Tds Hips 8265
Tds Hips 8265
Tds Hips 8265
- Fridge
- Extrusion Sheet requiring High ESCR Properties
Melt Flow Index (200 °C - 5 kg) 1133 D-1238 0.0038 kg/ 10 min 3.80 g/ 10 min 8.38E-03 lb/ 10 min
Vicat Softening Point 10N (T increase = 50 °C/h) 306 D-1525 372 K 99 °C 210 °F
Notched Izod Impact Strength 180 D-256 11.00 kJ/m 10.10 kg-cm/cm 1.86 ft-lb/in
Tensile Strength at Yield 527 D-638 27 MPa 270.0 kg/cm2 3917 psi
General Information :
Standard Properties: All tests are carried out at 23 °C unless otherwise stated. Mechanical properties are measured on injection moulded test specimens.
Bulk Density: Bulk Density of all Natural grades is approximately 0.6 g/cm3.
TPSC Asia Polystyrene 8265 should be kept in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
Information contained in this publication is true and accurate at the time of publication and to the best of our knowledge. The nominal values stated herein are obtained using laboratory test specimens.
Before using one of the products mentioned herein, customers and other users should take all care in determining the suitability of such product for the intended use. Unless specifically indicated, the
products mentioned herein are not suitable for applications in the pharmaceutical or medical sector. TPSC Asia Pte Ltd and its affiliates do not accept any liability whatsoever arising from the use of this
information or the use, application or processing of any product described herein. No information contained in this publication can be considered as a suggestion to infringe patents. The company and its
affiliates disclaim any liability that may be claimed for infringement or alleged infringement of patents.
TPSC ASIA PTE LTD offers a comprehensive range precautions should be observed in the handling and However, PS offers many possibilities for post
of TPSC POLYSTYRENE (PS) specially formulated fabrication of plastic materials. consumer recycling such as: (1) Energy recycling
to suit different needs. This extensive line includes using heat recovery systems for urban and
crystal and impact polymers with wide-ranging Noise is a common problem in the molding and industrial heating systems, (2) Material recycling.
properties to fulfill all customer expectations in terms compounding process. If possible, no worker should be PS should be recycled whenever possible.
of property, appearance, cost and processing. Its exposed to excessive noise (Leq8hours 85dBA). Proper Because of their high energy content, plastics can
tremendous ease of processing and its low cost hearing protectors should be provided for workers, help the entire waste mix burn hotter and more
make it one of the most commonly used polymers in coupled with regular audiometric examinations. completely in a waste-to-energy incinerator.
the food packaging, audio/video, household
appliances and construction industries. Air borne dusts often result from sawing, filing, and
sanding of plastic parts in post-moulding operations.
TPSC ASIA PTE LTD is committed to providing These may cause irritation to eyes and the upper Care for the Environment
information to assist our customers in reducing the respiratory tract. Processing may also release fumes, PS must not be discarded indiscriminately into the
risks of handling and using our products. This bulletin which may contain irritating decomposition products. waterways nor land.
sheet is intended to be a quick reference guide for Adequate exhaust ventilation is recommended. Good
TPSC ASIA PTE LTD customers to store, handle and housekeeping and controlling of dusts are necessary for Heavy metals are not used in the manufacture of
use our products safely and in an environmentally safe handling of product. Workers should use approved TPSC ASIA PS. As such, disposal of PS via
sound manner. We aim to minimize the impact on respirators. If vapours cause irritation to eyes, a full -face convention methods would be safe for the
mankind and the environment during production, respirator is recommended. Avoid accumulation of static environment. Incineration of PS would not emit
storage, transportation, sale, use and disposal of our charges during transfers in metallic systems. heavy metals or deleterious dioxins into the
products. environment. There would be no leaching of heavy
Workers should be protected from the possibility of metals into the earth when the incineration ash is
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are updated regularly, to contact with molten PS during fabrication. Molten material land filled.
reflect changes and updates on information in an may causes burns. Wash affected areas abundantly and
SDS. Before handling or using any product, please thoroughly with water. In case of adhesion, do not try to
request and assess the most current SDS. The remove product. Treat the affected areas as burns.
information provided below is appropriate only to Customer Notice
TPSC ASIA PTE LTD ’s products as delivered. In the Proper manual handling practices should be observed in TPSC ASIA PTE LTD stresses the importance of
course of fabrication, many additives and ingredients the lifting and transportation of PS packages. health and environmental protection during the
may be added before the finished product. These Occurrences in back and arm injuries are common in entire lifetime of all TPSC ASIA PTE LTD 's
must be explored thoroughly for their respectively erroneous lifting techniques. products, and calls for TPSC ASIA PTE LTD to
health and safety considerations. cooperate closely with its customers and partners.
To help ensure that TPSC ASIA PTE LTD ’s
products are not used improperly, TPSC ASIA PTE
LTD ’s personnel will assist customers in dealing
with product safety, health and environmental
This information is provided for GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY. TPSC ASIA PTE LTD and its affiliates provide a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product, in the
appropriate language, according to applicable laws and regulations.
Anyone using this product should carefully review the SDS, as well as any other applicable precautions and instructions for use. No liability whatsoever can be
accepted by TPSC ASIA PTE LTD and its affiliates with regard to the handling, processing or use of the product or products concerned which must in all cases be used
in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
The information contained in this document is based on trials carried out in-house and data selected from the literature. To the best of our knowledge and at the time of
publication, this information is true and accurate. It shall, however, in no event be held to constitute or imply any warranty, undertaking express or implied commitment
from our part. TPSC ASIA PTE LTD and its affiliates disclaim any liability that may be claimed for infringement or alleged infringement of patents.