QOS in Cellular Network Based On MPT
QOS in Cellular Network Based On MPT
QOS in Cellular Network Based On MPT
In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in wireless network deployment and
mobile device market penetration. With vigorous research that promises higher data rates,
future wireless networks will likely become an integral part of the global communication
infrastructure. Ultimately, wireless users will demand the same reliable service as of
todays wire line telecommunications and data networks. However, there are some unique
problems in cellular networks that challenge their service reliability. In addition to
problems introduced by fading, user mobility places stringent requirements on network
resources. Whenever an active mobile terminal (MT) moves from one cell to another, the
call needs to be handed off to the new baseStation (BS), and network resources must be
reallocated. Resource demands could fluctuate abruptly due to the movement of high data
rate users. Quality of Service (QoS) degradation or even forced termination may occur
when there are insufficient resources to accommodate these handoffs.If the system has
prior knowledge of the exact trajectory of every MT, it could take appropriate steps to
reserve resources, so that QoS may be guaranteed during the MTs connection lifetime.
However, such an ideal scenario is very unlikely to occur in real life. Instead, much of the
work on resource reservation has adopted a predictive approach.
For example, Liu uses pattern matching techniques and a self adaptive extended
Kalman filter for next-cell prediction based on cell sequence observations, signal strength
measurements, and cell geometry assumptions. In Levine et al, propose the concept of a
shadow cluster - a set of BSs to which a MT is likely to attach in the near future. The
scheme estimates the probability of each MT being in any cell within the shadow cluster
for future time intervals, based on knowledge aboutindividual MT's dynamics and call
holding patterns.In the United States, the FCC recently mandates that cellular-service
providers must be able to pinpoint a wireless emergency call's originating location to
within 125 m. This spurs intensive research in mobile tracking techniques. One promising
approach is the integration of a global positioning system (GPS) receiver in each MT. It is
very reasonable to expect assisted GPS positioning methods to yield an accuracy of under
20 m during 67 percent of the time. During 2003-2009, a new batch of GPS satellites will
be launched to include two additional civilian carrier frequencies that could potentially
yield positioning accuracy within 1 m for civilian users, even without the use of ground-
based augmentation system. As more breakthroughs in positioning techniques take place,
Our research seeks to develop mobility prediction techniques that utilize real-time
mobile positioninginformation without the need for any cell geometry assumption. While
the positioning accuracy of currentcommercially available GPS-based MTs is still poor,
our work is built upon the assumption that future MTscould achieve much better accuracy
than today (say<10 m). we have developed a decentralizedprediction scheme, in which
individual MTs equipped with positioning capability shall perform mobilitypredictions
based on approximated cell boundary data that were downloaded from the serving BS.
Theapproximated cell boundary is represented as a series of points around the BS; these
points are computedbased on the previous handoff locations reported by other MTs. In
that scheme, road topology informationhas not been incorporated. Since MTs that are
carried in vehicles would encounter more frequent handoffs,they are the ones that would
benefit most from mobility predictions, and are therefore the main focus of ourwork.
Because vehicles travel on roads, the incorporation of road topology information into the
predictionalgorithm could potentially yield better accuracy.
1.3Organization of report
The rest of the report is organized as follows. As we have already seen Chapter 1
provided introduction, history, concept of QOS and QOSoverview. Details of this seminar
and the methodology is also shown in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 provides the working of QOS.
Chapter 4 provides the complete Application of this seminar and also the conclusion .
Quality of Service (QoS) in cellular networks is defined as the capability of the cellular
serviceproviders to provide a satisfactory service which includes voice quality, signal
strength, low call blocking and dropping probability, high data rates for multimedia and
data applications etc.
For network based services QoS depends on the following factors
Throughput The rate at which the packets go through the network. Maximum
rate is alwayspreferred.
Delay This is the time which a packet takes to travel from one end to the other.
Minimum delay is always preferred.
Packet Loss Rate The rate at which a packet is lost. This should also be as
minimum as
Packet Error Rate This is the errors which are present in a packet due to
corrupted bits. Thisshould be as minimum as possible
Reliability The availability of a connection. (Links going up/down). It is for these
reasons that providing QoS has been a great challenge in the past and it continues
to be a hot topic as there is still a lot of scope to provide better service standards.
Transfer delay (ms) is defined as the maximum delay for 95th percentile of the
distribution of delay for all delivered SDUs during the lifetime of a bearer service,
where delay for an SDU is defined as the time from request to transfer and SDU at
one SAP to its delivery at the other SAP .
Mobile prediction techniques are employed to find the path or the trajectory of a mobile
node and it is stored in a database from time to time. This technique helps in reserving
resources for MH before a hand off occurs so prioritizing resources takes place for a node
before its hand off and thus this decreases the call blocking rate at hand offs. However the
new call admission rate is reduced as more resources are reserved for hand off calls.
Forced termination can be reduced by increasing the number of new call blocking
probability. But this is not very efficient utilization of the radio resources. By using
mobile prediction techniques, we can know in advance when a handoff will take place
and so dynamic allocation of resources for the handoff can be done. This ensures that the
new call blocking probability is not increased so much to preserve resources for the hand
off calls. There are many mobile prediction techniques which have been employed in the
past which includes GPS positioning methods in which each MH is integrated with a GPS
receiver so that the path of the MH can be traced.
In this technique there are several base stations, which are updated with the MHs
latest position at regular interval of time. Each base station will maintain a database
which contains information about the road topology. As shown in figure 3.1 the road
which consists of bends are broken into many piecewise linear line segments and the
coordinates for these line segments are stored separately. The database has information
such as average time to transit a segment, neighboring segments at each junction and the
probability of the MH to do a hand off and go to a next neighboring segment. The
database is updated periodically and at every instant the information about the location of
the MH is obtained.
All theabove coordinates could be easily extracted from existing digital maps
previously designed for GPS-basednavigational devices. Infrequent updates to these maps
are foreseen because new roads are not constructedvery often, while existing road layouts
are seldom modified.
The database also stores some important information about each road segment.
Since two-way roads wouldprobably have different characteristics for each direction, the
database shall store information correspondingto opposite directions separately.
Information stored in the database includes the average time taken totransit the segment,
the neighboring segments at each junction, and the corresponding probability that a
MTtraveling along the segment would select each of these neighboring segments as its
next segment. Thesetransition probabilities could be automatically computed from the
previous paths of other MTs. Thedatabase will be updated periodically every Tdatabase
since many of its elements are dependent on currenttraffic conditions.
In reality, the transition probabilities between road segments would probably vary
with time and trafficconditions. For stochastic processes whose statistics vary slowly with
time, it is often appropriate to treat theproblem as a succession of stationary problems.
We propose to model the transition between road segmentsas a second-order Markov
process, and we assume that it is stationary between database update instances soas to
simplify the computations. Based on this model, the conditional distribution of a MT
choosing aneighboring segment given all its past segments is assumed to be dependent
only on the current segmentand the immediate prior segment.
Using the road topology shown in Fig.3.1 as an illustration, consider twoMTs
(MT1 andMT2) that are currently traveling from junction B towards junction E. MT1
came fromsegment CB, while MT2 came from segment AB. Based on the assumed
Using the model described above, we could determine via chain rule the
conditional probabilities ofreaching and handing off at each of the HPSs from segments
that are several hops away.
We could alsoestimate the average time required to reach them, using current
position and speed information, as well aspreviously collected statistics corresponding to
each segment along the paths. The target handoff cellcorresponding to each HPS is also
available from the database.We could in turn estimate the probabilitythat a MT would
hand off to each neighboring BS within any specified threshold time.
Since MTs that are carried in vehicles are the ones that would encounter the most
frequent handoffs, and theincorporation of road information improves the prediction
accuracy for such MTs, our new mobilityprediction technique described in this article
could potentially achieve more efficient resource reservations.
In our scheme, each BS shall have a reservation target (Rtarget) that is updated
periodically according to theprojected demands of anticipated handoffs from neighboring
cells. A new call is accepted if the remainingresource after its acceptance is at least
Rtarget. For a handoff request, the admission control rule is morelenient it is admitted so
long as there is sufficient remaining capacity to accommodate the handoff,regardless of
the value of Rtarget.
At each location update instant, say every 1 sec, all active MTs within the cell report their
positions to theBS. Given both currently and previously reported positions, the BS uses
an appropriate map-matching algorithm to determine the road segment that each MT is
transiting. The speed of the MT is alsoestimated.
Using the information stored in the database, the BS could estimate the probability
that a MTwould hand off to a neighboring cell within any threshold time Tthreshold.The
reservation target Rtarget at each BS is to be updated every TRSV.
The threshold time could be interpreted as the time given to the target BS to set
aside the requestedamount of spare resources for the anticipated handoffs. During this
time, spare resources are accumulated asthey are released by active MTs that either end
their calls or hand off to other cells; new calls are blocked solong as Rtarget is
compromised. Thus, the value of Tthreshold could indirectly affect the forced
terminationprobability (PFT) experienced by handoff calls entering the cell. Since the
required value of Tthreshold for thesame target PFT could vary over time when there are
changes in dynamic factors such as system load, trafficconditions, user mobility, etc.,
Tthreshold should be dynamically adjusted to keep PFT at the desired targetvalue. We
utilize an adaptive algorithm used to control its value. The algorithm counts the number
offorced terminations among a number of observed handoffs. It increases Tthreshold by 1
sec if the measuredforced termination ratio exceeds a preset value, and decreases it by 1
sec otherwise. In the algorithm, thevalue of Tthreshold is limited to the range [0,
PFT may be reduced at the expense of increasing PNC. However, in the process of
meeting the same PFT requirement, a more efficient scheme will be able to accomplish
the task with a lower PNC than a less efficient scheme. The efficiency of the scheme
depends on whether the reservations are made at the right place and time.
To facilitate the evaluation of the proposed scheme, a novel simulation model was
designed. Previous work in the literature either assumes that MTs travel in straight lines
for long periods of time, or assumes that MTs follow random movements that do not
Although the cell layout shown in Fig. 3.2 adopts the hexagonal cell model, the
simulation model does not assume that handoffs occur at the hexagonal boundary. In the
simulation network, the hexagonal model is merely used to determine the BS locations. In
contrast to previously mentioned work in which handoffs are assumed to occur at either
circular or hexagonal cell boundaries, the simulation model used here does not have well-
defined cell boundaries. Instead, we randomly generate M = 100 points around each BS
that influence the positions at which handoffs occur. We shall call them as handoff
influence points (HIPs).
Suppose R is the cell radius (assumed to be 1000 m in the simulations), which is typically
defined as the distance from the BS to the vertex of the hexagonal cell model. When a
MT comes within 0.075R from one or more of these HIPs, we assume that a handoff will
occur during its transit through this region. The time at which the handoff shall occur is
assumed to follow a uniform distribution within the time spent in the region. The target
BS is assumed to be the nearest neighboring BS at the time when the handoff occurs,
although this may not be the case in real life. The HIPs are created around the BS at
regular angles = 360/M apart.
The distance between each point and the BS is first generated using truncated
Gaussian distribution, with a mean of 1.15R and a standard deviation of 0.2R. All the
distances are truncated to the range [0.95R, 1.35R]. Next, we perform smoothing by
We do not claim that the above model resembles the actual handoff position
distribution in a real cellular network. However, we feel that it is sufficient for the
purpose of creating an irregular handoff region with some uncertainty, so as to evaluate
the performance of different handoff prioritization schemes. To our knowledge, no work
has modeled the 2-D distribution of handoff positions in real cellular networks. Therefore,
we are unable to make use of any previously known model in our simulations.To make
the problem more interesting, we introduced traffic lights in our simulation model. Two
sets of traffic lights are assumed. When one set is GREEN, the other set is RED. At a T-
junction, we randomly assign one set to the two roads that make the largest angle. The
other remaining road will be assigned the opposite set. At a cross-junction, the roads are
assigned alternate traffic light sets. Each GREEN and RED signal shall last for 60 sec.
We also assign a speed limit to each road segment chosen from the set 40 km/h, 50 km/h,
and 60 km/h with equal probability. Each MT will be randomly assigned a speed as it
enters a new road segment, using truncated Gaussian distribution. The mean speed will be
the speed limit of that particular road segment. The standard deviation is assumed to be 5
km/h, and the speed is truncated to a limit of three standard deviations from its mean.
In this article, the unit of bandwidth is called bandwidth unit (BU), which is
assumed to be the required bandwidth to support a voice connection. Each cell is assumed
to have a fixed link capacity C of 100 BUs. For simplicity, we assume that the bandwidth
requirement of each MT is symmetric, meaning that they have the same requirement in
both uplink and downlink. However, it is straightforward to modify the scheme to handle
asymmetric requirements. Call requests are generated according toPoisson distribution
with rate (connections/sec/cell) in each cell.
The initial position of a new call and itsdestination can be on any road with equal
probability. The path chosen by the MT is assumed to follow theshortest path possible.
For each call request, we assume that it is either of type voice (requires 1 BU), orof
type video (requires 4 BUs) with probabilities Rvo and 1Rvo respectively, where Rvo
is also called thevoice ratio. In the simulations, Rvo is set to 0.5.
The lifetime for each connection isexponentially distributed with mean 180 sec.
We adopt the same definition of offered load per cell,which is the product of connection
generation rate , average connections BU requirement [Rvo+ 4(1Rvo)],and average
connection lifetime (180sec). We normalize the above by dividing it with the link
Dept. of ECE,ATMECE , MYSORE Page 15
QOS in cellular network based on MPT
capacity C,so as to obtain the normalized offered load per cell, L. In our simulations, we
set L to be 1.0.
Figure 3.3: A sample road layout randomly generated using heuristic rules for simulation
In the following, we present the results obtained from the simulations. Note that all results
presented herein are the averages over 42 cells in the simulation network. In our
simulation with no handoff prioritization, both PNC and PFT are 7.6%. This is
unacceptably high for PFT, thus explaining the need for handoff prioritization. Fig.3. 4
shows the plots of PNC versus PFT for the five schemes considered. For each scheme, we
varied the target PFT so as to illustrate its tradeoff with PNC. For any fixed L (set to 1.0
in the simulations), the relative positions of such tradeoff curves could demonstrate the
relative efficiencies among the different schemes. A curve that is closer to the origin
represents a more efficient scheme. It means that the scheme is able to achieve the same
PFT target while trading off a smaller increase in PNC.
Among the five schemes, the Reactive scheme has the worst efficiency since it does not
make use of any prediction. Chois AC1 scheme has better efficiency than the Reactive
scheme because it possesses some intelligence in where and when the resources should be
reserved. However, it has lower efficiency than the next three schemes. This is probably
because it may be insufficient to predict the mobility of a MT based on its previous cell
information and its extant sojourn time. Moreover, calls that are newly generated in the
cell do not have previous cell information. This hinders the schemes prediction accuracy,
thus lowering its efficiency.
The LE scheme has slightly better efficiency over Chois AC1 scheme. The RTB
scheme described in this article demonstrates even greater improvement. These results
show that mobility prediction
Figure 3.4 Plot of PNC v/s PFT demonstrating the efficiency of different schemes
Schemes based on mobile positioning information are more accurate, thus leading to
more efficient reservations. The most efficient scheme among the five schemes
considered is the Benchmark scheme. As mentioned earlier, this is an idealized scheme
that possesses complete knowledge of when and where the next handoff of each MT will
It merely serves as a bound to the best efficiency that could be achieved by other
schemes. For a target PFT of 1%, the Reactive scheme has a PNC of 17.9%, while the
lower bound set by the Benchmark scheme is 15.8%.
The RTB scheme is able to achieve a PNC of 16.5%. As we have seen, the plots
agree with intuition that handoff prioritization efficiency improves as the amount of
knowledge incorporated into the schemes increases. With the additional knowledge of
real-time mobilepositioning information, the LE scheme is able to outperform Chois
AC1 scheme, even though it is based on a simple linear extrapolation approach. For the
RTB scheme, the use of both real- time mobile positioning information and road
topology knowledge further reduces the uncertainty in predicting the MTs future
movements. As a result, its performance is even closer to the limit set by the Benchmark
Different applications and services place different demands on the network, and together
these are driving the need for a comprehensive approach to QoS.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) over mobile
VoIP is a technology for supporting voice communications over packet networks, such as
the Internet. With modern encoding techniques, voice traffic requires relatively low
bandwidth, but to deliver acceptable quality, the packets must be transmitted with
minimum latency and jitter, or variation in latency.
Video Streaming
The dramatic growth in mobile network traffic is being caused primarily by bandwidth-
hungry video traffic. Real-time, user-generated and on-demand video streaming
applications, such as YouTube etc, are therefore a significant factor in QoS in mobile
Content Download
The ever-present need to make money applies fully to the user quality of experience for
many of todays mobile applications and services. In fact, monetization is a major driving
force behind the need for enhanced QoS in mobile networks. Mobile operators face
enormous pressure to maximize the return on investment (ROI) while keeping up with the
rapid changes in application characteristics, and the growing diversity in subscriber needs
and preferences.
In this article, it describes a mobility prediction technique in which each BS performs
predictions forall active MTs under its service. The technique is built upon the
assumption that future MTs would beequipped with reasonably accurate positioning
capability. Unlike previous attempts to perform mobilitypredictions based on mobile
positioning, which have either assumed hexagonal or circular cell geometries,our scheme
does not require any cell geometry assumption. It also incorporates road
topologyinformation into the prediction technique, which could potentially yield better
prediction accuracy for MTsthat are carried in vehicles.
Among the many possible applications for which mobility predictions could prove
useful, this articleoutlines its use for dynamic resource reservation so as to prioritize
handoff calls over new calls. Withmobility prediction, the reservations at each BS could
be dynamically adjusted according to the resourcedemands of MTs that are anticipated to
hand off into the cell from its neighboring cells. By comparing theplots featuring the
tradeoffs between new call blocking probability and forced termination
probabilityobtained from several schemes, we demonstrate that reservation efficiency
improves as the amount ofknowledge incorporated into the scheme increases, and the
RTB scheme has the potential to achieveperformance that is closest to the limit set by the
idealized Benchmark scheme. The use of the RTB schemecould therefore provide
subscribers with the desired degree of call-level QoS throughout their call duration,while
achieving higher resource utilization than other handoff prioritization schemes.With the
emergence of telemetric systems in vehicles, motorists may receive dynamic route
guidance basedon real-time traffic information. If this routing information were to be
made available to the wirelessnetwork, it could help to further diminish the uncertainty in
mobility predictions, and realize even moreefficient resource reservation schemes.