy is linked to a
rainfall index.
One of the main challenges to the growth of the microfinance sector is
accessibility. The Indian context, in which 70% of the population lives
in rural areas, requires new, inventive channels of delivery. The use
of technologies such as kiosks and smart cards will considerably
reduce transaction costs while improving access. The ICICI Bank
technology team is developing a series of innovative products that
can help reduce transaction costs considerably. For example, it is
piloting the usage of smart cards with Sewa Bank in Ahmedabad. To
maximize the benefits of these innovations, the development of a high
quality shared banking technology platform which can be used by
MFIs as well as by cooperatives banks and regional rural banks is
needed. ICICI is strongly encouraging such an effort to take place.
Wipro and Infosys, I-Flex, 3iInfotech, some of the best Indian
information technology companies specialized in financial services,
and others, are in the process of developing exactly such a platform.
At a recent technology workshop at the Institute for Financial
Management Research in Chennai, the ICICI Bank Alternate
Channels Team presented the benefits of investing in a common
technology platform similar to those used in mainstream banking to
some of the most promising MFIs.
contract and product designs; constraints to household productivity;
combination of microfinance and other development interventions;
evidence of credit constraints; costs and profitability of microfinance
organizations; impact of MFI policies and strategies; people’s
behavior and psychology with respect to financial services;
economics of micro-enterprises; and the effect of regulations. Finally,
the CMFR recognizes that while MFIs aim to meet the credit needs of
poor households, there are other missing markets and constraints
facing households, such as healthcare, infrastructure, and gaps in
knowledge. These have implications in terms of the scale and
profitability of client enterprises and efficiency of household budget
allocation, which in turn impacts household well-being. The CMFR
Microfinance Strategy Unit will address these issues through a series
of workshops which will bring together MFI practitioners and sectoral
experts (in energy, water, roads, health, etc). The latter will bring to
the table knowledge of best practices in their specific areas, and each
consultation workshop will result in long-term collaboration between
with MFIs for implementing specific pilots.
2. Bandhan
Bandhan is working towards the twin objective of poverty alleviation
and women empowerment. It started as a Capacity Building
Institution (CBI) in November 2000 under the leadership of Mr.
Chandra Shekhar Ghosh. During such time, it was giving capacity
building support to local microfinance institutions working in West
Bengal. Bandhan opened its first microfinance branch at Bagnan in
Howrah district of West Bengal in July 2002. Bandhan started with 2
branches in the year 2002-03 only in the state of West Bengal and
today it has grown as strong as 412 branches across 6 states of the
country! The organization had recorded a growth rate of 500% in the
year 2003-04 and 611% in the year 2004-05. Till date, it has
disbursed a total of Rs. 587 crores among almost 7 lakh poor women.
Loan outstanding stands at Rs. 221 crores. The repayment rate is
recorded at 99.99%. Bandhan has staff strength of more than 2130
Operational Methodology
Bandhan follows a group formation, individual lending approach. A group of
10-25 members are formed. The clients have to attend the group meetings
for 2 successive weeks. 2 weeks hence, they are entitled to receive loans.
The loans are disbursed individually and directly to the members.
Monitoring System
The various features of the monitoring system are:
A 3 tier monitoring system – Region, Division and Head Office
Easy reporting system with a prescribed checklist format
Accountability at all levels post monitoring phase
Cross- checking at all the levels
The management team of Bandhan spends 90.00% of time at the
Liability structure for Loans
When a member wants to join Bandhan, she at first has to get inducted into
a group. After she gets inducted into the group, the entire group proposes
her name for a loan in the Resolution Book. Two members of the group
along with the member’s husband have to sign as guarantors in her loan
application form. If she fails to pay her weekly installment, the group inserts
peer pressure on her. The sole purpose of the above structure is simply to
create peer pressure.
3. Grameen Bank
The Grameen Model which was pioneered by Prof Muhammed Yunus of
Grameen Bank is perhaps the most well known, admired and practiced
model in the world. The model involves the following elements.
Homogeneous affinity group of five
Eight groups form a Centre
Centre meets every week
Regular savings by all members
Loan proposals approved at Centre meeting
Loan disbursed directly to individuals
All loans repaid in 50 installments
The Grameen model follows a fairly regimented routine. It is very cost
intensive as it involves building capacity of the groups and the customers
passing a test before the lending could start. The group members tend to
be selected or at least strongly vetted by the bank. One of the reasons for
the high cost is that staff members can conduct only two meetings a day
and thus are occupied for only a few hours, usually early morning or late in
the evening. They were used additionally for accounting work, but that can
now be done more cost effectively using computers. The model is also
rather meeting intensive which is fine as long as the members have no
alternative use for their time but can be a problem as members go up the
income ladder. The greatness of the Grameen model is in the simplicity of
design of products and delivery. The process of delivery is scalable and the
model could be replicated widely. The focus on the poorest, which is a
value attribute of Grameen, has also made the model a favorite among the
donor community. However, the Grameen model works only under certain
assumptions. As all the loans are only for enterprise promotion, it assumes
that all the poor want to be self-employed. The repayment of loans starts
the week after the loan is disbursed – the inherent assumption being that
the borrowers can service their loan from the ex-ante income.
loyal gang of over 2 million customers. Its borrowers include
agricultural laborers, mom-and-pop entrepreneurs, street vendors,
home based artisans, and small scale producers, each living on less
than $2 a day. It works on a model that would allow micro-finance
institutions to scale up quickly so that they would never have to turn
poor person away. Its model is based on 3 principles-
3. Use Technology to reduce costs and limit errors
It could not find the software that suited its requirements, so it they
built their own simple and user friendly applications that a computer-
illiterate loan officer with a 12th grade education can easily
understand. The system is also internet enabled. Given that electricity
is unreliable in many areas they have installed car batteries or gas
powered generators as back-ups in many areas.
4. Scaling up Customer Loyalty
Instead of asking illiterate villagers to describe their seasonal pattern
of cash flows, they encourage them to use colored chalk powder and
flowers to map out the village on the ground and tell where the
poorest people lived, what kind of financial products they needed,
which areas were lorded over by which loan sharks, etc. They set
people’s tiny weekly repayments as low as $1 per week and health
and whole life insurance premiums to be $10 a year and 25 cents per
week respectively. They also offer interest free emergency loans. The
salaries of loan officers are not tied to repayment rates and they
journey on mopeds to borrowers’ villages and schedule loan meetings
as early as 7.00 A.M. Deep customer loyalty ultimately results in a
repayment rate of 99.5%.
5. Leveraging the SKS brand
Its payoff comes from high volumes. They are growing at 200%
annually, adding 50 branches and 1, 60,000 new customers a month.
They are also using their deep distribution channels for selling soap,
clothes, consumer electronics and other packaged goods.
Marketing of Microfinance Products
Their produce is planned with production and supply assurance and
provides both growers and buyers a common platform to negotiate
better rates.
4. Apni Mandi
Another innovation is that of The Punjab Mandi Board, which has
experimented with a ‘farmers’ market’ to provide small farmers
located in proximity to urban areas, direct access to consumers by
elimination of middlemen. This experiment known as "Apni Mandi"
belongs to both farmers and consumers, who mutually help each
other. Under this arrangement a sum of Rs. 5.2 lakh is spent for
providing plastic crates to 1000 farmers. Each farmer gets 5 crates at
a subsidized rate. At the mandi site, the Board provides basic
infrastructure facilities. At the farm level, extension services of
different agencies are pooled in. These include inputs subsidies,
better quality seeds and loans from Banks. Apni Mandi scheme
provides self-employment to producers and has eliminated social
inhibitions among them regarding the retail sale of their produce.
33. Payakaraopeta Women’s Mutually Aided Co-operative Thrift and
Credit Society (PWMACTS)
34. Aadarsha Welfare Society(AWS)
35. Adhikar
36. Village Financial Services Pvt Ltd (VFSPL)
37. Sahara Uttarayan
38. RORES Micro Entrepreneur Development Trust(RMEDT)
39. Centre for Rural Social Action (CReSA)
40. Indur Intideepam Federation Ltd (IIMF).
41. Welfare Organization for MultipurposeMass Awareness Network
42. Pragathi Mutually Aided Cooperative Credit and Marketing Federation
43. Indian Association for Savings and Credit(IASC)
44. Sewa Mutually Aided Cooperative Thrift Societies Federation Ltd
45. Initiatives for Development Bangalore, Foundation (IDF)
46. Gandhi Smaraka Grama Seva Kendram (GSGSK)
47. Swayamshree Micro Credit Services (SMCS)
49. Janodaya Trust
50. Community Development Centre (CDC)
Success Factors of Micro-Finance in India
Over the last ten years, successful experiences in providing finance to
small entrepreneur and producers demonstrate that poor people, when
given access to responsive and timely financial services at market rates,
repay their loans and use the proceeds to increase their income and
assets. This is not surprising since the only realistic alternative for them is
to borrow from informal market at an interest much higher than market
rates. Community banks, NGOs and grass root savings and credit groups
around the world have shown that these microenterprise loans can be
profitable for borrowers and for the lenders, making microfinance one of the
most effective poverty reducing strategies.
For NGOs
1. The field of development itself expands and shifts emphasis with the
pull of ideas, and NGOs perhaps more readily adopt new ideas,
especially if the resources required are small, entry and exit are easy,
tasks are (perceived to be) simple and people’s acceptance is high –
all characteristics (real or presumed) of microfinance.
2. Canvassing by various actors, including the National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Friends of Women’s World
Banking (FWWB), Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK), Council for
Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technologies (CAPART),
Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), various donor funded
programmes especially by the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), World Bank and Department for International Development,
UK (DFID)], and lately commercial banks, has greatly added to the
idea pull. Induced by the worldwide focus on microfinance, donor
NGOs too have been funding microfinance projects. One might call it
the supply push.
3. All kinds of things from khadi spinning to Nadep compost to balwadis
do not produce such concrete results and sustained interest among
beneficiaries as microfinance. Most NGO-led microfinance is with
poor women, for whom access to small loans to meet dire
emergencies is a valued outcome. Thus, quick and high ‘customer
satisfaction’ is the USP that has attracted NGOs to this trade.
4. The idea appears simple to implement. The most common route
followed by NGOs is promotion of SHGs. It is implicitly assumed that
no ‘technical skill’ is involved. Besides, external resources are not
needed as SHGs begin with their own savings. Those NGOs that
have access to revolving funds from donors do not have to worry
about financial performance any way. The chickens will eventually
come home to roost but in the first flush, it seems all so easy.
5. For many NGOs the idea of ‘organising’ – forming a samuha – has
inherent appeal. Groups connote empowerment and organising
women is a double bonus.
6. Finally, to many NGOs, microfinance is a way to financial
sustainability. Especially for the medium-to-large NGOs that are able
to access bulk funds for on-lending, for example from SIDBI, the
interest rate spread could be an attractive source of revenue than an
uncertain, highly competitive and increasingly difficult-to-raise donor
For Financial Institutions and banks
Microfinance has been attractive to the lending agencies because of
demonstrated sustainability and of low costs of operation. Institutions
like SIDBI and NABARD are hardnosed bankers and would not work
with the idea if they did not see a long term engagement – which only
comes out of sustainability (that is economic attractiveness). On the
supply side, it is also true that it has all the trappings of a business
enterprise, its output is tangible and it is easily understood by the
mainstream. This also seems to sound nice to the government, which in
the post liberalization era is trying to explain the logic of every rupee
spent. That is the reason why microfinance has attracted mainstream
institutions like no other developmental project. Perhaps the most
important factor that got banks involved is what one might call the policy
push. Given that most of our banks are in the public sector, public policy
does have some influence on what they will or will not do. In this case,
policy was followed by diligent, if meandering, promotional work by
NABARD. The policy change about a decade ago by RBI to allow banks
to lend to SHGs was initially followed by a seven-page memo by
NABARD to all bank chairmen, and later by sensitization and training
programmes for bank staff across the country. Several hundred such
programmes were conducted by NGOs alone, each involving 15 to 20
bank staff, all paid for by NABARD. The policy push was sweetened by
the NABARD refinance scheme that offers much more favorable terms
(100% refinance, wider spread) than for other rural lending by banks.
NABARD also did some system setting work and banks lately have been
given targets. The canvassing, training, refinance and close follow up by
NABARD has resulted in widespread bank involvement. Moreover, for
banks the operating cost of microfinance is perhaps much less than for
pure MFIs. The banks already have a vast network of branches. To the
extent that an NGO has already promoted SHGs and the SHG portfolio
is performing better than the rest of the rural (if not the entire) portfolio,
microfinance via SHGs in the worst case would represent marginal
addition to cost and would often reduce marginal cost through better
capacity utilization. In the process the bank also earns brownie points
with policy makers and meets its priority sector targets. It does not take
much analysis to figure out that the market for financial services for the
50-60 million poor households of India, coupled with about the same
number who are technically above the poverty line but are severely
under-served by the financial sector, is a very large one. Moreover, as in
any emerging market, though the perceived risks are higher, the spreads
are much greater. The traditional commercial markets of corporate,
business, trade, and now even housing and consumer finance are being
sought by all the banks, leading to price competition and wafer thin
spreads. Further, bank-groups are motivated by a number of cross-
selling opportunities in the market, for deposits, insurance, remittances
and eventually mutual funds. Since the larger banks are offering all
these services now through their group companies, it becomes
imperative for them to expand their distribution channels as far and deep
as possible, in the hope of capturing the entire financial services
business of a household. Finally, both agri-input and processing
companies such as EID Parry, fast-moving consumer Goods (FMCG)
companies such as Hindustan Levers and consumer durable companies
such as Philips have realized the potential of this big market and are
actively using SHGs as entry points. Some amount of free-riding is
taking place here by companies, for they are using channels which were
built at a significant cost to NGOs, funding agencies and/or the
government. On the whole, the economic attractiveness of microfinance
as a business is getting established and this is a sure step towards
mainstreaming. We know that mainstreaming is a mixed blessing, and
one tends to exchange scale at the cost of objectives. So it needs to be
watched carefully.
Issues in Microfinance
1. Sustainability
The first challenge relates to sustainability. MFI model is
comparatively costlier in terms of delivery of financial services. An
analysis of 36 leading MFIs by Jindal & Sharma shows that 89%
MFIs sample were subsidy dependent and only 9 were able to cover
more than 80% of their costs. This is partly explained by the fact that
while the cost of supervision of credit is high, the loan volumes and
loan size is low. It has also been commented that MFIs pass on the
higher cost of credit to their clients who are ‘interest insensitive’ for
small loans but may not be so as loan sizes increase. It is, therefore,
necessary for MFIs to develop strategies for increasing the range
and volume of their financial services.
2. Lack of Capital
The second area of concern for MFIs, which are on the growth path,
is that they face a paucity of owned funds. This is a critical constraint
in their being able to scale up. Many of the MFIs are socially oriented
institutions and do not have adequate access to financial capital. As
a result they have high debt equity ratios. Presently, there is no
reliable mechanism in the country for meeting the equity
requirements of MFIs. The IPO issue by Mexico based ‘Comparators’
was not accepted by purists as they thought it defied the mission of
an MFI. The IPO also brought forth the issue of valuation of an MFI.
The book value multiple is currently the dominant valuation
methodology in microfinance investments. In the case of startup
MFIs, using a book value multiple does not do justice to the
underlying value of the business. Typically, start ups are loss making
and hence the book value continually reduces over time until they hit
breakeven point. A book value multiplier to value start ups would
decrease the value as the organization uses up capital to build its
business, thus accentuating the negative rather than the positive.
3. Financial service delivery
Another challenge faced by MFIs is the inability to access supply
chain. This challenge can be overcome by exploring synergies
between microfinance institutions with expertise in credit delivery
and community mobilization and businesses operating with
production supply chains such as agriculture. The latter players who
bring with them an understanding of similar client segments, ability to
create microenterprise opportunities and willingness to nurture them,
would be keen on directing microfinance to such opportunities. This
enables MFIs to increase their client base at no additional costs.
Those businesses that procure from rural India such as agriculture
and dairy often identify finance as a constraint to value creation.
Such businesses may find complementarities between an MFI’s
skills in management of credit processes and their own strengths in
supply chain management. ITC Limited, with its strong supply chain
logistics, rural presence and an innovative transaction platform, the
e-choupal, has started exploring synergies with financial service
Providers including MFIs through pilots with vegetable vendors and
farmers. Similarly, large FIs such as Spandana foresee a larger role
for themselves in the rural economy ably supported by value creating
partnerships with players such as Mahindra and Western Union
Money Transfer. ITC has initiated a pilot project called ‘pushcarts
scheme’ along with BASIX (a microfinance organization in
Hyderabad). Under this pilot, it works with twenty women head load
vendors selling vegetables of around 10- 15 kgs per day. BASIX
extends working capital loans of Rs.10, 000/- , capacity building and
business development support to the women. ITC provides support
through supply chain innovations by:
1. Making the Chou pal Fresh stores available to the vendors, this
avoids the hassle of bargaining and unreliability at the traditional
mandis (local vegetable markets). The women are able to replenish
the stock from the stores as many times in the day as required. This
has positive implications for quality of the produce sold to the end
2. Continuously experimenting to increase efficiency, augmenting
incomes and reducing energy usage across the value chain. For
instance, it has forged a partnership with National Institute of Design
(NID), a pioneer in the field of design education and research, to
design user-friendly pushcarts that can reduce the physical burden.
3. Taking lessons from the pharmaceutical and telecom sector to
identify technologies that can save energy and ensure temperature
control in push carts in order to maintain quality of the vegetables
throughout the day. The model augments the incomes of the vendors
from around Rs.30-40 per day to an average of Rs.150 per day.
From an environmental point of view, push carts are much more
energy efficient as opposed to fixed format retail outlets.
Suppose a big commercial bank gives Rs 1 million to an individual and in
the same way a MFI gives Rs 100 to 10.000 customers. So it’s obvious that
man power cost and operating cost are higher for the MFIs. So according to
me rates are justifiable, But with limitations.
Microfinance has a long way despite doubts expressed and criticism
launched about its viability, impact, and poverty fighting capacity. There
should, however, be no room for complacency. The task of building a
poverty-free world is yet to be finished. There are still over 1.2 billion people
living in extreme poverty on this planet. They are not living in one country or
region but spread all over the world. The last decade has witnessed an
impressive growth of microfinance; lack of funding is still considered a
major obstacle in the way of its growth. However, it is encouraging that the
situation is changing. Given the experiences of large and fast growing the
last decade has witnessed an impressive growth of microfinance; lack of
funding is still considered a major obstacle in the way of its growth.
However, it is encouraging that the situation is changing. Given the
experiences of large and fast growing Microfinance, there are lessons for
others who want to increase their outreach and operate on a sustainable
basis. Fortunately, there is an increasing awareness about the power of
microfinance, and the need to support its growth. Many players have
committed themselves to its promotion. Governments are taking an
increasing interest in it. More banks, both national and international are
coming forward with different support packages. NGO-MFI partnerships are
on the increase. New instruments are being used to solve the problem of
funding. It is expected that in the coming years more ideas, innovations,
cost saving devices, and players will continue to reinforce the microfinance
movement and increase its expansion. At the end I would conclude that,
Micro Finance Industry has the huge potential to grow in future, if this
Industry grows then one day we‘ll all see the new face of India, both in term
of high living standard and happiness. One solution by which we all can
help the poor people, i.e. in a whole year a medium and a rich class people
spends more than Rs 10,000 on them without any good reason. Instead of
that, by keeping just mere Rs, 3000 aside and donate that amount to the
MFIs, then at the end of the year the total amount in the hands of poor
would be ( average 500 million people *Rs 3000)=Rs 1,500,000,000,000 .
Just imagine where would be India in next 10 years. Private MFIs in India,
barring a few exceptions, are still fledgling efforts and are therefore
unregulated. Their outreach is uneven in terms of geographical spread.
They serve micro finance clients with varying quality and using different
operating models. Regulatory framework should be considered only
after the sustainability of MFI model as a banking enterprise for the poor is
clearly established.