COSE RPL IDS AComparativeAnalysis 2

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Intrusion Detection Systems for RPL Security: A Comparative Analysis

Article in Computers & Security · February 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2021.102219

22 916

4 authors, including:

George Violettas Sophia G. Petridou

University of Macedonia

Lefteris Mamatas
University of Macedonia


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Intrusion Detection Systems for RPL Security: A
Comparative Analysis

George Simoglou, George Violettas, Sophia Petridou1 , Lefteris Mamatas

Email: (it1492, georgevio, spetrido, emamatas)
University of Macedonia
Egnatia 156, Thessaloniki, Greece


Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that has seen remarkable

blossom over the last years. The growing interest for IPv6 constrained networks
has made the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) the
standard routing solution, which has gained significant attention and maturity
in the literature. However, due to the networks’ open and possibly unattended
environment of operation, as well as to the nodes’ constraints, the security
of the protocol is a challenging issue, currently under thorough investigation.
New and innovative Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have been proposed
in the literature over the last years to address the protocol’s security issues.
In that regard, our survey paper: i) begins with extracting a set of design
requirements for RPL-related IDSs based on discussing the diversity of attacks
on the protocol and investigating their impact; ii) continues with identifying
best practices and gaps in an IDS design which are derived by studying the
evolution of the related bibliography (2013 − 2020); and iii) concludes with a
number of guidelines extracted once we map the 22 IDSs under study to the
attacks they encounter and compare them in line with the design requirements
we introduce. Our analysis considers feedback from the corresponding authors
for a deeper investigation.
Keywords: IoT, RPL Routing Protocol, Security, Attacks, Intrusion
Detection Systems, Comparative Analysis

Preprint submitted to Computers & Security February 10, 2021

2020 MSC: 00-01, 99-00

1. Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a broad field of technology and research, part
of which is comprised of Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). The nodes of
such networks are susceptible to various restrictions and challenges, rendering
the existing routing protocols inappropriate. The gap was filled by the IPv6
Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL), which has become
the de facto standard for IoT routing, beyond initial expectations [1, 2]. RPL has
been proven significantly mature to connect IPv6 devices, with moderate control
overhead and under challenging conditions, e.g., lossy links, heterogeneous and
constraint devices, newfangled threats [3, 4].
Despite its advantages, RPL still has open issues, the most important of
which are related to attacks that disrupt the IoT networks’ operation [5]. In fact,
RPL is unavoidably exposed to a large number of attacks since it is based on the
IPv6 open stack and uses mostly wireless media for the nodes’ communication.
In addition, by exploiting RPL’s mechanisms, an intruder can gain access to the
network and unleash attacks that originate from within the LLN. In such cases,
encryption itself does not suffice to provide security [6]. On this front, the RPL
standard specifies three modes of operation, i.e., unsecured mode, preinstalled
mode, and authenticated mode [1], while it also defines mechanisms for data
confidentially, data authenticity, and replay protection [7].
Although some recent research efforts focus on a partial implementation of
RPL’s security features [7, 8], up to this time, the majority of RPL
implementations assume the unsecured mode of operation. Actually, the RPL
security features are characterized as optional [1] and, according to [9, 10],
future versions of RPL will address issues such as authenticated security.
Until then, the most realistic approach to deal with attacks is the
Mitigation Methods and the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). The former
regard lightweight supplementary mechanisms to the standard RPL and deal

with a limited number of attacks. The latter employ a combination of
methods, allowing for a broader spectrum of attacks’ treatment. Currently, a
small number of surveys focus on the RPL aforementioned security issues and
the IDSs confronting them. Mayzaud et al. [5] present a definite categorization
of RPL attacks, where the IDSs are solely discussed in line with them, while a
detailed taxonomy and evaluation of the attacks are missing. Furthermore, [5]
includes only three of the new IDSs, available at the time of publication.
Raoof et al. [11] discuss RPL attacks and their mitigation methods in general,
leaving limited space for description and analysis of specific IDSs; only a list of
those considered most influential by the authors are shortly described. In the
recent work of Verma et al. [6], the authors also utilize the taxonomy of
attacks from Mayzaud et al. [5], and they propose a comparison chart of the
contemporary IDSs based on an extensive set of 26 categorization criteria.
Despite being a detailed mapping with some potential of providing future
insights, at this time, their comparison table is empty up to 92 percent, and,
thus, it remains incomprehensible.
The above fact indicates that selecting criteria for analysis is a challenging
issue since they should be primarily meant for the context they are proposed,
and, secondly, they should facilitate the direct comparison of the subjects (the
IDSs in our case) under investigation. To our mind, this can be achieved by a
core of narrow and well-thought criteria.
In this context, this survey implements a coherent investigation of
RPL-related IDSs according to a novel conceptual framework that defines a
three-step methodology. It starts by investigating the diversity and impact of
well-known attacks to define essential design requirements for IDSs, based on
both a literature review and illustrative simulations. The next step identifies
best practices & gaps by studying the evolution of related IDS proposals. The
last step involves mapping 22 selected IDSs to the attacks they encounter,
while contrasting them in respect to the introduced requirements as
comparison criteria. Our analysis concludes with essential design guidelines for
future up-to-date IDSs.





Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the analysis: an abstract representation.

The remainder of this survey is organized as follows: Section 2 presents our

conceptual framework that highlights our methodological approach. Section 3
gives a brief overview of the RPL protocol, while Section 4 discusses the
RPL-related attacks and their impact to conclude to a set of IDSs’ design
requirements. Section 5 elaborates on the RPL-related IDSs, providing a
classification of them, discussing the evolution of the most recently proposed
systems, and highlighting best practices and gaps in the literature. Section 6
summarizes our comparative analysis and compacts our investigation into four
guidelines for future systems. Finally, Section 7 concludes this survey.

2. Conceptual Framework & Methodology

This survey adheres to a novel conceptual framework, shown in Fig. 1, that

provides the methodological basis of our investigation. It consists of three
methodological steps, defined below.
The first one concerns the requirements’ definition that a successful IDS
should address. Our starting point is a better understanding of the problem IDSs
tackle, i.e., the mitigation of attacks. For example, Wallgren et al. [12] identify
the diversity of attacks as the main cause for attack detection accuracy issues
in existing IDSs. Other papers, including surveys [5, 11] and IDS proposals
[12, 13, 14, 15], do typically base their analysis on identifying the considered

attacks’ impact, e.g., increased control overhead or decreased packet delivery
ratio (PDR). For completeness, we conduct a literature-based investigation of
well-known RPL attacks from a new perspective: a combined study on attacks’
diversity and impact.
More precisely, we elaborate on the RPL-related attacks, spanning from
resource depletion attacks, that shorten the network’s lifespan, to network
topology attacks, that degrade the paths created by RPL or isolate a subset of
network’s nodes, and network traffic attacks, that allow the analysis of packets
in order to gain knowledge about the network. Several of them may not be
harmful as standalone events. Still, they can be critically detrimental to the
network (e.g., control overhead) or the applications (e.g., PDR) in conjunction
with others. In this first step, we also provide illustrative simulation results,
highlighting the primary outcomes of our combined investigation of attacks’
diversity and impact. As an outcome, we define a set of seven design
requirements for an RPL-related IDS that are directly connected with the
protocol’s standard.
Our next step identifies the best practices & gaps out of an extensive
literature review in respect to the defined design requirements. Our goal is to
realize the best approaches of existing works addressing the requirements,
understand their evolution, as well as identify associated open issues. We
investigate the 22 most recently introduced RPL-related IDSs in the literature
(2013 − 2020). We firstly discuss their classification in respect to their
detection method and their placement strategy. Then, we build up a timeline
of their evolution stages along with their principle qualitative (i.e., detection
method, placement strategy) and quantitative features (i.e., number of
attacks). The adherence level to the requirements and classification criteria is
discussed in the textual descriptions of each IDS.
Our last step involves a synthetic process producing our investigation’s
outcome, which is to introduce design guidelines for up-to-date IDSs. We
consolidate the outputs of the steps mentioned above by first, including
mapping the IDSs to the type of attacks they tackle. Secondly, we provide a


2 X 3 DIO
? multicast

Figure 2: DODAG construction.

summarized comparison viewed under the design requirements we introduce.

For the attacks’ mapping, we consider both attack detection supported by
simulations and those discussed conceptually only. For compliance with the
requirements, we are based on the respective authors’ claims in the IDS’
relevant articles. Since the devised requirements are aligned to the RPL
standard objectives, the vast majority of IDSs consider them, and hence, we
ended up with a comprehensive comparison that produces and elaborates on
four crucial design guidelines for future up-to-date IDSs.
The next section gives a brief overview of RPL, as an essential background
for the analysis that follows next.

3. RPL Overview

RPL operates on the IP networking layer, via the 6LoWPAN protocol

stack, exploiting Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graphs (DODAGs)
rooted at a single destination called sink [1]. In practice, the protocol builds a
graph of logical paths upon physical network connections, which are directed
towards the sink. Parents’ selection on paths towards the DODAG root can be

treated as a multi-objective optimization problem since a variety of metrics
(e.g., link reliability, latency throughput) and constraints (e.g., nodes’ energy,
link color) can be exploited to evaluate the nodes’ rank [2]. The specified
Objective Function (OF) defines how the RPL nodes translate metrics and/or
constraints into ranks, and select and optimize routing paths in a DODAG.
As depicted in Fig. 2, the sink-node launches the DODAG’s
(re)construction based on the exchange of routing control messages, i.e.,
DODAG Information Object (DIO), Destination Advertisement Object
(DAO), DAO-ACK, and DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS). Once the
first DIO message is multicasted by the sink, plenty of them are multicasted
by nodes getting attached to the graph. DAO messages are used by all nodes,
except to the sink, to propagate reverse route information; DIS messages are
sent by the not connected (due to their isolated position) or disconnected (due
to mobility) nodes in order to solicit DIO messages from other possible
connected neighbors and join the graph. DIO messages are critical regarding
the graph’s construction since they contain the routing metrics and/or
constraints, as well as the OF used for the routing paths’ establishment.
The DODAG’s maintenance is a functionality placed at the very core of the
RPL. Hence, a dedicated algorithm, namely the Trickle timer, synchronizes the
propagation of DIO messages upon which the network’s convergence time is
based. The critical aspect in DIO multicasting process is the attainment of a
short network setup time and, thus, the reinforcement of the network’s metrics,
e.g., PDR, while restricting the control overhead towards lowering the node’s
power consumption. To achieve the aforementioned trade-off, the DIO messages
are sent periodically; their interval ranges from Imin (Minimum Interval) up to
Imax (Maximum Interval), where Imax = Imin * 2Idoubling . For example, the
default RPL configuration specifies Imin = 212 = 4.096 ms and Idoubling = 8
which entails Imax = 212+8 = 17.5 min. Actually, the timer’s duration is
doubled each time it fires. Moreover, any change in the DODAG, e.g., an
unreachable parent or a new parent selection, resets the Trickle timer to Imin [3].
According to the algorithm, DIO messages will be sent at a higher rate when

14 14
Network Setup Time
Total Packets
12 12

Number of Control Messages (thousands)

10 10
Network Setup Time (sec)

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
DIO Minimum Interval

Figure 3: The network setup time and control overhead in respect to the DIO Imin .

the network is unstable and slower otherwise, i.e., to reduce protocol overhead
and save energy.
The impact of DIO sending frequency in RPL is depicted in Fig. 3. We
derive the graph by simulating a WSN in Cooja, which is embedded with
Contiki OS [16]. Our explanatory simulation considers a network of one sink
and 10 nodes that perform measurements’ collection and forwarding them over
multi-hop communication. Fig. 3 shows the impact of DIO Imin values on the
network setup time (left axis - blue squared-dot curve) and on the network
control overhead measured in line with the total number of DIO, DAO, and
DIS messages (right axis - green x-marked curve). According to the results,
high values of Imin , i.e., infrequent DIO transmissions, cause delays in network
setup time due to the nodes that have not yet received DIO messages and thus
remain unconnected. On the opposite, frequent DIO messages entail lower
setup time. Imin equal to 12, which is the default value in Contiki RPL
implementation, provides the best performance concerning the setup time.
Regarding control overhead, Fig. 3 validates that higher interval values

produce less network traffic since the frequency of DIO messages is low. Fig. 3
is in compliance with our findings in [3].
Since the Trickle timer is the most responsible algorithm for the protocol’s
performance and along with the DODAG and the sink-node are fundamental
parts of the RPL protocol, it is undoubtedly a profound target for a series of
In the following section, we give a taxonomy and describe such attacks,
including those exploiting RPL mechanisms and/or weaknesses. We pay special
attention to their impact, since in fact, several attacks may not cause severe
damage by themselves. Still, they can have bothersome effects on the network
(e.g., control overhead) or on the applications (e.g., PDR) when combined with

4. Attacks on RPL-based IoTs

Routing in the RPL-based networks is an incredibly challenging task

basically due to the power, storage, memory and processing constraints of the
connected devices. The RPL protocol offers several configuration parameters
to satisfy diverse requirements regarding deployments of different scale,
heterogeneity, and mobility [1, 17] as well as mechanisms to adapt to changes.
However, such network contexts, including resource-constraint nodes,
supporting dynamic topologies, and based on the passive nature of the wireless
medium, do inevitably attract malicious actions, including but not limited to
denial of service attacks (DoS), physical damages, and/or extraction of
sensitive information, e.g., DODAG version, nodes’ rank values, and IDs. In
fact, some nodes can get compromised by exploiting the RPL mechanisms
themselves; if the node happens to have a significant role in the network, e.g.,
the sink or parent nodes, then a combination of attacks can be applied with
serious effects, spanning from resource-depletion of nodes, due to a sharp
increase in the control overhead, to severe degradation of the protocol’s
performance in terms of data delivery.

Figure 4: Classification of RPL attacks.

Right afterward, a comprehensive list of the most common and disrupting

attacks on the RPL protocol is presented. The network attacks that do not
mainly target RPL are not included since they are not part of the paper’s
scope, e.g., (Distributed) Denial of Service, (D)DoS attacks.

4.1. Diversity of Attacks

Reflected to the aforementioned characteristics of the RPL-based IoTs, i.e.,

resource-constraint nodes, dynamic typologies and passive nature of the
wireless medium, the RPL-related attacks are rather divergent and classified
into: Resource depletion attacks, Network topology attacks and Network traffic
attacks [5]. Fig. 4 provides a panorama of them along with their classes and
More specifically, the Resource depletion attacks include malicious actions
that intend to deplete nodes’ computing, memory, or energy resources by

creating a false impression of continuous operation. Given that the node’s
operation is inextricably linked to processing, memory, and energy assets’
utilization, any overhead is equitable to excessive consumption of their
resources. Consequences may be local or, even worse, affect the overall
network availability and performance, leading to routing loops, unnecessary
network traffic, and congestion [18, 19, 20].
Attacks against resources are distinguished into Direct and Indirect,
according to the fashion of their execution. In direct attacks a malicious node
overloads a subset of nodes-victims and affects their status or operation.
Common examples are Routing Table Overload [18], and Flooding
Attacks [11, 18]. On the other hand, indirect attacks manipulate intermediate
nodes as a means of broadly affecting the network by, for example, causing
unnecessary control traffic. Local Repair [19, 21], DIS Message [18, 13],
DODAG Inconsistency [20], and DODAG Version Number [22, 23] attacks are
typical examples of this sub-category.
The Network topology attacks are divided into Sub-Optimization and
Isolation attacks that disrupt the nodes’ communication and DODAG’s
structure, respectively. In practice, the sub-optimization attacks impact the
network’s optimal convergence ability, i.e., they prevent the establishment of
the optimal routes, and thus, affect the network traffic and degrade the
network services. Some of the most common consequences include topology
inconsistencies, significant packet losses, increased end-to-end delays, network
congestion and nodes resources’ depletion. The aforementioned effects can be
particularly detrimental to dynamic networks due to the nodes’ mobility.
Sinkhole [24], Wormhole [25, 26], Replay [27, 28], Neighbor [18], Routing Table
Falsification [15], Decreased Rank [21], Increased Rank [15, 29], and Worst
Parent Selection [29] attacks are well-known sub-optimization attacks.
Isolation Attacks exploit the tree topology of the RPL network; they aim
at cutting off part(s) of the network by interrupting the nodes’ communication
with either their parent- or sink-node. Amongst their effects are loss of
network traffic, end-to-end delay increase, significant service quality

deterioration (e.g., PDR), and isolation of sub-graph parts along with
starvation of their participating nodes. The most common isolation attacks are
Blackhole [19, 30, 31], Selective Forwarding or Greyhole [19, 24, 30, 31], and
DAO Inconsistency attacks [5, 11]. These attacks can be severe when
combined with others, e.g., decreased rank and blackhole attacks.
The Network traffic attacks intercept and monitor the network traffic to
acquire or deduce information, e.g., DODAG version or rank value, which can
be exploited by attacks launched later on. Depending on how the traffic is
affected, they are classified into Eavesdropping and Misappropriation attacks.
In the first case, the intruder monitors the network’s transmissions and
analyzes the packets either through a breached node or by directly “listening”
to the wirelessly transmitted packets. This way, he/she gains access to the
topology and routing-related information or even to the actual content of the
transmitted packets. The most known eavesdropping attacks include
Sniffing [5] and Network Traffic Analysis [5].
In the latter case, the attacker impersonates other network nodes to
extract information about the network topology or gain knowledge of other
parameters. The node with the greatest interest in such attacks is the sink due
to its crucial role. Appropriating a network node’s identity negatively affects
the routing service. It also confuses the rest nodes leading to potential
incorrect messages’ forwarding since, for example, instead of reaching their
legitimate destination are delivered to the attacker. Clone-ID [5, 11, 24] falls
in this category and can be the first stage of further hostile actions causing
serious troubles in the network; Sybil attacks [24, 32, 33] are an escalated type
of Clone-ID attacks which eventually can cause increased network control
traffic, high energy consumption and degradation in PDR.
Diversity and/or combination of attacks may affect different aspects of an
RPL-based IoT network. The next section provides some indicative examples
through simulation.

Mobility Attack
Control packets per 5 min (log)


00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00
Time (min)
RPL Decreased Rank & Blackhole attack
20% Mobility DODAG Inconsistency attack

Figure 5: Control overhead under attack and mobility over time.


Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) (%)



Mobility Attack



00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00
Time (min)
RPL Decreased Rank & Blackhole attack
20% Mobility DODAG Inconsistency attack

Figure 6: PDR under attack and mobility over time.

4.2. Impact of Attacks
To indicatively illustrate the impact of attacks on an RPL network, we
simulate (in Contiki Cooja [16]) a multi-hop network with one sink and 50
nodes randomly placed around it; the outcome is shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
In practice, we run the simulation for three hours (x-axis) and consider that 20
percent of nodes become mobile at 01:00 hour (vertical green line). Regarding
attacks, we select one from the resource depletion class, i.e., DODAG
inconsistency (yellow curve), and a combination of attacks from the network
topology class, i.e., decreased rank and blackhole attack (purple curve).
Attacks start at 01:20 hour (vertical red line), for visualization clarity reasons.
Fig. 5 shows the impact of attacks on the network concerning the control
overhead which is calculated in line with the total number of ICMP packets.
The RPL standard operation (blue curve) expresses the ground-truth
performance which is contrasted with the performance under attacks’ scenario.
In our simulation, we notice a heavy impact on control overhead in case of
DODAG inconsistency attack, i.e., 750 percent (on average), since a big part
of the network is isolated and many nodes are forced to constantly update and
recalculate ranks and paths to find routes to the sink. Significant
deterioration, i.e., 153 percent (on average), is also caused by the decreased
rank and blackhole attacks, launched in combination. This deterioration
happens because the attacker advertises a lower rank value compared to all
other legitimate nodes in a network’s neighborhood, causing the affected nodes
to send an excessive number of ICMP packets in their try to find paths to the
Our previous experience with nodes’ mobility [3, 4] urges us to investigate
further the attacks’ impact in comparison to the effects of mobility. The graph
confirms our intuition, i.e., trying to get attached to the graph after being
disconnected, mobile nodes can create control overhead easily misinterpreted as
the effect of an attack, depending on the observation’s time-window, e.g., the
green and purple curves on the period 01:30 - 02:00.
Apart from the network, attacks also affect the application, e.g., by

Table 1: Design requirements.

i. RPL Specification Compliance

ii. Low Overhead
iii. Scalability
iv. Robustness
v. Extendability
vi. Low False Positives/Negatives
vii. Mobility Support

aggravating the rate of data packets’ delivery. Fig. 6 shows the impact on the
PDR which is defined as the received UDP packets (rUDP) over the total
number of packets being send (sUDP), i.e., P DR = rU DP/sU DP [3]. While
RPL rarely fails to deliver a UDP packet, e.g., 100 percent PDR in the graph,
its performance drops to 49 percent on average and to 38 percent on the worst
case under DODAG inconsistency attack, since there are no paths to deliver
the packets of nodes that are being detached from the DODAG due to the
attack. A mild impact, but again very similar to the mobility case, is caused
by the rank and blackhole attacks, where the intruder attracts as a parent
many neighboring nodes only to drop their data packets once received.
All the above make clear that RPL-based networks must integrate adequate
security mechanisms, which will be able to detect and mitigate the attacks
of along-coming intruders. According to the literature [5, 11, 34], IDSs are a
suitable approach to encounter malicious activities since they aim at detecting
several attacks at once, and ideally can be extended to deal with attacks that
are not initially included in their design goals. However, the design of an RPL-
related IDS has further requirements derived from the protocol itself as well as
from the impact of its related attacks. Next section elaborates on such design

4.3. Design Requirements of an RPL-related IDS

The design of an IDS that aims to shield an RPL network is a challenging

task since it should consider the issues of LLNs, the objectives described in
RFC 7416 [35], and the heterogeneity of IoT devices, combining them with
its principal mission. In that regard, Table 1 presents a set of seven design
requirements of an RPL-related IDS whose selection is justified right afterwards.

i. RPL specification compliance: In fact, an RPL-related IDS should be

primarily compliant with the RPL standard [1], i.e., the fundamental
way in which the protocol operates. This includes, among others, the
DODAG’s construction, the rational of control messages’ exchange, the
Trickle timer algorithm. The advantages of compliance are twofold:
firstly, the IDS exploits data that are meaningful in the context of the
protocol itself, i.e., the rank value, the number of nodes attached to a
single parent-node, which may prevent false positives due to
misinterpretations, e.g., attack instead of mobility, as we saw on the
previous section. Secondly, it preserves the protocol’s efficiency, for
example, in terms of time needed for the graph’s convergence, packet
delay, as well as resource consumption, which is essential in constrained
ii. Low overhead : Any security solution should take into consideration
resources’ availability, let alone when the solution is intended for LLNs.
Fig. 5 indicates that a “low budget” approach should take care of control
messages exchanged and aim at exploiting the standardized ones to train
the system and detect any abnormal event. Keeping the control overhead
at regular levels entails energy preservation in transceivers, which are the
significant consumers of constraint devices. In addition, components that
serve to monitor the network, collect and/or analyze data or perform
more sophisticated tasks should be hosted by the nodes with the
corresponding processing, memory, storage, and power capabilities.
iii. Scalability: In [4] we argue that RPL can cover a wide range of IoT

deployments. Once the LLNs and their routing approaches inherit IoT
characteristics, such as large-scale deployment, it is reasonable to
evaluate an IDS in terms of its ability to shield the protocol even when
the network’s size, in terms of connected devices, is significantly
increased. Obviously, satisfying scalability should not jeopardize the low
overhead requirement.
iv. Robustness: The diversity of attacks previously described entails the
necessity of an IDS that is able to detect a range of attacks. If an IDS
does not protect the network against different types of attacks, the
adversary can compromise a node, in the worst case a central one, and
affect both the network and applications, as we saw in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
v. Extendability: Apart from their primary performance with respect to the
attacks they cope with, many IDSs can be extended to encounter
additional cases. Some systems exhibit a “static”, binary rationale that
recognizes a known threat pattern or not and proceeds accordingly with
the decision. However, new attacks and security issues emerge following
the progress of research and development on the IoT. Systems should
exploit all current technology assets to remain up-to-date and able to
deal with threats that might be currently unknown. To our mind, an
IDS can be extendable once its detection method becomes intelligent and
its placement is sophisticated.
vi. Low false (positive or negative) detections: The effectiveness and detection
accuracy of a system is associated with the number of false positives and/or
negatives. Thus, beyond being robust and extendable, an IDS should
exhibit a high accuracy rate; this means that the system sends alarms for
precise attacks while minimizing the cases that attacks are overtaken. To
satisfy this requirement, it is necessary to monitor different aspects of the
network’s operation, e.g., the control overhead combined with the number
of times a node changes its parent, or the PDR in line with the local
repairs triggered by the RPL itself. This enables more accurate decisions,
including differentiating regular but unexpected operations from attacks.

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€„ ƒ&ƒ#†
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Š *ˆŠ!Œ†'!/+†ƒ‡ˆ€„ ƒ&ƒ#†ˆ‰Š‹
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Figure 7: Classification of IDSs in respect to their detection method and their placement

vii. Mobility support: Many applications with mobile IoT devices have
emerged over the last decade, and RPL operation under mobility is the
leading research challenge since it entails connectivity hand-overs and
additional control overhead to maintain the topology [3, 4, 36]. Thus, we
should not underestimate or surpass the mobility issue when it comes to
the IDS design. Security mechanisms, similar to the basic ones, should
consider both fixed and mobile nodes, and the literature has shown, so
far, that there are no straightforward solutions.

Apparently, to design an IDS able to satisfy all the above requirements is a

great challenge. In the next section, we provide classification and present the
evolution of most recent IDSs in the literature as a means of identifying best
practices and possible gaps in the so-far related research.

5. RPL-related IDSs

5.1. Classification of RPL-related IDSs

The RPL-related IDSs in the literature are classified according to two main
criteria [37]: (i) the detection method they employ, and (ii) their network

placement, as depicted in Fig. 7. Based on the detection method, the IDSs fall
into one of the four distinctive categories that follow [11, 13, 37]:

1. The Signature Detection (Sg ) IDSs identify specific patterns in the

network traffic that signify a particular attack [38]. They usually rely on
databases [19], which contain known malicious signatures. While these
systems consume limited resources, they are not effective against
unknown threats [11], since their effectiveness depends on threat
2. The Anomaly Detection (A) IDSs rely on network traffic monitoring and
machine-learning or statistical analysis. They develop a healthy network
behavior profile, and then compare it to any future network state,
intending to recognize possible discrepancies that signal malicious
activity. They can detect events that correspond to known or unknown
threats at the expense of having high false detection rates [11, 13, 39].
3. The RPL Specification-based (Sp ) IDSs are similar to the previous ones in
the sense that they detect attacks based on divergent network behaviors’
observation. However, they build healthy network models by monitoring
RPL-related data specified under the security goals [11, 19, 13, 37]. This
category’s IDSs present high efficiency and low false detection rates while
requiring less training time than the Anomaly Detection IDSs. Though, in
the case of regularly changing environments, their manual configuration
reduces their effectiveness.
4. The Hybrid Detection (HD) IDSs are a combination of at least two of the
categories mentioned above. They tend to inherit the advantages of the
combined categories while minimizing their drawbacks [37]. The prevailing
hybrid scheme, at this time, is signature along with anomaly detection; to
the best of our knowledge, currently, there are five HD systems [40, 41,
42, 43, 44], spanned across the time evolution of IDSs, and three of them,
i.e., [40, 41, 42], employ signature and anomaly detection. Signature-
based techniques are simple [43] and can be executed very quickly and

efficiently [45], because they rely on pattern matching. Hence, they are a
favored choice of combination to detect the known attacks effectively. In
contrast, the unknown ones are left to be caught by the mechanism which
is combined with, e.g., anomaly detection [40, 41, 42] or specification-based
detection [44].

Regarding their placement strategy, the RPL-related IDSs are classified into
three categories [37]:

1. Centralized (C) IDSs are installed and operate at the root-node of

DODAG or at a subset of network nodes [11, 37] assuming that
resource-intensive processes are being handled by nodes that are
sufficiently equipped [11]. Due to the centralized strategy, these systems
are not effective in detecting simultaneous malicious activities in
different network locations, e.g., in broad networks. Additionally, such
IDSs could render the network exposed in failures at the single point of
defense, e.g., the sink-node [46, 47].
2. Distributed (D) IDSs on the opposite side, are decentralized and fully
implemented in every node of the network. They usually require
cooperation between the network nodes [11], whose availability may be
highly fluctuated [47]. Detection mechanisms are usually implemented in
specific nodes-guards distributed across the network and are responsible
for monitoring, whereas the attack mitigation functions are implemented
at each node. The benefit of these systems is that threat mitigation is
performed from within, as all the nodes are involved in protecting the
network [11]. In this manner, the network’s scalability and adaptability
with a high-security level can be achieved [47]. Nonetheless, the resource
consumption of these IDSs remains a significant issue.
3. Hybrid Placement IDSs (HP ) combine the two previous categories as a
means of balancing the pros and cons [11, 19, 24, 37]. In practice, they
delegate the resource-demanding processes, such as monitoring, analysis,
and decision-making, to the central nodes, while assigning the

lightweight tasks to the rest. Nevertheless, the IDSs of this category
require continuous optimization; the central nodes’ deployment should
be done wisely and may variate for each RPL network [11].

Remarks: As an outcome, we notice that Signature Detection IDSs’ major

weakness is their ineffectiveness against unknown threats. In contrast, the
Anomaly Detection ones can detect even unknown threats, but they suffer
from high false positives’ rates. Exploiting data related to the protocol seems
promising, and thus, the relevant systems dominate the detection method.
However, it is interesting that only two out of five Hybrid Detection systems
employ them in combination with either signature [43] or anomaly detection
methods [44]. This leaves room for investigating the potentiality of hybrid
systems that indeed contains RPL specification-based methods.
Apart from the attack detection approach, the design of modern IDSs
demands an energy-aware efficient placement strategy due to the resources’
limitations of the IoT devices. The decision to place the IDS at the root-node
(i.e., Centralized ) keeps the computationally intensive tasks away from the
constrained devices; however, it bequeaths the disadvantages of the single
point of failure solutions, i.e., the root-node can be compromised or cut-off.
Distributed IDSs do not face this problem, plus they can be scaled easily but
require some tasks to be executed by the constrained nodes. Hybrid Placement
logic attempts to blend the above two approaches by keeping the “heavy”
tasks for the root-node and delegating the lightweight ones to the rest.
Nowadays, there is a trend towards this category, since it seems to bring
satisfactory results. Our experience advocates that this trend can be further
enhanced by the emergence of the softwarization paradigm [3, 4, 36]; we discuss
this challenge later in the paper.
We now summarize the most recently proposed IDSs based on the above
taxonomy, along with a timeline highlighting their evolution.

5.2. The evolution of RPL-related IDSs

The research field of IDSs is vast, but only a restricted subset is appropriate
for LLNs [19], i.e., considering the resource-constraints and lossy nature of the
latter. In this survey, we identified 22 relevant works that have been proposed in
the literature over the last seven years, i.e., from 2013 to 2020. We summarize
these RPL-related IDSs in Fig. 8, which illustrates their time evolution along
with their qualitative features, i.e., the incorporated detection method and the
placement strategy, as well as their quantitative feature, i.e., the number of
attacks they encounter.

5.2.1. Signature detection IDSs

Authors in [25, 48, 49, 50, 14, 51, 52] introduce signature detection systems.
Regarding their placement, the majority of them [25, 50, 14, 51, 52] are hybrid
schemes, while DEMO [48] is a distributed and ELNIDS [49] is a centralized
DEMO [48] is an adaptation of “Suricata”, an open-source IDS, developed
in the context of the “EBBITS” European project and deals with flooding
attacks. DEMO includes a frequency agility manager (FAM), and a security
information and event management system (SIEM). At the same time, it
defines two particular non-RPL node types: the IDS node, which is responsible
for the attack detection, and the monitoring nodes that monitor the network
traffic and send the relevant data via a wired connection (to prevent jamming)
to the IDS node for further analysis. The system is scalable and effective in
detecting the attacks. Regarding its extendability, the authors propose hosting
the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) along with special
modules into the system to detect additional attacks and combine DEMO with
SVELTE [43] to create a hybrid solution. Overall, exploiting non-RPL nodes
and wired connectivity incurs no overhead to the RPL network but also entails
a solution that is not totally RPL-compliant.
Compliant with the RPL specification and hybrid regarding its placement,
the Real time IDS for wormhole attacks [25, 51] exploits measurements

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Figure 8: The RPL-related IDSs in a timeline.
regarding the nodes’ Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) as a means of
cross-checking the network’s topology. It deals with two types of wormhole
attacks, i.e., by packet encapsulation and by packet relay, as well as with
neighbor attacks. More specifically, during the network setup, the root-node
records topology-related data and receives by the rest nodes their neighbors’
RSSI values. Then, it exploits such information to estimate the distances
between the nodes and compare them to the pre-saved topology data to detect
discrepancies that indicate an attack. The system demands low resources and
has low false detection rates. It can be extended to detect more attacks, such
as clone-id, sybil, DODAG version number, and local repair attacks. However,
it bases its operation on static topology information ignoring mobility issues
that networks usually face.
Distributed monitoring strategy IDS for the detection of version number
attacks [14] is also a hybrid placement IDS that focuses on DIO, DODAG
version, and nodes’ rank monitoring. The IDS defines several monitoring nodes
responsible for identifying and sending to the DODAG root a list of malicious
nodes detected by tracking the RPL’s specification parameters. Once the root
receives and merges all the incoming lists, it notifies the network nodes to
interrupt further contact with the adversaries. The system behaves effectively
in small and medium-scale networks, but its performance deteriorates in high
false positives/negatives rates in large networks. An idea to overcome this
disadvantage is to cross-monitor each node by at least two other ones.
Another hybrid placement system proposed in 2018 is the Signature-based
IDS for the IoT [50, 52], which is designed to detect sinkhole, selective
forwarding, and clone-ID attacks. It assigns the central role to the IDS router
and defines a subset of nodes as IDS detectors. The router serves both as a
network traffic monitoring node and a firewall and is capable to access the
required resources. The detectors narrow the monitoring operation in their
neighborhood and forward any useful information derived by a local,
lightweight decision-making algorithm. Among the parameters that the IDS
monitors are the RSSI and the packet drop rate. A security scheme is used for

wireless communications’ protection; however, the authors suggest the IDS
nodes are wire-connected to avoid signal jamming and eavesdropping. The
system is extended [50] to also detect the DIS message attacks by monitoring
the DIS sending rate and comparing it to a pre-defined threshold. The
evaluation shows high accuracy and low false positives even in large
networks [50]; concerning the trade-off between performance and overhead, the
authors conclude that three to eight detectors should be deployed.
The most recent signature detection system is ELNIDS [49] that utilizes
artificial intelligence and machine-learning mechanisms on central premises. It
is based on ensemble learning to encounter sinkhole, blackhole, selective
forwarding, sybil, clone-ID, flooding, and local repair attacks. The IDS relies
on the following modules: the sniffer, the sensor events/traffic repository, a
feature extraction module, the analysis engine, the signature database, and the
alarm/attack notification manager. The sniffer module monitors the network
traffic and records the information in the storage unit. The feature extraction
module distinguishes the network traffic characteristics that aid in a later
classification performed by the analyzer using ensemble models. An event is
classified as an attack if any database known signature is detected. According
to its evaluation, ELNIDS exhibits high accuracy; however, similarly to the
other Sg IDSs discussed, it does not consider nodes’ mobility.
Remarks: We can notice that early signature detection systems [14, 25, 48,
51] aim at a special attack by design and operate deterministically. On the
contrary, the latest systems of this category [49, 50, 52] expand their impact to
a broad range of attacks either by adopting a hybrid placement strategy [50, 52]
or by employing centralized machine-learning mechanisms [49], e.g., ensemble

5.2.2. Anomaly detection IDSs

Anomaly detection systems are proposed in [53, 54, 55, 56]; most of them
are hybrid regarding their placement [54, 55, 56], while CoSec-RPL [53] is the
most recent one (published on May 2020) and adopts distributed placement

logic. Both CoSec-RPL [53] and INTI [55] belong to the IDSs’ minority which
supports mobility.
Anomaly detection in INTI [55] relies on separating the network into
clusters (i.e., group of nodes). Each cluster consists of a leader-node, at least
one associated-node, and the member nodes. The system bases its
functionality on trust estimation, using the nodes’ ranks and statistics. The
attack detection and the malicious nodes’ isolation is performed using the
Dempster-Shafer evidence theory [57]. Evaluations [11, 55, 37] showed that the
system mitigates sinkhole attacks at the cost, however, of high computational
processing requirements. According to the authors [55], INTI is an extendable
IDS and takes into account nodes’ mobility.
InDReS [54] is an improvement of INTI [55] that keeps the main principles
of functionality while limiting the computational overhead, thus preserving
resources which is critical for LLNs. Once the system identifies malicious
nodes, it reconstructs the network’s topology, excluding them. However,
compared to its predecessor, InDReS’ performance was not evaluated in terms
of false positives/negatives and mobility support.
The IDS for selective forwarding attack [56] was proposed in 2017 and uses
the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) combined with an adaptive
threshold. Its mechanism relies on two modules: the first is responsible for
decision making and is implemented at the root-node. The second, used for
incoming and outgoing packet monitoring, operates on the rest routing nodes.
The monitoring nodes send information to the root via randomly selected
paths. The root analyzes the data it receives using the SPRT and assigns
every node with a probability of being malicious. The decision making is
based on a threshold above which a node is classified as malicious. Then, the
root notifies the non-malicious nodes about the adversaries’ presence and
initiates a DODAG global repair in order to isolate the possible intruders. The
system’s evaluation indicates its effectiveness, which comes at the cost of being
resource-intensive. Due to the high resource requirements, the IDS is not

CoSec-RPL [53] has been lately introduced and deals with a combination
of flooding and replay attacks, namely “copycat attacks”. To detect anomalies
and analyze the statistical data, the system relies on a modified version of the
Interquartile Range (IQR) Outlier Detection (OD) method [58], which uses the
median instead of the mean value and entails less implementation complexity.
The idea behind CoSec-RPL is to identify the nodes with significantly diverse
behavior. The authors tune the IDS’s thresholds appropriately via multiple
experiments. CoSec-RPL is triggered whenever a DIO message is received
from any neighbor and monitors the time difference between consecutive DIO
messages. When measurements surpass certain thresholds, a node is initially
considered suspicious, and its state is characterized accordingly as
“suspected”. In this state, communication with the node is still allowed;
however, when a second threshold is reached, the node is considered malicious,
and its state becomes “blocked”; in this case, no further communication with
it is permitted. Even though the system’s memory requirements are not
negligible, since it demands a neighboring table in every node to store relative
information, they are not prohibitive for IoT devices, and thus it does fit
inside a Z1 mote. CoSec-RPL is evaluated under both static and mobile
network scenarios and is proved to be very useful. However, it performs better
in fixed topologies (since mobility affects the intervals of DIO messages
transmissions). It can be extended to detect more attacks, particularly DIS
flooding, DAO insider, wormhole, and spoofed copycat attacks.
Remarks: The anomaly detection IDSs are a minority of the systems under
analysis (four out of 22), probably because anomaly detection is, by definition,
a general method, loosely coupled with the RPL itself. So far, most
systems [54, 55, 56] have been exercised with only one attack type, but they
can potentially detect unknown attacks. Such a feature relates to the anomaly
detection mission, which identifies unusual or even unknown “behavior” and
attributes it to an attack. They mainly exploit intelligent mechanisms, e.g.,
clustering, probability theory, and statistical parametric or non-parametric
tests, along with appropriately defined thresholds. Of course, thresholds’

tuning is an important issue since it may result in either high false positives or
negatives. As we will see later in this section, combining the advantages of
anomaly detection with other detection methods brings very positive
results [40, 41, 42, 44]. It is indicative, for example, that they dominate as a
component of the Hybrid Detection (HD) systems.

5.2.3. Specification-based detection IDSs

IDSs of this category [13, 46, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64] share the feature of
taking into account RPL-related information, e.g., control messages, rank value,
DODAG information, and try to identify an attack exploiting such knowledge.
Regarding their placement, there is a shared trend.
IDS for RPL routing choice intrusion [62] is a distributed placement system
that relies on monitoring DIO messages’ fields, nodes’ parents and rank values,
as well as the number of nodes connected to a single parent to detect decreased
rank attacks. The idea is that a low-rank value advertised by a node that
presents an increased number of nodes attached to it indicates that this node is
probably malicious. Energy requirements were taken into account, and the IDS
can operate in large networks.
The IDS proposed in [13] is a hybrid placement system that, similarly to
the INTI [55], divides the network into clusters and uses specification-based
detection to mitigate the attacks. It is designed to repel sinkhole, worst parent
selection, local repair, neighbor, and DIS message attacks. The system is
effective, it presents low false detection rates, and due to its low energy
demands, it is scalable. It can be extended to detect a broader range of
attacks; however, it does not address mobility issues.
The Distributed and Cooperative Verification IDS to defend against DODAG
version number attack [64] suggests that when the nodes receive a DIO message
containing an increased DODAG version, the message should be accepted once it
is confirmed. In case that the sender is the root-node, the receiver will accept the
message; otherwise, the receiver requests the DODAG version number from its
two-hops-distant neighboring nodes. This functionality demands two additional

message types, the “CVQReq” for the request and “CVQRep” for the reply.
Evaluation results show that the IDS is effective against the DODAG version
attack; however, the false detection rate increases in proportion to the attacking
nodes’ number. Furthermore, the control overhead is significantly low.
TIDS: Trust-based IDS [61] is a hybrid placement system that mitigates
sinkhole and selective forwarding attacks using the notion of trust. TIDS relies
on Subjective Logic [65], incorporating variables both for trust and uncertainty,
and considers a node as malicious when its disbelief value is higher than its belief
value. Trust values are calculated based on the level of nodes’ good cooperation
and conformity with the RPL specification. Each node observes its neighbors
and forwards the recorded data to the root-node using a new control packet,
namely “Trust Information (TRU)”. The root-node has the required resources
for the purpose and calculates the trust values. The system was evaluated and
found to successfully detect sinkhole attacks even in large topologies (at the
expense of high energy demands on the root-node), while selective forwarding
attack was discussed only in a theoretical context. According to the author,
TIDS is useful in topologies comprised solely of static nodes, and it can be
extended to mitigate version number attacks additionally.
SBIDS: Sink-based Intrusion Detection System [63] is a centralized system
designed to detect decreased rank attacks in non-storing RPL networks. The
root-node, which is considered trusted by default, marks a node as malicious by
monitoring the rank changes and defining thresholds accordingly, i.e., it records
the previous and current ranks of parent-nodes, and establishes a threshold for
parent switching. SBIDS considers both static and mobile nodes. Its evaluation
revealed high accuracy in large networks in both cases; however, its performance
degrades as the number of attacking nodes increases, especially when mobility is
considered. Concerning the power consumption, the IDS incurs an overhead of
around 20 percent compared to the unprotected network consumption. Finally,
SBIDS can be extended to accommodate more routing metrics and, thus, repel
additional attacks.
Opinion Metric based Intrusion Detection System for RPL Protocol in

IoT [60] is a hybrid placement IDS, able to mitigate sybil and flooding attacks,
utilizing an opinion metric-based mechanism which is based on subjective
logic [65]. The nodes monitor their neighbors’ transmissions and rate them
according to their compliance with the RPL specification. Nodes that behave
as per specification principles are rated positively, whereas the diverging ones
are rated negatively. The ratings are later aggregated to the root-node, where
the subjective logic (the “Θ” consensus operator) is employed for the malicious
nodes’ detection. A node is considered malicious when the aggregated degree
of disbelief exceeds a threshold. The system is solely evaluated in terms of
detection performance, and a considerable number of false detections were
recorded. Nevertheless, the authors plan to extend their work and consider
additional routing attacks using a neural network trust model.
A Central IDS able to mitigate flooding and DODAG version number
attacks was proposed in [46]. The system is implemented at the root-node and
uses genetic programming to generate the IDS’s algorithm automatically. The
root continuously analyzes the network traffic and extracts 50 features, which
are later used for the constitution of the genetic programming trees. The last
generation’s best individual (tree) is evaluated for both flooding and DODAG
version number attacks, and two corresponding detection algorithms are
obtained. In its current version, a central logic is adapted. The root-node
executes the resource-demanding tasks; the authors also suggest a
decentralized fashion of operation, but this entails further challenges to be
addressed. The system is highly effective, probably due to centralized
monitoring, which provides a global network view. Aspects such as resource
requirements, scalability, extendability, and mobility support, were left out of
the system’s evaluation.
Self-Organizing Map IDS for RPL Protocol Attacks [59] exploits machine-
learning and more precisely Self-Organizing Maps (SOM), built centrally to the
RPL network, to detect flooding, sinkhole, and DODAG version number attacks.
The authors elaborate on the way that several modules collaborate to generate
the maps. Initially, synthetic data from numerous simulations of different real-

life scenarios were produced and used as input to the “aggregator” module.
This module utilizes six packet fields (i.e., message type – DIO/DIS/DAO, IP
addresses of the sender and destination nodes, current DODAG version, current
sender node rank, Unix timestamp), pre-processes the input data and provides
as an output six features (i.e., DIS, DIO, DAO, DODAG version changes, rank
changes to total messages ratios in the timeframe, average power consumption
on the destination node in the timeframe). These features are getting normalized
by the “normalizer” module, to be used by the “trainer” module to generate the
maps. Simulations run by the authors indicate that the IDS is able to identify
the attacks.
Remarks: Not surprisingly, eight out of 22 systems (36.4 percent),
according to the Fig. 8, fall in this category. Either intuition or experience
leads the researchers to exploit the cardinal RPL data structure, i.e., the
graph, and its relevant information, e.g., control messages and Trickle timer
algorithm, in IDS design. However, judging by the outcome, the
specification-based detection, either as a single detection method or in
combination with others, performs moderately regarding the number of
attacks. In the worst-case, systems detect one attack [63, 62, 64], while it is
remarkable that they perform better once hybrid placement strategy is
adopted [13, 60, 61], or when RPL-related information is processed by
machine-learning mechanisms [59, 60]. Indeed the specification-based systems
that exploit clustering, trust schemes, genetic programming, and artificial
neural networks to process the RPL-monitoring parameters outperform those
that take these parameters into account without any kind of intelligence.
Here, the aftermath is that tight coupling with the protocol itself is not
sufficient; it is a step to start with. Mixing techniques can help to develop
robust systems that do not jeopardize performance and cost.

5.2.4. Hybrid detection IDSs

SVELTE [43] is one of the oldest RPL-related IDSs. It is a hybrid
placement system that consists of three modules: (i) the 6LoWPAN Mapper

(6Mapper), implemented at the root-node, maps and keeps track of the
DODAG along with the parent and neighboring information of each node; (ii)
the intrusion detection module, which is also executed centrally, relies on the
RPL specification, signature and anomaly detection to specify the attacks,
and; (iii) the distributed firewall and response module that prevents the
out-of-network attacks and is implemented in every node. SVELTE combines
all three detection methods and tries to achieve a trade-off between the
storage cost of Sg and the computing cost of anomaly detection techniques.
The system’s evaluation revealed its effectiveness against blackhole, selective
forwarding, sinkhole, and DODAG inconsistency attacks. However, since
SVELTE uses a rank threshold to detect anomalies, it suffers from high rates
of false positives/negatives [13, 43, 54, 37]. In addition, it has significant
resource requirements and does not take into account mobility issues.
Improvements of SVELTE [66, 67] reduce false detections and add
geographical hints of the malicious nodes, increasing the IDS’s robustness by
allowing it to discover clone-ID, sybil and wormhole attacks additionally.
Hybrid of Anomaly-Based and Specification-Based IDS for IoTs Using
Unsupervised OPF Based on MapReduce Approach [44] is a full hybrid
approach that encounters selective forwarding, sinkhole, and wormhole attacks.
The system combines an Anomaly Agent-Based IDS (AA-IDS) with several
Specification Agent-Based IDSs (SA-IDSs) and considers the leaf-nodes traffic
solely to the root. The SA-IDSs, implemented at the router-node(s), are used
for traffic monitoring and the identification of malicious nodes. Once traffic is
analyzed, the output data are embedded into data packets and forwarded to
the root-node, where the AA-IDS resides. AA-IDS employs the unsupervised
Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) algorithm [68] to cluster the collected data and
proceed with the anomaly detection. The decision that classifies a node as
malicious or not is based on a voting mechanism that considers both local
results of SA-IDS agents and the global analysis of the AA-IDS. The system
can also be extended to mitigate blackhole and decreased rank attacks.
The authors developed a dedicated RPL WSN simulator for their

evaluation analysis and provided high accuracy rates regardless of the network
size, justifying this way their system’s scalability; their evaluation, however,
considers only a static topology. Regarding the energy requirements,
abundance was taken for granted for all kinds of nodes. Still later in a
theoretical context, it was concluded that the IDS could be used in real-world
IoT applications by offloading the resource-intensive tasks from the root-node
to an external device; obviously, such assumptions leave space for
Game Theory IDS [40] is a distributed placement IDS that combines
signature detection for the known attack patterns and anomaly detection for
the unknown ones. In this way, the system is proved to encounter a
considerable number of attacks, i.e., flooding, sinkhole, blackhole, sybil, and
wormhole attacks. The Nash Equilibrium Game Theory is used to set a game
between the IDS entities and the attackers; when the system detects a traffic
pattern that reaches a threshold, it considers it an anomaly. To reduce false
detections, the authors combine the IDS with a reputation system. The
evaluation of the IDS assumes both fixed and mobile nodes and reveals low
requirements on resources.
CHA–IDS [41] is a centralized system that elaborates on the IPv6
compressed header’s analysis using machine-learning. In fact, the root-node
extracts data from the network traffic, which are later used as an input to the
“J48” algorithm [69] for the attacks’ detection. In this way, it detects flooding,
sinkhole, and wormhole attacks, taking place either individually or in
combination, with high accuracy. According to the authors, the system
exhibits a good performance regarding the trade-off between performance and
overhead. However, in its current version, it does not succeed in locating the
attacker’s position; future extensions and possible combinations with other
distributed placement schemes could offer this capability. Furthermore,
extensions could improve the system to additionally mitigate sybil, clone-ID,
DODAG version number, and local repair attacks.
Lastly, the Ultimate Approach IDS of Mitigating Attacks in RPL Based

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>/+<=/.-ƒ??*1=0@-€ˆ-56D-8 ‚

Figure 9: Overview of the Hybrid Detection IDSs.

Low Power Lossy Networks [42] follows a holistic approach, is full hybrid
regarding its design and encounters the maximum number of attacks, i.e.,
eight. More specifically, the system encounters sinkhole, DODAG version
number, flooding, neighbor, wormhole, decreased rank, clone-ID, and sniffing
attacks and can detect events that originate both inside and outside the
network. The IDS incorporates many non-mobile sink/sub-DODAG
parent-nodes that can detect both known signatures and anomalies. The
system uses blockchain and calculates trust values to detect the attacks and
isolate the adversaries. The author presents a conceptual framework of their
approach, stating its effectiveness along with low resource requirements and its
ability to be extended. The system seems to partially support mobile nodes
since only the root and the sub-DODAG parents are considered to be
Remarks: The time evolution of IDSs (Fig. 8) shows that hybrid detection
systems span across the whole investigation period, i.e., 2013 − 2020, indicating
that even in the early systems, such as SVELTE [43], the researchers pinpointed
that combining the attacks’ detection methods brings advantages to the process.
The basic and, probably, the apparent benefit is quantitative and regards the
number of attacks that the system can encounter; this ranges from three to eight

as depicted in Fig. 9.
Further benefits include the ability of some systems to localize the
adversary [42, 43, 44], as well as the detection accuracy rate in conjunction
with low resource overhead, especially when the developed mechanisms are
appropriately located both in central and distributed nodes. In particular,
appropriately tuning the parameters of SVELTE [43] can offer as much as 100
percent of detection accuracy and zero false positives. In comparison, solution
[44] shows an average of 93.3 percent accuracy with less than 3.3 false
positives for multiple runs. Game Theory IDS [40] reports an average of 98.6
percent accuracy and less than 2.5 percent of false positives for a variety of
setups, while CHA–IDS [41] shows an accuracy within 85.2 − 100 percent and
up to 0.058 percent false positives, in the worst case.
Evaluating these numbers in real-world environments is a challenging issue
that certainly deserves a further investigation, e.g., whether they allow a realistic
operation of the particular IDSs. This angle of investigation is associated with:
(i) the considered use-case in terms of required security level and affordable
control overhead or processing cost; and (ii) the type of involved mitigation
action and its impact, since this determines the communication or performance
issues a false positive causes.
Most of these hybrid systems use machine-learning, i.e., Game Theory
IDS [40], CHA–IDS [41] and [44] employ Nash equilibrium game theory, the
“J48” algorithm, and unsupervised data mining, respectively. We omitted a
more in-depth discussion and comparative analysis on the involved algorithms
in the IDSs at this point of the investigation since we mainly focus on their
systemic aspects. Such investigation requires comparisons between different
approaches (e.g., machine-learning vs statistics-based) under a given
environment or theoretical investigations on their impact on the computational
burden, as an example. From our point of view, this exercise diverges from the
given scope of the paper. However, this issue is important and complex enough
to deserve an independent study. Consequently, it is considered future work.
Next, we provide a brief summary that compacts the individual remarks into

a set of best practices and identified gaps in IDS design.

5.3. Best Practices & Gaps

The so far research, reflected on the IDSs under analysis, reveals best
practices in the design of RPL-related IDSs. The most important is that
utilizing detection methods in conjunction can bring a high score regarding the
number of attacks detected. In particular, anomaly detection contributes as a
general method to detect both known and unknown threats and performs
excellent with either signature or specification-based methods, which provide
some kind of “knowledge” to the process, i.e., patterns or threshold crossings
of RPL-related parameters. Another best practice is to exploit both
distributed and centralized mechanisms to achieve optimal placement in the
detection mechanisms. This includes coarse-grained, lightweight monitoring at
every node which conditionally triggers fine-grained, resource-demanding
processes executing at central premises, e.g., machine-learning. The third
point is that detection by its own narrows the IDSs’ mission; some
systems [42, 43, 44] go beyond it by identifying the attacker(s) and mitigating
the threats using information relevant to the RPL protocol.
This observation combined with the summary of the most robust systems –
Fig. 9 – reveals that eventually, a minority of IDSs follows a holistic approach
that deals with the threefold mission of detection, identification, and mitigation.
Thus, there are several gaps in the literature regarding methods: to identify and
then mitigate the intruder, to detect multiple attacks, to deal with false positives
decisions, e.g., how and when a blacklisted node comes back to the network and
which are the coincidences of its isolation. Our analysis also finds the lack of
an architecture beyond a hybrid-wise fashion of combination and builds up a
“polymorphic” system able to adapt in dynamic conditions.
Finally, we notice a lack of IDS evaluation in real environments, i.e.,
test-beds, since the majority of systems in our analysis are evaluated using
simulations. More specifically, 16 out of 22 IDSs utilize Contiki Cooja [16],
while NS-2, Matlab and TOSSIM simulators are also used for evaluation in

[54], [40] and [49], respectively. Only authors in CHA–IDS [41] document
utilizing Cooja in combination with a test-bed facility, however, without
providing the details of the latter. Our previous experience with test-beds
participating in the FED4FIRE [70] and GENI [71] federations, in the context
of 5G network slicing research [72, 73, 74], shows that it would be interesting,
but also very challenging, to deploy complete IDSs in test-beds for evaluation
reasons and address possible issues that arise. Currently, the Sharing Artifacts
in a Cybersecurity Community Hub (SEARCCH) project [75] offers a facility
that provides validation, repeatable sharing, and reuse of security-related
research results. A relevant initiative for IoT security could establish a
common framework where open-source IDS code could be released and
comparatively evaluated, e.g., in a common environment with the same
methodology and evaluation scenarios.
The section that follows proceeds with a comparative analysis of the IDSs
under investigation that includes: (i) a complete mapping of IDSs to the type
of attacks they encounter; and (ii) their comparison in the light of the design
requirements we introduce. The ultimate goal is a list of four guidelines that,
to our mind, a modern IDSs should follow.

6. Comparative Analysis & Insights

6.1. Mapping IDSs to Attacks

We start our comparative analysis by assigning each of the 22 most recently

introduced IDSs under discussion to the RPL-related attacks they tackle. This
is a challenging and not straight-forward task, since it depends on how an IDS
covers the addressed attack(s). To this point, our literature study reveals that
different approaches are spanning from simulating all or some of the attacks to
conceptually supporting coverage for all or subset of the attacks under study.
In the case of simulation approaches, differences also concern the simulation
environments as well as the metrics used to evaluate the IDSs’ performance.

Table 2: Mapping the IDSs to the type of mitigated attacks.
Attacks IDS
Routing Table
DIRECT Overload


Flooding [40], [41], [42], [46], [48], [49], [53], [59], [60]
Local Repair [13], [49], [25]*, [41]*
DIS Message [13], [50], [53]*
DODAG Version
[14], [42], [46], [59], [64], [25]*, [41]*, [61]*
Sinkhole [13], [40], [41], [42], [43], [44], [49], [50], [54], [55], [59], [61]
Wormhole [25], [40], [41], [42], [43] (D. Shreenivas’ version [67]), [44], [53]*
Replay [53]
Neighbor [13], [25], [42]
Routing Table


[42], [62], [63], [44]*
Rank -
Parent [13]
Blackhole [40], [43], [49], [44]*
[43], [44], [49], [50], [56], [61]
ISOLATION Forwarding
Sniffing [42]


Network Traffic
MISAPPR- Clone-ID [42], [43] (D. Shreenivas’ version [67]), [49], [50], [25]*, [41]*
OPRIATION Sybil [40], [49], [43] (D. Shreenivas’ version [67]), [60], [25]*, [41]*

– IDSs in [bold] are evaluated through simulations for the corresponding attack.

– IDSs with the star mark (*) can be extended to encounter the corresponding attack

according to the authors’ declaration in the relevant publication.

– The rest IDSs are mapped to the corresponding attack according to the authors’ declaration

in the relevant publication.

To proceed with our mapping, we listed the attacks with respect to the
classes they belong to and are illustrated in Fig. 4. Next, to highlight the
aforementioned differences, we mark in bold the IDSs in a row when they are
evaluated through simulation (e.g., based on Contiki Cooja, NS-2, Matlab, or
TOSSIM) for the attack on the same row on Table 2, while regular fonts indicate
that no simulation is carried out. Regular fonts with the star mark refer to the
IDSs that can be extended to tackle an attack, according to the corresponding
authors. The outcome is summarized in Table 2 which synthesizes the knowledge
gained from Sections 4 and 5.
To better highlight the mapping process, we give two indicative examples.
The authors in [13] utilize Contiki Cooja [16] and evaluate their IDS against
sinkhole, worst parent selection, local repair, neighbor, and DIS message
attacks; their simulation results include true positives/negatives, false
positive/negatives, and energy consumption. For this reason, the reference [13]
appears in bold in rows: 3, 4, 7, 10 and 14 that refer to the aforementioned
attacks. On the other hand, SVELTE [43] is an example for which the authors
declare its effectiveness against selective forwarding, sinkhole, blackhole, and
DODAG inconsistency attacks. However, they evaluate it only for the first two
attacks using the metrics of true positive rate, energy and memory
consumption in Contiki Cooja [16]. Thus, it appears in bold only in rows 7
and 16; the rest entries on the table are with regular fonts. The same applies
to SVELTE’s improvement [67] where the corresponding authors claim
effectiveness against clone-ID, sybil and wormhole attacks due to additions
considering the malicious nodes’ geographical position. However, relevant to
these new attacks results are not provided. The only simulation results refer to
the reduction of false detection rates for the initial attacks having already been
evaluated, i.e., selective forwarding and sinkhole.
Mapping of Table 2 reveals that the vast majority of the RPL-related IDSs
(73 percent) deal with network topology attacks; this is expected since the
DODAG and its related mechanisms, i.e., the Trickle timer algorithm, and
parameters, i.e., DODAG ID and rank values, play a cardinal role on the RPL

networks. An even more interesting fact is that as much as 54.5 percent of the
IDSs focus on the Sinkhole attacks indicating the sink-node’s major role to such
networks. On the contrary, network traffic attacks do not attract significant
attention, probably due to the passive nature of eavesdropping attacks, which
are difficult to be detected. To our mind, energy-awareness, in conjunction with
resources’ limitations on IoT networks, create an emerging field of research
regarding the resource depletion attacks and the corresponding IDSs.
Table 2 also shows that some IDSs [13, 42, 49] are more robust than others
since they encounter a greater number of attacks; in fact, they repel different
attacks that expand to all three categories, i.e., resource depletion, network
topology, and network traffic attacks. Among them, the Ultimate
Approach [42] introduces a full-hybrid, conceptual framework where the
authors discuss but not evaluate their IDS with respect to the attacks
encountered. On the contrary, the Specification-Based IDS [13] and
ELNIDS [49] tackle five and seven attacks, respectively, for which simulation
analysis and results are provided. SVELTE [43] addresses seven different types
of attacks, evaluates a subset of them through simulation, and gives an
indication towards the potentiality of full-hybrid IDSs to deal with a broad
spectrum of attacks. Overall, the majority of works (17) proceed with
comprehensive simulation approaches in the sense that they evaluate all the
attacks the corresponding authors claim tackling. A small subset of
works [25, 40, 43, 50] evaluate through simulation a portion of attacks they
investigate, while Kaur [42] introduces a conceptual work that misses
simulation results.
In the following section, we elaborate on comparing those RPL-related IDSs
in light of the design requirements we introduced.

6.2. IDSs’ Comparison

Table 3 presents the comparative overview of the 22 IDSs under analysis

(their order is consistent with their time evolution on Fig. 8) in respect to
the seven design requirements introduced and discussed in Section 4.3. The

Table 3: Comparative overview of RPL-related IDSs.

i ii iii iv v vi vii
SVELTE [43] [67] 7 7 – X X 7 7
DEMO [48] 7 – X 7 X – 7
Real time IDS for Wormhole Attacks [25] X X – 7 X X 7
IDS for RPL Routing Choice Intrusion [62] X X* X 7 – – 7
INTI [55] X 7 X 7 X X X
InDReS [54] X X – 7 X – 7
Specification-Based IDS [13] X X X X X X 7
Distributed and Cooperative Verification IDS [64] 7 X – 7 – X* 7

Hybrid of Anomaly and Specification Based IDS [44] X 7 X 7 X X 7
Distributed Monitoring Strategy IDS [14] X – X 7 – X* 7
Game Theory IDS [40] X X X X – X X
IDS for Selective Forwarding Attack [56] X 7 7 7 – – 7
TIDS: Trust based IDS [61] 7 7 X 7 X 7 7
Signature IDS [50] X 7 X 7 X X 7
CHA – IDS [41] X 7 – 7 X X 7
SBIDS: Sink-based IDS [63] X 7 X 7 X X X
Opinion Metric based IDS [60] X – – 7 X 7 7
ELNIDS [49] X – X X X X 7
Central IDS [46] X – – 7 – – 7
Self-Organizing Map IDS [59] X – – 7 X – 7

Ultimate Approach IDS [42] X X – X X – X∗
CoSec-RPL [53] X 7 – 7 X X X

Design requirements: * = Under certain conditions or

i = RPL specification compliance estimated but not evaluated
ii = Low overhead
iii = Scalability
iv = Robustness
v = Extendability X = Satisfied
vi = Low false positives 7 = Not Satisfied
vii = Mobility support − = No Information Available

comparison shows if a system satisfies (X) or not (7) each of the requirements,
while a dash (−) denotes that no information is available. We are essentially
based on the respective authors’ claims in the relevant articles and, in some
cases, we exploit feedback from them for clarifications. This way, we manage to
build a table completed as much as 80.5 percent, which indicates that both the
design requirements and the comparison itself are meaningful.
Elaborating on RPL-related systems, it is expected that the majority of
them are compliant with the protocol. However, even if they are designed for
LLNs only one-third of them presents low overhead; the rest are either high-
cost solutions or do not clarify their trade-offs in terms of performance and cost.
Half of the systems are scalable, and the rest are not evaluated for large-scale
Regarding the robustness, most of the systems deal with up to four
attacks, while almost 37 percent of the IDSs are single-attack solutions
(Fig. 8). As a result, 22.7 percent of them appear to be robust, since they
claim to cope with five or more attacks; among them, only the
Specification-Based IDS [13] and ELNIDS [49] are evaluated for all the attacks
they investigate. Despite these relatively low scores, a significant number of
IDSs (almost 73 percent) claim that they are extendable and able to detect
and mitigate more attacks, once they are modified. Unexpectedly, we notice
that robustness is not necessarily associated with a low overhead cost, i.e.,
three out of five robust systems present low overhead [13, 40, 42], while two of
them [13, 40] also combine robustness with low false detection. These findings
indicate that research towards balancing the trade-off among security
(expressed with robustness and extendability), performance (in terms of low
false positives, scalability, and RPL compliance), and cost (associated with low
overhead) can bring fruitful results.
Finally, an insightful outcome of Table 3 is that 77 percent of IDSs do not
consider the mobility issue, probably due to the difficulties that it entails. We
demonstrate, for example, on Fig. 5 and 6 that nodes’ mobility causes control
overhead comparable to some attacks, e.g., decreased rank and blackhole attack;

this could mislead the decision-making of an IDS with impact on false positives’
rate. Indeed, IDSs that deal with sinkhole [13, 40, 41, 43, 44, 49, 50, 54, 55, 59,
61], wormhole [25, 40, 41, 43, 44] and rank attacks [13, 44, 62], mishandle nodes’
mobility and interpret it as an attack pattern (since, for example, mobile nodes
send control messages from different network places and in irregular intervals
compared to the fixed ones). In addition, mobility patterns can be known a
priori (e.g., a city-bus, with IoT nodes on it, follows the same route every day)
or completely random; in the latter case, even probabilistic or machine-learning
models face accuracy issues in predicting nodes’ status and, thus, providing
appropriate input to an IDS.
These observations make clear that an IDS should monitor and evaluate a
number of parameters in conjunction to each other in order to combine high
accuracy with low false positives.

6.3. Guidelines
So far, it is clear that there is no one-for-all solution that mitigates a great
portion of the RPL-related attacks and, at the same time, meets all the design
requirements we introduced. As aftermath, we present here some basic
guidelines for an up-to-date IDS.

• Trade-off between security and performance: This notice reflects the need
for robust and extendable systems while simultaneously presenting high
accuracy and ability to operate regardless of the network’s scale and be
compliant with the RPL to preserve the protocol’s native performance.
Table 3 shows that only [13, 40] are robust systems and at the same time
satisfy the criteria i, ii and vi. Thus, there is room for research and
improvements, especially if we consider that out of 21 different
RPL-related attacks, a critical portion of the IDSs, 77 percent, deal with
up to only four of them. Furthermore, current literature lacks proposals
that cope with certain attacks, such as routing table overload and
falsification, increased rank, and worst parent selection. Simultaneously,
the built-in security mechanisms of RPL have not been thoroughly

investigated and are considered optional features in the RPL
specification. Their implementation and further research on their
effectiveness against the various attacks may bring positive results for
the trade-off between security and performance.

• Trade-off between security and cost: Designing security systems for LLNs
should take the cost as a primary concern. The fact that 63 percent of
IDSs do not satisfy the low overhead and robustness criteria
simultaneously, and 27 percent do not provide any cost-related results
indicates that current research underestimates this issue. Of course, a
high level of security entails cost barriers. However, three systems
[13, 40, 42] are robust and entail low overhead simultaneously, while [13]
exhibits the best behavior in respect to all the requirements defined.
Probably the last seven years are a trial period during which many ideas
and approaches are under investigation. Fortunately, the above IDSs
provide evidence that we gain knowledge and invest in holistic solutions
that combine security, performance, and cost.

• Mobility support: Mobility is a trend of modern IoT networks and,

among others, contributes to widening the networks’ range deployment.
Current IDSs’ literature is not mature enough to provide solutions that
deal with this issue efficiently, i.e., to combine it with robustness and low
false positives’ rates. In fact, mobility is the least satisfied among our
defined requirements. Previously in this section, we justified this
weakness, which definitely provides room for research, especially in the
light of results and solutions regarding the RPL under mobility [3, 4, 36].
Both from our previous experience [3, 4, 36] and from the systems that
support mobility [40, 42, 55], we conclude that hybrid solutions
regarding the detection method and/or the placement strategy could
efficiently contribute to building efficient IDSs.

• Alignment to the IoT evolution: IoT advances towards supporting

applications with diverse, challenging requirements, e.g., ultra-low

delays, mobility, or high capacity of nodes, through exploiting Edge
Cloud Computing, Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and 5G or Beyond
Networks. In this complex ecosystem, new critical IoT installations (e.g.,
Industry 4.0 or Smart-city) come together with new sophisticated
attacks. Consequently, an up-to-date IDS should be extendable, able to
tune security/cost and security/performance trade-offs to particular IoT
applications, and benefit from such advanced networking, processing,
and storage capabilities. For example, Edge Clouds’ incorporation brings
significant processing and storage resources that can support Artificial
Intelligence/Machine-Learning (AI/ML) capabilities, e.g., for data
analysis, clustering, or prediction. Such features perfectly match with
RPL extensions inspired by the SDN paradigm [3, 4, 36] that enables
modularity, adaptation, and dynamicity; e.g., to jointly recognize
mobility patterns, detect, and mitigate unknown attacks.

The hybrid approaches are consistent to the above direction since their
centralized mechanisms can be driven by intelligent mechanisms
deployed at Edge Clouds, their decisions enforced by SDN controllers.
Simultaneously, the nodes are assigned with lightweight tasks, such as
local monitoring and/or low-complexity algorithms, i.e., for
instantaneous reporting or acting upon attacks.

7. Conclusion

The RPL routing protocol is a relatively mature technology that allows

IPv6 routing in LLNs. By investigating RPL attacks with special attention on
their impact in terms of control overhead and application performance, and
evaluating the related IDSs in the literature, we conclude that there is room
for research regarding holistic solutions with specific tailored-made
characteristics, such as: monitoring and exploiting several features in
conjunction, e.g., network conditions and protocols’ mechanisms, handling
mobility, respecting resource constraints, while at the same time providing a

high level of security reflected in robustness and low false positives. We
introduce seven design requirements that a modern RPL-related IDS should
satisfy. Moreover, we provide a list of four concrete guidelines that, according
to our experience, future approaches should take into consideration. In fact,
we are currently working on an SDN-inspired, machine-learning-based
polymorphic IDS that exploits our findings and brings promising results.


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